iOS 14.5 Beta 2 is Out! - What's New

**Testing iOS 14.5 Beta 2: Performance and Features**

As I was testing iOS 14.5 beta 2, I encountered some initial issues with touch input. On multiple occasions, when I tapped on photos or other elements, it didn't seem to work properly. However, after a few attempts, the issue resolved itself, and everything seemed to be back to normal. It's worth noting that this might be related to touch input issues, but for now, the screen smoothness seems okay, and the lag when closing an app has also decreased. In beta 1, I experienced more significant lag, which took a few days to resolve.

Moving on to performance, I was pleased to see that it's generally okay. The iPad Pro 12.9 from 2020, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 11, and iPhone 12 Pro Max all performed well in various tests. Playing games like Minecraft didn't seem to cause any issues, which is a good sign. Some users were experiencing app crashes before the beta release, but it appears that these issues have been addressed.

Geekbench scores are also promising, with the iPad Pro 12.9 from 2020 scoring 1,603 for single-core and 4,090 for multi-core, making it one of the highest-scoring devices in this test. The iPhone 11 scored lower on single core but higher on multi-core compared to beta 1. After installing iOS 14.5 beta 2, I ran a Geekbench test, which showed significant improvement.

To give you an idea of how these devices compare, I've included a list of the devices tested, in order from oldest to newest: iPad Pro 12.9 from 2020, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 11, and iPhone 12 Pro Max. If you have similar or newer devices, your benchmarks are likely to be even better.

**Public Release and Future Updates**

As for the public release of iOS 14.5, I would expect one within the next two weeks, possibly earlier. Apple usually releases a public update shortly after a beta release is no longer signed by Apple. The latest watchOS 7.3.1 update was released yesterday, addressing an issue with charging on certain Apple watches. However, there has been no iOS 14.5 public release yet.

It's possible that the two-week cycle we've experienced in recent releases will continue. If so, we can expect a public update sometime between now and next week. I'll be sure to let you know as soon as I have more information.


Testing iOS 14.5 beta 2 has been generally positive, with some minor issues addressed before the end of the testing period. Performance is good, and features seem to be working as expected. As always, if there are any major updates or changes, I'll make sure to let you know in a follow-up video later this week.

If you'd like to get your hands on this wallpaper, it's available in the description of this video. And if you haven't subscribed already, please take a moment to do so. If you enjoyed watching this video, be sure to give it a like as always. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.

**Additional Information**

* The author tested iOS 14.5 beta 2 on various devices, including the iPad Pro 12.9 from 2020, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 11, and iPhone 12 Pro Max.

* Geekbench scores were used to evaluate performance, with the iPad Pro 12.9 from 2020 scoring 1,603 for single-core and 4,090 for multi-core.

* The author experienced some minor touch input issues but noted that they resolved themselves after a few attempts.

* Performance was generally good, with no significant lag or issues when playing games like Minecraft.

* Some users were experiencing app crashes before the beta release, but it appears that these issues have been addressed.

* A public release of iOS 14.5 is expected within the next two weeks, possibly earlier than initially anticipated.

* The author will provide updates on any major changes or features in a follow-up video later this week.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHi, everyone.Aaron here for Zollotech and today Applereleased iOS 14.5 developer beta 2.This is available to developers aswell as public beta testers soon.Usually by the time this video is out,it's being released topublic beta testers.And if it is I'll let you know in thecomments below. This came in at 682.6megabytes on my iPhone 12 Promax and itwas between 600 and 700 megabytes on theiPhone 11 iPad pro 12.9 from2020 and iPhone success.Plus now Apple also releasediPad OSTP 14.5 beta 2,watch OS 7.4 beta 2,as well as tvOS 14.5 beta 2 atleast at the time of this video,there's no update to macro Sas far as betas yet either.Now let's go ahead and take a look atthe build number and talk about what'snew. So we'll go to settings, thenwe'll go to general than about,and we'll tap on the softwareversion. And as you can see,the build number is 18E five one five four F.And as we get closer to the letter, a itmeans we're closer to a final release.So I would expect a few more betas.Now this particular updatedoes have a modem update in it.So if you have an iPhone 12 Pro Max andyou're going from beta one to beta two,for example, there will be a modem update.Also when you go into your settingsand then you go to software update,you'll see that they changed the textback before there was a new dialogue here.They've changed it back to justsimply iOS 14.5. iOS is up to date.So let me know if you like the old oneor this one that they brought back alittle bit better. It does look likethey've changed the font a little bit,but other than that, there's nothingdifferent. Now in this update,there are 217 new emojis.So Apple has added support forUnicode 13.1. You can see in messages,there's some new emojis. So there's ahead in the clouds are facing the clouds,exhaling in a face withdizzying eyes, heart on fire.There's beards for different genders.And there's much more thanwhat I'm showing here,but these are just some of themthere'll be added eventually,but you can see there's even headphonesthat have been changed to AirPods Max,as well as a syringe.That looks a little bit different beforeit had a little bit different look toit. So they've updated emoji alongwith a bunch of other ones as well.And Apple just does that to comply withUnicode standards that everyone elsedoes as well as Android and windowsand those things on Mac as well.And so the next new featurehas to do with music.So if we go into music and then we picka song, for example, and on that song,if maybe we slide here,you'll see that we have some new optionsand these are basically play next.You'll see it says playing next. If weslide again, you can have it play last.And if we slide this way, we havedownload in garbage. Like we always did.So nothing terribly new there,but it is a slight change as well aswhen you're in a song playing the song.If you tap on the three dots for the menu,the animation looks a little bitdifferent, so it's a slight change,but it's a nice change as well.So those things are changed within themusic app. Now, if we go into shortcuts,there's an update as well.So we go to shortcuts,maybe we create a new shortcut,and then we add an action.We can search for screenshot. Nowthere's a new update to screenshot.So maybe we want to create shortcutsthat take screenshots and save those.We can now do that. Sothere's a new option for that.So it's a nice little change thatI think people will appreciate.If you're trying to maybe savesomething online with a shortcut. Now,if we go to home here and maybe youhave a mag safe adapter, accessory,not necessarily the charging accessory,but maybe an Apple wallet. For example,Noah confirmed this for me.If you have an Apple walleton here and you remove it,there's a new hapticfeedback to the phone.So if you have the mag safe wallet onhere or mag safe accessories, remove them,it should give you a little bit of anew haptic feedback that wasn't therebefore. Now, if we go over to Apple,watch we go into the watchapp here under the watch app.If we go to accessibility and scroll down,there's a new accessibility optionfor headphone notifications.So we now have the option to turnthat off if we don't want headphonenotifications on our watch. So thatoption has been added under the watch app.Of course, you have to have anApple watch for that to work. Now,also with the Apple watch the Apple watchwhen you unlock using a face mask hasa nice little animation or alittle notification on your watch.And this is what it looked likebefore with beta one with beta two,they've added a little icon with alock here that looks like your phone.So thanks to Noah for sendingthis in and finding this.So you'll see it looked like this before.They've updated it to look a littlebit different with a new icon.And that shows up on your watch whenyou unlock your phone using a face mask.So that's been changed now,if we go into settings andthen we go to notifications,scroll all the way to thebottom to our government alerts,you'll see it says emergencyalerts. If we tap on that,we have some slight wording changeshere. It says when always deliver is off,emergency alerts will not play asound. When iPhone is in silent mode,there's just been some slightchanges to this overall,and it's been updated nothing major,but there is a slight update to that.And that's everything thatwe can physically see,but there is some code changes as well.So things you can't see for futureproducts like air tags, for example,in the find my app, if you usethat, when you have air tags,when that's available, hopefully in March,there's a new wording in there forfuture third-party item trackers.And basically what it says isthese are items that aren't yours,but have been seen with you fora continuous amount of time.So basically saying that it's attachedto someone else and it's letting youknow, you may havesomeone else's belonging.So that's kind of interesting when wesee air tags, it should be in there. Now,additionally, in the code,when looking at battery healthunder optimized battery charging,there's mention of a battery pack.So we're not sure if they're referringto a smart battery case that may becoming in the future or maybesomething else at this point,we don't really know,but it's under the optimizedcharging section within the code.So hopefully we'll see somethinglike that in the future.I know a lot of people havebeen wanting a battery pack.Also there's an update forprivacy for iPad specifically.So for iPad, eighth generationiPad, air fourth generation iPad,pro 11th,11 inch second-generationand iPad pro 12.9 inchfourth-generation.Now it will mute the built-in microphonewhen its SmartFolio is closed.So if you're using a smartfolio case and you close it,it will actually mute the microphone.So it cannot record when that caseis closed. So the iPad with iPad,iOS 14.5 beta two gets all thechanges I mentioned already,but also gets that additional safetyfeature or privacy feature if you have asmart folio case.So that's always nice that they'llmute the microphone by default.It's always nice to have that.They're physically doing thaton MacBooks these days as well.So it's nice to have thatadditional privacy. Now,there are some resolvedissues as well in this update,and you'll be glad to hear that most ofthe green tint issues are fixed as wellas the blinking screen when you're ona dark screen and maybe playing videossuch as HDR video, however, somepeople are still having this.So if I go into Twitter andyou can see this is from jury,and when he's on a dark screen,it's mostly not green until hegoes to something very bright.So it's showing on specific circumstancesand then someone else confirmed asimilar issue as well. Now Demetrius alsohas green tint, but only if he turns,reduce white point all the way up andthen reduces the brightness to 40%,then it shows up with green tint. Hewas able to take this photo and show it.It's a little bit blurry,but it gives you the idea ofa slight green tint there.So some people are still experiencing it,but you're not seeing it when you rebootthe phone where you would see greenaround the outside edge. So that hasbeen resolved, which is always nice.Also on those green tinted screens,the blacks look absolutely black.Now they're not highlighted orlooked like an LCD backlit display.So that's really nice.Also I've found that airdropseems to be working much better.It connects faster now. So maybe I'llsend a photo from here to my iPhone, 11,let's go and send this photo to, let'ssee my devices here. I iPhone 11,you'll see it connects right awayand then sends the photo over here.So it's nice and fast asfar as airdropped now.And I've tested it across all thedevices, which is really nice.It was very slow before, andit seems to be fixed. Now,in addition to the issues I alreadymentioned that are somewhat fixed with thegreen tent and airdrop. For example,there are 17 resolved issues mentionedin the notes and one of them is forCarPlay. So for example,or two of them are for CarPlayvehicles can now start CarPlay.If the user's iPhone is set toshare contacts over CarPlay,and you can now use Siri to share yourestimated time of arrival as expected.So before those weren't working,also, if you're using maps,you can now share locations tonotes and reminders as expected,and there's pointer improvementson the iPad, for example.So there's been additional changesand fixes as well as a few others.One of the things thatis not fixed though,is the charging animationfor magsafe, for example.So if I turn the display off, put iton the MagSafe charger, you'll see.It just shows the normal battery charging.The animation for chargingis no longer there.I assume this will be fixed in updatesas it should be there with iPhone12. For example,there's also two known issuesthat Apple States in their notes,one of them has to do with the iPad pro11 inch first-generation and later iPadpro 12.9 inch, third generation.And later you're unable to use externaldisplays using a USBC digital AVMultiport adapter. This wasstill there in beta one,and it's there with beta two.And there's another small known issuethat has to do with code and development.For example, now, as far asbattery life on the betas,I would say that it's okay.Normally it will take a few days to knowwhat battery life is actually. Like.I can only show you the battery life ofhow it's been on beta one for the pastcouple of weeks. And so ifwe look at the past 10 days,we'll take a look at yesterday.It was bad battery life,one hour and 49 minutes of screen on time,three hours and 59 minutesof screen off time.And I used almost 50% of my battery life.This seems to vary greatlydepending on the day. So you'll see,I used 50% of my battery life one dayand had almost four hours of screen ontime or three hours and 46 minutes ofscreen on time. So it varies greatly.Most people are saying it's decent. Thebattery life on the beta. It is a beta.So I wouldn't expect amazing batterylife, but being an early beta,I would expect it to be okay.And it seems to be getting eight to10 hours on my 12 pro max for me,most of the time, not always the iPadwith battery has been really bad.So hopefully they fix that in the future.Also battery health for me isat 100%, like I've said before,battery health is notaffected by the update.It's just rechecking somefiles that the phone measures,the physical capabilityof the battery and back.So hopefully they'll keep that updatedso that it's optimized battery chargingis working properly and yourmaximum capacity is accurate.That's the main thing is I don'tthink this is always accurate. Now,other than that performanceso far seems okay.There were a few times when I was tryingto record this video at the beginningwhen I was tapping on photos, for example,and it didn't seem to workproperly when I tapped.So maybe there's some touch inputissues so far it's okay right now,but screen smoothness seems okay.And that lag when you close an app,it usually takes a coupleof days to show up.It definitely was there with beta one.We'll have to wait and seeif it's there with beta two.So I'm not sure about that,but performance seems okay.And I wanted to show youperformance on the success.Plus since it's one of the oldest devices,so we'll open music for the firsttime, you'll see what it did there,it had a song open. It's still loading,pulling from wifi andwell it's smooth at least.And that was the firsttime I opened it there.Maybe we'll try opening weather andyou'll see it kind of blinked their music,did the same sort of thing as itreloaded. We go into the app store,for example seems okay.So in general it seems likethe performance is okayand the geekbench scoresseem to reflect that as well. Now,if we take a look at geekbench on my 12 pro max,you can see it scored1,603 for single core,4,090 for multi-core.So that's pretty good.It's actually the highestI've had for single core.It's not the highest ormulti-core, but it's very close.If we go back and takea look at the history,you can see here February 16this down here for some reason.So 40 90 is what we had from multi-core.If we look at what we hadwith beta one, we had 4,111,but single core was lower at1,598 versus what we have now with1,603. So right after installing this,I did the geek bench test and that'spretty good for right after installing it.So I would expect the multi-corescore to improve a little bit.Let's take a look at all ofthese devices. On the far left,we have the iPad pro 12.9 from 2020followed by the iPhone six S plus,then the iPhone 11, then the iPhone 12pro backs. And like I've said before,this should give you a generalidea of what to expect.If you have devices that are thesame or somewhere in between this.So if you're running it, those,those benchmarks expected to have similaror better performance depending onyour scores.So overall everything looks to be goodand playing games like Minecraft andthings don't seem to be a problem.And some people were havingissues with app crashing before,but it seems to improve,but some apps may need to be updatedif you're having those issues. Now,as far as iOS 14.4 0.1or a public release,I would expect one of those verysoon since we had iOS 14.3 beingno longer signed by Apple. And usuallywhen that happens within two weeks,Apple will release apublic release yesterday.They released a release for watchOS 7.3.1,which was only for the series fiveApple watch and S E Apple watch.And that was to addressan issue with charging.So that's been resolved with that update,but they didn't release any iOS publicupdates, which I expected today,or maybe a little bit later this week.Of course we could still be on a twoweek cycle with iOS 14.5 beta two,for example. So we could see it in twoweeks from now or one week from now.It depends on how many betasApple actually has planned.So we'll know that in abouta week or so. And we'll,of course I'll let youknow, as soon as I know.And so we could know as soon asthe 23rd, if there's a beta three,if there's any major issues with thisone, we could know later this week.And then also we could knowas soon as the 2nd of March.So I won't know that of course, untilwe have more information next week,as far as the public release again,I would expect something this week.So that's it for iOS 14.5beta 2. Now of course,if there's a bunch of otherupdates or changes or features,I'll be sure to keep you updated witha followup video later this week.If you'd like to get yourhands on this wallpaper,of course I'll link it in thedescription like I normally do.And if you haven't subscribedalready, please subscribe.And if you enjoyed the video,please give it a like, as always.Thanks for watching. This isAaron. I'll see you next time.\n"