Your PC is Trash - M1 MacBook Air 2020

**The Ultimate MacBook Air Experience: A Game-Changer**

I was blown away by my experience with the latest MacBook Air, equipped with the M1 chip. As I scrolled through stuff and checked email and calendar back and forth, I realized that I had been using it for half an hour without even realizing it. The battery still read 100% - an incredible feat considering how demanding I was on the device.

This experience is a testament to the MacBook Air's exceptional performance and battery life. I used it for over an hour and a half, closed the lid, and went to sleep with 96% battery left. It's hard to believe that just a few years ago, Macs were struggling with thermal issues and keyboard problems, but this latest iteration has changed everything.

Now, if you're looking for negatives, I'll be honest - there are some trade-offs. The M1 chip only allows for two displays to be connected at once, which can be limiting for professionals who require more screen real estate. Additionally, the MacBook Air and other M1-based Macs only have two Thunderbolt/USB-C ports. However, considering the advantages and performance of this device, these trade-offs are easily overlooked.

I couldn't think of a single good reason not to buy this MacBook Air as a first-generation product. In fact, Apple has discontinued selling Intel-based MacBook Air models, indicating that they're confident in the M1 chip's capabilities. It seems like Apple is leading the way in transitioning to ARM-based processors, and the MacBook Air is at the forefront of this revolution.

Some might argue that Apple will quickly move on from the M1 chip, making this version obsolete. However, I believe that this device's incredible performance, battery life, and overall user experience make it a great choice, even if you don't buy it now.

In fact, I'd say that the MacBook Air is such a clear class leader across the board that it's hard to recommend any other laptop in its price range. Unless you have specific needs or preferences (e.g., a larger screen or Windows operating system), this device should be your top choice.

The M1 chip has brought the MacBook Air back to its default status as the go-to laptop for anyone who doesn't have specific requirements. It's been a long time since I've seen a device that's so well-rounded and capable, making it a game-changer in the world of laptops.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Big thanks to OtterBoxfor sponsoring a portion of this video.- So as pros, as creators,I'm telling you be patient.- Patience is not my middle name.I has switched my entire life overto the base model $999 MacBook Airfeaturing the brand new Apple M1 chip.I'll spoil the entirevideo right now for you.This is the new defaultrecommendation for a laptop for me.Now I'm gonna do my best in this videoto not just give you the hypeand just explain over and over again.Oh my gosh, it's so fast,even though that's what I wanna say.But the baseline, whatyou expect out of a laptopis now different.I think that's the thing thatreally is landed with me.- You know Austin'sserious when he's putting youinto story time andnot actually just trynaget you straight into the video.- I have, look I have, we'restill in the intro right now.I haven't even begun theactual video, this is justthe preamble before I showyou charts and benchmarksand I show you how I'veedited this entire videoon the base model MacBook Air.So I saw your video.You, it seemed like to meyou were trying to sort oftemper expectations a little bitby like telling professionalsdon't upgrade yet,you know wait for the M1X or whatever,but I've got to ask you areyou using an M1 Mac yet?- So I am full-time laptopdailying the M1 MacBook Probut I don't do very muchof my professional workon the laptop.I got this big old desktopbehind me and that'sthat's still gonna be a long timebefore that's a Apple Silicon Mac.- But spending time with ithas really made me realizelike I knew it would be good basedon what we seen with theiPad Pro, but I didn'tI wasn't ready for how goodit really was going to beand how few compromises are.I was like, everything just works so well.- Yeah, that's the thing like Iwhen I talked about it inmy video, this comparisonwe talk about with Android phonesand iPhones all the time where it's likeI don't think we've realizedhow efficient the chipsin the iPhones have been,that they do so muchwith like four gigs ofRAM and a baby battery.- So I'm curious, what, whatis your normal workflow?Cause I know, obviously you'reprobably not editing on youryour MacBook Pro, but likewhat do you do on that?Have you had any like bottlenecksor run into any issues yet?- No problem, I meanso I do a lot of thumbnail stuff inin Pixelmator, there waseventually a beta versionand now already Pixelmator 2.0 is out.So that was the bottleneck that I'd foundand that's already fixed.And I've been veryimpressed at how fast a lotof these fixes are comingbecause the new version of Chrome,there's a beta of theoptimized Photoshop already.So it's happening.- Thank you to OtterBoxfor sponsoring this portion of the video.And of course, OtterBox are knownfor their legendaryprotection of mobile devices.I mean, if you wanna keep your device safeyou put it in an OtterBox.But the thing is they make a tonof other accessories fora wide variety of devices.So from smartphones to tabletsthey also have screen protectorsand they even have cases forthings like your headphones.But on top of that they also havesome more accessories coming soonmaybe something in the gaming space,make sure to stay tuned.So the holiday shopping season quicklyapproaching OtterBox has you coveredso between staying insync with your daily lifeor giving grandma that sweet new giftcause she keeps dropping her phoneand she actually needs areal case to protect it.Then we'll be sure to go checkout visit the link in the description.And again, huge, thank you to OtterBoxfor sponsoring this portion of the video.Now back to the rest of the content.Grandma has a lot of broken screens.So if you put it alongsidesome other laptopsand other devices when itcomes to the benchmarks,it is a no brainer, right?You put it beside the last gen MacBook Airand it's hilarious butthis thing even benchesalongside something like mymaxed out 16 inch MacBook Prowhich has a TDP of like6 or 7 times this, right.It is a very power hungrylaptop, it is a very loud laptop.And even it struggles insome cases specificallyin the single core to keepup with this little puny MacBook Air.Like one core on that Ryzen systemis like 4 or 5 times theentire power consumptionof this MacBook.And yet in the single core basisthis MacBook is more powerfuland it feels like it, right?It's one thing to look at benchmarks.It's one thing to see the,the synthetic sort of scores.It's one thing to see peoplelike me talk about it.It's another thing to experience how fastthe web feels in Safari, right?How fast it is to boot up, how fast it isto close the lid, it's asleep,open it up and literally bythe time I have the lid half openit is already unlocked itself.So with the new M1 MacBook Air.There were a bunch ofthings that jump out to me.First of all, is how big of a differencethis is from the previousmodel thatcame out just a few months ago.Now, if you look at it,it is very much the same.So this has lost the fan,which to be honest, the fanin the previous MacBook Airdidn't exactly do a lot.But hardware wise, basicallythe same, same screensame trackpad, same designsame two Thunderbolt 3 ports.Although this time theyhave been upgraded to USB 4which basically means thatthey're still Thunderbolt ports.Now the internals are reallywhat have been changed.Gone are the days of the Intel processorsand in are the brand new Apple M1 chips.If you're not familiar withM1 and you somehow made itthis far into the videothis is essentiallya supercharged versionof what you would findin the latest iPhonesand the latest iPad Air.It is based on that same A14but it has been tuned andmodified for Mac use, right?So it's an eight core chip.So you have four high performance coresand four low performance coresand that enables a ton of things.But what's interesting aboutthis chip is not so muchthe raw performance whichobviously is a huge part of itbut it is no longer basedon the same Intel AMD x86 architecture.Instead the M1 uses the ARMarchitecture which againis lifted directly the mobileside of the world, right?So things like iPhone,things like Android phonesthey all use ARM based chips.But what Apple have done withthe M1 is build a mega chipthat really does delivercrazy performance.And let's keep in mind,this is the base model.So the way that a traditional legacy appthat hasn't been updated forthe M1 works is very simple.Now, as soon as you go to launch ityou will have Rosettarun in the background.So it might take a little bit extra timeto first load at the beginning.But beyond that, it's actuallya really smooth experience.So apps such as Slack run justas well as they did before.In fact, some of the moreinteresting things werewhen I tried Fortnite whichobviously is an older game.It is a game that hasn't beenupdated for Macs in a whileand certainly doesn'tsupport Apple Silicon.But I was getting 60 FPS.Right? That's a nuts ideathat I'm getting betterperformance in a gameon a base model, thin andlight fanless MacBook than I didin pretty much any Mac beforehand.Now there is a little bitof a performance penaltyto running these apps in thebackwards compatibility modewhen Rosetta is runningunderneath, but it's minor enoughand the chip is sopowerful that it means thatessentially all apps goingforward are going to be updatedright? I mean, it's just a no brainerthat if you wanna make a Macapp you need to keep it upto date for Apple Silicon at some point.One of the downsides toswitching over to Apple Siliconis you no longer have Boot Camp support.So this may come atsome point in the futurethere's certainly nothingstopping the Windowson ARM version to run onthis if Apple, Microsoftcan get together and figure something out.Now battery life is somethingof course everyone cares about, right?And that is where you wouldexpect this to do better, right?I mean the ARM based chips that you haveinside your phones havebeen hyper hyper optimizedto get the most amount ofbattery life possible, right?And with this MacBookAir, what you're gettingis the exact same size batteries,pretty much the exact same batteryas the previous MacBook Air.But you are getting now30, 40% more battery life.And that's a real number.So I was buying Pokemon cards on eBaybecause that's my life now,the other night in bed.And I just was, I was on for like an houror whatever I look up and Isee I've got 77% battery lifeand it showed I had 12hours remaining on the Air.And I'm just like, are you serious?- Yeah, I tweeted this causeI was kinda shocked by itI had, I was just in Safariwhich is like best casescenario for this laptop.And I was just in likescrolling through stuffand doing email andcalendar back and forth.And I'd been using it fora bit and I checked batteryand it still said 100%.And I just moved across the roomand I had to think to myself,did I just unplug thisor have I really been usingit for like half an hour?And it still reads a hundred percent.And I used it for about an hour and a halfand I closed the lid and I went to sleepand it had 96% battery left.- There was a few years there wherethe Mac was in the wilderness.The, they just weren'tquite as competitive,you had all these thermal issuesyou had all these keyboard issues,but this MacBook Air andspecifically the M1 chip insidehas completely changed everything.Now, if I'm going to talk aboutnegatives, there are a few.And to be fair, some of thoseare certainly very specificto a more professionalworkflow and certainlyare not what the MacBookAir is intended for.So you can only run twodisplays off of an M1 based Mac.So if you're using aMacBook Air or MacBook Pro,you can pretty much onlyconnect one external display.The MacBook Air and indeed all the M1 Macsonly have two Thunderboltslash USB-C ports.But when I look at thisspecifically with the Air,the trade-offs that you make in exchangefor the advantages and the performanceand the compatibility and the battery lifeIt's a very easy call.Okay, so help me out here right?So in working on my videoon the Air and obviouslythe Pro and stuff but I'mmostly been focusing on the Air.I cannot think of a single good reasonif someone is in the marketfor a MacBook Air specificallyto not buy this one canyou think of any reasonwhy you wouldn't want to jumpon this as a gen 1 product?- Well Apple is not even selling anIntel MacBook Air anymoreso it seems like theyagree and this is the,this is the confident pieceof their transition it's justmost popular laptop baselineM1 chip is a way to go.I'm gonna agree with you.I'm gonna say there isno glaring downside.I mean now that I've testedit and I've seen how wellthe development is going, Idon't see a glaring downside.I think the pessimist wouldsay that Apple is gonna move onfrom M1 chips quickly andthis is the worst versionyou can ever buy and Ithink that that's true.But if this version withits incredible battery lifeand it's really good performanceis good enough for you.There is no downside, I'm gonnaget this for my mom, my dad,my sister this is the laptopthat they should just get.- It's so good thatit's hard for me to talkabout without sounding like I'm biasedor that I'm an Apple shillor whatever, but it's likeit's very rare to havea new product come outwhich does so many things so well, right?Like my job is to becritical and to review thingsand to talk about theupsides, the downsidesand where you want,why you may wanna wait.And sure, look, I should probably waitfor the 16 inch MacBook which is goingto have all these same sort of advantagesand it'll have the extra ports and stuff.But like I've seen how smoothand how fast everythingis on these devices andhow good battery life is.I can't put that genie back in the bottle.I can't forget that I'veexperienced this kind of speed.And if it's this good ona base model MacBook Airhow good is it gonna bewhen that iMac comes out,when that MacBook Pro comes out,when that Mac Pro comes out, right?That's what I'm really excited for.- This is one of the biggestleaps in a while whereI think it's going tobe a long time beforeit's an obvious no go.I think there's gonnabe at least two yearswhere there're every laptopis gonna get comparedto this MacBook Air.Like every laptop in this price rangeis gonna get, gonna get comparedand probably lose on paperin a lot of ways to the MacBook Air.- It really does to mebring the MacBook Air backto the default status ofthis laptop is the laptopI would recommend toanyone unless they havea good reason not to wanna get it, right?Unless you want a big screen,unless you need Windows for some reason,unless you wanna gamethe MacBook Air is it.And that is somethingthat is been a long timesince I've been able tosay that this is sucha clear class leader across the board.(soft music)