Logitech G PRO X Review - The Best Mic On A Gaming Headset

**The Pro X Microphone Tab: A Game-Changer in Gaming Headsets**

The Pro X microphone tab is one of the standout features of the new Pro X headset. It's clear that the engineers at HyperX put a lot of thought into designing this tab, and it shows in their attention to detail. The tab outlines all different parameters, making it easy for users to understand what each slider does and how it affects sound quality.

One of the coolest features of the Pro X microphone tab is its ability to record a "little mic test" that can be played around with to adjust EQ settings. This allows users to hear exactly how the microphone will sound before applying any presets or saving them as custom settings. This level of control and customization is impressive, and it's clear that HyperX is committed to delivering high-quality audio.

**Comparing Microphone Quality**

The Pro X microphone tab is where the headset truly shines. In comparison to other headsets on the market, such as the GSP 300 or the GSP 500 with Blue Voice enabled, the Pro X microphone stands out in terms of quality and clarity. Even when using different headsets and adjusting settings, the difference in sound quality is noticeable.

**The Impact of the USB Hub**

One thing that's been puzzling potential buyers is the decision to sell the USB hub as part of the headset package rather than making it available separately. While this might be a deliberate design choice, it does limit the flexibility of users who want to connect multiple headsets to the same hub and utilize Blue Voice functionality.

**A Look at Different Presets**

One of the standout features of the Pro X microphone tab is its library of presets, including Broadcaster and Pro Broadcast. These presets are designed to work seamlessly with different headsets, allowing users to find a setting that suits their needs. The ability to tweak these presets to create a custom sound is also impressive, making the Pro X headset feel like a personalized audio experience.

**The Importance of Customization**

The Pro X microphone tab is not just about applying pre-made presets; it's also about customization. With multiple sliders and settings to adjust, users can tailor their sound to suit their preferences. This level of control is rare in gaming headsets, making the Pro X a standout in its class.


In conclusion, the Pro X microphone tab is an impressive feature that elevates the Pro X headset from good to great. With its customization options, presets, and ability to record a "little mic test," users can truly tailor their sound to suit their needs. While there are some drawbacks, such as the decision not to sell the USB hub separately, the overall quality of the microphone and the Blue Voice functionality make this headset worth considering for serious gamers.

**The Verdict: Worth Considering?**

While the Pro X headset is certainly a strong contender in the gaming headset market, it's not without its flaws. The Blue Voice functionality, while impressive, can be temperamental at times, and the lack of hardware implementation with larger sticks makes the hub feel like an afterthought. However, when it comes to microphone quality, customization options, and overall sound quality, the Pro X shines.

Ultimately, whether or not the Pro X headset is worth considering depends on individual preferences and priorities. For gamers who value high-quality audio and a strong, customizable gaming experience, the Pro X might be the way to go. But for those on a budget or with specific needs, other headsets might be more suitable.

**Dimitri's Verdict**

I'm Dimitri, and I've spent some time testing the Pro X headset. My initial impression was that it was a great option for gamers who want high-quality audio without breaking the bank. However, as I delved deeper into its features, I realized that there were some limitations to consider.

The Blue Voice functionality is certainly impressive, but it can be temperamental at times. And while the Pro X microphone tab offers customization options galore, the lack of hardware implementation with larger sticks makes the hub feel like an afterthought.

Despite these drawbacks, I still think the Pro X headset is worth considering for serious gamers. Its microphone quality and sound quality are top-notch, and its customization options make it a great option for those who want to tailor their gaming experience.

But for those on a budget or with specific needs, other headsets might be more suitable. Ultimately, it comes down to individual preferences and priorities.

**Final Thoughts**

As I conclude my review of the Pro X headset, I'm left feeling impressed but also slightly underwhelmed. While its microphone quality and sound quality are top-notch, there are some limitations to consider, particularly when it comes to the Blue Voice functionality and hardware implementation with larger sticks.

However, for serious gamers who value high-quality audio and a strong, customizable gaming experience, the Pro X might be worth considering. Its customization options and presets make it a great option for those who want to tailor their gaming experience.

But for now, I'm left waiting to see how other headsets in this class stack up. Will the GSP 500 or other headsets offer similar quality and customization options? Only time will tell.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwell hello good people can you mic soundlike this so the new G Pro headset I'mreally happy to see a new Pro line ofproducts because the pro series is allabout design but collaboration eSportsplayers giving the feedback on like theshape of the mouse and the weightannounce the clique enos the keyboardswitches and the same thing with theheadsets and this is the first productfrom Logitech that incorporatessomething from blue because Logitechacquired Blue Microphones and I'm reallyhappy to to see something beingincorporated to improve the microphone Ifeel like this might become the newbenchmark to beat for a gaming headsetunder $100 let's take a look after thisthe master pen series from Coolermasterhas now received a fresh new look with asquare frame designed to generate highpressure air flow and silent operationthe fans feature this beautifuladdressable RGB illumination and you canpick it up in 120 240 and 360 millimetrevariants learn more in the descriptiondown below so first let's talk about theprice $99 for the standard headset and$129 for the Pro X which includes theUSB dongle that has the built-in Bluvoice functionality to be honest I wasexpecting hardware integration with BlueMicrophones into the Logitech headsetinstead of it being software only interms of design they do remind me of theHyperX cloud series similar type ofheadband with stitching on the side thestamping of the pro into the leatherettethe size extensions are quite similarwith the aluminum sort of hinges thatfeel quite premium but there is norotation the United degree rotation likewe've seen on the previous G pro headsetI do like the coiled cable in each earcup that adds this retro design and theoverall frame here is pretty subduedwith matte black plastic which again isfound on a hyper X series a blackaluminum black leather and the silveraccents with the G logo in the middleand if you remove the microphone you caneasily wear these outdoors they're notridiculous like the Chiefs piece 670 orlike the Sun Heiser series I would usethese for music no problem the left andright distinction is inside the ear cupso don't bother looking on the actionframe we have a separate velour earpadsset which is nice they don't accumulateas much heat but based wrapping is muchbetter with the leather ear cups and asusual logitech includes plenty ofaccessories like a splitter cable yourmobile cable we have a pc cable that hasa volume wheel and we also have the USBdongle on the pro-x headset and a nicelittle carry pouch overall I feel likethey've improved on the build qualityyou can stretch this thing you canextend the size extensions to theirmaximum and the headset still feelsquite solid which is not what I can sayabout the original G Pro had said sizeextensions and the whole frame justfeels kind of plasticky and kind ofcheap and fragile in comparison the newpair is just a lot more comfortable muchbetter clamping force it's not too tightbut it's there so that you can create anice seal around the ears given thesoftware ear cushions and the drivershere are the same 50 millimeter G Prodrivers but they've been tuneddifferently I can definitely hear thedifference versus the original they'remore detailed there's a lot more claritybut everything is a bit closer verses onthe original G Pro the soundstage I feltlike was a bit quieter things felt a bitmore airy and a little bit more soft toonow compared comfort wise to my currentfavorite $99 gaming headset the GSP 300the pro and the Pro X have more clampingforce which means they create betterisolation which I would say is a goodthing but the overall ear cup design onthe GSP 300 is slightly better so theear cups are oval and they're taller andthe actual driver wall is slightlydeeper so that when they're on my headand I press the actual ear cup my earstill does not make contact with thatinternal driver wall which is nice forlarger ears but not the same thing withthe Pro and the Pro X and for those whowear glasses the clamping force ispretty good I don't feel like there'sany additional pressure beingaccumulated on the sides over here nicealthough glasses I feel like I'm morecomfortable with the GSP 300 because theear cups are not as wide as on the Proand Pro X which means that there's lesscontact area between the ear cup and theactual glasses arm as for sound gamingperformance whatever they were doingwith the G Pro drivers they should bedoing more of it really happy with theentire performance and this is somethingthat Logitech has been like reallydrilling down saying that they don'tcolor the entire rangetry to make sure that drivers do notdistort on the lower end so that thebass you hear is actually the baseyou should hear and not something thatis being boosted and I do appreciatethat they sound much better versus theoriginal G Pro which have the samedrivers but slightly different tuning onthe new pair better definitionthroughout the entire range deeper bassand the closer closed or closed they'reless open soundstage so things do soundmore detailed when they are closer andthat is one compromise I did enjoyed theopenness of the original G pro but I'vebeen thinking for a gaming headsetclosed soundstage for a closed pairmakes sense but compared to my GSP 300 Ifeel like this one has better audioseparation throughout the entire rangewhen a lot of things are going onbecause they have a slightly widersoundstage versus the Pro X is veryclosed but both have really nice controltreble smooth not harsh no distortionsbass is like the deeper on the GSP 300but with the Pro X you can actually adda bit of bass in the EQ settings via thedongle and that actually adds a nicelittle oomph in the lower end withoutdistorting anything which is awesomeoverall I feel like they've done areally good job with tuning thesedrivers to make them sound still reallyfun but not flat or harsh on a high endand the bass is still present and youcan play around with the EQ settingswithout totally destroying the entirespectrum and now ladies and gentlementhe microphone test which seems to be areally important part for Logitech andit's integration with Blu voice but I dowant to remind you that this is onlyavailable on the Pro X headset becauseof the USB dongle and not on the proheadset which doesn't have it so I'lltouch base on the main microphonesection over here first let me go intothe equalizer this is all the basicthings you can adjust different EQsettings a bunch of presets are alreadypre-loaded which is nice same thing withdifferent game genres one cool thing Ifound is that you can create your EQprofile and share it so you can downloadyour friends profiles and what you'relistening to or potentially a playerthat you follow which I found reallycool in the acoustic tab here we haveour volume microphone input and sidetone and the sight on here isappropriately loud so if I max it out Ican hear exactly what I'm saying so themicrophone issensitive if you want to really monitorhow loud you are speaking or if you canlower it if you don't find that to beuseful to you here we also have noiseremoval for the microphone and surroundsound but as I've said earlier surroundsound and here even with like differentsettings surprisingly poor not as goodas we've seen or as I've heard with a g933 or the 600 series but really the starof the show is the microphone tab andthey've done such a good job hereoutlining all different parameters andyou can hover over a little questionmarks to learn about which of these whatthey do but if you're not into all thelittle things you can also play aroundwith different presets either the probroadcaster presets from differentplayers or different blue voice presetswhich I've found to be really goodstarting points I'm like tweaking them alittle bit and what you're listening tonow is my custom preset that I've alsolistened to and make sure that it's kindof what I like to hearand you can enable voice so this isright now without any blue voicesoftware parameters interacting with therecording and now it is with so nicebass good broadcast quality nicecompression the really cool thingthey've done here is let you record thelittle mic test and then play aroundwith different parameters in EQ settingsso you can hear how the microphone willsound and only then apply the preset orsave that as a preset which I foundreally cool my favorite out of the bunchwould be the broadcast to preset andI've tweaked it they'll slightlynetworks well for my voice and now letme plug in a different headset like theoriginal G Pro so you can hear thedifference between this microphone andthe improved six millimeter capsule sowhat you listen to now is that recordedby the original G Pro headset goingthrough the same DAC so all myparameters that I've applied for the ProX headset now goes into the original GPro and it sounds almost identical likethe difference with the preset appliedare almost noticeable in even if Idisable voice right now the actualquality of the microphone soundsidentical even though it is a formula ora capsule instead of six and now we gotthe GSP 300 plugged into the same USBDAC and listen to what happens to myvoice when I enable blue voice all rightso now we're listening to the samepersonal soundsaid through the GSP 300 there's justsomething off about it even if I tweakedmy expander/gate set settings noisereduction presets and stuff like thatthey're just it doesn't sound as good asit does on a G Pro X and the same can beset with the GSP 500 right now Blu voiceis enabled everything's going and thesame DAC so I haven't changed anythingbut the headset and there's justsomething off about the vocal clarityeven with when the blue voice is enabledwhen I disable it the microphone soundspretty good and that could be the reasonwhy larger stick is not selling the USBhub separately because it might interactwith different microphones and might notbenefit some microphones over others Iwas hoping to see more hardwareimplementation with blue microphonesinstead of it being really softwarefocused and it's kind of weird because Ialways felt that proline was alwaysmeant to be simplified it's just likeit's right there it works but here theywent like above and beyond in terms ofcustomizing your voice to make you soundPro and it's more like audio editingsoftware instead of being a feature andsure we have multiple presets built-inand you can go in and spend some time orlike customizing to see what each sliderdoes and how it affects your voice butit's almost like going against or thepro line is all about and when we askedif they will sell the dongle separatelyso that you can connect the differentheadset to it and still utilize the bluevoice functionality they are kind ofhesitant on that and I understand itbecause when testing my own headsetsplugging in different things they sounddifferent and therefore it couldcompromise the whole blue voice featureif you're plugging in the headset and itsounds terrible right so on that front Iget it but again it had to be somethingclarified because my initial impressionwas like why don't you just sell thisdongle separately so that I couldutilize this voice functionality withplenty of my other headsets but the oldyou sound quite different versus thisonealright good people so let me know yourthoughts about the microphone qualityand the whole blue voice functionality Idefinitely think it adds value but beingthe $30.00 dongle and surround soundbeing kind of terrible that is the onlything you're paying for but in terms ofits being competitivethe pro by itself $99 is pretty decentbut it is again competing with liketheir cloud alpha or the cloud 2 andthey'll be interesting to see whichheadset people will gravitate towards inthe long term because right now I feellike that cloud is like the dominantthing when it comes to designs like thisalright I'm Dimitri thanks so much forwatching I'll talk to you in the nextvideo\n"