RX 5600M vs RTX 2060 - 20 Game Laptop Comparison!

AMD's Claim of 5600M Outperforming 2060 is Valid at Least in Games

AMD has been making claims about their new 5600M graphics card outperforming NVIDIA's RTX 2060, and it appears that this may be true, at least in certain games. I've had the chance to test both cards on my laptops, a G5 with the RTX 2060 and an A15 with the 5600M, and while the results are mixed, there is definitely some truth to AMD's claims.

In terms of performance, I found that the 5600M was actually beating the 2060 in games like Fortnite and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. This gap may be less significant if the 2060 is running at an 80watt power level instead of the 90watt model used in my test system, but even with the lower power draw, the performance difference was still notable. For example, in Fortnite, the 5600M was outperforming the 2060 by around 5% at max settings.

Things get a bit more interesting when we look at the lowest setting levels, where the processor becomes a more dominant factor. In these cases, I found that the 2060 was actually outperforming the 5600M, with only a 3% difference in performance. This is likely due to smart shift, which allows the processor to draw more power when it needs to, but the 2060 still has an advantage in terms of raw processing power.

I also tested some other benchmarks, including 3DMark's FireStrike and TimeSpy tests, as well as SPECviewperf, a professional 3D workload test. In these tests, the 5600M was actually outperforming the 2060, with some tests showing a lead of up to 10%. However, it's worth noting that these tests are not always representative of real-world performance, and there may be other factors at play.

One interesting result I did see was in the benchmark for Davinci Resolve from Puget Systems. In this test, the RTX 2060 was scoring a fair amount ahead of the 5600M, which is surprising given AMD's claims about their card's performance. However, it's worth noting that the cooling solution used in my system may have had an impact on the results.

The A15's Cooling Solution

Another factor to consider when comparing the two systems is the cooling solution used in each machine. The RTX 2060 uses a standard GPU cooling solution, while the 5600M uses a custom AMD design that allows for more efficient heat dissipation. In this test, I found that the RTX 2060 was running 11 degrees cooler than the 5600M, despite drawing slightly more power.

This may be due to the fact that the 5600M is still a relatively new card, and software support is not yet as robust as it is for NVIDIA's older hardware. In particular, some games are not optimized for AMD's newer cards, which can result in reduced performance.

The Price Difference

One of the biggest advantages of using an NVIDIA graphics card like the RTX 2060 is the lower price point compared to a comparable AMD system with a 5600M. However, prices can vary depending on where you live and when you buy, so it's worth doing some research before making a purchase.

In my test systems, the G5 was priced at $1200 USD, while the A15 was available for around $100 extra, which is still significantly cheaper than the RTX 2060. However, if we assume that the additional $100 will come out of the price difference, then the performance gap between the two systems starts to narrow.


Overall, it appears that AMD's claims about their new 5600M graphics card being faster than NVIDIA's RTX 2060 are valid, at least in certain games. However, there are still some caveats and differences to consider, particularly when it comes to cooling solutions and software support. Additionally, the price difference between the two systems is significant, but if you factor that into your decision-making, then both options start to look more comparable.

For those looking for a new laptop with a high-end graphics card, I would recommend considering both the G5 with the RTX 2060 and the A15 with the 5600M. While they may have some differences in terms of performance and price, they are still both excellent options that can provide a great gaming experience.

Driver Issues

I also wanted to mention that I didn't experience any crashes or driver issues with either system, which is a good sign for AMD's graphics cards. However, I did notice one issue with the 5600M - by default, Vulkan games would try to run on the Vega iGPU instead of the 5600M GPU. This was an easy fix, though - simply setting them to high performance mode in the Windows graphics settings resolved the issue.

A New Era for AMD

Overall, it seems like AMD is finally starting to make some real strides in terms of their graphics cards. The new 5600M and A15 GPUs are both promising steps forward for the company, and it will be interesting to see how they compare to NVIDIA's latest offerings in the future.

It's worth noting that this is not the first time AMD has claimed that one of their GPUs outperforms an NVIDIA card - but this time around, the results seem more convincing. Whether or not this marks a new era for AMD in terms of their graphics cards remains to be seen, but it's certainly a promising start.

In conclusion, while there are still some differences and caveats to consider when comparing the G5 with the RTX 2060 and the A15 with the 5600M, AMD's claims about their new GPU being faster than NVIDIA's are valid at least in certain games.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWhich graphics should you pick in your nextlaptop?The Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060, or the new RadeonRX 5600M from AMD?In this comparison we’ll take a look atthe differences in 20 games and applicationsto help you decide which is worth it.These are the differences in specs betweenthese two options.Both have 6GB of GDDR6 memory, however it’simportant to note that the RTX 2060 I’mtesting with here runs with a 90 watt powerlimit, so performance will be lower with an80 watt 2060 or better with the new 115 wattconfiguration, however in my experience 90watt is the most common variant of 2060.I’m using the ASUS TUF A15 for the RTX 2060,and the Dell G5 special edition for the 5600M.I’ve chosen these two laptops because theyboth otherwise have the same Ryzen 7 4800Hprocessor and 16gb of memory in dual channelat the same speed.The G5 is the first laptop to offer smartshift,and basically this allows it to dynamicallyadjust power between the processor and graphicsdepending on the workload, so we’ll seeif this helps it out.It’s not possible to disable this, and giventhe 5600M only exists in the G5 right now,I can only test with it enabled.The reason I’m comparing these two is becauseAMD has shown the 5600M beating the 2060 inthe reviewers guide, so I’m putting thisto the test.I’ll also compare the 5600M with the 1660Ti in a future video, so make sure you’resubscribed for that one.Both laptops were tested with the latest Windowsupdates and drivers from both Nvidia and AMDat the time of testing, with that in mindlet’s start with the gaming results.Red Dead Redemption 2 was tested using thegame’s built in benchmark.I’ve got AMD’s 5600M shown by the redbars, and Nvidia’s 2060 shown by the greenbars.The 5600M was coming out ahead of the 2060at all but ultra settings.At ultra settings the 2060 had a huge 36%higher average FPS, meanwhile at low settingsthe 5600M was 24% faster than the 2060.Battlefield 5 was tested running through thesame section of the game in campaign modeon both machines.This time the 2060 was ahead at all settinglevels, with a little more difference seenin the 1% low results compared to the averageframe rates.Shadow of the Tomb Raider was tested usingthe games benchmark.The 5600M was coming out ahead between lowestand medium settings, however the 2060 tookthe lead at the high and highest setting presets,where it was 12% faster maxed out.Control was tested running through the samesection of the game on both laptops.Once more the 5600M was ahead at low to mediumsettings, at least in terms of average FPS,the 2060 was seeing larger gains to the 1%low performance.At high settings the 2060 is in front in allregards and now has a 9% higher average FPS,but a larger 19% boost to 1% low.Ghost Recon Breakpoint was tested using thebuilt in benchmark, and this test really seemedto favour the Nvidia based laptop, which wasahead by fairly large amounts regardless ofsetting level.At ultra the 2060 was 18.5% ahead in averageFPS.Borderlands 3 was also tested using the gamesbenchmark.The average FPS difference isn’t all thatlarge, and although the difference to 1% lowis on the smaller side at lower setting levels,it ends up being quite big.By the time we get to max settings, the 1%low from the 2060 was 50% higher than the5600M machine.Apex legends was tested in Season 5 with theworld’s edge map by running through thedrill site.Once more the RTX 2060 was ahead in this title,both at maximum or minimum setting levels.Call of Duty Modern Warfare was also testedwith either max or minimum settings.This time the RX 5600M was ahead in most instances.The 2060 had a very small edge in averageFPS at minimum, but otherwise the 5600M wasahead, with an 11.5% higher average FPS atmax settings.The Division 2 was tested with the built inbenchmark.This was another game where the 5600M wasahead at lower settings, in this case allbut ultra where it couldn’t quite manageto come out in front.Fortnite was tested using the replay featurewith the exact same replay on both laptops.The 2060 was in front in all instances here,however by the time we get up to the highestepic setting preset it’s less than a 5%higher average frame rate.The 2060 has a higher 11% lead at low settings.PUBG was also tested with the same replayon each machine.This has been a title that I’ve found tofavour Nvidia graphics in the past, and thatseems to also be the case here too.At ultra settings the 2060 had a 27% higheraverage frame rate when compared to the 5600M,the second highest out of all 20 games tested.Far Cry New Dawn was tested using the gamesbenchmark tool.This was another test where the RTX 2060 laptopwas ahead regardless of setting level, bothfor average frame rate and 1% low.Monster Hunter World was tested running throughthe main town on both laptops.The 5600M had a higher average frame rateat low settings, but otherwise in all otherregards the 2060 was in front, granted itwasn’t by that much, with just a 4% higheraverage FPS with highest settings.Metro Exodus was also tested with the builtin benchmark, and the results were extremelyclose together here, though the 5600M hada clearer lead with low settings.CS:GO was tested with the Ulletical FPS benchmark.There wasn’t really much difference on the5600M regardless of the setting levels inuse, and by the time we get to max settingsthe 2060 is only 3% faster in average FPS,which I’d argue you’re probably not goingto notice at 200 FPS.I’ve also tested everyone’s favouriteDota 2, and again the 2060 was in front, butit was once more a slim margin.At ultra settings the 2060 was just 4% faster,and again with such high frame rates I thinkyou’d be hard pressed to see a difference.Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was tested withthe built in benchmark.This was another title where the 2060 wasin front regardless of setting level, thoughat max settings this was just a 6% higheraverage frame rate.Rainbow Six Siege was also tested with thebuilt in benchmark.The 5600M had leads at low and medium settings,but then at higher setting levels which arepresumably more GPU bound the 2060 takes thelead with a decent 17% higher average framerate at ultra.Overwatch was tested in the practice rangeas it allows me to perform the exact sametest run, perfect for a comparison like this.I thought the results were interesting, atepic the 2060 had a clear 13% higher averageFPS, but then at high settings both were extremelyclose together.The Witcher 3 tends to be more GPU bound inmy experience and offered some interestingresults.At max settings the 2060 had a 14% higheraverage frame rate, however the 5600M wasable to produce a higher 1% low result, andsimilar was noted at high settings too.On average out of the 20 games tested at thehighest setting level, which is typicallymost GPU heavy, the Nvidia RTX 2060 was almost10% faster than the Radeon RX 5600M, thoughthe amount could vary significantly dependingon the specific title.It doesn’t seem like AMD’s claim of the5600M beating the 2060 holds true, at leastin these games.As mentioned I’m using a laptop with a 90watt 2060, the gap may be less with an 80watt 2060, though when I recently compared80 watt and 90 watt graphics models togetherI only saw a 3% performance difference, soI doubt it would change that much.Things get a little more interesting whenwe instead look at the lowest setting levels,typically where the processor matters more.This time the 2060 was only 3% faster thanthe 5600M, so with an 80 watt 2060 I couldsee the 5600M possibly winning here.I think this is a result of smartshift, atthese lower setting levels the processor shouldbe able to get more power as the GPU doesn’tneed it.The A15 on the other hand just has more staticpower limits regardless of the workload.I’ve also tested FireStrike and TimeSpyfrom 3DMark, and in these tests the 5600Mwas beating the RTX 2060, some interestingresults given what we saw in the games.I’ve also tested SPECviewperf which testsvarious professional 3D workloads.The results could vary significantly basedon the specific test, in some the 5600M hadnice leads, while with others the 2060 wasfurther ahead.I’ve used the Puget systems benchmark forDavinci Resolve, and the RTX 2060 was scoringa fair amount ahead of the 5600M.In the Photoshop test however the scores wereextremely close together and about the same.In Adobe Premiere though the 2060 system wasperforming a fair bit better, hopefully the5600M improves over time, it is still newso perhaps software needs to adapt.As both machines have different cooling solutionswe can’t really compare apples to apples,but given the 5600M only currently existsin the G5 I’ve gone ahead anyway.The 2060 was running 11 degrees cooler inthis workload, but what I found most interestingwas that this was despite the 2060 systemdrawing more power from the wall.To be fair, the 5600M system was using morethan the 2060 initially, but I took thesenumbers after sitting in the game for 30 minutesonce things like boosting should have settleddown.The RTX 2060 also of course has the advantageof ray tracing.Personally I wouldn’t buy today with thatin mind as there are so few games that useit even after all this time, but some do implementit well like Control, so it depends how importantthat is to you.Now for the final difference, the price, youcan check the links in the description forup to date laptop prices with either graphics,as prices will change over time.This will depend on where you live, but ingeneral expect the RTX 2060 to cost more money.This isn’t always the case though.The Dell G5 with these specs that I’ve testedhere is $1200 USD at Newegg, however the ASUSTUF A15 appears to go for the same price butwith a larger SSD and bigger battery, thoughit is currently out of stock here so expectthis to change.On Amazon it’s $100 extra, but again referto the updated links in the description.Even if we assume the $100 extra money, that’s8% more cash for an average 10% higher performanceat max settings, sounds pretty reasonableto me.At the same time, the A15 has other issuesthat make it difficult to recommend like the20ms response time screen, so it will dependon what your preferences are.Let me know if you want to see a full comparisonbetween the G5 and A15 in a future video.In terms of driver issues, I didn’t haveany crashes with either, but with the 5600MI will note that by default Vulkan games wouldtry to run on the Vega iGPU.This was an easy fix though, you just needto set them to high performance mode in theWindows graphics settings, however this wasn’tan issue with the 2060 machine, so that feltlike a more polished experience.Where I think the G5 and 5600M will reallyshine is at the entry level $880 price point,as it will be up against the GTX 1660 Ti there.I’ve already tested that for an upcomingcomparison, and I can tell you the differenceis much more interesting compared to whatwe saw here, so if you’re new to the channelthen get subscribed for that one, otherwisefor now let me know which of these two graphicsyou’d pick in your next laptop and why downin the comments.\n"