LGR - Thrifts [Ep.8] Cash Masters, Wills of the Good

Mmm, it's another nice day outside here, and I got a little bit of spare cash and some spare time and lots of boredom. Obviously, I still need to fill up the rest of my shelves. So why don't you pull up a nice quick lunch or something like that and... Let's go thrifting!

First up is one of my local Goodwills, which is always a good place to start off. Always exciting to start a new weekend of thrifting. You never know what's out there. Case in point, back in the electronics, I happened to find a loose Model 1 Sega Genesis, the ---

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enMmm, it's another nice day outside here, andI got a little bit of spare cash andsome spare time and lots of boredom.Obviously, I still need to fill up the rest of my shelves.So why don't youpull up a nice quick lunchor something like that and...Let's go thrifting!First up is one of my local Goodwills,which is always a good place to start off.Always exciting to start a new weekend of thrifting.You never know what's out there.Case in point, back in the electronics,I happened to find a loose Model 1 Sega Genesis,the \"High Definition Graphics\" edition.And for nine bucks, it's not a terrible deal.But I already have a few of them, so I left it.The remainder of the electronicsis the usual litany of discarded junkthat pretty much no one wants.It would be quite sad if they were people.Stop personifying old electronics, me.The puzzles and board games arepretty picked clean today, actually.Nothing in here.Not much to choose from at all, actually.There's a \"Hot Mama, Do you wanna?\" license plate.An interesting little miniature grandfather clock thing.Didn't appear to be working, though.I was about to give up entirely, but over in the DVDs,I found Britney's Dance Beat for the PS2.Yeah, I'm gettin' it! You might think I'm...♪ Crazy... ♪Another Goodwill, and I keepcoming to this one more recentlybecause I keep finding someinteresting stuff here for good deals.This is the same one that I found that versionof Pokémon Y for the 3DS for cheap recently.And over in the CDs, I found a copy of Earth & Beyond,some sort of online MMO thing thatI assume is probably dead by this point.Complete copy of NBA Jam for the Sega Genesis.Awesome game, already have it.Here's an interesting one!Well, sort of unusual, I suppose.Charlie Church Mouse Super Pak.\"Learning that excites the mind and feeds the soul.\"Yeah, this is some sort of religious/edutainment title for youngsters.It's family-approved, so I had to get it.Also found a pretty beat up copyof Tekken 6, missing the manual.Whatever, it's cheap and I'll getthe manual online somewhere.Here's an interesting little title: MLB Power Pros.Never heard of it, but it's gotsome interesting designs on–Interesting! Interesting! Everything's interesting!ARGH!Also found a copy of The Bigs for the PS2.This is actually a pretty sweet little baseball game.Another title aimed at kids: Marvel Superhero Squad.Never played this one, looks interesting.Walking over to the electronics section, I ran acrossa microwave cookbook from sometime in the early '80s.I find these things highly amusing.All of this stuff they expect you to makein a microwave and it actually taste good.I don't fricking think so.And over in the electronics,really not much to choose from,but I did run across this leather pouch,which was intriguing.At first I thought it was maybea binoculars case or something,but then I open it up andit's much more classy. Look at this!It's a scotch and gin...I'm not exactly sure what you technicallycall this set or what the third bottle was,but yeah, this was pretty cool.Oh, man, one of THESE clocks! I alwayswanted one as a younger person, and...I guess I'm still a younger person,so I still want one of these.This is a torsion pendulum clock.Although I don't want this one because it's friggin' ugly.Happened to see what looked likea bit of PC software in a big box–Oh-ho, no! It's McAfee Virus Bloat.Then I looked down and ran acrossa box for an Antec NSK6580.And, yeah, pulled it outand it's actually a pretty awesome PC tower case.No power supply with it, but I mean, still,this would be an awesome case if I were lookingto do a build just randomly and for cheap.This thing was 25 bucks, and I love Antec cases.But I don't have the room for it,so I went on to yet another Goodwill.It's time to walk inside and see what they got hiding.Like this copy of Independence Day forthe PS1 that I already own, so never mind.Oh, hey, Microsoft Dangerous Creaturesfrom the Microsoft Home Series.And I remember these thingsfrom the Windows 95 days.Sort of an interactive video and picture thingie.Aw, man!So much lamp!I see the light!All of them!Another puzzles and board game sectionthat's been absolutely picked clean.That's disappointing.And over by the coffee maker and random junk section,I happen to see a couple intriguing boxes.First one here is MicrosoftFlight Simulator for Windows 95,complete in the box.Yeah, I'll take it. I only had thisgame loose, so that's awesome.And there was also a GravisXterminator gamepad for the PC.Probably would have grabbed it,if it weren't 12-frickin'-50!That's just a bit much for an old gamepad for me.An Accura modem by Hayes.Yeah, it's an actual Hayesinternal modem. That's pretty cool.Didn't get it, though. I've got not use for modems.But I did find a mouse pen!It's like literally a mouse–a ball mouse–in the shape of a pen.This is some future Oddware right here.No way I'm passing up somethingthis strange for this cheap.Also happen to see this MultiTech CRT.Which, uh, it just attracted mebecause it's got a cool look to it.I mean, this thing looks like almost industrial-looking.Unfortunately, no cool connectors in the back.I mean, you just UHF, VHF, that's it.And over in the glass case where I founda bunch of PS2 games here last time,and, well, what do you know?There's another frickin' thing of games.There was also a PS2 slimunderneath for the cost of... money.And some intriguing-looking games in cases.What are those, I wonder...Well, ended up grabbing a game herecalled Grind Session for the PS1.The Mortal Kombat Kollection for the PS2. Nice!And, hey, I saw this all the way backat the end of Episode 1 of Thrifts!Ninja Gaiden 3 for the Wii U.Down from $30 to eight.I'll take it.Also for the PS2, I found Sly 3: Honor Among Thievesand Ratchet: Deadlocked.And those few weird games underneath?Yeah, they're N-Gage games!I found Tomb Raider, Tony Hawk and Pandemonium!Two bucks each complete.Now THESE are uncommon!I just need an N-Gage now.On to my favorite Goodwill and,hey, gotta check out that construction.And what do you know?Look, they got windows!And some more stuff inside.Yeah, this place is really coming along.Checking out the glass cases up front.Another Wii U game, ZombiU, for 15 bucks,as well as Watch Dogsand Plants vs. Zombies: GardenWarfare for the 360. Thirty bucks each.If I didn't have these for XOne,I probably would have grabbed them.Over in another glass case,and I happen to find a PlayStation 1 here.Fifteen bucks, and I ended up getting it.I'll show you what I got in here later.As I was passing by the music CDs,I happened to see a copy of Fallout 1 for DOS.This thing has seen a hard life.Already have the game complete in box, though.Over by the desktop PCs, I happen to run acrossan Xbox 360–one of the officialracing wheels for the system.And these are actually pretty sought-after.They're not bad wheels.Sixty bucks was a bit much, though, seeing asit was in complete and not in the greatest shape.Walking by over here, I heard screaming.Saw this fire pit, looked inside,and, oh, thank goodness. No burning children.Actually did find something inthe board games at *this* store.Something called Rules of the Game.Eh, it's some weird sports trivia thingand the box is in crappy shape, so I passed.Hey, Dualshock 2 controller–Eww, it looks like it could usesome Viagra or something.That's pretty limp.Mixed in with the electronic junk was abit of electronic junk I'd never seen before.This is a Kodak Ektagraphic 250 AudioViewer.This is actually a device that lets you display slidesright here on a screen instead ofprojecting them up onto the wall.And you could plug in a mic and do like sortof a PA system thing on this, too, apparently.Looked like this when it was in use.Interesting little thing, althoughI have just no use for it whatsoever.Speaking of no use...Oh, man, complete-in-box copy of Guitar Praise.This is a Christian alternative to Guitar Herofor Windows PCs.It cost 100 bucks when it was brand new,according to the price sticker on the bottom.It is odd, but it–it's just too big.I got nowhere to put this useless thing.And, hey, little buddy, just sittin' thereall on your own for a dollar!Hey, this is a Logitech First Mouse.I don't know what that is.But it's an older Logitech mouseand it's complete in the box.I'm not gonna leave you just sittin'there by that dark-looking Sony thing.So, yeah, that PS1 I got came with amemory card and several games here.Several of which I was looking forthat are honestly worth the cost ofeverything altogether on its own,and I just donated the rest straight back to Goodwill.One more Goodwill because... why not?Over in the movies, I found something that I normallyjust, I would have glanced over and put it back.But, no, this is Deer Hunter 4.And other than having kind of a cool boxwith this see-through target thing on the front,it's got this message on the top:\"Full Version CD-ROM Game - Smaller Box!\"Right when PC game boxes wentfrom being a big box to a small box.This is like in 2000, 2001, so this hasgot to be one of the earliest gamesto do the smaller form factor.Mmm, I smell leather belts.Or that's an interesting fart, I don't know.Over in the TVs, didn't find anything,but I found a set that I wanted to turn downbecause it was just way too darn loud.Over next to the adult diapers, I found a...Art Explosion 800,000?This is one of those late-'90s/early-2000s clip art packsthat you could use with your print programs or whatever.\"19 Gigabytes on 34 CD-ROMs!\"Seriously, you gotta see this.Look at these. There's like ten of these packs like this.This is absurd.And this frickin' dictionary of clip art pictures.I mean, just... wow.I got no use for it, and it was 15 bucks anyway.Stuff over in the auction case once again.Some knives and whatnot.As well as pretty substantialcollection of video games from...well, all sorts of eras.A lot of stuff I would have beeninterested in, but you know,whatever, this thing was alreadygoing for like 200 bucks for all thisand I never win these auctions anyway.One more store while I'm out in this areaand this is one that I have notgone to on LGR Thrifts yet.It's a place called Cash Masters.Used to be called Cash Converters.And, hey, 25% off of everything sale.Looks like I came at the right time.They're always having a sale.And this is kind of like a pawn shop.You bring in stuff and you sell it tothe store and they'll give you money.Except that they don't actually do any pawning,so you can't just go and get it back.It's just buying and selling,and yeah, they got all sorts of stuff.And jewelry and cell phones and a crapload of guitarsand other musical instruments and equipment.Lots and lots of speakers forcars and home audio systems.Power tools, outdoor and survivalistgear and knives and pellet guns.One of these frickin' things.I don't know, it's called The Challenger.Reminds me of covering Irritating Stick.I totally want one of these some day.And the reason I stop by here every so oftenis a pretty substantial video game selection.Most of the stuff is pretty averagely priced.I mean, they check eBay for everything that they buy,so you're gonna get eBay prices for a lot of this stuff.But with the sales that they havegoing on, like seriously, all the time–like, you can see all their PSPgames right now are 50% off.And the fact that you can haggle with these guysbecause a lot of this inventory stays for a long time,and they're usually pretty cool about it.And you also don't have to worryabout shipping or any of that.Yeah, it's not a bad deal, is what I'm saying.Or at least if you find a good deal, it's not a bad deal.I mean, that's... that's obvious, but...Yeah, there's quite a lot of stuff in here.They even had a copy of Jurassic Park:Operation Genesis for the PS2.$59 for the bare disc.Like I said, it's pretty average prices.But take into account all the different salesthat you run across, and yeah, it's not bad.A good selection of modern andslightly less modern games in here as well.Nintendo Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One–well, Xbox original–and PS2 games in here as well.And Gamecube, I guess.There's not too many Gamecube games.I occasionally find somethingin here, but, eh, I don't know.Today, I just wasn't feeling likegoing through all of this stuff again.They almost always have anice selection of consoles as well.$35 Sega Genesis Model 2 in here.Sony PlayStation 2s.Wiis, Xbox 360, Wii U,Gamecube, PS3.Even an Atari 7800 complete in the box.$80, but, eh, you know.Buying locally, and all that.Anyway, ended up coming away with acopy of You Don't Know Jack for the PS1.And some PSP games:Need for Speed Undercover,Wipeout Pure,Patapon,God of War: Chains of Olympus,Lumines...And yeah, I know how to pronounce it now.Thank you comments section from a while back.Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII,and Every Extend Extra.Was able to haggle a few of these down toabsolutely no cost at all, so that was awesome.And here is the bounty from Episode 8 of LGR Thrifts.One console, two mouse devices,27 games,one Dangerous Creatures,and a total of about 66 bucks.Pretty decent little haul for a thrifting run.Several in here that I havebeen after for quite some time.And some stuff like the N-Gage, like,seriously, that just surprised me to see at all.I would really like to get a tacosometime and try those out.And that MousePen. Like, man, seriously,I gotta do an episode of Oddware on that.That's just so stupid-looking. I can't wait!Probably going to end upgiving the PS1 to a good homebecause I've already got a couple of these anywaythat are in better condition.Fun stuff is always for me.I just love going out on the weekendsor whenever, really, and going outand finding... whatever!Does that make sense? I just like doing this.It's like an adventure every timeyou step out your front door.And in through the doors of some placethat may or may not smell like poo.It's worth it. Just hold your noseand wade through the randomnessand junk until you find some oddities.And maybe even a bit of solid gold here and there.And it looks like you guys are following my advice thereand going out and still doing it on your own, too.You keep sending me pictures and that's awesome.Unfortunately, at this point I am getting so MANYpictures on Twitter and Facebook and whateverthat I cannot show them all at the end of this video,or else it would just keep on goingfor like another two, three minutes.I assure you that I see all of them andI usually reply or favorite or whatever,just to let you know that I saw it.And that's great, keep 'em coming.I do love to see them,even if I can't show them at theend of these videos all the time.It's just insanely cool to know that this hasinspired people to just go out there and start looking.You get some good stuff,I get some cool pictures. Yeah.Pretty sweet deal if you ask me.And if you enjoyed this episode of LGR Thrifts,I have done seven othersprior to this at this point in time.So why not go and check out my channeland take a few of those intoyour eyeballs and your eardrums,and wherever else in your bodythat you inhale my content.You can also subscribe becauseI do more of these every single week,and a lot more LGR Thrifts are comingas I get around to making them.And of course, making them is sortof determined by my finding things,or at least finding interesting stuff to show.So, sometimes if there's a bit of adelay between them, my apologies.I am kind of at the whim of my area.I'll keep 'em coming as long as I keep finding stuff.You can also check me out onTwitter, Facebook and Patreon,and yeah, send me picturesand all that good stuff, too.And as always, thank you for watching.\n"