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Testing Different Options
In this episode, Evan and Katelyn test six different options for creating a unique marble effect for their product line. They start by taping off their antiques, priming them, and then proceed with the testing process. The goal is to create a heavy opaque white color (like in the first image) and another not-so-opaque white color (similar to the second image). By mixing these two colors together, they hope to achieve a unique effect.
Testing Process
The team begins by pouring black paint on the bottom of one antique piece. This will create a deeper part of the marble that shows through when swirled with opaque paint. Evan then pours opaque paint over the top and swirls it together with the black underneath, creating a translucent effect. Next, they mix the two colors to achieve the desired look.
Evan then adds some gold in there (laughs), and Katelyn is impressed with how well this part of the process turned out. However, she feels that certain parts need more work, like the diagonal veins for her marble. After careful blending and dabbing, they are happy with the final result.
Tips for Achieving a Marble Effect
Evan's idea to pour black paint on the bottom was unconventional, but it works! This creates a unique effect by showing through the opaque white underneath. The team learned that mixing colors can be tricky, so it's essential to balance them correctly.
Katelyn shares her own approach by adding diagonal veins for a more realistic marble look. Her technique is all about blending and dabbing to achieve the desired effect. With patience and practice, you can create stunning marble effects on your products.
Using Beauty Blenders for Finishing Touches
To refine their marble effect, Evan suggests using beauty blenders to smooth out any imperfections. This will help create a seamless look that resembles natural marble. The key is to blend carefully, as too much pigment or incorrect application can ruin the effect.
Mixing Colors with Caution
As Katelyn mentions, it's crucial to be mindful of color mixing, especially when working with different shades and hues. Adding too much black paint can lead to an overworked look that detracts from the overall design. Conversely, using too little pigment might result in a streaky or uneven effect.
Creating a unique marble effect for your products requires patience, experimentation, and practice. Squarespace is an excellent platform for showcasing and selling your creations directly to customers. By testing different options and refining your techniques, you can achieve stunning results that will set your products apart from others in the market.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey guys, we'reEvan and Katelyn.Welcome to ourcontinued adventuresof putting resin on stuff.We have a mission.We are going to goantique shopping.We're going to findsomething, like a tray,that we can pour resinon to the bottom ofand we're gonna try tomake it look like marble,which we've never done before.So, hopefully wecan make it work.Hopefully we can findsomething (laughs).There's an antique store.Right there.Let's go.This video is sponsoredby Squarespace.From websites and online storesto marketing toolsand analytics,Squarespace is thisall-in-one platformto build a beautifulonline presenceand run your business.We just walked in and Ialready found some trays.So, I'm feeling pretty good.Okay, but we haveto keep looking,we can't pick literallyfirst tray we find.EVAN: (laughing) Iwas like, we walk in--We drove all the way here.EVAN: That's it (laughs).KATELYN: That's kinda cool.(quirky upbeat music)I think the resin wouldfall out of the middle.EVAN: Katelyn, I thought thatwe were coming here for trays.KATELYN: This.This is what I shall recreate.We can go head-to-head.We found two matching ones.(laughing)(laughing)(quirky music)Katelyn, I found an antiqueback-scratcher. (laughs)Another one?(meowing)(funky techno music)Another one?This is a metal plunger.Hello?YouTube?(funky eerie music)Just watch your head (laughs).Another?Ooh, hm.Whose hand is this meant for?I just don't know.It's perfect, exceptit's painted red.EVAN: But that's whatyou're looking for,like a tray about that size?Yeah.We're not finding anything.I thought this wouldbe a lot easier.(laughs) Me too.Another one?Another one?Another?Yeah.(sad music)At this point, Evanwas about readyto switch ideas entirely.Instead of doingresin, we're gonna doan antique toolrestoration video.KATELYN: And then literally,at the last place we wentto that was open that day,we found them.(angelic music)It's got feet!Are there toe beans under there?Oh, no toe beans.We can add them.(quirky music)Okay, so, five thrift storesand 2 1/2 hours later.We have our things!We have our things!We have chosen, theykind of match, too.Yeah, they do!So now we just needto do some experimentsbefore we actuallypour on these antiques.Yeah, we only get one chance.Yeah.But first, tacos!And then we'll godo the thing, okay.Sound check.Sound check.Good evening, scientist.Good evening.Good evening.It's two o'clock.Good evening (laughs).You know what we probably shouldhave done before experimenting?What?A little bit of research,because we really don't knowhow to make marble using resin.I feel like it's something thatone should theoreticallybe able to make.We've done geodes.Yes.We've basically done geodes,and rainbow gradients!Yeah, but we'venever done something,I'm trying to put my fingeron why I'm worried about this,because it's kind of plain.You just don'tunderstand the nuancesof Carrara marble.(harp chiming)I think that wecan figure it outthrough brute force, though.Let's just start going (laughs).So, Katelyn, tell uswhat you're doing now.Well, I'm pumping resin.I'm gonna be doingmy experiment first,because Evan wants to get alittle crazy with his marble,but I just wanna do basic,classic, like I want it to lookactually like marble.EVAN: Yeah, just basic,basic marble (laughs).I'm just a basic marble,with its pumpkin spice latte.Okay, so I have a few differentmaterials I can work with here.Pearl Ex pigment, alcoholink, and flow acrylic,which we've never mixedwith resin before.I thought it mightbe a good idea.Yeah, Evan thought itmight be a good idea.EVAN: All right everybody,I'm gonna be your close anddetail-shot camera person.Awesome.It blurred more.Okay so, I have three moldsand I have three plans.Yes.One is...I actually have two plans.I'm hoping I can come upwith a third in a minute.One is using the Pearl Expowders for most of the color,but adding kind of, like,little cells and lineswith the white alcohol ink.Oh, you're gonna dowhite and then whiteon top of the white!Multiple whites.SO white.Ready?EVAN: Ooh.That is awfully shiny.It's so shiny.Okay, what if I trysome of the liquid acrylic?EVAN: See, that looksmore marble-like to me.KATELYN: Yeah, it does,it looks like milk.(laughing)That looks just likemarble! (laughing)Shh, shh!I'm not done with it!The white alcohol ink.This is where it's allgonna come together.Is it marble yet?(goofy music)This is bad.No!This is exactly what I planned.Just gonna mix it in.I shouldn't do swirls, becausemarble doesn't really swirl.It has a natural flow to it.Some parts of that kind oflooks slightly marble-y.Can I try next? (laughs)If you just focusin on right here,right there, no where farther.It kind of lookslike marble (groans).Okay, okay.(ominous music)Okay.Maybe you should try (laughs).Here, you can use my resin.EVAN: All right, perfect.Okay, so do you wanna talkthrough your thoughts?I'm just gonna try these twodifferent methods right here.Just mixing a wholebunch of alcohol inkand try to make anice matte white,and then a wholebunch of flow acrylicand see if that makesthe matte white.(laughing)That's a lot, yougotta save some for me.There's, there's?No, there's not a lot!(laughs) Okay.Make this count.EVAN: Alcohol ink over here,flow acrylic over here.KATELYN: Oh, yeah.EVAN: That alcohol inkreally has a ton of pigment.You almost need alittle bit of a mixboth, though, in a way, becausein some ways alcohol inkis so solidly white,it just looks like plastic.I'm just gonna add a few dropsof the blackpigment directly in.Just kind of go like...That kind of lookslike marble, right?I did these more.Don't make my mistakeof going back and forth.The veins don't go like this.EVAN: Yeah, they justgo in one direction.KATELYN: And thenthey kind of fade.EVAN: Yeah, likethis or something.So you gotta pick a direction.EVAN: Yeah, so I need toscrew this one backwards.I think--Oh no, oh no!I think it's--Shot?Don't you want to try mixing inyour secret thing that'sgonna make yours more unique?Gold!I have gilding paint,some Pearl Ex pigment,and I also have flow acrylic.(grunts)It's the gloves,it's the gloves!Oh that looks socool, though, right?KATELYN: What happens if youtry to blend one ofthe gold streaks?EVAN: Yeah, that looks cool!KATELYN: How didpink get in there?I don't know (laughs).KATELYN: More and morepink is coming out.I think whatever isthat gold pigment,has a pinkish toneand it's separating.So, mixing in gold thisway works okay, too.Certainly glad wedid this experimentbefore we startedon the main one,because so far--So far, they arepretty bad (laughs).They're pretty bad (laughs).(quirky music)KATELYN: It's the same base.EVAN: Same base.We gotta go fast now,because our resinis starting to cureand I feel likewe're not anywhere closer.I mean, it's kind of matte.EVAN: We can try it, yeah.Okay, okay.I wanna layer it and do kindof more faded ones first,and then a fewstrong ones, yeah.That actually looks kinda cool.I wanna try burying it, butI don't wanna over-blend it.EVAN: Yeah,definitely don't juststroke through it in a wholebunch of different directions.Who would do that? (laughs)KATELYN: I'm kind of forkingthe big one into two.EVAN: Yeah, it looks like veins.Right?Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.EVAN: Huge improvementbetween one and two.Do you wanna try a bit more?Is it already kicking?So hot, it's so hard.It's so hot.It's so hard.I just wanna doone more attempt.Okay.I wonder if you do even morewill it reallysolidify the colors?KATELYN: I feel like it'sgonna keep it from curing.(laughing)That much.That's a lot.Ooh!KATELYN: Not swirls.Don't go in circles,resist the urge.How are you feeling?Confused.KATELYN: It's definitelynot mixing in the same way.EVAN: Maybe if I justkeep on adding more.KATELYN: It looks likea derpy Stormtrooper.That looks really cool.That actually, wait,yeah, don't touch it.It looks like a snowy landscape.Like a Bob Ross painting.Ooh.EVAN: Gold's prettysolid at this point.Wow.Wow.Where's the white?I'm gonna do the same thingwith the flow acrylic.Flow acrylic (laughs).But do a little bit less,because I think I wenttoo much with this.KATELYN: So you'redoing a whole new test?A whole new test.♪ A whole new test ♪♪ We will test the things ♪♪ Because we haveone mold left ♪Kinda went differentdirections there♪ Now I'm in a wholenew MOLD with you ♪(humming)(laughing)EVAN: Is this your favorite?This?Yeah, that one.Oh!I don't know why, I thoughtit would be hard by now.KATELYN: Do you feel ready?EVAN: I feel like I could.Should I?(laughs)All right guys,it's the next day.We're no more confidentin our designs.We can pop them out, though.Ooh, the underside looks neat!Ooh!Ooh.Not really sure whatwe're learning here,from popping these out.Oh!That looks nice!It doesn't reallymatter, though,because there's no way topop it out of these trays.That's true, we needthe top to look nice.We're gettingexcited over nothing.Okay, let's explainwhat we're doing.What we're doingis, we noticed thatit looks kind of nice whenthe white isn't fully opaque,but we don't want theunderside of our antiquesto show through.So, we're gonna paint it with--Some white primer.And while we do that,we wanna thank Sqaurespacefor making today'svideo possible.We recently made a websitefor our podcast there,and it's so great notto worry about it.We don't need toworry about plug-ins,because there is noneed for plug-ins.We don't need to worryabout the formattingfor mobile breakingdown one day.It's just worry-free,and if anythingdoes go wrong, theyhave 24-hour support.One thing we get asked alot by you guys is tipsfor selling your own products,because a lot ofy'all are makersand you want to sellthe stuff you make,and Squarespace is agreat place to do thatbecause you can sell anunlimited number of products.They're not gonna cap it,and you have full controlover your ownproduct-selling website.So, for a free trial, check'em out at squarespace.comand, if you want 10% off,go tosquarespace.com/EvanAndKatelyn.Thank you!Thank you!I don't know why we always wave.This is the middle of the video.It's kind of sad to paintover the design, but--It's gonna be better in the end.All right, now that we havetested six different options,we've taped off ourantiques, we've primed them.Are we prepared?No, but why don't you go first?Because you're so good,you're just so talented.I feel like you'd have abetter chance at doing it(coughing)I'm genuinely concerned,I'm just not goodat expressing it.EVAN: Give me yourgenuinely concerned face.It looks like youpooped your pants.(laughing)That's the thumbnail photo.(both laughing)All right, do you wanna mixin the while, or should I?I can do it.That way I canonly blame myself.So, here's the plan.We're gonna do one that's areally heavy opaque white,kind of like this guy, and onethat is a not-as-opaquewhite, kind of like this guy,so that we canmix them together.(laughs) Both times you pointedI had no clue whatway you were pointingand I didn't get iton the detail shot.KATELYN: This guy, opaque.This guy, not opaque.EVAN: Okay.Just like a smidge.KATELYN: I'm gonnaleave it kind of-=EVAN: A little bit unmixed?KATELYN: A little unmixed.Dangerous.I know.Risky.I know. (laughs)Okay, so, first off,are you ready for this?I'm gonna do somethinga little different,that we haven't done at all yet.EVAN: Okay.I'm gonna pour someblack on the bottom.EVAN: What?That way, maybe itkind of shows through?Like it's a deeperpart of the marble?Okay.Okay.(quirky music)Not a ton.EVAN: Remember to go allthe way off the edges.Well, this is gonnabe underneath,so it doesn't reallymatter too, too much.EVAN: Unless it does.I'm just gonna pourin some of the opaque.And it completelycovers the black.Translucent.I'm gonna kind of swirlthem together a little bit.Coerce them to the edges.EVAN: The black is showing up!Oh, through it!Underneath it, fromthe underneath!KATELYN: So I'm gonnadiagonal veins for my marble.Whoa, Katelyn, this is working.It's kind of working.Oh, I might have to dothe same exact thing.The teacher will never now,I'll just changeup a few things,just add some goldin there. (laughs)KATELYN: Okay, that.EVAN: Is that it?Is that done?KATELYN: I feel likethis part's kinda weird.Yeah, that part's kinda weird.KATELYN: But it'skinda cool, actually.I just need to get it.See how it's ending a littledroplet, like a circle?I just need to getit to be a streak.Does it need a littlebit more pigment?EVAN: I don't know,it's danger, right?KATELYN: Carefully blending it.Blend, blend,blend, blend, blend.EVAN: Get you one ofthose beauty blenders.Dab, dab, dab, makeyour marble fab.I feel like I need to fill itall the way to the tape.Yeah, up a little bit.Yeah, hmm, yeah.You could enter the dangerzone and add some more black,but I worry about that.KATELYN: I'm not gonna.EVAN: Yeah, because thenyou're gonna end up with this.KATELYN: Yeah, who wants that?So, this side is alittle over-worked.You can see it looksway better over herewhere I didn't over-work it.So, what do I do?EVAN: You're so funny.I pan over here and I'mlike, \"ooh, that's nice.\"Then I pan over here (laughs).Just like, what happened?Who is she?KATELYN: Pour some clear on top.EVAN: Ooh.Is that a bad ooh?Ooh, interesting!(laughing)Interesting!Stop!EVAN: Katelyn, how do you feel?(sighs) Half excitedand half disappointed.Because part of itlooks really good,and part of it looks really bad.Okay, I'm gonna getin the zone here.(fast-paced music)It might be as goodas it's gonna get.Yet it's also still bad.So I still need to, Ikeep messing with it.I kind of just wanna stir itall up to mix it as one color.Can I get your opinion?I might be givingyou bad advice here,but my advice is to do more.Just do a streak ofblack through it.Add some more black,but I worry about that.KATELYN: I'm not gonna.Yeah, because then you'regonna end up with this.I think that'd giveit a little bitmore character, or something.Do some black.Do one black streak,just commit tothat black streak.If you look at apiece of marble,it's pretty smooth,there's not a ton going on.EVAN: I think the one thingthat you might wanna dois clean up those cells there,because that looksvery un-marble-like.KATELYN: Yeah, it does, okay.(sighs) I'm gonna messwith the good side.(suspenseful music)Need to change themfrom cells to veins.That actually madeit a lot better.It kind of balanced it.Yeah.I helped!(cheerful music)No, you did help, you did help.Okay, how about this,we need to flame it.Let's see if thatchanges it, also.Okay.For better or worse.Let me get these out of the way.(popping)Yeah, you know, I think I'mgonna stop messing with it.Should I take off the tape?EVAN: Yeah, we'lltake off the tape.Wait, or should we waituntil it's more dry?I can wait until it'sa little more dry,just don't let me forget.Okay.Okay.Are you ready?I'm ready.I am ready, I'm gonna buildon the foundationsthat you have built.Oh, those splatters weretotally intentional.KATELYN: That's fine,it's gonna be buried.Just don't put too much black.Okay.And then, and additionto this black vein.Oh, you're gonnagold underneath?And then you went withthe opaque first, right?(stammers) I don'tremember. (laughs)Ah, I just wannacopy you! (laughs)I'm trying to doeverything in this patternof left to right, you know?Oh, why does it look so bad?KATELYN: No, it's okay,it's okay, it's okay.Now, I just stir it slightly.KATELYN: Not reallystir, more like push it.BOTH: Real good.You have too manydirections going on.You have one diagonal that way,one diagonal that way,and then two horizontals,so you need to, yeah, makethose horizontals diagonal.Yeah, like this.It's so beautiful.Why isn't it working?You made it look so good.Do you have any white left?Just a very a little bit.KATELYN: Pour it ontop of the black, yeah.EVAN: I feel like I needsome black going on.KATELYN: I wouldn't--I also poured too much. (laughs)It's over-flowing the banks.Do you wanna scoop some out?I don't know!KATELYN: Do you want a spoon?Like, a normal-sized spoon?Yeah, a bigger spoon,a bigger spoon.KATELYN: Okay, okay.Thank you.KATELYN: You can scoop outwhatever you don't want.White, gold, black.Puddle right there.I don't know.Hey, this crateris looking cool.Right?Um...(playful music)I kind of think thatarea looks the worst.No!I think this arealooks cool, where you haven'tmessed with it too much.I think that area lookslike resin and not marble.I thought this arealooks really boring.Just scooping out my failures.Oh no, that looks way worse!What have I done!?You know what I'ma do?What?Watch this.(playful music)KATELYN: Just gonnablend away your troubles?There we go!Looks just like marble!That's...You need to directthe lines, yeah.The thing is, that'sgonna get worse.Well, it's not good now, soyou gotta mess with it more.Yeah, you can't have zigzags.You need to direct your streaks.EVAN: Like this?So we poured once, we'vescooped a bunch out,we've poured a bunch more in.Now we're back to over-full.You know what?It looks good full. (laughs)Yeah, it looks great full.It's grateful tobe alive. (laughs)It's great, it'sgreat, it's great.Does that look good?KATELYN: That looks kinda bad.EVAN: This looks kinda bad.KATELYN: That looks kinda bad.What about that?I mean, it doesn't look great.I'm gonna be honest,it's not great.EVAN: What do you mean,just nice and subtle.That's nice asubtle, too. (laughs)KATELYN: Subtle.Can you save it, doctor?I will do my best.You know, I think we should,ooh yeah, this isgetting pretty hot.This is quite hot,I'm gonna go aheadand remove the tape.Tape, okay.(suspenseful music)Oh, no.It's close, it's really close.Okay.It was just a lotof resin at once.That heat goes quick.Ooh, that looks really nice!Aw, I should have gotten thatreveal on tape, probably.(playful music)I don't think it'sgotten better, Katelyn.(laughs)All right guys, is that better?I think this is better,and how dare youinsult me aftersaving your butt!You know what, art andbeauty is subjective.(popping)You know what I'm gonna try?KATELYN: What?A new technique.Okay, yeah, was that a greattime for a new technique?Yeah, I'm just gonnatry something random.(upbeat piano music)KATELYN: Well, just go for it.(laughing)(laughing)The only thing aboutthe blowing is look,now you're getting squigglesthat are not inline with the veins.See, it's thepattern of the air.EVAN: Oh yeah, thepattern of the air.If anything, you shouldbe blowing from the side.(sighs)You know what, we tried.Maybe it'll look better onceit's unwrapped and stuff.Yeah, yeah.It does look betterwith that clean edge.Well, that was exciting.(laughs) Lessons were learned.I think we shouldlet these settle out.Resin always kind of moves alittle as it's still curing.(laughing)And then we'll show youguys what it looks like.(peaceful jazz music)All right guys, and here'show they turned out!I am actually really happywith how Katelyn's turned out!(laughing)KATELYN: I am, too!EVAN: I got really close.There are some reallycool parts of this.I think some of thelessons we learned is,it helps to have right angles,because having thisgradual boundarywas a little bit hard, I kindof over-flowed the edges.I think that this is one ofthe least favoriteparts of mine.KATELYN: Yeah, that is kindof an instant give awaythat it's somethingliquid and not marble.This is what I feel aboutthe whole thing in general.At the very beginningof the whole process,I had some reservationsand it was becausethis is an understatedlook, it's something subtle.What I was comparingit to is this.It's really easy to just embracethe chaos withsomething like this.But with this, youhave to be restrained,and I have trouble with that.But it's awesome that thisis also very possible,using the same materials.KATELYN: Yeah, I mean,it's really cool.Hope you guys picked outsomething from this process,and we'll look forward toseeing you in the next video.BOTH: Bye!(humming)Hi, Katelyn.\n"