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Windows 11 Compatibility Nightmare
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Windows 11 is Coming, But Compatibility is a Nightmare
We have spent the last few days digging into Windows 11, and we finally got to talk to Microsoft. This makes no sense. If you're using a PC that's more than three years old, odds are, it is not compatible with Windows 11.
Everyone, pause. Cut the music. Let me just say that one more time: if you were using a PC that's just three years old, you might not be able to upgrade to the new version of Windows.
This is a massive shift. You can run Windows 10 on nearly 20-year-old, Pentium 4 processor. Don't think that you can stick with Windows 10 forever either. Microsoft has already set October 2025 as the end-of-life support for Windows 10.
The real story here is that even if you have a brand new PC personally, I think there's a very good reason to be concerned. Windows 11 is a fairly major upgrade, one that's free and not only brings a fresh coat of paint on the design side but also welcome changes under the hood for what really is the first brand new version of Windows since 2015.
We talked about some of this in our first Windows 11 video, which certainly wasn't based on a leaked build or anything. I actually discussed a lot of these with Panos Panay, the chief product officer of both devices and importantly Windows, on the most recent episode of my podcast.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Windows 11 is coming,but the compatibilityis a nightmare.So we have spent the last fewdays digging into Windows 11.And well, Microsoft, we got to talk.'Cause this (oof) makes no sense.If you're using a PC that'smore than three years old,odds are, it is notcompatible with Windows 11.Everyone pause. Cut the music.Let me just say that one more time.If you were using a PCthat's just three years old,you might not be able to upgradeto the new version of Windows.Now to put things in context,this is a massive shift.You can run Windows 10on nearly 20 year old,Pentium 4 processor.Now don't just think that you can stickon Windows 10 forever either.Microsoft have already set October 2025as the end of life support for Windows 10.The real story here is thateven if you have a brand new PCpersonally, I thinkthere's a very good reasonto be concerned.Before we get our pitchforks outlet's try to understandwhat's going on here.Windows 11 is a fairly major upgrade,one that's free and not onlyis there a fresh coat of painton the design side,but there are welcomechanges under the hoodfor what really is the firstbrand new version of Windowssince 2015.Now we talked about some of thisin our first Windows 11 videowhich certainly wasn't basedon a leaked build or anything.And I actually discussed alot of these with Panos Panay,the chief product officer of both devicesand importantly Windowson the most recent episodeof my podcast, "The TestDrivers" shameless plug.So reading into this a little closer,Microsoft claims thatWindows 11 is a big step upwith regards to security,almost more so than performance.Of course, Windows has had a long historyof being very heavily targetedby malware and viruses.So when you look at it from that side,it makes sense, right?This is a more secureversion of Windows 11.And if you're running 11 on your system,you need to have all of thesehardware security featuresbuilt in.This seems like a playtoward clearing the deckson older, less secure hardware,which does somewhat explainwhy they're currently targetingpretty much all systemsthat run Windows 10 to run Windows 11.But as soon as you take a closer lookat these specific CPU'sthat are supported,well, it's a pretty short list.According to Microsoft to runWindows 11 as of right now,you will need an eighth genIntel Core processor or newer.Ryzen 3000 or newer and Qualcomm850 and higher right now.Now to be fair, they aretesting seventh gen Intel Coreand Ryzen 1000 right now,but even so that is a prettydamn limited selection of CPUs.For context, one of my favorite statisticsis looking at this Steam hardware survey.As of right now, 96% of Steamgamers are running Windows 10.Now unfortunately,Steam doesn't break downthe exact CPU models,but over 50% of peoplehave either a dual or quad core processor.And considering that themost popular graphics cardis five-year-old GTX 1060,I bet you that the majorityof those gaming PCsare just simply too old to run Windows 11.So technically, any systemwith a one gigahertz,dual core 64 bit processor,four gigabytes of RAM,and 64 gigabytes of storage,should be capable of running Windows 11,which is slightly above whatyou need for Windows 10,but there is a big but.You also need a TPM 2.0 chip on board.Now this is a little security chip,either built into your CPU or motherboard,and it's used for thingslike securing passwords,encryption, making sureyou have device integrity,and it's standard onpretty much any systemfrom the last few years.Where you won't findit is on older systems.And that is the majorreason why so many computersjust simply will not be able to upgradeto Windows 11 right now.I don't think it's a stretch.That if Microsoft doesn't back downfrom these system requirementsand specifically that TPM 2.0 requirement,Windows 11 could besomething like Windows 8,an update that a lot of people skip.And eventually it causes peopleto just completely sour on the ideaof upgrading to Windows 11 entirely.So why would you want toupgrade to Windows 11?So the first and most obvious this thingis certainly some of the new stuffon the look side of things.So for now I've installedthe Windows 11 developer,insider build on thisMicrosoft Surface Laptop Go.This is by no means a high-endsystem, but importantly,it does meet all of the minimum specs,including having that allimportant TPM 2.0 module.Now, something that if you've only seen,some of those the leaked buildsthat we certainly didn't do anything on,but theoretically werefloating around the internet,- Yeah theoretically.- Theoretically, you wouldkind of miss some of the stuffthat's actually done on the UI side,because that was a very early build.So one of the thingsthat I really appreciateis the additional attention to detailwhen it comes to thingslike animations, right?So I'm gonna go full screen,I wanna go to the left,I wanna go to the right,everything is in a much more fluid mannerthan it was on Windows 10.With something like thesystems setting screenhas been entirelyredesigned for Windows 11.There are a lot of nice improvements here,but I think one of the thingsthat's most interesting to meis the kind of hardwarethat you can run this on.This is a Surface Laptop Go.However, something else thatcan actually run Windows 11is this, the HP Stream.- Oh God.- So the HP Stream is quiteliterally the minimum specallowed by Windows 11.You got a dual core,1.1 gigahertz processor,four gigs of RAM and 64 gigs of storage.Now of course though, theimportant thing to keep in mindis that this has thatall-important TPM 2.0 chip,which means that with some patience,I was able to get Windows11 up and running on herewithout any real difficulties.And my immediate thought isthis feels essentially the sameperformance wise as Windows 10.There's nothing here that makes me go,oh my God, it's so slow anymore than it did before.There's no scenario that I can imagine.The Microsoft can make the argumentthat they're dropping support for deviceslike this Surface Pro 5, which believe me,we tried to install Windows 11 on,but because even though ithas a seventh gen processor,it doesn't have the TPM support.It didn't work.There's no scenario that you can tell me.Their performance is thereason why so many systemsare going to losecompatibility with Windows 11.So Ken, why do you think the TPMis going to revolutionizemy Windows 11 experience?- Let's talk about thisfrom what we have out here today, right?Let's say you wanna go to astore and buy a Ryzen 5000 CPUlatest and greatest andsupported motherboard.Tell the audience what our biggest problemis here in the office,going to a store likeMicrocenter or Best Buy todayand getting our hardware to work.- It would be installing your CPU,trying to get your computerto boot for the first timeand it doesn't workentirely because the BIOSis not supporting that particular CPU.You can update it, but thenyou have to swap the chip.You have to take off your cooler.It's a bit of a mess and it's somethingwe have to deal with a lot.- And we have to dealwith that a lot today.Now imagine, a consumer goes into a store,buys Ryzen 5000, let's sayin the best case scenario,their motherboard works.But if it took this longfrom the launch of 5000to have some motherboards havethe BIOS to make that work,imagine, having Windows 11needing this to be a necessary thingin these boards to be enabled by default.And you're waiting for allof the motherboards in stockto be cycledand actually have thatautomatically enabled.Otherwise the consumer has todo a lot of work on their own,which I mean look benefit of the doubt,a lot of people thatwill build their own PCsmight find a way to make that work.But there are multiplepoints in this chainwhere this change is a lot.- One of the biggest sort of things to me,when you look at the contrast herewith the support for Windows 11is to look at what Apple is doing.Obviously, phones, computersare a little different,but the iPhone 6s is nowgoing into its seventh yearof support, right?Mac OS is right around that same time.Even with the Mac Pro it's actually closerto like eight or nine years.The reason, and I believe this,that Apple drop support for older devicesis because they don'tthink that the performanceis going to be up to the taskfor whatever kind of features they add.Now you can agree or disagree with that.I think there are certainly an argumentto be made that every operating systemshould just let you do your thing.It might not be recommended,but if I wanna try to load upthe latest version of Mac OSjust let me do it on anold system and if it sucksthat's on me, right?I do kind of subscribeto that train of thought.But if you're gonna remove older systems,do it for good reason like performancenot for some arbitrary reason,like "better security".Which, what?- As you mentioned earlier in the video,when an HP Stream,that is probably one ofthe wimpiest computersthat we've ever seen, for sale today,is more better supported for Windows 11than a 1000 series Ryzen.- It's crazy town.- It's absolutely crazy.And just because of one little tiny chip,and they haven't even clearly definedthe whole security thing is with TMP.So it's like TPM,- It's fine. It's fine.- I don't even, it doesn't even matter.- We're like 30 minutes in this videoand we still can't keep it straight.- I hate this whole thing.It's just...- Look. I'm gonna just laymy cards on the table here.I don't think this is a big surprise.I don't think thispolicy is going to hold.I think Microsoft is gettingway more backlash on thisthan they're gonna bewilling to sort of take.And my thought is, they'regoing to relax the restriction.They're gonna recommend TPM 2.0,maybe some features will be locked behind it.- This is more trouble than it's worth.- Absolutely.- Like granted, again,this is all coming up onthe fact that we're talkingabout something thatisn't even in beta yet.This is just dev preview.- But the operating systemitself is actually pretty closeto the RTM like release.A lot of what I think they'redoing between now and October,whenever Windows 11 comes outis more of like the littlebug fixing and the patches,but like the actual core operating system,as far as I understand,is pretty close to whatwill be shipping later.- Yeah.- Just, look, if you're Microsoft,you've been riding a great waveof positivity lately, right?And I mean, we both said itafter watching theWindows 11 launch event,wow, there's a lot of great stuff coming.They have so many of these good guy movesof like all their stuff they're doingwith the Android apps andwith the Microsoft store,or Windows store and everything.Why would they throwthat away on somethingas arbitrary as this.- Consumers will just seethis version of Windowsdoes not work with my computer.In worst case, you bought that computeror built that computer thisyear, and it just doesn't work.These things aren't cheap either.- No. Like a PC should lastyou five years minimum,6, 7, 8 years.I mean, these are alltotally what the hardwareis capable of.And it's totally what I mean,you look at something thatlaunched with Windows 10.I mean, that was 2015.Like stuff is old and yetstill runs it completely fine.Like it's not a performance thing.It's a completely boneheaded policy thing.- And let me throw athing that Matt thrown inin another conversation thatwe were having about this.This is the worst time todo stuff like this, right?It's not easy to buycomputer hardware period.Whether it's a laptop or desktop,the chip shortage is crazy all around.And we're not even talkingabout how much these TPMmodules cost in the aftermarket.- Even if your system iscapable of taking one,'cause a lot of systems,is a little questionableon whether your motherboard supports it,whether your CPU supports it.It gets very, very complicatedto actually know if this isall gonna be up and running.Most be like whatever.So very curious, what doyou think about Windows 11?And do you think Microsoftwill stick with this decisionor will they backtrack and allow anyoneto essentially install Windows 11?I'm very curious to see what you thinkin the comments below.Also make sure to goand check out my episodeof the Test Drivers with Panos Panaywhere unfortunately we recorded with himbefore learning all this stuff.I'd love to ask him aboutit now, but check that out.And until next time,Ken, will you play us outwith a wonderful ode toWindows of ye olden days?(mimics Windows shutdown sound)That was beautiful.- Thank you.- There's a tear in my eye now.