A Rumor and Speculation Surrounding iOS 14
There is a rumor at this point, and I don't know that anyone's actually seen that so amended reality, we should have had a Karki update a few other things, and whether or not Apple changes anything, other than that is hard to say until we actually see what iOS 14 is about. Based on statistics, every other year, every version has gotten much better. Every other year, so we have what's called a tick-tock cycle if you haven't heard that before, we have one where there's a lot of features then there's a lot of stability and back and forth. So the next update, iOS 14, should have that stability now.
When I go to this YouTube community poll that I ran, I said iOS 13, what's your opinion of it, and favorite iOS version, and 60% of you actually said that it was great and that really surprised me because there are quite a few bugs Apple has pushed a lot of updates and you'll see 60 percent said it was great. 32 percent said it was okay but still had bugs, and only 8 percent of you said it was terrible. Based on the amount of comments I get, which is probably people that have a negative experience, they're going to comment more. I was surprised to learn that only 8% of you say it's terrible now. You'll see 288 of you commented, and that was really interesting to me. That many people really like iOS 13 so I was surprised by that.
Favorite Version
Your favorite version was probably iOS 10. We'll see my favorite version was iOS 7 which surprises me because iOS 7 was crazy buggy especially right away. So it was a major change, a complete rewrite of the operating system, and had a lot of issues initially. iOS 12 is a bit good but haven't tested in iOS 13. You'll see someone said iOS 7 and iOS 13 which surprises me again. 7 I don't have fond memories of and then we have a few that say iOS 10 if we take a look at this one, you'll see iOS 12 is my favorite. And for those of you that have been beta testing these and been using these updates for a very long time, I've been using iPhone since the first one it was really pretty stable from the first version to iOS 6, Iowa 7 was buggy 8 was better, 9 was buggy, 10 was better. So every other year like I said we'll take a look at a couple more and it says iOS 13 but it's too buggy so it's your favorite I'm assuming that's because you like the features in it likedark mode but again iOS 13 or 12 is probably my favorite iOS 10 without a doubt.
iOS 10 Without a Doubt
iOS 10 without a doubt. iOS 12 with a dark mode option would be better than iOS 13. I'd say iOS 12 it seemed to fix what iOS 11 did wrong and had issues with, and it had some very useful features. My favorite version is iOS 13.4.1. Miss i OS 6 looks 7 to 13 is pretty much the same and with the exception of well there's a lot of features hundreds actually that have been added but they're usually incremental features so yes they do look similar but so did iOS 3 through 6 or 1 through 6 really to be fair iOS 13 is great. iOS 13 is fine but i OS 12 was much better in terms of stability. iOS 12 and I expected most people that have been using the last version to say iOS 12 it really surprised me that as many people actually liked iOS 13 however I I really think that has to do with the dark mode feature and a few other things.
iOS 14 Release Date
Now with iOS 14, I would expect the beta on June 22nd if everything stays the same that's when WWDC is. I've talked about this numerous times, and usually the first beta will be out then and then the final version will usually be out in September however if Apple actually pushes the iPhone launch to October we may not see the final version until October so we should have iOS 13 updates probably into this time next year just like we're still seeing iOS 12 updates for security issues, and I would expect more updates to iOS 13 all the way up until the launch. We'll have regular updates, and then of course some security updates after that for years to come so keep your eyes open for iOS 14 in a few weeks and I would love to hear what you're looking most forward to about iOS 14 in the comments below. If you'd like to get your hands on this wallpaper of course, I'll link it in the description as I always do. And if you haven't subscribed already please subscribe, and if you enjoy the video, please like and comment down below.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech &iOS 13 has been well less than what mostpeople had hoped for but this seems tobe the case every other year and so Iwanted to talk about iOS 13 all the wayback to iOS 10 and talk about why Ithink iOS 14 will be a lot better noweach one of these phones has what manyconsider to be the best version of iOSrunning on them so if we open up thisone we have an iPhone 4s this is runningiOS 6.1.3 so we'll just log in here thenwe'll go to the iPhone 5c which has iOS10 on it so we'll unlock it then we'llgo into the iPhone 6 which has iOS 12 onit and touch ID is a little screwy therebut now it's working and then we'll gointo my iPhone 11 pro max which has iOS13 on it and so what I did is last weekI did a poll to see which version of iOSyou thought was best and what yourthoughts of iOS 13 was because everyother year it seems like Apple updatesthe OS with much more stability and alot better overall just usability whereit doesn't seem to have as many issuesso I went back and looked at differentversions and so here we have iOS 6.1.3like I said iOS 10 iOS 12 and iOS 13 andit seems like every other year Applemakes it better so ever since iOS 6 wasout many people had all sorts of issueswith iOS 7 8 & 9 and then when 10 cameout it seemed to be much more stable andwith iOS 10 Apple made some refinementsthey changed some things you can seehere's the the control center and it's alot different but if we go home doubleclick the home button we've got the cardsystem and it was a really nice versionof iOS that seemed to be super stable ifwe go into the music app it may take amoment to load here you can see thelibrary is there it's a little bitdifferent and I'm not connected to theinternet but I think you get the ideathat this was a version that many peopledo not have an issue with now what Iseem to hear the most is the iOS 12 whenit came out two years later fixed allsorts of issuesthat iOS 11 had and was much morerefined we've got a new control centerhere we've got basically the same cardsystem as far as doing multitaskingthings have been updated a little bitit had refinements but it also worked alot more smoothly so if we go into thesettings go to general you'll see thisone was recently updated to iOS 12.4.7and I did a video aboutthat and so this version still getsupdates now a lot of people have beensaying iOS 13 is terrible Apple needs toupdate it they've updated it way toomany times they haven't gotten it rightso I looked back over the previousversions and by this time last year whenwe had a OS 12 in May we had already had10 updates at this point we were all theway up to iOS 12.3.1 and atthe same point the previous year I Oh s11 which I said every other year seemsto have an issueiOS 11 had 14 updates and iOS 10 had 10updates so it seems like iOS 10 and 12had 10 updates and iOS 13 has had 13updates so we went 10 then 14 and thenback to 10 now we're at 13 with iOS 13.5 and so Apple is refining it andI was surprised how many of you actuallysay you really like iOS 13 but quite afew of you have still said it's terribleso I wanted to talk about why I thinkiOS 14 will be much better and there's acouple reasons and then we'll take alook at that pull in a little bit andsee what a few of you had to say aboutwhich version is your favorite in andbugs you've experienced now with iOS 14you can expect it to be much better andthere's a couple reasons for that one ofthem is just statistically every otheryear seems to be much better but thenalso we haven't heard of a whole lot ofother features with it and so that makesme think that it's very much focused onstability now there was some informationabout last December or so where it saidthat Craig federighi who's in charge ofsoftware is redoing how they handleinternal builds and how they make surethings are stable before they're pushedto the public so they may be rebuildingthe OS a little bit maybe even modularlike Android is so Android right now canactually insert parts of the operatingsystem instead of having to download atwo gigabyte file or 500 megai'ts they can just push up a 20 megabytefile fix part of that operating systemand you're done whether or not applewill do this is hard to say but with iOS14 we're not hearing a lot of featuressome of the features that we've actuallyheard about seem like augmented realityfocused things like changes to wallpaperand there just hasn't been enoughinformation that's come out and we'reonly a few weeks away from WWDC where weshould see iOS 14 that it makes me thinkthat iOS 14 really doesn't have a wholelot of features but rather a lot of bugfixes instability battery life andthings like that so with iOS 13everybody really liked one feature andthat was dark mode and so when you havedark mode it's really nice that you havethat option but other than that peopleweren't really impressed with thefeature set even though there were a tonof changes to it I would still wouldexpect quite a few changes but I wouldnot expect things that are dramatic wehave heard that Apple may make itavailable to have the widgets that wehave here have something resizable onthe home screen but that's again that'ssort of a rumor at this point and Idon't know that anyone's actually seenthat so amended reality we should havethat Karki update a few other things andwhether or not Apple changes anythingother than that is hard to say until weactually see what iOS 14 is about butbased off statistics every other yearevery version has gotten much betterevery other year so we have what'scalled a tick-tock cycle if you haven'theard that before we have one wherethere's a lot of features then there's alot of stability and back and forth sothe next update iOS 14 should have thatstability now when I go to this YouTubecommunity poll that I ran I said iOS 13what's your opinion of it and favoriteiOS version and 60% of you actually saidthat it was great and that reallysurprised me because there are quite afew bugs Apple has pushed a lot ofupdates and you'll see 60 percent saidit was great 32% said it was ok but itstill had bugs and only 8% of you saidit was terrible based on the amount ofcomments I get which is probably peoplethat have a negative experience they'regoing to comment more I was surprised tolearn that only 8% of you say it'sterrible now you'll see 288 of youcommented and that was reallyinteresting to me that many peoplereallylike iOS 13 so I was surprised by thatso you'll see favorite version wasprobably iOS 10 we'll see my favoriteversion was iOS 7 which surprises mebecause iOS 7 was crazy buggy especiallyright away so it was a major change acomplete rewrite of the operating systemand had a lot of issues initially iOS 12is a bit good but haven't tested in iOS13 you'll see someone said iOS 7 and iOS13 which surprises me again 7 I don'thave fond memories of and then we have afew that say iOS 10 if we take a look atthis one you'll see iOS 12 is myfavorite and for those of you that havebeen beta testing these and been usingthese updates for a very long time I'vebeen using iPhone since the first one itwas really pretty stable from the firstversion to iOS 6 Iowa 7 was buggy 8 wasbetter 9 was buggy 10 was better soevery other year like I said we'll takea look at a couple moreand it says iOS 13 but it's too buggy soit's your favorite I'm assuming that'sbecause you like the features in it likedark mode but again iOS 13 or 12 isprobably my favorite iOS 10 without adoubt iOS 12 with a dark mode optionwould be better than iOS 13 I'd say iOS12 it seemed to fix what iOS 11 didwrong and had issues with and it hadsome very useful features my favoriteversion is iOS 13.4.1 Imiss i OS 6 looks 7 to 13 is pretty muchthe same and with the exception of wellthere's a lot of features hundredsactually that have been added butthey're usually incremental features soyes they do look similar but so did iOS3 through 6 or 1 through 6 really to befair iOS 13 is greatiOS 13 is fine but i OS 12 was muchbetter in terms of stability iOS 12 andI expected most people that have beenusing the last version to say iOS 12 itreally surprised me that as many peopleactually liked iOS 13 however I I reallythink that has to do with the dark modefeature and a few other thingsnow with iOS 14 I would expect the betaon June 22nd if everything stays thesamethat's when WWDC is I've talked aboutthis numerous timesand usually the first beta will be outthen and then the final version willusually be out in Septemberhowever if Apple actually pushes theiPhone launch to October we may not seethe final version until October so weshould have iOS 13 updates probably intothis time next year just like we'restill seeing iOS 12 updates for securityissues and I would expect more updatesto iOS 13 all the way up until thelaunch we'll have regular updates andthen of course some security updatesafter that for years to come so keepyour eyes open for iOS 14 in a few weeksand I would love to hear what you'relooking most forward to about iOS 14 inthe comments below if you'd like to getyour hands on this wallpaper of courseI'll link it in the description as Ialways do and if you haven't subscribedalready please subscribe and if youenjoyed the video please give it a likeas always thanks for watching I'll seeyou next timeyou\n"