The History of Classic Macintosh Operating Systems
Hey guys, it's Greg with Apple Explained, and today we're going to explore the history of the classic Macintosh operating system. MacOS is the modern operating system that powers every Macintosh computer, from the Mac mini to the iMac Pro. But the Classic Macintosh operating systems, Mac OS 9 and lower, is what we'll be focusing on in this video.
As part of Apple's goal of creating a computer with appliance-like simplicity, there was no distinction made between the operating system software and the hardware it ran on. Because of this, early versions of the operating system didn't have specific names. So version numbers of the operating system are based on the Finder and system file versions.
Macintosh System Software 1 was introduced alongside the original Macintosh 128K to much applause by Steve Jobs on January 24th, 1984. In fact, the round of applause that followed its introduction was one of the longest in recorded history. This initial iteration of the Mac operating system was simply called Macintosh System Software. Although it would later be referred to as Macintosh System Software 1 as new versions were released.
Many people have mistakenly claimed that this operation system was the first to feature a cursor with a graphical user interface. But that title belonged to the Apple LISA. System 1 introduced many features that would remain in later iterations even to this day. Some of those included the Finder, a file manager responsible for launching applications and the overall user management of files, disks, and network volumes.
The menu bar was also a new and revolutionary part of the operating system. Similar to the one found on the Lisa OS, the Macintosh menu bar had 5 basic headers when on the desktop: the Apple menu, File, Edit, View, and Special. Although the menu bar options would change depending on the application in use.
System 1 also featured seven desk accessories like the Alarm Clock, which could be used just like a real alarm. The computer would beep and the menu bar would flash when the alarm's set time was reached. It could also be used as an easier way to set the time and date on the computer. Second was a basic 10 button Calculator capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication.
Third, a Control Panel could be used to adjust some of the computer's settings like volume, double click speed, mouse sensitivity, and desktop background. On the Macintosh 128K, Macintosh 512K, and the Macintosh Plus, the screen brightness was controlled by a mechanical adjustment wheel beneath the screen. What made the original control panel unique from later versions was the absence of any text. Apple did this to demonstrate the graphical user interface.
Fourth was Key Caps, which was used to show the layout of the original Macintosh keyboard. Although it didn’t include keyboard shortcuts that could be achieved with modifier keys like shift, option, and command. Fifth was a Note Pad, that would save typed text onto the floppy disk, multiple note pages could also be written.
Sixth was a basic 15 piece slide Puzzle, similar to the picture puzzles found in later versions of the Mac OS. And finally, Scrapbook which was like a cut, copy, and paste library. You could store text selections and photos to transfer to other applications.
Applications available for purchase on the Macintosh included MacPaint, MacWrite, MacProject, MacTerminal, and Microsoft Word. A difference between desktop accessories and applications is that multiple desktop accessories could be run at once but only one application could run at a time. This is due to the limited amount of RAM and the lack of an internal hard disk in the original Macintosh.
Also, items in the Trash were permanently deleted when the computer was shut down or a new application was loaded. System 1's total size is about 216 KB and contained six files: System (which included the desk accessories), Finder, Clipboard, an Imagewriter printer driver, Scrapbook, and Note Pad. A separate floppy disk included additional files.
Overall, Macintosh System Software 1 marked the beginning of a new era in computer operating systems. Its innovative features and design paved the way for future generations of Mac operating systems.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey guys it’s Greg with Apple Explained,and today we’re going to explore the historyof the classic Macintosh operating system.Now MacOS is the modern operating system thatpowers every Macintosh computer, from theMac mini to the iMac Pro. But the ClassicMacintosh operating systems, Mac OS 9 andlower, is what we’ll be focusing on in thisvideo.As part of Apple's goal of creating a computerwith appliance-like simplicity, there wasno distinction made between the operatingsystem software and the hardware it ran on.Because of this, early versions of the operatingsystem didn’t have specific names. So versionnumbers of the operating system are basedon the Finder and system file versions.Macintosh System Software 1 was introducedalongside the original Macintosh 128K to muchapplause by Steve Jobs on January 24th, 1984.In fact, the round of applause that followedit’s introduction was one of the longestin recorded history.This initial iteration of the Mac operatingsystem was simply called Macintosh SystemSoftware. Although it would later be referredto as Macintosh System Software 1 as newerversions were released.Many people have mistakenly claimed that thisoperation system was the first to featurea cursor with a graphical user interface.But that title belonged to the Apple LISA.System 1 introduced many features that wouldremain in later iterations even to this day.Some of those included the Finder, a filemanager responsible for launching applicationsand the overall user management of files,disks, and network volumes.The menu bar was also a new and revolutionarypart of the operating system. Similar to theone found on the Lisa OS, the Macintosh menubar had 5 basic headers when on the desktop:the Apple menu, File, Edit, View, and Special.Although the menu bar options would changedepending on the application in use.System 1 also featured seven desk accessorieslike the Alarm Clock, which could be usedjust like a real alarm. The computer wouldbeep and the menu bar would flash when thealarm's set time was reached. It could alsobe used as an easier way to set the time anddate on the computer.Second was a basic 10 button Calculator capableof addition, subtraction, multiplication.Third, a Control Panel could be used to adjustsome of the computers settings like volume,double click speed, mouse sensitivity, anddesktop background. On the Macintosh 128K,Macintosh 512K, and the Macintosh Plus, thescreen brightness was controlled by a mechanicaladjustment wheel beneath the screen. Whatmade the original control panel unique fromlater versions was the absence of any text.Apple did this to demonstrate the graphicaluser interface.Fourth was Key Caps, which was used to showthe layout of the original Macintosh keyboard.Although it didn’t include keyboard shortcutsthat could be achieved with with modifierkeys like shift, option, and command.Fifth was a Note Pad, that would save typedtext onto the floppy disk, multiple note pagescould also be written.Sixth was a basic 15 piece slide Puzzle, similarto the picture puzzles found in later versionsof the Mac OS.and finally, Scrapbook which was like a cut,copy, and paste library. You could store textselections and photos to transfer to otherapplications.Applications available for purchase on theMacintosh included MacPaint, MacWrite, MacProject,MacTerminal and Microsoft Word.A difference between desktop accessories andapplications is that multiple desktop accessoriescould be run at once but only one applicationcould run at a time. This is due to the limitedamount of RAM and the lack of an internalhard disk in the original Macintosh. Also,items in the Trash were permanently deletedwhen the computer was shut down or a new applicationwas loaded.System 1's total size is about 216 KB andcontained six files: System (which includedthe desk accessories), Finder, Clipboard,an Imagewriter printer driver, Scrapbook,and Note Pad. A separate floppy disk included\"A Guided Tour of Macintosh\", which containedtutorial demonstrations of the Macintosh systemas well as training programs for learningto use the mouse and the Finder. Also includedwas a 33-minute audio cassette designed torun alongside the demonstrations as a complimentto the floppy disk.Systems 2-4 added helpful features to theMacintosh but none contained anything monumental.System 2 added support for AppleTalk whichallowed a local network of Macintosh computersto be connected without the need for a centralizedrouter or server. System 2 also introducedsupport for the LaserWriter and added a HierarchicalFile System which allowed file directoriesto be searched quickly regardless of size.System 3.0 was introduced with the MacintoshPlus, officially implementing HFS, 800K startupdrives, support for several new technologiesincluding SCSI and AppleShare, and Trash “bulging\"where the Trash icon would appear bulged whenfiles are added.System 4.0 was released with the MacintoshSE and System 4.1 first shipped with the MacintoshII—these new machines required softwaresupport for the first expansion slots, AppleDesktop Bus, internal hard drives, externalcolor displays and the first Motorola processor.As I said before, these OS releases can onlyrun one application at a time, except fordesk accessories, though special applicationshells such as Multi-Mac or Switcher couldwork around this.Towards the end of 1987, Apple introduceda package titled Apple Macintosh System SoftwareUpdate 5.0. For the first time, the Macintoshoperating system was offered as a distinctretail product that included four 800K disksand three manuals at a cost of $49 USD. Whilethe product box presented this update to theoperating system as \"version 5.0\", this numberdid not appear in the software itself. Threeof the four disks (System Tools 1, SystemTools 2 and Utilities 1) were all bootable,and the user could boot off of whichever floppycontained the tools the user needed. For example,System Tools 2 was the only disk with printerdrivers, and Utilities 1 was the only diskwith Disk First Aid and Apple HD Setup. Becausethe disks were named System Tools, users andthe press commonly referred to this versionas System Tools 5.0.The main feature of System 5 was MultiFinder,an extension which let the system run severalprograms at once. But users could choose todisable MultiFinder and stick with runningone application at a time.Also included with System 5 for the firsttime was Installer, a tool that could be usedto update a previous System folder to a newversion. Because Installer typically targeteda floppy disk, the user needed to indicatewhich Macintosh the floppy would be used on,so that the correct control panels could beincluded. Installer could also be used toupdate printer drivers.System Software 5 was available for a veryshort time and only in some countries, includingthe United States, Canada and some Europeancountries.System Software 6 is a consolidation releaseof the Macintosh system software, producinga complete, stable, and long-lasting operatingsystem.One of the few features introduced in System6 was a new utility called MacroMaker. Itallowed users to record mouse and keyboardinput as \"macros.\" MacroMaker had a uniqueuser interface which aimed to look and actlike a tape recorder. It was a great conceptbut left much to be desired. It was criticizedfor its lack of features when compared toMicrosoft's AutoMac III, which was alreadyavailable commercially.On May 13, 1991, System 7 was released. Itwas a major upgrade over System 6, addinga user interface overhaul, new applications,stability improvements and many new features.The System 7 era saw numerous changes in theMacintosh platform including a proliferationof Macintosh models. The 68k to Power Macintoshtransition as well as the rise of MicrosoftWindows. These changes, in addition to theinternet becoming popular, contributed torising computer usage and networking.One of the most significant features of System7 is virtual memory support, which previouslyhad only been available as a third-party add-on.Accompanying this was a move to 32-bit memory,necessary for the ever-increasing amountsof RAM available. To ease the transition,the \"Memory\" control panel contained a switchto disable the 32-bit feature, allowing forcompatibility with older applications.Other notable System 7 additions were built-incooperative multitasking and the ability tocreate aliases, similar to shortcuts thatwere introduced in later versions of MicrosoftWindows. System extensions were enhanced bybeing moved to their own subfolder, and inSystem 7.5, Apple included the ExtensionsManager. A previously third-party programwhich simplified the process of enabling anddisabling extensions.The Apple menu, previously limited to deskaccessories in System 6, was made more general-purpose:the user could now make frequently-used foldersand applications—or anything else they desired—appearin the menu by placing aliases to them inan \"Apple Menu Items\" subfolder. System 7also introduced AppleScript, a scripting languagefor automating tasks; 32-bit QuickDraw, supportingso-called \"true color\" imaging, previouslyavailable as a system extension; and TrueType,an outline font standard.The Trash under System 6 and earlier emptiesitself automatically when shutting down thecomputer or when launching an application,but in System 7, Trash became a special hiddenfolder allowing files to remain in it acrossreboots until the user deliberately chosethe \"Empty Trash\" command.Mac OS 8 was released on July 26, 1997, shortlyafter Steve Jobs returned to the company.It was mainly released to keep the Mac OSmoving forward during a difficult time forApple. Initially planned as Mac OS 7.7, itwas renumbered \"8\" to exploit a legal loopholeand accomplish Jobs's goal of terminatingthird-party manufacturers' licenses to System7 and shutting down the Macintosh clone market.Mac OS 8 added a number of features from theabandoned Copland project, while leaving theunderlying operating system unchanged. A multi-threadedFinder was included; so files could now becopied in the background. The GUI was changedin appearance to a new shaded greyscale looknamed Platinum, and the ability to changethe appearance themes (also known as skins)was added with a new control panel (thoughPlatinum was the only theme shipped).Apple sold 1.2 million copies of Mac OS 8in its first two weeks of availability and3 million within six months. Because of Apple'sfinancial difficulties at the time, therewas a large grassroots movement among Macusers to upgrade and \"help save Apple\". Evensome pirate groups refused to redistributethe OS.Mac OS 9, the last major revision of the classicMac OS, was released on October 23, 1999.It was a steady evolution from Mac OS 8 asearly development releases of Mac OS 9 werenumbered 8.7.Mac OS 9 added improved support for AirPortwireless networking and introduced an earlyimplementation of multi-user support. Althoughit wasn’t a true multi-user operating system,Mac OS 9 did allow multiple desktop usersto have their own data and system settings.An improved Sherlock search engine added severalnew search plug-ins. Mac OS 9 also providedimproved memory implementation and management.AppleScript was improved to allow TCP/IP andnetworking control. Mac OS 9 also includedan Apple Software Update feature to easilyfind and install updates for the operatingsystem and hardware.Other new features included on-the-fly fileencryption software with code signing andKeychain technologies, Remote Networking andFile Server packages, and a much improvedlist of USB drivers.Mac OS 9 also added some transitional technologiesto help application developers adopt someMac OS X features before the introductionof the new OS to the public to help ease thetransition. These included new APIs for thefile system and bundling of the Carbon librarythat apps could link against instead of thetraditional API libraries—apps that wereadapted to do this could be ran natively onMac OS X as well.The final update to the classic MacintoshOperating System was version 9.2.2, releasedon December 5, 2001.So that’s it guys, I hope you enjoyed thisHistory of the classic Macintosh OS. if youenjoyed the video don’t forget to leavea like, thanks for watching and I’ll seeyou next time.\n"