How I Pick My PC Parts — Why My Tech Advice Changes — On The Other Hand #10 — A Tech Deals Podcast
The Evolution of Computer Hardware and My Gaming Experience
I was fortunate enough to have a computer that I could use both for gaming and video editing. This allowed me to specialize my equipment and focus on each task separately, without worrying about it affecting the other. When I came back from playing games, I would then switch to editing videos. However, I recently realized that this setup wasn't necessary and that I didn't need a dedicated computer for just gaming or just video editing.
In 2016, I was still using a computer with an i5 2400 processor, which is an FX 6300. This was a decent machine at the time, but it was no match for newer computers with more powerful processors. If I had to choose between spending money on my gaming setup or upgrading my computer, I would have chosen to upgrade.
There were some people who criticized me back then for saying that the 6800K was a better deal than the 6700K. They said that six cores weren't necessary and that it was a waste of money to spend extra money on a more powerful processor. However, I knew that having six cores would make a big difference in my gaming experience.
Fast forward to today, and I can see that those critics were wrong. The 6800K is still an incredibly powerful machine, even with its age. It may not be the most popular choice for building a new computer, but it's definitely a beast when it comes to gaming and content creation. In fact, many people are now using 6800Ks as their go-to processor for these tasks.
One of the main points I want to drive home is that spending money on more powerful hardware can save you money in the long run. For example, if I had spent the extra $150 it took to get a Broadwell-E processor back in 2016, I would have gotten six cores and 12 threads for four years, which is equivalent to several pizzas or nights out at a bar. That's not a lot of money, especially when you consider that those are still usable today.
I'm proud to say that my original videos about the deal on the Broadwell-E processor were spot on. It was a great value at the time, and it's only gotten better since then. I think it's a good reminder that doing your research and shopping around can save you money in the long run.
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"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello and welcome to tech deals today's topic how I picked the parts I use for PC builds and why the advice I give you often runs contrary to the hardware that I'm personally using starting off with my own part selection process how do I pick the parts what goes into making those choices and why there's typically three things that go into a part selection choice at least for the videos that I tend to make or four pcs that I build myself number one the things on the shelf one of the interesting things about having a tech YouTube channel is you have sort of a stealth computer store built right into your office I will go over to the shelf I will find several things already sitting there and I'll go you're going into a PC today because you already exist in addition to that I get sent product samples that need to get used to I for example will get a very nice motherboard it will sit on a shelf for too many months it will be replaced by the next generation of boards but I still want to use it because they were nice enough to send it to me more about that in a minute and then finally I sometimes pick parts based upon a personal need that is not typical I may not give advice on it but it's something that I use because outside of the typical norm I personally find them to advantage and having it again we'll talk about that in just a minute a really good example of this are my recent pair of $2,000 builds sponsored builds one featuring the AMD risin 730 800 X yes you heard me right and the other featuring the venerable Intel i7 9700 KF a CPU that none of you should have bought in fact I was very honest and upfront with that in the original parts overview of the Intel build where I say this is great and this is wonderful and all of you should spend an extra hundred dollars and buy the I 999 hundred K because spending four hundred dollars on you without hyper-threading makes no sense but that's why that was there now these are two thousand dollar bills and several people made comments going wait a minute you've got seven not nine CPUs and you've got mid-level graphics cards for $2,000 that's crazy why in the world would you suggest this now I did discuss that during the actual build videos but the principal reason is because they are meant to be premium experience builds rather than just raw performance of course you can put more raw performance in there but these things have very nice premium 80 plus gold fully modular power supplies very premium coolers dark Rock pro 4 on the intel build and a very nice Noctua color here on the AMD build we replaced all of the case fans there are be quiet and knock to a fans in both cases making them utterly utterly silent and of course there are several other things in there that just make it a bit more expensive everything was just sort of made very premium this does cut into the budget unless of course you want to spend $500 and go to $2,500 to make it nice the typical youtuber tech advice would not have you build an i7 9700 k with an RT X 2070 super into a $2,000 machine because you can of course fit an AI $9.99 hundred K and you can certainly fit in RTX 2080 super maybe even a 2080 ti in there if you really squeeze it in there however what you're left with is a loud noisy machine that may run hot doesn't have a lot of storage may have a cheap motherboard may have a cheap power supply but ya got a fast graphics card but your overall computing experience may not be wonderful you can upgrade your graphics card in six months when the RT X 30 series launches the rest of it is a lot more complicated to change over time it's easier to do it right from day one another example I mentioned before is building with what I have because it is on the shelf I recently did a livestream on the channel upgrading my son's computer the $720 CyberPower PC from 2016 from in Intel i7 7700 K it had a previous midterm life upgrade to a rise in 730 700 X and we installed that rise in 730 700 X on this motherboard right here in fact that's part of what prompted this video the asrock x4 70 master sli a see a very nice motherboard good power delivery good features no problem except that it's june of 2020 and this came out 2 years ago yeah so why in the world am i installing a brand new x4 70 motherboard with a almost brand new Rison 730 700 X in my son's computer why wouldn't I put an x5 70 in there well the simple fact of the matter is I had this board on the shelf as rocks sent this to me way back when Zen plus launched the Rison 7 2000 series the rising 720 700 X for example in for a variety of reasons it just never got used during that generation so it needed to get used where else am I gonna do with it it needed a BIOS update of course but there's no reason you can't put a 3700 X on a very nice X 470 board or an X 370 board but an X 470 board like this works just fine there were a number of people who commented going those things are expensive these days what did you buy that off eBay dime like did you not watch the livestream I said I'm using this because it's on the shelf in fact there's a follow-up video where I talk about the trials and tribulations of setting up that machine the do's and don'ts of upgrades which may or may not publish before this one but I talked about one of the challenges which is this has the launch BIOS on it so I had to go put a 2700 X on and update it there was a bit of a pain in that regard but you shouldn't buy this you should buy the next 570 this doesn't make any sense today it's just it was on the shelf thus I used it moving on to the advice I provide why I provided and in what ways it differs from I actually do first of all it is worth remembering that most of the advice that I give is of a very general nature designed to appeal to the widest possible audience if you take the entire world of computers and you divvy it up into chunks the middle chunk is going to be by far the largest swath of users you have the ultra budget super cheap bottom end users on one end maybe 10% of the market maybe 15% on the very top end maybe 10 or 15% of the market you've got your ultra premium users the spare no expense the Cadillac builds the Cadillac platinum builds and then in the middle you've got your average typical viewers who are gonna put together a high-five horizon 5 or an i7 or Rison 7 and put together a nice machine that has good value for the money and will ask them for several years and basically just not cause them too much trouble that center section of the market is what most of my advice goes towards there are exceptions we'll talk about those in a minute but if you're wondering why my advice doesn't sound like it's directed to you it is possible that you don't fit within the middle swath of the market so you need to make an adjustment to account for are you ultra budget ultra premium or ultra typical it is worth noting that I do give advice that's different than the typical middle there are times I've done budget bills there's times I've done super premium builds one of the first builds on the channel which we'll talk about later is the $4,000 2016 ultimate build that I did one of my first big builds on the channel that really got some cool attention that's absolutely not targeted to the typical user but there is a market for such things the advice also changes based upon the deal of the moment the deal of the day whatever is currently worth buying at this moment in time for example there was a time a few years ago where wow Rison 7 1700 holy smokes 8 core 16 threads of 3.7 gigahertz that is a screaming deal and then it slowly transitioned about two and a half years ago the deal was the 1700 X which Amazon was selling on black a couple years ago for 149 oh wow that's amazing and then last Black Friday in 2019 Amazon had the 2,700 X for the low low price of 135 if you missed out on that I'm sorry you did but that was amazing we actually did it dedicated his live stream to that one deal put it the title put it in the thumbnail and we just sat there and went what are you all waiting for free this is insane this is a 4.2 Giga heard eight core 16 thread CPU with the decent cooler for 135 dollars if you aren't buying this you're not in the market for a CPU many people asked us back last in November and December of 2019 well should I buy the 2700 X or should I buy the new risin 530 600 Zen 2 and at the time I couldn't scream loudly enough what are you people nuts go buy the 2700 X deal deal all day long six days a week twice on Sunday run do not walk and buy it immediately and yet if you asked me today I'll tell you 2700 X oh that's dumb you shouldn't buy that go buy a rise in 5 3,600 I love that CPU and you might be inclined to look at the monitor or screen or phone or whatever you're watching me on and go huh what what wait you you could just change your advice oh yes I can because the price has changed right now Rison 7 at 2700 x's are selling on ebay used for more than a brand new 3600 right now as I'm filming this a risin 530 600 is a hundred and sixty-seven dollars on Amazon and Newegg 167 for a brand new Zen to 6 score 12 thread CPU with a core that installs in a relatively inexpensive be 450 mm aboard their several to pick from in the $75 price range that's interesting the 3600 has decent clock speeds at about 4 gigahertz it's about 200 megahertz slower than say at 2700 X would but it more than makes up for with faster instructions per clock cycle with the Zen 2:7 animator design brand-new 2700 X CPUs are currently selling for over 200 230 235 at 235 I'm not interested in the 2700 X anymore in fact a 3700 X is only about 50 dollars more it makes no sense so you should run far far away from a 2700 X today in June of 2020 whereas six months ago I couldn't have yelled any ladder at what a deal was because it was 135 and not 235 so price affects everything and the price three months ago the price today and the price three months from now will alter everything very soon Zen 3 is coming out new improvements expected somewhere between 15 to 20 percent higher IPC's expected a couple hundred megahertz higher clock speeds it made very well at times be 40% faster than the current Zen 2 chips so Zen 2 won't be worth considering what happens if a 3,700 X becomes 179 and the 4700 X is 329 then 2 7 that looks incredible so it's all about the price and all of the advice that I give be it low-end middle-of-the-road or high-end whether it is buy this or that or something else depends upon what you need it for and what the current market is at that point in time so if you watch a 6-month old video of mine and you're wondering what was text spoken better deals back then finally it is worth remembering that my advice is geared towards home gaming it is not typically geared towards office use and it is typically geared towards high-end professional content creation software development in virtual machines I have done those videos I will do more of them in the future but those are the exception not the rule the vast majority of people looking to build maybe it's an $800 machine a 1200 hour machine a 1500 2000 hour machine are doing it because they want to play video games and they want to play the latest and greatest video games if you just want to use Word and Excel and check your email Twitter and Facebook at home well a iPhones and iPads exist putting that aside a nearly 10 year old I 520 400 will do that just fine you don't need a built-in computer to do that basic stuff will do that on the other hand if you're a professional user who wants to do Adobe Premiere Pro 4k 60 frames per second video editing well you need all the money and very nice computers yeah you don't really but if you're making money with your computer it makes sense to have a very nice machine with a lot of very nice hardware but most of my advice is in fact aimed at the home gamer so take everything I say with a view towards that diving into the gaming advice a little bit more there's really three types of gamers that I give advice to retro gamers eSports gamers and triple-a gamers casual gamers are in there somewhere but typically casual games will play on most types of hardware for retro games you don't need a new computer you need a retro computer and I don't really do that very much on the channel I might in the future I do actually owned several retro computers and maybe I'll cover that in more detail at some point but for the moment I don't really cover retro eSports gaming I have covered a ton of eSports I've done specific eSports gaming builds now typically eSports machines do not have to be as powerful as triple-a gaming machines do this is for overwatch fortnight csgo rainbow succeeds League of Legends those sorts of games League of Legends are run on a potato World of Tanks world of warships etc those are run on fairly modest and fairly old machines you can have a five to ten year old computer put even a very modest hundred and fifty dollar new video card in it it'll play all that stuff just fine without any complaints over watch even at high frame rates overwatch will play at a hundred and forty four to two hundred frames per second on a very basic computer with a somewhat decent graphics card installed so you don't need two thousand dollar bills to play those sorts of games and then you have triple-a games which require everything you can throw at them and then some looking at you control and Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Ghost Recon breakpoint and a bunch of others but there are very well optimized to triple-a games there's the new doom eternal frankly shadow of the tomb Raider's not bad but the division 2 really impresses me on the wide variety of hardware it will run you've got strange Brigade you've got f1 2020 these are very optimized games they will run very well at hundreds of frames per second on a seven eight hundred are built without any complaints unless you want to play at 1440p 144 Hertz and you want to do it at ultra detail in which case how much money do you have because if you want to play shadow of the Tomb Raider at 1440p on a 144 Hertz monitor at the highest detail setting an eye 999 hundred K and an rth 20 ATT I will not do that there actually doesn't exist hardware that will do that consistently now it will on some games not on others and you could turn the details down and will help to a point but when the new RT X 38 e TI card comes out obviously it will come closer to that goal until the games become more demanding both high resolution and high refresh rate are expensive to accomplish usually when I talk about gaming however I'm talking about 60 frames per second gaming so 1440p at 60 is a heck of a lot easier to achieve than 1440p at 144 Hertz speaking of the deal and I talked about that at length before but I want to give you another example here the deal comes into play in all buying advice that I give which is why what recommended three months ago changes the rise in 536 hundred today right now is a hundred and sixty-seven dollars on Amazon and nuit that's pretty reasonable all things considered just recently the rise in seven thirty seven hundred X's dropped in priced to 75 it was three hundred now that's only a twenty five dollar price drop but the rise in nine thirty nine hundred X had a price increase from 410 to 425 for the past two months I have been giving some very blanket advice on our live streams on Twitter and on the tech deals discord linked down below in the video description I've been giving some very blanket advice that you buy one of two CPUs you buy the rise in 536 hundred or you buy the rise in 939 hundred x the rise in sevens were dumb and stupid and weren't even worth considering and you shouldn't buy one and of course whenever I give such advice like that especially when I say it that way I get a bunch of protests from people who go wait a minute I bought a rise in seven you recommended a rise in seven last year it's a good CPU why eight now my CPU man you bought it last year you didn't buy it right now I'm giving you buying advice today buying advice on what you should do today is different than whether or not your current CPU is actually good because you bought it in a different environment it's also different than upgrade advice whether or not you should replace that CPU is completely different than whether or not you should buy one we'll talk about that later in this video as well so for the past two months or so my general advice has been don't bother wise in seven it's dumb and stupid you should buy rosin five horizon nine and that's because at about 170 for the horizon 5 300 for the Rison 7 and 410 for the rise in 9 that's the correct advice to give 110 dollars separated 8 and 12 course to spend a hundred and ten dollars to spend roughly 25 percent more money to get 50 percent more course and a hundred percent more on chip cache is like the biggest no-brainer in the history of No brainers you can't just spend a hundred and ten dollars in six months or a year and glue on four more cores it just doesn't really work that way so my advice was if you're gonna do anything in your computer you're crazy if you don't buy the rice and none but today actually just this past week it's very very fresh twenty five dollar price cut on the rise in seven a 15 ish dollar price increase on the rise in nine and now it's no longer a hundred and ten dollars difference it's more like a hundred and fifty hundred and sixty dollars price difference at a hundred and fifty dollars price difference I start to feel differently especially because the price change is due to a drop which makes the percentage vastly better it's no longer twenty five percent more to do it it's that's not quite fifty percent but it's close and now the argument changes because now it is cheaper overall to build a rise in seven machine and it's become more expensive overall to build a rise in AI machine and so now I can say the rise and sevens worth looking at again that rise in seven thirty seven hundred excelled it looked more attractive now there's only a 100 dollar price tag well a little bit more 100 but there's a hundred dollar price difference between the 5 and the 7 but walk 150 dollar difference to the horizon 9 if you watch this video in August or September or October of 2020 or hi 2021 hopefully you're better than 2020 if you're watching this video in the future you may hear this and go that sounds confusing or but the prices are totally different now price affects the deal you cannot determine the relative value of any two things processors cars houses anything if you don't take into account what those objects are and what their relative prices are because this item might be twice the price but four times is good or it might be four times the price but only twice as good the products haven't changed well but the products haven't changed but the price has so keep that in mind whenever you're watching my advice this gets even more flex when you take into account total system price in general the more expensive your total budget for your build is the nicer everything should be after all who gets cloth seats in a Ferrari I don't think anybody does except for the one guy in the back but we're not gonna talk about him so the nicer your system is the nicer your cooler should be the nice your power supply should be the nicer your fans should be the nicer everything should be the more RAM the more SSDs you should have now you may not go the direction that I went on this you may make a few minor changes but what are you really going to do in a $2,000 build put in a 500 gig SSD and call it a day I don't think so not with games now passing 200 gigs each that's not that's just a bad plan so balanced builds with quality components that rise as the system price rises are personally what makes sense to me if you put it in a nicer motherboard they need a nicer CPU that you're gonna want some nicer RAM and you're gonna want a nicer video card so spread your budget around your components on the flip side when I publish to these videos these two thousand dollar bills several people are like what are you talking about you could get an RT X 20 atti in there man this is ridiculous in the AMD build we have a rx 5700 XT in a $2000 build people are like oh you could easily get a 20 atti in there yes you could in fact it is possible to put a rise in 930 900 X and an RT X 20 ATT on in a 2,000 dollar bill there will be tremendously huge compromises to make that happen if you've gotta blevens 1200 hours for this for the graphics card and about 400 and change for the CPU you're left with what 400 maybe $500 at the most for everything else fine so you have $1,500 worth of graphics card and worth of CPU now you need motherboard Ram storage case power supply okay the rising nine comes to the cooler maybe fans what motherboard are you going to install rising nine on a $79 be 450 I hope not a $200 X 570 I hope so in a minimum okay if $300 left RAM 32 gigs if you're getting 12 cores then tomorrow TX 2080 I come on let's stop kidding ourselves you're putting 32 gigs in at the moment you can do that for just over $100 per day we will be generous and call it $100 fine you're down to $200 one terabyte of SSD wow man that's kind of thin but okay sure just one terabyte of SSD that puts us hundred dollars for that that leaves us with $100 we're gonna have a case and a power supply for $100 okay that's a case like this and an el cheapo five or 600 watt maybe 80 plus bronze power supply for lucky and no CPU cooler and no extra fans yeah it's pong that's a pretty lousy build yes you can fit it and this is sort of the opposite extreme a 20 80 TI and a risin nine and 2000 is kind of too far one direction this I acknowledge is a bit far the other direction but of course I built up with stuff I had and they were sponsored built which is why they were a little bit unbalanced in that regard the truth of the matter is if you were really building this machine I did talk about it at the time increasing the budget if you want this RAM and this power supply and 4 terabytes of SSD increase in the budget from 2000 to 2500 adding 500 hours to the budget would do wonders for this it would take it from a 3,800 X to a 3900 X you could put a better graphics card in and you can put a better case in and those few changes would make it a better computer but I didn't have any of those to build with at the time so this is what it is it is worth remembering custom pcs are custom these are build guides not build authoritarianism at Arianism 'he's build authority Authority whatever you know what I mean these are build guides not build orders you can build your computer any way you want take it as a starting point and a piece of advice take out 2 terabytes of SSD and put a better graphics card in or put the rise of 9 and or put a better case in by all means change the components around it's your money do it however you like of course you can take it to the extreme and taking it to the extreme high-end would be my personal video editing workstation which has more Hardware in it than most people will need at least in the current market and current generation now won't go into all these details here but in short I have an i-9 10-9 ATX e18 core 36 thread CPU on a very nice X 299 gigabyte horas master motherboard there's 15 terabytes of SSD space most of which is nvme in there a hundred and twenty eight gigabytes of RAM a very nice RTX 20 80 TI graphics card and a few other things but it is a very nice premium bill and 128 terabytes of external hard drive space a little that's external it could be put on any machine that computer is ridiculous and insane overkill for most people even most content creators don't need that but I am a tech content creator and I have a tech YouTube channel and if Intel's gonna send me an eye 9 10 9 8 exe I'm certainly not going to say no thanks Intel and the RAM which used to be expensive isn't as bad as it used to be anymore and if obvious I need a lot of storage for all the 4k 60p and per second videos that we record such as this one right here at a hundred and 50 megabits per second for a talking head explainer video but hey welcome to YouTube so that computer is by far way outside of normal it's not just in the top 5% it's like in the top half a percent but it's my work machine I don't play games on it I have occasionally but it's not what it's for is there to make 4k 60 frames per second YouTube videos because this is what I do for a living speaking of being out of the norm I also make upgrade choices personally which frankly would make no sense to most people speaking of my professional production workstation it had an I 999 ATX II which was replaced with the I nine ten nine eight exe which is pointless and silly but that was done because again if Intel's gonna send me one I'm not going to say no my personal machine at home falls into the same category I recently replaced my computer at home which was the $2,000 Cadillac build from 2017 the i7 8700 K with the new storm trooper build which is well it was the sponsored build but it really has an i-9 9900 K in it and strangely enough in RTX 2070 super but that's a separate conversation now what I ever ever recommend any of you replace a six core 12 thread 8700 k with an 8 core 16 thread 9900 k absolutely not that makes zero sense it's a small upgrade there is no per core per clock performance increase they're exactly the same cores you're just getting two more cores and four more threads for a lot of money even if you sell the 8700 okay you're still spending a huge amount of money for a relatively small jump but I did it because I had the machine and it was built for the channel and it's sitting there and I have two choices I can take apart be completely brand new i 999 hundred K build that has more SSD space than a nice case or I can take it home and I can take my old machine from home bring it here and I can take it apart okay fine I'll do an upgrade when you do tech stuff for a living and this used to be true when I was in the IT consulting business long before I was in YouTube I've been doing this computer stuff professionally for 24 years I started my first computer networking business in 1996 and so it's been a long road to get here many times I've upgraded computers that didn't make sense because I had a use for the hardware my existing hardware I either it needed to go to a custard machine or I was using it for something when you're buying and selling hardware all the time swapping hardware is not a big deal when it's just something that you do as a matter of normal daily business course so now that I've got to take YouTube channel just swapping the matters no big deal which I've done in the past before but I wouldn't recommend that you do it if I was going to spend my own money to upgrade my machine at home if for whatever reason six cores and twelve friends wasn't cutting it Ghost Recon breakpoint live streaming on Twitch if that was my goal six cores and twelve Fred's really doesn't cut it I mean it'll do it but it's pretty rough I would spend my money on a risin 9 3900 X I might actually have bought the riser 939 50 X 2 16 core chip if live streaming games like Ghost Recon breakpoint is what I wanted to do because that just future-proof yourself a little bit and get you the best that fits into the socket but I don't do that because I don't have a spare rise at 9 and I do have a spare eye 9 because YouTube and so that's why I made an upgrade at home I wouldn't normally recommend speaking of the RT X 2070 super I do have 20 ATT eyes but I don't need them and I would actually not normally recommend a $500 CPU and a 500 our graphics card but my computer at home has a 27 T super because I play X come to City skylines in world of warships none of which need a 20 atti so I'm not going to do that actually as a side note I thought of one other thing the other reason to make the change at home is the $2,000 Cadillac built from 2017 was built in a different time when SSDs were smaller and cost more it has a 256 gigabyte boot drive the D Drive is also a 256 gig drive e is a 500 gig drive now that's nice that's one terabyte of SSD space but that's one terabyte of SSD space spread across three drives it's a pain to use with modern games that are huge the next two drives are a pair of crucial MX 300 750 gig drives back when they used to make 750 gig drives it'll bother anymore for a total of 2.5 gigabytes of space across five drives that's kind of a pain to use to be completely honest because spreading your files are where everything's located and where games are installed there's a lot of wasted space leaving some free space on all the drives the new I $9.99 hundred K strong trooper build doesn't have 2.5 terabytes of SSD space it has six now the budget of two grand had four but I added an extra Drive and I showed it in the livestream when I actually did the build live on the channel it has it had four terabytes there but I put an extra one in because it's like I'm gonna need it so there's six terabytes of SSD space in four drives 2.5 in the old one five drives six in four drives it is so much easier to use the boot drive is one terabyte D is one terabyte E is two terabytes and F is two terabytes it doesn't get any simpler than that with modern large games it gives me enough room to install everything that I might possibly want to play + have extra space for personal files my G Drive and onedrive sync and all that without any fuss or muss yes I could have retrofitted all the drives into the old machine but why finally that brings me to need just because I suggest something because it's a deal does not mean it's a deal for you if your current computer meets your needs if you're happy with it if you play World of Tanks or world of warships League of Legends csgo if you're a retro gamer if you're just playing X come to in cities skylines your 3 5 or 7 year old computer might absolutely cover your needs and a already paid for owned working computer sitting on your desk for the grand total of zero dollars in today's money may very well be the very best deal of all no matter how cheap a new CPU is no matter how fast a new CPU is these all cost new money and if you don't need an upgrade and you're not itching for it and you're happy with your current computer yeah keep it that's an amazing deal take whatever money you'd spend on a new computer put it in a hip pocket national bank and smile knowing that you just gave yourself a deal now those two points are the opposite extremes doing nothing and upgrading a little bit with a lot of money are two extremes but there's another point to consider any time I give purchase advice and that is simply it might apply to you and maybe to you and not at all to you it depends upon what you're upgrading from let me give you an example in 2016 I did the $4,000 ultimate system build on the channel I 768 hundred K Broadwell e h EDT on an X 99 motherboard four thousand dollars although in reality it was a two thousand dollar build with two thousand dollars from the storage most of which was hard drives because I didn't go all SSD at that point it's only been resent that that's possible there's a lot of storage in that build now that was a really nice computer that I did not personally need and the reason I did not personally need it is because my personal gaming PC in general use a PC at home was at i7 4770k from 2013 4 cores 8 threads 4 gigahertz has well worked great no problem for the games I was playing at the time for the use of that machine I had zero need to replace and upgrade it so why did I there's two main reasons number one had a YouTube channel and I needed content I simply I needed to build a machine for the channel and it was a good excuse to do so number two I was getting into 4k video and frankly for okay video on a fork or a thread machine it works but it works better on a 6-quart well for a machine and I found on my on my Haswell machine scrubbing in Adobe Premiere through 4k footage would sometimes be quite jumpy the CPU it max out to a hundred percent and it was stuttering when I upgraded to the Broadwell II machine with six cores and twelve threads the video editing performance improved tremendously let me be clear we're not talking about render time yes obviously the Broadwell is faster in render time we are not talking about render time render time is not the limitation to content creation well research and filming and benchmarking a building arm but in terms of editing scrubbing through the timeline adding additional layers adding titles effects and transitions these things all slow down and have hitches on the rowing machines and having a smoother editing experience is much nicer and so going to that machine helped tremendously it had more storage and a nicer graphics card and a variety of other things that my gaming computer at home didn't have now it was a bonus it also meant that my gaming computer at home could just be a gaming computer and my new Broadwell II machine could be my full-time video editing workstation I wasn't using one computer for both things so they could specialize and I could just go home and game and not worry about it then when I came to the office I would then do the videos and whatnot now I just said that it's not necessary I didn't need it I didn't need it for the games I was playing in 2016 you didn't need a 6 core 12th red machine for any of that however if I had not had an i7 4770k if instead I'd had a I 520 400 or an FX 6300 that completely changes you with the 4770k or 3770k take your pick whatever you don't need it you can wait but you with an i5 2400 you with an FX 6300 or heaven forbid a Core 2 quad you're due for an upgrade and I know that people still today in 2020 still use those but Premium users were due for an upgrade and I did a couple of videos in 2016 where I talked about why the 6800 K was a far better deal than the 6700 k2 which a lot of people criticize me at the time it said oh that's ridiculous nobody needs six cores who's laughing now because it was a hundred and fifty dollars difference back then if he'd listened to me and instead of spending eighteen hundred and fifty dollars if you'd built a super premium machine eighteen hundred and fifty dollars on a fork or eight thread sixty seven hundred k if you'd spent two grand on a six core 12 thread 6800 k a 6800 k is still a beast today that's six Corson 12 friends there's a lot of people building that now knew you're fine that bat is gonna turn out to be an incredibly long-lived machine unless you just do the kind of person who upgrades every year whereas if you had a 6700 K for cores and eight threads is looking pretty basic these days and so that small savings back then relatively speaking means that you're gonna have to upgrade sooner and having to upgrade sooner means you're changing a lot of components on your machine and spending a lot of money and thus you should have spent it originally another point to consider is if you just spent the one hundred and fifty dollars in 2016 to get Broadwell e then you'd have had six cores for the past four years not today with Rison v not today with i five ten six hundred but for the past four years one hundred and fifty dollars across four years is a couple of pizzas to be completely honest with you that might be one or two nights out on a bar for years of six cores to twelve threads that is still usable today I'm kind of proud of those original videos I think I called that deal pretty well in retrospect thank you all so much for watching this entire video two gold stars for all of you for watching all the way to the end if you like our content please consider sharing it with a and bringing new people into the tech deals nation is greatly appreciated and a wonderful way to support the channel at no extra cost to you you can also do so by hitting the subscribe button and the bail notification icon next to it to be notified when new videos come out smash that like button leave a comment below for engagement it always helps consider checking out the links down in the video description below they are all affiliate links they do support the channel when you use them regardless of what you buy and that also is at no extra cost to you it's greatly appreciate it if you really love our content and you want to become a member of the deal nation and support us directly hit the join button next to the subscribe button for $2 a month you get a loyalty badge next to your name in the comments or on livestreams you get access to the tech deals emoji and you get access to the private chat channels over on the tech deals discord linked in the video description below join us at the Gold level for five dollars a month and you get access to over 60 private behind-the-scenes exclusive videos there's a playlist down in our playlists that have all those videos available for you to view you can also view those over on floatplane for $5 a month as well if you prefer that site as opposed to YouTube and you can also support us on patreon and get a variety of benefits such as early access to the filming scripts this is what I've been referencing as I go over this three pages worth of script and that was published before I even recorded this much less before XD edited so if you'd like to see the filming script scripts in advance if you'd like to see the benchmark charts early you can get access to those over on patreon thank you all so very much for watching I will see all of you next timehello and welcome to tech deals today's topic how I picked the parts I use for PC builds and why the advice I give you often runs contrary to the hardware that I'm personally using starting off with my own part selection process how do I pick the parts what goes into making those choices and why there's typically three things that go into a part selection choice at least for the videos that I tend to make or four pcs that I build myself number one the things on the shelf one of the interesting things about having a tech YouTube channel is you have sort of a stealth computer store built right into your office I will go over to the shelf I will find several things already sitting there and I'll go you're going into a PC today because you already exist in addition to that I get sent product samples that need to get used to I for example will get a very nice motherboard it will sit on a shelf for too many months it will be replaced by the next generation of boards but I still want to use it because they were nice enough to send it to me more about that in a minute and then finally I sometimes pick parts based upon a personal need that is not typical I may not give advice on it but it's something that I use because outside of the typical norm I personally find them to advantage and having it again we'll talk about that in just a minute a really good example of this are my recent pair of $2,000 builds sponsored builds one featuring the AMD risin 730 800 X yes you heard me right and the other featuring the venerable Intel i7 9700 KF a CPU that none of you should have bought in fact I was very honest and upfront with that in the original parts overview of the Intel build where I say this is great and this is wonderful and all of you should spend an extra hundred dollars and buy the I 999 hundred K because spending four hundred dollars on you without hyper-threading makes no sense but that's why that was there now these are two thousand dollar bills and several people made comments going wait a minute you've got seven not nine CPUs and you've got mid-level graphics cards for $2,000 that's crazy why in the world would you suggest this now I did discuss that during the actual build videos but the principal reason is because they are meant to be premium experience builds rather than just raw performance of course you can put more raw performance in there but these things have very nice premium 80 plus gold fully modular power supplies very premium coolers dark Rock pro 4 on the intel build and a very nice Noctua color here on the AMD build we replaced all of the case fans there are be quiet and knock to a fans in both cases making them utterly utterly silent and of course there are several other things in there that just make it a bit more expensive everything was just sort of made very premium this does cut into the budget unless of course you want to spend $500 and go to $2,500 to make it nice the typical youtuber tech advice would not have you build an i7 9700 k with an RT X 2070 super into a $2,000 machine because you can of course fit an AI $9.99 hundred K and you can certainly fit in RTX 2080 super maybe even a 2080 ti in there if you really squeeze it in there however what you're left with is a loud noisy machine that may run hot doesn't have a lot of storage may have a cheap motherboard may have a cheap power supply but ya got a fast graphics card but your overall computing experience may not be wonderful you can upgrade your graphics card in six months when the RT X 30 series launches the rest of it is a lot more complicated to change over time it's easier to do it right from day one another example I mentioned before is building with what I have because it is on the shelf I recently did a livestream on the channel upgrading my son's computer the $720 CyberPower PC from 2016 from in Intel i7 7700 K it had a previous midterm life upgrade to a rise in 730 700 X and we installed that rise in 730 700 X on this motherboard right here in fact that's part of what prompted this video the asrock x4 70 master sli a see a very nice motherboard good power delivery good features no problem except that it's june of 2020 and this came out 2 years ago yeah so why in the world am i installing a brand new x4 70 motherboard with a almost brand new Rison 730 700 X in my son's computer why wouldn't I put an x5 70 in there well the simple fact of the matter is I had this board on the shelf as rocks sent this to me way back when Zen plus launched the Rison 7 2000 series the rising 720 700 X for example in for a variety of reasons it just never got used during that generation so it needed to get used where else am I gonna do with it it needed a BIOS update of course but there's no reason you can't put a 3700 X on a very nice X 470 board or an X 370 board but an X 470 board like this works just fine there were a number of people who commented going those things are expensive these days what did you buy that off eBay dime like did you not watch the livestream I said I'm using this because it's on the shelf in fact there's a follow-up video where I talk about the trials and tribulations of setting up that machine the do's and don'ts of upgrades which may or may not publish before this one but I talked about one of the challenges which is this has the launch BIOS on it so I had to go put a 2700 X on and update it there was a bit of a pain in that regard but you shouldn't buy this you should buy the next 570 this doesn't make any sense today it's just it was on the shelf thus I used it moving on to the advice I provide why I provided and in what ways it differs from I actually do first of all it is worth remembering that most of the advice that I give is of a very general nature designed to appeal to the widest possible audience if you take the entire world of computers and you divvy it up into chunks the middle chunk is going to be by far the largest swath of users you have the ultra budget super cheap bottom end users on one end maybe 10% of the market maybe 15% on the very top end maybe 10 or 15% of the market you've got your ultra premium users the spare no expense the Cadillac builds the Cadillac platinum builds and then in the middle you've got your average typical viewers who are gonna put together a high-five horizon 5 or an i7 or Rison 7 and put together a nice machine that has good value for the money and will ask them for several years and basically just not cause them too much trouble that center section of the market is what most of my advice goes towards there are exceptions we'll talk about those in a minute but if you're wondering why my advice doesn't sound like it's directed to you it is possible that you don't fit within the middle swath of the market so you need to make an adjustment to account for are you ultra budget ultra premium or ultra typical it is worth noting that I do give advice that's different than the typical middle there are times I've done budget bills there's times I've done super premium builds one of the first builds on the channel which we'll talk about later is the $4,000 2016 ultimate build that I did one of my first big builds on the channel that really got some cool attention that's absolutely not targeted to the typical user but there is a market for such things the advice also changes based upon the deal of the moment the deal of the day whatever is currently worth buying at this moment in time for example there was a time a few years ago where wow Rison 7 1700 holy smokes 8 core 16 threads of 3.7 gigahertz that is a screaming deal and then it slowly transitioned about two and a half years ago the deal was the 1700 X which Amazon was selling on black a couple years ago for 149 oh wow that's amazing and then last Black Friday in 2019 Amazon had the 2,700 X for the low low price of 135 if you missed out on that I'm sorry you did but that was amazing we actually did it dedicated his live stream to that one deal put it the title put it in the thumbnail and we just sat there and went what are you all waiting for free this is insane this is a 4.2 Giga heard eight core 16 thread CPU with the decent cooler for 135 dollars if you aren't buying this you're not in the market for a CPU many people asked us back last in November and December of 2019 well should I buy the 2700 X or should I buy the new risin 530 600 Zen 2 and at the time I couldn't scream loudly enough what are you people nuts go buy the 2700 X deal deal all day long six days a week twice on Sunday run do not walk and buy it immediately and yet if you asked me today I'll tell you 2700 X oh that's dumb you shouldn't buy that go buy a rise in 5 3,600 I love that CPU and you might be inclined to look at the monitor or screen or phone or whatever you're watching me on and go huh what what wait you you could just change your advice oh yes I can because the price has changed right now Rison 7 at 2700 x's are selling on ebay used for more than a brand new 3600 right now as I'm filming this a risin 530 600 is a hundred and sixty-seven dollars on Amazon and Newegg 167 for a brand new Zen to 6 score 12 thread CPU with a core that installs in a relatively inexpensive be 450 mm aboard their several to pick from in the $75 price range that's interesting the 3600 has decent clock speeds at about 4 gigahertz it's about 200 megahertz slower than say at 2700 X would but it more than makes up for with faster instructions per clock cycle with the Zen 2:7 animator design brand-new 2700 X CPUs are currently selling for over 200 230 235 at 235 I'm not interested in the 2700 X anymore in fact a 3700 X is only about 50 dollars more it makes no sense so you should run far far away from a 2700 X today in June of 2020 whereas six months ago I couldn't have yelled any ladder at what a deal was because it was 135 and not 235 so price affects everything and the price three months ago the price today and the price three months from now will alter everything very soon Zen 3 is coming out new improvements expected somewhere between 15 to 20 percent higher IPC's expected a couple hundred megahertz higher clock speeds it made very well at times be 40% faster than the current Zen 2 chips so Zen 2 won't be worth considering what happens if a 3,700 X becomes 179 and the 4700 X is 329 then 2 7 that looks incredible so it's all about the price and all of the advice that I give be it low-end middle-of-the-road or high-end whether it is buy this or that or something else depends upon what you need it for and what the current market is at that point in time so if you watch a 6-month old video of mine and you're wondering what was text spoken better deals back then finally it is worth remembering that my advice is geared towards home gaming it is not typically geared towards office use and it is typically geared towards high-end professional content creation software development in virtual machines I have done those videos I will do more of them in the future but those are the exception not the rule the vast majority of people looking to build maybe it's an $800 machine a 1200 hour machine a 1500 2000 hour machine are doing it because they want to play video games and they want to play the latest and greatest video games if you just want to use Word and Excel and check your email Twitter and Facebook at home well a iPhones and iPads exist putting that aside a nearly 10 year old I 520 400 will do that just fine you don't need a built-in computer to do that basic stuff will do that on the other hand if you're a professional user who wants to do Adobe Premiere Pro 4k 60 frames per second video editing well you need all the money and very nice computers yeah you don't really but if you're making money with your computer it makes sense to have a very nice machine with a lot of very nice hardware but most of my advice is in fact aimed at the home gamer so take everything I say with a view towards that diving into the gaming advice a little bit more there's really three types of gamers that I give advice to retro gamers eSports gamers and triple-a gamers casual gamers are in there somewhere but typically casual games will play on most types of hardware for retro games you don't need a new computer you need a retro computer and I don't really do that very much on the channel I might in the future I do actually owned several retro computers and maybe I'll cover that in more detail at some point but for the moment I don't really cover retro eSports gaming I have covered a ton of eSports I've done specific eSports gaming builds now typically eSports machines do not have to be as powerful as triple-a gaming machines do this is for overwatch fortnight csgo rainbow succeeds League of Legends those sorts of games League of Legends are run on a potato World of Tanks world of warships etc those are run on fairly modest and fairly old machines you can have a five to ten year old computer put even a very modest hundred and fifty dollar new video card in it it'll play all that stuff just fine without any complaints over watch even at high frame rates overwatch will play at a hundred and forty four to two hundred frames per second on a very basic computer with a somewhat decent graphics card installed so you don't need two thousand dollar bills to play those sorts of games and then you have triple-a games which require everything you can throw at them and then some looking at you control and Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Ghost Recon breakpoint and a bunch of others but there are very well optimized to triple-a games there's the new doom eternal frankly shadow of the tomb Raider's not bad but the division 2 really impresses me on the wide variety of hardware it will run you've got strange Brigade you've got f1 2020 these are very optimized games they will run very well at hundreds of frames per second on a seven eight hundred are built without any complaints unless you want to play at 1440p 144 Hertz and you want to do it at ultra detail in which case how much money do you have because if you want to play shadow of the Tomb Raider at 1440p on a 144 Hertz monitor at the highest detail setting an eye 999 hundred K and an rth 20 ATT I will not do that there actually doesn't exist hardware that will do that consistently now it will on some games not on others and you could turn the details down and will help to a point but when the new RT X 38 e TI card comes out obviously it will come closer to that goal until the games become more demanding both high resolution and high refresh rate are expensive to accomplish usually when I talk about gaming however I'm talking about 60 frames per second gaming so 1440p at 60 is a heck of a lot easier to achieve than 1440p at 144 Hertz speaking of the deal and I talked about that at length before but I want to give you another example here the deal comes into play in all buying advice that I give which is why what recommended three months ago changes the rise in 536 hundred today right now is a hundred and sixty-seven dollars on Amazon and nuit that's pretty reasonable all things considered just recently the rise in seven thirty seven hundred X's dropped in priced to 75 it was three hundred now that's only a twenty five dollar price drop but the rise in nine thirty nine hundred X had a price increase from 410 to 425 for the past two months I have been giving some very blanket advice on our live streams on Twitter and on the tech deals discord linked down below in the video description I've been giving some very blanket advice that you buy one of two CPUs you buy the rise in 536 hundred or you buy the rise in 939 hundred x the rise in sevens were dumb and stupid and weren't even worth considering and you shouldn't buy one and of course whenever I give such advice like that especially when I say it that way I get a bunch of protests from people who go wait a minute I bought a rise in seven you recommended a rise in seven last year it's a good CPU why eight now my CPU man you bought it last year you didn't buy it right now I'm giving you buying advice today buying advice on what you should do today is different than whether or not your current CPU is actually good because you bought it in a different environment it's also different than upgrade advice whether or not you should replace that CPU is completely different than whether or not you should buy one we'll talk about that later in this video as well so for the past two months or so my general advice has been don't bother wise in seven it's dumb and stupid you should buy rosin five horizon nine and that's because at about 170 for the horizon 5 300 for the Rison 7 and 410 for the rise in 9 that's the correct advice to give 110 dollars separated 8 and 12 course to spend a hundred and ten dollars to spend roughly 25 percent more money to get 50 percent more course and a hundred percent more on chip cache is like the biggest no-brainer in the history of No brainers you can't just spend a hundred and ten dollars in six months or a year and glue on four more cores it just doesn't really work that way so my advice was if you're gonna do anything in your computer you're crazy if you don't buy the rice and none but today actually just this past week it's very very fresh twenty five dollar price cut on the rise in seven a 15 ish dollar price increase on the rise in nine and now it's no longer a hundred and ten dollars difference it's more like a hundred and fifty hundred and sixty dollars price difference at a hundred and fifty dollars price difference I start to feel differently especially because the price change is due to a drop which makes the percentage vastly better it's no longer twenty five percent more to do it it's that's not quite fifty percent but it's close and now the argument changes because now it is cheaper overall to build a rise in seven machine and it's become more expensive overall to build a rise in AI machine and so now I can say the rise and sevens worth looking at again that rise in seven thirty seven hundred excelled it looked more attractive now there's only a 100 dollar price tag well a little bit more 100 but there's a hundred dollar price difference between the 5 and the 7 but walk 150 dollar difference to the horizon 9 if you watch this video in August or September or October of 2020 or hi 2021 hopefully you're better than 2020 if you're watching this video in the future you may hear this and go that sounds confusing or but the prices are totally different now price affects the deal you cannot determine the relative value of any two things processors cars houses anything if you don't take into account what those objects are and what their relative prices are because this item might be twice the price but four times is good or it might be four times the price but only twice as good the products haven't changed well but the products haven't changed but the price has so keep that in mind whenever you're watching my advice this gets even more flex when you take into account total system price in general the more expensive your total budget for your build is the nicer everything should be after all who gets cloth seats in a Ferrari I don't think anybody does except for the one guy in the back but we're not gonna talk about him so the nicer your system is the nicer your cooler should be the nice your power supply should be the nicer your fans should be the nicer everything should be the more RAM the more SSDs you should have now you may not go the direction that I went on this you may make a few minor changes but what are you really going to do in a $2,000 build put in a 500 gig SSD and call it a day I don't think so not with games now passing 200 gigs each that's not that's just a bad plan so balanced builds with quality components that rise as the system price rises are personally what makes sense to me if you put it in a nicer motherboard they need a nicer CPU that you're gonna want some nicer RAM and you're gonna want a nicer video card so spread your budget around your components on the flip side when I publish to these videos these two thousand dollar bills several people are like what are you talking about you could get an RT X 20 atti in there man this is ridiculous in the AMD build we have a rx 5700 XT in a $2000 build people are like oh you could easily get a 20 atti in there yes you could in fact it is possible to put a rise in 930 900 X and an RT X 20 ATT on in a 2,000 dollar bill there will be tremendously huge compromises to make that happen if you've gotta blevens 1200 hours for this for the graphics card and about 400 and change for the CPU you're left with what 400 maybe $500 at the most for everything else fine so you have $1,500 worth of graphics card and worth of CPU now you need motherboard Ram storage case power supply okay the rising nine comes to the cooler maybe fans what motherboard are you going to install rising nine on a $79 be 450 I hope not a $200 X 570 I hope so in a minimum okay if $300 left RAM 32 gigs if you're getting 12 cores then tomorrow TX 2080 I come on let's stop kidding ourselves you're putting 32 gigs in at the moment you can do that for just over $100 per day we will be generous and call it $100 fine you're down to $200 one terabyte of SSD wow man that's kind of thin but okay sure just one terabyte of SSD that puts us hundred dollars for that that leaves us with $100 we're gonna have a case and a power supply for $100 okay that's a case like this and an el cheapo five or 600 watt maybe 80 plus bronze power supply for lucky and no CPU cooler and no extra fans yeah it's pong that's a pretty lousy build yes you can fit it and this is sort of the opposite extreme a 20 80 TI and a risin nine and 2000 is kind of too far one direction this I acknowledge is a bit far the other direction but of course I built up with stuff I had and they were sponsored built which is why they were a little bit unbalanced in that regard the truth of the matter is if you were really building this machine I did talk about it at the time increasing the budget if you want this RAM and this power supply and 4 terabytes of SSD increase in the budget from 2000 to 2500 adding 500 hours to the budget would do wonders for this it would take it from a 3,800 X to a 3900 X you could put a better graphics card in and you can put a better case in and those few changes would make it a better computer but I didn't have any of those to build with at the time so this is what it is it is worth remembering custom pcs are custom these are build guides not build authoritarianism at Arianism 'he's build authority Authority whatever you know what I mean these are build guides not build orders you can build your computer any way you want take it as a starting point and a piece of advice take out 2 terabytes of SSD and put a better graphics card in or put the rise of 9 and or put a better case in by all means change the components around it's your money do it however you like of course you can take it to the extreme and taking it to the extreme high-end would be my personal video editing workstation which has more Hardware in it than most people will need at least in the current market and current generation now won't go into all these details here but in short I have an i-9 10-9 ATX e18 core 36 thread CPU on a very nice X 299 gigabyte horas master motherboard there's 15 terabytes of SSD space most of which is nvme in there a hundred and twenty eight gigabytes of RAM a very nice RTX 20 80 TI graphics card and a few other things but it is a very nice premium bill and 128 terabytes of external hard drive space a little that's external it could be put on any machine that computer is ridiculous and insane overkill for most people even most content creators don't need that but I am a tech content creator and I have a tech YouTube channel and if Intel's gonna send me an eye 9 10 9 8 exe I'm certainly not going to say no thanks Intel and the RAM which used to be expensive isn't as bad as it used to be anymore and if obvious I need a lot of storage for all the 4k 60p and per second videos that we record such as this one right here at a hundred and 50 megabits per second for a talking head explainer video but hey welcome to YouTube so that computer is by far way outside of normal it's not just in the top 5% it's like in the top half a percent but it's my work machine I don't play games on it I have occasionally but it's not what it's for is there to make 4k 60 frames per second YouTube videos because this is what I do for a living speaking of being out of the norm I also make upgrade choices personally which frankly would make no sense to most people speaking of my professional production workstation it had an I 999 ATX II which was replaced with the I nine ten nine eight exe which is pointless and silly but that was done because again if Intel's gonna send me one I'm not going to say no my personal machine at home falls into the same category I recently replaced my computer at home which was the $2,000 Cadillac build from 2017 the i7 8700 K with the new storm trooper build which is well it was the sponsored build but it really has an i-9 9900 K in it and strangely enough in RTX 2070 super but that's a separate conversation now what I ever ever recommend any of you replace a six core 12 thread 8700 k with an 8 core 16 thread 9900 k absolutely not that makes zero sense it's a small upgrade there is no per core per clock performance increase they're exactly the same cores you're just getting two more cores and four more threads for a lot of money even if you sell the 8700 okay you're still spending a huge amount of money for a relatively small jump but I did it because I had the machine and it was built for the channel and it's sitting there and I have two choices I can take apart be completely brand new i 999 hundred K build that has more SSD space than a nice case or I can take it home and I can take my old machine from home bring it here and I can take it apart okay fine I'll do an upgrade when you do tech stuff for a living and this used to be true when I was in the IT consulting business long before I was in YouTube I've been doing this computer stuff professionally for 24 years I started my first computer networking business in 1996 and so it's been a long road to get here many times I've upgraded computers that didn't make sense because I had a use for the hardware my existing hardware I either it needed to go to a custard machine or I was using it for something when you're buying and selling hardware all the time swapping hardware is not a big deal when it's just something that you do as a matter of normal daily business course so now that I've got to take YouTube channel just swapping the matters no big deal which I've done in the past before but I wouldn't recommend that you do it if I was going to spend my own money to upgrade my machine at home if for whatever reason six cores and twelve friends wasn't cutting it Ghost Recon breakpoint live streaming on Twitch if that was my goal six cores and twelve Fred's really doesn't cut it I mean it'll do it but it's pretty rough I would spend my money on a risin 9 3900 X I might actually have bought the riser 939 50 X 2 16 core chip if live streaming games like Ghost Recon breakpoint is what I wanted to do because that just future-proof yourself a little bit and get you the best that fits into the socket but I don't do that because I don't have a spare rise at 9 and I do have a spare eye 9 because YouTube and so that's why I made an upgrade at home I wouldn't normally recommend speaking of the RT X 2070 super I do have 20 ATT eyes but I don't need them and I would actually not normally recommend a $500 CPU and a 500 our graphics card but my computer at home has a 27 T super because I play X come to City skylines in world of warships none of which need a 20 atti so I'm not going to do that actually as a side note I thought of one other thing the other reason to make the change at home is the $2,000 Cadillac built from 2017 was built in a different time when SSDs were smaller and cost more it has a 256 gigabyte boot drive the D Drive is also a 256 gig drive e is a 500 gig drive now that's nice that's one terabyte of SSD space but that's one terabyte of SSD space spread across three drives it's a pain to use with modern games that are huge the next two drives are a pair of crucial MX 300 750 gig drives back when they used to make 750 gig drives it'll bother anymore for a total of 2.5 gigabytes of space across five drives that's kind of a pain to use to be completely honest because spreading your files are where everything's located and where games are installed there's a lot of wasted space leaving some free space on all the drives the new I $9.99 hundred K strong trooper build doesn't have 2.5 terabytes of SSD space it has six now the budget of two grand had four but I added an extra Drive and I showed it in the livestream when I actually did the build live on the channel it has it had four terabytes there but I put an extra one in because it's like I'm gonna need it so there's six terabytes of SSD space in four drives 2.5 in the old one five drives six in four drives it is so much easier to use the boot drive is one terabyte D is one terabyte E is two terabytes and F is two terabytes it doesn't get any simpler than that with modern large games it gives me enough room to install everything that I might possibly want to play + have extra space for personal files my G Drive and onedrive sync and all that without any fuss or muss yes I could have retrofitted all the drives into the old machine but why finally that brings me to need just because I suggest something because it's a deal does not mean it's a deal for you if your current computer meets your needs if you're happy with it if you play World of Tanks or world of warships League of Legends csgo if you're a retro gamer if you're just playing X come to in cities skylines your 3 5 or 7 year old computer might absolutely cover your needs and a already paid for owned working computer sitting on your desk for the grand total of zero dollars in today's money may very well be the very best deal of all no matter how cheap a new CPU is no matter how fast a new CPU is these all cost new money and if you don't need an upgrade and you're not itching for it and you're happy with your current computer yeah keep it that's an amazing deal take whatever money you'd spend on a new computer put it in a hip pocket national bank and smile knowing that you just gave yourself a deal now those two points are the opposite extremes doing nothing and upgrading a little bit with a lot of money are two extremes but there's another point to consider any time I give purchase advice and that is simply it might apply to you and maybe to you and not at all to you it depends upon what you're upgrading from let me give you an example in 2016 I did the $4,000 ultimate system build on the channel I 768 hundred K Broadwell e h EDT on an X 99 motherboard four thousand dollars although in reality it was a two thousand dollar build with two thousand dollars from the storage most of which was hard drives because I didn't go all SSD at that point it's only been resent that that's possible there's a lot of storage in that build now that was a really nice computer that I did not personally need and the reason I did not personally need it is because my personal gaming PC in general use a PC at home was at i7 4770k from 2013 4 cores 8 threads 4 gigahertz has well worked great no problem for the games I was playing at the time for the use of that machine I had zero need to replace and upgrade it so why did I there's two main reasons number one had a YouTube channel and I needed content I simply I needed to build a machine for the channel and it was a good excuse to do so number two I was getting into 4k video and frankly for okay video on a fork or a thread machine it works but it works better on a 6-quart well for a machine and I found on my on my Haswell machine scrubbing in Adobe Premiere through 4k footage would sometimes be quite jumpy the CPU it max out to a hundred percent and it was stuttering when I upgraded to the Broadwell II machine with six cores and twelve threads the video editing performance improved tremendously let me be clear we're not talking about render time yes obviously the Broadwell is faster in render time we are not talking about render time render time is not the limitation to content creation well research and filming and benchmarking a building arm but in terms of editing scrubbing through the timeline adding additional layers adding titles effects and transitions these things all slow down and have hitches on the rowing machines and having a smoother editing experience is much nicer and so going to that machine helped tremendously it had more storage and a nicer graphics card and a variety of other things that my gaming computer at home didn't have now it was a bonus it also meant that my gaming computer at home could just be a gaming computer and my new Broadwell II machine could be my full-time video editing workstation I wasn't using one computer for both things so they could specialize and I could just go home and game and not worry about it then when I came to the office I would then do the videos and whatnot now I just said that it's not necessary I didn't need it I didn't need it for the games I was playing in 2016 you didn't need a 6 core 12th red machine for any of that however if I had not had an i7 4770k if instead I'd had a I 520 400 or an FX 6300 that completely changes you with the 4770k or 3770k take your pick whatever you don't need it you can wait but you with an i5 2400 you with an FX 6300 or heaven forbid a Core 2 quad you're due for an upgrade and I know that people still today in 2020 still use those but Premium users were due for an upgrade and I did a couple of videos in 2016 where I talked about why the 6800 K was a far better deal than the 6700 k2 which a lot of people criticize me at the time it said oh that's ridiculous nobody needs six cores who's laughing now because it was a hundred and fifty dollars difference back then if he'd listened to me and instead of spending eighteen hundred and fifty dollars if you'd built a super premium machine eighteen hundred and fifty dollars on a fork or eight thread sixty seven hundred k if you'd spent two grand on a six core 12 thread 6800 k a 6800 k is still a beast today that's six Corson 12 friends there's a lot of people building that now knew you're fine that bat is gonna turn out to be an incredibly long-lived machine unless you just do the kind of person who upgrades every year whereas if you had a 6700 K for cores and eight threads is looking pretty basic these days and so that small savings back then relatively speaking means that you're gonna have to upgrade sooner and having to upgrade sooner means you're changing a lot of components on your machine and spending a lot of money and thus you should have spent it originally another point to consider is if you just spent the one hundred and fifty dollars in 2016 to get Broadwell e then you'd have had six cores for the past four years not today with Rison v not today with i five ten six hundred but for the past four years one hundred and fifty dollars across four years is a couple of pizzas to be completely honest with you that might be one or two nights out on a bar for years of six cores to twelve threads that is still usable today I'm kind of proud of those original videos I think I called that deal pretty well in retrospect thank you all so much for watching this entire video two gold stars for all of you for watching all the way to the end if you like our content please consider sharing it with a and bringing new people into the tech deals nation is greatly appreciated and a wonderful way to support the channel at no extra cost to you you can also do so by hitting the subscribe button and the bail notification icon next to it to be notified when new videos come out smash that like button leave a comment below for engagement 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also support us on patreon and get a variety of benefits such as early access to the filming scripts this is what I've been referencing as I go over this three pages worth of script and that was published before I even recorded this much less before XD edited so if you'd like to see the filming script scripts in advance if you'd like to see the benchmark charts early you can get access to those over on patreon thank you all so very much for watching I will see all of you next time\n"