Title: A Spoiler-Free Review of "Dumplin'" by Julie Murphy
Hey everyone, it's Haley and today I'm going to be doing a spoiler-free review for dumplin' by Julie Murphy. So, this is a contemporary novel that follows the protagonist Willow Dean Dixon or as her mother calls her Dumplin'. She is a self-proclaimed fat girl who is really proud of herself and her body. She's happy in her own skin and doesn't care what other people think about her size. However, when she likes someone and finds out they like her back, she starts to second guess her confidence and consider how others see her.
This realization leads Willow to decide to enter a beauty pageant that is huge in her town, with the goal of showing everyone that she's just as beautiful as the skinny girls or the average girls. The writing in this book is really great, it's snarky and has a great use of vernacular that makes you feel like you're actually in Texas, surrounded by Dolly Parton fans and beauty pageant contestants. This all works together to elevate Willow's character, making her come alive through the writing of the book.
One of the things I loved about this book is how relatable it is. Willow isn't your typical confident protagonist; she's got a front of confidence that can sometimes be shaken up by things. And honestly, who hasn't been there? She's not just a character with a lot of attitude and sass - she's also got some vulnerability to her that makes her feel like a real person. I think it's great that the author didn't make Willow perfect; instead, they made her realistic.
I also appreciated how the book explores themes of body image and self-acceptance. Willow is on a journey to learn to love herself, flaws and all, which is something that we could all benefit from doing. And I think the author does this in a really thoughtful way, avoiding any preachy or heavy-handed moments that might make it feel like a lecture.
Having characters who are realistic and flawed can be really empowering. They're not just idealized versions of people; they're complex and multi-dimensional, with their own strengths and weaknesses. And I think that's what makes this book so great - it doesn't try to present an idealized version of Willow or her world; instead, it presents the messy, complicated reality of life.
One of my favorite aspects of the book is how well it explores the relationship between Willow and Bo. Their dynamic is really interesting, and I loved seeing how they interact with each other. It's clear that they have a deep connection, but it's also clear that they're both struggling with their own issues. This made me appreciate them even more - they're not just cute characters; they're fully fleshed-out people.
The plot of this book is pretty fast-paced, with something always going on. And I think that suits the tone of the book perfectly. It's a story about growth and change, and sometimes that means things get messy and complicated. But overall, it's a really enjoyable read that had me hooked from start to finish.
For me, one of the biggest things that stood out about this book was how relatable Willow is. I used to be in a similar situation, struggling with body image issues and feeling like I wasn't good enough. And when I saw Willow on the page, I couldn't help but feel a sense of recognition. She's not just a character; she's someone who could have been me, or you, or anyone else.
This book is also really important because it tackles themes that are often overlooked in young adult literature - body positivity, self-acceptance, and the importance of loving yourself exactly as you are. It's clear that the author believes these things are important, and they're passionate about spreading this message. And I think that passion comes through on every page.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves contemporary fiction or is looking for a story with a strong female protagonist. The writing is snarky and engaging, the characters are complex and relatable, and the themes of body positivity and self-acceptance are timely and important. If you're looking for a read that will make you laugh, cry, and feel good about yourself, then I think this might be the book for you.
I gave this book four out of five stars because it really exceeded my expectations. I wasn't sure what to expect from a story about a fat girl in a beauty pageant, but the author did an amazing job of subverting those expectations and creating something truly unique and special. The only thing that kept me from giving it a full five stars was that there were a few moments where I felt like some plot threads were a bit resolved too quickly. However, this is a minor complaint, and overall I think the book is just fantastic.
If you've read this book before, let me know what you thought of it in the comments below! And if you haven't, but are thinking about reading it, I'd love to hear your thoughts after you've finished. Don't forget to subscribe for more reviews and recommendations, and be sure to follow me on social media at the link down below my username is hails Hearts onyc.