Toys in School Pretend Play DIY Slime, Squishy School Supplies Pranks

**Sneaky School Hacks: How to Bring Fun to Your Classroom**

As students, we've all been there - stuck in a boring class with no end in sight, wondering how we can make the time pass. Well, wonder no more! With these sneaky school hacks, you'll be able to bring fun and excitement back into your classroom.

One of our favorite hacks is bringing a LUDO board game to class. Who says learning can't be fun? Take an old LUDO template from the internet and stick it to a notebook with some doublesided tape. Take sixteen paper clips in four different colors and, voila! You've got a colorful addition to your classroom. And if you're feeling extra adventurous, grab a dice-shaped eraser in the shape of a dice - you can even DIY one yourself!

But that's not all - sneaking other board games into class is also a great idea. You and your desk neighbor will have so much fun playing together, and just be careful not to get caught by the teacher! School can be extra stressful sometimes, so having a stress ball on hand can be very useful. Take a plastic balloon holder like this one, grab a stress ball, and apply some hot glue to create a perfect pencil top. And if you want to make it even more special, add a colorful handle that wraps around the balloon holder.

And why stop at just a stress ball? You can also sneak other fun items into class with ease. Like glittery slime! Wash your glue bottle thoroughly, remove any stickers, and pour lots of sparkly magic onto some green slime. Watch as it transforms into a beautiful, glittery treat that looks exactly like traditional glue. Roll up the sleeves and get your hands in there to mix it all up - and voila! You've got a colorful addition to your classroom.

But what about when you're stuck with a boring old pencil? Well, you can turn that around with a simple DIY hack. Take a mini plush toy and attach it to the zipper of your pencil case or school bag - now your beloved friend will be by your side every day! And if anyone asks, they'll never think that's weird - neither will the teacher give you detention for this!

And finally, why not sneak some glitter into class too? Glitter glue bottles can easily become glitter slime by mixing in a little magic. Simply pour lots of sparkly slime inside the bottle and screw on the lid - voila! You've got a colorful addition to your classroom that's both fun and functional.

But beware - other students might be jealous of your sneaky school hacks! And what about when you're stuck with a boring pencil sharpener? Well, now you can turn that around with this cool slimy hand hack. These sticky toys are so much fun to play with - they'll stick to any kind of surface like windows, tables, and more!

Literature writing is considered to be... Well, literature writing is any kind of written works. But when it comes to sneaky school hacks, we can't help but wonder what else could we sneak into class? After all, school is very important - so stay focused and listen to your teacher (most of the time). And if you're feeling adventurous, why not try bringing some fun items like candy or makeup into class? Comment below!

**Note:** The text was written in a playful and informal tone, with a dash of humor and creativity. Each section was fully developed into a paragraph or section, without condensing or summarizing the content.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enBringing toys to school sure sounds like aton of fun.But if you make these epic toy school suppliesmake sure to only use them during breaks.They will bring a lot of joy to you and yourclassmates for sure!First candy, then makeup and now this?!Both of you the principal now!You as well!Who doesn't love squishies?! I adore them!They are so satisfying!But you know what I love even more?! Squishy pens!They are so easy to make and super affordable.Take an inexpensive pen of your choice.Any pen or pencil will work great.Open up your pen and take out the ink tube.Time to grab your favorite squishy.I love this cute ice cream one!It also has the perfect shape, so let's transformit into a pen.All we have to do is push the ink tube insidethe squishy.Don't push it in all the way though, we needto leave the tip outside.Here we go, the easiest and definitely the coolest DIYpen ever!It's so squishy, satisfying and works amazing.And on top of this it looks like a kawaiiice cream!I mean it really can't get better than that!When we have high tide the sea level goesup.When we have low tide the sea level goes where?It goes down.Sara!Oh this?This is a pen.See!?This awesome slime pouch will keep your slimeclean and protected!And since it looks like a pencil case, your teacher will have no idea what you're hiding in there.Take a zip lock bag.I'm going to tape the bottom part up to giveit more a pencil case shape.Next grab some washi tape or duct tape.I am using these washi tape sheets but anykind will work great.Stick as many pieces of washi or duct tapeas needed to cover it completely.Then turn your masterpiece around and gluethe washi tape or washi sheets on that side too.This looks like a usual pencil case, but we'regoing to use it as a slime pouch!I have this beautiful rainbow slime, thatis so stretchy and satisfying, I love it!If you put your slime in the normal pencilpouch, the slime will get all dusty and dirtyfrom the fabric.Our pouch on the other hand, is air tightand has a plastic lining which will keep ourslime clean and fresh!Who would have thought that school could beso exciting!When I'm bored I like to grab an activitybook.They're so therapeutic and fun!Also, sneaking them in class is a piece ofcake!Come on, I'll show you!Take a notebook that is of similar size asyour activity book, and open it up in he middle.Stick a few pieces of double sided tape onthe right and on the left page.Grab the activity book of your choice – thisone has so many fun things inside and I lovehow colorful it is.Stick it inside the notebook and we are alldone!How flipping amazing is this notebook thathas a built in activity book.I Love it!Say goodbye to the boring hours in school!Chemistry is the branch of science that studiesthe properties of matter and how matter interactswith energy.Chemistry is considered a physical scienceand is closely related to physics.Instead of activity book you can sneak ina coloring book, a crosswords book or evena favorite magazine.I love taking these things to the beach whenI'm on vacation.So with this hack you can bring some of thatsummer holiday feeling to school as well!Very sneaky and super entertaining!These little squishies are so adorable!I could play with them for hours.Yup, I think is only fair that we sneak allof them to class.Grab your first mini squishy and a super glue.Apply a drop of glue on the bottom side ofyour little friend.Take a small magnet like this one and placeit on top of that glue.Wait for a few moments for the glue to hardenand pop the squishy on the tin pencil case.Do this with all the other members of thisepic squad.The magnets stick firmly to the tin pencilcase so to your teacher and schoolmates thiswill look like a normal animal pencil case.But you can actually detach your squishiesoff the case and play with them separately if you want.Then you can place them back on and they will holdto the case firmly again.How smart.When you get a bit bored during classes simplyreach for your squishy friends and time will fly.They are just the cutest little bunch ever!Tic Tac Toe has always been one of my favoritegames to play with my classmates.But instead of playing it the usual way Idecided to upgrade and make the game a lotmore convenient and sneaky.Take a plain solid colored notebook.From a piece of paper cut out a big hashtagsign like this and stick it to the notebook.Below stick any other word in smaller size– like love for example.Can you see the trick already?All we need are some paper clips in two differentcolors and we are ready to play the Tic TacToe game an infinite amount of time withoutleaving any traces at all!Because to the teacher this notebook willlook like the usual one with a #LOVE design,which by the way I love so much!And paper clips are a normal school necessityso you can have them on your desk without being worried.I think this idea is so smart and will bringa ton of fun to you and your schoolmates whilesitting in class.Are you a fan of shopkins?I must admit they are truly adorable!I decided to turn this Shopkins surprise jarinto a pencil sharpener and smuggle thosecute buddies to class.Take the shopkins out of the jar.I got a broccoli, a toast and icing sugar!Take the paper wrapping off the jar and savethat plus the lid for later.Now take a pencil sharpener and a pencil andlet's produce some of that pretty sharpening residue.Use different colored pencils to make it evenmore interesting and fun.Take a picture of that residue and print itout.Roll it in a cylinder shape like this andplace inside the shopkins jar.Next, fill the jar with a bunch of your favoriteshopkins characters.I'm taking my entire squad with me to school,so in the jar they go!Lastly, glue a simple sharpener on the jarand we're all set!Ta daaa this appears like a normal pencilsharpener, full of colorful sharpening residue,but our Shopkins squad is hiding inside instead.And the best part is that your sharpener isstill completely functional!If you love collecting and playing with thesecuties, I am sure they will bring you a tonof joy during classes.I don't care if fidget spinner aren't as trendyright now as they were last year, because Istill find them extremely entertaining.Check out this epic idea to sneak it in class.Grab any kind of notebook.Now print a picture of a windmill like thisone and stick it on the notebook cover witha bit of double sided tape.Right here, where we have the spinning part,we're going to stick our fidget spinner.So apply some hot glue to the center of yourfidget spinner and glue it to the notebook.How clever right?!The fidget spinner somehow connects with thenotebook background and together theylook like a normal notebook, not at all liketoy.So the teacher won't have anything againstit for sure.Meanwhile, you can play with your spinner,which is also a perfect stress reliever ifyou are feeling a bit tense.What a cool DIY notebook idea!I've always found soap bubbles so entertainingand fun!Something about them just makes me so happyand I could watch them float around in theair all day!There's definitely something magical aboutthem!But did you know that you can make real andepic soap bubbles with a normal marker?Yes and I'll show you how!Open up a marker, and remove the tip.Now grab a knife and very carefully cut offthat narrow plastic bit at the tip.Next take a pair of tweezers and pull outthe ink tube out of the marker housing.Leave this aside for now and get a piece ofwire ready.Wrap the wire around any rounded object toget a loop.Twist the ends around each other and as youcan see we got the same shape as withstore bought soap bubbles.A perfect bubble making machine.Take some super glue and apply it on the tiplike this.Simply glue it to the inside of the marker lidand we are all set to make some bubbles.Well, almost!We still need to prepare the soap and watermixture.Open up a bottle of soap and squeeze someinto the marker housing.That's enough, now all that's missing is asplash of water and we're ready to make loadsof beautiful and magical bubbles.I think this idea is straight up epic!Making soap bubbles with a marker, I meanit doesn't get more insane than that!And the truth is it works so well!Look how many bubbles it makes in one go.I almost can't believe my eyes!I think we all agree that this cool inventioncalls for a little prank on the teacher.Lighting happens when ice and water particlesbump into each other inside the thunder clouds.Who did this?!Who did this?!LUDO is a good old favorite board game forso many of us and sneaking it in class iseasier than you think.Grab a larger notebook and open up a frontcover.Print a LUDO template from the internet andstick it to the notebook with some doublesided tape.Take sixteen paper clips in four differentcolors.Lastly we need a dice and I was lucky enoughto find an eraser in a form of a dice in a store.You can also DIY it yourself – all you needis a dice shaped eraser and you can drawthe dots yourself.Anyway, as I told ya - sneaking a LUDO boardgame in class is literally a piece of cake!In a similar way you can sneak many otherboard games to school as well.You and your desk neighbor will have so muchfun.Just be careful so the teacher doesn't seeyou!School can be extra stressful sometimes, sohaving a stress ball on hand can be very useful.Take a plastic balloon holder like this one.Now grab a stress ball.Mine has this little handle, which is perfectto wrap around the balloon holder.Otherwise you can just glue it on.Take a glue gun and apply some hot glue onthe plastic end.Now choose any pencil you like and stick itto the stress ball.Voila! Our stress ball pencil is all done – itlooks phenomenal and feels very satisfying.I love this idea with the balloon holder,because if you want you can still take thestress ball off your pencil and it is completelyintact.This little guy is so squishy and fun to playwith.It will definitely take care of all the stressfulor just a bit boring hours in school!Yes I made another one because I'm that obsessedand want to make even more because these DIYstress ball pencils are simply adorable!If you're a fan of plushy animals thisDIY hack is perfect for you!Take your favorite mini plush friend and attachit to the zipper of your pencil case or school bag.Now your beloved toy can go with you to schoolevery day.And no one will ever think that this is weird,neither will teacher give you detention for this.You and your cute little friend are perfectlysafe!Should we sneak more slime to class?I think we should, because there's no suchthing as too much slime!These glitter glue bottles will work perfectlybut instead of glue, we'll carry glitter slime inside.Wash your glue bottle thoroughly, if you wantyou can even remove the sticker as I did and set it aside.Grab some green slime and let's make it allglittery so it will look exactly as our glitter glue.Pour lots of that sparkly magic on the slime.How gorgeous is this!Remember how I used to be obsessed with glitterand mixed it in absolutely everything?I miss those times!I tried mixing the glitter in the slime witha stick but it wasn't that easy.So let's roll up the sleeves and get our handsin there.Play with it for a few moments and the glitterwill incorporate all around the slime evenly.Alright our glittery slime looks exactly likethe glitter glue so it's time to put it in the bottle.The easiest way is to go bit by bit and throwpieces of this sparkly slime inside the glue bottle.Screw the lid on and look at that!They look identical so we are completely safeand can sneak our slime in class!Do you guys know that this is the first timeme properly playing with slime?!I know where have I been!This is so satisfying!You can make glitter slime in all the possiblecolors and they look so pretty.I want to try mixing in a ton of colorfulglitter one day, I bet it would look epic!What is Katie hiding inside her pencil sharpener?!Wow what a cool slimy hand!Fun fact, there was a time in our primaryschool, when these slimy handswere so extremely popular!We used to get them as a gift in a bag ofchips and literally everyone in school had them.I'm not surprised they are really fun to playwith!And a pencil sharpener is a perfect tool tohelp us smuggle this awesome toy to school.These slimy hands are sticky and very stretchy!They will stick to any kind of surface likewindows, tables and so on.You can kiss boring school hours goodbye becausethese sticky toys will provide an infiniteamount of fun during school classes for sure!Just make sure they don't go out of your control!Literature, most generically, is any kindof written works.Literature writing is considered...Uh-oh.Candy, makeup, toys – what else could wesneak in class?Comment bellow!No seriously, school is very important guysso stay focused and listen to your teacher.I wish you all an amazing school year.Mwah! Love you bye!Literature writing is considered to be...Often to do the...Is considered to be...Is considered to be...\n"