**The Importance of Proper Wiring in Modern Cars**
When it comes to adding electronic accessories to your vehicle, it's essential to understand the importance of proper wiring. As Scotty explains, "all the wires are color-coded so if you have a black wire with a white stripe and then there's stuff hooked to it and then further down the line there's another wire hooked to the black with the white stripe on it" - this is just one example of how complex modern car wiring systems can be. If not handled correctly, even small modifications can lead to serious issues down the road.
**The Dangers of Using Standard Wires**
One of Scotty's tips for anyone planning to add aftermarket electronic accessories is to "go through the extra trouble of wiring your new devices directly to your battery with their own wires and their own few systems." This may seem like an added expense, but it's worth it to avoid using standard wires that can handle more power than necessary. As Scotty warns, "the plain truth about modern cars is they're always trying to save money building up so they're gonna use the smallest gauge wire with the thinnest amount of copper in it that they can." This can lead to a system being pushed to its maximum capability, making it prone to overheating and other issues.
**A Cautionary Tale: Adding Brighter Headlights**
To illustrate this point, Scotty shares an example of a customer who purchased brighter headlights for their Honda, only to find that the switch had started getting hot after turning them on. The reason was simply that the bulbs took so much power that the switch had to send more power through it, causing it to overheat. By running a new switch system for the headlights directly from the battery, with a heavy-duty relay and wiring, Scotty was able to eliminate this issue. This is just one example of how adding aftermarket accessories can be done safely and correctly.
**The Risks of Remote Starting Systems**
Another example that highlights the potential dangers of using aftermarket electronic accessories is the story of a man who died in Canada after being hit by his own Lexus, which had been started remotely using an aftermarket system. The system was not designed by the factory, but rather installed by an aftermarket vendor. This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of carefully considering the potential risks and consequences of adding new electronic accessories to your vehicle.
**The Value of Professional Expertise**
In light of these examples, it's clear that modifying a car with electronic accessories requires a high level of expertise and knowledge. Scotty advises that "if you really want them" (i.e., aftermarket electronic accessories), "you can just rewire the whole system" - this may seem like an option, but it's often not worth the risk. With proper wiring and design, most people can avoid serious issues and enjoy the benefits of their new accessories without worry.
In conclusion, when it comes to adding electronic accessories to your vehicle, it's essential to prioritize proper wiring and design. By taking the time to understand the complexities of modern car systems and using standard wires that are designed for the task at hand, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure a safe and enjoyable driving experience.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engines sometimes convenience is not worth the price sure it's greatif you got a remote starter you push abutton you're living a buffalo startyour car in a driveway so it can warm upthe snow just will melt off it'll bewarm inside but if you're a car did notcome from the factory with one of thoseremotes starting systems on it please donot attempt to either install onyourself or have someplace install it onyour car if you're tempted not to listento me just go look at a kit go to someelectronics store look at the kit youare going to see wires everywhere thenit has to be connected to your car theynever give you the directions of eachspecific model they say generic stufflike this goes to the power wire thisgoes to the starter wireYatta Yatta Yatta start looking at allthe wires on the car especially when yougo under the hood and you start messingwith all the wiring that's in there yeahlook at that bundle of wires there you'll soon discover that hooking one of these kitsoff is an insanely complex job and onewhich even for a good mechanic can takehours in hours I've seen people leavethem off two days later the guys don'thave them hooked up right yet I have todeal with the other end of this stuffsomebody puts one in cars to be towed tome cause either right away or a fewweeks or months later the car doesn'tstart or starts running poorly yourelectrical system has various wires theyhave various amount of power going tothem it's very complicated it's designedby engineers now if you bought a car andit was built at the factory with oneokay yes it's extremely complicated butactual engineers designed it for thatcar for that wiring system for thatremote that you get when you buy the carnew but these are not systems you'repatching them into the car no one reallytests them on all different cars maybethey work great in a Ford but you got aToyota you don't want to mess with thosethings believe me I had a customer he wanted one in his carso he wants in one of these car stereoplaces cuz they got a big sign weinstall remote starting systems for yourcar now yes this is an extreme case butI've seen it with my own eyes they'reworking on the carthe dash started on fire burnt a wholebunch of the car up but at least luckilyfor my customer the car stereo place wasa national chain and they did haveinsurance I ended up forking out overfive thousand dollars to fix that firethat they started it's rather funnythat although they are a remote startingsystem for your car one of the biggestproblems they have is when you put onein some point in time your car won'tstart and I mean it won't start with theremote then I won't either start with akey sometimes because one of the worstthings you can do is to put one systemon top of another system even a simplerthing like a car burglar alarm I've hadcustomers didn't know that much aboutcars and they thought it all I'll put agood burglar system on my car so theybuy one of these systems and either theyput it on or they pay one of thosestereo places to install the alarmsystem on their car but they didn'trealize how I already had an alarmsystem from the factory almost all carstoday come that way an aftermarket alarm system on top of the system that was inthe car it went haywire and unfortunately forthem it worked okay for months the battery went dead then onegot another battery when you put thatbatter in car would start and so theytowed it over to me and I said well yougot a problem with your anti-theftsystem I said you got the little clickerfor itthey have the little clicker but thatdidn't help it happened to be aNissan I said well where's your remotefor turning an alarm off for the Nissanand they said oh I don't know I boughtthe car used I never got one of those Ijust used the key and then this systemthat they put on it so it turned out ofcourse still had the original Nissananti-theft system that had this othersystem on top of it you mix thosetogether sometimes when you change thebattery the system has to start over itgets totally confused because it seesthat there's this factory alarm systembut then there's another system that'spatched on top of that in the case ofthat one I justdisconnected the aftermarket alarmsystem that was put on then the carstarted up fine and sure if you don't what something stolengreat you're talking about electronicsyou can't patch one system on top ofanother systemI even had a customer that had three ofthem had the original one had ananti-theft system then it had one ofthese remote starters just as put on topof it and man when that thing brokeI had to disconnect a whole bunch ofstuff just to get it to start becausewhen I was young ganic that stuff waseasy to do they had an ignition systemwith power the carburetor was mechanical it just pumped fuel and mechanically theonly thing you had to do show off theignition system in a car wouldn't startbut today everything's run by computereven the starters run by computer theignition system the fuel injectionsystem and if you start tapping intothose wires even something like an LEDthat would use just a few milli amps ofpower is enough to make those things gosquirrelly at times and believe me it'shard enough pretty good mechanic like me to fix a factory remote starting systemthat came with the car that at least I goto my all data system I can look stuffup I can see where the wires go I cantrace it if somebody has one of theseaftermarket systems put on generally Idon't get any information especially ifthe system was made in China I meansometimes the English doesn't even makesense on those things I've had wiringdiagrams from that made no sense at allof course even worse things were Chinese characters hi no idea what those met andif you do have one of these aftermarketsystems hooked up and it breaks a lot oftimes you're gonna find a hard timefinding anybody who will even work onI'm an open mind a guy helped out mycustomers and when I get a pain thinglike that I just say to them look thisaftermarket system is insanelycomplicated I have no idea what they'vedone to it you don't have a wiringdiagram for it I just say look I knowhow your original wiring system is I sayI can look that up on my all data andwhat I will do is I'll disconnect allthe wires that they've hooked up and Iwill reconnect them all to the factoryspecifications they still make carslogically that all the wires arecolor-coded so if you have a blackwith a white stripe wire and thenthere's stuff hooked to it and thenfurther down the line there's anotherwire hooked to the black with the whitestripe on it you disconnect all thestuff that they added and just splicethe black with the white to the blackwith the white again and that's back towhere it started from and just a generaltip for anybody who's planning onputting any add on electronic accessoriesto their vehicle here's my advicesee this big battery it's got huge wireson it right go through the extra troubleof wiring your new devices directly toyour battery with their own wires withtheir own few systems and if it'ssomething heavy-dutywith its own relay pack to so it cantake that power because the plain truthabout modern cars it is they're alwaystrying to save money building up sothey're gonna use the smallest gaugewire with the thinnest amount of copperin it that they can the system is madethat it works perfectly fine the way itwas designed yeahif it's a Fiat or something thenit's even designed but a well-made carToyota Honda for do something it'sdesigned with wiring that worksperfectly fine but generally a wiringsystem is pretty close to its maximumcapability the way it was built and ifyou start adding more power to thosewires it's a recipe for disasterhere's an example that wasn't that bigof a deal but it proves my pointnot a customer wanted to put brighterlights on his Honda so you want boughtthese super-bright light bulbs and stuckthem in headlights a man they werecertainly bright but one day he came to me andhe said I turned my headlights on alittle switch and after a while thatswitch starts to get kind of hot wellthe reason was getting hot is becausethose bulbs took so much power that thatswitch had to send more power throughand it originally did so I told them heyif you really like the lights here'swhat we can do we can just run a newswitch system for your headlights we geta nice switch heavy duty one 20 amps switch and ran the power directly from the batteryto the switch and then from the switchto a relay and the relay sent power tothe headlights know most people doing amodify car like thatso really don't put really brighterheadlights in if your headlight switchis starting to get hot go back to theother ones but if you really want themyou can just rewire the whole systembecause realize can take a lot of powerthe power goes from the battery to therelay and sits there then when you turnyour switch on that energizes the reel Isaw the power goes from the battery tothe relay and then directly to theheadlights the heavy-duty power isn'tgoing through the headlight switchanymore so you don't have to worry aboutgetting hot when you're dealing withthese remote starting systems they haveso many wires to go to so many differentplaces you'd have to put relays allover the place and you'd have to have aguy who really understood the wiring ofyour car because it's too complicated ina modern car with all those tiny littlecomputer waters you got a remote starterwho knows these days what's gonna happenwith all the electromagneticinterference and wireless devicessomebody might be on their phone messing with something your car might start upwho knows I remember years ago when Iwas going to schoolI had a friend lives out in the country and they found out thatwhen they got on their CB radio at acertain frequency it would open thisguy's automatic garage opener so whenpeople got drunk they put the CB radioson and they'd opened up his garage justroll laughing and now this is an extremeexample but just a short time ago a guywas killed he was from New York City was21 years old he was killed by a remotestarting system Canada in his Lexus itwas an aftermarket one that was put init wasn't the factory was an aftermarketone and he was standing between the guys car in another car walking out of thestreet the guy with the lexus pushed his remote starter the car started and somehowdrove into him and it was crushing hisleg people tried to push it off but itkept pushing it in the guy ended updying so I mean that's no laughingmatter the aftermarket remote system killedsomebody so if you're thinking aboutputting one of these aftermarket remotesstarting systems in your car placelisten to Scotty don't do it who knowsyou might even say someone's life,so if you never want to miss another oneof my new car repair videos, remember toring that Bell\n"