Nintendo's SECRET New Switch

The Nintendo Switch is an incredibly powerful console that has managed to defy expectations and become a beloved gaming platform. With its ability to run traditional PC games on the go, it's no wonder that many are speculating about a potential next-generation upgrade.

Currently, NVIDIA's Tegra chip powers the Switch, but there is room for upgrades. Imagine a custom version of this chip specifically designed for the Switch, with features like retracing or other enhancements from NVIDIA's available technologies. This could potentially unlock even more performance from the console, allowing it to keep up with the next generation of consoles.

One key aspect of any potential Switch Pro upgrade is backwards compatibility. To ensure that developers can continue to create games for the original Switch without having to remake them for a new console, the upgraded chip should still use the same architecture as the current Tegra X1 processor. This will allow games like Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to continue running smoothly on the Switch Pro.

Another significant upgrade that could be made is to the display. Currently, the Switch uses a 720p screen, which looks good when docked but may not be ideal for portable gaming. A higher-resolution display, such as 1080p or even 4K, would significantly enhance the gaming experience and make it more competitive with next-generation consoles.

The idea of a 4K display on the Switch Pro is particularly exciting, as it would allow gamers to enjoy games in high definition without needing to be connected to a TV. While this might not match the raw processing power of a PS4 Pro or Xbox One X, it's still a significant upgrade that would make the Switch more appealing to gamers.

NVIDIA's custom chip for the Switch Pro could potentially bring even faster performance and higher frame rates to the console. This would be particularly beneficial for games like The Witcher 3, which is already pushing the limits of the current Switch hardware.

In terms of potential features, a custom NVIDIA chip could include things like improved graphics processing, enhanced physics simulations, or even advanced AI capabilities. These enhancements could help create more realistic gameplay experiences and take advantage of the increased power on the console.

Despite these rumors and speculations, it's essential to note that nothing has been officially confirmed by Nintendo regarding a Switch Pro upgrade. However, considering the current state of gaming technology and the popularity of the Switch, it's hard to imagine Nintendon't taking this opportunity seriously.

For those who are currently using the original Switch, there is an excellent option: purchasing the newer Switch model with improved battery life. This represents a no-brainer purchase for anyone in the market for a new console.

If you're considering waiting for a potential Switch Pro upgrade or buying a Switch Lite instead, it's worth keeping in mind that both options have their limitations. The Switch Lite is cheaper but only offers portable gaming capabilities, which may not be ideal for everyone. On the other hand, waiting for a Switch Pro might require patience, as there has been no official word on a release date.

However, if Nintendo does decide to create a Switch Pro in the future, it's likely that they will offer significant improvements over the current hardware. With its powerful NVIDIA chip and potentially upgraded display, the next-generation console could become an even more compelling option for gamers looking for a versatile and high-performance gaming platform.

As of now, these are just rumors, but taking a step back and considering the bigger picture makes it hard to imagine Nintendo not exploring this opportunity seriously. The potential benefits of a Switch Pro upgrade far outweigh any perceived risks, making it a likely next step in the evolution of the beloved Switch console.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys! This is Austin,and this is the brand new Nintendo Switch.Yeah, seriously it's actually new.So alongside the Switch Lite,Nintendo has also refreshedthe standard Switch,and really the only way short of lookingat something like a modelnumber to tell the difference,is by looking at the box.As you can see this is an all red boxcompared to the red andwhite one of the past.TLDR; if you're buying a Nintendo Switch,get the red box because this promisessignificantly better battery life.Now the good thing about the Switchis that it actually doesn'tcost anything extra,and in fact, once weactually crack it open,it should be kind of interestingto see the differences.But on the outside thisis essentially a Switchexactly like every other model.It takes a very keen eye to spot thedifference between theold and the new Switch,but the main way to tell is bylooking at the model number.So the original Switch is HAC-001,whereas the new Switch is HAC-001-01.Now it sounds like avery subtle differenceand especially when youlook at the hardware it is,however the brand new Switch,promises up to twohours more battery life,thanks to an all new Tegra processor,which in theory, should deliver much,much cooler performance as wellas that better battery life.Of course that's the question,how much better is this new Switch?So as far as I knowthere's actually no otherdifferences with the Switchon the actual unboxing side.So some people havespeculated that the plasticon the Joy-Con's is alittle bit different.I'm not really sure, Imean I guess it- (sighs)It feels...No I think that's the same. (laughs)Yeah no, these are the same. I don't thinkthey've really changed anything.I know that there've been, some rumorsthat there's like dust getting insidethe sticks and stuff but,as far as I can tell herethis looks exactly likethe standard Switch,and that being said, it is very easyto accidentally get wrong version right?- Now, is this Switch,going to be better, than this Switch?- Are you literally just trying topromote a video right now? All right well,if you wanna see whatthis monstrosity is about,you can check out this video right here,where we built the Ultimate Switch.Spoiler alert,this is one of theUltimate Switches we built.Can't believe you're, promoting a video!We just started this video andnow you're trying to get people to leave?!You should watch this afteryou finish this video.So with this brand new Switch,the question really isnot only how much batteryis the battery life, but howmuch better is this really?Obviously it seems likea no brainer, right?Same price, same everything,as long as you geta red box Switch you're going toget that better battery life.But I'm really curious to see exactlywhat is different with this,and whether or not this gives us anyindicators of not onlywhat the Switch Litewill be like but almostnot only importantly,what the Switch Pro will look like.So what exactly is inside this new Switch?Well I have taken theliberty of taking apartthe old Switch as well as the new one,and let's see what's actually different.Ahem! That looks verysimilar! Um okay, so!Batteries are both sixteen watt hours, so,all the battery gains here reallydo come down to the processor.Um, I can notice somevery minor differences,uh, so this has different EMC flash.Ummmm, ha-ha, that's uh,that's about it.So what's interesting about thisis that because it does have that upgradedTegra X1 processor, itmeans that in theorythis should be a cooler console,and it certainly has better battery life.However they have doneabsolutely no changesto the cooling system that I can see.Which means that you should still get thatsame level of performanceso even when it's dock mode,if you were even remotelyclose to overheating beforethis should be significantly better.Which is interesting,because Nintendo probablycould have saved a few dollars,by making this cooling system just alittle bit weaker, alittle bit less robust,because it's definitely overbuiltfor what this is doing right now.However, at the end of the day it wasprobably cheaper for them to justswap out the SOC and call it a day.The actual chip underneath is probablysmaller than it is here, so even thoughfrom this vantage point I can't see,lose almost certainly a sixteen nanometershrink of the twentynanometer version of the X1.So one of the cool thingsabout the actual Switch itself,is that it's a fairly powerful console,but it's fairly powerful in sort ofthe grand scheme of things,because if you actually look atthe Tegra X1 which powers it,it originally came out all the way backin 2015 with the NVIDIA SHIELD TV.Now at the time it wasincredibly powerful,but nowadays, it's good, butit's not exactly amazing.And one of the main issueswith this chip back in the day,was that it was based on thetwenty nanometer process,which, long story short justwas not very power efficient.So the idea that they'veshrunk it down to sixteenon the brand new Switch,or I'm assuming sixteen,but regardless they've shrunkit down on the new Switch,it's pretty much entirely where thesebattery life gains are coming from.You can very much think of this asthe difference between theoriginal PS4 and the PS4 Slim,or, the Xbox One and the Xbox One S.It's the same performance,same everything,but because they've shrunk the processor,it's gonna take up less power,which means it's cheaper to produce,and importantly for the Switch,means that you've got better battery life.Now Nintendo claims that this new Switchcan deliver almostdouble the battery life.So specifically with Breathof the Wild as an example,the Nintendo site claimsthat the old modelwould get about threehours of battery life,whereas the new model willget five point five hours.That is, huge, especially given that wenow know that thebattery is not any biggerit's purely just an SOC change.But of course we can't exactly takeNintendo at their word, can we?Yeah actually we kinda can.We put both of the Switches head to head,and essentially found that theresults were pretty accurate.So with the standard Switch we wereable to get two hours andforty one minutes of use,compared to four hoursand thirty four minuteswith the brand new Switch.Now I will say there is abig sort of asterisk here,in that the Switch automaticallydims the screen regularly,and we were using Super Mario Odyssey,so it wasn't a hundred percent fairas far as their comparison goes.However both Switches were running atthe exact same time,they were both brand new,a hundred percent battery, which I thinkshould be a huge indicator of justhow much better the battery lifeon this new Switch is.It's like, I mean it'sthe difference between uh,two hour car ride anda four hour car ride.I- If coulda come up with abetter, example than that.Almost immediately afterthe Switch was announced,however, there wererumors about a Switch Pro,but in this case, I thinkthere's a lot to believe here.It would make a ton of sense for Nintendo.However if there will be a new Switch Pro,it is certainly not coming out this year.Nintendo of America's newpresident Doug Bowser,just a great name, has goneon record with Scene Atas saying that the SwitchLite as well as obviouslythis new Switch, will be theonly new hardware this year.There will not be any kindof Pro launching in 2019.New and potential hintabout the Switch Procomes from the FCC's website,so in it, they posted a teardown of the Switch Lite,which shows that thecircuit board has the nameValley on it as the code name.Sounds not exciting right? Well it is!On the original Switch therewas the code name of Odin,and as Valley was one of the son's,perhaps maybe there would be a,Thor? As the Switch Pro?This is really intoNerd Town I will admit.However there is actuallybetter evidence than that.A new one interesting tidbit from the FCC's tear downof the Switch Lite, is the battery size.So whereas the red box Switch as wellas the standard have asixteen wide hour batterythe Switch Lite has a smallerthirteen wide hour cell,but even with that, because it has thatmore efficient processor,it still means thatyou're getting that better battery lifethan the original model.However as of right now and at leastfor the foreseeablefuture, the red box Switchwill definitely be thebattery endurance champ.Even though Nintendo is still silenton whether or not we aregoing to get a Switch Pro,the Japanese game site,Gamepedia, has got a tonof rumors on some of thespecs that we could expect.According to them, theSwitch Pro will ramp upfrom four gigs on thecurrent model up to eight,as well as four timesthe internal storage.Thirty two on the currentSwitch and Switch Lite,and one hundred and twentyeight gigs on the Switch Pro.All of which makes perfectsense for a pro console.What will truly pushthe Switch Pro, however,is going to be the actual spec inside.So because the NVIDA Tegra X1 is fairlyold in the Switch rightnow, there is certainlya lot of room for upgrades.So not only does NVIDIA have other modelsof the Tegra chip, butyou can also imaginea potential custom versionwhich is specificallymeant for the Switch.Now, supposedly Nintendosays that this is a custom chip,but, by literally all accounts this isa standard, off theshelf X1, so if they werewilling to do a littlebit of customization,perhaps adding some, retracing,or some other cool featuresthat NVIDIA has available,they could really push theperformance of this guy.I do believe this will bebased on the same architecture,just because you want to keepthat backwards compatibility,right? I mean the SwitchPro needs to run standardSwitch games, and developers don't need tonecessarily develop adifferent version for each-I mean, a game thatworks on the Switch Liteshould work on the Switch,which will work on the Switch Pro.However, with that extra power available,it should mean that just like we seeon these standard consoles with theXbox and the Play Station Four,you will have a game which will have anupgraded mode for the pro version.It will run at higherspec's, higher frame rates,and in fact, that's the next major partof the supposed Switch Pro, the screen.Right now the Switch uses a 720p display,and it does look okay whenyou put it in the dock,however it is very to imagine, say,a 1080p option on the Switch Pro,as well as a 4K output on a TV.Now I know this certain would not beas powerful as somethinglike a PS4 Pro or Xbox One X,however, the closer that it can get,and the more power you canpack in a portable console,will absolutely help the Switch keep up,as the next generation of consolesare right around the corner.Now of course, all of these rumorshave to be taken witha huge grain of salt,but just taking a littlebit of a step backand looking big picture, I think Nintendowould be crazy not to be consideringdoing a Switch Pro right now.I mean on one hand you'relooking at the Switchwhich has kinda become a littlebit of a miracle machine.I mean this is a mobile based processorthat is several years old,and yet we are regularly seeing portsof proper full PC and console games.Think about DOOM, think about Wolfenstein,the fact that these titles canrun on the Switch is incredible.But those days are certainlygoing to be numbered,considering that there is abrand new generation coming up.With games such as the Witcher 3 sure toabsolutely push the Switch to it's limits,it makes sense that we doneed a next generation.I mean sure these gamesare very impressiveconsidering what they're running on,but if you look at the version of DOOMon the Switch versus theDOOM on, PS4, PS4 Pro,I mean it is reallynot in the same league.It's the only difference betweenmaxed out settings on PC versus low.It's such a huge cut, and with thisnext generation of consoles coming out,there are a lot of gameswhich I don't thinkwill work at all on the Switch,and that's something that Nintendoshould be really paying attention to,because they have gotten a lotof up lift this generation,by having some properlygood cross platform ports.Sure, lots of people buyMario, and Zelda, and...Splatoon- and I dunnowhatever else they make,but at of the day, theSwitch is absolutelybeing helped by the fact there is gettingso much third partysupport versus the Wii U,and it has to have the power to keep up.This can all be boiled down,actually surprisingly simply.If you are buying a Switch this second,the red box model isan absolute no brainer.Same features, same price,except it's just gotmuch better battery life.Now if you wanna wait a little bitfor the Switch Lite, it's a decent choice.It is cheaper, but you dodefinitely have to readyto use a portable only console.Which I think a lot ofpeople will be fine with,but there is a little bitof a limitation there.However, if you already own a Switch,or you aren't in a hugerush, the Switch Promight be worth waiting for.Now mind you, it's stillall in rumor territory,so we might be a year or more awayfrom a Switch Pro actually hitting stores,but, I think there is a lot of potential,and to me, if Nintendodoes not really seriouslyconsider doing a Switch Pro soon,I think they are completely crazy.It just makes way too much sense.