Bobby Flay Challenges Amateur Cook to Keep Up with Him _ Back-to-Back Chef _ Bon Appetit

The Art of Cooking: A Conversation with Shane

In this unique cooking experience, we had the pleasure of watching and learning from chef Shane as he prepared a delectable dish that would leave our taste buds singing. The recipe in question was a classic chile relleno, stuffed with pepper and coated in a crispy cornmeal crust.

To begin, Shane carefully placed a pepper into hot oil, gently lifting it out to cool and inspect its color. "It's still kind of yellowy," he noted, as the pepper began to take on a golden hue. Next, Shane used his trusty "spider" tool - essentially a long-handled spoon with a curved end - to carefully lift the pepper out of the oil and place it onto a sheet pan lined with paper towels.

As the pepper cooled, Shane seasoned it with salt and pepper, taking care not to sprinkle too much, as the pepper was still slightly wet from its immersion in the canola oil. "The salt and pepper will adhere to it," he explained, as he sprinkled the seasoning onto the pepper. With the pepper now coated and ready, Shane turned his attention to the pepper sauce - a blend of ingredients that had been stored in a blender.

To create the sauce, Shane used a serving spoon from his canister to scoop out a generous helping. He then moved the spoon in a smooth, flowing motion across the plate, allowing gravity to guide the sauce into perfect, semi-circular patterns. "It's like abstract art," he observed, as he worked his magic with the sauce.

Finally, Shane added a few sprigs of cilantro to the dish, dropping them onto the plate as if they were falling from the clouds. The finished product was truly breathtaking - a perfectly cooked pepper relleno, garnished with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and topped off with a delicate drizzle of sauce.

As we watched, Shane revealed that he had used a technique to create a section of cornmeal crust that actually adhered to the pepper all by itself. "It's kind of magical," he said, as if amazed by his own culinary skill. And indeed it was - a truly impressive feat of cooking artistry.

Meanwhile, we couldn't help but notice the artistic flair with which Shane had presented his dish. The pepper relleno looked almost too beautiful to eat - and yet, that's precisely what made it so tempting. As we sat down to enjoy our own versions of the chile relleno, we couldn't help but wonder if we could recreate this culinary masterpiece at home.

Mushrooms were mentioned as a good accompaniment to the dish, and Shane offered to share his technique for adding them to the pepper sauce. When it came time to taste, he revealed that he had used two chili peppers in the sauce - although he wouldn't reveal just how much heat they added. And so, with our taste buds on high alert, we eagerly dug in and discovered a truly spicy kick.

In the end, Shane's chile relleno was more than just a delicious meal - it was an artistic experience that combined flavors, textures, and presentation in a way that was both surprising and sublime. As we watched him work his culinary magic, we couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to witness such skill and creativity in action.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: eneverybody's Bobby Flay and this is shame one of the best cooks to ever step foot in the bond app test kitchen is that true I don't think that's true about it so last time he did this you were you were a two out of ten so what do you think you're right now 2.5 moving up the ladder so last time you made crab cakes today it's chile relleno 15 minutes on the clock you ready to do this let's do it let's do it all right so the first thing I want you to do is we're gonna take the poblano chiles can you identify those I can there is every Chili's yeah well okay yes that's true there's some other peppers in the station I just wanna make sure you have the right ones you're sort of a deep green color kind of tapered at the end got it put the peppers in a bowl and then take some of the canola oil in front of you and just just make sure that the peppers are lightly coated with the canola oil and we're gonna put these right onto the grill the idea here is to actually char the peppers to there they're basically black and the skin will then come off so while that's happening we're gonna we're gonna move on to our mushrooms pull your mushrooms onto the cutting board all of them we're gonna start we have a couple of different kinds of mushrooms in here and we want very thin slices of mushrooms on all these mushrooms okay how you doing I have no idea of keeping up I'm trying mushrooms need to be sliced very thinly I mean what we want them to have texture that when we eat them but at the same time we want them to be nice and thin are you accomplishing that there about 1/2 to 3/4 of a centimeter great now we're gonna take a garlic clove can identify that yep garlic clove got it so you're gonna take a garlic clove and you're gonna slice the garlic very thinly with your knife okay and then you're gonna chop the garlic coarsely so it starts becoming you know smaller and smaller as you chop it and do it do it quickly let's chop its shocked okay I take a little bit of salt of the kosher salt and just sprinkle it on top of the garlic and then with the side of your knife you want to crush the garlic and the salt together we want this garlic to be pulverized into a paste so that when it cooks it just sort of dissolves and becomes part of the mushroom you got it I got it it's crush there's a crumb all right let me press okay and then we're gonna take some canola oil and put it in our induction pan probably about two tablespoons and then you're gonna put the mushrooms in there you should hear a sizzle right away make sure your you know you're working neatly you know when you finish one thing so to move it out of the way so that you can work on the next thing clean got it should I be moving it around in the pan Bobby yes you can move it around in the pan you can I mean I just kind of like flip it with my wrist but if you can't do that you can always use a wooden spoon and just move them around you don't want them to get scorched like you want them to melt into the pan okay are they in the pan they are in the pan they are not getting scorched perfect all right take your garlic okay I put your garlic over the mushrooms and then mix that together be careful not to burn the garlic that's why we're putting it in second after the mushroom how are your peppers they're black so are you mushrooms cooked how do I know they're cooked Bobby well they should be really soft let's taste them take it spoon and just make sure that they're that they're cooked nicely there should be nice and soft yeah have a little bit of give to them so it should be seasoned I see with salt and pepper how's it taste it tastes like a mushroom then we're on the right pace all right okay all right now you're gonna take some cilantro shut up your mushrooms okay and you can put them into a bowl let them cool down a little bit and the only thing you want from the cilantro is the actual leaves of the cilantro not the stems and you want about two tablespoons approximately of fresh cilantro you're gonna sprinkle that into the into the mushroom mixture the next thing weighs is we're gonna make our piquillo pepper sauce okay Vicki Oh peppers are these these peppers in this jar okay there are they're a Spanish pepper we're gonna put three tablespoons of peppers into the blender into the blender you got it we're gonna take some chipotle peppers one how a pain once Motala pain you into the into the blender okay well we got to go yeah a little red wine vinegar maybe like three splashes you know what a splash looks like yeah I can imagine a slice perfect a splash of some water water got it all right some salt salt in the blender turns a black pepper keep going everything into the blender we're gonna put the blender on put it in the blender on putting the cap on this thing and you got it yeah all right let it be let it cure a a little bit okay and then you're gonna add some canola oil right into the top of the blender let the oil stream into the into the sauce you can turn off your grill yeah make sure that you cover the peppers with plastic wrap and that's gonna help steam it okay and as you're doing that you're gonna finish the sauce it should start to have sort of a bright orange color to it always yours and really smooth so looking a little red make sure it's orange make sure it's really really orange if it's too thick you want to add a little bit of water to it water and that'll be season it make sure you taste it for seasoning salt and pepper etc sorry what about salt and pepper well you need to use it for what for the sauce right now absolutely salt and pepper I'm gonna season everything tell me about your sauce so my sauce is in the blender the top is off and it's kind of flying around everywhere so I have it off well make sure it's nicely pureed and then taste it mine needs a little bit of honey so I think you should have some a little honey in there as well it's a little bit spicy so we're gonna we're gonna chill it out so you want you wanna you want this to taste like you want this to taste a little bit spicy a little bit fire it's really really fired add some honey to it it will kind of well it half a teaspoon okay you know a little bit at a time see what happens okay and then you have to go taste it again that's good okay so now we're going to take you're gonna grab your mushrooms in your cilantro you still have that ball yeah I do okay great and now you're going to make the the mixture with some Monterey Jack and some goat cheese the goat cheese is the whiter cheese and more crumbly okay are you gonna take a tablespoon or so of each cheese you're gonna mix it with the with the mushrooms and then mix it all together it's mixing some salt and pepper not it move quickly and then this is gonna be your mixture for the chile relleno so you understand where this is gonna go now not at all so this is gonna go into the pepper that you've charred but before we do that we have to actually prepare the peppers but while they're steaming we have one more thing we can do okay we're gonna create a dredging station a dredging station yeah you know what that is not no so you have cornmeal and a ball yeah okay just add salt and pepper to that and mix it that's one part of the dredging station then you're gonna take your rice flour rice flour got it okay why don't we take let's say a cup of rice flour into a bowl okay that into the cornmeal into a separate bowl and then a cup of water as well and we're gonna mix this together we're gonna make a batter out of the rice flour okay so the water and the rice flour okay what am i adding to the flour water how much water add like half a cup to start and then you're gonna add a little bit more until it looks like heavy cream okay you know what the consistency of heavy cream looks like I think so perfect all right you're starting to get understand the dredging station the situation here well I don't know what the dredging is okay well we're gonna we're gonna get to that in a second so then you're gonna take some rice flour on its own put it in another Bowl some more rice flour some salt and pepper in there and make sure that that's all mixed together rice flour and salt and pepper okay at that point we will have completed the three things we need for our dredging station what we're gonna reserve those so you can put those off to the side okay got it okay is your station clear get in there yeah let's go back to the peppers beautifully charred black and peppers so blackened you're gonna take a pepper one at a time okay and put it onto onto your cutting board and you're gonna hold onto the stem okay and then you're going to with the back of the knife just take the the charred skin of the pepper and you should be able to just take it right off oh yeah it's that working yeah it is working but try not to break up the pepper too much okay you just want to take the skin off for the power using the pepper later oh yeah this is the dish oh the black making a stuffed pepper oh this is no crab cake okay so we're gonna do one pepper cuz we really are running out of time here got it so you have your clean board and you have your clean pepper and you're gonna make a slit into the pepper with what with your paring knife yeah some on the bottom of the core so at the top of the pepper itself stick your knife in there and just go straight down and just make an incision all the way down to the end of the pepper and then reveal the inside of the pepper to yourself you got that I did it I feel like a surgeon what do you see I see a hollow pepper with some seeds in it perfect take the seeds out with your hand with your hand all of them yep as many as you can get out pretty hot you don't have to get every single one out it's totally fine but as many as possible okay there there good now take your mushroom and cheese mixture and you want to take about I would say like a tablespoon and a half to two tablespoons of your mushroom and cheese mixture and put it inside of your pepper and then you're basically filling the pepper and you want to close the pepper with all of the mixture in there it's in there okay so close it back up and now you're gonna take one of your with the skewers this can be tricky how are you is sewing I've never said welcome to your first sewing lesson except that's gonna be with a pepper and it's cute and a wooden skewer okay so you're gonna take on an angle you're gonna take your witness cure and go and go into the pepper and then go across the seam Bobby am I going like down to the other side like across the entire pepper just across the same as long as you're bringing it together as long as you're you're starting on one side of the seam and put it on the other okay okay so it stays together I know how you go now yeah you can put them on an angle so that basically it's just holding the pepper together have you accomplished that sir I have you're gonna move your pepper to the side very carefully okay you're gonna bring back your dredging station so all three of those bowls you're gonna line them up in order and then so in this order cornmeal closest to the oil the next one is the right flour batter itself and then the first one is just the rice flour itself got it and make sure that you you stir the rice flour batter because the rice flour Zac actually settles to the bottom all right so we're gonna put our saute pans in the sink so that your that your stove is clear okay and then let's go get some hot oil over here okay and I'm putting this on the induction oven please oh yeah all right so what does your oil say I all says 365 all right I'm like a couple of degrees behind you but that's fine we can start cooking all right all right so make sure that your rice flour batter is nice and smooth and it hasn't settle to the bottom you whisk it sure you did whisk it with I don't hear it whisk it with yeah whispers with which one wisk yeah no whip what am i the rice flour batter the middle one the middle one so it should be so it should be in this order okay I need a bigger bowl for this Shane yeah I'm listening so really important that you it's nice and smooth okay all right it's smooth I'm whisking all right so take your pepper that you've sewed together yeah and drop it into your your flour the rice flour and just sprinkle some of the rice flour with the with the little pegs in it yes everything as it is okay in the rice flour rice flour okay so you just want a very light coating of flour all over the pepper I'm picking up the flour and coating it yes and then into the rice flour batter so that the the flower itself helps the the rice flour batter it here okay it's in it okay and what am i doing sure you're covering that completely from there you're gonna go into the yellow cornmeal drop it into the air I'm still coating then drop it into the yellow cornmeal sprinkle some of the cornmeal over the over the pepper it's old so it's nice and light and then from there you're gonna very carefully and gently place it into the oil not your fingers let's go I need to hear some sizzle all right it's sizzling all right cool has a look it's it's a pepper in a bowl it's sizzling okay okay is there anything I should be doing now you should have a can you identify your spider in your equipment it looks like a spiderweb it's got a wooden handle that's what you're going to do to get your pepper out of the oil got it you're not gonna use your hand or a pair of tongs or anything makes sense so you want to go under the pepper and just lift it up and take a look at it like bring it out of the oil a little bit uh-huh how's it look it's pepper with the coating on it perfect great on the opposite side of your oil you're gonna find you're gonna take your little sheet pan with a a paper towel on it and I'll put it right next to it let's take a look at your pepper again just the same way we just did that will call you what color do you got have there it's still kind of yellowy he's just starting to get a little bit golden if yeah I'm starting to cook it is all right so move your dredging mixture away and let's get let's get the pepper out of there so you want to again spider lift it up yep let a lot of the oil drip back into the pot okay and then very carefully just let it put right on top of your paper towel okay all right and then you're gonna season it with some salt and pepper as it's still nice and it's still a little bit wet from the canola oil the salt and pepper will actually adhere to it okay I'm salting I am peppering there you go a nice even coating you got that yep all right you're gonna take your your pepper sauce that's in your blender you still have that their blender yes okay awesome and you're gonna take your serving spoon that's in your canister there okay you're just gonna take a big spoonful of it and not in the center but just off-center you're just gonna let it and so I what I do is I pick up because it's like a perfect sauce consistency I picked the plate up a little bit and just kind of move the sauce with gravity nice and orange nice and smooth and just let the gravity move the sauce doesn't have to be perfect okay all right okay then you're going to take some of your balsamic glaze in the bottle there and you're just going to make some like semi circles or circles into the into the sauce and onto the plate so it's a really pretty to the sauce and separately yes very thin lines so it's almost like abstract like make it look like abstract you know contemporary art you know we went to the MoMA and this plate was on the wall okay I like this I shame it's like Jackson Pollock cake yeah exactly here's the technique for the for the pepper so you're staring at the pepper and you can see you still have the skewers in there right yeah so you're gonna take the edge of the pepper and you're gonna push it in about an eighth of an inch and then pull it out pull out the skewer yes push it in an eighth Finch and then pull it out okay just Ballou Singh it up now you just have a pepper without skewers right perfect so you're gonna take your pepper very gently and lift it on to the plate half the pepper into the sauce and half the pepper not on to the sauce and then I think we should do I think what we should do is take a couple of sprigs of cilantro and just drop the cilantro onto the plate as if it's falling from the clouds okay they're falling from the clouds and now we finished that's it all right Shane we done we're done I'll show you mine if you show me yours okay let's do it all right oh wow that's pretty cool yeah I've never seen a chile relleno like that before here it is ladies and gentlemen that looks much more artistic uh it's just different thank you what did you okay mushrooms are good whoa that's spicy how many chili did you put in there just one or the tablespoon or two tape whatever you said okay yeah I put them are you blaming it on me no I mean I'm I give this a taste okay I will that's kind of what you want it to look like taste the sauce put your for at forty my sauce Shane did something that I didn't think it was actually possible which was um he he created a section of a cornmeal crust that actually adhered to the pepper all by itself it was it's kind of magical I have to say thank you he's a magic cookeverybody's Bobby Flay and this is shame one of the best cooks to ever step foot in the bond app test kitchen is that true I don't think that's true about it so last time he did this you were you were a two out of ten so what do you think you're right now 2.5 moving up the ladder so last time you made crab cakes today it's chile relleno 15 minutes on the clock you ready to do this let's do it let's do it all right so the first thing I want you to do is we're gonna take the poblano chiles can you identify those I can there is every Chili's yeah well okay yes that's true there's some other peppers in the station I just wanna make sure you have the right ones you're sort of a deep green color kind of tapered at the end got it put the peppers in a bowl and then take some of the canola oil in front of you and just just make sure that the peppers are lightly coated with the canola oil and we're gonna put these right onto the grill the idea here is to actually char the peppers to there they're basically black and the skin will then come off so while that's happening we're gonna we're gonna move on to our mushrooms pull your mushrooms onto the cutting board all of them we're gonna start we have a couple of different kinds of mushrooms in here and we want very thin slices of mushrooms on all these mushrooms okay how you doing I have no idea of keeping up I'm trying mushrooms need to be sliced very thinly I mean what we want them to have texture that when we eat them but at the same time we want them to be nice and thin are you accomplishing that there about 1/2 to 3/4 of a centimeter great now we're gonna take a garlic clove can identify that yep garlic clove got it so you're gonna take a garlic clove and you're gonna slice the garlic very thinly with your knife okay and then you're gonna chop the garlic coarsely so it starts becoming you know smaller and smaller as you chop it and do it do it quickly let's chop its shocked okay I take a little bit of salt of the kosher salt and just sprinkle it on top of the garlic and then with the side of your knife you want to crush the garlic and the salt together we want this garlic to be pulverized into a paste so that when it cooks it just sort of dissolves and becomes part of the mushroom you got it I got it it's crush there's a crumb all right let me press okay and then we're gonna take some canola oil and put it in our induction pan probably about two tablespoons and then you're gonna put the mushrooms in there you should hear a sizzle right away make sure your you know you're working neatly you know when you finish one thing so to move it out of the way so that you can work on the next thing clean got it should I be moving it around in the pan Bobby yes you can move it around in the pan you can I mean I just kind of like flip it with my wrist but if you can't do that you can always use a wooden spoon and just move them around you don't want them to get scorched like you want them to melt into the pan okay are they in the pan they are in the pan they are not getting scorched perfect all right take your garlic okay I put your garlic over the mushrooms and then mix that together be careful not to burn the garlic that's why we're putting it in second after the mushroom how are your peppers they're black so are you mushrooms cooked how do I know they're cooked Bobby well they should be really soft let's taste them take it spoon and just make sure that they're that they're cooked nicely there should be nice and soft yeah have a little bit of give to them so it should be seasoned I see with salt and pepper how's it taste it tastes like a mushroom then we're on the right pace all right okay all right now you're gonna take some cilantro shut up your mushrooms okay and you can put them into a bowl let them cool down a little bit and the only thing you want from the cilantro is the actual leaves of the cilantro not the stems and you want about two tablespoons approximately of fresh cilantro you're gonna sprinkle that into the into the mushroom mixture the next thing weighs is we're gonna make our piquillo pepper sauce okay Vicki Oh peppers are these these peppers in this jar okay there are they're a Spanish pepper we're gonna put three tablespoons of peppers into the blender into the blender you got it we're gonna take some chipotle peppers one how a pain once Motala pain you into the into the blender okay well we got to go yeah a little red wine vinegar maybe like three splashes you know what a splash looks like yeah I can imagine a slice perfect a splash of some water water got it all right some salt salt in the blender turns a black pepper keep going everything into the blender we're gonna put the blender on put it in the blender on putting the cap on this thing and you got it yeah all right let it be let it cure a a little bit okay and then you're gonna add some canola oil right into the top of the blender let the oil stream into the into the sauce you can turn off your grill yeah make sure that you cover the peppers with plastic wrap and that's gonna help steam it okay and as you're doing that you're gonna finish the sauce it should start to have sort of a bright orange color to it always yours and really smooth so looking a little red make sure it's orange make sure it's really really orange if it's too thick you want to add a little bit of water to it water and that'll be season it make sure you taste it for seasoning salt and pepper etc sorry what about salt and pepper well you need to use it for what for the sauce right now absolutely salt and pepper I'm gonna season everything tell me about your sauce so my sauce is in the blender the top is off and it's kind of flying around everywhere so I have it off well make sure it's nicely pureed and then taste it mine needs a little bit of honey so I think you should have some a little honey in there as well it's a little bit spicy so we're gonna we're gonna chill it out so you want you wanna you want this to taste like you want this to taste a little bit spicy a little bit fire it's really really fired add some honey to it it will kind of well it half a teaspoon okay you know a little bit at a time see what happens okay and then you have to go taste it again that's good okay so now we're going to take you're gonna grab your mushrooms in your cilantro you still have that ball yeah I do okay great and now you're going to make the the mixture with some Monterey Jack and some goat cheese the goat cheese is the whiter cheese and more crumbly okay are you gonna take a tablespoon or so of each cheese you're gonna mix it with the with the mushrooms and then mix it all together it's mixing some salt and pepper not it move quickly and then this is gonna be your mixture for the chile relleno so you understand where this is gonna go now not at all so this is gonna go into the pepper that you've charred but before we do that we have to actually prepare the peppers but while they're steaming we have one more thing we can do okay we're gonna create a dredging station a dredging station yeah you know what that is not no so you have cornmeal and a ball yeah okay just add salt and pepper to that and mix it that's one part of the dredging station then you're gonna take your rice flour rice flour got it okay why don't we take let's say a cup of rice flour into a bowl okay that into the cornmeal into a separate bowl and then a cup of water as well and we're gonna mix this together we're gonna make a batter out of the rice flour okay so the water and the rice flour okay what am i adding to the flour water how much water add like half a cup to start and then you're gonna add a little bit more until it looks like heavy cream okay you know what the consistency of heavy cream looks like I think so perfect all right you're starting to get understand the dredging station the situation here well I don't know what the dredging is okay well we're gonna we're gonna get to that in a second so then you're gonna take some rice flour on its own put it in another Bowl some more rice flour some salt and pepper in there and make sure that that's all mixed together rice flour and salt and pepper okay at that point we will have completed the three things we need for our dredging station what we're gonna reserve those so you can put those off to the side okay got it okay is your station clear get in there yeah let's go back to the peppers beautifully charred black and peppers so blackened you're gonna take a pepper one at a time okay and put it onto onto your cutting board and you're gonna hold onto the stem okay and then you're going to with the back of the knife just take the the charred skin of the pepper and you should be able to just take it right off oh yeah it's that working yeah it is working but try not to break up the pepper too much okay you just want to take the skin off for the power using the pepper later oh yeah this is the dish oh the black making a stuffed pepper oh this is no crab cake okay so we're gonna do one pepper cuz we really are running out of time here got it so you have your clean board and you have your clean pepper and you're gonna make a slit into the pepper with what with your paring knife yeah some on the bottom of the core so at the top of the pepper itself stick your knife in there and just go straight down and just make an incision all the way down to the end of the pepper and then reveal the inside of the pepper to yourself you got that I did it I feel like a surgeon what do you see I see a hollow pepper with some seeds in it perfect take the seeds out with your hand with your hand all of them yep as many as you can get out pretty hot you don't have to get every single one out it's totally fine but as many as possible okay there there good now take your mushroom and cheese mixture and you want to take about I would say like a tablespoon and a half to two tablespoons of your mushroom and cheese mixture and put it inside of your pepper and then you're basically filling the pepper and you want to close the pepper with all of the mixture in there it's in there okay so close it back up and now you're gonna take one of your with the skewers this can be tricky how are you is sewing I've never said welcome to your first sewing lesson except that's gonna be with a pepper and it's cute and a wooden skewer okay so you're gonna take on an angle you're gonna take your witness cure and go and go into the pepper and then go across the seam Bobby am I going like down to the other side like across the entire pepper just across the same as long as you're bringing it together as long as you're you're starting on one side of the seam and put it on the other okay okay so it stays together I know how you go now yeah you can put them on an angle so that basically it's just holding the pepper together have you accomplished that sir I have you're gonna move your pepper to the side very carefully okay you're gonna bring back your dredging station so all three of those bowls you're gonna line them up in order and then so in this order cornmeal closest to the oil the next one is the right flour batter itself and then the first one is just the rice flour itself got it and make sure that you you stir the rice flour batter because the rice flour Zac actually settles to the bottom all right so we're gonna put our saute pans in the sink so that your that your stove is clear okay and then let's go get some hot oil over here okay and I'm putting this on the induction oven please oh yeah all right so what does your oil say I all says 365 all right I'm like a couple of degrees behind you but that's fine we can start cooking all right all right so make sure that your rice flour batter is nice and smooth and it hasn't settle to the bottom you whisk it sure you did whisk it with I don't hear it whisk it with yeah whispers with which one wisk yeah no whip what am i the rice flour batter the middle one the middle one so it should be so it should be in this order okay I need a bigger bowl for this Shane yeah I'm listening so really important that you it's nice and smooth okay all right it's smooth I'm whisking all right so take your pepper that you've sewed together yeah and drop it into your your flour the rice flour and just sprinkle some of the rice flour with the with the little pegs in it yes everything as it is okay in the rice flour rice flour okay so you just want a very light coating of flour all over the pepper I'm picking up the flour and coating it yes and then into the rice flour batter so that the the flower itself helps the the rice flour batter it here okay it's in it okay and what am i doing sure you're covering that completely from there you're gonna go into the yellow cornmeal drop it into the air I'm still coating then drop it into the yellow cornmeal sprinkle some of the cornmeal over the over the pepper it's old so it's nice and light and then from there you're gonna very carefully and gently place it into the oil not your fingers let's go I need to hear some sizzle all right it's sizzling all right cool has a look it's it's a pepper in a bowl it's sizzling okay okay is there anything I should be doing now you should have a can you identify your spider in your equipment it looks like a spiderweb it's got a wooden handle that's what you're going to do to get your pepper out of the oil got it you're not gonna use your hand or a pair of tongs or anything makes sense so you want to go under the pepper and just lift it up and take a look at it like bring it out of the oil a little bit uh-huh how's it look it's pepper with the coating on it perfect great on the opposite side of your oil you're gonna find you're gonna take your little sheet pan with a a paper towel on it and I'll put it right next to it let's take a look at your pepper again just the same way we just did that will call you what color do you got have there it's still kind of yellowy he's just starting to get a little bit golden if yeah I'm starting to cook it is all right so move your dredging mixture away and let's get let's get the pepper out of there so you want to again spider lift it up yep let a lot of the oil drip back into the pot okay and then very carefully just let it put right on top of your paper towel okay all right and then you're gonna season it with some salt and pepper as it's still nice and it's still a little bit wet from the canola oil the salt and pepper will actually adhere to it okay I'm salting I am peppering there you go a nice even coating you got that yep all right you're gonna take your your pepper sauce that's in your blender you still have that their blender yes okay awesome and you're gonna take your serving spoon that's in your canister there okay you're just gonna take a big spoonful of it and not in the center but just off-center you're just gonna let it and so I what I do is I pick up because it's like a perfect sauce consistency I picked the plate up a little bit and just kind of move the sauce with gravity nice and orange nice and smooth and just let the gravity move the sauce doesn't have to be perfect okay all right okay then you're going to take some of your balsamic glaze in the bottle there and you're just going to make some like semi circles or circles into the into the sauce and onto the plate so it's a really pretty to the sauce and separately yes very thin lines so it's almost like abstract like make it look like abstract you know contemporary art you know we went to the MoMA and this plate was on the wall okay I like this I shame it's like Jackson Pollock cake yeah exactly here's the technique for the for the pepper so you're staring at the pepper and you can see you still have the skewers in there right yeah so you're gonna take the edge of the pepper and you're gonna push it in about an eighth of an inch and then pull it out pull out the skewer yes push it in an eighth Finch and then pull it out okay just Ballou Singh it up now you just have a pepper without skewers right perfect so you're gonna take your pepper very gently and lift it on to the plate half the pepper into the sauce and half the pepper not on to the sauce and then I think we should do I think what we should do is take a couple of sprigs of cilantro and just drop the cilantro onto the plate as if it's falling from the clouds okay they're falling from the clouds and now we finished that's it all right Shane we done we're done I'll show you mine if you show me yours okay let's do it all right oh wow that's pretty cool yeah I've never seen a chile relleno like that before here it is ladies and gentlemen that looks much more artistic uh it's just different thank you what did you okay mushrooms are good whoa that's spicy how many chili did you put in there just one or the tablespoon or two tape whatever you said okay yeah I put them are you blaming it on me no I mean I'm I give this a taste okay I will that's kind of what you want it to look like taste the sauce put your for at forty my sauce Shane did something that I didn't think it was actually possible which was um he he created a section of a cornmeal crust that actually adhered to the pepper all by itself it was it's kind of magical I have to say thank you he's a magic cook\n"