I'm Getting Twitchy Guys I'm Getting No No No Don't Grab Your Head No Oh What I'm Not Dead Where Am I I'm Not Dead I Thought I Was Dead I Thought I Was Dead I Thought Okay I Thought I Was Dead and Yet I'm Not I Thought I Was Dead and Yet I'm Not I Thought I Was Dead and Yet I'm Not The Noise And Everything It May Be Giving Me Another Chance I'm Still Going To Die I'm Still Going To Lose I'm Still Going To Lose I'm Never Going To Be Able To Make It Isn't That Lovely God I've Been Playing This Round For A Long Time Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God A Oh My God I Could Win I Could Finally Save The End Of The Game I Can Finally Climb Up The L There You Go You Don't What Is That A I Made It Here Again Why The Hell Am I Here Again How Do I Get Back Here Again I've Already Been Here Ha I've Seen The Entrance Like Five Times I've Seen Everything Like 10 Bajillion Times I Just Need To Not Be Douched Don't Elcho Me Don't Trap Me In A Corner Don't Cave Me In I Know I've Read These Before I've Done This Before It's Like A Reset But I'm Still Winning I Can Win This I Know I Can Lots Of Notes To Collect L Didn't I Just Click That Same Note Duplicate Notes Don't Look Back I'm Not Going To Look Back I'm Not Going To Break Any Rules I'm Not Going To Do Anything Out Of The Ordinary Oh I Got The Keys Though It Says I Get The Keys That's So Heartwarming That's So Beautiful I'm Going In The Tunnel Screw It I'm Not Even Going To Give Them The Chance Just Corner Me Not Even Going To Give Them The Chance Not Even Going To Try To Do Anything If I Could Just Make Out Of Here Is That The Somber Sound Music Of Uh Goodness And Happiness Everyone Please Start Chanting In The Comments Mark You Can Do This Don't Suck Everybody Chant This Mark You Can Do This Don't Suck Mark You Can Do This Don't Suck Mark You Can Do This Don't Suck H You're Not You're Not Doing It Why Aren't You Doing It I'm Going To Lose Because You Didn't Do It You Didn't Do It It's Too Late To Go Back Now You Can't Go Back And Type More It's Too Late You Didn't Do It I Know Some Of You Did But Those Of You Who Didn't Do It Why Didn't You Do It Why My Very Last One I Better Not Be Dead Oh God It Better No If I Run Straight I Don't Have To Go Back In The Tunnel It'll Change It'll Change Oh God Stop Jerking My Camera Around Run Run Run Run Run Keep Running Keep Running No Time To Waste No Time To Waste There's No Way It'll Be Another Dead End Probably The Tunnel Won't Even Be There Now Run Run Run You Run You Douche Thank You Thank You For Running What Was That Did I Just Step On A Rat Don't Die Do Not Kill Me Don't Kill Me B Mad At You Going To Be So Mad Oh My God What Is That What Huh What No What No No I I'm So Confused What The Hell Happened What Was That Why Was There A Gate It Looked Like A Gate That I Could Have Unlocked To Get Out Did That Like Per Chance Take Up The Spawn Of The Gate That Could Have Been And Like It Was A 50/50 Oh It Could Be An Open Gat The Way Out No Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God Get Me Out Of Here A Is It Real Is It Fake Is It A Trick Is It A Try You With Me Oh My God Yeah It Feels So Good I Feel So Warm Inside My Heart Oh It Feels So Good Oh It Feels So Good You Guys Don't Even Understand How Much This Means To Me Oh This Game Has Been Playing Me For A Year Do You Know How Many Emails And Twitter Comments And All That Other Lovely Stuff It's Like Beat Vanish You Got To Beat Vanish Just Keep Trying Well I Did I Did I Did I Did So Thank You All So Much For Watching Thank You Oh I'm Going To Go Hug Every Stranger I Meet Ever In The World I Feel So Good That I Beat It Okay Anyway Thank You All So Much For Watching Oh If You Want To See The Tragedy That Beell Me Before This Is Whole Playlist Of My Failure In The Past Up Until This Point But Either Way Thank You All So Much For Believing In Me And As Always I Will See You In The Next Video Bye-Bye

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello everybody my name is Mark abl and welcome back to vanish there has been an update believe it or not this is the release candidate for vanish and they added things but to be honest I don't expect the outcome's going to be any different than it was before because I remember being stuck in a Perpetual hell over and over and over again forever and ever forever and ever and ever and ever and ever ever and ever and ever and ever oh wow wait uh excuse me what just happened oh oh oh I'm here against my will I can relate so much to that I would rather be anywhere but playing this game okay this makes so much more sense I thought I was a maintenance worker before oh okay all right then well oh look at tutorial are you going to tell me how to beat the game I'm not going to run I know better than that you Sav that for the emergencies well what do you know oh oh I just had a cold feeling past through my heart as if this is some message from the gods of vanish that I will constantly be turning around and not making any progress yay but I did I did see a screenshot that had a sign on the wall pointing towards certain water pump and electrical rooms which probably means that they're going to be lies and that they're going to send me where I don't mean to go but I'm playing with good faith and you know I'm pretty sure they might realize the developers of this game that I have never been able to beat it and I know I know that when I specifically play this game I know for a fact that they probably maybe a little bit might have input code to recognize what I played by my particular style that I will not be able to because they're going to make everything be douchy towards me and they're going to make it so that I never ever ever ever ever ever make any progress okay got to calm down got to be nice and calm about this it's a new version hasn't been updated in about a year haven't been it in about a year but it could be fantastic I'm just going to give it the benefit of the doubt I'm going to I'm GNA praise its every elegant feature and never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever take it for granted because life is short you need to cherish it when you can I don't know where I was going with that I'm not a philosop I'm not a philosophizer I don't know anything elegant about the secrets of life though I may not claim that hi good to see you you're looking a little redder you get some tan did you get a little sun on you don't get a lot of sun down here do you tried to go to Venice Beach and you got sunburn you came back and all your mole friends made fun of you well I won't do that I think you're a standup gentleman now if you can just point me towards where I'm supposed to go I'll greatly appreciate that obviously I've said in the past this game great greatly made well made super cool concept very scary in the beginning when I first that was a new oh God I'll just go down here then into the walls of horror into the tunnel of death yay though I walk through the tunnel of death I would hope that you don't be mean to me cuz my heart couldn't take it it'll break into a million pieces if you be mean to me you guys wouldn't be mean okay you guys wouldn't hello why you looking rather chipper did I is that a message from what I'm not just fooling myself that's real isn't it what happens if I go down there I want to go down so badly oh oh it was this puddle of water I thought it was a hole in the ground well that's new oh my oh my look at this I found the generator how about it be so happy and then it's going to be ripped away from me but oh my God I found it oh wow now do these glossic actually do anything I cut half a one what does that even mean nope still just as ineffective as ever but maybe they're better than nothing you'd think that some sort of light would be able to scare these mole people away not that any of these actually shoot Ultra violent radiation which is probably what they're not son of a do that right when I'm turning around God I was worried for a second there yeah yeah I know K jangle jangle oh I'm trapped oh no I'm going to die cuz I don't know who threw me in there that seems like something that the SCP people would do SCP I said PE PE but either way that's the seems like something the SCP people would do and this stop laughing and this seems like you know the kind of dastardly dungeon that is actually manifested by a malevolent force of some sort that only the second note that I found hello there's something definitely following me I swear if that's you Phil I'm going to kill you oh maybe I am Phil and and Hank is actually one of those creatur maybe we're all people nice butt you look good you've been doing them squat thrusts like a taught you oh that's new that was noisy too oh okay well good I got nothing to say about that I got nothing to they what the hell okay so this game's get game getting a little more interesting oh God it went out notice how the lighting just these are new sounds all over the place I don't much care for them I why am I breathing don't be bre I mean of course I should be breathing but why did I breathe just then and there why did I give a sigh of relief ah come on it's not because I look oh no that's the exent this is the exent No No pleasee I don't want to die thank you nice ass I just want squeeze them buns okay so I got the exit here there's no way in hell it'll ever be here by the time I get back and I'm going to die in horrible death I'm just going to talk at this eye register for oh are you still there no don't why are you undulating why are you moving wibbly wobbly don't be wibbly wobbling I don't like that I don't like that don't don't you stay away from me don't you Wibble toward me Wibble away Wibble away Wibble go away okay shut up busy what am I supposed to do is he never going to go away he never going to go I'm try one more time oh look back everything changed yeah good no why is I'm just going to stand right here in the corner don't kill me I don't want to die ah I hate everything everything in the whole world I hate it I hate everything I thought you were supposed to be able to get away from that well here I go what more under the breach maybe I shouldn't even bother maybe I shouldn't even try because there's still there's still no way that I'm gonna be able to beat this there's no way I can't beat this is impossible for me anyone else can you guys can and you guys can prove it by downloading the game and playing it for yourself links in the description I bet if you play it you'll Beat It unlike the third dry maybe even the first dry you won't even have a problem with it but me me me m do have problems me I'm do bad anyway whatever whatever and you know I it's not just what you guys have seen that I've tried it's not just that what has happened is that I have actually played this many more times than you guys have seen on my own recording other things that I then threw away I have been playing this game a lot and EV every time every time every time it doesn't let me win it just doesn't it can't it's impossible it won't it refuses it can't it won't it shant it don't it crant that's not even a word and it does that because it's it hates me it specifically hates me I think it's just an actual big conspiracy where there's actually no one that has beaten this game and the developers have talked to everyone else that's new that's is new that's new and the developers have talked to everyone else in private and given them builds that are beatable while I am here squandering my life away in what is to be a destitute Endeavor where death and lack aasness await me in the darkness so that's what I have to say about that anyway the weather's good how about that sports game in Brazilian there's a lot of points being done a lot of goal units man did you see those impacts those were something but weather too woo it's been a day real atmospheric in a lot of ways great could I just electrocute myself and get it over with or maybe I could grab one of those and electrocute the the monster that would seem like a better solution than what I'm doing if I was in here I would have dropped kick him in the balls long ago damn it did you piss down here man don't use N I said God damn it I said no don't walk away from me yeah seriously are you got really oh no he's going to kill me oh no it changed oh it changed oh no it's not there anymore oh good it's there he's going to kill me it's going to get me ah well that didn't work clunk this game's objective is to dick with you this game's objective is to make you feel lost make you feel like you're alone trapped unable to escape and godamn that doesn't make it it's exact purpose and thing that it is doing a was that all the humans turn into a mle man well looks like I'm this car moner now maybe you guys should be afraid of me maybe maybe after a while this place won't be so bad that I can't understand you you're just mumbling you need to anun anym use your lips you I didn't want to look over there one more try I don't care what you guys say I don't care I don't care you guys have been telling me that there's a pattern you need to go left right left left left right left right left I've gone right left right left right left left left right I've gone the specific patterns that you you guys say that I've been telling that you have told me that I've done I've tried everything I've tried it on camera and off camera I've done it all just to see if it was possible and it's not there is nothing there's nothing nothing nothing nothing I've been wandering around for about 5 minutes haven't found a thing haven't found an inclination of a thing have found no things nothing good that's cool glad that happened I think I took the wrong turn I don't remember all these D Gates and where the hell did those GI holes in the world come from did you just gasp at me did did did you just did you just gasing me why were you looking at a no did you are you Phil am I the monster did they bag me a dis specimen for research Oh look The Beginning that's fantasical I can't wait to see it for a third time before I find anything else oh well that look Jesus apparently didn't like anybody looking at them I thought they were blind oh look another note I'm going to going get the whole collection I'm going to summon slender Bonk bye have fun in hell oh go Jesus I probably shouldn't have gone into this hole oh God did he come into the hole after me no no no no is he behind me he's behind me isn't he hey here's something behind me I hear something in the back of my ears oh oh good I have a choice I bet I made the wrong one here some behind me there's some behind me where am I why do I hear think behind me oh like this okay I don't know what this means oh good it's the ERS again where am I going where am I going where am I going where am I going where am I going where am I going where am I go go go I don't know where anything is I don't know where I'm going with me another entrance why can't I cycle through the nutes that I got I want to see that other one the one with the map that was totally useless to me oh god there one of you let's not let's just not I actually want to try but it's going to get to the point where it's actually just going to make me die haven't found anything I'm just going to die don't ever look back don't follow the pipes don't run don't run the whisperers is Li I ran I I think I've done bad oh no does not matter where I go I'm on to get lost in the snow but it's not snow it's nightmares I'm going to get lost in nightmares I'm going to go eat babies I'm going to eat boil babies boil babies boil babies I'm going to kill all the animals kill all the animals kill them just kill them dead shut up is that that's a pipe but that led me right to where I need to go great I did it I got to the thing thing I got to these glow sticks okay oh no oh no was that a cave in oh no no no no no no no no no no no what happened what happened what happened are you okay is everybody okay in here is anybody hurt is anybody hurt well things took a turn for the okay okay no you don't I put it on all of my hatred into this one did it work did it work did it work are you gone did you go away forever and die did you get lost in the pit of Hell did you decide to go away and never bother me again oh no oh okay well then I'm just going to have to on okay suddenly I'm not liking this God damn ass I hit the shift button oh there's bees damn bees everywhere okay everything is getting a lot more intense all of the sudden I don't want okay no no no don't let the darkness close in goodbye darkness my old enemy I hope I never see you again no no no no don't claim me don't claim me don't claim me into the dark I can actually make it oh I need to turn around don't claim me don't claim me no I don't want to walk into the darkness I want to walk into the light which way do I go straight back I don't know I don't know this is going to be bad oh get GL in not tunnle stretch over open go see that get out of there stretch it open the tunnel's going to get out me the darkness is come to CL is I have taken way too long goodbye I go back how about that okie dokie oh no the darkness open up open up open up Darkness ah it's getting closer oh getting Twitchy I'm getting Twitchy guys I'm getting no no no don't grab your head no oh what I'm not dead where am I I'm not dead I'm in a doorway Li I'm not dead I thought I was dead I thought I was dead I thought I okay I thought I was dead and yet I'm not I thought I was dead and yet I'm not I thought I was dead and yet I'm not the noise and everything it may be giving me another chance I'm still going to die I'm still going to lose I'm still going to lose I'm never going to be able to make it isn't that lovely God I've been playing this round for a long time oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God a oh my God I could win I could finally save the end of the game I can finally climb up the L there you go you don't what is that a I made it here again why the hell am I here again how do I get back here again I've already been here ha I've seen the entrance like five times I've seen everything like 10 bajillion times I just need to not be douched do not elcho me don't trap me in a corner don't cave me in I know I've read these before I've done this before it's like a reset but I'm still winning I can win this I know I can lots of notes to collect L didn't I just click that same note duplicate notes don't look back I'm not going to look back I'm not going to break any rules I'm not going to do anything out of the ordinary oh I got the keys though it says I get the keys that's so heartwarming that's so beautiful I'm going in the tunnel screw it I'm not even going to give them the chance just Corner me not even going to give them the chance not even going to try to do anything if I could just make out of here is that the somber sound music of uh goodness and happiness everyone please start chanting in the comments Mark you can do this don't suck everybody chant this Mark you can do this don't suck Mark you can do this don't suck Mark you can do this don't suck Mark you can do this don't suck H you're not you're not doing it why aren't you doing it I'm going to lose because you didn't do it you didn't do it it's too late to go back now you can't go back and type more it's too late you didn't do it I know some of you did but those of you who didn't do it why didn't you do it why my very last one I better not be dead oh God it better no if I run straight I don't have to go back in the tunnel it'll change it'll change oh God stop jerking my camera around run run run run run keep running keep running no time to waste no time to waste there's no way it'll be another dead end probably the tunnel won't even be there now run run run you run you douche thank you thank you for running what was that did I just step on a rat don't die do not kill me don't kill me B mad at you going to be so mad oh my God what is that what huh what no what no no I I'm so confused what the hell happened what was that why was there a gate it looked like a gate that I could have unlocked to get out did that like per chance take up the spawn of the gate that could have been and like it was a 50/50 oh it could be an open Gat the way out no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God get me out of here a is it real is it fake is it a trick is it a tri you with me oh my God yeah it feels so good I feel so warm inside my heart oh it feels so good oh it feels so good you guys don't even understand how much this means to me oh this game has been playing me for a year do you know how many emails and Twitter comments and all that other lovely stuff it's like beat vanish you got to beat vanish just keep trying well I did I did I did I did so thank you all so much for watching thank you oh I'm going to go hug every stranger I meet ever in the world I feel so good that I beat it okay anyway thank you all so much for watching oh if you want to see the tragedy that beell me before this is whole playlist of my failure in the past up until this point but either way thank you all so much for believing in me and as always I will see you in the next video bye-byehello everybody my name is Mark abl and welcome back to vanish there has been an update believe it or not this is the release candidate for vanish and they added things but to be honest I don't expect the outcome's going to be any different than it was before because I remember being stuck in a Perpetual hell over and over and over again forever and ever forever and ever and ever and ever and ever ever and ever and ever and ever oh wow wait uh excuse me what just happened oh oh oh I'm here against my will I can relate so much to that I would rather be anywhere but playing this game okay this makes so much more sense I thought I was a maintenance worker before oh okay all right then well oh look at tutorial are you going to tell me how to beat the game I'm not going to run I know better than that you Sav that for the emergencies well what do you know oh oh I just had a cold feeling past through my heart as if this is some message from the gods of vanish that I will constantly be turning around and not making any progress yay but I did I did see a screenshot that had a sign on the wall pointing towards certain water pump and electrical rooms which probably means that they're going to be lies and that they're going to send me where I don't mean to go but I'm playing with good faith and you know I'm pretty sure they might realize the developers of this game that I have never been able to beat it and I know I know that when I specifically play this game I know for a fact that they probably maybe a little bit might have input code to recognize what I played by my particular style that I will not be able to because they're going to make everything be douchy towards me and they're going to make it so that I never ever ever ever ever ever make any progress okay got to calm down got to be nice and calm about this it's a new version hasn't been updated in about a year haven't been it in about a year but it could be fantastic I'm just going to give it the benefit of the doubt I'm going to I'm GNA praise its every elegant feature and never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever take it for granted because life is short you need to cherish it when you can I don't know where I was going with that I'm not a philosop I'm not a philosophizer I don't know anything elegant about the secrets of life though I may not claim that hi good to see you you're looking a little redder you get some tan did you get a little sun on you don't get a lot of sun down here do you tried to go to Venice Beach and you got sunburn you came back and all your mole friends made fun of you well I won't do that I think you're a standup gentleman now if you can just point me towards where I'm supposed to go I'll greatly appreciate that obviously I've said in the past this game great greatly made well made super cool concept very scary in the beginning when I first that was a new oh God I'll just go down here then into the walls of horror into the tunnel of death yay though I walk through the tunnel of death I would hope that you don't be mean to me cuz my heart couldn't take it it'll break into a million pieces if you be mean to me you guys wouldn't be mean okay you guys wouldn't hello why you looking rather chipper did I is that a message from what I'm not just fooling myself that's real isn't it what happens if I go down there I want to go down so badly oh oh it was this puddle of water I thought it was a hole in the ground well that's new oh my oh my look at this I found the generator how about it be so happy and then it's going to be ripped away from me but oh my God I found it oh wow now do these glossic actually do anything I cut half a one what does that even mean nope still just as ineffective as ever but maybe they're better than nothing you'd think that some sort of light would be able to scare these mole people away not that any of these actually shoot Ultra violent radiation which is probably what they're not son of a do that right when I'm turning around God I was worried for a second there yeah yeah I know K jangle jangle oh I'm trapped oh no I'm going to die cuz I don't know who threw me in there that seems like something that the SCP people would do SCP I said PE PE but either way that's the seems like something the SCP people would do and this stop laughing and this seems like you know the kind of dastardly dungeon that is actually manifested by a malevolent force of some sort that only the second note that I found hello there's something definitely following me I swear if that's you Phil I'm going to kill you oh maybe I am Phil and and Hank is actually one of those creatur maybe we're all people nice butt you look good you've been doing them squat thrusts like a taught you oh that's new that was noisy too oh okay well good I got nothing to say about that I got nothing to they what the hell okay so this game's get game getting a little more interesting oh God it went out notice how the lighting just these are new sounds all over the place I don't much care for them I why am I breathing don't be bre I mean of course I should be breathing but why did I breathe just then and there why did I give a sigh of relief ah come on it's not because I look oh no that's the exent this is the exent No No pleasee I don't want to die thank you nice ass I just want squeeze them buns okay so I got the exit here there's no way in hell it'll ever be here by the time I get back and I'm going to die in horrible death I'm just going to talk at this eye register for oh are you still there no don't why are you undulating why are you moving wibbly wobbly don't be wibbly wobbling I don't like that I don't like that don't don't you stay away from me don't you Wibble toward me Wibble away Wibble away Wibble go away okay shut up busy what am I supposed to do is he never going to go away he never going to go I'm try one more time oh look back everything changed yeah good no why is I'm just going to stand right here in the corner don't kill me I don't want to die ah I hate everything everything in the whole world I hate it I hate everything I thought you were supposed to be able to get away from that well here I go what more under the breach maybe I shouldn't even bother maybe I shouldn't even try because there's still there's still no way that I'm gonna be able to beat this there's no way I can't beat this is impossible for me anyone else can you guys can and you guys can prove it by downloading the game and playing it for yourself links in the description I bet if you play it you'll Beat It unlike the third dry maybe even the first dry you won't even have a problem with it but me me me m do have problems me I'm do bad anyway whatever whatever and you know I it's not just what you guys have seen that I've tried it's not just that what has happened is that I have actually played this many more times than you guys have seen on my own recording other things that I then threw away I have been playing this game a lot and EV every time every time every time it doesn't let me win it just doesn't it can't it's impossible it won't it refuses it can't it won't it shant it don't it crant that's not even a word and it does that because it's it hates me it specifically hates me I think it's just an actual big conspiracy where there's actually no one that has beaten this game and the developers have talked to everyone else that's new that's is new that's new and the developers have talked to everyone else in private and given them builds that are beatable while I am here squandering my life away in what is to be a destitute Endeavor where death and lack aasness await me in the darkness so that's what I have to say about that anyway the weather's good how about that sports game in Brazilian there's a lot of points being done a lot of goal units man did you see those impacts those were something but weather too woo it's been a day real atmospheric in a lot of ways great could I just electrocute myself and get it over with or maybe I could grab one of those and electrocute the the monster that would seem like a better solution than what I'm doing if I was in here I would have dropped kick him in the balls long ago damn it did you piss down here man don't use N I said God damn it I said no don't walk away from me yeah seriously are you got really oh no he's going to kill me oh no it changed oh it changed oh no it's not there anymore oh good it's there he's going to kill me it's going to get me ah well that didn't work clunk this game's objective is to dick with you this game's objective is to make you feel lost make you feel like you're alone trapped unable to escape and godamn that doesn't make it it's exact purpose and thing that it is doing a was that all the humans turn into a mle man well looks like I'm this car moner now maybe you guys should be afraid of me maybe maybe after a while this place won't be so bad that I can't understand you you're just mumbling you need to anun anym use your lips you I didn't want to look over there one more try I don't care what you guys say I don't care I don't care you guys have been telling me that there's a pattern you need to go left right left left left right left right left I've gone right left right left right left left left right I've gone the specific patterns that you you guys say that I've been telling that you have told me that I've done I've tried everything I've tried it on camera and off camera I've done it all just to see if it was possible and it's not there is nothing there's nothing nothing nothing nothing I've been wandering around for about 5 minutes haven't found a thing haven't found an inclination of a thing have found no things nothing good that's cool glad that happened I think I took the wrong turn I don't remember all these D Gates and where the hell did those GI holes in the world come from did you just gasp at me did did did you just did you just gasing me why were you looking at a no did you are you Phil am I the monster did they bag me a dis specimen for research Oh look The Beginning that's fantasical I can't wait to see it for a third time before I find anything else oh well that look Jesus apparently didn't like anybody looking at them I thought they were blind oh look another note I'm going to going get the whole collection I'm going to summon slender Bonk bye have fun in hell oh go Jesus I probably shouldn't have gone into this hole oh God did he come into the hole after me no no no no is he behind me he's behind me isn't he hey here's something behind me I hear something in the back of my ears oh oh good I have a choice I bet I made the wrong one here some behind me there's some behind me where am I why do I hear think behind me oh like this okay I don't know what this means oh good it's the ERS again where am I going where am I going where am I going where am I going where am I going where am I going where am I go go go I don't know where anything is I don't know where I'm going with me another entrance why can't I cycle through the nutes that I got I want to see that other one the one with the map that was totally useless to me oh god there one of you let's not let's just not I actually want to try but it's going to get to the point where it's actually just going to make me die haven't found anything I'm just going to die don't ever look back don't follow the pipes don't run don't run the whisperers is Li I ran I I think I've done bad oh no does not matter where I go I'm on to get lost in the snow but it's not snow it's nightmares I'm going to get lost in nightmares I'm going to go eat babies I'm going to eat boil babies boil babies boil babies I'm going to kill all the animals kill all the animals kill them just kill them dead shut up is that that's a pipe but that led me right to where I need to go great I did it I got to the thing thing I got to these glow sticks okay oh no oh no was that a cave in oh no no no no no no no no no no no what happened what happened what happened are you okay is everybody okay in here is anybody hurt is anybody hurt well things took a turn for the okay okay no you don't I put it on all of my hatred into this one did it work did it work did it work are you gone did you go away forever and die did you get lost in the pit of Hell did you decide to go away and never bother me again oh no oh okay well then I'm just going to have to on okay suddenly I'm not liking this God damn ass I hit the shift button oh there's bees damn bees everywhere okay everything is getting a lot more intense all of the sudden I don't want okay no no no don't let the darkness close in goodbye darkness my old enemy I hope I never see you again no no no no don't claim me don't claim me don't claim me into the dark I can actually make it oh I need to turn around don't claim me don't claim me no I don't want to walk into the darkness I want to walk into the light which way do I go straight back I don't know I don't know this is going to be bad oh get GL in not tunnle stretch over open go see that get out of there stretch it open the tunnel's going to get out me the darkness is come to CL is I have taken way too long goodbye I go back how about that okie dokie oh no the darkness open up open up open up Darkness ah it's getting closer oh getting Twitchy I'm getting Twitchy guys I'm getting no no no don't grab your head no oh what I'm not dead where am I I'm not dead I'm in a doorway Li I'm not dead I thought I was dead I thought I was dead I thought I okay I thought I was dead and yet I'm not I thought I was dead and yet I'm not I thought I was dead and yet I'm not the noise and everything it may be giving me another chance I'm still going to die I'm still going to lose I'm still going to lose I'm never going to be able to make it isn't that lovely God I've been playing this round for a long time oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God a oh my God I could win I could finally save the end of the game I can finally climb up the L there you go you don't what is that a I made it here again why the hell am I here again how do I get back here again I've already been here ha I've seen the entrance like five times I've seen everything like 10 bajillion times I just need to not be douched do not elcho me don't trap me in a corner don't cave me in I know I've read these before I've done this before it's like a reset but I'm still winning I can win this I know I can lots of notes to collect L didn't I just click that same note duplicate notes don't look back I'm not going to look back I'm not going to break any rules I'm not going to do anything out of the ordinary oh I got the keys though it says I get the keys that's so heartwarming that's so beautiful I'm going in the tunnel screw it I'm not even going to give them the chance just Corner me not even going to give them the chance not even going to try to do anything if I could just make out of here is that the somber sound music of uh goodness and happiness everyone please start chanting in the comments Mark you can do this don't suck everybody chant this Mark you can do this don't suck Mark you can do this don't suck Mark you can do this don't suck Mark you can do this don't suck H you're not you're not doing it why aren't you doing it I'm going to lose because you didn't do it you didn't do it it's too late to go back now you can't go back and type more it's too late you didn't do it I know some of you did but those of you who didn't do it why didn't you do it why my very last one I better not be dead oh God it better no if I run straight I don't have to go back in the tunnel it'll change it'll change oh God stop jerking my camera around run run run run run keep running keep running no time to waste no time to waste there's no way it'll be another dead end probably the tunnel won't even be there now run run run you run you douche thank you thank you for running what was that did I just step on a rat don't die do not kill me don't kill me B mad at you going to be so mad oh my God what is that what huh what no what no no I I'm so confused what the hell happened what was that why was there a gate it looked like a gate that I could have unlocked to get out did that like per chance take up the spawn of the gate that could have been and like it was a 50/50 oh it could be an open Gat the way out no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God get me out of here a is it real is it fake is it a trick is it a tri you with me oh my God yeah it feels so good I feel so warm inside my heart oh it feels so good oh it feels so good you guys don't even understand how much this means to me oh this game has been playing me for a year do you know how many emails and Twitter comments and all that other lovely stuff it's like beat vanish you got to beat vanish just keep trying well I did I did I did I did so thank you all so much for watching thank you oh I'm going to go hug every stranger I meet ever in the world I feel so good that I beat it okay anyway thank you all so much for watching oh if you want to see the tragedy that beell me before this is whole playlist of my failure in the past up until this point but either way thank you all so much for believing in me and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye\n"