TOYOTA COROLLA - Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed

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**The Birth of a Legend: Toyota Corolla**

(Engine humming) 40 years before Initial D, there was Chassis Initial E, which is gonna be talked about by initial me. JEP, yeah. I'm talking about the most popular car in the history of the world. (Engine vrooming) You ever heard of it?

The World's Most Popular Car

You've probably heard of the Toyota Corolla, but do you know its history? The world is flat and hollow, here's everything you need to know to get up to speed on this legendary car.

**A Dream Come True**

Hey Nolan, what are you doing in my dream, Nolan? More power, baby. Rainbow over there. (Mumbling) Hey Nolan, what's wrong, buddy? - Hiya, James. I have so much work to do, but I'm just not feeling it. - I can help you out, pal. Don't worry.

**The Idea of Owning a Car**

By 1960, the idea of the average Japanese person owning their own car was pretty farfetched. Most Japanese automakers were making cars that only middle-class and wealthy people could afford to buy and maintain. But Eiji Toyoda, who was president of Toyota at the time, realized that they were leaving a lot of yen on the table by excluding the general public.

**The Birth of the Publica**

So he had the engineers create the Publica, which featured a tiny two-cylinder 697 CC Boxer engine that squeezed out a monstrous 27 hp per liter. And with a base price of only 389,000 yen, the 1961 Publica was successfully launched to the public.

**Competition Heats Up**

While Toyota was celebrating the success of the Publica, Datsun and Subaru were conjuring up their own car of the people. They were like, "Listen fellas, we want a car that slaps." Yeah, Toyota can't be the only company with a car that slaps. Um, sorry to bother you fellas, but your bass guitars have arrived a bit early. Ooh yeah, let's go slap them basses.

**The Datsun 1000 and Subaru 1000**

And so, in 1966, the Datsun 1000, AKA the Sunny, and the Subaru 1000, AKA the Subaru 1000, hit the struts. Both cars featured bigger, faster, four-cylinder engines that were just shy of 1000 CC. 1000 CC was a major barrier because anything over that meant a higher road tax.

**The Toyota Corolla Takes Center Stage**

Japanese consumers preferred the more powerful cars over the Publica, but just a few months after those cars were released, Eiji told Datsun and Subaru to hold his Sapporo and proceeded to launch the 1100 CC Toyota KE10, AKA the Corolla.

(Singing) Grandpa, that's my NOS Energy Drink. Mm, yum, NOS Energy Drink. And so, the legend of the Toyota Corolla was born, a car that would go on to become the most popular car in history.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(engine humming)- 40 years before Initial D,there was Chassis Initial E,which is gonna be talkedabout by initial me.JEP, yeah.I'm talking about the most popular carin the history of the world.(engine vrooming)You ever heard of it?The world, it's flat and hollow.Here's everything you need to knowto get up to speed on the Toyota Corolla.(upbeat music)Grandpa, that's my NOS Energy Drink.Mm, yum, NOS Energy Drink.Hey Nolan, what are youdoing in my dream, Nolan?More power, baby.Rainbow over there.(mumbling)Hey Nolan, what's wrong, buddy?- Hiya, James.I have so much work to do,but I'm just not feeling it.- I can help you out, pal.Don't worry.(thunder strikes)By 1960, the idea of theaverage Japanese personowning their own carwas pretty farfetched.Most Japanese automanufacturers were making carsthat only middle-class andwealthy people could affordto buy and maintain.But Eiji Toyoda, who waspresident of Toyota at the time,realized that they were leavinga lot of yen on the tableby excluding the general public.So he had the engineerscreate the Publica,which featured a tiny twocylinder 697 CC Boxer enginethat squeezed out a monstrous27 hrsprs to the crank.(crickets chirping)And with a base price of only 389,000 yen,the 1961 Publica was successfullylaunched to the public.So while Toyota was celebratingthe success of the Publica,Datsun and Subaru were conjuring uptheir own car of the people.They were like.- Listen fellas, we want a car that slaps.- Yeah, Toyota can't be the only companywith a car that slaps.- Um, sorry to bother you fellas,but your bass guitarshave arrived a bit early.- Ooh yeah, let's go slap them basses.(bass music)- And so, in 1966, theDatsun 1000, AKA the Sunny,and the Subaru 1000, AKA theSubaru 1000, hit the struts.Both cars featured bigger,faster, four cylinder enginesthat were just shy of 1000 CC.1000 CC was a major barrierbecause anything over that meanta higher road tax.Japanese consumers preferredthe more powerful carsover the Publica, but just a few monthsafter those cars were released,Eiji told Datsun andSubaru to hold his Sapporoand proceeded to launchthe 1100 CC Toyota KE10,AKA the Corolla.(singing "Corolla")Sure, the new KE10 costsa little more in taxes,but Eiji marketed it asthe 100 CC advantage.And you know what, people bought it.Finally, the averageJapanese person could afforda reliable car that was powerful enoughto quickly climb mountainousroads in the unlikely eventof a Mothra attack.And trust me, when Mothra attacks,you're gonna want that 100 CC advantage.Over in America, consumers were drivingDetroit compacts whichhad much larger enginesand more cylinders.Toyota thought they couldcompete with domestic brandsbecause the KE10 wasway more fuel efficient.So in 1968, they startedselling the KE10 in America.Toyota needed to rename the KE10for the North American market,and since their flagshipsedan was the crown,they named it the Lil' Crown.But since Lil' Crownsare impossible to sellto anyone other than, youknow, princes and princesses,they used the Latin translation, Corolla.America gently dipped their toesinto the new rear wheel driveJapanese sub-compact Corollaand liked the way it felt.The base 1.1 liter engineproved 60 horsepower,which when combined witha 1600 pound curb weight,MacPherson strut front suspensionand a four-speed fullysynchronized manual transmissionmade it a real zoom dog.But the best thing about the Corollaas far as Americanconsumers were concernedwas that it sipped gaslike I sip tea at theQueen's diamond jubilee.My, my, my, Queen Mother.These scrumpets taste scrumptious.- Oh James, you're such a delight.More power, baby.- Poison.- Is he dead yet?- It's gonna take a lotmore than a little poisonto get rid of me, Charles.- Seize him.- More power, baby.- Bring me his lightning.- Did somebody order a light show?- No.- What took you so long?- Go.- You win this round, Kentucky Cobra.- How was dinner, pal?- If you guys want to see aKentucky Cobra animated show,leave me a comment in thecomments section below,and we'll send it to Adult Swim.The Corolla got 30 and a halfcombined smiles to the gallon,which was as much as 60% betterthan the Detroit competition.This proved to be theCorolla's claim to fameas the 1973 energy crisisblew in the distance.By 1973, the second gen E20was taking over the market.(engine humming)With its sway bar front suspensionand an all-new 1.2 liter overhead valveof base engine good for 73 clippity-clops,that's horsepower, Toyotaalso launched a few new trimslike the sporty 1.6 liter SR5 coupewhich produced 102 clippity-clops.(engine humming)In 1974, Eiji's son, Schoichirowas handling businessat Toyota like a dang boss,and the Corolla was slapping in the US.Like the climax of The Departed,the Corolla was taking out itscompetitors left and right.Chevy was thrown off a building.Chrysler was popped in an elevator.And Ford was taken down intheir own freaking apartment.And the Corolla became thebest selling car in America,a title that it wouldbecome synonymous with.You see, the third genCorolla, which dropped in 1974,came in five variants,so there was something for everybody.For the hyper-miler on a budget,there was the base 1.2 liter coupe,which got 49 em per jus on the highway.For the family on the go,there was 1.6 liter wagon.For the budget-conscious, furry-chested,butterfly collared, disco kingwith Saturday night fever,there was the SR5 liftback.The little crown made bigwaves with American consumers,but Toyota didn't justrest on its laurels.They kept developing, kepttinkering, and kept working.(engine humming)In 1983, they released the AE80,which was more commuterfriendly and way boxier,which was the shape du jour of the 80s.A completely new chassisallowed for more interior spaceby transversely mountingthe 1.6 liter engineand changing the car (sighs)to front wheel drive.But before you get your rearwheel drive pants in a twist,Toyota realized there was still a needfor an enthusiast Corolla.Instead of wasting R&D on developinga new rear wheel drive coupe,Toyota took a page out of Eiji's book,took the old SR5, turned it up to 11,and the AE86 was born.(engine humming)The car featured the legendarydual overhead cam 4AGE,which revved higher than a Wankel engine,eating up Fun Dip without the stick.I'm talking 7800 RPM, 112 hrsprs,which is fine in a 2400 pound car.(engine humming)You don't have to be Matty Mathesonto know that that's a recipe for drifting.And a guy by the name of Keiichi Tsuchiyawas most certainly not Matty Matheson.Keiichi is the granddaddy of drifting,and his preferred rubberburning weapon of choicewas the Trueno.His mountain sidingexploits not only birthedone of the most popularmodern-day motor sports,it also birthed one ofthe best car enthusiastmanga series of all time.You already know what I'm talking about.I could literally talk aboutthe AE86 for 12 minutesand then again for 11 minutes.In fact, I already have, so check it out.As the 80s came to aclose, Schoichiro wantedto revamp the Corolla again,and since the Corolla wasselling so well in America,he killed off the coupeand wanted to focuson making an inexpensive luxury carthat could eat up daily commute.His directive to the chiefdeveloper, Dr. Akihiko Saito,was simple.- Make me a mini-Lexus with astarting price below 10 grand.- After spending a daycrying in the showerand eating cake frosting out of a can,Dr. Akihiko set to workand developed the E100.The new Corolla was way bigger.In fact, it replaced the Camry as Toyota'scompact vehicle in their lineup.Dr. Akihiko also made the new Corollalook super futuristic byeliminating body panelsand making all the edges curvedfor a more seamless design.Americans freaking loved the new Corolla.- Surprise, neighbor, I justbought a new Corolla wagon.- Even people who only boughtAmerican cars loved the E100.They just bought a re-badgedversion called the Geo Prizm.You remember Geos?GM basically went to a Japaneseauto buffet in the late 80sand picked out their favorite little carsand then re-badged them as American.My favorite model was theStorm because I love the X-Men.The interior looked likea freaking fighter jet.with steady, thoughnot entirely sexy improvements.Honestly, they're pretty boring.But then, in 2005, Toyotadropped the first Corolla XRS.The XRS featured Yamahacollaborated 2ZZ-GE engine,which revved to 7600 RPM andcreated 170 horseshoe-crushingclippity-clops in a Corolla.(engine revving)And apparently, it wasall you can drink sake dayat the Toyota parts department becausethey paired it with asix-speed manual transmissionfrom the Celica GT-S and the Lotus Elise.Yeah, the same gearbox froman Elise in your Corolla.Toyota quickly sobered up,realized their mistake,and discontinued the car after a year.Then, they brought backthe XRS a year after that,but it was a shadow of its former self.The Corolla was backto being boring again.I say boring, but I don'tmean boring in a negative way.Reliable, predictable, comfortable.You ever take a good look at a Corolla?It's just, you know, it's a car.Just because something isboring doesn't mean it's bad.In fact, a lot of times,boring stuff is good.I mean, water.Water is boring.But we gotta drink it everyday.Here's what being boring hashelped the Corolla to achieve.As of 2016, Corolla hassold over 44 million units,the most of any vehicle ever.If you were to attach everyCorolla that has been sold,bumper to bumper, it would wraparound the Earth five times.And I'm not talking about pole to pole.I'm talking about thefattest part, the equator.That's over 120,000 miles of Corolla.In fact, when Corolla celebratedits 50th anniversary in 2016,they were averaging asale every 15 seconds.Now the Corolla is tryingto rebrand itself again.The 2020 model comes in a hybrid trim,just in case Toyota fans don't want to buyone of the four Prius models available.And the new ad campaignsuggests it's great for peoplelooking to have 45 secondsof uncomfortable hanky-pankyin the back of a compact car.But really, it doesn't matterhow the Corolla is advertisedbecause the Corolla isconsistently a great car.When we were writing this script,I was surprised that the Corolla wasthe most popular car of all time.I thought it was the Volkswagen Beetle,which turns out is number two.The Beetle died.I don't know if the Corolla ever will.The Corolla. (laughs)The Corolla.The Corolla.Love you.I love you.