Welcome to our channel, my beautiful lovelies! It's Emmy here, and I'm so excited to welcome you back to another video. Today, we're sponsored by Trade, which makes choosing and finding delicious tasting coffees a breeze because of their quiz that matches you up with coffees that match your taste preferences. This is a brilliant idea, because when it comes down to coffee and things of taste in general, it's often subjective.
With Trade, you can discover new coffees from some of the nation's best roasters, and the coffee comes right to your doorstep. There's no need to even go to the store; no need to wait in line; no need to feel overwhelmed by the wall of choices when you go into a shop. You can choose your delivery schedule, and after you've tasted your coffee, you can rate your experience, which optimizes your future selections.
If you'd like to try Trade for yourself, click the link down below to receive 30% off your first bag with signup, including free shipping. Big thanks to Trade for sponsoring this video. So, today I'm going to be making a very popular and easy-to-make dessert from Argentina, and it's called chocotorta. And it's a no-bake cake that's made out of cookies, specifically Chocolinas, little rectangular biscuit cookies that have no filling, nothing whatsoever.
Just very simple, perfect to dip in your coffee or your tea. So, we're going to be using this along with some dulce de leche from Argentina β and this is milk caramel. As many of you know, you can make homemade dulce de leche using cans of condensed milk. You cook it for a long time in the can, and it caramelizes into this beautiful caramelized potion, practically that you can pour on ice cream, dip fruit in, have it in many, many different ways.
I decided not to make mine from scratch because for this recipe, we need a very thick consistency dulce de leche which this Argentine brand makes. And I didn't want my filling to be too runny. So, this recipe is actually not very old. It originated in 1982 by Marite Mabragana. She worked at an ad agency, decided to create a recipe that included Chocolinas and cream cheese.
Because this recipe is so easy to make and I imagine so delicious, I haven't tasted it yet. It's very popular to make for children's birthday parties. So, it has become quite nostalgic as well. Now, let's go ahead and make our selves a chocotorta. As always, I looked to YouTube for recipes and guidance for making the chocotorta.
I watched Quiero Cupcakes and La Chancha y los 20 video with Paz Baker making this recipe. So basically, we're going to be making an icebox cake. We're taking cookies and we're making a filling. We're gonna sandwich them in different layers and then refrigerate this. And some of the moisture from the filling will wick up into the cookies, making them light and fluffy and have a cake-like texture.
It's magic. There's no baking. This is perfect for summer when you don't wanna warm up your house. So, let's make the filling β super simple: you're just gonna have equal proportions of dulce de leche to cream cheese. In this case, I'm using 500 grams, which works out to be about two packages and half of one of these containers, because this is a kilo.
And this cream cheese has been sitting at room temperature for a bit so it'll be easier to blend. Two bricks. So look how thick this dulce de leche is β super thick and has a really rich brown nutty color to it. Now we're just going to mix this together on low speed until everything is well combined.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat music)- Greetings my beautifullovelies, it's Emmy.How are you?It's so good to see you and welcome back.Today's video is sponsored by Trade,which makes choosing and findingdelicious tasting coffeesa breeze because you take the Trade quiz,which matches you up with coffeesthat match your taste preferences.A brilliant idea,because when it comes down to coffeeand things of taste in general,it is often subjective.With Trade you can discover new coffeesfrom some of the nation's best roastersand the coffee comesright to your doorstep.There's no need to even go to the store,no need to wait in line,no need to feel overwhelmedby the wall of choiceswhen you go into a shop.You can choose your delivery schedule.And after you've tasted your coffee,you can rate your experience,which optimizes your future selections.So if you'd like to trya Trade for yourself,click the link down below toreceive 30% off your first bagwith signup, including free shipping.Big thanks to Trade forsponsoring this video.So today I'm gonna bemaking a very popularand easy-to-make dessert from Argentinaand it is called chocotorta,and it is a no-bake cakethat's made out of cookies,specifically Chocolinas,little rectangular biscuit cookiesthat have no filling, nothing whatsoever.Just very simple, perfect todip in your coffee or your tea.So we're gonna be usingthis along with somedulce de leche from Argentina --and this is milk caramel.So as many of you know, you canmake homemade dulce de lecheusing cans of condensed milk.You cook it for a long time in the can,and it caramelizes into thisbeautiful caramelized potion,practically that youcan pour on ice cream,dip fruit in, have it inmany, many different ways.I decided not to make mine from scratchbecause for this recipe, weneed a very thick consistencydulce de leche which thisArgentinian brand makes.And I didn't want myfilling to be too runny.So this recipe is actually not very old.It originated in 1982 by Marite Mabragana.And she worked at an ad agency,decided to create a recipethat included Chocolinasand cream cheese.Because this recipe is so easy to makeand I imagine so delicious,I haven't tasted it yet.It is very popular to make forchildren's birthday parties.So it has become quite nostalgic as well.So, let's go ahead and makeourselves a chocotorta.As always, I looked to YouTube for recipesand guidance for making the chocotorta.I watched Quiero Cupcakesand La Chancha y los 20video with Paz Baker making this recipe.So basically we're gonnabe making an icebox cake.We're taking cookies andwe're making a filling.We're gonna sandwichthem in different layersand then refrigerate this.And some of the moisture from the fillingwill wick up into the cookies,making them light and fluffyand have a cake-like texture.I's magic.And there's no baking.This is perfect for summerwhen you don't wanna warm upyour house.So let's make the filling -- super simple:you're just gonna have equalproportions of dulce de lecheto cream cheese.In this case, I'm using 500 grams,which works out to beabout two packages and halfof one of these containers,because this is a kilo.And this cream cheese has beensitting at room temperaturefor a bitso it'll be easier to blend.Two bricks.So look how thick this dulce de leche is,super thick and has a reallyrich brown nutty color to it.Now we're just going to mix this togetheron low speed untileverything is well combined.(mixer revving)Whoa!(mixer revving)There's so much creamcheese in this recipe.It's essentially gonna be a cheesecake.So when I took the Trade quiz,they sent me this coffeeand it's Joe Coffee,and this is \"The Daily.\"I've never had this coffee before.And this comes from New York City.(soft music)I went ahead and brewed some coffeebecause we're gonna needit to assemble our cake.I'm gonna just doopsome of this into there.I don't think that is thecorrect usage of the word doop.\"Dupe\" is to fool someone.\"Dupe\" or make a copy.This is not a \"dupe.\"Oh, geez.See professionals do thiswithout getting it on the sides.(whispers) Not a professional.Nope!Nope.But that's okay, becauseI'm not pretending to be.All right, oopsie.Chocolinas, dip them intoour coffee and arrange them.It couldn't be any easier.You're gonna make a layerand you can make the Bagleysall point in one wayif you want, you know,you can be that person.And we can make a littlebloops all the way aroundthe perimeter and thenwe're just gonna add a layerin the middle.So along the long ways ofthe cookie, put three bloops,and on the short side of thecookie, you do two bloops.Highly technical term, bloop.Then we're just gonnatake this and put a layerof the cream cheese, dulce de lecheover the entire surface.(soft music)Just like that.And then, continue with more cookies.So just a little pressure justfor them to kind of adhere.Once we've assembled this,we're gonna cover itand then refrigerate itfor at least four hours up to overnight.The reason why we wannado that is to give timefor the cookies to softenup and turn cake like.Luckily I did one of these in advance.So let me grab that oneout of the refrigerator.Here we are.βͺ Da da da dadada βͺβͺ Tiii βͺIsn't it beautiful?It looks just like it didbefore we refrigerated it,and now the cookies are nice and soft.We're just gonna finish the decorationwith some extra bloops ontop, and then we can go aheadand eat this.βͺ Boo, boop, boo boop βͺβͺ Boo boop, boo boop βͺso these are finishingbloops, so I am lifting it up.So it has kind of like theshape of a chocolate morselor a chocolate chip.(soft music)I'm so pleased with how this turned out.It was so easy to make.So satisfyingly symmetrical and even.Then it smells like caramel.And coffee.Ooh, yes!(soft music)Sophia Rowan Instagram showedsome beautiful blue utensils.So then I went down the deep holethat is the internet to finda little set for myself.And I actually found these on Mercari.So I bought them from someone else.So, I was so pleasedthat I could find some,but I'm so happy becausenow I can separatemy tasting utensilsfrom my other utensils.So then I can say,who took my blue fork?And then I can find my blue fork.Instead of getting it allmixed up with the others.Alrighty, let's stop chattingand let's eat some of this.I have my hot coffee and look.So having it sit in therefrigerator overnighthas softened the biscuits.So now it's cake like.Oh oh oh!Itadakimasu!(soft music)Oh my!Hot diggidy is that good!(groans)Lovely, oh so lovely, it is very richbecause we have all thatcream cheese in there.It's very reminiscent of a cheesecakebecause we have thatcream cheese in there,the density, the richness,but it's a little bit different texturallybecause we've got thoselayers of cookie in there.It's as if we took thegraham cracker crustand distributed itthroughout cheesecake --in terms of texture --flavor is completely different.You've got this lovely kind ofcocoa flavor going on there.And then you've got thecoffee infused in there,which kind of heightensthe chocolate flavor.But besides the chocolate,you've got that dulce de lechethat is infused in everything.And it's got a beautifulcaramely, buttery flavor to it.So good.And with coffee...(gulps)It is so perfect with the coffee.This is sweet and it is dense.And then you've got hot coffee.It's kind of just meltit down into your gullet.Oh my goodness.I highly recommend making a chocotorta.If you can't find Chocolinas,you can substitute with some other kindof chocolate wafer cookie,but don't get one that's filled.It doesn't need any more sugar.Just make sure your dulce de lechehas a really rich dark brown colorbecause that's all the flavor --we really want thatstrong caramelized flavorin your chocotorta.Alrighty my beautiful lovelies,thanks once again for tuning in,and big thanks to allmy beautiful lovelieswho suggested that I make thisand encouraged me to make thisbecause it was just utterlyscrumdiddlyumptious.And big thanks to Tradefor sponsoring this video.Click the link down below toreceive 30% off your first bagwith signup, including free shipping.Thanks again for watching.I hope you enjoyed that one.I hope you learned something.Please share this video with your friends.Follow me on social media;like this video; subscribe;and I shall see youin the next one.Toodloo. Take care. Bye!(upbeat music)Let's eat like a civilizedperson with a fork and a knife.(chewing loudly)\n"