I'm Not Done Yet: A Seaside Heights Vacation Update
Mom, I'm not done yet! We're only halfway there. Mom, do you feel lost? It's my feet hurt. Everyone is dead on the boardwalk. Yep, zombie attack. You missed it, guys. I killed them. I have no regret. I killed every one of them. They're dead.
So, this is our last night. Sadly, I'm going to cry myself to sleep. No, no, I'm good. It was a great vacation overall. Mom, Dad, thank you again for everything. Right? You're welcome and but we get to go home to Jasmine and Shane and Smokey and all those awesome pets. See you in the room. Peace out. They're all dead.
Mom, say good night, good night, good night. Guys, thank you very much for watching. The video's not done yet. I will see you in the morning with Kristen in her car. Cuz we're taking that car and the parentals are taking their car. And we might stop at that wall, grand opening. Remember, remember that new Super Wawa.
Anyway, we'll see you guys tomorrow morning with Shane. Ending the video due to request. Good morning, my fellow viewers. We are at WWA, Chris and easy. We're almost home. We have what like a half hour to go 45 minutes. Look at Spongebob creeping in the background. I got a pork roll egg and cheese sandwich from Wawa and coffee. What did you get, Kristen? Hot tea and popcorn for breakfast. Nice, we're not judging.
And mom says hi. She's trapped. Sit down, yeah, coffee. Mom, we see you. We see you. We will end this video when we return to home. Which should be in about a half hour 40 minutes according to Kristen. Um, but as promised, this video will end showing Shane as like the sign off pet. I guess that's what you want to call it.
Is your tea hot? It's usually what hot water is not. No, I know. Hot water is us. Look at the weather and stuff. Yeah, today's a perfect day to leave the shore. Look at this; it's rainy, it's muggy, it's nasty. So, I feel sorry for those going down to the shore today. But I hope you guys saw fun. Thought you were going to watch this video but I'm just speaking uh theoretically is that the word?
I guess what's he doing? He's being so weird. I thought you'd throw him against the wall for losing all he looks scared since we've been gone on all this time. Jasmine, she's still freaking out. Love this dog; look at her eyes. Come here, baby. Cute. Come to Mommy. Go get her J go get her. Come to Mommy. Much of a show she is. I know what did we do? Did we leave you for a whole week? I know it was good wasn't it?
Come here, Buster. It was so mean there's Buster. Buster, he doesn't hear very well. Buster smokey smokey nice face. Smokey, you look beautiful now. If only MSY had a personality yeah, M's missing an action. I have to admit, I'm not taken a shower yet. Good thing this doesn't have smell vision so how was your vacation overall? Kristen, it was great. Was it? Yeah, Mom, how was your vacation perfect? Thank you, Dad. I think he's is he's doing work already probably should have seen this dog's reaction.
She went she how before she even got to me. Jine she was running this way cuz dad let her out and I just got her legs and she like cried and at the same time look she's like I'm M side Jasmine's a lover and then this concludes Seaside Heights 2010.
Whether there will be one next year, I don't know. I can be in California Chris can be in Florida. Wow, we don't know it's just how life works. So, thanks very much for watching guys. It really means a lot to me. This is my fifth year of Seaside Heights which is awesome. How you got recognized? Yeah, I was recognized so shout out to you whoever you are you just said YouTube and I said hey what's up went from there kept walking all right yeah you just kept walking like I scared him or something all right guys.
Thanks for watching, and enjoy the rest of your summer. Peace out!