**My Productive Routine: A Day in the Life**
I'll start winding things up around 9:00 p.m. and then from nine to nine:30, I might read a book and then from 9:30 to 10, I'll actually start trying to fall asleep, okay? Like everything is shut off, my eyes are closed at 9:30 p.m. and then around 9:45 or 9:50, that's when I actually knock out. So when I say I'm in bed at 10, I mean like I'm already in sleep at 10:00 p.m.
**Creating a Productive Routine**
So you don't have to be that strict. You can go on your own time routine but this is how I do it, right? This way, I am creating, meaning I'm actually creating content, I'm improving my body, right? I'm taking care of my health and I'm getting to hang out with my friends. Family and everything included, all in one day. So it's all doable but you just have to remind yourself when it's not doable, is you wake up and the first thing you does Facebook notifications.
**The Dangers of Leaking Time**
The second thing you do is watching a YouTube video. Just like letting your time leak. When you do that, that's when it's incredibly dangerous. Okay so it's a long video and I gave you four very powerful techniques. Just as a reminder, I gave you the stealth mode, put your damn phone on airplane mode, right? Airplane mode. I gave you the goal maniac. Write down your goals as often as possible. Make them sexy, make them realistic.
**Immersion and Goal Setting**
Third, immersion. Immersing yourself in what you want to become. So listen Audible, books, watch videos of what you want to be doing and then, because for example, form I wanted to become rich, I wanted to become learn about business so I have even right now with me, I have books like this sitting down with me, right? The millionaire, whatever, success. If I show you Audible on my phone which I will. So I don't know if you could see but all of these books are okay, Deep Work. So you learn about Deep Work.
**Setting Big Goals**
10X Rule, How To Set Big Goals, a book called How To Get And Stay Motivated, I have a book called Sleep Smarter, I have a book called 4-Hour Workweek, I have a book called Master The Money Game, The Millionaire Booklet and you can see that those were the things that helped me get to where I wanna go. And this year, I'm going to be actually hitting, this upcoming year I'm going to be in 2017 or 2018, I should be actually hitting a million dollars in revenue.
**The Perfect Day Technique**
So fourth thing, was perfect day technique which I went on in-depth but this is what your productive, your best self do on a day. You jam-packed that day with what you think you should be doing, right? From 5:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and then you just go and do that, okay? So right now, from this video, here's what I want you to do. Try the perfect day technique.
**Getting Started**
And then comment on this and let me know what you think of it and the least, the easiest thing you can start off with is putting your phone in airplane mode, okay? So comment below right now, let me know if there was something that you missed or that I missed that I can improve.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, what's up?This is Qazi from cleverprogrammer.com.I get this questionasked to me constantly.How do I beat laziness?How do I overcome procrastination?How do I achieve my goals?All of those things boildown to a same thingwhich is having theability to beat laziness,procrastination and then going throughand achieving your goalsand not getting burnt out in the process.So in this video,I'm gonna cover it in thebest and the easiest waythat I know of and I'll show you exactlyhow I plan my days out as well.So without any further ado,let's jump right into it.(upbeat electronic music)So in this video,I'm gonna show you four different methodsthat I use for increasing my productivitya hundred times and you cansteal them and use them.The first way that I'mgonna be talking about,I call it the stealth mode.The second way I'm gonna showyou is called the goal maniac.Third way is going tobe the immersion, okay?And the fourth way is myperfect day technique.I'm gonna go into each of themand I'm gonna explainexactly how I use theseand exactly how you can use this as well.But before we begin,let's talk about a few important thingsyou have to understandabout how motivation worksand how laziness andprocrastination works.A few important points Iwanna tell you about thatand willpower is thatyour willpower, right?Is something that makesyou move and do something,is incredibly limited.You can think of itlike gas and a car tank.Once the gas runs out, thecar doesn't move anymore.So your willpower is limited,that's why you can't rely onyour willpower all the timebecause there will come atime when you run out of it.Right, for example let'ssay New Year's resolution.Everybody gets really pumped up,they want that new body,that new beach body.So January 1st orDecember 31st or whatever,they make a New Year's resolutionand then they go start working out.It last maybe one, two, three weeks,maybe less and then they quit.It's a temporary willpower.It's like a gas tank andthen it essentially runs out.So what I wanna show youis essentially how you can be like Teslawith your goal achievingand your laser-sharp focusin achieving your goals.Meaning you're more fuel-efficientor willpower-efficientso you can think of it like that.I wanna make you more willpower efficient.There's some other techniques you can useso you're not relying on your willpowerthe entire time, right?Like, oh I gotta have this cake right now.And then your willpower cracksbecause it's right therein front of you so you go,you grab that cake and you eat it, right?So I wanna show you techniqueswhere it's not determinedon your willpowerand you can actually, should be like hey,I'm actually not eveninterested in that cake.So that was first important thing.Second thing I wanna tell youwhich is very importantfor you to understandis your ideas and yourmotivation is not your own.So a lot of the times wethink that all our motivation,all our drive, everything thatmoves us towards somethingis coming from within us.It's actually not.You are a byproduct of thethings that you do everydayand you are a byproductof your surroundingsand your environment.That means your friends, whatkind of friends are you with.I even noticed somethingwhere for most of you people,you're four or five closestpeople in your life,whatever their average salary is,that might actually be youraverage salary as well.So not only is it a saying in a phrase,you are the average of your five friends,but it's actuallyquantifiably measurable, okay?So it's almost like a fact.That's a key thing for you to understand.Okay, so now let's jump intostarting from the easiest thingto the most difficult thingbecause I'm gonna give youguys some tangible thingsyou can do right now, right?In the small picture to getthat huge productivity boostand then I also wanna giveyou some long-term takeaways.So in the future, you're future proofand you're still reaching those goals'cause simple productivity hacks, right?Everybody can give you ohmy top 23 productivity hacksbut they are temporary.I wanna give you notonly the temporary onesbut also ones that will bethere for the rest of your lifeand it's a repeatable process,it's almost scientific.You can just repeat it over and over again'cause I know I have.Okay, let's start with thefirst and the easiest one.The stealth mode.Okay, the stealth mode isbasically going stealth, okay?Kinda like a stealth airplanewhich is when it's in the air,it's so high that nobodycan see it stealth.What what you want to do is,the first thing you can do with your phoneis use the goddamn airplanemode on your phone.Everybody has it.If you don't know whatyou're talking aboutor you live under some kind of a rock,it's this airplane modebutton at the left, okay?The top one.The one that's actuallygrayed out right now.I got to follow my own advice.I have to have it on airplane mode.So that's one thing that I useand it helps me be incredibly productive.Now let me explain why it's so helpfulor why not having airplanemode on is actually so harmful.So let's see what happens toyour attention span, right?You have your phone with you, yeah?And you're getting text messages,you're getting emails on this thing,you're getting Instagram notifications,Facebook notifications and whatnot.You might be sayingQazi, it's not that bad,I only check it for liketwo minutes at a timeor 30 seconds at a time, that's okay.If you add up that wholetime throughout the day,you're right.It might only be 10 minutes,it might only be 15 minutes.But it's not actually the time you spendphysically looking at it.It's actually the time that adds upwhen you're not looking at itand thinking about it, right?So when I look at my phone notificationsor some random blog post orsome random Facebook statusesof somebody about some drama or something,once I put my phone away and lock it,my brain is now thinkingabout some very mediocre crapfor a very long time.Something that's not relevant,something that doesn'treally have to do with me,something that doesn'tgive me more informationor helps me do.So my brain is stuck thinkingabout very less creativethings, so to speakand that eats up yourbrain's thinking powerfor the next few hours orhours throughout the day, okay?So it actually lowersyour level of thinkingand it lowers your level ofdoing for the rest of the day.Okay, because you're noteven thinking about doing,you're just in your head.So airplane mode will help you, one,become more productive,think more about doing thingsand actually even helpyou become more social.So whether your goal for being socialis just having a betterrelationship with your friends,family, girlfriend whateveror being more social canactually help you alsowith your job skills,becoming you know coolerwith your boss, friendsthings of that nature,being more likely to get apromotion, be more likable.So airplane mode.The reason why I'm stressing it so muchis because if I just talkabout it for one second,you'll do it for onesecond and then that's it,but it's a very important thingand if you learn to do it religiously,especially when you're working,you'll see that theeffect that it has on youis actually exponentialand compounds over timemaking you infinitely more productivethan you are right now, cool?Okay, let's move on to thing number two.The goal maniac technique, okay?And this is about writing downyour goals constantly, okay?I don't wanna say write it down every daybecause sometimes you can forgetand if you forget something,that requires you to be consistentthen you're just likelyto give yourself more,it's called more licensingand you're like oh I fell offthe bandwagon the first timeso now I just shouldn't do it at all.Something that happens to peoplewho are trying to diet, right?You're on this restrictive diet,you're following andfollowing and following itthen they crash for one daythen they give themselvesa moral license to go,oh what the hell andthen they just indulgein every bad junk food that they can eat'cause they have gotten off it, right?Or messed up.So instead of cutting their losses shortand then going back in, they just crash.So for the goals, writing down your goals,you don't have to writeit every single dayor on a consistent schedule.That's good if you can, right?But what I want you todo is whenever you can,just have like a legalpad like this, okay?And just write down whatyou want to be doing.So for example, I'll give you some ideas.I want to be a jiu-jitsublue belt in a year or two.So that would be likea long-term goal thing.I want to hit a milliondollars by next year.I wanna hit a hundredthousand subscribers.I'm at eighty thousand right now.I want to become better at ping-pongso at least go to one morecompetition for table tennis'cause I compete in table tennis.I want to become a 2100 rated chess player'cause right now, my ratingis about 2,000 in chessand I do compete in chess as well.I want to try to code it atleast for one to two hours a dayso I can just be verycomfortable making appsand teaching you guys how to make apps.So yeah, these are a few of my goalsthat I'm thinking ofat the top of my head.Now also some importantones are like lifting.So I wanna be able tosquat a certain weight,I wanna be able todeadlift a certain weight,I wanna be able to bentover row or benchpressa certain weight, right?Those are also my goalsand I can choose to setmonthly goals, whatever.Don't worry about the structure.That's where most peopleget confused, they're like,what should my goals look like?Where should I write them?How should I write them?Do I have to buy the perfect journal?Do you have to go on this perfect web appthat has me track my goals?No, you're making it too complicated.Simple, grab a pen, grab a legal pad.I have a super ugly handwritingand also my notes are always terrible.They're never organized, never categorizedand they're like all over the place.Just write, okay?Putting this on a piece of paper.As humans, we constantly forget.We know what we're supposed to be doing.It's not the knowledgethat's stopping you,it's your behaviors thatare stopping you, right?It's the actions and themotivation to act on themthat's stopping you.You know you should be drinkinga lot of water but do you?Right, most of us don't.So that's why we need constant remindersbut if you have somebody reminding you,I'm sitting there next to youand I'm just going, hey drink more water,drink more water and nowyou'll drink more water, okay?So again it's not, don't just sit thereand go, oh I already know thisbecause it's not a knowledge problem.I know you do.That's this is why you'rewatching this video,it's taking action,that's the problem, okay?So writing down yourgoals and being remindedof the amazing thingsyou wanna achieve and do,that'll get you excited toactually then achieve them.That'll make it easier for you to say no,because it'll be fresh in your memorywhy you should be doing this.For example, when I wake upat 5:30 a.m. in the morning,that was something thatused to be incredibly,incredibly hard and most people go,how can you do that?You must be so disciplined.Now let me tell you,I've never been the person towake up early in the morning.I've always had trouble with it.The way that I was actually able to do itwas I would write down goalsand also what goals Ineed to be working onthe next day I wake up.So then when I wake up that next day,I don't have to tap intomy willpower reservesbecause one, it's already on my schedule.Two, I am motivated to wake up.That's what actually helps me wake upbecause of the goals I've written,they motivate me to actuallywake up the next day.So writing down goals and having goalsand being obsessive aboutyour freaking goals,very, very important, okay?They'll constantly remind youof what you need to be doingso that way, you can say I will faster,meaning I will go to thegym, I will read this book,I will put an hour into codingand it'll also helpyou say I won't faster,meaning I won't, no.I won't eat this cheesecake right now.I won't drink this soda right now.No, I won't just do this random thingor hang out with this random friendand like smoke pot, right?That's what some of us do.And that will make you more productivebecause now you'restronger in your I willsand now you're alsostronger in your I won'tsbecause you remember whyyou're saying those thingsand acting on them in the first place.Cool, so that's why you needto be writing down goals.Let's move on to number three.It's getting really hot so,and reveal my sexyClever Programmer shirt.Okay, technique number three, right?To beat procrastination.I call this immersion.This is basically immersing yourselfin what you want to become.Very important.Immersion is about immersing yourselfin what you want to become.So here's how this one works.A lot of the times I'm feelingand less motivated, okay?Even a few weeks ago, 'causeI'm human, I felt unmotivated.Here's what my days would look like.This was before college started.I'm not going to college butthat's besides the point.I would wake up just belazily like on my bed,watching YouTube orwatching Game Of Thronesand watching one videoafter another bingingand then going out justhanging out with friends.There's nothing wrong withhanging out and socializingbut that's all I would be doing.And I wouldn't work on making new videos,I wasn't working on going to the gym,there were a lot of thingsI wasn't working on.Now, how did I change thatand go back into the zoneof waking up early, oflifting, of making content,making the videos likethis, writing emails,writing blog posts, all that?Here's how I did it.Simply immerse myselfin what I wanted to do.First it feels veryforced and then it just,you actually enjoy it.It becomes a part of you.So for example on my commutes,instead of listening to music,I just listen to something like Audibleand I listen to Bigger Leaner Strongerwhich is a fitness bookand then constantly listening to itmade me interested instarting to lift again.And since lifting was my weak partand I knew that body is your top priority.If your body is fit, your mind is fitand you can focus on everything else.I would come home and when I'm eating,I would just watch YouTubevideos about lifting.Whether it's about squat techniqueor whether it's just avlog of a bodybuilderor their nutrition.So constantly my brainis thinking about that.So now instead of driving,listening to musicand checking my phoneand then only thinking aboutrandom Facebook notifications,my brain is thinking about lifting.And when I'm home,instead of watching randomYouTube videos about nonsense,I make it more purposeful.I still watch entertaining videosbut they're more purposefuland now my brain isthinking about lifting.So guess what I do,guess what I'm excited to dowhen I wake up in the morning.Go to the gym and pick upand lift some weights, okay?So this is very simple.Now when I feel out of thezone when I'm not programming,I'll listen to podcasts andprogramming while I'm driving,I'll listen to books on programming,I'll watch videos about programmingand then I'll start doing programming.I'll love it and I'llbe becoming better at itthe whole entire time.This is exactly what I didto become top 1% in the world for chess.I just replaced Netflix with chess videosand it helped me become really damn good.So immersion is a verypowerful thing you can doand the simple steps youcan take is Audible, okay?The YouTube videos you'rewatching can be more purposeful.You can watch tutorialsor just YouTube videosthat are more specific towhat you want to become.You can also hang out withpeople who do that thing.So if you wanna become a programmer,go to meetups and they'refree on meetup.comfor programming.Go to meetups for liftingon meetup.com, okay?If you don't have thosefriends naturally there,go on places like meetup.com,make those friendsand then when you'rehanging out with peoplewho are thinking about this everydaythen you'll be thinkingabout this everyday, okay?And again this stems from understandingthat you don't control your own thoughts.It's your environment that actually helpsyou build your ownthoughts and motivation.So when you're surroundedwith all the stuff,it'll move you in thedirection you want to goand the things you want to achieve.So that was immersion.Now let's move on tothe last and final tipthat I wanna give youand this is very aggressivewhich is why I had it at the endbut if you give this a try,I promise it'll at least,and even if you can't stick with it,it'll at least show you whythis is so incredibly powerfuland it'll actually get youto take action right awayand I want you to give this a try.'Cause I'm not about makingsmall, small, small changesor setting small, small, small goalsbecause sometimes they're sosmall that it's not sexy enoughfor you to actually jump on the bandwagon.I want you to do the opposite.I want you to,if you've watched this videoup until this point, right?I want you to act on whatI'm gonna tell you nextand this way you'll get a fullfeel of what it feels liketo be your best selfand then if it's attractive enough,you can start to work towardsit one step at a time,all the while rememberingwhat it felt liketo go in that beast mode for one day.So here it is, step number four.My Perfect Day Technique, okay?You can call it Qazi'sPerfect Day Technique.Something I inventedand it has worked witha lot of my studentsand it's worked for me as well.For those of you guys who don't know me,I run a business called Clever Programmerand I have a ton of studentsfor learning code in there.Okay, so here's how my technique works.Basically here's what I do.Right before sleeping, I'lltake my legal pad, okay?And write down specificallywhat I'm going to bedoing the next day, okay?Very, very specificallyif I was my best most productive self.Okay, so here's the day.I want you to go withme and write this downif you're motivated right now.Bring out a pen, legal pador anything to write on.It doesn't matter, it doesn'thave to be a legal pador even on your computer, okay?And let's just write down,I call it the perfect daywhere you're your most productive self,what would you do in this day?And let's wake up at 5:30 a.m.,okay?So here I go.So here's how I would say it.Wake up 5:30 a.m., alright.Then next on the listwill be get ready, okay?Get ready from 5:30 am to 5:50 a.m.So you know, it takes me 20minutes to get ready for me.Then the next step is I usethis app called Headspacefor meditation.So I might say Headspace andI wanna be very specific.Headspace, like I'm almost,I do this a lot so that'swhy I'm not closing my eyesbut almost close youreyes and imagine how longdoes it take you to wakeup and be realistic.For me sometimes it takes mefive minutes to get out of bedthen to get ready itmight take me 20 minutesthen I have to walk downstairs, right?So also add some padding.So now I might say do Headspace meditationfrom 6 a.m. to 6:20 a.m., okay?20 minutes.It's usually 10 minutesor 15 minutes long.You just sit down, put yourheadsets in, play the thing.It already has everythingfor you and then it's guidedso it just tells you whatto be thinking about,what to be doing.The reason why it's really helpfulis not because I'm some spiritual monkbut what it does allow me to dois get very clear in my thoughtsand it also helps me sometimes come upwith very amazing ideas because sometimes,you need to be thinkingwith a very clear brainand that's what it allows you to do.So it teaches you to notbe stressed in momentsyou're supposed to be stressedand it allows you to think very clearlyand not get sidetracked byeverything else that's going on.So it makes you veryclear with your thoughts.It also makes you socially,a very cool personbecause it teaches you how to be present.You wanna talk to a boring-ass personwho you never wanna talk to again?Talk to somebody who's notthere in their head, right?You're telling them somethingand they're just like,uh-huh uh-huh, yeah.And you're like, did you evenlisten to what I've just said?Did you understand?And from them, they'llbe like, no, no, no,I totally got you, i totally got you.So what was that again?It's because they weren't paying attentionand it's because they don'tknow how to be present-minded,they're in their heads.So meditation teaches youhow to be outside your head.Well again, this videois not about meditation.Let's move on.Now I have to eat breakfastso I go to this placecalled Egg Harbor, okay?So I'll write down Egg Harborand then you know I assume I'll get thereprobably 30 minutes after meditation.So let's let's say Egg Harborfrom 6:50 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.Between the time it takes them to serve meand how long it takes me to eat.So I assume that it's gonnatake me 30 minutes to get thereand then I assume thatit's probably gonna take melike 40 minutes to get my foodand eat and get out of there.Then the next thing I mightsay is I go to my office, okay?And I might get to my office at 8:00 a.m.The next thing I might sayis now that I'm at my office,what do I do here?Well how about I write anemail to all my students.You can do something else.For example, you couldput in one hour of codingin this time block, right?Let's make it something that I would doif I was in your situation,watching this videotrying to learn programmingor learning whatever, right?So you could replace onehour of that with whatever.So I'll just write codingand I'll say from 8:10 a.m. to 9:10 a.m.I add these pads because sometimesyou take a break or youhave to go to the bathroomor whatever so I constantly add a few padsbecause you might have aconversation with somebody,you might go to grab water.It changes it.So you don't wanna be so restrictive,just add a little bit of paddingbut still be specificabout what you're doing.Okay, after one hour ofcoding, let's say I go lift.Usually, I'd lift rightbefore going into my officeand then I'll say get to gym at 9:30 a.m.and then I'll say complete liftingfrom 9:40 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.Because I know it takes me two hoursand I'm not gonna go on any furtherbut if you just look at thislist of stuff I've done alreadyis pretty insane, right?I have gotten ready, I have meditated,I have ate breakfast, I have done coding,I'm completed with lifting, right?And what that one hour of coding,you could replace it withlike small 20 minute blocksof like write an email to bossor make a video about somethingor read up some book for 20 minutes.So you can imagine, you couldeven do so many more thingsand this is only 11:40a.m. right now guys.That's when most of thepeople's day is just starting.They're still in their zombie mode.Now imagine what you couldget done till 9:00 p.m., okay?If you're specific this way,what happens is when you wake up,you're so excited about all the thingsthat you're gonna be doing,you just get going immediatelyand you're not tapping intoyour willpower reservesbecause everything is written down thereand the instructions are already there.So you're becoming the leaderand you're following your own selfand this way, it doesn'trequire any willpower.So when people see medo this they're like,how are you doing this, Qazi?I'm not, I'm just following orders.I'm just a good soldier.If you think about it,why did you go to school in college?You're follower, right?I'm a follower and if youdidn't fail all your yearswhat did you learn?You learned following.So we're pretty good at it.We've learned this in our lives,we've learned this from societyand who better to followthan yourself, okay?So this way, you're not being,no willpower is being lost.So this is how you can saveyourself from losing willpowerand then power throughand actually complete all of this stuffand then you can add in time likeI might walk for 20 minutesand then read a bookthen I have time scheduledfor when I'm eatingand you can do this and thenif you wanna be flexibleafter six or 7:00 p.m.,you've done a lot, trust me.You've done a lot more thanyou could even think you'll doin a month, okay, or in a week.Trust me, you get done a shitload.So after 6 p.m., right?You've gotten done a lot.So after that you cando whatever you want.You can hang out with the,you could just writeblock out time from 6 p.m.to let's say 9 p.m. and youcan just call it free timeand in that, call your friend,hang out with the buddy,watch a movie with your girlfriend,watch Game Of Thrones, whateverit is, it's free time now.But you've earned it andthen around 9:00 p.m.,what you wanna do is startwrapping it up, okay?So if you wanna be veryspecific with my time as well,this helps me a lotwaking up in the morningand going on the sleep cyclefrom 10:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m.That's 7 1/2 hours of sleepand you're incredibly productivethroughout the day, right?So you don't have to be that strict.You can go on your own time routinebut this is how I do it, right?I'll start winding thingsup around 9:00 p.m.and then from nine to9:30, I might read a bookand then from 9:30 to 10,I'll actually start tryingto fall asleep, okay?Like everything is shut off,I'm eyes are closed at 9:30 p.m.and then around 9:45 or 9:50 ish or 10,that's when I actually knock out.So when I say I'm in bed at 10,I mean like I'm alreadyin sleep at 10:00 p.m.and then I wake up at 5:30 a.m. or 5 a.m.and then I continue movingand then doing things.So this way, I am creating,meaning I'm actually creating content,I'm improving I'm actuallymy body is improving, right?I'm taking care of my healthand I'm getting to hangout with my friends.So I'm taking care of my training my bodyand my social life.Family and everythingincluded, all in one day.So it's all doable but youjust have to remind yourselfbut when it's not doable is you wake upand the first thing you dois Facebook notifications.The second thing you do iswatching a YouTube video.Just like letting your time leak.When you do that, that's whenit's incredibly dangerous.Okay so it's a long videoand I gave you four verypowerful techniques.Just as a reminder, Igave you the stealth mode,put your damn phone onairplane mode, right?Airplane mode.I gave you the goal maniac.Write down your goalsas often as possible.Make them sexy, make them realistic.Third, immersion.Immerse yourself in what you wanna become.So listen Audible, books, watch videosof what you want to be doing and then,because for example, forme I wanted to become rich,I wanted to become learn about businessso I have, even right now with me,I have books like thissitting down with me, right?The millionaire, whatever, success .If I show you Audible onmy phone which I will.So I don't know if you couldsee but all of these books are,okay, Deep Work.So you learn about Deep Work.10X Rule, How To Set Big Goals,a book called How ToGet And Stay Motivated,I have a book called Sleep Smarter,I have a book called 4-Hour Workweek,I have a book calledMaster The Money Game,The Millionaire Bookletand you can see that those were the thingsthat helped me get to where I wanna goand this year, I'm gonnabe actually hitting,this upcoming year I'mgonna be in 2017 or 2018,I should be actually hittinga million dollars in revenue.So you can see how powerful this is.I don't come from arich family or anythingand right now, I'm 23 years old.And then fourth thing, right?Was perfect day techniquewhich I went on in-depthbut this is what would your productive,your best self do on a day.You jam-packed that daywith what you think youshould be doing, right ?From 5:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.and then you just go and do that, okay?So right now, from this video,here's what I want you to do.Try the perfect day techniqueand then comment on thisand let me know what you think of itand the least, the easiestthing you can start off withis putting your phonein airplane mode, okay?So comment below right now,let me know if there wassomething that you missedor that I missed that I can improveor what you thought of this videoand which of these techniquesyou will try today, okay?Comment that, also like this video.Took a lot of effort andtime and energy to make itand I hope you loved it sogive this video a thumbs upif you liked it or give it adislike if you don't like itand then also pleasesubscribe to the channel.This channel is about computer programmingbut there's also a lot of motivationand how to beat the sh, out oflaziness and procrastinationon this channel as well, okay?And achieve your goals.So subscribe, hit that bell button.That's it for this video guys.As always, I love your faces offand I'll see you in the next video.(upbeat electronic music)\n"