LGR 486 Update! Unboxing & Installing Windows 3.0

The world of 486 upgrades is a fascinating place, where old computers get new life and new possibilities emerge. In this video, we take a look at an IBM 386SL/20, a computer that's been upgraded to run Windows 3.0. As we boot up the machine, it's clear that this is no ordinary computer. The screen flickers to life, displaying a menu that looks eerily familiar - it's almost as if it's HyperCard.

"ToolBook is almost as powerful as your imagination," says the narrator, "You can combine text, graphics, animation, calculations, interactive..." This seems like an exciting prospect, and we're eager to explore what this computer can do. We take a look at an example of its capabilities - creating a book that uses stereo sound. Yes, it's pretty much looking like HyperCard for the Mac. Not exactly what I thought it would be, but that's interesting.

We move on to Daybook, another feature that promises to make this computer even more useful. "This is today," says the screen, and we can add reminders and schedule events. But as we try to create a watch that will remind us to upload a video, things don't quite work out. The narrator is frustrated with the limitations of the software, but it's clear that this computer has potential.

Next up, we take a look at some games - SkiFree, Rodent's Revenge, and Jezzball are all available, but they're not exactly the most thrilling experiences. "It's not entirely useless," says the narrator with a chuckle. The reason for the lackluster gameplay is due to the limitations of the computer's sound capabilities. We've recently installed a Sound Blaster Pro 2.0 card, but Windows 3.0 doesn't support it - all we get are occasional PC speaker beeps.

The narrator takes a moment to poke fun at his own setup, joking about his "cool name" and quote. But despite the technical limitations, this computer has its charms. We take a look at an article on MIDI that's included with the system, complete with a keyboard in Paintbrush and a Program Manager window open. It's clear that this computer was designed to be something special - even if it didn't quite live up to its full potential.

As we continue our exploration of the IBM 386SL/20, it becomes clear that this is just the beginning of our journey into the world of Windows 3.0 upgrades. We'll be upgrading to Windows 3.1 and possibly 3.11 for Workgroups in future videos, but for now, this computer remains a fascinating curiosity. And if you're interested in learning more about 486 upgrades or watching other videos, be sure to check out our channel - we have plenty of content to get you started.

In the end, it's clear that this IBM 386SL/20 is just one small part of a much larger story - the story of how computers evolved over time and how they were upgraded and modified to meet new challenges. It may not be the most exciting or polished system, but there's something undeniably charming about this old computer and its Windows 3.0 software. And as we move forward into the world of 486 upgrades, it's clear that we'll have plenty more adventures to come.

As always, thank you very much for watching! If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out some of our other content - we've got a whole library of videos waiting for you. And if you have any questions or comments about the IBM 386SL/20 or Windows 3.0, please don't hesitate to reach out. Until next time, happy computing!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enGreetings and welcome to an LGR thing! And this is Microsoft Windows 3.0, not 3.1not yet anyway. I wanted to take a look atthis for a couple of reasons: one, I've beenmeaning to install Windows in some form onmy 486 Woodgrain PC for a long time now andwhile the eventual goal is to put 3.1 or maybe3.11 on there... that's what I eventuallywant to do, but it might be an interestingdetour to stop at Windows 3. Which was actuallyreleased 28 years ago on the exact day I'mfilming this: May 22nd, 1990 -- is when thiswas released to manufacturing not when I'mrecording this video. Contrary to some conspiracies,I am NOT a time traveler so just ignore thoseIBM 5100s and flux capacitors you've seenin my videos. Anyway, I wanted to installthis because you know, I'm not terribly familiarwith it. I've used it a few times here andthere over the years but as a kid, my firstversion of Windows was 3.1. And while there'snot a drastic difference between the Windows3 and 3.1, there kind of is. I mean thereare a lot of applications that will only workwith 3.1, in fact way more that will workwith 3.1 only, and do not support 3.0. Andthen of course there's just some differentgraphical features and things like that thatthis had, and then 3.1 got rid of or improvedupon in many ways. And I don't know I justfind that this release is kind of fascinating.Plus, I have a brand new sealed package here,check that out. This is the three and a halfinch US release of Windows 3.00 and it wassold apparently by Forsythe Computers Incorporatedin Saint Louis, Missouri for 149 dollars atone point. “New! Breaks the 640k memorybarrier. Unleash all the power of your PC!”Yeah I definitely want to do that since my486 has 16 megabytes of RAM. You can see thesticker here has a special bonus, “Comeswith Daybook, a personal organizer with aruntime version of ToolBook™ by Asymetrix.”Don't know what that is yet, but we'll findout. While I could admire this packaging allday I'm itching to get inside here and seewhat we get. So let's do a bit of an unboxingbefore we get to setting everything up onthe 486. Kind of wanna save thatprice sticker if I can.Well, fell right off, that makes it easy.Mmm fresh retro Windows.Man. So crispy,so enjoyable.Aw ffff...We’ll just pretend that never fell out of there.Mm, yeah that is packed to the brim.Mmf. Smells like a library. So there's thatAsymetrix runtime ToolBox™ software constructionset for Windows. Got the gigantic Windows3 user guide here, good grief. Got a productregistration card. Well it’s less of a cardand more of a substantial pamphlet. “Importantinformation read this first.” No thanks.Okay I don't remember seeing this as a thing.Well, it's not really a magazine. It's morelike a, yeah, 12 page monthly publication.So I guess the Cobb Group had their own Windowsnewsletter. Aha yes, here we go the MicrosoftWindows 3.0 hardware compatibility list, thisis fascinating. The following computers, videodisplays, printers, pointing devices, keyboards,and networks have been certified for use withMicrosoft 3.0,” yes. Windows 3 can run onall these things. And pretty much this isjust effectively is a wish list for my collectionthese days, but a bunch of them, man. Whatthe heck happened to these things? Like what'swhat's the ALR Powerflex? That sounds likean amazing computer. Or the Emerson ET200,didn't realize Emerson made computers. TheGoupil G5-SX? It has some Nokias in there,I've been trying to find like a Nokia, like,MS-DOS computer just because it seems likethat would be fun. Here's a very similar listfor all of the applications that Microsofthas tested to be working with Windows 3 orhave Windows 3-specific versions at this pointin 1990. Of course, there were many more thanthis that would work on Windows 3 but it'skind of neat to have a brand new operatingsystem at the time and they went out of theirway to test so much stuff. Here's our proofof license for Windows 3.00. Look how simplethat is. Yeah these looked a little more simplerthan what happened with all the Microsoftlicense things later on -- the holograms andall sorts of interesting print and securityfeatures. Not much going on there. And thenall this this is going to be the floppy disks.“Please, treat it as valuable property.”I will do that, Microsoft in 1990, I willdo that. “Before opening this disk packetI should carefully read all that crap.”Let’s go ahead and get this disk packetopen here before we take a look at the manualor anything like that. Ohman. Wow these look great. They feel greattoo, these are quality disks. Alright, soyeah “for DOS systems,” this is a fullversion of the thing you just Install thison top of DOS. I have DOS 6.22 installed onthe 486 so that is what we'll be upgrading-- or really adding onto since Windows wasmore of a shell that ran on top of DOS atthis point and not a fully fledged operatingsystem. So it does require DOS which is whywe're doing it in this order and subsequentlywe're going to be installing 3.1 on top ofthis 3.0 installation in the future. I amcurious about this, I’m absolutely not familiarwith this at all. So it looks like it comeswith a personal organizer, a calendar, addressbook, to-do list. But also this thing calledToolBook™ and that's what I'm more intriguedby here. “With the full version of ToolBook™You can easily create your own applicationswithout being a programmer.” I've used Windows3.0 before like, it's installed on my IBMPS/2 Model 90 486 XP thing. This on the otherhand, yeah, we'll install this once we getWindows installed and see what it does. Andfinally just want to take a look atthis manual here really quick because it'sso large, it demands an audience. Heh! That'sthe most appropriate, it has 640 pages. 640kbarrier broken, 640 page barrier broken forthis manual. Wow. Ohh. Just absurd documentation,could you imagine getting a book like thiswith Windows 10? Or anything these days fromMicrosoft that's not like some enterprisesolution kind of IT corporate business software.Anyway! That's one delightful mountain ofdocumentation. All right. Well now I knowwhat Windows 3 comes with so let's hook upthe woodgrain 486 and get this baby installed.All right got the 46 turned on some disksat the ready. Here we go. And it just saidto type setup on the A: drive. “Welcometo the Microsoft Windows version 3.00 setup.”We will install to “Windows.” Look atthis very classic Windows installer they usedfor seemingly forever. Okay, so let's seewhat it has detected: MS-DOS, VGA. We do haveSVGA, we'll just go with VGA for now. Soundsgood. And now to sit through the process ofinstalling eight flop--no, seven floppy disks.These are all 720 kilobyte, not high-densityjust double sided double density disks. AndI'm not sure, okay what is it doing here?The heck is this? No clue what that did onthe first disk there, but we'll try it again.You really just never know with floppy disks,hehe. Even ones that were new, wrapped upand stuff. Okay well, that's what it was supposedto do and “after setup installs Windowsit will perform each of the following, checkprocedures: setup printers, applications alreadyon hard disk.“ Nope. Nope. Nope. BecauseI don't want to do any of that, I don't havea printer attached right now. Although I hopeto address that in the future. So yeah, itseems to be fine now, we went from disk 2onto disk 3 so, I'll just continue from hereand pick back up once it's done installing.Hm, didn't even ask for disk 7 just went straightto this. Needs to modify config.sys and autoexec.bat,“make all modifications for me.” Yeah,go ahead. Reboot. I guess it's not gonna doit for me, “Do it yourself,” it says.Okay, let's see what it did. We have Windowsover there and we just type in “WIN.”And it loaded so quickly we couldn't evensee the Windows 3.0 splash screen. What ashame, but I do still have that compact flashstorage device installed on here. So yeah,this is Windows 3.0. It is very much like3.1 or 3.11 but a little simpler. The iconsare different, a lot of the capabilities aredifferent as I mentioned earlier, but we’llsee if we can add a little bit of color here.Ha ha, fluorescent. Yes cuz whynot? Oh, these color schemes are not great.I remember pastel. I guess we're just gonnaput it right back to where it was. We gota bunch of fonts. Well, actually not a bunch.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fonts. We can access our PORTS.And our MOUSE. And our DESKTOP. I remembersome of these patterns being kind of interesting.Nope nope, they're pretty dumb. They're allmonochrome. Okay, and I keep I keep wantingto click this part to get the drop down. Butyou actually have to click the drop down,just clicking this doesn't actually do anythinghere. So yeah, there's a lot of little thingsabout the UI that they tweaked for 3.1 thatjust make it way easier to use. Let's trysome wallpapers. Will it let me? Oh I haveto tile them. There we go. Some of these arepretty rad. I like chess. Always liked chess.That's like my favorite of the Windows 3 wallpapers.I'll probably leave that but I'm just curiouswhat else is in here. Paper? Yeah, whatever.Party. Augh. I don't know man that might beeven better, hahaha. The early 90s-ness ofthat is beautiful Oh so is that, oh it's justgreat. I think I'm gonna leave that one fornow and then I had something magnificent overhere, kind of like this. Oh my goodness yes!This is Windows 3.0! Look at allthis man. Oh I just want to drink from jazzpattern Solo cups and go rollerskating andaw, man. Alright, so see we got some gameshere. Solitaire, the classic. There's somethingabout like how smooth everything feels yetthe frame rate isn't ridiculously high either,there's just something odd about it. It doeshave all the same decks as 3.1 though. Itlooks like it is yep, still the same one byWes Cherry. So. And then Reversi was the othergame that it came with, this was a classicsort of a holdover really. And then they kindof took it out from 3.1, if I recall. Let’ssee we got some accessories and we got Write.“I can write things with my Model M andit's loud as ballllls.” It's wonderful.We got Paint-friggin-brush. Oh, yes mmm, lookat that high DPI of my mouse, haha. This littleLogitech mouse, it's a -- or maybe it's thepolling rate causing that but either way,it's a very limited kind of mouse situationgoing on. We have the Terminal which was,ah man. I wish I had a phone line to actuallytry this because I used to dial into all sortsof things like, you know bulletin board systemsand the local library and there was like thisthing that the Yellow Pages had. I don't know,all sorts of stuff if you had a phone linewhich I don't. I don't even have a modem installedin this thing just cuz I don't really needit these days. Notepad! Yay It's Notepad.Recorder, quite handy for recording macrosif you ever need to do things with your variousprograms, you know spreadsheets whatnot ifthey don't have macro support built-in. Cardfile!Yeah in case you need to keepa bunch of cards filed. And we’ve got acalendar to keep track of your calendar, setalarms for yourself. All these basic productivitythings that were really like a big sellingpoint of Windows so you would be able to getall of these kind of things just in one spot.You get a clock man, a clock! I Love thatdigital clock. You've also got the PIF editorhere, which is if you want to make shortcutsand special, you know, requirements for memoryand display usage and all the kinda stufffor your DOS programs. Pretty darn handy,at least I found it so in -- especially inWindows 95, but also in 3 and 3.1. File Managerlooks -- it looks a little bit different toofrom 3.1. So you have this and then just thingsopen up this way and it's, I don't know, Ithink it's kind of annoying. I don't likeit. I know there's ways to customize it butpoint being I'm not a big fan of file managerin Windows 3. You save your settings, surego ahead, I don't care. I did wanna try thatpiece of software that it came with though,the Asymetrix runtime toolbox. Okay, so we'llrun the “RUN” command and it is: TPKSETUP.EXE.And install it to the toolbox folder. [briefdisk drive noises] Well it did that. We’lldo “introducing tool book.” Ooh. Tourbook! An introduction to tool book. “Inthis brief introduction, you'll see what itcan do. Allow about ten minutes,” well,I don't know about that but. Yeah, what canit do? I just want to know what it can do.“ToolBook is almost as powerful as yourimagination. You can combine text, graphics,animation, calculations, interactive--”is this HyperCard? Kind of looks like HyperCard.“Create a book that uses stereo sound.”Yeah this is pretty much looking like HyperCardfor the Mac. Not exactly what I thought itwould be but that's interesting Yeah, checkit out there's an example of things you cando. So that's that part of it, let's try Daybook.Alright, so we have the Daybook map. You cansee a data flow diagram, okay. It's like anorganizer. That's fine. “This this is today.Dang it.” And we can go to yeah, I got a-- we can put a reminder here, nah we're gonnaput a watch on this day and it's gonna remindme to upload this video. “Upload this video,”and the watch is on top of that but therewe go. Oh, no, we can't -- why can't I makethe watch -- well. Screw this. Now, I wouldtry SimCity for Windows here, SimCity classic.But but this is one of those that will notwork on here because it needs Windows 3.1or above. For all sorts of reasons, but youknow largely because of all the multimediastuff. However, I believe that the MicrosoftBest of Entertainment Pack will work on hereit says, yeah. MS-DOS version 3.1 or laterwhich this is 6.22. And Windows version 3.0or later with a 286 or higher, 640k RAM. Yay.Long as we can play SkiFree, Rodent’s Revenge,Jezzball? It's not entirely useless. Oh, yeah.That's what I like to see: all these games.SkiFree, yay! So, yeah, you can play SkiFreein Windows 3, so that's pretty awesome. Andyou got Chip’s Challenge without any sound,hehe. That's -- it is what it is. Jezzball,good stuff, good stuff. Again it's all veryquiet though. That's unfortunate. And thereason for this silence is not because wedon't have a sound card in here, if you'llremember a while back we did another 486 upgradevideo where I installed a lovely Sound BlasterPro 2.0 card. So this thing does have someawesome sound, but all we get in Windows 3.0here is occasional PC speaker beeping andthat's it. Like that. Doonk! That’sall you get. What is my cool name, uh coolname is LGR. My cool quote is “Quotes arecool.” But the reason that we don't havesound here is simply because Windows 3 doesnot support it. In fact It didn't even getsupport other than this really basic PC speakerwarning beep until Windows 3.0a with MultimediaExtensions. And as far as I know that wasn'tactually sold in stores, it was just an upgradethat was made available for certain vendorsthat were selling their MPC or MultimediaPCs. But this doesn't have it. Which is kindof odd because on the front of this if youlook at the screen that is on that littleIBM, what is that an 8513 monitor. It hasan article about MIDI, it shows a keyboardin Paintbrush, and there's a Program Managerwindow open that says “Music and Computing.”But this does not have music or sound support!It's just... why were they doing that? Theywere like teasing something that just wasn'teven a thing yet. But anyway! This computerdoes have the ability to play back sound sowe'll do that eventually with the upgradeto Windows 3.1. But as it is now that's prettymuch it for this right here, just Windows3. We'll see you in the next 486 upgrade videoat some point where we will be happily upgradingto Windows 3.1 and probably 3.11 for Workgroups.But anyway, that was this video and I hopethat you enjoyed what you saw here! And ifyou did perhaps you'd like to check out someof my others. Of course there was the videowhere I put this computer together in thefirst place, as well as the one where we putthe Sound Blaster Pro 2.0 card, and a bunchof other upgrades with more to come in thefuture. And beyond that there are other videosevery Monday and Friday here on LGR. And asalways, thank you very much for watching!\n"