Gnomies - #Geek Conversations

I'm Just Not Much of a Gamer and I'd Rather Have the Stuff Sitting Here Even If It Was Just a Figure Than Anything Else Uh You Know Other Than That I'm Just Not I Don't Know Can't It It's Really It Takes a Lot for Me to Get Into Gaming That's The Yeah I Don't Know If You Saw My Home Office or All the Games I Have But I Am a Serious Gamer I Am a Serious Gamer I Have Like I Don't Know How Many Shelves of Games It's Not Even Funny It's Not a Bad I Do Too I I Gotta Get Rid of I've Been Trying to Get Of Them There's Some Stuff I Do Got To Get Rid Of I Did Actually Just Get Rid of a I Sold a Sega Ain for Like 120 Bucks I Think on eBay Somebody Wanted It and I Wasn't Playing It Anymore Over the 56k Line It Had Uh I Think There Was The Whole Reason I Got It Was For a Dragon Ball Z Game That You Could it Was an Import That Was The Whole Reason I Got It Yeah I Had Some Weird Priorities Back Then Yeah Is Running with the Lightsaber Is Just I Don't Run Around With This Just Just To Let You Know I Do Not Run Around I Don't Go to Work with It or Anything Like I Think My Boss Would Be Like You Know What Dude You Could Just Work from Home Every Day Don't Come in Here Anymore You Scar Me Wait Hang On Troy Rudder Saying Ryan What's Ryan Versus Dork Man That's The Guy That's What I'm Okay Troy Was Saying Okay I Got It Got It That's Him He Must Be Troy Must Be Watching The Hangout He Say Ryan Versus Is Dork Man And Yeah That Was Like I Think It Was One of His Earlier Videos But He Has Uh I Think He Has Like Three of Them Out Three or Four of Them and They're Actually Not Bad They're They're Fun Little Lightsaber Battles That He Does That's Pretty Wild Yeah I Was Like Wow He Must Have Taken a Lot of Time to Do That All Right Folks I'm Gonna Go Ahead and Wind Her Down Now the Lego's Been Built We've Geeked Out for the Evening and I Don't Know Maybe I Like I Said I Don't Know How Frequently We'll Be Able to Do a Nomi Hangout Um I I Don't Know If It's Going to Happen Every Single Week But You Know Certainly Once Every Two Weeks I Think It's Going to be Feasible if I Can Pull it Off You Know Once a Week Like I Said Sometimes Schedules Are Kind of Nutty Well Especially If You're Getting a Bug or Whatever Like I Said I Usually Take the Coldies Or The Emergency That If You Got To Take It Before the Symptoms Start Though Otherwise It Ain't Gonna Work Kevin What Are You Doing This Was The One of the gifs I Was Building But I Had to Rebuild This I'm Going to Have to Rebuild This Sometime a Little Bit Later You Said That About This I Already Had It In Stock but Already Had It But Probably It Was Just Too Big for Google Plus to Accept It Oh Oh You Can Resize It On The Uh You Can Go To the Here I'll Paste It Are You in the Are You in the IRC Chat Yeah I'm in the Paste It in There This Is Where I Go or This Is For the The Nomies Private IRC Chat That's Where I Go Kevin Okay I'll Probably Have to Just Resize This Just A Simple Sizing Cuz it's a Little Too Big That's Pretty Funny Because You Already Talked About It It's Like I Already Had It He's Like Just Wait I'm Going to Upload This and Just And Hey Chris I Know I I Asked You a While Ago I Asked You What Your Favorite Star Trek Movie Was You Said WRA Andc What Did You Think of the New Star Trek That Came Out by That JJ Abrams One I Didn't Mind It It Didn't Feel Like Star Trek to Me Though It's Kind of Like A Reboot Without Rebooting It Which Is Kind of Clever But I Still Think Ricon Was The Best St Tre Movie Ever Like You Can't Be I Know I Don't Disagree I Don't Disagree So All Right Had to Get My Reboot Question In He's Like I'm Going to Bed Before I Get Sick Again No No No No I Got I've Got To Go Through Like Literally a 100 Messages in my Inbox So and That's Even After Tulling Him Down to You Know by Before the The Show Started I Had Down to Seven So Oh Geez I Have A And And It's After Everything's Just I Have a Lot to Go Through Yeah So No Yeah No Doubt It Never Ends Well Was Fun Hanging Out with All You Guys Yep Yeah It Was Fun Yep Take Care Guys Take Care See You See You Feel Better Chris Yeah

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enthank you for watching liking commenting sharing and subscribing right now H that's weird why is the frame rate crappy frame R is really crap oh there we go that's better in now I smell it for hey it worked I haven't started broadcasting yet hey it worked I haven't started broadcasting yet but I got a bit of Lego to get through that's start with the superheroes I guess but I'm going to wait till going to give it a few more minutes ah problem is the quality of this video has gotten it used to be awesome it just sucks now yeah it's it used to be really really good and and like it's no longer as good as it was I tried getting my I tried to get the firewire camera to connect up to this firewire camera oh are you are you listening to the audio Chris iow Chris you know my family would love you Chris I'm a panther I'm supposed to say I'm a panther that's my alma moer thanks how was a Hawkeye I'm a panther well I guess I can say thank you honey did you eat me did you have any yeah okay you may want to mute the other stream though Chris okay yeah someone's got the someone's got another feed up there it's gone I could hear an echo just your head it's not my head hey hi's here sorry hi so wicked I haven't started uh broadcasting yet Chris but it will be Diana made chili oh that sounds good that's actually what I'm having tonight what what's the kind that you get on what is it uh it's really good it's like I there's not a lot of tomatoes in it and that's how I like it but what is it again I need a look I'll go look like chili is it no it's what's the brand I want to say it's like n oh n yeah yeah yeah like the pickles yeah yeah yeah oh so good and I just added onion and um bacon to it because we had bacon so Chris you're from uh Southeast poke yeah that was my uh High School yeah I uh I grew up in Norwalk oh yeah yeah yeah even Jake Jake um the guys with the locker know we both went to high school together so he when when we're going through the list of the registered nomies like your name came up like oh this he's from noro CU it was on Facebook and like what yeah it's really funny so sorry I wasn't anticipating that I would be eating Chile at this point but no it's fine man no problem at all GNA be eating chil my dinner hopefully this is going to keep me from getting sick I don't know just right before the show today I just felt like really I felt really drained and really kind of like that prey feeling thing you said the weather's kind of nasty out there yeah but I don't know if it was the the weather that was um I don't I mean I've never really been impacted by the weather we we saw a few other people get sick and my my parents are visiting tomorrow starting tomorrow they're visiting and my mom is just getting over being sick and I'm really worried that like whatever I have is just going to get pushed over the edge and then I'm just going like so I I'm warning everybody this week I on the videos I'm like I may not be on tomorrow I don't know yet depends on how sick I feel if I feel sick bonjour Matt olly welcome I haven't started broadcasting it yet obviously it's going out on live. but I put the link in the IRC so I'm sure a few more are going to join us I hear not Ryan no you linked it in the nomies IRC thanks yeah cool yeah I posted it on Facebook I got to remember to to uh cross over to the IRC too um no sorry for being rude but I'm eating I'm after the uh in drinking juice tasty I need extra does Iowa have I'm sorry kton what go ahead I'm just I was I was wondering how Iowa's weather is fairing actually actually dude I moved out to Maryland but uh I got buddies back in Iowa it's uh sorry mentally I'm making the connection when I'm seeing it on your shirt I'm a proud Iowan and Maryland I don't fit in too well out here but uh uh the weather's been unseasonably warm actually I talked to a friend yesterday matter of fact wow yeah my parents are flying up from from Texas the uh um I don't know what the uh um what the weather's like down there but they were saying Mom apparently doesn't have like boots or something like that she was playing on them like well it started snowing yesterday I mean it really I mean we got a couple inches it was it without having anything all year here yeah we have two feet over here in your Spokan wow yeah I I'll go through if I'm walking through the airport if I see inevitably if I see if I'm walking or anywhere and I see like uh very rarely do I see un and I or or Panthers um but if I see like ISU I'm more likely to see Cyclone or or Hawkeyes like if I see it like I'll go go Hawks and like they just like yeah you know like out here they'll uh they'll they'll run across the room and come grab you like you're from Iowa you know it's so rare far in between out here that in in Washington I tell you I've met a lot of former Ians out here it gets a for some reason or another Pacific Northwest seems to attract a lot of people from Iowa the climate I would say is roughly the same but I think the mentality or like the way like people think it's very similar to Iowa probably a little more liberal than Iowa traditionally traditionally I was I was actually talking buddies kind of your way up but um yeah it seems like a nice place up there I love it up here oh it looks like Tyler microphone we all have them yeah he's I got to find my headset uh damn it oh headset I I haven't started broadcasting yet because I started eating my chili I'm refueling for the inevitable build build Aon of what this will be cuz I got this one I want to put it together it's only 207 pieces and then as I did in the show today the uh basketball mini figs these will be quick they're just is just opening them up yeah I just found out about these and then I looked on eBay and someone was selling the whole lot of them and for I mean I was I was really really shocked that no one knew no one else was in on it I'm like oh that's a good price so don't everybody talk at once apparently Lady Gaga joined Google Plus what's that Lady Gaga joined Google Plus Oh Lady Gaga oh either there here comes the neighborhood or there went the neighborhood I'm a Lady Gaga fan I don't mind her music in fact the first time I heard Justin Bieber I thought he was a she he sounded like imagene Heap to me I'm like is that imene Heap no it's Justin Bieber I'm like really and I guess he's got a he's got a tattoo now on his leg Justin Bieber does really I don't know this is just a rumor but apparently it's a picture of Jesus and Jesus is looking up towards his butt let see Justin I don't even want to see the results for this a whole bunch of girls with the tattoo of his face yeah Jesus leg T yeah it's a Jesus leg tattoo but Jesus is looking straight up in to his butt yeah look at it he I dare you to Google it but you know it's just it looks it's just his eyes are looking the wrong direction I think I don't know I don't know it's kind of funny I things well not that I not that I have a a theed tracker for all things Justin Bieber because I don't you the Lady Gaga front you have to respect any uh artist these days that actually sings on stage instead of lip syns well what I love about Lady Gaga she's Hands-On with her fans mhm yeah I really I I appreciate that more than anything oh and she's sponsored by Google which yeah hey good for her well naturally if they pulled her in I mean they knew what they were doing yeah I guarantee she's gonna be the number one followed person in two minutes did she just join uh I think so that's what I thought I saw I thought I caught the other day that Madonna had joined too oh well you know everything Madonna does Madonna was my Madonna was My Lady Gaga yeah not really but we just need to get Britney Spears out of number one I think she's number one is she still relevant I mean no Britney yeah is she back is Britney back or I don't know you know I don't mind any of their music I really don't it takes a it takes a lot for me to not like something yeah she's at number one with almost one and a half million followers I actually liked the I liked uh paparazzi that's I think if I had a favorite song that a Diana she's watching that what's the Bieber movie Bieber movie she was watching it on Netflix and damn thing suck me in I'm like what the hell are you watching I gotta be up on my Bieber trivia I I can't you know I'm old but I don't want to be like old old you know like that I'm completely out of the loop that would be uh Diana keeps me young oh um I I may have to run here this dinner's on its way but uh the uh the surface 2.0 apparently is shipping and you were asking earlier about a a Windows 8 uh touchscreen computer that would that would draw you away what do you think about a surface well we had surface at gnome deck a few years ago it was pretty good it was nice to kind of get your hands on and play with how much are they running though are they they're still right around 10 grand I'm I'm guessing now they're one huge gorilla glass so they can't be cheap I mean imagine that big of a device I mean it is not not a it's a they're running on an AMD processor if I'm not mistaken as well I remember at The Gnome decks when they had the surface there uh we caught one blue screened having issues oh Todd's trying to get in Todd's not currently in the in the we haven't gone through and added everybody so I'm going to add Todd to the uh Nomi Circle okay Todd you're in everything just blacked out from me now okay oh someone just left greaton so again I'm going to be starting the Lego thing is just that Diana brought up chile and Chile in the grand universe or the greater Universe always trumps Lego it's Chile Lego so it Justin Bieber you know it's like there's a a you know whole it all goes together and she disappeared she went downstairs and then she left am I like Ultra wide screen or something MH you are cool I don't know why it's it's just the The Face Time cam oh I bet you that's why because what the Google software does is it um makes it so that it turns a 3x4 webcam aspect ratio to a WID screen so it's probably doing the same thing to your FaceTime cam that's my guess at least it doesn't seem to be stretching you necessarily see I tried to get it it won't work with a FireWire camera for for some reason I even tried running through cam twist still it still wasn't going well uh before we do the are we're not public right now are we we're not public it's on live. um I haven't started recording you do that I guess when you start um but the people on the page can watch it though I think not yet because it's not broadcasting yet IED right now we have the ability to do it oh Matt are you saying you have to go oh uh in just a minute but really really quick I just wanted to thank all of you bottom of my heart man us us writers we really really appreciate your support so uh thanks for joining nomies and I'm looking forward to providing you with some some great content and Deals this year thanks for making the page it's great no worries thank you we've got a few uh there's a few things that I'm waiting to hear I mean this is going to be ongoing but I got the word out to a couple of uh uh places that have hardware and I'm going to see if we can work out something um I've worked with them before in the past but sometimes working with Hardware companies unless you're talking to the right person can be a bit of a challenge all right so that's that that's that um I'm almost ready to go live I just didn't want to do with it I realized more bites yeah no just four more this is so good weird Diana always puts like fresh onions in it which add to it and then of course she adds bacon bacon makes everything better y by the way Chris I have to say just how much I appreciate the fact that you use a lav because the alternative this thing has been hogging up my desk for a year now and I may switch to a lav mic for for any web chats that I do um I'm I'm just going out of the webcam on this one but oh did cron go away again he's trying to fix it and it ain't gonna work you can't you can't fix it it's Google got kicked out oh you got kicked out oh sorry it wasn't me no hang for you I keep losing videos yeah I was changing to another Google account to check something and it kicked me oh there's Todd Todd you weren't in the nomies group yet because it's all right I was like oh okay maybe it's just like not working for me so no no I was I looked and I'm like oh wait that's why that's all right I just signed up today it's no big you know I caught that I'm like oh cool I didn't realize that was your I for some reason I didn't dapose the handle that you use with your with your name yeah it's a yeah it's a it's a weird nickname yeah but it's it's motobus so well as opposed to Locker Nome being a normal it's far from normal far from normal he I used to just go by tobis and my best friend kept calling me uh master tobis so it's stuck oh that's a good one that mine it started the same way I was just a nickname in uh high school and then it grew into that my name is unique enough that I don't need a nickname there you go you don't know any other kraton no what about kraton Barrel yeah that's CR CR a whatever not Katon see I would I would change my last name Barrel just for giggles just for Giggles all right see I this webcam the only way I can get it to work is by doing a hangout and the quality is gonna suck so um Kevin I I don't know if Kevin's gonna be joining us eventually um but I'm I'm planning on just recording the whatever we talk about and whatever happens in this it'll be going into the loome uh YouTube channel uh and I said I probably mentioned this again when we start recording but as I was doing the uh pardon me broadcast today I was showing off some of the the NBA Minifigs and they come with uh these collectible cards in rappers and I'm not interested in them really I like the mini figs so I'm going to be stacking them all up and then just uh donate or giving to uh one random gomi and hopefully they're a basketball fan and if not then they can potentially pass it on to another basketball fan if there any basketball fans in the crowd I don't know nope no see yeah I I I'm kind of into football a little bit Chris but other than that that's it yeah that's it all right yeah okay so thank you all for joining uh let me get the promotional engine running looks like oh the videos have been processed already the the programmer one that we just did looks like it's already live nice that was a pretty quick turnaround too okay so give me a second need to be reminded that my eyebrows are a little unkempt y 5 four three two one and I believe the broadcast video is live this is the special uh Chris without the top of his head addition reminiscent of in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom where they eat the monkey brains uh the rest of my head is on the other side of the office uh it's out for cleaning and so my brain is fully exposed specifically to those who are joining this broadcast and the recording which I have every intention on making public on our YouTube channel uh the people who are joining me now are nomies registered nomies people who join nomies and part of the benefit is to be able to do things like this join me in Hangouts and talk about whatever we want to talk about during the course of whatever I have no idea how frequently I'm going to do one I hope to do one uh on a regular basis you know I would say maybe once a week or once every couple of weeks uh depending on how schedules go but uh you know when I have something to play with here and we have things to talk about theoretically then everything will go well um there is no form or function to this other than chatting with uh new and old friends in the Google+ hangout it's being recorded by way of of Google so the quality is not amazing but hopefully the content whatever we dive into will be interesting uh to talk about as well as some of the stuff I have here I've got what I just showed in a a live uh episode on YouTube the uh Lego DC Universe superheroes this is a gift from Farah or Farah that package tracking and then I also have a few NBA mini figs to uh unbox and I did a video on that as well and then I I don't I this is probably gonna be a separate video tomorrow I went out and I bought friends so for everyone who says oh you buy your friends they're right I buy my friends these are my my Lego girlfriends and uh they're it's Lego it's just the mini fig are more doll likee very reminiscent of Polly Pocket and uh is that is that David that joined us there yes awesome David not Lee banther exactly although Diana wants to call you that now it's funny I'm perfectly fine with that with that with that with that name by the way perfectly fine with it David Le I think it's a good it's David Lee Rock get stuck in my head and so I'm like rock and it's not David Lee okay so let me go ahead and this hangout is public the only way to join this hangout again for everybody who's uh watching is uh to be a registered know me and that's pretty much I think honestly for the Hangouts that I've done in the past I mean they've been interesting but I I really think I I I want to keep the Hangouts that I do just for or with nomies honestly I mean just because it's it's a certain group of people certainly the I would say you know the pillars are our community because you guys are supporting us directly I mean beyond what you've uh done before and here's a rock star Andrew erson so Andrew you got your chair yeah it should be here in about five weeks so uh for everybody who doesn't know Andrew we donated he he reached out to our community on New Year's uh to raise money for himself he donated to us and I turned around and gave all the New Year's donations back to Andrew and kind of spread the word and because of doing that that uh Andrew was having well beforehand was having difficulties getting a wheelchair but effectively the locker Nome Community pretty much helped him get something that he needed to get around uh but not just a regular wheelchair Andrew that's uh and you might be able to explain it a little better but something that's gives you far more Mobility than average yeah it was I mean it was insane to begin with I mean I actually started the thing back in October but it kind of failed the original link I gave you I think you still hav it running through the ticker I tried just going through YouTube and it was like I just get slammed and slammed and slammed so finally I gave up and I was like NOP new approach and I started the fundraiser and my original intention was maybe he'll you know mention it I never intended for you to actually donate and it was just kind of took off from there and then I got a phone call about it and it was just it just kind of blew up out of nowhere it was definitely a great thing you know like I said you know that's when I started doing the New Year's hangout I wasn't intending on doing anything except for being silly and then as soon as I saw that kind of float through I was like you know this this you know we could do something better than than just me goofing around and so I was very happy to see that you were able to work looks like you were able to connect with your insurance company and they saw what we did in social media the insurance company didn't but the people who make the w share did really and they said we'll knock off a a good at least 2% and I ended up knocking off about thousand plus dollars really yeah so it was it it it worked out well but man I have to okay no no I didn't mean to interrupt Andrew I I wanted to ask specifically about the chair that you were looking for because it seemed that some people were a little confused because they for a lot of people who've never had to deal with a wheelchair they just assume it's all the same and I can't imagine it's all the same it's not the same I don't know how many comments I tried to respond respond to where people said either a he's scamming or B it should be about 500 bucks and I said 500 bucks for what I said one piece is about three I have my invoice I could actually if you wanted do I could send it to you so that you could show it to you want Andrew it's it's trust me when I saw your video on YouTube and I watched the whole thing you know you don't put yourself out there like that in in and specifically you know not I know you weren't expecting on on getting hit by Trolls but I can't imagine anybody willingly wanting to do something like that no it's like I said to uh somebody else I said you know why would I be up from I mean I'm sure you've taken a look at my Twitter I was on from 700 am to 3: plugging that thing constantly and why would I be doing that distra scam that is way too much work well you know I I think there's a healthy amount of of skepticism that you know and I mean I get it well sure but you know I I I I I've seen I've seen enough and I've known enough uh that your your mission was very humble and the fact that you donated back to our community meant more to me than anything and so I was more than happy to help make something like this happen uh specifically if the insurance company was a playing ball and it's good to know the the that makes the chair is being helpful well yeah it was actually kind of a I mean I know you want to be the kind talk about the chair and I can I mean a lot of it was I needed a special seat one thing was the seat I have I need a pressure Rel seat because as you can imagine sitting in a chair for about oh 12 to 13 hours a day in one spot if you think that doesn't get uncomfortable oh trust me I I come pretty close yeah I'm sure you do I think I sit in front of my computer as much as you but um yeah one of the things was a seat and that seat is 800 bucks by itself just for a seat me it looks like it looks like somebody cut up an air mattress and said here's 800 bucks but I mean that's really how that stuff works the seat belt was like $100 the harness was another two or three I mean stuff adds up and it adds up quick well what was more interesting too is what Andrew did uh he had from the donations we raised about half as much as we needed but it seems like that was enough with uh the the company kind of helping out really with I would say discount Andrew donated uh the I think it was the remainder uh to another loome Community member who is starting up an orphanage or I guess is helping an orphanage also in Oregon uh for Filipino kids and so we closed that Loop and so more than just one person has benefited from I guess the the lockr them community directly so you know it's nice to have your support Andrew and and I was very happy to have facilitated or or helped kind of rally the troops uh to bring you a better quality of life you definitely did I mean that's why the day you announced nomies I kept hearing you say nomies in the background on your mic I could hear you saying no me something and I was like that so going to say no me in a minute and so I kept watching and I kept trying these different URLs to try to find it to make sure I was the first one in I tried like nes. like that's dedication son of a you I was like why the oh excuse me why didn't I think of that well no like I said very happy to have you as a part of this uh uh sub community of the Greater Community and I mean it's it's uh it's an honor it's you know I'll uh I'll be sure to jump in on a hangout as soon as I have the chair too oh no worries now now I'm geeking out I got the uh I got my uh the homeo this is this may be a longer build than I thought you guys may be talking amongst yourselves as I uh go through this uh oh I need my I may need to go get a I use uh I'll be back in a second you guys Talk Amongst yourselves I'll be back I I I get and I'll bring it um lunch trays they have cafeteras and grade schools work very well for for Lego organizing like putting things together so oh and Kevin's here yep I was doing some errands earlier no worries dude everybody this is Kevin and I I'm sorry no one you guys feel free to okay I'm G to step away no actually just wait and then I'll let you introduce yourself I'll come back talk about yourselves about something else I'll be back hi Kevin how are you hey CV what's going on Kevin I'm good nothing really except I was just looking to do some of my old boxes of floppy disc I have one book and here's a couple of them I got those Windows 3.1 installation discs nice do you remember do you have any of those five and a quarter the actual floppy discs not the big one I've got the the smaller size but not the mini floppies I just uh I found a couple of ones for the Commodore 64 they're up in my attic now I oh those size yeah CLE cleaning out my office here I'm like I got to get this clean I got too much old stuff laying around yep oh yeah I have those the one for the Commodore 64 I have those type of those size of floppy disc but the original one those are a lot bigger yeah five and a quarter inch yeah yep I had an Nar 800 oh that's nice yeah do it does anyone remember the ti994a that was like the first computer I ever owned yeah I had a trs8 model three the the disc drive like the big expansion unit is like this you dropped it it would just like break it weigh like so I don't know how much it weighed it weighed a lot though so D David banther I I saw your home office tour that you left as a video response oh yeah no I I I always enjoy doing those and I enjoy watching yours uh on on New Year each you know each year yeah you got a nice you you organize kind of like I do like I got the uh like the stuff like on the shelves you know I I get a lot of that clutter over you know a year's time and has to go somewhere I try and keep all my clutter like all my little Chach keys and all my stuff on one shelf cuz I hate the mess but it drives the cleaning lady at like the office crazy because she can't dust around the Lego men and she knocks them all over and she tries to put back up they're not they're not she doesn't put them back up how I like them so it's this ongoing joke we have with her but uh you know try contain the mess picture and leave it for reference I had the same problem wait a minute oh never mind yeah um I had the same problem with the um the Lego X-wing the uh I have uh um cleaners too and so uh they it would keep getting destroyed like so inevitably I just moved to the top shelf I'm like screw it I'm just GNA collect dust sometimes that's that's that's what you have to do with that that's why I don't bring anything to my office at work I just have everything here in my home office so I know I I'm not gonna knock it over or break it or anything like the top of my desk is is all just figures and collectibles and stuff D my Vaders have collected so much dust I mean dust is part of the whole thing you know it's not a bad thing yeah oh yeah I I would I would consider I probably need to get like for my Vaders I probably need to get those figurine like capsules like I got for the uh the snaggle tooth I got that the the Sears special edition or not really special edition but the uh this limited run tall snagle tooth that came with the Sears set I don't know if anybody else collected Star Wars figures but it's a very rare figure and I have that in like a um like a container of sorts and I thought about doing it the other vaders but some of them are kind of big because of the cak things that Geeks do yeah I had this vision of encasing them encasing them in carbonite yes yeah I uh I still have my original Star Wars figures from when I was a kid the counter ones yeah the ker ones yeah yeah I've got a couple of those I think I have an original Boba Fett somewhere I I have I think I still have I should have all of them because I collected them all the way through the power of the force with the collectible coins right but somehow some of them some of the stuff that I used to have I think you know I mean you know over time it gets lost but I have I think the only thing I have for my childhood that's still in full collection and in good condition are my garbage pil kids oh okay I remember those too yeah cuz I I have a Vader I don't have the cap for but I have the old counter Vader with a lightsaber you like hit the telescope lightsaber that comes out that was pretty cool this is the Vader that started it all I got this as a gift the original ker Vader yeah the lightsaber goes in and out right yeah tesing lightsaber I don't have Cape though but the funny thing is is is that the edge of the lightsaber it had that little tip a lot of people uh would break that off they break they'd break off the tip that happened to my Obi-Wan yep and so uh I got this as a gift and it was just this Vader sitting there I'm like I need to have more than one and so then it just exploded into an office full of Vader that's how it happened I mean I didn't I wasn't I wasn't a huge Darth Vader fan as a kid I loved Han Solo but kind of that's that's what happened I I've always been a fan of Obi-Wan Kenobi that was that was always my favorite character I don't know why I like I liked Obi-Wan in the prequels he was yeah he was really good in the prequel you McGregor was the only believable character in The prequels he yeah he did he did an awesome job I I don't I don't I don't know about Anakin Anakin I was oh Hayden Christensen yeah what a what a whiner that kid when when you take him and put him into like the Return of the Jedi that just threw me oh yeah you need the end of the movie yes if I was that old actor I would have been like why did you do that oh I'd be upset sure I would see I thought something was wrong I was like wait doesn't a Wonder Woman have an invisible lasso I'm like no she has the invisible jet the the last if she has an invisible jet how does she find it uh I don't know I'm just I'm just throwing it out there I just like how do you know where you parked there you run into it by accident or there's a a funny Family Guy scene with that where she like flying yeah she's flying and she's like in the bathroom and Superman like comes up she's like I'm in the laboratory he's like oh wait a minute isn't her weakness like something stupid like if she's Bound by a man or something I I I've known like these characters have like really stupid like disabilities you have a very clear picture there Craig uh what are you it's that WID screen camera it's it's the it's the MacBook Pros FaceTime cam it's all it is I'm on my M well I have a 2009 MacBook Pro and it's it's as you can see we're like VGA quality here so you use you know a separate camera yeah this is a early 2011 MacBook Pro I was going to say it looks noticeably different yeah I'm also Ultra WID screen too so yeah you know I I don't have I have one FaceTime HD camera but I don't know if I've used it for a Google Hangout Chris did you say you're getting a MacBook Air oh no no no you mean in the in the nomies chat I had um I actually have uh an older MacBook Air like the generation they had posted on or on that on that page I picked it up I think from Mac Maul like a maybe a year ago almost on the same price and I mean it's it's nice I tell you if I needed a new like portable computer I would seriously consider a MacBook Air yeah that's what I'm using I I really like it you know especially the newer gen with like an i5 and those things are just they're lightweight they're solid basally like Ultra Book no it's it's it's the first Ultra Book it is you you you know the only thing that would make it possibly better is if Apple would develop more touchscreen capabilities with an OS 10 like the way Microsoft's doing with Metro get like an iPad 2 then if you want to get a backbook air yeah but an i there's certain things that I can do more easily on a traditional desktop operating system that I can't do on on an iPad for casual browsing the iPad's perfect you know watching media the iPad's perfect but like if I'm really like browsing the web and needing to get get anything done like I I have to I have to be able to flip back and forth and do various things that and still I mean flash is going away but you still need it for some stuff so yeah yeah and that's the thing that I mean on any well I'm sure it's just going to be a matter of time before this Google Plus hangout just dies because uh it's crippled by Flash software I I hope to God Apple can or apple uh Google can come up with a way around um the uh um the the classic Google Chat software that they use because it it dogs Google Chrome inevitably like an hour into it I don't think it's I don't think it's uh flash I think it's uh Java I think it is what's R yeah you might be right kton this isn't flash but it needs to be improved dramatically yeah it it does that's one of their biggest problems is their GT plugin it's old really old so old dude I have a MacBook Air the one thing you have to watch out with that though is uh they generate so much heat in yeah oh I think it's so hot I I had to buy a belon um cooling pad for it just a just a type on it which mine has mine hasn't gotten that hot which air do you have it was it was the first year it came out oh yeah they've definitely changed since then mine's a Core 2 Duo it doesn't get too hot but I can't imagine that Core i5 you know running cool for long the first one got to be under clogged at least what was that yeah I I think the the core the the core iivs are underclocked because they only run 1.6 and 1.7 don't they they're probably underclocked intentionally yeah you know but I tell you those are those are solid machines and even at that price for a Core 2 Duo I I'm I'm really happy in having that because it's kind of like my if I need to walk around with a computer it's usually that it doesn't happen all that often yeah I I want to get like a Macbook err or even I was even looking at the uh Ultra books because I don't want to Lug around this big MacBook Pro with me to all my classes I'm gonna be curious to see the ultra books um and I'm watching with great interest specifically Ultra books uh that are going to ship with windows8 those are the ones yeah screen go ahead sorry uh we had gotten a look at uh the Dell one like I didn't physically go but I had a couple of people go for us and I had posted a whole bunch of videos from CES and one of them was of the dell the new Dell Ultra Book and the way that they were describing it to me it was amazingly fast even running Windows 7 and it it didn't seem like the other Ultra books that are outl now are maybe a little sluggish or slow so I have I have High Hopes at least for the Dell 13 uh Ultra you think they're going to start shipping with ssds they almost everything they need to I I think they have to just because how thin they are um and I wouldn't get an Ultra Book without an SSD what's the point yeah exactly that's the point and that's another thing uh Chris um the uh uh my MacBook Air has an S it's like a 64 gig SSD but I don't know if that's going to help temperature at all but it certainly it runs it it seems to run cool and Silent enough for me on average use but I'm not pushing Google+ Hangouts that's when it would get hot yeah I had a MacBook Pro at one point and then I I switched to this uh I got this thing and uh gave the MacBook to my wife so I got an Alienware I think this is the M14 yeah I got a MacBook Pro for work that gets hot yeah I I remember I used to have it I had one of those uh things to put on my lab because that that thing was burning my leg like crazy that reminds me of my old Dell laptop that would like Samsung Series 9 looks pretty nice I was looking at that yeah C that your D gets so hot and next thing catches on fire yeah I couldn't leave it for like more than maybe like 10 minutes on my legs or they start burning my my friend fell asleep with her MacBook on her like body and bed and God second degree burn she had to go this this is why I guess a desk like this I don't know if you can see on the camera these rolling ones that has basically one side being held on I just prop it next to my bed so I can just push it in so Chris you could do your cooking show by cooking on the laptop cook an egg on the laptop a MacBook Air fry an egg didn't you do something like that on computer Q on tech TV on call for may I think we did you did something with butter I think oh it was no actually the clip was it was a thing Kevin Rose was substituting that day and it was uh it was something in the end of it we were teasing up can a laptop gets so hot that it'll melt butter and it was at the end and the butter really hadn't melted at all I'm like oh look at that I was like oh cat's or something that's happened over there and Kevin looks away and I squish it with my hand and he turns back and then it's flattened I bet you anything go Google it I bet you anything bet seen it on on YouTube Somewhere I bet you anything someone recorded that it was so fun because Kevin had no idea I was gonna do but I was thinking what could I do and I'm like oh look over there or something like that and I went squished like oh melted look at that okay but don't play it because I don't know if comast going to get all yeah yeah we don't want to run any problems yet I posted it in in the chat though okay I I may share it uh on the on after we're done with all this that's funny dude yeah oh the laugh man it's Roger and he looks so young yeah i' I I've passed through Roger recently on this in at a convention oh Chris I want to tell you this um uh ABC News emailed me today and they're like oh we found some your cruise ship footage from the Lifeboat drills and can we use them for that story tonight where they're doing a that big cruise ship that crashed over by Italy yes and I'm like oh so I I told my wife because obviously my face wouldn't be in it because I'm filming it it would be her because I just think it's fun to film the Lifeboat drills I'm like I have a really good one out of out of New York that's the whole process and I have a really crappy one we were in the Bahamas and of course a ABC News chose the crappy one and the SC they use is just walking down the hallway with our life jackets and it's mostly her backside so she was on Diane Sawyer tonight on the on the TV with that I'm like out of all the clips they could possibly use the one video I I did not embed my URL on there so it was like you know dang it no that that happened to me too when uh when Steve Jobs died I I posted up a video CVS early morning took it and they they they spliced out two clips from it and that was like one of the videos where it's like okay I'm not going to do branding I'm not going to do I just just want it to be just tribute to him and they they took it and I was you first no they didn't ask me no no noop asked me specifically they they they emailed me and said can we use your video and I said sure I'll do you want better I I think I got the I think I got the Trump no the the unfriend one right yeah if Good Morning America use my picture to demonstrate unfriend oh I remember that I remember that yes I do copyright on them I did a video I put it on you I think it's called unfriend I yeah I remember that and I mean like really really just AB oh so mad it'll be funny you could just flag ABC for copyright use oh I should have oh I should have they want to take that thing down I think that the image may have been creative common licens but it it was still like yeah it was it was one that you use the green screen the green screen stuff so I don't know why there's go social media and just found the Google images and just pulled your face off that and that's you're sending a subtle message mad I have I I will I I will see see you all later okay David all right bye see you it'll be funny if it's like creative Comics 2.0 not first not for profit right I don't yeah then you could just get their but it was funny more than anything else it was it was really kind of like huh what what who's the editor behind that I want that's what I want to know I'm like uh I'll come do an interview I mean but no no it's just using my image bastard who you're a little tinted red yeah you are you're red oh I am myboy over there Chris you can just see the heat it's the chil off his face he's turning he's turning Sith oh it's coming back he's coming back oh don't you don't want to see me when I'm angry red hole can't find my Lego trying to compensate for color yeah Google's on its way to doing cool things with this but they they' got to do a bit more polishing now they they've proven that it can work now they just need to just kind of kick it up a not I guess CH your copyright story is almost it's worse than mine but I think I'm catching up with you how when I was doing the thing for my chair yeah I sent a thing into a ey report on CNN yeah and they told me it was a copyright violation face oh wow my own writing your face is copyrighted you got a problem unless they mean uh the wheelchair but and I sent them a message and they didn't even reply wow I was like how is that a violation I was like that's what you guys were there for that's what I I report is supposed to be for independent stories I was like yeah independently taken down by robots pretty much all right they doesn't sh shock me at all it didn't shock me I just didn't I was flagged on YouTube by Adobe for just in my title saying free Photoshop alternative I got flaged I got a take down because you said Photoshop yeah because I used the word Photoshop in my wow I mean you want to talk about rat bastards I had like I pushed and pulled and I'm like dude I it was It ultimately it got resolved uh but only after trying to get a hold of a human being for as long as I did it was just oh what a nightmare so so wait so wait they can good luck with that they can flag you for for copyright but they can't fix your five minute YouTube bug go figure that's exactly that's are probably all their all their services are directed towards copyright complaints now we're too busy flagging people right now we we'll get back to you well they don't have a robot for that was it a delay today was there it was it was right time today cuz I I started it seconds ahead of time and I don't know if that's the the the catch or or what I know that our our live viewership it was better when oh who got a lightsaber at oh no that's my text message for my phone Chris oh for my for my iPhone sorry cool yeah the uh I think I have the same thing it's just I never am on sorry the uh um yeah the uh I I they either fixed the bug cross your fingers yeah you know it's hard to say but I know our our average viewer is down because uh every all the kids went back to school yeah so I was like oh that's why because it was big and like you know it was it was catching it was getting really big and I'm like well because the kids are home from school so I don't know if there's going to be a better time slot for us I I don't know if I can go any earlier I don't really want to go any later I mean it works good on the East Coast yeah on the west coast except for me it works great on three except for Fridays where I have something else to watch at the same time right yeah that's you know but that's the thing you know being able to uh uh record for you know for posterity or whatnot you know it's kind of the Saving Grace that you know even if you can't watch it live then you can at least capture or see what happened live and I treat it the same way as if you know someone's watching it whether they're watching it live or you know after the fact oh crap did that sorry concentrating I'm playing with my toys nothing wrong with that nope so Chris I have to call Comcast tomorrow can I just borrow your rant and hold the phone up to the Speak oh my God Comcast I I will never I will never go back to them ever I got no choice I had two choices them and DSL yeah I had them and then I went to SBC DSL and now I've got Erse and I get well I get about 20 Megs download so I'm with that that works for me for me I I don't have any of those big providers I only have the small local providers but they're decent they're well right now go down here for here I never seen my eyes go down like there's only once and that was a network outage well you know that's what I thought it happened with me and then it turned out to be the uh uh the fact that they hadn't they hadn't they had been billing me but apparently the bill wasn't even paid and according to one guy on Twitter he says well we tried calling you I'm like I didn't get a voicemail I see everything that's a that's a great auto pay feature I I gotta admit that's just awesome sarcasm over here that's not autopay yeah I had that problem with my debit card apparently Verizon has trouble with debit card so oh my God you know oh don't they charge you a fee now if got rid of it yeah they got rid of it good smart move on their part well only because the social networking yeah and and a threat of an uh what was it the FCC complaint uh or possible uh investigation well I've I've been using my bank account I I haven't been using my bank C but when I heard about that I'm like are you serious really you know these companies get away with a lot I mean I ended I don't know if I did a separate video on it I know I know I talked about it at one point the uh the amount of taxes that I pay uh here in the state of Washington specifically the Seattle area for for an iPhone I swear to God it was like 30 bucks total for like City and Municipal and all these various taxes it makes absolutely no sense and it's I got no choice yeah it's like 17 here and I'm not too far from Chris I don't know what mine are I'd have to look I don't think it's that much though you know I'm I'm on T-Mobile's prepaid service and I'm have over I'm like over see I never used my suggested how much I pay per every certain amount of months the thing that kills me about Comcast is I don't have true competition it's either this or lucky to get 10 megabit down uh yeah that sucks and so I can't I can't do that and un and what to make uh matters worse adding insult to injury um I had uh a uh there's another provider that's in my area but on the opposite side that's pulling fiber to the door for just a fraction of the cost and like tremendous speeds with no caps and I can't get it because I live in the wrong area I mean it's just it's BS dude it's BS that's why I was waiting for TNT Universe to come here like for so long I had Comcast I'm like please please I need to get rid of Comcast and they were like they was like oh we don't service your area and it was like a block away I'm like seriously I'm one block away like here a couple only like two blocks from here there's a couple people getting at they it's not serviceable here but here I at least get I am opportunity to get fiber to the door yeah do the local isps that's and and I know Chris said he can't you said you can't get residential because they got that cap now right yeah I went to residential or I was on residential and then uh I I I was coming too close I mean let me put it this way I was I was residential before I started doing the live tldr broadcast I would have blown past it in a week I mean right yeah that's that's ridic I'm glad there's no cap on AT&T yet KN on would it's it's BS it's BS Comcast has to reverse their decision at some point only ones doing it well no they're not they're not the only ones doing it uh in fact can Canada is no stranger to this kind of tactic austral also it's anti-competitive and they're getting away with it I it's it's it's so it's asinine and if there was true competition in the marketplace caps would not exist there competition that's just yeah that's insane I mean it's out where I'm at it's either AT&T the DSL which you're lucky to get even one megabit download which is ridiculous or uh 18t or comcast that's it that's all I got out here I had satellite until last four months so wow ping ouch I've never done satellite God willing I never will yeah so talk about you know one Meg down 200 kilobits up and a cap of around 300 megab megabytes a day ow then if you went over you're cut off for 20 24 hours oh my God I would go insane not you got high ping times I mean I do a lot I do a lot of work and I I do a lot of those online games too so I would I would go insane I would go past that yeah you know what's awesome the guy I want to say he's either the CEO or the founder of an ISP that I used to be on in California was it not Sonic no Sonic was it Sonic yeah cuz I got a couple I got a friend who's switching over to the fiber line over there it's around the Bay Area he's on Google Plus and he's active like he he he's interactive in everything on Google Plus because I he's popped into a couple of my threads and I'm like you know I wish I could get you know better options up here but unfortunately I it's just it's location all across the board it's location location location which is just stupid but well you know you just gotta have uh patience Chris evidently you know it will eventually come where someone's going to move in on their Turf and there's going to have they're gonna have competition and everybody they're going to see how many people leave them and they're G be like uh oh and you know I do that every year I say you know I'm thinking about just dropping all the premium channels oh you stick around we'll give you X Y and Z okay yeah for me I only have satellites to only certain selection channels none of the US channels here channel for the US channels I have standard antenna before or overseas Channel certain overseas Channel have satellite for that I've only got the basic channels on my my Erse here I don't really watch TV much I'm usually on my computer or I'm out somewhere yeah see Diana likes she she she watches she probably watches TV more than I do and I mean we watched premium channels I I ended up watching wanting to see I Saw The A Team finally actually the movie was good it was not as bad as people said it was it was actually it was decent and Todd I never never watched the a team as a kid I never like I did I used to watch it all the time I love the old a team see I never got into it um and so I was like well okay so I'm kind of watching with you know fresh eyes and it was good I I would consider it you know a definite definite recommended it was clever it did remind me of the of the old a team show with the way that they did things in there so I I was impressed and people had tell me it it sucked I'm like are you are you crazy it was actually it was it was a fun movie the next one I want to see and said generally that it sucks is a sucker punch it still looks so it looks nice it is it is a it's a it's a fun action movie it is I like I like it I've got it on Blu-ray I may have oh well then see if you like The A Team that that means that you know I may be in in more luck I guess with uh watching the uh the visuals are are pretty outstanding in that movie I like it that's what I want I want the visuals and I I I don't know if so par on Netflix I don't t on that yet cable well it's been out for a while it was on cable I don't remember what channel it was it then I think it was on Cinemax I think I'm not sure I don't know they all blur together I don't know CAC HBO Showtime something like that well we're making good progress here that's just like family pet Griffin's like I could recite the alphabet in like two seconds and he's like a sound just sound he's like naming off his children those are characters from Street Fighter van Chun no the one that I don't I don't like the American uh dad is it American Dad yeah yeah that one's kind of I don't really I like I didn't like it at first Chris but once they got into the later Seasons I was cracking up it started getting on kind of part Family Guy you know the first there something to watch when you're bored yeah and that's kind of what what I what I was I was bored and it was playing in the background and all of a sudden I heard one from last week uh like a little segment and then I couldn't get out of my head that when the the alien was a Roger starts he he says that sounds funny and he started repeating he said maybe baby and so like for the next week I was like I swear I've been walking around the house going maybe baby oh yeah Chris have you were you w have you watched the recent uh Simpsons episode I think you may like it it has to do of things um not I hav honestly I I mean I grew up with The Simpsons I mean literally yeah there's going to be three things you will that you like that will be in that show interesting I iOS Max Legos apples and uh what was that thir my face wow because they've done they've done Lego before a long time ago but imagine Legos apple and Facebook together into W that's pretty that's a tri Factor right there I have see I haven't watched him since a long time it just I kind of got out of it I start watching Family Guy and and all that I remember watching South Park when it was like before it was anything and and then it just I I mean a lot of the shows I just kind of fall away from I just get busy and just don't track it as much I mean I watch him usually in rerun there's some there's some good recent episod but like the last episode that I even remember was the one where they were making fun of World of Warcraft and I was cracking up that was hilarious dude I I did see that one I like said I was sitting there I like I like uh texted my friend I'm like dude you have to watch this because he was like a big World of Warcraft nut he was like that was that was awesome yeah that was a good episode well the simpons is as old as I am so it's starting to run out of the material yeah there's like really nothing to really about anymore something they only got renewed for two more years oh my God you know the thing the thing about The Simpsons it's I mean I could watch it and probably you know get 90% of it again but it just it's it's kind of like it's comfortable but I wouldn't say that like I mean to me like almost like South Park it's comfortable but there are very few shows that I watch more on on any kind of regular basis at all well supposedly The Simpsons is getting their own Channel Once their contracts are at for syndication oh the Simpson Channel yeah I'll probably check that out if if it happened you know what mon what would be interesting to me is a Simpsons app that allowed me to watch any of the old episodes I think they signed it already with dish or somebody but I can't be for certain about the signing but I know it's definitely happen I thought it was on instant play for a while but I don't think it is anymore Maybe it might it might not have been Netflix it might have been something else Hulu maybe guing but I don't know it could have been but what I what I want to see Netflix do is was I don't know if it was Netflix or Amazon saying that they were going to bring a lot of those those shows that get you know like because there's a lot of shows I watch and then of course like after one season it's getting good and it gets cancelled they're going to start picking up some of the shows and I'm still waiting for that you know um I love my favorite I mean I don't know why but for some reason I I need to watch Frasier every night like before I go to bed and they play it reruns and and Amazon has under Prime has uh Frasier I used to watch it all the time I don't know I don't know why I mean I'm not it was amusing I mean it just maybe it's because I live in Seattle like hey this's about Seattle I I don't like that hospital show what's it called grey Anatomy yeah I don't know I hate Portland and I live here I don't know I actually I like that that house show that show's that that's funny I like I like if that that guy I would love that guy to be my doctor that'd be awesome he is the guy that to be your doctor because the guy knows what he's doing exactly like whatever you could be a jerk to me whatever yeah I don't care if I do right the first time Felicia Day was in an episode of House yeah I remember that a long time ago all right let's see here I built I built a hand well I got a take off so I'll see youbody later all right see okay see you see you I think uh Diana's gonna be disappointed because she wanted to say hi to Andrew but I'm sure we'll do it again theoretically of course is taking I didn't realize how long it would take to do just do this so I don't know if we're gonna make it through the friends in this particular uh hangout yet and Chris I don't know if you could see her this is my dog this is Cassie oh yeah yeah she's a German shepherd and kie so we We rescued her from animal oh thank God yeah We rescued her and then my friend took her brother oh we called up we're like there's a she has a brother can you take her and he came up and got her nice yeah Wicked and pixie didn't come from a rescue um but they are from the same litter yeah Wick's pretty cool yeah Wick thinks he's cool I don't remember which one threw up on your computer was a long it was it Wicked yeah I got I was not handing it up for the camera he literally Trot it overed over there was no there was no warning he just walked over went oh my God so mad let's see I think I think that's did it still work afterwards oh yeah yeah it worked when I lived at home I it was like the first computer I built it was a long time ago and it was uh I had like the gaming like keyboard and everything I'm sitting there and I walked out my room I came in the dog puked all over it and I'm like no yeah that's a lot of money down don't put anything you care about on the floor well yeah I didn't I didn't have I didn't have a desk at that point everything was just kind of like on the floor I'm like doing that again I need a desk now throwing up on your couch and you find it a week later I hate that yeah I put I put a blanket down on one of the sofas because it was it was leather it's it was fine I was able to get get it out I got like a horse hair brush and kind of just scrubbed incessantly but yep I I got to keep the the sofas protected because of that my well my dog jumps on my she'll sit on the couch and all that and that's fine but she thankfully she's if she's got to throw up she will jump off the couch and go into the kitchen thankfully oh you're lucky you gives me warning pixie will like you gotta carry him but Wicket won't Wicket will just B it's just like like it's it's a ninja ninja strike it's like see you later go yeah all right there's that I think I got The Lex Luthor that's pretty what is it called The Lex what is it it's the Lexa pad something power armor Lex he's that the exoskeleton is built now I guess I'm doing something else here I don't know what the hell this is that's pretty cool looking I like that you know in many ways I you know I don't I mean I look at the box but I'm more of a and I think it's probably always been this way I've always been a oh I see it's Kryptonite cool um te Kryptonite the I've always been a Lego a mini fig fan more than anything yeah it's the it's been the mini figs that uh I've always liked but that's again that's just me um I could get rid of all the bricks and so I'm thinking about even putting on like the wish list so that I I've got kind of a checklist of sorts and just doing a going uh on eBay or that there's a a mini fig site in the UK um just just mini figs and just doing a wish list there and forgetting forget about the sets just going after the uh um the mini figs just mini figs yeah see I've always i' like to uh I always like was into the model kits and building them like I know for a while I was really into the the Gundam P the things that you bu I would repaint them and put them together oh wow because I didn't I've never really liked their their paint job so I would just repaint it yeah I've never done I I did models as a kid but I haven't I can't say that that I've I've really done a lot of that kind of thing uh lately other than Lego Lego was the only one that I Really Ever kind of liked when I was a kid I always did Lego well see I only had one set really I mean I had two sets I had like a generic building block set and then I had a Lego City set and that was it pretty much so it's not like I was surrounded by Lego growing up at all at all it's just you know after data lore from the chat room ended up getting me bringing over the uh Star Destroyer that was really and I think that video is on YouTube now yeah yeah the start I didn't I don't think anybody captured me building it but when it was built I kind of did like a a r viewer talking about it at a distance you know a long time ago but that was really it for the longest time the longest time I think the last Lego thing I built my buddy bought it for me uh about a I want to say a year ago it was a TIE fighter and it came with a Vader oh yeah Vader F yeah so I put that together I was like oh this is pretty I haven't built one of these in a while let's see how long it'll take me to put this together I think it took me like about an hour or two or something like that this is a bit concerning Uh Oh missing a piece oh no I found it never mind got it no I wasn't missing a piece it was a a piece an extra piece I'm like uh I can't where was I supposed to put this well that's how you know you did the job right is when you have extra pieces that's what I've always been taught yeah yeah that means I did it right it's all good so how do I I have to do this sorry I'm like trying to accommodate it here how the hell does this how does it turn how does it work it looks pretty awesome yeah it's it it's nice but I'm trying to figure out how does that just slide in there there's no it doesn't tell you how to put it on there's no way of accommodating one of the pieces which is really kind of strange it's that's definitely right that's definitely right it's it's it's like it's gripping the uh the cannon but not in a not in a tighter capacity so I don't know that's just that's kind of like the Optimus Prime I have the the he oh the crayo the uh this actually this this one Chris I don't know if you can see that Optimus see how I I kind of had to jury rig that gun onto him cuz he wasn't holding it right strange I don't know how that's like I actually found that a toy con for like 20 bucks it's actually all diecast metal too it's probably worth quite a bit well yeah I was I was looking at my Convoy I said oh that's right that was a Japanese name for him he never went by Optimus Prime this is really strange it's it's there but it's not I mean it's supposed to go in this position but it's it's too loose I don't know why it's not usually they clip in in some way but even the way they have it you might have to just rig it Chris yeah but uh I figured it out what's up it's really I I I would wrong hand oh it goes in the other okay it's made for a specific hand yeah it's made for this hand I was like no this can't be right I'm like there's no way this can be right so I I've Got The Lex Luther this is his exoskeleton that's awesome and then this this is the gun and you can't really see there the Kryptonite is inside this chamber up here sorry that it's like it may not being focus in the crappy quality of Google uh but um yeah that's the exoskeleton that Luther goes into and he stands there and then of course I think I held up I held up them ear I held held up them I held them up earlier there's Luther although it's kind of there we go that's Luther's pretty plain um and then of course I held up Wonder Woman and then Superman Superman that's actually a really cool Lego version of him yeah you know honestly I'm really happy with the what I see coming from the the superheroes um from from Lego that was a pretty I would say for 200 pieces that was a pretty quick build and you know I'm very happy because I had this on my w did I remove it from my wish list I probably should um but you know I'm just I'm all about the mini figs I don't care about anything else um the exoskeletons can stay or go it's to me it's about these little guys they're they're why they're why I do what I do although I forgot one thing here apparently this goes into the cannon I forgot the uh thing that makes what the beams of kryptonite shoot out I guess how does that go okay goes there from there to top one so that goes into this this little hose goes into that this little hose goes into that now we have the exoskeleton okay now it makes yeah now it looks like an exos before yeah it wasn't uh wasn't quite coming together for me but theoretically I guess this as far down as it goes now he's got those nice now see now it makes kind of looks like a Gundam wouldn't it it does kind of look like a Gundam I think I may have some images of some one for a convention I went uh where's that I yeah I got a bunch of them I got to put together in my closet I this actually I gotta tell you uh for for an exoskeleton this is a pretty good build I mean the feet articulate independently like uh the uh Bionicles um the arms articulate uh and then the body swiv yeah looks similar here's the image of one of them I took at a convention I went pretty cool Gundam is that there's so many Gundams out there I don't know there just a whole bun I just what just I just seen pass through at a convention I went that's pretty I think that one's from like I I know which series that's from my favorite was always Wing that was my favorite gunam series let me just fix this one before I've seen this also life-size one is it this one no I don't know if it is wait if I can find that image there's a life siiz Gundam almost like almost at least half size a human size oh wow that's that probably took a while to put together oh uh here it is let me just save the I have to rotate this image before I figured out why the uh the basketball mini figs have arms that are a bit loose compared to the others it's because they lock in a certain position to hold the basketball so they're M okay so they lock and then they it Springs back yeah I just need the basketball yeah I know no I didn't get it this is the second set that I've opened I do not have the basketball I was I was watching the tldr and my wife was sitting here I'm like oh you could always just take one of the Lego guys heads and paint it orange and use it as a basketball also here's the almost human size of Gundam that's insane I would love that for my office do not touch to do not touch don't mess with it wow that's awesome I probably tried to pick that guy up and be like I'm taking you home you're going You're G to stand right next to my desk uh which this year I can go but they're move they're temporary moving into South for a while see I used to go to that comic convention out here in Chicago and it's just lately it's been I went uh like two years ago and I was just let down by it's just not worth the price anymore oh here this this the one I went it was a thing called WonderCon it's just basically the It's all under the same name as Comic-Con but it's it's only like 25 bucks for the whole I think out here it went up to like 35 bucks I'm like are you serious for how many days one day I almost got hired by one of those one of those conference companies to content for them this was last year and uh I I I I didn't get the gig because I I didn't want to move to New York wow it almost happened that would have been kind of cool it would have been neat I said oh but I can work remotely they want to see you actually there yeah I mean there's something to be said about that but I mean they had the studio infrastructure there so I guess it made sense but you know I don't mind traveling I was even prepared I'm like you know I'll travel back and forth you know once twice a month or whatever to get it done yeah I don't see why they would I don't see why they gpe about that that's not bad yeah so these are the uh the ones that I I showed off uh earlier in the the tldr uh episode today they they have base plates that I'm probably going to hold on to um because they're made to accommodate the cards but like I said I'm probably going to be giving away these cards to probably I don't know how I can do it I want I want to give everybody Fair a fair opportunity so I may send it out in an email update to all nomies and say the first person the first Nomi who says they want these you know collectible cards get them all the names and put it in a hat and just draw there you go yeah well yeah the only problem with that is like you know oh great basketball cards yeah like me it's kind of like me kind like kind of like a Christmas you open it you're like oh yeah geez you're like you so much I really wanted to so that's so awesome if if if they wouldn't it's to me I mean you could hand me one of these cards and be like oh it's got Lego on it who cares but the mini figs I mean I got the whole NBA Lego set here and I'm sure all the collectors are going no you can have your yeah because you're opening the box you know what like nails on a chalkboard I'm not I'm not going to have any there's no value for in having them remain in boxes I granted I will not remember any of their names now right right uh like oh it's it's a basketball guy I take I take all my figures out too Chris I don't blame you you know I just and there they're they're definitely interesting mini figs uh with the fact that they Springs on their legs they're very interesting although the nice thing is too you could if you wanted to theoretically uh give them different arms uh you could of course removed arms and you can give them different legs with matching uh uh brick legs or at least the colors uh so I mean they're they're mini figs they're not like magnets I wouldn't consider them in the same league so to speak as the magnets but um this I believe these are the first black color or I'm sorry um this is the first non non yellow Lego I like how's he going to put this he's like wait a minute let me put this let me put this right it's like I can't say brown well they are brown but they were the first non yellow Lego mini figs that Lego produced it's kind of neat yeah so I oh yeah NBA I'm down I'll see you guys later I'm taking off all right later bye yeah the uh I don't think I'm going to get to the I don't think I'm going to get to the Lego Friends in this one that may have to wait because I'd be shocked if anybody oh the rewatchability he's playing with Lego but we had see that's had a conversation wound around these you know various topics that was what I expected someone's got a question we talk about it someone says something we talk about it and yeah my friend Bob's like a huge like collector guy and he came up I have those those Force effects lightsabers he's like dude why' you take them out of the box I'm like because I want to play with them I want them to make the noise yeah Diana and I we got to record something for oh we got to record something for Matt we're we're going to do a lightsaber tutorial thing and it uh did I get dupes no um it hasn't happened yet they got these really nice ones on the site but they're like 400 bucks but they look really nice well it's not real I'm like oh I want no I don't have any of those I want one but I ain't spend that much money but they they're like custom made and you could program the effects through your computer to do whatever you want I'm like oh that's nice no I would love that I know I just got these little things what they when Master replica made them oh yeah yeah I got the I got pretty much all of them the Obi One the the Darth Maul one that one was that's it's huge well I have a I have a wholesaler account with e distribution and they're big into a uh different Star Wars but they have that I'll try and help you out oh that'd be awesome wait Entertainment Earth yeah I uh I just got a wholesale account with those guys I have I have a a normal job but I uh I eBay on the side and I started get I went out to the Vegas ASD and got hooked up with all these different people out there and um e distribution was one of them and uh yeah it's they got they got so much stuff and prices I mean for the wholesale end of it the prices are just awesome well for GE I mean e is like they've got Geeks like covered oh yeah they got they pretty much got everything matter of fact it's funny they were talking I I hate to say this because I'm gonna get ousted but I don't know a whole lot about Legos but like my sales my sales rep was I don't either my sales like if you don't buy this series 4 Lego something you're an idiot he was basically tell if you don't buy it right now and sell it and I'm like I I just don't know a whole lot about it yeah um he had to explain it to me but uh he was talking about probably if it was a series for he's probably talking about uh the Lego mini figs Series yeah and they on they just released series five or six he said just recently it was five or six was just released so what I do instead of buying the individual packs uh on eBay I'll usually go to eBay because people like collectors will open the bags and then send you like the complete set so you don't have to do it yourself yeah and they're like they're basically like oneoff mini figs that don't go anywhere else like they just did a Statue of Liberty one and yeah and a like a sleepy boy like I mean just weird stuff but um yeah Lego is there it's huge yeah that's what he was telling me it's that's they got a bestseller list on their wholesale and Lego takes up like fource of it not a surprise I mean it really it it doesn't surprise me at all um the uh when I posted some of the more popular videos that I posted my channel have nothing to do with technology it's it's Lego and I'm like okay fine if if if that's the way they want to play it I'll post more Lego stuff because I love it so I found bull market toys because I was just saying you know I could buy this stuff myself but let's see if I can benefit someone who's selling Lego too um and they just basically they're sending a couple sets like they did with the Star Wars taned 4 and the um I think it was the a city of Atlantis set um and then you know they get the direct benefit because then you know it's basically me saying okay I used B I got him through b marker toys they sent them to me so like if anybody sends me a set I just say hey so- and so send it to me and so I get the benefit of being you know getting I granted I I had to you know pick up these mini figs myself yeah um even though they look like pixels from that far away the quality is just so H so bad on on Google+ I don't know why um it probably looks phenomenal from where you're sitting oh no they look amazing great yeah just call me coach but you know it it's it's it's collectible they hold their value the Lego bricks that I had as a kid could interoperate with the bricks that I have today it's it's a big deal the last Entertainment Earth thing that I think I picked up was uh the job of the Hut special it was like uh half off or something like that so I end yeah I ended up getting it for like 20 bucks not Lego but uh the figures or whatever just a figure yeah I actually found one of the figures I was looking for uh like I said I go to this I sometimes I'll go to this toy kind it's local I actually found the giant limited edition Target Rancor the giant one I was like oh my God I'm getting that it was it was a steel I took I took that home I'm like now I just got to find place so wait a minute um Chris so when you you you're doing you're doing the distribution then like on eBay is that what you're doing on the side for yeah my store my store's called uh static stuff same as my username there and uh but uh um basically how the whole thing started was I was a just a Serial collector of Star Wars and if you can remember like back during our college Years when they first start coming back out with it I start like I literally had everything I do too I've got them unopened yeah I got well I finally broke I finally I I finally broke my habit and I started selling a little bit well the money just started rolling in I mean rolling and that's what got me on eBay and then finally um I thought I would never get rid of this collection I literally took up a gigantic basement full of this stuff and it sold in two years and I was just rolling in cash with eBay and uh I'm like I got to keep this going then I start getting into the wholesale end of it and um I uh talked to e distribution here recently but I got on with a different company called bow world and uh they actually have I know you like hoodies but uh they got these cool these really cool hoodies I got them right over here like Batman Joker but when you put the hood up it's got the face on the side here I I'll show you real quick see I want to get the That Boba Fett one that I saw that like no I want that no that one's a nice one the the Darth Vader one that I got from Hot Topic that was that's cool too I was like oh my God I want that my wife like why do you want that I'm like hello why you not want it hello is that a poster Kevin there this was actually a real robot while I was went to the WonderCon robot actually like actually operating it was beeping and doing all that cool stuff yes it does that oh wow so this is this is the Joker here yeah and if I pull this up but cool yeah cool just this Christmas I sold like 150 of these things whoa yeah so it's yeah it's been it's been cool I really enjoyed it so you know my dad used to own a hobby shop uh and you know he I basically you know resold Goods you know I I wish I could get him into eBay again uh uh because I mean some of the items that he did was like remote control cars and airplanes and trains even though he never really built any of the sets himself uh yeah eBay is just a huge Boon for collectors I mean reselling and and whatnot a huge I've been wanting to get Diana into it too because I if she has if if she has the time um it's it's definitely it's definitely work I mean it's like it's it's like a part-time job but I consider it more of a money-making Hobby but uh um if she has a time it's it's very rewarding I mean once you once you get it rolling I'll make mention of it and she also likes Batman so I like hey you know you can sell Batman hoodies yeah if you guys if you guys want the wholesalers just give me a call cool there's a benefit for n dude no right there right there is your benefit why should I join uh hello McFly hello well people are like asking that in the the tldr YouTube chat they're like well one should join and I'm like it's just seriously it's totally worth it just do it well okay so like this is just like day four I guess like um I don't know exactly you know what what the year throughout the year will hold but you like I said you know the hope is to be able to at least do something like this uh you know once a week or so even though I don't know if I'm gonna well yeah I'm going to dive into one of the friends because I want to see these mini figs and how they St up cool um I I've been hesitant to do this but uh I want to I haven't seen one or I haven't held one yet and I figured I need to like if I'm G to do it I might as well go a whole hog and get the other uh there's other uh mini figs that come with bigger sets but I'm not going to buy the bigger sets I'm just going to eBay the the smaller figurines but yeah dude if you start doing the Lego stuff Chris you let me know because oh I will definitely definitely matter of fact I got a scheduled call with him here in the next day or two I'll I'll tell you how it went and um yeah said prices are better than anything I can get it's it's not yeah I know they don't have I mean you don't got a lot of margin with Lego at all oh really yeah there's not a lot of margin but where you do where you can that I know of uh where you can drive values is in specifically uh either bundling things potentially yeah um cu if someone's going to buy one set they may buy two sets or like like the things like that what the the the mini fig uh mini figs just independently can sell like uh what's an example um I don't have any other ones in my office here but like okay let's say I wanted this just this Superman I didn't want to buy the full set in many cases people will just want to buy specifically for the mini fix of of anything in Lego like the the the most sought after pieces are more than likely apart from like individual pieces in older sets um it's it's these pieces if you're going to make money with Lego it's not going to be immediate it's probably going to be two years from now when the sets are no longer available that's where that's where a lot of the revenue is going to be driven the two videos that I've got on YouTube that are most heavily tracked the Lego atat review the at's going to be popular uh and the Death Star perennial those are the two most popular videos that I have the Lego Death Star and the the Adat and that took how many days like four three to four days oh the Death Star oh yeah yeah only took me like a couple hours and I did the video when I was sick I remember doing that but yeah so your let your money is going to be made but it's not going to be an immediate return unless you're the mini figs um like there's 16 in every minifig series and I think they just released five and I bought a the lot of it for like I think it was like $60 total or whatever but you know doing that I it's like what I did for garbage pill kids and I still have hang on yeah trust me I I collect I I have I have this is oh jeez talking about a mountain of dust on top here this is I think I did a video on this like a long time ago hang on a long time ago uh these are all the garbage pill kids from the original series like I remember those look and so this is series two this is the very first garbage pill kit I ever had right here Patty putty my dad my dad brought them home and he said I don't know I just watched CNN and something like that and then for my 16th birthday instead of a car I got series one in mint condition so can't go wrong with that and uh so no no no I mean I I'll never sell them I'll never sell them I don't care no don't I'll never sell them this is this is the only thing beyond the the Star Wars figures that are in like just crap condition uh I took care of my garbage spell kids there's some I mean I can tell you series nine actually that's series eight uh series 10 uh and all the way through um yeah and then so that was it's it's this binder sucks um flipping things back but I I kept everything I kept everything and I didn't collect a lot like I said this is the hang on this is the original series garbage do kids and then I I collect non sports cards I guess or I used to um this one needs to be accommodated for Tops came out with a new series of garbage pill kids uh looks like I need to accommodate that though and so I ended up having to collect start the collection all over again the new ones uh and I used eBay I mean I just I just bought from eBay so this is all um there's some bonus stickers here I know which series that is B2 hang on let me accommodate it yeah I all the way they made bonus stickers I mean they made it like a collector's nightmare oh I guess I had two of them nice craw wck um and then oh I can't say I can't show that met the guy uh Lis Diaz who made he you can pay him to make uh your own garbage pill kid so I want I want to do another one I want one of me although I don't know what it's going to be I need to get in touch with him but so Topps released a completely new series or a ANS a new series and there are still a lot of people collect garbage spell kids but then tops got really stupid um and now they they're what they're doing now is they re-released the Original Series in different foils and I'm like I don't care I don't want to collect that I want like new unique you know just so the new new series I'm I don't think any collectors are happy with it all but yeah they you know tops continue to produce like tons more and so yeah I ended up collecting all those and then I have other non-sports cards but garbage pil kids were the only non-sports card that you know I I think I I bothered to to Really you know follow even to today you know if I found out there was a completely new series uh that that was unique I i' I'd grab them as well just just to keep the collection complete oh yeah here's here's geek credibility I don't know if I've ever done a video on this but I've got like there's two Chris The Gnome sincerely Mark Hamill uh oh wow seriously two Chris The Gnome you are no matter me Jeremy bulock boa Fett uh two Chris The Gnome David prow Darth Vader oh no way and then I got I think this one was Ray yeah Ray Park yeah Ray Park for yeah Darth Maul yeah Darth Maul to Chris the gome and I think it was Amy what was her name she played a character in The prequels and then another Peter Mayhew and for some reason whoever someone got this for me someone like went around and got these for me whoever did got them to sign napkins I don't know surr them sing um there's another Jeremy bulock these are original autographs there's the guy who played low gry or the the medicine man Ewok uh Carri Fisher uh of course another Peter uh om fre tan or om freah from the prequels uh this is the second Kenny Baker I have the other ones on the other side David prow Darth Vader they're all autographed uh I think this was n gunray his autograph n num and then Ula I got her autograph too so yeah isn't that crazy I got I got a good I got a good Harrison Ford story for you oh he's the one I want I uh before I left Iowa I was uh right when I got out of college I went to H flight school and I graduated from there too ended up becoming a flight instructor and my first year there there was this guy it was line and we didn't notice that we've never seen the plane before it was this old uh b-wing plane but you can tell it was like all it all decked out like brand new and uh we were having bad weather it was up in Spencer Iowa and all of a sudden this plane lands and this guy uh has a leather helmet and AV glasses mirrored you can't see him except for you know just that part of his face and uh weather was getting real bad so we had to hang her his plane while I run down there and uh he rips the mask off and looks at me and it's he's got that Indiana Jones confused look it was Harrison 4 he goes like that you know my knees buckled because like I told you like I'm just and he was my hero growing up yeah yeah yeah my knees just Buckle I'm like and he's trying to talk to me and I'm just like sitting there you know you're like first thing he does he gets out he calls what he calls kalista says he can't make it home and yeah he was all upset but I was such a Harrison Ford fan am loved them as uh Han Solo Indiana Jones and I loved him in Blade Runner I love Blade Runner you know honestly I I liked him in regarding Henry maybe I'm alone but uh never saw it really I never saw I got a quick treat for you guys but then I gotta go hold on one second cool yeah no worries I'm trying to get this mini fig so Chris the lightsaber you had the lightsabers that you mess with are those the master replica ones or no they're not master replica they're Hasbro ones or yeah yeah they were like 20 bucks or whatever oh okay I need to Diana and I need to record a scene so that Matt can go in and composite the glowy stuff on oh do the editing yeah I used to mess that I used have a program that did that and I I started doing that with every picture and my wife's like seriously if I see one more upload on Facebook with a lightsaber I'm going to smack you well you better why would you do you better have to make the make the stick like bright like at least a good like bright color but not like bright just like a light color I took our wedding picture and I put lightsabers in our hand she's like seriously I was like look I gave you a purple one you like purple you're bringing out the old collections that we had when it's kids this is my Holy Grail here I got all the old oh wow oh nice and they're in good condition that's aome mine are in crap condition the one thing I have that's mint it's in good condition I still have the box but I've taken out was the the old Millennium Falcon the original one where you put the big old batteries in hit it it goes sounds like a horn I love oh yeah it still works too man you know some guy was selling a mint collection of those ker figurines they were the only things I really loved as a kid and they he's selling it for like $55,000 something I'm like oh there's no way dude I can't there's I can't that's too much that's wow so let me give you my first impressions of the Lego Friends mini figs I'm disappointed oh God that's a Lego they're I mean they're not I mean they're Lego is but I mean the the hands can certainly accommodate you know Lego bricks but the the weird thing is is her head that's not a standard Lego connector but it's not like I mean it's not really interchangeable that I know of Hang on we're going to really screw with I can't I can't put Wonder Woman's head on her on her body oh but but what I can do allegedly and I'm GNA see if this works allegedly I can yep the hair I believe is interchangeable yep so you can if you're if you're looking for different hair for your girl Lego nice or guy Lego the hair is interchangeable with other M that's really the only interoperable so you can kind of make I don't know it kind make it look like they're in a hair band yeah look it's Death Leopard this is not I mean I don't know she I'm not a girl so I'm I'm the wrong demographic for this but um yeah it's just the legs do not independently swivel on this one at least uh it's just weird I don't know kind of just like a little tad bit creepy that that the way that thing looks I it it's still Lego you know but it's I'm the wrong demographic and you know another thing though that I would say is is nice about all of it is that any of these bricks they're just Lego it's just plain old Lego awesome so that works different colors so I like that I'm sure I'm sure the girls will probably go nuts fed like oh they're so cute yeah but let's put them on ponies this isn't this is not I mean it's weird like I said it's just just the way the face looks I don't know it just looks a little like creepy well it's it's if you look at the head the head has got like a an it's got a chin car hang on it's got a chin carved out like right it it's not a it's not a uh I mean there's facial features on it like a bump for the nose and an actual chin on on her uh on her head it's just maybe that's what's throwing it off I don't know and they stand she stands maybe a little taller than the average mini fig not by much is she taller than Shaq no oh yes she is there's a problem there's a problem then she's taller than sh which one Shaq which what what team does he play for Lakers Lakers am I wrong I'm just say again wait is he 34 or eight I don't know you're ass gonna I don't remember I never watched basketball wait where's Google 34 wait we're in Google so I Google which number he is hang on I got it so the nice thing is you can they they'll stand on traditional Lego studs and the female stands taller than Shaq oh wow that's just problem sh well sha is smaller than any regular woman Shaq's not going to be happy with that no I don't know I don't know if these I mean they may they may sell well I don't know I the mini figs though I I don't know I mean I guess I'm just the wrong demographic I I guess I think that's what it is but that no you know but to me you know I I Lego is unisex it's not to me there's no gender attached I I'd imagine they would have done just as well with traditional mini figs and the new color bricks as they would have with the new mini figs the one difference and I I said this in the video when I was talking about this a few weeks ago and I didn't realize this and I even asked Diana and she confirmed it uh when girls are playing or with toys they project themselves into the there it's like the toy is them my sister was like that and I I didn't understand I'm like huh huh so you know the fact that it has more features that may be like her maybe one of the reasons why they went with this kind of form over the the traditional uh mini fig form my sister would always project herself into gem I'm like oh my god seriously when I played Han Sol solo Harry Potter set but but when I was playing Han Solo I was Han Solo when I had this the the Han Solo action figure he was the Han Solo action figure that was not me right so I I didn't know it to me it was interesting to to consider the gender differences in the toys and how we project ourselves as males versus how females project themselves or play with toys it's different it's it's just biologically different I it's kind of neat remember I translates but I remember the first Star Wars toy I got was that lightsaber and I was so disappointed because it didn't light up the way I wanted to and then I broke it hit against something and the thing immediately broke really serious here's the first Star Wars figure I ever had this one right here 99 yeah toys or more this is the first I've kept him in such good condition uh this is the first I mean I don't have a lot of Star Wars figures here other than Vader and maybe a couple Troopers but I this guy he's number one he's always gonna be number one this one 99 Cents what's that was that in De Mo yeah at toys or more yeah over on mer Road I got mine too do you remember toys or more toys and more toys and more toys and much much more much much more and there he was and I just looked at him like there was something about the that atat driver's face and I realize it's not in Focus but there was something about his face the way it was constructed I think this may have been before we saw Empire that I was just like dude that guy looks like a badass and uh that was it and uh ever since the atet driers had a special place in my heart and shelf that's my first Star Wars figure ever so all right guys well I'm out hey uh thank you for adding me and I'm really happy to be with uh the new nomies here um I've friended everybody on Facebook that has joined the club so if you guys need anything I'd like to keep networking as much as possible so this is this is awesome I'm really excited about it you know Chris and feel free to leave a comment too on you know Facebook or the Google+ well I guess the group on Google+ is a little different but you know even on Facebook posting something uh is is fine and that's kind of what the group is there for so okay yeah see what you think of that Chris Co that is the Unleashed Luke Skywalker return the Jedi I looked all over for him and I finally found him that is awesome and that's sweet I I love the saber effect I was like wow I got to get that that's pretty wild I I know it's crazy it's it's the it's might the funny things you can see at a convention yeah I was like oh I'm totally getting that I've not I've just noticed I select I found more of those some of the images I was took at the the local one con is there's this one there's also this one that has all the blood with it oh wow yeah this and then there's this one the Storm Troopers are look I like the way they look I wonder if goog plus is going to when it records this on YouTube is it just gonna be me or are you gonna be able to see what everybody else is showing off too I don't know proba put this on up on flicker I should no no I'm wondering though because the way it's being recorded how that's how it's going to work it'll be everybody be everybody cron yeah that's the that's the lightsaber Chris oh dude that's it's yeah that made out of a strip of um this is car uh what's it um po polycarbonite blade or whatever yeah but it makes all the sounds in it yeah this these are I got like a whole set of these wow yeah never I mean the lightsaber thing is like well these the new ones they're at least more rugged than the ones that we had growing up where they're like plastic and they would bend if I it's not going to break I was like and the sounds never The Sounds didn't sound right it was like ah so at least a little better it would cooler if this blade came off and I could just like you know walk around with just a h but yeah it would probably break more easily if it probably probably could just build one you could probably go to Hardware so get build some replica very close to it they have a bunch of YouTube videos that show you how to do that I'm sure they do yeah yeah there was one guy I know he used to do his own lightsaber videos I can't remember his name Ryan something he used to he was a popular back back when the prequels came out Ryan I don't remember his name Ryan Webster I think his name was he used to do his own mock lightsaber choreography and he made his own lightsaber hilts and his own you're not talking about you're not talking about the lightsaber kid are you no not the big not the big guy no he he did his only what his he did like he did really good like choreography and did his own lightsaber fights that like look like way almost like right on par with the movies oh wild so yeah I can't I think his name was Ryan Webster you probably Google him cool but he has a bunch of YouTube videos I don't know I now that I've now that I've I'm a little disappointed in the friends like he's like I'm not opening the rest of them like know I'm not gonna go as far as to return them but yeah put them on eBay I I think I need to get used to them I that's no no it doesn't work that way up on eBay yeah that's a simple answer to everything you could give those away to nomies here have one of these friends Return to Sender mini figs had a had a potential of being really really cool and they're I don't know I just I'm not a fan yet maybe when they're all five lined up together or whatever I'll feel different I don't know might I don't know I doubt it that's just me sorry I'm like I see like I've got like a zillion emails here uh this is this is the problem when I get do anything like late in the day it's like I turn back to like oh work and it's like oh great I have a lot to go through now oh it's such a Scourge um so yeah I I think no I I would considered a a success is exactly what I had expected it was going to be you know fun geeky conversation talk about new topics old topics and that's already worth it in my opinion Chris there you go for anybody who wants join there's your there's your uh you will not be disappointed at all here's also probably here's another funny story I didn't know this but until recently so I was reading Gizmodo that before I before I moved here I used to live in the in San Francisco this the house I lived in was two blocks away from Steve Jobs's first house really really yes look at gizo it's like I was looking at the house the design was very similar so I googled Google mapped it I looked the street view I was like oh there's the street it was just two blocks away that's wild dude it's justy at least his mot G me the information like damn that is wild ironically the place changed pretty much a lot so since we be kind of like on a Star Wars kick today Chris I I know you're not in the gaming but uh what are your thoughts on the Old Republic the online Star Wars I Hest haven't played it I have played it I I actually spent my whole new year's playing that game you know I'm just GNA you got to be into that kind of game to like it but I'll tell you if I'm a Star Wars fan and it it it appeals to me I love it so I don't know paying the fee every month yeah that kind of sucks but you know I'm just not much of a gamer and I you know I'd rather have the stuff sitting here even if it was just a figure than anything else uh you know other than other than that I'm just not I don't know can't it it's really it takes a lot for me to get into gaming that's the yeah I don't know if you saw my home office or all the games I have but I am a serious gamer I am a serious gamer I have like I don't know how many shelves of games it's not even funny it's not a bad I do too I I gotta get rid of I've been trying to get of them there's some stuff I do got to get rid of I did actually just get rid of a I sold a Sega Ain for like 120 bucks I think on eBay somebody wanted it and I wasn't playing it anymore over the 56k line it had uh I think there was the whole reason I got it was for a Dragon Ball Z game that you could it was an import that was the whole reason I got it yeah I had some weird priorities back then yeah is running with the lightsaber is just I don't run around with this just just to let you know I do not run around I don't go to work with it or anything like I think my boss would be like you know what dude you could just work from home every day don't come in here anymore you scar me wait hang on Troy Rudder saying Ryan what's Ryan versus dork man that's the guy that's what I'm okay Troy was saying okay I got it got it that's him he must be Troy must be watching The Hangout he say Ryan versus is dork man and yeah that was like I think it was one of his earlier videos but he has uh I think he has like three of them out three or four of them and they're actually not bad they're they're fun little lightsaber battles that he does that's pretty wild yeah I was like wow he must have taken a lot of time to do that all right folks I'm gonna go ahead and wind her down now the Lego's been built we've geeked out for the evening and I don't know maybe I like I said I don't know how frequently we'll be able to do a Nomi hangout um I I don't know if it's going to happen every single week but you know certainly once every two weeks I think it's going to be feasible if I can pull it off you know once a week like I said sometimes schedules are kind of nutty well especially if you're getting a bug or whatever like I said I usually take the coldies or the emergency that if you got to take it before the symptoms start though otherwise it ain't gonna work Kevin what are you doing this was the one of the gifs I was building but I had to rebuild this I'm going to have to rebuild this sometime a little bit later you said that about this I already had it in stock but already had it but probably it was just too big for Google Plus to accept it oh oh you can resize it on the uh you can go to the here I'll paste it are you in the are you in the IRC chat yeah I'm in the paste it in there this is where I go or this is for the the nomies private IRC chat that's where I go Kevin okay I'll probably have to just resize this just a simple sizing cuz it's a little too big that's pretty funny because you already talked about it it's like I already have it he's like just wait I'm going to upload this and just and hey Chris I know I I asked you a while ago I asked you what your favorite Star Trek movie was you said WRA andc what did you think of the new Star Trek that came out by that JJ Abrams one I didn't mind it it didn't feel like Star Trek to me though it's kind of like a reboot without rebooting it which is kind of clever but I still think Ricon was the best St Tre movie ever like you can't be I know I don't disagree I don't disagree so all right had to get my reboot question in he's like I'm going to bed before I get sick again no no no no I got I've got to go through like literally a 100 messages in my inbox so and that's even after tulling him down to you know by before the the show started I had down to seven so oh geez I have a and and it's after everything's just I have a lot to go through yeah so no yeah no doubt it never ends well was fun hanging out with all you guys yep yeah it was fun yep take care guys take care see you see you feel better Chris yeahthank you for watching liking commenting sharing and subscribing right now H that's weird why is the frame rate crappy frame R is really crap oh there we go that's better in now I smell it for hey it worked I haven't started broadcasting yet hey it worked I haven't started broadcasting yet but I got a bit of Lego to get through that's start with the superheroes I guess but I'm going to wait till going to give it a few more minutes ah problem is the quality of this video has gotten it used to be awesome it just sucks now yeah it's it used to be really really good and and like it's no longer as good as it was I tried getting my I tried to get the firewire camera to connect up to this firewire camera oh are you are you listening to the audio Chris iow Chris you know my family would love you Chris I'm a panther I'm supposed to say I'm a panther that's my alma moer thanks how was a Hawkeye I'm a panther well I guess I can say thank you honey did you eat me did you have any yeah okay you may want to mute the other stream though Chris okay yeah someone's got the someone's got another feed up there it's gone I could hear an echo just your head it's not my head hey hi's here sorry hi so wicked I haven't started uh broadcasting yet Chris but it will be Diana made chili oh that sounds good that's actually what I'm having tonight what what's the kind that you get on what is it uh it's really good it's like I there's not a lot of tomatoes in it and that's how I like it but what is it again I need a look I'll go look like chili is it no it's what's the brand I want to say it's like n oh n yeah yeah yeah like the pickles yeah yeah yeah oh so good and I just added onion and um bacon to it because we had bacon so Chris you're from uh Southeast poke yeah that was my uh High School yeah I uh I grew up in Norwalk oh yeah yeah yeah even Jake Jake um the guys with the locker know we both went to high school together so he when when we're going through the list of the registered nomies like your name came up like oh this he's from noro CU it was on Facebook and like what yeah it's really funny so sorry I wasn't anticipating that I would be eating Chile at this point but no it's fine man no problem at all GNA be eating chil my dinner hopefully this is going to keep me from getting sick I don't know just right before the show today I just felt like really I felt really drained and really kind of like that prey feeling thing you said the weather's kind of nasty out there yeah but I don't know if it was the the weather that was um I don't I mean I've never really been impacted by the weather we we saw a few other people get sick and my my parents are visiting tomorrow starting tomorrow they're visiting and my mom is just getting over being sick and I'm really worried that like whatever I have is just going to get pushed over the edge and then I'm just going like so I I'm warning everybody this week I on the videos I'm like I may not be on tomorrow I don't know yet depends on how sick I feel if I feel sick bonjour Matt olly welcome I haven't started broadcasting it yet obviously it's going out on live. but I put the link in the IRC so I'm sure a few more are going to join us I hear not Ryan no you linked it in the nomies IRC thanks yeah cool yeah I posted it on Facebook I got to remember to to uh cross over to the IRC too um no sorry for being rude but I'm eating I'm after the uh in drinking juice tasty I need extra does Iowa have I'm sorry kton what go ahead I'm just I was I was wondering how Iowa's weather is fairing actually actually dude I moved out to Maryland but uh I got buddies back in Iowa it's uh sorry mentally I'm making the connection when I'm seeing it on your shirt I'm a proud Iowan and Maryland I don't fit in too well out here but uh uh the weather's been unseasonably warm actually I talked to a friend yesterday matter of fact wow yeah my parents are flying up from from Texas the uh um I don't know what the uh um what the weather's like down there but they were saying Mom apparently doesn't have like boots or something like that she was playing on them like well it started snowing yesterday I mean it really I mean we got a couple inches it was it without having anything all year here yeah we have two feet over here in your Spokan wow yeah I I'll go through if I'm walking through the airport if I see inevitably if I see if I'm walking or anywhere and I see like uh very rarely do I see un and I or or Panthers um but if I see like ISU I'm more likely to see Cyclone or or Hawkeyes like if I see it like I'll go go Hawks and like they just like yeah you know like out here they'll uh they'll they'll run across the room and come grab you like you're from Iowa you know it's so rare far in between out here that in in Washington I tell you I've met a lot of former Ians out here it gets a for some reason or another Pacific Northwest seems to attract a lot of people from Iowa the climate I would say is roughly the same but I think the mentality or like the way like people think it's very similar to Iowa probably a little more liberal than Iowa traditionally traditionally I was I was actually talking buddies kind of your way up but um yeah it seems like a nice place up there I love it up here oh it looks like Tyler microphone we all have them yeah he's I got to find my headset uh damn it oh headset I I haven't started broadcasting yet because I started eating my chili I'm refueling for the inevitable build build Aon of what this will be cuz I got this one I want to put it together it's only 207 pieces and then as I did in the show today the uh basketball mini figs these will be quick they're just is just opening them up yeah I just found out about these and then I looked on eBay and someone was selling the whole lot of them and for I mean I was I was really really shocked that no one knew no one else was in on it I'm like oh that's a good price so don't everybody talk at once apparently Lady Gaga joined Google Plus what's that Lady Gaga joined Google Plus Oh Lady Gaga oh either there here comes the neighborhood or there went the neighborhood I'm a Lady Gaga fan I don't mind her music in fact the first time I heard Justin Bieber I thought he was a she he sounded like imagene Heap to me I'm like is that imene Heap no it's Justin Bieber I'm like really and I guess he's got a he's got a tattoo now on his leg Justin Bieber does really I don't know this is just a rumor but apparently it's a picture of Jesus and Jesus is looking up towards his butt let see Justin I don't even want to see the results for this a whole bunch of girls with the tattoo of his face yeah Jesus leg T yeah it's a Jesus leg tattoo but Jesus is looking straight up in to his butt yeah look at it he I dare you to Google it but you know it's just it looks it's just his eyes are looking the wrong direction I think I don't know I don't know it's kind of funny I things well not that I not that I have a a theed tracker for all things Justin Bieber because I don't you the Lady Gaga front you have to respect any uh artist these days that actually sings on stage instead of lip syns well what I love about Lady Gaga she's Hands-On with her fans mhm yeah I really I I appreciate that more than anything oh and she's sponsored by Google which yeah hey good for her well naturally if they pulled her in I mean they knew what they were doing yeah I guarantee she's gonna be the number one followed person in two minutes did she just join uh I think so that's what I thought I saw I thought I caught the other day that Madonna had joined too oh well you know everything Madonna does Madonna was my Madonna was My Lady Gaga yeah not really but we just need to get Britney Spears out of number one I think she's number one is she still relevant I mean no Britney yeah is she back is Britney back or I don't know you know I don't mind any of their music I really don't it takes a it takes a lot for me to not like something yeah she's at number one with almost one and a half million followers I actually liked the I liked uh paparazzi that's I think if I had a favorite song that a Diana she's watching that what's the Bieber movie Bieber movie she was watching it on Netflix and damn thing suck me in I'm like what the hell are you watching I gotta be up on my Bieber trivia I I can't you know I'm old but I don't want to be like old old you know like that I'm completely out of the loop that would be uh Diana keeps me young oh um I I may have to run here this dinner's on its way but uh the uh the surface 2.0 apparently is shipping and you were asking earlier about a a Windows 8 uh touchscreen computer that would that would draw you away what do you think about a surface well we had surface at gnome deck a few years ago it was pretty good it was nice to kind of get your hands on and play with how much are they running though are they they're still right around 10 grand I'm I'm guessing now they're one huge gorilla glass so they can't be cheap I mean imagine that big of a device I mean it is not not a it's a they're running on an AMD processor if I'm not mistaken as well I remember at The Gnome decks when they had the surface there uh we caught one blue screened having issues oh Todd's trying to get in Todd's not currently in the in the we haven't gone through and added everybody so I'm going to add Todd to the uh Nomi Circle okay Todd you're in everything just blacked out from me now okay oh someone just left greaton so again I'm going to be starting the Lego thing is just that Diana brought up chile and Chile in the grand universe or the greater Universe always trumps Lego it's Chile Lego so it Justin Bieber you know it's like there's a a you know whole it all goes together and she disappeared she went downstairs and then she left am I like Ultra wide screen or something MH you are cool I don't know why it's it's just the The Face Time cam oh I bet you that's why because what the Google software does is it um makes it so that it turns a 3x4 webcam aspect ratio to a WID screen so it's probably doing the same thing to your FaceTime cam that's my guess at least it doesn't seem to be stretching you necessarily see I tried to get it it won't work with a FireWire camera for for some reason I even tried running through cam twist still it still wasn't going well uh before we do the are we're not public right now are we we're not public it's on live. um I haven't started recording you do that I guess when you start um but the people on the page can watch it though I think not yet because it's not broadcasting yet IED right now we have the ability to do it oh Matt are you saying you have to go oh uh in just a minute but really really quick I just wanted to thank all of you bottom of my heart man us us writers we really really appreciate your support so uh thanks for joining nomies and I'm looking forward to providing you with some some great content and Deals this year thanks for making the page it's great no worries thank you we've got a few uh there's a few things that I'm waiting to hear I mean this is going to be ongoing but I got the word out to a couple of uh uh places that have hardware and I'm going to see if we can work out something um I've worked with them before in the past but sometimes working with Hardware companies unless you're talking to the right person can be a bit of a challenge all right so that's that that's that um I'm almost ready to go live I just didn't want to do with it I realized more bites yeah no just four more this is so good weird Diana always puts like fresh onions in it which add to it and then of course she adds bacon bacon makes everything better y by the way Chris I have to say just how much I appreciate the fact that you use a lav because the alternative this thing has been hogging up my desk for a year now and I may switch to a lav mic for for any web chats that I do um I'm I'm just going out of the webcam on this one but oh did cron go away again he's trying to fix it and it ain't gonna work you can't you can't fix it it's Google got kicked out oh you got kicked out oh sorry it wasn't me no hang for you I keep losing videos yeah I was changing to another Google account to check something and it kicked me oh there's Todd Todd you weren't in the nomies group yet because it's all right I was like oh okay maybe it's just like not working for me so no no I was I looked and I'm like oh wait that's why that's all right I just signed up today it's no big you know I caught that I'm like oh cool I didn't realize that was your I for some reason I didn't dapose the handle that you use with your with your name yeah it's a yeah it's a it's a weird nickname yeah but it's it's motobus so well as opposed to Locker Nome being a normal it's far from normal far from normal he I used to just go by tobis and my best friend kept calling me uh master tobis so it's stuck oh that's a good one that mine it started the same way I was just a nickname in uh high school and then it grew into that my name is unique enough that I don't need a nickname there you go you don't know any other kraton no what about kraton Barrel yeah that's CR CR a whatever not Katon see I would I would change my last name Barrel just for giggles just for Giggles all right see I this webcam the only way I can get it to work is by doing a hangout and the quality is gonna suck so um Kevin I I don't know if Kevin's gonna be joining us eventually um but I'm I'm planning on just recording the whatever we talk about and whatever happens in this it'll be going into the loome uh YouTube channel uh and I said I probably mentioned this again when we start recording but as I was doing the uh pardon me broadcast today I was showing off some of the the NBA Minifigs and they come with uh these collectible cards in rappers and I'm not interested in them really I like the mini figs so I'm going to be stacking them all up and then just uh donate or giving to uh one random gomi and hopefully they're a basketball fan and if not then they can potentially pass it on to another basketball fan if there any basketball fans in the crowd I don't know nope no see yeah I I I'm kind of into football a little bit Chris but other than that that's it yeah that's it all right yeah okay so thank you all for joining uh let me get the promotional engine running looks like oh the videos have been processed already the the programmer one that we just did looks like it's already live nice that was a pretty quick turnaround too okay so give me a second need to be reminded that my eyebrows are a little unkempt y 5 four three two one and I believe the broadcast video is live this is the special uh Chris without the top of his head addition reminiscent of in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom where they eat the monkey brains uh the rest of my head is on the other side of the office uh it's out for cleaning and so my brain is fully exposed specifically to those who are joining this broadcast and the recording which I have every intention on making public on our YouTube channel uh the people who are joining me now are nomies registered nomies people who join nomies and part of the benefit is to be able to do things like this join me in Hangouts and talk about whatever we want to talk about during the course of whatever I have no idea how frequently I'm going to do one I hope to do one uh on a regular basis you know I would say maybe once a week or once every couple of weeks uh depending on how schedules go but uh you know when I have something to play with here and we have things to talk about theoretically then everything will go well um there is no form or function to this other than chatting with uh new and old friends in the Google+ hangout it's being recorded by way of of Google so the quality is not amazing but hopefully the content whatever we dive into will be interesting uh to talk about as well as some of the stuff I have here I've got what I just showed in a a live uh episode on YouTube the uh Lego DC Universe superheroes this is a gift from Farah or Farah that package tracking and then I also have a few NBA mini figs to uh unbox and I did a video on that as well and then I I don't I this is probably gonna be a separate video tomorrow I went out and I bought friends so for everyone who says oh you buy your friends they're right I buy my friends these are my my Lego girlfriends and uh they're it's Lego it's just the mini fig are more doll likee very reminiscent of Polly Pocket and uh is that is that David that joined us there yes awesome David not Lee banther exactly although Diana wants to call you that now it's funny I'm perfectly fine with that with that with that with that name by the way perfectly fine with it David Le I think it's a good it's David Lee Rock get stuck in my head and so I'm like rock and it's not David Lee okay so let me go ahead and this hangout is public the only way to join this hangout again for everybody who's uh watching is uh to be a registered know me and that's pretty much I think honestly for the Hangouts that I've done in the past I mean they've been interesting but I I really think I I I want to keep the Hangouts that I do just for or with nomies honestly I mean just because it's it's a certain group of people certainly the I would say you know the pillars are our community because you guys are supporting us directly I mean beyond what you've uh done before and here's a rock star Andrew erson so Andrew you got your chair yeah it should be here in about five weeks so uh for everybody who doesn't know Andrew we donated he he reached out to our community on New Year's uh to raise money for himself he donated to us and I turned around and gave all the New Year's donations back to Andrew and kind of spread the word and because of doing that that uh Andrew was having well beforehand was having difficulties getting a wheelchair but effectively the locker Nome Community pretty much helped him get something that he needed to get around uh but not just a regular wheelchair Andrew that's uh and you might be able to explain it a little better but something that's gives you far more Mobility than average yeah it was I mean it was insane to begin with I mean I actually started the thing back in October but it kind of failed the original link I gave you I think you still hav it running through the ticker I tried just going through YouTube and it was like I just get slammed and slammed and slammed so finally I gave up and I was like NOP new approach and I started the fundraiser and my original intention was maybe he'll you know mention it I never intended for you to actually donate and it was just kind of took off from there and then I got a phone call about it and it was just it just kind of blew up out of nowhere it was definitely a great thing you know like I said you know that's when I started doing the New Year's hangout I wasn't intending on doing anything except for being silly and then as soon as I saw that kind of float through I was like you know this this you know we could do something better than than just me goofing around and so I was very happy to see that you were able to work looks like you were able to connect with your insurance company and they saw what we did in social media the insurance company didn't but the people who make the w share did really and they said we'll knock off a a good at least 2% and I ended up knocking off about thousand plus dollars really yeah so it was it it it worked out well but man I have to okay no no I didn't mean to interrupt Andrew I I wanted to ask specifically about the chair that you were looking for because it seemed that some people were a little confused because they for a lot of people who've never had to deal with a wheelchair they just assume it's all the same and I can't imagine it's all the same it's not the same I don't know how many comments I tried to respond respond to where people said either a he's scamming or B it should be about 500 bucks and I said 500 bucks for what I said one piece is about three I have my invoice I could actually if you wanted do I could send it to you so that you could show it to you want Andrew it's it's trust me when I saw your video on YouTube and I watched the whole thing you know you don't put yourself out there like that in in and specifically you know not I know you weren't expecting on on getting hit by Trolls but I can't imagine anybody willingly wanting to do something like that no it's like I said to uh somebody else I said you know why would I be up from I mean I'm sure you've taken a look at my Twitter I was on from 700 am to 3: plugging that thing constantly and why would I be doing that distra scam that is way too much work well you know I I think there's a healthy amount of of skepticism that you know and I mean I get it well sure but you know I I I I I've seen I've seen enough and I've known enough uh that your your mission was very humble and the fact that you donated back to our community meant more to me than anything and so I was more than happy to help make something like this happen uh specifically if the insurance company was a playing ball and it's good to know the the that makes the chair is being helpful well yeah it was actually kind of a I mean I know you want to be the kind talk about the chair and I can I mean a lot of it was I needed a special seat one thing was the seat I have I need a pressure Rel seat because as you can imagine sitting in a chair for about oh 12 to 13 hours a day in one spot if you think that doesn't get uncomfortable oh trust me I I come pretty close yeah I'm sure you do I think I sit in front of my computer as much as you but um yeah one of the things was a seat and that seat is 800 bucks by itself just for a seat me it looks like it looks like somebody cut up an air mattress and said here's 800 bucks but I mean that's really how that stuff works the seat belt was like $100 the harness was another two or three I mean stuff adds up and it adds up quick well what was more interesting too is what Andrew did uh he had from the donations we raised about half as much as we needed but it seems like that was enough with uh the the company kind of helping out really with I would say discount Andrew donated uh the I think it was the remainder uh to another loome Community member who is starting up an orphanage or I guess is helping an orphanage also in Oregon uh for Filipino kids and so we closed that Loop and so more than just one person has benefited from I guess the the lockr them community directly so you know it's nice to have your support Andrew and and I was very happy to have facilitated or or helped kind of rally the troops uh to bring you a better quality of life you definitely did I mean that's why the day you announced nomies I kept hearing you say nomies in the background on your mic I could hear you saying no me something and I was like that so going to say no me in a minute and so I kept watching and I kept trying these different URLs to try to find it to make sure I was the first one in I tried like nes. like that's dedication son of a you I was like why the oh excuse me why didn't I think of that well no like I said very happy to have you as a part of this uh uh sub community of the Greater Community and I mean it's it's uh it's an honor it's you know I'll uh I'll be sure to jump in on a hangout as soon as I have the chair too oh no worries now now I'm geeking out I got the uh I got my uh the homeo this is this may be a longer build than I thought you guys may be talking amongst yourselves as I uh go through this uh oh I need my I may need to go get a I use uh I'll be back in a second you guys Talk Amongst yourselves I'll be back I I I get and I'll bring it um lunch trays they have cafeteras and grade schools work very well for for Lego organizing like putting things together so oh and Kevin's here yep I was doing some errands earlier no worries dude everybody this is Kevin and I I'm sorry no one you guys feel free to okay I'm G to step away no actually just wait and then I'll let you introduce yourself I'll come back talk about yourselves about something else I'll be back hi Kevin how are you hey CV what's going on Kevin I'm good nothing really except I was just looking to do some of my old boxes of floppy disc I have one book and here's a couple of them I got those Windows 3.1 installation discs nice do you remember do you have any of those five and a quarter the actual floppy discs not the big one I've got the the smaller size but not the mini floppies I just uh I found a couple of ones for the Commodore 64 they're up in my attic now I oh those size yeah CLE cleaning out my office here I'm like I got to get this clean I got too much old stuff laying around yep oh yeah I have those the one for the Commodore 64 I have those type of those size of floppy disc but the original one those are a lot bigger yeah five and a quarter inch yeah yep I had an Nar 800 oh that's nice yeah do it does anyone remember the ti994a that was like the first computer I ever owned yeah I had a trs8 model three the the disc drive like the big expansion unit is like this you dropped it it would just like break it weigh like so I don't know how much it weighed it weighed a lot though so D David banther I I saw your home office tour that you left as a video response oh yeah no I I I always enjoy doing those and I enjoy watching yours uh on on New Year each you know each year yeah you got a nice you you organize kind of like I do like I got the uh like the stuff like on the shelves you know I I get a lot of that clutter over you know a year's time and has to go somewhere I try and keep all my clutter like all my little Chach keys and all my stuff on one shelf cuz I hate the mess but it drives the cleaning lady at like the office crazy because she can't dust around the Lego men and she knocks them all over and she tries to put back up they're not they're not she doesn't put them back up how I like them so it's this ongoing joke we have with her but uh you know try contain the mess picture and leave it for reference I had the same problem wait a minute oh never mind yeah um I had the same problem with the um the Lego X-wing the uh I have uh um cleaners too and so uh they it would keep getting destroyed like so inevitably I just moved to the top shelf I'm like screw it I'm just GNA collect dust sometimes that's that's that's what you have to do with that that's why I don't bring anything to my office at work I just have everything here in my home office so I know I I'm not gonna knock it over or break it or anything like the top of my desk is is all just figures and collectibles and stuff D my Vaders have collected so much dust I mean dust is part of the whole thing you know it's not a bad thing yeah oh yeah I I would I would consider I probably need to get like for my Vaders I probably need to get those figurine like capsules like I got for the uh the snaggle tooth I got that the the Sears special edition or not really special edition but the uh this limited run tall snagle tooth that came with the Sears set I don't know if anybody else collected Star Wars figures but it's a very rare figure and I have that in like a um like a container of sorts and I thought about doing it the other vaders but some of them are kind of big because of the cak things that Geeks do yeah I had this vision of encasing them encasing them in carbonite yes yeah I uh I still have my original Star Wars figures from when I was a kid the counter ones yeah the ker ones yeah yeah I've got a couple of those I think I have an original Boba Fett somewhere I I have I think I still have I should have all of them because I collected them all the way through the power of the force with the collectible coins right but somehow some of them some of the stuff that I used to have I think you know I mean you know over time it gets lost but I have I think the only thing I have for my childhood that's still in full collection and in good condition are my garbage pil kids oh okay I remember those too yeah cuz I I have a Vader I don't have the cap for but I have the old counter Vader with a lightsaber you like hit the telescope lightsaber that comes out that was pretty cool this is the Vader that started it all I got this as a gift the original ker Vader yeah the lightsaber goes in and out right yeah tesing lightsaber I don't have Cape though but the funny thing is is is that the edge of the lightsaber it had that little tip a lot of people uh would break that off they break they'd break off the tip that happened to my Obi-Wan yep and so uh I got this as a gift and it was just this Vader sitting there I'm like I need to have more than one and so then it just exploded into an office full of Vader that's how it happened I mean I didn't I wasn't I wasn't a huge Darth Vader fan as a kid I loved Han Solo but kind of that's that's what happened I I've always been a fan of Obi-Wan Kenobi that was that was always my favorite character I don't know why I like I liked Obi-Wan in the prequels he was yeah he was really good in the prequel you McGregor was the only believable character in The prequels he yeah he did he did an awesome job I I don't I don't I don't know about Anakin Anakin I was oh Hayden Christensen yeah what a what a whiner that kid when when you take him and put him into like the Return of the Jedi that just threw me oh yeah you need the end of the movie yes if I was that old actor I would have been like why did you do that oh I'd be upset sure I would see I thought something was wrong I was like wait doesn't a Wonder Woman have an invisible lasso I'm like no she has the invisible jet the the last if she has an invisible jet how does she find it uh I don't know I'm just I'm just throwing it out there I just like how do you know where you parked there you run into it by accident or there's a a funny Family Guy scene with that where she like flying yeah she's flying and she's like in the bathroom and Superman like comes up she's like I'm in the laboratory he's like oh wait a minute isn't her weakness like something stupid like if she's Bound by a man or something I I I've known like these characters have like really stupid like disabilities you have a very clear picture there Craig uh what are you it's that WID screen camera it's it's the it's the MacBook Pros FaceTime cam it's all it is I'm on my M well I have a 2009 MacBook Pro and it's it's as you can see we're like VGA quality here so you use you know a separate camera yeah this is a early 2011 MacBook Pro I was going to say it looks noticeably different yeah I'm also Ultra WID screen too so yeah you know I I don't have I have one FaceTime HD camera but I don't know if I've used it for a Google Hangout Chris did you say you're getting a MacBook Air oh no no no you mean in the in the nomies chat I had um I actually have uh an older MacBook Air like the generation they had posted on or on that on that page I picked it up I think from Mac Maul like a maybe a year ago almost on the same price and I mean it's it's nice I tell you if I needed a new like portable computer I would seriously consider a MacBook Air yeah that's what I'm using I I really like it you know especially the newer gen with like an i5 and those things are just they're lightweight they're solid basally like Ultra Book no it's it's it's the first Ultra Book it is you you you know the only thing that would make it possibly better is if Apple would develop more touchscreen capabilities with an OS 10 like the way Microsoft's doing with Metro get like an iPad 2 then if you want to get a backbook air yeah but an i there's certain things that I can do more easily on a traditional desktop operating system that I can't do on on an iPad for casual browsing the iPad's perfect you know watching media the iPad's perfect but like if I'm really like browsing the web and needing to get get anything done like I I have to I have to be able to flip back and forth and do various things that and still I mean flash is going away but you still need it for some stuff so yeah yeah and that's the thing that I mean on any well I'm sure it's just going to be a matter of time before this Google Plus hangout just dies because uh it's crippled by Flash software I I hope to God Apple can or apple uh Google can come up with a way around um the uh um the the classic Google Chat software that they use because it it dogs Google Chrome inevitably like an hour into it I don't think it's I don't think it's uh flash I think it's uh Java I think it is what's R yeah you might be right kton this isn't flash but it needs to be improved dramatically yeah it it does that's one of their biggest problems is their GT plugin it's old really old so old dude I have a MacBook Air the one thing you have to watch out with that though is uh they generate so much heat in yeah oh I think it's so hot I I had to buy a belon um cooling pad for it just a just a type on it which mine has mine hasn't gotten that hot which air do you have it was it was the first year it came out oh yeah they've definitely changed since then mine's a Core 2 Duo it doesn't get too hot but I can't imagine that Core i5 you know running cool for long the first one got to be under clogged at least what was that yeah I I think the the core the the core iivs are underclocked because they only run 1.6 and 1.7 don't they they're probably underclocked intentionally yeah you know but I tell you those are those are solid machines and even at that price for a Core 2 Duo I I'm I'm really happy in having that because it's kind of like my if I need to walk around with a computer it's usually that it doesn't happen all that often yeah I I want to get like a Macbook err or even I was even looking at the uh Ultra books because I don't want to Lug around this big MacBook Pro with me to all my classes I'm gonna be curious to see the ultra books um and I'm watching with great interest specifically Ultra books uh that are going to ship with windows8 those are the ones yeah screen go ahead sorry uh we had gotten a look at uh the Dell one like I didn't physically go but I had a couple of people go for us and I had posted a whole bunch of videos from CES and one of them was of the dell the new Dell Ultra Book and the way that they were describing it to me it was amazingly fast even running Windows 7 and it it didn't seem like the other Ultra books that are outl now are maybe a little sluggish or slow so I have I have High Hopes at least for the Dell 13 uh Ultra you think they're going to start shipping with ssds they almost everything they need to I I think they have to just because how thin they are um and I wouldn't get an Ultra Book without an SSD what's the point yeah exactly that's the point and that's another thing uh Chris um the uh uh my MacBook Air has an S it's like a 64 gig SSD but I don't know if that's going to help temperature at all but it certainly it runs it it seems to run cool and Silent enough for me on average use but I'm not pushing Google+ Hangouts that's when it would get hot yeah I had a MacBook Pro at one point and then I I switched to this uh I got this thing and uh gave the MacBook to my wife so I got an Alienware I think this is the M14 yeah I got a MacBook Pro for work that gets hot yeah I I remember I used to have it I had one of those uh things to put on my lab because that that thing was burning my leg like crazy that reminds me of my old Dell laptop that would like Samsung Series 9 looks pretty nice I was looking at that yeah C that your D gets so hot and next thing catches on fire yeah I couldn't leave it for like more than maybe like 10 minutes on my legs or they start burning my my friend fell asleep with her MacBook on her like body and bed and God second degree burn she had to go this this is why I guess a desk like this I don't know if you can see on the camera these rolling ones that has basically one side being held on I just prop it next to my bed so I can just push it in so Chris you could do your cooking show by cooking on the laptop cook an egg on the laptop a MacBook Air fry an egg didn't you do something like that on computer Q on tech TV on call for may I think we did you did something with butter I think oh it was no actually the clip was it was a thing Kevin Rose was substituting that day and it was uh it was something in the end of it we were teasing up can a laptop gets so hot that it'll melt butter and it was at the end and the butter really hadn't melted at all I'm like oh look at that I was like oh cat's or something that's happened over there and Kevin looks away and I squish it with my hand and he turns back and then it's flattened I bet you anything go Google it I bet you anything bet seen it on on YouTube Somewhere I bet you anything someone recorded that it was so fun because Kevin had no idea I was gonna do but I was thinking what could I do and I'm like oh look over there or something like that and I went squished like oh melted look at that okay but don't play it because I don't know if comast going to get all yeah yeah we don't want to run any problems yet I posted it in in the chat though okay I I may share it uh on the on after we're done with all this that's funny dude yeah oh the laugh man it's Roger and he looks so young yeah i' I I've passed through Roger recently on this in at a convention oh Chris I want to tell you this um uh ABC News emailed me today and they're like oh we found some your cruise ship footage from the Lifeboat drills and can we use them for that story tonight where they're doing a that big cruise ship that crashed over by Italy yes and I'm like oh so I I told my wife because obviously my face wouldn't be in it because I'm filming it it would be her because I just think it's fun to film the Lifeboat drills I'm like I have a really good one out of out of New York that's the whole process and I have a really crappy one we were in the Bahamas and of course a ABC News chose the crappy one and the SC they use is just walking down the hallway with our life jackets and it's mostly her backside so she was on Diane Sawyer tonight on the on the TV with that I'm like out of all the clips they could possibly use the one video I I did not embed my URL on there so it was like you know dang it no that that happened to me too when uh when Steve Jobs died I I posted up a video CVS early morning took it and they they they spliced out two clips from it and that was like one of the videos where it's like okay I'm not going to do branding I'm not going to do I just just want it to be just tribute to him and they they took it and I was you first no they didn't ask me no no noop asked me specifically they they they emailed me and said can we use your video and I said sure I'll do you want better I I think I got the I think I got the Trump no the the unfriend one right yeah if Good Morning America use my picture to demonstrate unfriend oh I remember that I remember that yes I do copyright on them I did a video I put it on you I think it's called unfriend I yeah I remember that and I mean like really really just AB oh so mad it'll be funny you could just flag ABC for copyright use oh I should have oh I should have they want to take that thing down I think that the image may have been creative common licens but it it was still like yeah it was it was one that you use the green screen the green screen stuff so I don't know why there's go social media and just found the Google images and just pulled your face off that and that's you're sending a subtle message mad I have I I will I I will see see you all later okay David all right bye see you it'll be funny if it's like creative Comics 2.0 not first not for profit right I don't yeah then you could just get their but it was funny more than anything else it was it was really kind of like huh what what who's the editor behind that I want that's what I want to know I'm like uh I'll come do an interview I mean but no no it's just using my image bastard who you're a little tinted red yeah you are you're red oh I am myboy over there Chris you can just see the heat it's the chil off his face he's turning he's turning Sith oh it's coming back he's coming back oh don't you don't want to see me when I'm angry red hole can't find my Lego trying to compensate for color yeah Google's on its way to doing cool things with this but they they' got to do a bit more polishing now they they've proven that it can work now they just need to just kind of kick it up a not I guess CH your copyright story is almost it's worse than mine but I think I'm catching up with you how when I was doing the thing for my chair yeah I sent a thing into a ey report on CNN yeah and they told me it was a copyright violation face oh wow my own writing your face is copyrighted you got a problem unless they mean uh the wheelchair but and I sent them a message and they didn't even reply wow I was like how is that a violation I was like that's what you guys were there for that's what I I report is supposed to be for independent stories I was like yeah independently taken down by robots pretty much all right they doesn't sh shock me at all it didn't shock me I just didn't I was flagged on YouTube by Adobe for just in my title saying free Photoshop alternative I got flaged I got a take down because you said Photoshop yeah because I used the word Photoshop in my wow I mean you want to talk about rat bastards I had like I pushed and pulled and I'm like dude I it was It ultimately it got resolved uh but only after trying to get a hold of a human being for as long as I did it was just oh what a nightmare so so wait so wait they can good luck with that they can flag you for for copyright but they can't fix your five minute YouTube bug go figure that's exactly that's are probably all their all their services are directed towards copyright complaints now we're too busy flagging people right now we we'll get back to you well they don't have a robot for that was it a delay today was there it was it was right time today cuz I I started it seconds ahead of time and I don't know if that's the the the catch or or what I know that our our live viewership it was better when oh who got a lightsaber at oh no that's my text message for my phone Chris oh for my for my iPhone sorry cool yeah the uh I think I have the same thing it's just I never am on sorry the uh um yeah the uh I I they either fixed the bug cross your fingers yeah you know it's hard to say but I know our our average viewer is down because uh every all the kids went back to school yeah so I was like oh that's why because it was big and like you know it was it was catching it was getting really big and I'm like well because the kids are home from school so I don't know if there's going to be a better time slot for us I I don't know if I can go any earlier I don't really want to go any later I mean it works good on the East Coast yeah on the west coast except for me it works great on three except for Fridays where I have something else to watch at the same time right yeah that's you know but that's the thing you know being able to uh uh record for you know for posterity or whatnot you know it's kind of the Saving Grace that you know even if you can't watch it live then you can at least capture or see what happened live and I treat it the same way as if you know someone's watching it whether they're watching it live or you know after the fact oh crap did that sorry concentrating I'm playing with my toys nothing wrong with that nope so Chris I have to call Comcast tomorrow can I just borrow your rant and hold the phone up to the Speak oh my God Comcast I I will never I will never go back to them ever I got no choice I had two choices them and DSL yeah I had them and then I went to SBC DSL and now I've got Erse and I get well I get about 20 Megs download so I'm with that that works for me for me I I don't have any of those big providers I only have the small local providers but they're decent they're well right now go down here for here I never seen my eyes go down like there's only once and that was a network outage well you know that's what I thought it happened with me and then it turned out to be the uh uh the fact that they hadn't they hadn't they had been billing me but apparently the bill wasn't even paid and according to one guy on Twitter he says well we tried calling you I'm like I didn't get a voicemail I see everything that's a that's a great auto pay feature I I gotta admit that's just awesome sarcasm over here that's not autopay yeah I had that problem with my debit card apparently Verizon has trouble with debit card so oh my God you know oh don't they charge you a fee now if got rid of it yeah they got rid of it good smart move on their part well only because the social networking yeah and and a threat of an uh what was it the FCC complaint uh or possible uh investigation well I've I've been using my bank account I I haven't been using my bank C but when I heard about that I'm like are you serious really you know these companies get away with a lot I mean I ended I don't know if I did a separate video on it I know I know I talked about it at one point the uh the amount of taxes that I pay uh here in the state of Washington specifically the Seattle area for for an iPhone I swear to God it was like 30 bucks total for like City and Municipal and all these various taxes it makes absolutely no sense and it's I got no choice yeah it's like 17 here and I'm not too far from Chris I don't know what mine are I'd have to look I don't think it's that much though you know I'm I'm on T-Mobile's prepaid service and I'm have over I'm like over see I never used my suggested how much I pay per every certain amount of months the thing that kills me about Comcast is I don't have true competition it's either this or lucky to get 10 megabit down uh yeah that sucks and so I can't I can't do that and un and what to make uh matters worse adding insult to injury um I had uh a uh there's another provider that's in my area but on the opposite side that's pulling fiber to the door for just a fraction of the cost and like tremendous speeds with no caps and I can't get it because I live in the wrong area I mean it's just it's BS dude it's BS that's why I was waiting for TNT Universe to come here like for so long I had Comcast I'm like please please I need to get rid of Comcast and they were like they was like oh we don't service your area and it was like a block away I'm like seriously I'm one block away like here a couple only like two blocks from here there's a couple people getting at they it's not serviceable here but here I at least get I am opportunity to get fiber to the door yeah do the local isps that's and and I know Chris said he can't you said you can't get residential because they got that cap now right yeah I went to residential or I was on residential and then uh I I I was coming too close I mean let me put it this way I was I was residential before I started doing the live tldr broadcast I would have blown past it in a week I mean right yeah that's that's ridic I'm glad there's no cap on AT&T yet KN on would it's it's BS it's BS Comcast has to reverse their decision at some point only ones doing it well no they're not they're not the only ones doing it uh in fact can Canada is no stranger to this kind of tactic austral also it's anti-competitive and they're getting away with it I it's it's it's so it's asinine and if there was true competition in the marketplace caps would not exist there competition that's just yeah that's insane I mean it's out where I'm at it's either AT&T the DSL which you're lucky to get even one megabit download which is ridiculous or uh 18t or comcast that's it that's all I got out here I had satellite until last four months so wow ping ouch I've never done satellite God willing I never will yeah so talk about you know one Meg down 200 kilobits up and a cap of around 300 megab megabytes a day ow then if you went over you're cut off for 20 24 hours oh my God I would go insane not you got high ping times I mean I do a lot I do a lot of work and I I do a lot of those online games too so I would I would go insane I would go past that yeah you know what's awesome the guy I want to say he's either the CEO or the founder of an ISP that I used to be on in California was it not Sonic no Sonic was it Sonic yeah cuz I got a couple I got a friend who's switching over to the fiber line over there it's around the Bay Area he's on Google Plus and he's active like he he he's interactive in everything on Google Plus because I he's popped into a couple of my threads and I'm like you know I wish I could get you know better options up here but unfortunately I it's just it's location all across the board it's location location location which is just stupid but well you know you just gotta have uh patience Chris evidently you know it will eventually come where someone's going to move in on their Turf and there's going to have they're gonna have competition and everybody they're going to see how many people leave them and they're G be like uh oh and you know I do that every year I say you know I'm thinking about just dropping all the premium channels oh you stick around we'll give you X Y and Z okay yeah for me I only have satellites to only certain selection channels none of the US channels here channel for the US channels I have standard antenna before or overseas Channel certain overseas Channel have satellite for that I've only got the basic channels on my my Erse here I don't really watch TV much I'm usually on my computer or I'm out somewhere yeah see Diana likes she she she watches she probably watches TV more than I do and I mean we watched premium channels I I ended up watching wanting to see I Saw The A Team finally actually the movie was good it was not as bad as people said it was it was actually it was decent and Todd I never never watched the a team as a kid I never like I did I used to watch it all the time I love the old a team see I never got into it um and so I was like well okay so I'm kind of watching with you know fresh eyes and it was good I I would consider it you know a definite definite recommended it was clever it did remind me of the of the old a team show with the way that they did things in there so I I was impressed and people had tell me it it sucked I'm like are you are you crazy it was actually it was it was a fun movie the next one I want to see and said generally that it sucks is a sucker punch it still looks so it looks nice it is it is a it's a it's a fun action movie it is I like I like it I've got it on Blu-ray I may have oh well then see if you like The A Team that that means that you know I may be in in more luck I guess with uh watching the uh the visuals are are pretty outstanding in that movie I like it that's what I want I want the visuals and I I I don't know if so par on Netflix I don't t on that yet cable well it's been out for a while it was on cable I don't remember what channel it was it then I think it was on Cinemax I think I'm not sure I don't know they all blur together I don't know CAC HBO Showtime something like that well we're making good progress here that's just like family pet Griffin's like I could recite the alphabet in like two seconds and he's like a sound just sound he's like naming off his children those are characters from Street Fighter van Chun no the one that I don't I don't like the American uh dad is it American Dad yeah yeah that one's kind of I don't really I like I didn't like it at first Chris but once they got into the later Seasons I was cracking up it started getting on kind of part Family Guy you know the first there something to watch when you're bored yeah and that's kind of what what I what I was I was bored and it was playing in the background and all of a sudden I heard one from last week uh like a little segment and then I couldn't get out of my head that when the the alien was a Roger starts he he says that sounds funny and he started repeating he said maybe baby and so like for the next week I was like I swear I've been walking around the house going maybe baby oh yeah Chris have you were you w have you watched the recent uh Simpsons episode I think you may like it it has to do of things um not I hav honestly I I mean I grew up with The Simpsons I mean literally yeah there's going to be three things you will that you like that will be in that show interesting I iOS Max Legos apples and uh what was that thir my face wow because they've done they've done Lego before a long time ago but imagine Legos apple and Facebook together into W that's pretty that's a tri Factor right there I have see I haven't watched him since a long time it just I kind of got out of it I start watching Family Guy and and all that I remember watching South Park when it was like before it was anything and and then it just I I mean a lot of the shows I just kind of fall away from I just get busy and just don't track it as much I mean I watch him usually in rerun there's some there's some good recent episod but like the last episode that I even remember was the one where they were making fun of World of Warcraft and I was cracking up that was hilarious dude I I did see that one I like said I was sitting there I like I like uh texted my friend I'm like dude you have to watch this because he was like a big World of Warcraft nut he was like that was that was awesome yeah that was a good episode well the simpons is as old as I am so it's starting to run out of the material yeah there's like really nothing to really about anymore something they only got renewed for two more years oh my God you know the thing the thing about The Simpsons it's I mean I could watch it and probably you know get 90% of it again but it just it's it's kind of like it's comfortable but I wouldn't say that like I mean to me like almost like South Park it's comfortable but there are very few shows that I watch more on on any kind of regular basis at all well supposedly The Simpsons is getting their own Channel Once their contracts are at for syndication oh the Simpson Channel yeah I'll probably check that out if if it happened you know what mon what would be interesting to me is a Simpsons app that allowed me to watch any of the old episodes I think they signed it already with dish or somebody but I can't be for certain about the signing but I know it's definitely happen I thought it was on instant play for a while but I don't think it is anymore Maybe it might it might not have been Netflix it might have been something else Hulu maybe guing but I don't know it could have been but what I what I want to see Netflix do is was I don't know if it was Netflix or Amazon saying that they were going to bring a lot of those those shows that get you know like because there's a lot of shows I watch and then of course like after one season it's getting good and it gets cancelled they're going to start picking up some of the shows and I'm still waiting for that you know um I love my favorite I mean I don't know why but for some reason I I need to watch Frasier every night like before I go to bed and they play it reruns and and Amazon has under Prime has uh Frasier I used to watch it all the time I don't know I don't know why I mean I'm not it was amusing I mean it just maybe it's because I live in Seattle like hey this's about Seattle I I don't like that hospital show what's it called grey Anatomy yeah I don't know I hate Portland and I live here I don't know I actually I like that that house show that show's that that's funny I like I like if that that guy I would love that guy to be my doctor that'd be awesome he is the guy that to be your doctor because the guy knows what he's doing exactly like whatever you could be a jerk to me whatever yeah I don't care if I do right the first time Felicia Day was in an episode of House yeah I remember that a long time ago all right let's see here I built I built a hand well I got a take off so I'll see youbody later all right see okay see you see you I think uh Diana's gonna be disappointed because she wanted to say hi to Andrew but I'm sure we'll do it again theoretically of course is taking I didn't realize how long it would take to do just do this so I don't know if we're gonna make it through the friends in this particular uh hangout yet and Chris I don't know if you could see her this is my dog this is Cassie oh yeah yeah she's a German shepherd and kie so we We rescued her from animal oh thank God yeah We rescued her and then my friend took her brother oh we called up we're like there's a she has a brother can you take her and he came up and got her nice yeah Wicked and pixie didn't come from a rescue um but they are from the same litter yeah Wick's pretty cool yeah Wick thinks he's cool I don't remember which one threw up on your computer was a long it was it Wicked yeah I got I was not handing it up for the camera he literally Trot it overed over there was no there was no warning he just walked over went oh my God so mad let's see I think I think that's did it still work afterwards oh yeah yeah it worked when I lived at home I it was like the first computer I built it was a long time ago and it was uh I had like the gaming like keyboard and everything I'm sitting there and I walked out my room I came in the dog puked all over it and I'm like no yeah that's a lot of money down don't put anything you care about on the floor well yeah I didn't I didn't have I didn't have a desk at that point everything was just kind of like on the floor I'm like doing that again I need a desk now throwing up on your couch and you find it a week later I hate that yeah I put I put a blanket down on one of the sofas because it was it was leather it's it was fine I was able to get get it out I got like a horse hair brush and kind of just scrubbed incessantly but yep I I got to keep the the sofas protected because of that my well my dog jumps on my she'll sit on the couch and all that and that's fine but she thankfully she's if she's got to throw up she will jump off the couch and go into the kitchen thankfully oh you're lucky you gives me warning pixie will like you gotta carry him but Wicket won't Wicket will just B it's just like like it's it's a ninja ninja strike it's like see you later go yeah all right there's that I think I got The Lex Luthor that's pretty what is it called The Lex what is it it's the Lexa pad something power armor Lex he's that the exoskeleton is built now I guess I'm doing something else here I don't know what the hell this is that's pretty cool looking I like that you know in many ways I you know I don't I mean I look at the box but I'm more of a and I think it's probably always been this way I've always been a oh I see it's Kryptonite cool um te Kryptonite the I've always been a Lego a mini fig fan more than anything yeah it's the it's been the mini figs that uh I've always liked but that's again that's just me um I could get rid of all the bricks and so I'm thinking about even putting on like the wish list so that I I've got kind of a checklist of sorts and just doing a going uh on eBay or that there's a a mini fig site in the UK um just just mini figs and just doing a wish list there and forgetting forget about the sets just going after the uh um the mini figs just mini figs yeah see I've always i' like to uh I always like was into the model kits and building them like I know for a while I was really into the the Gundam P the things that you bu I would repaint them and put them together oh wow because I didn't I've never really liked their their paint job so I would just repaint it yeah I've never done I I did models as a kid but I haven't I can't say that that I've I've really done a lot of that kind of thing uh lately other than Lego Lego was the only one that I Really Ever kind of liked when I was a kid I always did Lego well see I only had one set really I mean I had two sets I had like a generic building block set and then I had a Lego City set and that was it pretty much so it's not like I was surrounded by Lego growing up at all at all it's just you know after data lore from the chat room ended up getting me bringing over the uh Star Destroyer that was really and I think that video is on YouTube now yeah yeah the start I didn't I don't think anybody captured me building it but when it was built I kind of did like a a r viewer talking about it at a distance you know a long time ago but that was really it for the longest time the longest time I think the last Lego thing I built my buddy bought it for me uh about a I want to say a year ago it was a TIE fighter and it came with a Vader oh yeah Vader F yeah so I put that together I was like oh this is pretty I haven't built one of these in a while let's see how long it'll take me to put this together I think it took me like about an hour or two or something like that this is a bit concerning Uh Oh missing a piece oh no I found it never mind got it no I wasn't missing a piece it was a a piece an extra piece I'm like uh I can't where was I supposed to put this well that's how you know you did the job right is when you have extra pieces that's what I've always been taught yeah yeah that means I did it right it's all good so how do I I have to do this sorry I'm like trying to accommodate it here how the hell does this how does it turn how does it work it looks pretty awesome yeah it's it it's nice but I'm trying to figure out how does that just slide in there there's no it doesn't tell you how to put it on there's no way of accommodating one of the pieces which is really kind of strange it's that's definitely right that's definitely right it's it's it's like it's gripping the uh the cannon but not in a not in a tighter capacity so I don't know that's just that's kind of like the Optimus Prime I have the the he oh the crayo the uh this actually this this one Chris I don't know if you can see that Optimus see how I I kind of had to jury rig that gun onto him cuz he wasn't holding it right strange I don't know how that's like I actually found that a toy con for like 20 bucks it's actually all diecast metal too it's probably worth quite a bit well yeah I was I was looking at my Convoy I said oh that's right that was a Japanese name for him he never went by Optimus Prime this is really strange it's it's there but it's not I mean it's supposed to go in this position but it's it's too loose I don't know why it's not usually they clip in in some way but even the way they have it you might have to just rig it Chris yeah but uh I figured it out what's up it's really I I I would wrong hand oh it goes in the other okay it's made for a specific hand yeah it's made for this hand I was like no this can't be right I'm like there's no way this can be right so I I've Got The Lex Luther this is his exoskeleton that's awesome and then this this is the gun and you can't really see there the Kryptonite is inside this chamber up here sorry that it's like it may not being focus in the crappy quality of Google uh but um yeah that's the exoskeleton that Luther goes into and he stands there and then of course I think I held up I held up them ear I held held up them I held them up earlier there's Luther although it's kind of there we go that's Luther's pretty plain um and then of course I held up Wonder Woman and then Superman Superman that's actually a really cool Lego version of him yeah you know honestly I'm really happy with the what I see coming from the the superheroes um from from Lego that was a pretty I would say for 200 pieces that was a pretty quick build and you know I'm very happy because I had this on my w did I remove it from my wish list I probably should um but you know I'm just I'm all about the mini figs I don't care about anything else um the exoskeletons can stay or go it's to me it's about these little guys they're they're why they're why I do what I do although I forgot one thing here apparently this goes into the cannon I forgot the uh thing that makes what the beams of kryptonite shoot out I guess how does that go okay goes there from there to top one so that goes into this this little hose goes into that this little hose goes into that now we have the exoskeleton okay now it makes yeah now it looks like an exos before yeah it wasn't uh wasn't quite coming together for me but theoretically I guess this as far down as it goes now he's got those nice now see now it makes kind of looks like a Gundam wouldn't it it does kind of look like a Gundam I think I may have some images of some one for a convention I went uh where's that I yeah I got a bunch of them I got to put together in my closet I this actually I gotta tell you uh for for an exoskeleton this is a pretty good build I mean the feet articulate independently like uh the uh Bionicles um the arms articulate uh and then the body swiv yeah looks similar here's the image of one of them I took at a convention I went pretty cool Gundam is that there's so many Gundams out there I don't know there just a whole bun I just what just I just seen pass through at a convention I went that's pretty I think that one's from like I I know which series that's from my favorite was always Wing that was my favorite gunam series let me just fix this one before I've seen this also life-size one is it this one no I don't know if it is wait if I can find that image there's a life siiz Gundam almost like almost at least half size a human size oh wow that's that probably took a while to put together oh uh here it is let me just save the I have to rotate this image before I figured out why the uh the basketball mini figs have arms that are a bit loose compared to the others it's because they lock in a certain position to hold the basketball so they're M okay so they lock and then they it Springs back yeah I just need the basketball yeah I know no I didn't get it this is the second set that I've opened I do not have the basketball I was I was watching the tldr and my wife was sitting here I'm like oh you could always just take one of the Lego guys heads and paint it orange and use it as a basketball also here's the almost human size of Gundam that's insane I would love that for my office do not touch to do not touch don't mess with it wow that's awesome I probably tried to pick that guy up and be like I'm taking you home you're going You're G to stand right next to my desk uh which this year I can go but they're move they're temporary moving into South for a while see I used to go to that comic convention out here in Chicago and it's just lately it's been I went uh like two years ago and I was just let down by it's just not worth the price anymore oh here this this the one I went it was a thing called WonderCon it's just basically the It's all under the same name as Comic-Con but it's it's only like 25 bucks for the whole I think out here it went up to like 35 bucks I'm like are you serious for how many days one day I almost got hired by one of those one of those conference companies to content for them this was last year and uh I I I I didn't get the gig because I I didn't want to move to New York wow it almost happened that would have been kind of cool it would have been neat I said oh but I can work remotely they want to see you actually there yeah I mean there's something to be said about that but I mean they had the studio infrastructure there so I guess it made sense but you know I don't mind traveling I was even prepared I'm like you know I'll travel back and forth you know once twice a month or whatever to get it done yeah I don't see why they would I don't see why they gpe about that that's not bad yeah so these are the uh the ones that I I showed off uh earlier in the the tldr uh episode today they they have base plates that I'm probably going to hold on to um because they're made to accommodate the cards but like I said I'm probably going to be giving away these cards to probably I don't know how I can do it I want I want to give everybody Fair a fair opportunity so I may send it out in an email update to all nomies and say the first person the first Nomi who says they want these you know collectible cards get them all the names and put it in a hat and just draw there you go yeah well yeah the only problem with that is like you know oh great basketball cards yeah like me it's kind of like me kind like kind of like a Christmas you open it you're like oh yeah geez you're like you so much I really wanted to so that's so awesome if if if they wouldn't it's to me I mean you could hand me one of these cards and be like oh it's got Lego on it who cares but the mini figs I mean I got the whole NBA Lego set here and I'm sure all the collectors are going no you can have your yeah because you're opening the box you know what like nails on a chalkboard I'm not I'm not going to have any there's no value for in having them remain in boxes I granted I will not remember any of their names now right right uh like oh it's it's a basketball guy I take I take all my figures out too Chris I don't blame you you know I just and there they're they're definitely interesting mini figs uh with the fact that they Springs on their legs they're very interesting although the nice thing is too you could if you wanted to theoretically uh give them different arms uh you could of course removed arms and you can give them different legs with matching uh uh brick legs or at least the colors uh so I mean they're they're mini figs they're not like magnets I wouldn't consider them in the same league so to speak as the magnets but um this I believe these are the first black color or I'm sorry um this is the first non non yellow Lego I like how's he going to put this he's like wait a minute let me put this let me put this right it's like I can't say brown well they are brown but they were the first non yellow Lego mini figs that Lego produced it's kind of neat yeah so I oh yeah NBA I'm down I'll see you guys later I'm taking off all right later bye yeah the uh I don't think I'm going to get to the I don't think I'm going to get to the Lego Friends in this one that may have to wait because I'd be shocked if anybody oh the rewatchability he's playing with Lego but we had see that's had a conversation wound around these you know various topics that was what I expected someone's got a question we talk about it someone says something we talk about it and yeah my friend Bob's like a huge like collector guy and he came up I have those those Force effects lightsabers he's like dude why' you take them out of the box I'm like because I want to play with them I want them to make the noise yeah Diana and I we got to record something for oh we got to record something for Matt we're we're going to do a lightsaber tutorial thing and it uh did I get dupes no um it hasn't happened yet they got these really nice ones on the site but they're like 400 bucks but they look really nice well it's not real I'm like oh I want no I don't have any of those I want one but I ain't spend that much money but they they're like custom made and you could program the effects through your computer to do whatever you want I'm like oh that's nice no I would love that I know I just got these little things what they when Master replica made them oh yeah yeah I got the I got pretty much all of them the Obi One the the Darth Maul one that one was that's it's huge well I have a I have a wholesaler account with e distribution and they're big into a uh different Star Wars but they have that I'll try and help you out oh that'd be awesome wait Entertainment Earth yeah I uh I just got a wholesale account with those guys I have I have a a normal job but I uh I eBay on the side and I started get I went out to the Vegas ASD and got hooked up with all these different people out there and um e distribution was one of them and uh yeah it's they got they got so much stuff and prices I mean for the wholesale end of it the prices are just awesome well for GE I mean e is like they've got Geeks like covered oh yeah they got they pretty much got everything matter of fact it's funny they were talking I I hate to say this because I'm gonna get ousted but I don't know a whole lot about Legos but like my sales my sales rep was I don't either my sales like if you don't buy this series 4 Lego something you're an idiot he was basically tell if you don't buy it right now and sell it and I'm like I I just don't know a whole lot about it yeah um he had to explain it to me but uh he was talking about probably if it was a series for he's probably talking about uh the Lego mini figs Series yeah and they on they just released series five or six he said just recently it was five or six was just released so what I do instead of buying the individual packs uh on eBay I'll usually go to eBay because people like collectors will open the bags and then send you like the complete set so you don't have to do it yourself yeah and they're like they're basically like oneoff mini figs that don't go anywhere else like they just did a Statue of Liberty one and yeah and a like a sleepy boy like I mean just weird stuff but um yeah Lego is there it's huge yeah that's what he was telling me it's that's they got a bestseller list on their wholesale and Lego takes up like fource of it not a surprise I mean it really it it doesn't surprise me at all um the uh when I posted some of the more popular videos that I posted my channel have nothing to do with technology it's it's Lego and I'm like okay fine if if if that's the way they want to play it I'll post more Lego stuff because I love it so I found bull market toys because I was just saying you know I could buy this stuff myself but let's see if I can benefit someone who's selling Lego too um and they just basically they're sending a couple sets like they did with the Star Wars taned 4 and the um I think it was the a city of Atlantis set um and then you know they get the direct benefit because then you know it's basically me saying okay I used B I got him through b marker toys they sent them to me so like if anybody sends me a set I just say hey so- and so send it to me and so I get the benefit of being you know getting I granted I I had to you know pick up these mini figs myself yeah um even though they look like pixels from that far away the quality is just so H so bad on on Google+ I don't know why um it probably looks phenomenal from where you're sitting oh no they look amazing great yeah just call me coach but you know it it's it's it's collectible they hold their value the Lego bricks that I had as a kid could interoperate with the bricks that I have today it's it's a big deal the last Entertainment Earth thing that I think I picked up was uh the job of the Hut special it was like uh half off or something like that so I end yeah I ended up getting it for like 20 bucks not Lego but uh the figures or whatever just a figure yeah I actually found one of the figures I was looking for uh like I said I go to this I sometimes I'll go to this toy kind it's local I actually found the giant limited edition Target Rancor the giant one I was like oh my God I'm getting that it was it was a steel I took I took that home I'm like now I just got to find place so wait a minute um Chris so when you you you're doing you're doing the distribution then like on eBay is that what you're doing on the side for yeah my store my store's called uh static stuff same as my username there and uh but uh um basically how the whole thing started was I was a just a Serial collector of Star Wars and if you can remember like back during our college Years when they first start coming back out with it I start like I literally had everything I do too I've got them unopened yeah I got well I finally broke I finally I I finally broke my habit and I started selling a little bit well the money just started rolling in I mean rolling and that's what got me on eBay and then finally um I thought I would never get rid of this collection I literally took up a gigantic basement full of this stuff and it sold in two years and I was just rolling in cash with eBay and uh I'm like I got to keep this going then I start getting into the wholesale end of it and um I uh talked to e distribution here recently but I got on with a different company called bow world and uh they actually have I know you like hoodies but uh they got these cool these really cool hoodies I got them right over here like Batman Joker but when you put the hood up it's got the face on the side here I I'll show you real quick see I want to get the That Boba Fett one that I saw that like no I want that no that one's a nice one the the Darth Vader one that I got from Hot Topic that was that's cool too I was like oh my God I want that my wife like why do you want that I'm like hello why you not want it hello is that a poster Kevin there this was actually a real robot while I was went to the WonderCon robot actually like actually operating it was beeping and doing all that cool stuff yes it does that oh wow so this is this is the Joker here yeah and if I pull this up but cool yeah cool just this Christmas I sold like 150 of these things whoa yeah so it's yeah it's been it's been cool I really enjoyed it so you know my dad used to own a hobby shop uh and you know he I basically you know resold Goods you know I I wish I could get him into eBay again uh uh because I mean some of the items that he did was like remote control cars and airplanes and trains even though he never really built any of the sets himself uh yeah eBay is just a huge Boon for collectors I mean reselling and and whatnot a huge I've been wanting to get Diana into it too because I if she has if if she has the time um it's it's definitely it's definitely work I mean it's like it's it's like a part-time job but I consider it more of a money-making Hobby but uh um if she has a time it's it's very rewarding I mean once you once you get it rolling I'll make mention of it and she also likes Batman so I like hey you know you can sell Batman hoodies yeah if you guys if you guys want the wholesalers just give me a call cool there's a benefit for n dude no right there right there is your benefit why should I join uh hello McFly hello well people are like asking that in the the tldr YouTube chat they're like well one should join and I'm like it's just seriously it's totally worth it just do it well okay so like this is just like day four I guess like um I don't know exactly you know what what the year throughout the year will hold but you like I said you know the hope is to be able to at least do something like this uh you know once a week or so even though I don't know if I'm gonna well yeah I'm going to dive into one of the friends because I want to see these mini figs and how they St up cool um I I've been hesitant to do this but uh I want to I haven't seen one or I haven't held one yet and I figured I need to like if I'm G to do it I might as well go a whole hog and get the other uh there's other uh mini figs that come with bigger sets but I'm not going to buy the bigger sets I'm just going to eBay the the smaller figurines but yeah dude if you start doing the Lego stuff Chris you let me know because oh I will definitely definitely matter of fact I got a scheduled call with him here in the next day or two I'll I'll tell you how it went and um yeah said prices are better than anything I can get it's it's not yeah I know they don't have I mean you don't got a lot of margin with Lego at all oh really yeah there's not a lot of margin but where you do where you can that I know of uh where you can drive values is in specifically uh either bundling things potentially yeah um cu if someone's going to buy one set they may buy two sets or like like the things like that what the the the mini fig uh mini figs just independently can sell like uh what's an example um I don't have any other ones in my office here but like okay let's say I wanted this just this Superman I didn't want to buy the full set in many cases people will just want to buy specifically for the mini fix of of anything in Lego like the the the most sought after pieces are more than likely apart from like individual pieces in older sets um it's it's these pieces if you're going to make money with Lego it's not going to be immediate it's probably going to be two years from now when the sets are no longer available that's where that's where a lot of the revenue is going to be driven the two videos that I've got on YouTube that are most heavily tracked the Lego atat review the at's going to be popular uh and the Death Star perennial those are the two most popular videos that I have the Lego Death Star and the the Adat and that took how many days like four three to four days oh the Death Star oh yeah yeah only took me like a couple hours and I did the video when I was sick I remember doing that but yeah so your let your money is going to be made but it's not going to be an immediate return unless you're the mini figs um like there's 16 in every minifig series and I think they just released five and I bought a the lot of it for like I think it was like $60 total or whatever but you know doing that I it's like what I did for garbage pill kids and I still have hang on yeah trust me I I collect I I have I have this is oh jeez talking about a mountain of dust on top here this is I think I did a video on this like a long time ago hang on a long time ago uh these are all the garbage pill kids from the original series like I remember those look and so this is series two this is the very first garbage pill kit I ever had right here Patty putty my dad my dad brought them home and he said I don't know I just watched CNN and something like that and then for my 16th birthday instead of a car I got series one in mint condition so can't go wrong with that and uh so no no no I mean I I'll never sell them I'll never sell them I don't care no don't I'll never sell them this is this is the only thing beyond the the Star Wars figures that are in like just crap condition uh I took care of my garbage spell kids there's some I mean I can tell you series nine actually that's series eight uh series 10 uh and all the way through um yeah and then so that was it's it's this binder sucks um flipping things back but I I kept everything I kept everything and I didn't collect a lot like I said this is the hang on this is the original series garbage do kids and then I I collect non sports cards I guess or I used to um this one needs to be accommodated for Tops came out with a new series of garbage pill kids uh looks like I need to accommodate that though and so I ended up having to collect start the collection all over again the new ones uh and I used eBay I mean I just I just bought from eBay so this is all um there's some bonus stickers here I know which series that is B2 hang on let me accommodate it yeah I all the way they made bonus stickers I mean they made it like a collector's nightmare oh I guess I had two of them nice craw wck um and then oh I can't say I can't show that met the guy uh Lis Diaz who made he you can pay him to make uh your own garbage pill kid so I want I want to do another one I want one of me although I don't know what it's going to be I need to get in touch with him but so Topps released a completely new series or a ANS a new series and there are still a lot of people collect garbage spell kids but then tops got really stupid um and now they they're what they're doing now is they re-released the Original Series in different foils and I'm like I don't care I don't want to collect that I want like new unique you know just so the new new series I'm I don't think any collectors are happy with it all but yeah they you know tops continue to produce like tons more and so yeah I ended up collecting all those and then I have other non-sports cards but garbage pil kids were the only non-sports card that you know I I think I I bothered to to Really you know follow even to today you know if I found out there was a completely new series uh that that was unique I i' I'd grab them as well just just to keep the collection complete oh yeah here's here's geek credibility I don't know if I've ever done a video on this but I've got like there's two Chris The Gnome sincerely Mark Hamill uh oh wow seriously two Chris The Gnome you are no matter me Jeremy bulock boa Fett uh two Chris The Gnome David prow Darth Vader oh no way and then I got I think this one was Ray yeah Ray Park yeah Ray Park for yeah Darth Maul yeah Darth Maul to Chris the gome and I think it was Amy what was her name she played a character in The prequels and then another Peter Mayhew and for some reason whoever someone got this for me someone like went around and got these for me whoever did got them to sign napkins I don't know surr them sing um there's another Jeremy bulock these are original autographs there's the guy who played low gry or the the medicine man Ewok uh Carri Fisher uh of course another Peter uh om fre tan or om freah from the prequels uh this is the second Kenny Baker I have the other ones on the other side David prow Darth Vader they're all autographed uh I think this was n gunray his autograph n num and then Ula I got her autograph too so yeah isn't that crazy I got I got a good I got a good Harrison Ford story for you oh he's the one I want I uh before I left Iowa I was uh right when I got out of college I went to H flight school and I graduated from there too ended up becoming a flight instructor and my first year there there was this guy it was line and we didn't notice that we've never seen the plane before it was this old uh b-wing plane but you can tell it was like all it all decked out like brand new and uh we were having bad weather it was up in Spencer Iowa and all of a sudden this plane lands and this guy uh has a leather helmet and AV glasses mirrored you can't see him except for you know just that part of his face and uh weather was getting real bad so we had to hang her his plane while I run down there and uh he rips the mask off and looks at me and it's he's got that Indiana Jones confused look it was Harrison 4 he goes like that you know my knees buckled because like I told you like I'm just and he was my hero growing up yeah yeah yeah my knees just Buckle I'm like and he's trying to talk to me and I'm just like sitting there you know you're like first thing he does he gets out he calls what he calls kalista says he can't make it home and yeah he was all upset but I was such a Harrison Ford fan am loved them as uh Han Solo Indiana Jones and I loved him in Blade Runner I love Blade Runner you know honestly I I liked him in regarding Henry maybe I'm alone but uh never saw it really I never saw I got a quick treat for you guys but then I gotta go hold on one second cool yeah no worries I'm trying to get this mini fig so Chris the lightsaber you had the lightsabers that you mess with are those the master replica ones or no they're not master replica they're Hasbro ones or yeah yeah they were like 20 bucks or whatever oh okay I need to Diana and I need to record a scene so that Matt can go in and composite the glowy stuff on oh do the editing yeah I used to mess that I used have a program that did that and I I started doing that with every picture and my wife's like seriously if I see one more upload on Facebook with a lightsaber I'm going to smack you well you better why would you do you better have to make the make the stick like bright like at least a good like bright color but not like bright just like a light color I took our wedding picture and I put lightsabers in our hand she's like seriously I was like look I gave you a purple one you like purple you're bringing out the old collections that we had when it's kids this is my Holy Grail here I got all the old oh wow oh nice and they're in good condition that's aome mine are in crap condition the one thing I have that's mint it's in good condition I still have the box but I've taken out was the the old Millennium Falcon the original one where you put the big old batteries in hit it it goes sounds like a horn I love oh yeah it still works too man you know some guy was selling a mint collection of those ker figurines they were the only things I really loved as a kid and they he's selling it for like $55,000 something I'm like oh there's no way dude I can't there's I can't that's too much that's wow so let me give you my first impressions of the Lego Friends mini figs I'm disappointed oh God that's a Lego they're I mean they're not I mean they're Lego is but I mean the the hands can certainly accommodate you know Lego bricks but the the weird thing is is her head that's not a standard Lego connector but it's not like I mean it's not really interchangeable that I know of Hang on we're going to really screw with I can't I can't put Wonder Woman's head on her on her body oh but but what I can do allegedly and I'm GNA see if this works allegedly I can yep the hair I believe is interchangeable yep so you can if you're if you're looking for different hair for your girl Lego nice or guy Lego the hair is interchangeable with other M that's really the only interoperable so you can kind of make I don't know it kind make it look like they're in a hair band yeah look it's Death Leopard this is not I mean I don't know she I'm not a girl so I'm I'm the wrong demographic for this but um yeah it's just the legs do not independently swivel on this one at least uh it's just weird I don't know kind of just like a little tad bit creepy that that the way that thing looks I it it's still Lego you know but it's I'm the wrong demographic and you know another thing though that I would say is is nice about all of it is that any of these bricks they're just Lego it's just plain old Lego awesome so that works different colors so I like that I'm sure I'm sure the girls will probably go nuts fed like oh they're so cute yeah but let's put them on ponies this isn't this is not I mean it's weird like I said it's just just the way the face looks I don't know it just looks a little like creepy well it's it's if you look at the head the head has got like a an it's got a chin car hang on it's got a chin carved out like right it it's not a it's not a uh I mean there's facial features on it like a bump for the nose and an actual chin on on her uh on her head it's just maybe that's what's throwing it off I don't know and they stand she stands maybe a little taller than the average mini fig not by much is she taller than Shaq no oh yes she is there's a problem there's a problem then she's taller than sh which one Shaq which what what team does he play for Lakers Lakers am I wrong I'm just say again wait is he 34 or eight I don't know you're ass gonna I don't remember I never watched basketball wait where's Google 34 wait we're in Google so I Google which number he is hang on I got it so the nice thing is you can they they'll stand on traditional Lego studs and the female stands taller than Shaq oh wow that's just problem sh well sha is smaller than any regular woman Shaq's not going to be happy with that no I don't know I don't know if these I mean they may they may sell well I don't know I the mini figs though I I don't know I mean I guess I'm just the wrong demographic I I guess I think that's what it is but that no you know but to me you know I I Lego is unisex it's not to me there's no gender attached I I'd imagine they would have done just as well with traditional mini figs and the new color bricks as they would have with the new mini figs the one difference and I I said this in the video when I was talking about this a few weeks ago and I didn't realize this and I even asked Diana and she confirmed it uh when girls are playing or with toys they project themselves into the there it's like the toy is them my sister was like that and I I didn't understand I'm like huh huh so you know the fact that it has more features that may be like her maybe one of the reasons why they went with this kind of form over the the traditional uh mini fig form my sister would always project herself into gem I'm like oh my god seriously when I played Han Sol solo Harry Potter set but but when I was playing Han Solo I was Han Solo when I had this the the Han Solo action figure he was the Han Solo action figure that was not me right so I I didn't know it to me it was interesting to to consider the gender differences in the toys and how we project ourselves as males versus how females project themselves or play with toys it's different it's it's just biologically different I it's kind of neat remember I translates but I remember the first Star Wars toy I got was that lightsaber and I was so disappointed because it didn't light up the way I wanted to and then I broke it hit against something and the thing immediately broke really serious here's the first Star Wars figure I ever had this one right here 99 yeah toys or more this is the first I've kept him in such good condition uh this is the first I mean I don't have a lot of Star Wars figures here other than Vader and maybe a couple Troopers but I this guy he's number one he's always gonna be number one this one 99 Cents what's that was that in De Mo yeah at toys or more yeah over on mer Road I got mine too do you remember toys or more toys and more toys and more toys and much much more much much more and there he was and I just looked at him like there was something about the that atat driver's face and I realize it's not in Focus but there was something about his face the way it was constructed I think this may have been before we saw Empire that I was just like dude that guy looks like a badass and uh that was it and uh ever since the atet driers had a special place in my heart and shelf that's my first Star Wars figure ever so all right guys well I'm out hey uh thank you for adding me and I'm really happy to be with uh the new nomies here um I've friended everybody on Facebook that has joined the club so if you guys need anything I'd like to keep networking as much as possible so this is this is awesome I'm really excited about it you know Chris and feel free to leave a comment too on you know Facebook or the Google+ well I guess the group on Google+ is a little different but you know even on Facebook posting something uh is is fine and that's kind of what the group is there for so okay yeah see what you think of that Chris Co that is the Unleashed Luke Skywalker return the Jedi I looked all over for him and I finally found him that is awesome and that's sweet I I love the saber effect I was like wow I got to get that that's pretty wild I I know it's crazy it's it's the it's might the funny things you can see at a convention yeah I was like oh I'm totally getting that I've not I've just noticed I select I found more of those some of the images I was took at the the local one con is there's this one there's also this one that has all the blood with it oh wow yeah this and then there's this one the Storm Troopers are look I like the way they look I wonder if goog plus is going to when it records this on YouTube is it just gonna be me or are you gonna be able to see what everybody else is showing off too I don't know proba put this on up on flicker I should no no I'm wondering though because the way it's being recorded how that's how it's going to work it'll be everybody be everybody cron yeah that's the that's the lightsaber Chris oh dude that's it's yeah that made out of a strip of um this is car uh what's it um po polycarbonite blade or whatever yeah but it makes all the sounds in it yeah this these are I got like a whole set of these wow yeah never I mean the lightsaber thing is like well these the new ones they're at least more rugged than the ones that we had growing up where they're like plastic and they would bend if I it's not going to break I was like and the sounds never The Sounds didn't sound right it was like ah so at least a little better it would cooler if this blade came off and I could just like you know walk around with just a h but yeah it would probably break more easily if it probably probably could just build one you could probably go to Hardware so get build some replica very close to it they have a bunch of YouTube videos that show you how to do that I'm sure they do yeah yeah there was one guy I know he used to do his own lightsaber videos I can't remember his name Ryan something he used to he was a popular back back when the prequels came out Ryan I don't remember his name Ryan Webster I think his name was he used to do his own mock lightsaber choreography and he made his own lightsaber hilts and his own you're not talking about you're not talking about the lightsaber kid are you no not the big not the big guy no he he did his only what his he did like he did really good like choreography and did his own lightsaber fights that like look like way almost like right on par with the movies oh wild so yeah I can't I think his name was Ryan Webster you probably Google him cool but he has a bunch of YouTube videos I don't know I now that I've now that I've I'm a little disappointed in the friends like he's like I'm not opening the rest of them like know I'm not gonna go as far as to return them but yeah put them on eBay I I think I need to get used to them I that's no no it doesn't work that way up on eBay yeah that's a simple answer to everything you could give those away to nomies here have one of these friends Return to Sender mini figs had a had a potential of being really really cool and they're I don't know I just I'm not a fan yet maybe when they're all five lined up together or whatever I'll feel different I don't know might I don't know I doubt it that's just me sorry I'm like I see like I've got like a zillion emails here uh this is this is the problem when I get do anything like late in the day it's like I turn back to like oh work and it's like oh great I have a lot to go through now oh it's such a Scourge um so yeah I I think no I I would considered a a success is exactly what I had expected it was going to be you know fun geeky conversation talk about new topics old topics and that's already worth it in my opinion Chris there you go for anybody who wants join there's your there's your uh you will not be disappointed at all here's also probably here's another funny story I didn't know this but until recently so I was reading Gizmodo that before I before I moved here I used to live in the in San Francisco this the house I lived in was two blocks away from Steve Jobs's first house really really yes look at gizo it's like I was looking at the house the design was very similar so I googled Google mapped it I looked the street view I was like oh there's the street it was just two blocks away that's wild dude it's justy at least his mot G me the information like damn that is wild ironically the place changed pretty much a lot so since we be kind of like on a Star Wars kick today Chris I I know you're not in the gaming but uh what are your thoughts on the Old Republic the online Star Wars I Hest haven't played it I have played it I I actually spent my whole new year's playing that game you know I'm just GNA you got to be into that kind of game to like it but I'll tell you if I'm a Star Wars fan and it it it appeals to me I love it so I don't know paying the fee every month yeah that kind of sucks but you know I'm just not much of a gamer and I you know I'd rather have the stuff sitting here even if it was just a figure than anything else uh you know other than other than that I'm just not I don't know can't it it's really it takes a lot for me to get into gaming that's the yeah I don't know if you saw my home office or all the games I have but I am a serious gamer I am a serious gamer I have like I don't know how many shelves of games it's not even funny it's not a bad I do too I I gotta get rid of I've been trying to get of them there's some stuff I do got to get rid of I did actually just get rid of a I sold a Sega Ain for like 120 bucks I think on eBay somebody wanted it and I wasn't playing it anymore over the 56k line it had uh I think there was the whole reason I got it was for a Dragon Ball Z game that you could it was an import that was the whole reason I got it yeah I had some weird priorities back then yeah is running with the lightsaber is just I don't run around with this just just to let you know I do not run around I don't go to work with it or anything like I think my boss would be like you know what dude you could just work from home every day don't come in here anymore you scar me wait hang on Troy Rudder saying Ryan what's Ryan versus dork man that's the guy that's what I'm okay Troy was saying okay I got it got it that's him he must be Troy must be watching The Hangout he say Ryan versus is dork man and yeah that was like I think it was one of his earlier videos but he has uh I think he has like three of them out three or four of them and they're actually not bad they're they're fun little lightsaber battles that he does that's pretty wild yeah I was like wow he must have taken a lot of time to do that all right folks I'm gonna go ahead and wind her down now the Lego's been built we've geeked out for the evening and I don't know maybe I like I said I don't know how frequently we'll be able to do a Nomi hangout um I I don't know if it's going to happen every single week but you know certainly once every two weeks I think it's going to be feasible if I can pull it off you know once a week like I said sometimes schedules are kind of nutty well especially if you're getting a bug or whatever like I said I usually take the coldies or the emergency that if you got to take it before the symptoms start though otherwise it ain't gonna work Kevin what are you doing this was the one of the gifs I was building but I had to rebuild this I'm going to have to rebuild this sometime a little bit later you said that about this I already had it in stock but already had it but probably it was just too big for Google Plus to accept it oh oh you can resize it on the uh you can go to the here I'll paste it are you in the are you in the IRC chat yeah I'm in the paste it in there this is where I go or this is for the the nomies private IRC chat that's where I go Kevin okay I'll probably have to just resize this just a simple sizing cuz it's a little too big that's pretty funny because you already talked about it it's like I already have it he's like just wait I'm going to upload this and just and hey Chris I know I I asked you a while ago I asked you what your favorite Star Trek movie was you said WRA andc what did you think of the new Star Trek that came out by that JJ Abrams one I didn't mind it it didn't feel like Star Trek to me though it's kind of like a reboot without rebooting it which is kind of clever but I still think Ricon was the best St Tre movie ever like you can't be I know I don't disagree I don't disagree so all right had to get my reboot question in he's like I'm going to bed before I get sick again no no no no I got I've got to go through like literally a 100 messages in my inbox so and that's even after tulling him down to you know by before the the show started I had down to seven so oh geez I have a and and it's after everything's just I have a lot to go through yeah so no yeah no doubt it never ends well was fun hanging out with all you guys yep yeah it was fun yep take care guys take care see you see you feel better Chris yeah\n"