**The Unbridled Chaos of Gaming**
Like this weapon is actually quite good at doing the thing that it is. UHOH Are they going for the steak or they're going for me? Hard to tell sometimes. Ha! Oh NOOoOooOoo Look out! It's gonna blow! Oh, I tried to warn the sorry souls. I doesn't even seem that if it matters my aiming or not because it seems like they're just gonna be hit by it no matter what. It's a great, sweeping Shotgun-like device. AAAHH! That's a shotgun! Oh my God, They ASS-ploded! They sometimes like to push the meat, The greedy bastards. Auh Get some FIREBALL! BAUH! Oh, that was f-There we go! Some more FIREBAL-Uh, uh-BAM! That didn't get really anybody, But it doesn't matter. Goodbye! I guess they're running off into the woods now. Ohh noo He's so dumb! AAGH! Got ya! Oh, tricked you. Ya thought you were gonna get a free meal. But you got a free meal of-Of LEAD! Whoa whoa whoa eh juh shitWhoa shit broShit, get off Get off, get off, get off, get off, get off Whoa Whoa-kayOh, ohp Some of them want me. Some of them want me! Whoa, SOME OF THEM WANT ME! Good thing I do a little bit of melee. Okay. Gotta start blastin' 'em. Gotta start blastin' 'em! GOTTA BLAST!GOTTABbbbbBlll-They're not going for it. Oo, hello. Oh, you're going for that. Good. Good, because I was going to blast all over ya. Alright! DID IT! YEAH! Who's the victory man? Uh me. Is it me? Might be me. Ya think it's MEEEE. See, it-it's better to shoot them when they're all in a line. In case that wasn't obvious To everybody but the youngest people watching.
Blow 'em up Together! TOGETHER! Boink Okay Did I dooos it. Uh oh. Who's left? Aaahhh. That's slightly terrifyin- Oh, hey, how's it going. I thought there was going to be some big giant zombie Peering out from over the rocks over there. You guys just made it easy on me. A'right! Bring 'em on!! Oh boy Seems like they're all getting really close to me And then detouring immediately. Whoa, you're not. You're not. You're not! Whoa! Oh God dammit. That was mildly terrifying. He came up right on my ass. WHOA! Number 19, baby! Number 19. Fahk you, I'm not doing that again. Fuck that! Okay, where am I? Good! I was still on camera. That's a success in my book. So this game is really fun. I've obviously been playing it for awhile Cuz just my face is sweaty. Ah! I probably got huge red marks everywhere, but Thank you everybody so much for watching! There's always more Virtual reality games coming out In the near future, So let me know which ones you want me play! And which ones you would like to see! And thank you again everybody for watching. Oh, also! Before I go-Lemme-let me show you this thing While I was in New York Uh, we had a competition ToooMake tacos for Rachel Ray. I dunno why, but she was there, And we had a little taco competition. And I was in charge of making the cocktails, So I was making a margarita, And our team won best cocktail! So how 'bout that. The whole team let me take the trophy comb-Home. Uh, but it was a team effort because They sang about it. So, I can't remember exactly who was on the team, But thank you everybody for joining me. And thank you everybody for making me win! This is the greatest conversational piece Anyone could ever have Because I took it to the after party and everyone was very curious. So thank you again everybody so much for watching, And as always, I will see you In the next video. Buh-bye!(Funky Markiplier dance moves)(Aw yeah)(Ya know, doing these subtitles made me realize something.) (It takes a lot of effort to produce these videos, however short they appear to be.) (So like this video for the goof and his friends that made it.) (They deserve it. ;) (Peace out.)
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enIt's gon' be good. (zombie noises in the background)Yeah.(Markiplier funky dance move noises)Hello everybody. My name is Markiplier,And welcome to Zombie Skill Trainer.Now, this is a game for the Vivewhere you SHOOT ZOMBIES!(Unintelligible Markimoo noises)What do ya want: a song and dance number? That's all the game is! I don't know . . .Okay. Let's get this on.Let's get this going.Now,Zombie - ohhh. Zombie Training Simulator.That makes more sense than the words that I said.Okay.So, I been playing it'Cuz it's fuun.And I'm going to show youWhat to doooIn the skills test. Now,In the skills test,I've been doin' pretty good.I'm going to show you the Crow's Foot, which is the only one that I've done.Can that SHUT UP!(Intense music)(Pleasant music)(No music)There we go! Some goddamn peace and quiet.Sometimes music isn't the bestSometimes it's nice just to relax a little bit.Now I'm going to put this down,'Cuz I don't need it,I only need me and ma skillzYou ready?!3-2-1HA!Ah- dammit. Missed that last one.So now as you can see,My score-My high score anyways-0.993Now I don't know why I'm talkin' in a Southern accent (Don't you?)Blabuh!I missed on purpose. (Sure Mark)Blah!Blah! Bleh! Bleh! Bleah!Anyway,I'm gonna put the strap on, because it's probably not good if I-Fling this, willy-nilly. But-Blah! Bleh! Blah!Dammit.A'right.Well, I can do this a little better.Alright.Na- you-s-er- I'd be better off if I just hit it on the first try,On that last one there, but-Fahk!Uh, ah- I don't know, what am gonna do! I'm so scared!Oh God, I'm so scared!Eh!Got him.Wonder wha' happens f'iWha-What happens if I just throw my gun at him?Oh God dammitAAAAHHH!Everything is hooorible!Dammit-I just gotta get it on the first try.S'hard.Fahk!Oh, you old bastard.Shut up.ehEheaheh.I cAn'T hIt HiM- I cAn'T dO iT!I can't do it!Oh whoops.Sorry! (not sorry)Okay.A'right.OOAHHH! YES!NEw record!Okay, so this is the quick-draw basically. You gotta-It's called the Crow's Foot because one back there, three over there.It's like a crow's foot up in here.AAAHH! (Don't hurt yourself)Ow.So, there's records for certain guns,.These pistols are the ones that I had in the beginning.I should set that where I'm not going to forget it.AH! It's through the floor!And just it's the same thing.'Cept if ya hit it,When you're s'posed to hit it.OOOOOOOOO!YEAAAAH!New record on that one too; I'm global rank 25.Boink.Ha-boink.Ha-boink!Eegghhhhhhhhhhh-BOINK!Okay.Got that guy good.I diiid it.Okay.So,This is all this game is,And the only other game I got-Oo, a shotgun.Well, I don't know how this is gonna work.HUHWell, about that- Okay.Oh!OOOOOGHHH!Another rank up for Markimoo-I'm the best. Okay.So that is thatI haven't done it with this yet.Same as the other one.HOW'D I DO? HOW'D I DO, BOSS?OOOOOO!Ain't that good?!Woo!A'right, whatever, it's not- it's not worth trying this one because-OhpYeahS'not worth getting this oneBecause I did good with the other onesBut anyway, that's only-That's only a little bit of what I wanted to show you guys.Get-Get back to the safehouse,Where it's safeFrom these zombies.BoinkBinkBonkOkay, so the real gameComes in on survival,And survivalHas these various levels:Ghost Town to Sky Hole.And I'm gonna try The ForestBecause I've been doing Ghost Town;It's a little bland, little boring.And this looks a little more(Little breath)INTeresting to me.And EVENTUALLY I'm gonna unlock theseOther weapons that are going to be super co- Hello.Can I have my speech first? (I don't know. Can you?)PLEase and thank you.Uughh kay.A'right so this is where I need the other one.BecauseThis is where things are going to get a little dicey.I've never done it with this before.UuhmmSo I guess let's get to it.What is this gonna do for me?Haa!EhWHOAAWhy did that blow up?I had no ideaThose things were so dangerous.ehEheahehOkay, so,Obviously, survival is justThey come at you, you kill themWhatever, what have youBoringBoringBoring (So you take it out on the wall?)But it doesn't get boringBecause then a giant horde of themAppears from beyond the horizonBoinkBoinkHEEYYY!Welcome to the PARTY!WhoopsI- Sorry about the sissy throw.I meant that to be a little more manly.Well don't even think about it.Don-don-don'cha even think about it, bro.What'cha gonna do?Huh?Blah blahBlah!I hold a shotgun like this.This proves how strong I am.BlahBlah!Blaoh!And how badass and gangster-ish I be.Also, uh-You may notice that I'm not wearingMy jeans and my shirtBecauseI've forgone(Strangled laugh/breath)Looking good for the sake of being comfortable.But then you can see theseGAINS, BRUH.Who wouldn't want to see theseGAINSG-GAINSAAGHHThey're on the hill.They's a comin'.Oh shit, that actually is kinda scary.I mean, not right now,But I just have a funny feelingThat they're all going to be on my ass in no time.BlahBlah!BLAH!Blaoh!Blah bleh blaeh bleah bla ble blaah bleeh bleh blahBlamBlamBlam blam blam blamWhoa, hello.Hi!Oh, okay. I guess I can't pick that up.Boing boing boingBing bong bing bong bing bong bing bong bing bong bingOkayGot that.Hey get a little closer, buddies.I need to see you here, not there.Fiiine. What a bunch of dillweeds.Gah- asshole.Boink, boink.Yeah, I get it.You're dead.A'right, so the basic point is thatYou throw these meat outAnd they're attracted to the meats.So basically,That sets up trap areasSo that they only go thereAnd not eating my face off,Which is really what I don't want inMy life right now.It ismmmbbBAAaadFor me.That's a lot of 'em-But watch THIS!That was actually a good throw.I am vastly impressed with myself.That was astonishingly good.Ya think that they would send more after me.I mean, I don't know if-Who'sOrganizing- If the Zombie Union is here.HabuhHabuh!Ah, habuuuhNope nope nopeNopenopeNope!NOPENope! nope nope nope nope nope nope nopeNo noh nouh no NO nO NoH no NONuOHThat's my steak.I'm gonna cook it for dinner later,Don't you even try to steal it from ME.Ha uhh.(Markiplier funky singing noises)Uh oh.They don't seem to be after ma meat.Uh oh there's the crowd.A'right, come at me bros.Come at meEEE.Come on!Kill me!I'm here!I'm right here, you floating, bodiless zombies!Oh, hello.Where'd you guys come from?Now you-This is why I got extras.So I can have extras.'Cuz they're busy with that one,And they're gonna be doneFairly soon.Like right about now.Funk Soul Brother!Heuh!Habuh!I was gonna do that in mid-air,And it was gonna be super sweet,But then it didn't happen.So . . . not my fault.Hauh.Ah!Ah!Ow OW ow oW OW Ow owYow!YOW YOw Yow yow yowyowyowyowyo-duhBeh-ba-bupBeh beh beh da boop boopHa-bluhhuhhhuhBa ba ba ba ba behAnd you get double pointsFor getting multiple kills in a row, so-Seems like this weapon is actuallyQuite good at doing the thing that that is.UHOHAre they going for the steak or they going for me?Hard to tell sometimes.Ha!Oh NOoOooOooLook out!It's gonna blow!Oh, I tried to warn the sorry souls.I doesn't even seem that if itMatters me aiming or not becauseIt seems like they're just gonnaBe hit by it, no matter what.It's a great, sweepingShotgun-like device.AAAHH!That's a shotgun!Ohm my GodThey ASS-ploded!They sometimes like to push the meat,The greedy bastards.AuhG-get someFIREBALL!BAUH!Oh, that was f-There we go!Some moreFIREBAL-Uh, uh-BAAM!That didn't get really anybody,But it doesn't matter.Goodbye!I guess they're running off into the woods now.Ohhh nooHe's so dumb!AAGH!Got ya!Oh, tricked you.Ya thought you were gonna get a free meal.But you got a free meal of-Of LEAD!Whoa whoa whoa eh juh shitWhoa shit broShit, get offGet off, get off, get off, get off, get offWhoaWhoa-kayOh, ohpSome of them want me.Some of them want me!Whoa, SOME OF THEM WANT ME!Good thing I do a little bit of melee.Okay.Gotta start blastin' 'em.Gotta start blastin' 'em!GOTTA BLAST!GOTTABbbbbBlll-They're not going for it.Oo, hello.Oh, you're going for that.Good.Good, because I was going to blast all over ya.Alright!DID IT!YEAH!Who's the victory man?Uh me. Is it me?Might be me.Ya think it's MEEEE.See, it-it's better to shoot them when they're all in a line.In case that wasn't obviousTo everybody but the youngest people watching.(Garbled togetherness)Blow 'em upTogether!TOGETHER!BoinkOkayDid I dooos it.Uh oh.Who's left?Aaahhh.That's slightly terrifyin-Oh, hey, how's it going.I thought there was going to be some big giant zombiePeering out from over the rocks over there.You guys just made it easy on me.A'right!Bring 'em on!!Oh boySeems like they're all getting really close to meAnd then detouring immediately.Whoa, you're not.You're not.You're not!Whoa!Oh God dammit.That was mildly terrifying.He came up right on my ass.WHOA!Number 19, baby!Number 19.Fahk you, I'm not doing that again.Fuck that! Okay, where am I?Good! I was still on camera.That's a success in my book.So this game is really fun.I've obviously been playing it for awhile'Cuz just my face is sweaty.Ah!I probably got huge red marks everywhere, but-Thank you everybody so much for watching!There's always moreVirtual reality games coming outIn the near future,So let me know which ones you want me- play!And which ones you would like to see!And thank you again everybody for watching.Oh, also!Before I go-Lemme-let me show you this thing.While I was in New York,Uh, we had a competitionToooMake tacos for Rachel Ray.I dunno why, but she was there,And we had a little taco competition.AndI was in charge of making the cocktails,So I was making a margarita,And our team won best cocktail!So how 'bout that.The whole team let me take the trophy comb-Home.Uh, but it was a team effort becauseThey sang about it.So, I can't remember exactly who was on the team,But thank you everybody for joining me.And thank you everybody for making me win!This is the greatest conversational pieceAnyone could ever haveBecause I took it to the after party and everyone was very curious.So thank you again everybody so much for watching,And as always, I will see youIn the next video.Buh-bye!(Funky Markiplier dance moves)(Aw yeah)(Ya know, doing these subtitles made me realize something.)(It takes a lot of effort to produce these videos, however short they appear to be.)(So like this video for the goof and his friends that made it.)(They deserve it. ;)(Peace out.)\n"