The Perfect Creator Notebook MSI PS63 Modern Review

**MSI PS63 Modern from MSI Review**

The MSI PS63 Modern from MSI is a unique blend of performance and battery life, making it an attractive option for those who don't want to compromise on features. One of the standout features of this notebook is its impressive battery life, with the reviewer managing to get over 11 hours of use in their testing scenario. This is no small feat, considering the hardware configuration, which includes a 6-core processor and a GTX 1050 Max-Q GPU.

The combination of these components creates a solid middle ground between high-performance gaming laptops and ultrabooks. The reviewer notes that this notebook elevates the content grading experience, making it an attractive option for professionals in the field. However, there are some things that the reviewer is not a fan of. Firstly, the speakers are downwards-facing and can block sound entirely, which is a weird implementation. Secondly, the single-channel memory mode is a big red flag, as it affects gaming performance. While the user can upgrade to a dual-channel config on their own, this is an investment that needs to be made.

The cost of the MSI PS63 Modern from MSI is also worth noting. With a price tag ranging from $1,300 to $1,600, it puts it at a very interesting spot in the market. You can pick up a faster gaming laptop with a GTX 1060 and a faster 6-core processor for around the same price. Ultimately, whether or not this notebook is right for you depends on your specific needs. If you're looking for exceptional battery life and decent performance that can comfortably push games at 1080p over 60 frames per second, then the PS63 Modern from MSI might be a good option.

**Design and Build**

The reviewer notes that they are "surprised" by the lack of bloatware on this notebook. While it's not uncommon for gaming laptops to come with a lot of unnecessary software, MSI has managed to keep things minimal. The design of the notebook is also worth noting. The reviewer mentions that it's a full synthetic load and not a real-world use case scenario, but they do comment on the clock speed when rendering and how the CPU got up to 4 gigahertz. They also note that the temperatures are well under control unless you decide to fully push the processor to its limits.


The performance of the MSI PS63 Modern from MSI is a key aspect of this notebook. The reviewer notes that it's a full synthetic load and not a real-world use case scenario, but they do comment on the clock speed when rendering and how the CPU got up to 4 gigahertz. They also mention that the GTX 1050 Max-Q GPU did peak at 84°C, which is to be expected considering the form factor of this notebook. The reviewer notes that the fan noise is tolerable, especially during idle scenarios. However, they do note that it doesn't sound like a jet engine when gaming or doing anything productive.

The MSI PS63 Modern from MSI also features an installed control center that allows users to switch between different performance modes and adjust fan speeds as well. This is a nice feature for users who want more control over their notebook's performance. Additionally, the reviewer notes that you can set CPU and GPU preferences for certain applications, which is a pretty nice touch.


Overall, the MSI PS63 Modern from MSI is a solid middle ground between high-performance gaming laptops and ultrabooks. It offers impressive battery life, decent performance, and a unique combination of hardware components. However, there are some things that the reviewer is not a fan of, such as the speakers and single-channel memory mode. While these issues may be deal-breakers for some users, others may be willing to overlook them in favor of the notebook's many strengths. If you're looking for a notebook that can handle content creation and gaming without breaking the bank, then the PS63 Modern from MSI is definitely worth considering.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enI think I pulled a muscle around my neckit doesn't really feel a lot good but Igotta make this video hey guys Eber here with Hardware Canucks and this is the msi PS63I can't call it a gaming laptop althoughI don't know if I could call it a gaminglaptop or a content creator friendlylaptop but we'll finalize on that in theconclusion so this is an interestingnotebook because MSI partnered up withthe Discovery Channel to come up withthis guy and as you can see by thedesign it it looks definitely a lotsleeker certainly looks not MSIwhatsoever because if you if you thinkabout MSI you think gaming aggressivedesigns but this is totally a completerefresh and I really like the way how itlooks so just to quickly go over thespecs it has a whiskey lake core i7processor 16 gigabytes of RAM 512 byteSSD nvme SSD but oddly enough my unitwas partitioned which was really weirdand it also has a GTX 10/15 max-q GPUand that is an interesting combinationbecause typically you would pair oryou'd find gaming laptops with primarilymainstream Intel CPUs and a discreetNVIDIA GPU but in this case it'sdifferent MSI decided go with a slightlyunderpowered you series processor andpair it up with a 1050 max-q GPU and soI just really wanted to test out theperformance and what you can get withsomething like this particularlyinterested by the battery life as welland there are a lot of surprises and ofcourse a few disappointments as well solet's get into it but first a quickmessage from our sponsor damn what thatprovide TX system you run and this is anATX machine you mean micro idea no nofull-size ATX components is just a smallpackage it can still satisfy the Q 500 Lby Cooler Master and affordable and thepretty compact enclosure for all yourregular hardware would perforatedexterior and PSU bracket that shifts upand down flexible side IO and awesomecable management the Q 500 L a compactframe with full ATX centerscheck it out below all right so beforewe get into the aesthetics of this newbook I do want to quickly discusspricing so you can pick it up for around1,300 to 1,600 dollars depending onagain depending on retailers again theyhave a lot of these notebooks on salesso that's kind of the price rangesyou're looking at for the specs that Ijust mentioned a minute ago with thatout of the way let's talk about thedesign and I really love what MSI hasdone here the partnership with theDiscovery Channel really shows when youtake a closer look at the notebook sothe front panel feels like it's made outof polycarbonate materials thatsandblasted in this galaxy blue trim bythe way this is an MSI term the interioris full on aluminum and it comes in thisnice carbon gray finish with a bit ofblue accents on the trackpad and I thinkthat's a nice touch the keyboard layoutis pretty compact the key sizes areslightly bigger than usual and I likethat because I got used to it reallyfast they do have a shorter amount oftravel distance and I want to say thatthey're slightly better than my dailydriver the Razer Blade 15 so that's nicethere is good feedback the arrow keysare positioned appropriately nothing tocomplain here it's also backlit but itdoes not feature RGB lining which ithink is great because it wouldn't havefit the design aesthetic so there's nobook in the first placehowever I do wish the brightness levelswere a little bit you know higher orbrighter because they don't get asbright in darker conditions moving outto the trackpad MSI one with a slightlydifferent approach this time so theymade it wider to accommodate yourfingers comfortably and I really enjoyedmy time using it it features Windowsposition drivers so it takes advantageof all the gesture controls baked intoWindows 10 and it also has a built-infingerprint reader which is a nice touchtaking a look at the i/o on the leftside you have your power in HDMI thatcan only output 4k at 30 Hertz a USB 3.1genuine type C port that also acts as adisplay port another USB 3.1 genuinetype a that supports quick charge 3.0that's actually a really cool featurebecause not a lot of laptops supportthat and the fact that you can simplyplug in your included USB cable to plugin your smart phone provided thatsupports quick charge is great and Ithink this would come in super handy forpeople who travel a lot and of courseyou do get a headphone /my jackswitching over to the right you get twomore USB 3.1 ports one of them being Gen1 and the other one being gen 2 and amicro SD card slot now a lot of gamerswon't care about this but for contentcreators it's a huge deal because thisnotebook is geared for that and the factthat you know they're targeting this forpeople who travel as well who createcontent does make any sense because youknow most people use cameras withfull-size SD cards and I would havepreferred to have that on a notebookthat's geared for content creation justsomething's missing there on thepositive side the display is really niceto work withit's a 15.6 inch 1080p IPS screen thatexhibits great colors with good contrastratio it's also a matte display and thewebcam is placed at the right locationand I thoroughly enjoyed my time gamingon this laptop as well because a displayis just really good however I did wishif the screen got a little bit morebrighter because viewing content was abit challenging outdoors and this issomething that I have encountered amongother gaming laptops in the past brandsjust tend to pack in good displays notour grading colors but just not brightenough especially compared to what Appleoffers with their Microprose thosequeens get super bright but again like Isaid if you're thinking about pickingthis up and if you're traveling a lotyou may find the brightness up put onthis a little bit you know disappointingnow in terms of upgrades when you crackopen this notebook the first red flagthat I caught was that the memory isrunning in single channel mode and so Iwas certainly expecting that to affectperformance which will definitely take alook at later on you can't upgrade thememory up to 32 gigabytes switching overto the storage configuration the maindrive is sitting on a PCI gen3 slotwhereas the other one only supports SATAbased drives so keep that in mindas for battery the ps63138 ficientprocessor like the whiskey lake cpu andwe pair that up with a fairlyrespectable graphicslike the GTX 1050 I think you've got areally solid middle ground in terms ofpower efficiency and performance andguys I also want to mention that Ihaven't tested other 15-inch notebookswith lower voltage processors and lowerend discrete graphics cards so the fourcore a threaded CPU is a decentperformer obviously keep yourexpectations lower since it doesn't getanywhere closer to the six core8750 H processor but you can still get alot of work done and I was reallysurprised with the video editingexperience as well now typically on anynotebook reviews I would take ourstandard 13 minute 4k project and Iwould render that on the machine to seehow fast renders but weirdly enough thisnotebook had some issues with AdobePremiere and that project which was sooddobviously premiere is broken I mean I'mhaving issues with my desktop PC so Itried rendering another project which isa 10-minute 4k clip and you know itcompleted that render in just a bit over14 minutes which is really respectablebecause you've got CUDA accelerationpaired with good Intel Quick Sync solike I said you can get away with videoediting on this thing I wouldn't push itto the extreme and but I'm actuallyreally surprised by the playbackperformance on this guy gaming on theother hand well let's just save the10:50 max-q pushed out respectable framerates paired with a wisk cubic processorI mean the fact that the memory isrunning in single channel mode certainlybottleneck the performance and this isthe PS 63s biggest disappointmentbecause I actually made a separate videocomparing dual channel versus singlechannel on notebooks and the resultswere substantial I mean if you'reinterested you can actually check thatvideo right over here but you know ifmsi pre-loaded this with a dual channelconfiguration it just would have madethis notebook a lot more responsive andthe frame rates would have obviouslytopped the charts especially at 1080p atmedium to low settings taking a look attemperatures things are not looking thatgreat on a full synthetic load usingeither 64 the CPU did get toasty at 95 Cand India throttle however do keep inmind that it's a full synthetic load andnot a real-world use case scenarioespecially for content creators so I didmonitor clock speed when renderingthe premier project and CPU got aroundfour gigahertz which is again wellrespectable and the temperatures arealso well under control unless if youdecide to fully push the processor toits absolute limits you shouldn't have aproblem the GTX 1050 max-q did peak at84 C which is to be expected consideringthe form factor of this notebook and theclock speeds were shifting back andforth between 1200 and 1683 megahertzfan noise is tolerable I mean the goodthing is that it doesn't sound like ajet fan when gaming or doing anythingproductive under idle scenarios it'salso really quiet which fits thenotebooks character now MSI haspre-installed control center that letsthe user switch between differentperformance modes and of course adjustsfan speeds as well and you can also setyou know CPU and GPU preferences forcertain applications which is prettynice and the one thing that I'm reallysurprised is the lack of crazy amountbloatware on this notebook consideringthat is an MSI laptop because you knowthe last MSI notebook that I reviewedwas again this was a while back it was ahuge thick beast gaming beast from MSIand that thing was just loaded withbloatware apps but I'm really surprisedby the cut down of that on this notebookI'm hoping it's the same case with theirgaming lineup but yeah on this guy veryminimal so I guess it's time to concludemy thoughts on the ps6 between modernfrom MSI you see the biggest strengthsof this notebook is the battery life thefact that I was able to get over 11hours of use in my use case scenario isjust fascinating I mean when you look atthe hardware configuration this thingyou know has a you series rescale likeprocessor and when you pair that up witha respectable again gtx 950 max-q GPUit's the combination is just very uniqueand I think it establishes a solidmiddle ground especially for people whodon't want to spend too much on asuper-fast gaming laptop but also don'twant to compromise on just an ultrabookfeaturing integrated UHD graphics thatgtx 1050 guys it really does elevate thecontent grading experience that beingsaid there are some things that I'm nota fan of especially on this notebook sofirst and foremost the speakers they'renot that great they're downwards firingand they completely just block because Iknow it's just a weird implementationI would prefer to fund facing speakersfor better protection also the singlechannel memory mode is just a big redflag in my books because it affectsgaming performance now you can upgradeit on your own to a dual channel configbut that's an investment on your end sokeep that in mind and in micro SD cardreader is an ironic implementationespecially since MSI is gearing this forcontent creators who travel a lot lastlythere's the cost so as I mentionedearlier you can pick up this notebookfor anywhere between thirteen hundredand sixteen hundred dollars and thatputs it at a very interesting spotespecially the competition because youcan pick up a faster gaming laptop withthe gtx 1060 and a faster six coreprocessor for around the same price so Iguess it's ultimately depends on whatyou really need I mean are you someonewho's looking for exceptional batterylife in a notebook that has you knowdecent performance that can comfortablypush games at 1080p over sixty framesper second and that's the question thathas to be answered especially by theuser and I think the PS63 is a reallygood middle ground between you know asuper-fast high performance gamingsystem and an ultrabookand I think if you're willing to youknow do the memory upgrades on your ownand if you're willing to go past thespeakers and the micro SD cardimplementation I don't think you can gowrong with a notebook like this but Iwant to know your thoughts about the PS63 Modernfrom MSI what do you guys thinkabout it first and foremost do you likethe design also are you comfortable withthe combination up at GTX 1050 max Qand a whiskey a processor I do want toquickly point out that I did notice alisting on MSI's website where they'reoffering this notebook with a 1650 max QGPU although it is not available to buyright now so I guess we'll just have towait and see how that goes but let meknow what you guys think about thisnotebook in the comments down belowI'm Ivar with Hardare Canucks thank youso much for watching make sure to checkout some relevant content over heresubscribe to our new channel here andI'll see you in the next one\n"