[2020] Complete Streamlabs OBS Tutorial For Beginners | Settings + Graphics + Alerts
Creating Custom Alerts in Streamlabs OBS: A Step-by-Step Guide
When it comes to creating engaging and interactive experiences for your stream viewers, custom alerts are an essential tool. In this article, we will walk you through the process of setting up custom alerts in Streamlabs OBS.
**Enabling Custom Code**
To begin, navigate to the alert on the left side of the Streamlabs OBS interface. Click on the HTML/CSS option at the top of the screen. Enable custom code by clicking on the "Custom Code" toggle switch next to it. This will allow you to access advanced settings for your alerts.
**Setting Up the Custom Alert**
Scroll down to the CSS section and add a new line under `position relative`. This is where you can adjust the vertical positioning of your alert text. To change this value, simply type in a new number (e.g., `top 50px`) and press Enter. You can adjust this value to suit your needs, with higher numbers pushing the text further down.
**Configuring Multiple Alerts**
The bits alerts are a bit different from the default alert. We will set up each of these alerts individually. To start, we'll delete all existing alerts except for the default one. This is because we want to configure them from scratch.
Next, we'll modify the default alert's message template. Click on "Edit Template" and replace the text with `:name :amount`: . Add a space after the colon and then the amount of bits donated. Finally, add a space and then "bits". This will update your default alert to display the name of the person who donated and the number of bits they contributed.
**Reducing Font Size and Adjusting Colors**
To make our alerts more visually appealing, we'll reduce the font size and adjust the colors. Click on the "Style" tab and decrease the font size by about 10-15 pixels. Set the font weight to 600 and change the secondary color to white.
**Previewing Alerts**
Click on the "Test Widget" button at the bottom of the screen to preview your alert in action. This will help you ensure that everything is working as expected.
**Removing User Messages**
To keep our stream clean, we'll remove the user message feature from the default alert. Go to the Donor Message tab and disable the "Show Message" option.
**Configuring Donations Alert**
Next, let's configure the donations alert. Click on the "Text Template" section and replace the text with `:name :amount`. Lower the font size by about 10-15 pixels and set the font weight to 600. Change the secondary color to white.
**Adding a Sound Effect**
To make our donations alert more engaging, we'll add a sound effect. Click on the "Media" tab and choose an audio file from your computer. Set the volume level as desired.
**Enabling Text-to-Speech**
If you want to enable text-to-speech for your donations alert, go to the Donor Message page and adjust the minimum amount of dollars donated to trigger the feature. You can also disable it if you prefer not to use this feature.
**Subscription Alert Settings**
The subscription alert is similar to the bits alert. Go to the Host tab and set the minimum amount of viewers hosted to trigger the alert. This will help you keep track of your stream's growth and engagement.
**Raid Alert Settings**
The raid alert is similar to the host alert. Go to the Raid page and set the minimum amount of dollars donated to trigger the feature. This will help you stay on top of your raid events.
**Merchandise and CloudBot Store**
While not necessary for custom alerts, we'll take a brief look at our merchandise and CloudBot store options. These features can be useful for monetizing your stream, but are not essential for setting up custom alerts.
**Adding Alerts to Multiple Scenes**
With the graphics pack, you can add multiple alert boxes to different scenes with ease. Go to the Plus icon and select "Alert Box" from the dropdown menu. Choose the Stream Alert option from the list of available alerts. Reposition the alert box as desired and click "Add".
**Installing Panels and Offline Screens**
Finally, let's take a look at how to install panels and offline screens in your Streamlabs OBS setup. Go to your profile icon and navigate to settings > channel and videos. Click on the video player banner and change it to your preferred design.
To add a panel, click on the "Edit Panels" option under the video player. Add new panels by uploading images or adding text. You can customize the appearance of each panel as desired.
By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to creating professional-looking custom alerts in Streamlabs OBS. Remember to check out our Streamlabs OBS Master Course for more in-depth tutorials and tips on stream setup and customization.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Everything that you're seeing right nowis something we will set up in this video.We will go over the settings,graphics, and alertsand I will give you abunch of tips and tricksalong the way.Welcome to the StreamlabsOBS Master Course.You all liked my 2019version of this video a lotand I tried to make this one even better.I'm Jelle from The Video Nerdand I make livestreamingand YouTube tutorials.So if you are a content creatorand you're interested in startingand upgrading your livestreamthen you will not regretsubscribing to this channel.And something else you won't regretis buying overlay from oursponsor for today's videowhich is Owned.tv.They have the best overlaypacks in the industryand I know that a lot ofyou are looking for those.All of their graphic packs are animatedand can be installed in just a few clicksusing their quick import file.They have fully customizable packagesbut also separate elementslike webcam borders,Twitch panels, transitions, wall papers,social media banners, and much more.And hey, they have this greatpreviewer on their websitewhich lets you test thingshow they will look while streaming.As I already said, theyare on another level, guys.If you need graphics for your streamyou should definitelycheck out their websiteand if you buy a pack right nowyou can follow this tutorialto set up that pack with me togetherwhile I explain everything.Check out their graphics, they're amazing,the link is in the description.So the first thing you need to dois downloading StreamlabsOBS so go to Streamlabs.comand download the program.The link will also be in the descriptionfor all you lazy (bleep).So once Streamlabs OBS is installedyou should start the programand log in with your Twitch account.You can skip everything fromthe intro set up right herebecause we will be doingeverything manually.I suggest we go over these settings firstso I can explain what's importantand what settings you need toset up in the output settingsto make sure that your streamis of a very good quality.Let's click on theSettings icon on the bottomand I can already see somethingthat's very important.If you ever mess up big timeand you can't fix it in Streamlabs OBSthen you can click this button right hereto delete all your cacheand this will reset prettymuch all your settings.Your graphics will not be gonebecause those are saved in the cloud.The Stream tab is not importantbecause you linked your Twitch accountso you do not need to mess aroundwith a stream key or something like that.Let's skip the Output tab for nowand go over the more basicbut important settings first.In the audio tab you shouldlink your microphone.Your Desktop Audio Device1 is your system sound,so your game, Spotify YouTube, et cetera.And usually the defaultsetting works just fine.So then we only needto link our microphoneand this will be as the micauxiliary device one right here.The hotkey tab is pretty straight forward,you can just add a bunch of hotkeysso read through it and see ifsomething looks handy to you.In the advanced tab youshouldn't change anythingbut it's handy to knowthat you can add astream delay right here.Then the scene collections tabis used to import andexport overlay files.It is this function that oursponsor, Owned.tv, is usingto let you import theiroverlay files so quickly.The notifications tabshould not be changedand then in the appearance tabyou can switch from to Dark to Light mode.But let's be honest,everyone likes Dark mode.And also very important is to make surethat Better Twitch TV emotesis enabled right here.Then facemasks is somethingyou can play around withbut I won't go into detail about that.Then the next step, the remote control,is extremely valuableand it will allow you to linkStreamlabs OBS to your phoneto switch scenes with your phonebut I'm explaining thislater in this video.And then the Output settings,this is the tab which causeshalf of the depressionsamongst beginning streamersso let's end that once and for all.It's a pretty long explanationbut I promise that afterwardsyou will understand what everything does.And you can set up thesesettings together with meso it isn't that bad, right?So, what are the output settings?Well essentially they controlthe quality of your streamby regulating in whatresolution you capture your gameand how hard and how goodyour compressing the footageand then at what speed you are sending itto the streaming servers.The one setting that keepsmost beginners up at nightis the bitratewhich we need to enter righthere in the Output tab.And understanding thissetting is very importantso I'll be as clear as I can.First of all, what's bitrate?It's the amount of datayou are sending to thestreaming servers each secondso it relies on your upload speed.It's a very important partof the streaming processso let me explain youhow this process goes.When you press go liveyou start sending your videoto the streaming serversand then those servers send your videoto all the viewers thatare watching your stream.But then we encounter a problem,because if you want a veryhigh quality livestreamand your upload speed is very highthen you can select a high bitrateto send it to the streaming serversbecause your internet can handle it.But if someone is watching your streamand that person has areally slow internet speedthey will not be able to watch your streambecause they need to downloadthe stream in the same bitrateat which you are sendingit to the servers,which will be a problem if youselected a very high bitrateto get high quality.Sometimes they can chooseto view your stream in another quality.It's the option you see righthere in the video playerand it's called transcoding.If that option ispresent it doesn't matterif your stream is in thehighest quality or not,because everyone who hasa slow internet speedwill just be able to watchyour stream in a lower quality.But this option isn'tavailable to all streamersand the only ones who are guaranteedto get the transcodingoptions on their streamare Twitch partners.And because of this some people recommendto stream in a lower qualityso everyone will be ableto watch your stream,even the ones with a slow internet speed.So when I say streaming in a lower qualitywhat quality do I mean?Well in general it would be 720p, 60FPSor 900p, 30 or 60FPS.There is a chart made by Twitchand this shows the recommendedsettings to stream infor different resolutions and bitrates.It's a great resourceif you're starting outand you have no clue what to set upso I will link it in the descriptionand show it on the screenwhen I'm talking about it.Let's do the whole settingsset up together right now.As I already explained,when you choose your bitrateyou choose how muchdata your Streamlabs OBSsends to the streamingservers each second.So you need to make sure thatyour internet upload speedcan handle that amount of data.And here's the important thing,your maximum upload speed,which we will test in a bit,is not the amount of datayou can send to the servers each secondbecause a lot of thingstake a piece out ofyour internet capacity.For example, people in yourhouse who are watching Netflixor a YouTube video on your PCor a game on your PC that's updating,in general you shouldkeep a 20 to 30% marginon your maximum internet speedto allocate to those types of processesand then use 70 to 80% ofyour upload speed to stream.I also explained this in myprevious Streamlabs OBS tutorialand some people werestill not understandinghow it actually workedso what we will do is settingup everything for 720p, 60FPSbecause that's what mostpeople will be usingand you can do everythingtogether with me.So let's take a look atthis chart made by Twitchto see what bitrate we needfor our chosen resolution.720p 60FPS needs a bitrateof 4,500 kilobits per second.So then it's time to check if our internetcan handle that speed and wewill do it in two easy steps.The first step is going to Speedtest.netand running an internet speed test.And then the second stepis multiplying your upload speed by 700.So then that resultwill be the absolute maximumbit rate you can enterin the Streamlabs OBS bitrate settings.If you go above thatthere's a pretty big chancethat your stream will be lagging.It's clear that my internetspeed is absolutely capableof handling a bitrate of4,500 kilobits per secondwhich is recommended tostream in 720p and 60FPSso that's what I will be using.If you're internet seems to be too slowyou should try to stream in 720p 30FPSat a bit rate of 3,000.Going below that will bepretty harsh for your stream.So let's go to the Streamlabs OBS settingsand then go to the Output tab.Make sure it's set to Advanced on topand then enter your bitrate right here.And before going any furtherlet's go to the Video tab first.You need to set yourbase canvas resolutionto your screen's native resolutionand then set the output scaled resolutionto 1280 by 720 'cause that'sthe resolution we choseon the Twitch encoding chart.Now set your downscale filter to Lanczos,that's the same for everyone,and then set your FPS also towhat you chose on the chartwhich will be 60FPS for us.Let's go back to the Output taband continue setting this up.Your encoder is also very importantand if you have an Nvidia graphics cardyou should choose NVENC new asthat will be the best option.If you don't then choosesoftware x264 encoding.Depending on what you chose right herethe next settings will change.If you don't have an Nvida graphics cardthen skip to this time in the video.Make sure you disablethe enforce streamingencoder settings right hereand make sure that yourrate control is set to CBRand that you entered your bitrate,which we determined before,right here in this box.Then the keyframe interval,this can also be foundon the Twitch encoding chartand it should always be two seconds.The preset can be set toQuality or Max Qualityand the profile can be set to High.Then turn off Look ahead andenable Psycho Visual Tuning.Leave the GPU at zero andset the max B-frames to two.I will now go over thesoftware x264 settingsand they are a bit longerthan the NVENC ones.So if you're using to NVENCskip ahead to this time in the video.So if you don't havean Nvidia graphics cardthen you should set theencoder to Software x264.Disable enforce streaming encoder settingsand disable rescale output.Then set your rate control to CBRand make sure that your bitrate,which we determined before,is filled in right here.For us it's 4,500 to stream in 720p 60FPS.Do not check this usecustom buffer size box,set your keyframe intervalto two, your profile to High,and that leaves us with theCPU usage preset right here.And this is where you needto test things for yourself.Baseline it's set to very fastand this will be a prettygood option for most people.I could explain whatthis option does exactlybut it's a really technical explanationso I will not bother you with that.So here's what you need to do.The slower you select righthere in this drop downthe harder it will be for yourCPU to handle the encodingbut the better the quality will be.So this option depends entirelyon the power of your CPU,so your processor.So how do you determinewhat your PC can handleand what not?Well, let me show you.Press Control plus Shiftplus Escape on your keyboardand open the task manager.Then go to the performance taband here you will see agraph with your CPU usage.Launch your programswhich you will be using while streaming,start your game, and then go live.Play for a bit and checkthe task manager again.You will now see a graph of your CPU usagewhile you were streamingso you can see if your CPUcould handle it or not.Make sure it does not go above 80%for extended amounts of time.If your CPU had a lot of room leftyou can change the very fastoption to faster or fastand then run the testagain to see how it went.This way you will need to findthe perfect settings for youand you will find the balancebetween speed and quality.So right now when we press go liveand we go to our Twitch profilewe will see that thestream is actually livebut of course the screen will be blankbecause we haven't added any graphics yet.So that brings us topart two of this video,setting up scenes with overlays, alerts,and a scene transition.And I have a present for you,I made a completely freeoverlay pack just for this videoand you can download itfor free on my Gumroad.I will be linking it in the descriptionand I will be using that packto set up the whole stream right nowso if you download it you can follow alongand set up everything with me.And don't worry, if youdon't like the colorsI will also be explaining howyou can play around with thoseto adjust it to what you like.I will show you how you canedit them without Photoshopand I will be using Photopea.com.This is a free PSD editorand PSD is the file format Photoshop uses.It's really not that hard,you can just follow along with me.If you're using an overlay of yourselfor you bought one from our sponsoryou can skip to this time in the videoto skip all the editing.So once you download my overlaygo to Photopea.com and on the top leftyou can click on File and then on Open.Let's find the Alert PSDand import it into Photopea.By holding alt and scrollingyou can zoom in and outso make sure that it fits on the screenand we can start working.There are a bunch of graphics in this packthat may need editingso I will show everythingyou need on this graphicand then you can use itto edit everything else.On the right you can see the layersand we will be selectingthe text layer right here to change it.So make sure you select itand then press this T button on the leftto enable the text editing tool.Then triple click on thetext to select it alland you can change it this way.To edit a color we wanna addtwo hue saturation layers,one for the left and one for the right.Take this selection toolright here on the leftand then select one areathat will contain one particular color.Now select this button on the bottom rightand choose Hue Saturation.What we are doing right nowis making an adjustment layerthat will affect everythingin the box we just selected.So while the adjustment layerwe just created is selectedwe can change the hue value right hereand this will change allthe colors below the layer.So now this way choose a color you likeand do the same for the other side.Just take the selectiontool, select the other side,press this button, addan adjustment hue layer,and then play with thevalues to change the color.Now to save the file to ourcomputer just click on Fileand choose, Save as PSD orchoose Export as and then png.You can do the same forall the other graphicsso I will not be showing it all,this will video will be way too long,but you know how it works now.If you have any questionsjust join my Discord,the link is in the description,and you can ask for help right there.So now that you know how toedit the graphics from the packlet's go back to Streamlabs OBSand let me explain youwhat these sections on the bottom are.The bottom left one contains the scenesand these scenes, like theones you see right here,act as folders thathold a bunch of sourceswhich you can see in the middle.Scenes will be things likein game or intermissionor stream starting andafter making a new sceneyou can then start to add elements to itlike your webcam or yourgame or your webcam borderand those things are addedin the middle sectionin the sources.The section on the right is the mixerand this holds all the audio sources.Let's make a new scene and call it in gameand this will be our main sceneso we will start byadding our game capture.Make sure you are in thein game scenes on the leftif you have more than oneand click on the plus icon in the sources.Choose game capture and give it a name.If you get this window then that meansthat you already havean existing game capturesomewhere in your other scenesand if you want to addthe same one to this sceneyou can just click add sourcebut we will make a new one.So enable add new source instead,give it a name, and then click add source.Here in this drop down you need to selectwhat the game capture should capture.I like to control exactly whatwill be shown on the screenso let's click on the drop down and selectcapture specific window.Then make sure that your game is runningon your PC in the backgroundand select it in this drop down window.You should not changeany options right hereunless you want to capturethird party game overlayslike your Steam overlay,in that case you couldenable this box right here.But I don't so let's just click on done.Now, if your gamecapture isn't full screenor if it's too big or evenif you can't find it at alljust right click on thegame capture in the sourcesand then go to transform, fit to screen,and that will make it fitexactly to your screen.And something very important now,because in my 2019 version of this videoI got spammed with comments from peoplewho had a black screen insteadof their gaming footage,I will add a link in the descriptionto a page that has a bunchof steps you can taketo troubleshoot and in 90% of the casesthis solves the black screen issue.The next thing we will add is our webcamand I will also show you howto make it look a lot betterwith almost no effort.Just click on the plus icon in the sourcesand add a video capture device.By the way, if you're notsure what equipment to usewhen you start streamingI've made two lists in the description.One for absolute starter gearand then one with semi professional gear.You can check it out andif you have any questionsthe best place to get aresponse is in my Discord.But of course you can alsoleave a comment right hereand if I see it I willdefinitely answer it.So that being said, let'sgive our webcam a nameand just like with the game captureif you're making multiple scenesin which you use the same webcamyou can just select itright here in the listof already existing sourcesbut we will take this boxand make a new videocapture device instead.Add it to our scenesand in the settings of yourwebcam is not much to change,just select your webcamin the first drop down.For me it's Cam Link becauseI'm using El Gato Cam Linkto link my DSLR to my PC.If you are using a webcamit will show up right here in this list.If you selected your webcam right herebut it isn't working thensomething that might fix itis changing this device defaultto custom and then selectingthe highest resolutionavailable right here.Let's click don't positionand scale it like you wantand then we will improvethe look of our webcam.There are advanced ways to do thisbut trust me thedifference is really smallso just follow these stepsand you will get a great image quality.Right click on your webcamsource and go to filters.Then click on this plusicon to add a new filterand select color correction.Click Done and a new window will pop up.Now essentially you canplay with these slidersbut there are two main things you can doto make your webcam pop out a bit more.Increase the contrast abit with this second sliderand then add somesaturation with this slider.If your image is too yellow or too blueyou can change that withthis hue shift slider.Just doing these things willdrastically improve the waythat your webcam looks on stream.Let's click on done andadd our webcam border.If you're using my graphics packand you want to add your nameon the bottom of the webcamand you don't know howyou can skip to this time in the videobecause there I was explaininghow you could change mygraphics with Photopea for free.So once your webcam border is readyadd a new source and choose image source.If you get this window thenclick add new source instead.If not, just name it webcamborder and press add source.Now just click on browseand find your webcam border,it will be loaded into your previewand you will have to position itexactly where you want it to be.There are a few options and controlsthat you need to know aboutwhen positioning elementsin Streamlabs OBS.First of all you canenable or disable snappingand this is what willmake it snap to the borderof the preview window or to other sources.If you click on the settingsicon on the bottom leftyou can scroll down in the general taband you will see sourcealignment snapping.Here you can change the sensitivityor just disable them all together.Then for the scalingthere are three options.You have normal scalingby just dragging the corners or the sidesand this will maintain the aspect ratio.Then while holding shift downyou can change the aspect ratioand this can come in handy for exampleto change widescreen webcamborders to square webcam bordersor for some other things,you just have to know thatthis is a possibility.Then the third scaling techniqueis holding the alt key down while draggingand this will allow youto cut off certain sides.And keep in mind that this last thing,holding alt down tocut off certain things,only works with the sides, the borders,and not with the corners.Some people like toadd a big title graphicwith their name on the screenand it can be easily done thesame way as the webcam border.Just add a new image sourceand choose the title overlayand then rescale it,reposition it like you want,and you're ready.Now I already explained how to changethe color of the overlay with Photoshopor with with Photopeabut if you want to changeit here in Streamlabs OBSyou can also do it by adding a filter.Just right click on the imagesource you want to recolor,go to filters, click on theplus icon to add a new filter,then add a color correctionfilter, give it a name,and then you can just playwith this hue shift sliderto change the color as well.However, keep in mind thatboth of the colors will changeand if you want to change them separatelyyou will have to do it withPhotoshop or with Photopea.If you want to do that and youmissed my explanation on thatgo to this time in the videoand I will explain you how to do it.Then another importantthing is adding labelsfor recent follower, recent subscriber,top donation, et cetera.Streamlabs OBS makes this very easy,just add a new source andthen choose stream label.Let's call it recent followand click on add source.The first drop down label typeis where you shouldlook for recent follow,top donation, et cetera.It also has a search functionso if I just type followI immediately see recentfollower right here.So let's select it and on topwe can can already see apreview of how it will look.If you don't see anythingit most likely is becauseyou only have a few followersor because you only got them recently.Don't worry, they will appearright here after some time.And then there are a fewbasic settings right herewhich you don't need an explanation forlike the opacity, fontcolor, font size, et cetera.But right here this is important,the label template box.Right here we can changethe text of the label.You can choose to removeeverything except for the namein case you want to put it on a graphicand that's what we will be doing.I made tileable recent eventboxes in the free themewhich we are usingso let's go to the pack'sfolder and then to labels.Pick up the label you want to addand drag it to Streamlabs OBS.This will automaticallycreate a new image sourceand you can then renameit by right clicking itand choosing rename, so let'scall it recent follow box.Now position and scale it like you wantand then make sure that yourrecent follower text labelis positioned abovethe recent follower boxand move it on top.Then double click on the text labeland scale it by changing the font size.Make sure you do not scale labelsdirectly in your previewwindow by dragging the cornersbecause this way theywill become pixelatedas they will not be adding extra pixelswhile getting bigger.If you want to make your label text scrollthat's pretty easy and Iwill show you how to do it.Right click on your textlabel and then go to filters.Click the plus icon and add anew filter and choose scroll.Now, click on doneand add some horizontal speed to the labelwith this first slider.If the end of your texttouches the start like you see right hereyou will have to close this settings box,double click on your textlabel in the sources,and add some blankspaces behind your text.Now let's go back to the scroll filterand as you see it's fixed.You can limit the width of thescroll by checking this boxso this way you can make it scrollexactly within a certaingraphic if you want that.I will show you how to do thatwith the labels we are using right now.If you don't have this pack right nowyou can grab it for free on my Gumroadso just check the link in the description.Let's close this settings windowand then align the start of our labelwith the start of the follower text box.Then go back to the scroll filterof the follower text labeland now make sure thatthe limit width is enabledand increase this til theend of the label is alignedwith the end of the text box.Now reposition your textlabel vertically if neededand you're done.One second, I need a drink.Coffee is so good.Now, if you want yourstream to be professionalyou will need an intermission screenbecause most games are not full screenwhile you are searching for the next matchand also because it's greatfor when you're justtalking to your viewersso your camera is a bit bigger.So on your left click on the plus iconand make a new scene andcall it intermission.Then press enter,now look for theintermission screen graphicin the pack which we are usingand then drag it to Streamlabs OBS.If it's not positioned correctlyright click it in thesources, go to transform,and then choose fit to screen.Now we have to add our webcam,our game or the game launcher,our chat box, and then the labels.So let's add our webcamfirst, click on the plus icon,choose video capture device,and now you will get a pop up that asksif you want to add analready existing source.We already imported our webcamin the in game scene we just set upso we can just selectit and then add that oneto add it to the sources.Drag it to somewhere in thearea of where you want it to beand then make sure it's positionedbelow the intermissiongraphic in the sourcesand then position and scale it correctly.Adding the chat is also extremely easy,just add a new source and choose chatbox.Here you can change some settingsbut it's great right off the batso we can just click add source.Now rescale the chat box so the top,the left, and the rightborder are fitting correctlywithin this chat border.Make sure you are not usingshift or alt while draggingbecause we will changethe height afterwards.So once the top, theleft, and the right borderare well positioneddouble click on thechat box in the sourcesand then change theheight here at the top.You will have to test a bitto find the perfect heightso just keep testingtil it fits perfectly.(calm music)So once that's done we can add our gamein the top right windowand how you do thisdepends on the type ofgame you're playing.For example, Overwatch or Apex,they both stay full screenwhile you are queuingso in that case you couldjust add another game capture,choose the one we already did set upand then position it correctly.But for example Leagueof Legends has a launcherand while you are queuingthe game is not full screen,it's just a window, it is the launcher.And you cannot capture thelauncher with game captureso for things like this weshould add window capture.So first of all make surethat your client is openedand that it's on theforeground and not minimizedbecause in that case you will not find it.So when it's opened togo to Streamlabs OBS,add a new source, andchoose window capture.Now select your clientin the first drop downand then click done.Reposition it correctly,move it under the intermissiongraphic, and you're done.Then to add your latest followerand top donation et ceteraadd labels like we didfor the in game screen.If you're not sure how to add the labels,if you skipped it before,go to this time for my labels explanation.So now that this is set upwe can swap between scenesby clicking them in thesources on the left.But of course the next thingwe need to do right nowis adding a stinger transition.Because swapping scenes likethis does not look professionaland before we set up that stingerlet me quickly advise youto make two extra scenes.One is a simple full screen webcam captureand one is a full screenPC screen capture.This will come in very handywhile you are streamingwhen you want to showsomething in your roomand you wanna make your webcam full screenor when you wanna show somethingon the internet on your screenand making these scenestakes less than a minuteso let's just do it right now.Just click on the plusicon to add a new scene,call it screen capture and press enter.Then add a new source,choose display capture,and then select your displayand click add source.Now right click it in thesource, go to transformand choose fit to screenand bam, you're done.Now click on the plus iconagain to add a last sceneand name it webcam full screen.Click enter, add a new source,choose vide capture device,choose the same webcamsource as the previous ones,scale this til it's full screenor right click transform, fitto screen, and that's all.So right now as promised I will show youhow to add the nice stinger transitionand I will also show youhow you can switch scenesright here on the leftwithout actually going to Streamlabs OBS,you can do it with your phoneand that's extremelyvaluable while streaming.You can just put your phone next to youand then switch scenes with one clickwithout actually having toalt tab to Streamlabs OBSbecause that will freezeor close your game,it's not professional.But we will set up thestinger transition first.In the scenes on the bottomleft there is a settings iconand this is to set up a stinger transitionso let's click on that.By default you will see global transitionand the type is cut transition.So that's what it does right now,just a simple cut to a newscene when you swap scenes.You can edit this byclicking on the edit iconand then changing thename, the type of the cut,and the duration, but that'snot what we are going to do.Let's click done and thenclick add new transition.Call it NEON Stingerbecause NEON is the nameof our graphics packand then change the type to stinger.Then click on browseand find the stingertransition in my graphics pack.Now what this is is a1.5 second long videothat's used to make a smooth transitionfrom one scene to another.Exactly in the middleof those 1.5 seconds,so at 0.75 seconds thewhole screen is filledwith this transition showing this image.And exactly at that pointthe scenes will swapfrom one to anotherso the viewer will not seethe cut between the scenes.But we need to tell Streamlabs OBSat what point it needs to swap the scene.So our video is 1,500 milliseconds longand that is what we needto fill in right hereas the duration.So then the swap, alsocalled the transition point,happens at 750 millisecondsand that's what we needto fill in right here.And that's all we need todo so let's click on doneand change the transitionfrom global transitionto NEON Stinger and click done once again.Now when we swap scenesyou will see that ithappens really smoothlywith a nice transition andI gotta say, maybe it's me,but I really love thesestinger transitions,they upgrade your streamquality by so much, I love it.And I like I mentioned before,I will quickly show youhow can change thesescenes with your phonebecause that ups yourproduction quality by a lot.When we go to the Streamlabs OBS settingsand then to the remotecontrol tab you see a QR code.We need to scan this withour remote control appto link it to the program.So take your phone, go tothe app or the Play Storeand search for Streamlabs Deck.I used to be called Streamlabs Remotebut they changed, not sure though.So make sure that theStreamlabs OBS are open,you're in the remote control tab,and you clicked on the QR codeto make it visible and not blurred.Then open Streamlabs Deckapplication on your phoneand you don't need to log in right here,just click on skip and then on the bottomgo to remote and scan the QR codein the Streamlabs OBS remote settings.Now the app and StreamlabsOBS will be linked,you will see a number of buttons to pressdepending on how many scenesand sources you have in Streamlabs OBS.So after the first fivebuttons, which are standard,you will see one button for each sceneand just by pressing on of the buttonsyou will swap to the respective scene.This is extremely usefulto switch from in gameto your intermission screen for examplewithout having to alttab to Streamlabs OBSor change it on your second monitor.When you swap to other scenesyou will see that the buttonson the app are changing.These buttons are the sourceswhich are any scene that youselected in the applicationand also the audio sourcesso you can enable ordisable them all separately.This comes in handy for examplewhen you want to mute your microphoneor your alert sounds separatelyinstead of muting your whole stream.There is not much more to this,it's very simple but it's very powerfulso I really advise youto play around with this,test it a bit, and onceyou are used to using ityou will not go back.Of course, if you wannatake this one step furtheryou can buy an El Gato Stream Deck,they have a lot more functions than this.I don't have one myself, Iam definitely buying one,also because I can maketutorials for you then about itbut that's for in the futurebut I know that a lot of peopleare using the stream decksso I will link it in the descriptionso you can check it out for yourself.It's definitely something to considerwhen you're taking your stream seriously.You may not realize it immediatelybut Streamlabs OBS alsohas a theme tab right hereand it contains a big amountof complete streaming packageswhich can be installedin just a few clicks.They used to be free andthe old ones still arebut all the new themes are only accessiblethrough the Streamlabs Prime membership.A lot of these premiumthemes come from our sponsorbut most people stillprefer to buy one packagefrom the website itselfinstead of renting abunch of them right herein the Streamlabs themestil you stop paying.But if you want to swapfrom overlay every weekthen this can be a perfect solution.If you decide that youwant all these themesand you wanna buy StreamlabsPrime and you wanna support meyou can use my affiliate linkto buy Streamlabs Prime andyou will also get a discount,so there's that.Now, back to stream audio.So in the beginning of this videoI showed you how you can add your PC soundand your microphone to Streamlabs OBS.If you didn't do it yet it's really easy,just go to the settings, audio,add your desktop sound,which will be linked alreadyas the default audio source right hereunder the desktop Audio Device 1and then add your microphoneas Mic Auxiliary Device 1.The GH5 source is my cameraso this could be yourwebcam with another nameand we will disable this sourcebecause we are using a microphone.So either move the slider tozero to completely mute itor press the settings iconand just delete it right away.So then we have two other audio sources,our desktop audio and our microphoneand this is pretty straight forward.And then the last thingwhich we will need to addis the alerts and they are very importantbecause they incentivize people to follow,subscribe, et cetera,because people just love tosee their name on your stream.And Streamlabs OBS allowsyou to set up the alertsright here in the streaming program.Just click the plusicon to add a new sourceand choose Alert Box.Let's call it stream alertsand then add it to the sources.This will bring up a windowwith a lot of optionsand here we are able to set up everything.So let me explain youhow this window works,and by the way if youjust want standard alertsyou do not even have tochange anything right here,you can just close this,reposition the alert box and you're done,but most people wanna customize themand we will be adding custom alertswith custom alert graphicsbecause that looks much more professional.So let's do that right now.At the top you see that you can changethe width and the heightbut you can just leave this as it is.Then on the top left you seeall the different type of alertsand they are all drop downs.In the middle you thensee a preview of the alertand you can trigger thepreviews on the top right.Click on the test widget adthis will show your options.Now a common problem that alot of people have with alertsis that their alerts are differentfrom what they are setting up right here.They trigger the alert and itlooks completely different.If you have this problemyou most likely messed aroundwith the widget themes beforeand you can easily fix thisby closing this window,clicking on the dashboard right here,and then this will opena new browser window.Now on the left click on alert boxand then on manage themes on the top.Here you will see yourwidget themes on the leftand either you deleteeverything right heretil the default is the only one leftor you look for your scene collectionright here on the rightand you choose defaultin the drop down menu.To know what scene collection you are ingo to Streamlabs OBS and look at the titlejust above your scenes,that's the name of yourcurrent collection.So make sure that you changethe alert theme to defaultfor that collectionor that you delete all theother options on the lefttil default is the only one left.So now that this is out of the wayI will get a lot less commentsso maybe this was not smart for my SEO,but hey, like the videoif you wanna help me rank.Now on the right you will see the settingsfor whatever alert youselected on the left.There is a button right hereto add multiple alerts of the same typebut this is pretty advancedso you do not need this.One example of how you could use thisis creating alerts fordifferent donation amounts.You see, when you clickon the donation right herethere is one standard alert.If you click on this buttonand then on donationsa new alert will be addedunder the donations drop down.If you click on that on the rightand you go to the alert settingsyou can set a variation conditionand you can set it to donation amountis at least this amountand this way you can make different alertsfor different donation amounts.But we do not need this right now.I included alerts in the packso I will show you howto set them up right now.Let's delete this extradonation alert we createdand go to the follow stat.Now make sure that you choosethe middle layout right herebecause we want to display our texton top of the alert graphic.Then here you see sources and settingsand these are four tabsfor different settings.Let's start with the title message.The message templateshould be only the namebecause the graphic alerthas new follower on it.The name between parentheseswill output the nameof the person who is followingso we can delete everything else.The font size, weight, and coloris something we will changeafter adding our graphic tomake sure that they match.Click on the second tabwhich is the media right hereso we can add our alertgraphic and choose the sound.Now click on change media right hereand then click on this upload buttonand search for the alertgraphic you want to be using.If you're following alongwith my free graphics packgo to the alerts folder andchose the new follower file.It will appear right here in the middleso just double click on it,then let's click on test widgeton top now and on follower.And as you see, it's already working,but we will have to change the textto make it match to the graphic.And by the way, to change thesound effect for this alertclick on change media right hereand then on the left onsounds under stock files.You can click on that onetime to preview the soundand then double click onthe one you want to use.Go back to title messageand I will lower the font size a bitbecause it looks too bulky.Let's test it again, andthis looks better already.Now I will change the text color.The primary color right hereis the color of any text in this boxthat is not the name ofthe person following.The color of the nameis the secondary color.Let me show you,I will type some textin this box right hereand then test the alert again.And as you see the other text is white nowbut we don't use this so wewill change the secondary colorfor the name.Let's delete the extra textand change this color to white.Now this looks good according to me.You can do whatever you want of course.When we click on the animation tabwe can change the duration ofthis alert with this sliderand we can also add an introanimation, an outro animation,and an animation for during the alertbut I will just leave this as it is.Then the last step is the alert settingsand this is not importantfor the follower alert.Different alerts have different optionsso for others this mightbe an important tab.I will go over the other alertsand show you what settings are importantand different for each one.By the way, if you bought atheme from our sponsor Owned.tvor you're using my theme thealert graphics will be madeso that the name of the personappears on the right position by default.However, some themegraphics are not optimizedand it's possible that the nameis not on the right position vertically.To change that you can simplygo to the alert on the leftand then click on the HTML CSS on top.Then enable custom code right next to itand go to the CSS on the bottom.Now scroll down andlook for alert text wrapand add a new lineunder position relative.Now right panning top 50 pixelsand now you can change the 50to whatever works for your alert.The higher this number isthe more that the text willbe pushed to the bottom.So then let's set up the other alerts.The bits are a bit different,I could give a bit explanationon the bit amount variationsyou see right hereand about changing the look, et cetera,but this video is going to be way to longand I wanna keep it clean and simpleso if you have anyquestions about all thisyou can go to my Discord andask a question right there.But right now I willbe deleting all of themexcept for the default alert.And then let's changethis message templateto name colon space then amountthen space and then bits.Now I will reduce the font size a bitand set the font weight to 600.Change the secondary color to white tooand let's preview the alert.Now the only thing we need to dois removing the user messagebecause it won't be clean on stream.So go to the donor message taband disable the show message right here.Here you can also enableor disable text to speechand change the minimumamount of bits donatedto trigger the text to speechin case you enabled it.Let's set up the next alert,the donations right now.Change the text to namecolon space and then amount.Lower the font size, setthe font weight to 600and change the secondary color to white.Now click media and change theimage to the donation alert,choose a sound, and then goto the donor message page.Now disable show messageto keep everything cleanand change the minimumamount of dollars donatedto trigger the text to speech,you can choose this amount.Or you can disable itif you do not want textto speech on your stream.Then go to the lasttab, the alert settings,and here you can set upthe minimum amount of dollarsdonated to show the alert.Now be aware that this is not the sameminimum amount of dollars donatedto trigger the text to speech.This is to show the alert on your screenand the name of the persondonating, not the voice.And then the subscriptionalert is the same as the bits,the only thing differentis the resub message taband here you also want to disable thatto keep everything clean.In the host tab you can setthe minimum amount of viewershosted to trigger the alertand to show it in recent eventsso if you want that youcan set it up right here.The raid alert is the same asthe host one and that's all.Merch and CloudBot storewill not be needed for nowbut you can check them out if you want.Let's click on done andreposition the alertsto where you wantand now you can alsotest it in this windowby clicking on test widget at the bottomand then clicking on the widget you want.Now you can also add this alert boxto all your other sceneswith a few clicks.Let's go to another scene,click on the plus icon,click on Alert Box, then choosethe stream alert on the leftbecause that's what we named itand then add this to the sources,reposition it, and bam, you're done.Now the graphics pack which we are usingalso contains panelsand and offline screenso let me quickly showyou how to install that.If you didn't edit them yetI show you how to do itat this time in the video.Now click on your profileicon and go to settingsand click on channel andvideos, scroll a bit downand change your videoplayer banner right herebecause that is your offline screen.Now let's go back to our profileand then click on edit panelsunder the video player.Click on the plus icon and add your panelby uploading it right here.Add some text, clicksubmit, and you're done,your panel is added, you cando this for all your panels.If you enjoyed this videoyou will absolutely enjoyall the other content on my channeland all the content that's comingbecause there's a lot more you can doto create a professional stream.So if you're interestedsubscribe to my channel,like the video becausethat helps me a lot,and share this video withsomeone who will enjoy my contentbecause that's one ofthe best ways to help me.Now the next step for youwould be to go to myStreamlabs OBS Master Coursebecause there I have a bunchof in depth streaming tutorialslike adding a countdown timer,using all the microphonefilters, and a lot more.I will see you in there.