Felle kritiek Omtzigt op kabinet om gascrisis: ‘Langetermijnstrategie ontbreekt!’ | The Daily Move

The Energy Crisis and its Political Implications

We actually had that 10 years ago and we actually had that 10 years ago and we actually had that 10 years ago, had to start in2022 September with a very uncertain,2022 September with a very uncertain,2022 September with a very uncertain,completely political situation, ancompletely political situation, ancompletely political situation, anenergy crisis so weenergy crisis so weenergy crisis so wealso have to look at how it came to be this way,also have to look at how it came to be this way,also have to look at how it came to be this way,but we also have to look ahead, what arebut we also have to look ahead, what arebut we also have to look ahead, what arewe going to do now? I say, and thatwe going to do now? I say, and thatmeans that you also look at whether youmeans that you also look at whether youmeans that you also look at whether youbuild an extra pipeline for anbuild an extra pipeline for anbuild an extra pipeline for anAlgerian guest or whether you want a permanent ehAlgerian guest or whether you want a permanent ehAlgerian guest or whether you want a permanent ehimporter of LNG with whom youimporter of LNG with whom youimporter of LNG with whom youenter into your own contract for theenter into your own contract for theenter into your own contract for thecoming years, erm, there are severalcoming years, erm, there are severalcoming years, erm, there are severaloptions for this and I don't know exactlyoptions for this and I don't know exactlyoptions for this and I don't know exactlywhich one is the best, but choose awhich one is the best, but choose awhich one is the best, but choose astable geopolitical customers with whomstable geopolitical customers with whomstable geopolitical customers with whomyou will have a long-term relationship. We will see in theyou will have a long-term relationship. We will see in theyou will have a long-term relationship. We will see in thecoming years We now need 40 billioncoming years We now need 40 billioncoming years We now need 40 billionand 40 I am we are taking a break on March 20,and 40 I am we are taking a break on March 20,and 40 I am we are taking a break on March 20,so even if we keep everything ourselves, weso even if we keep everything ourselves, weso even if we keep everything ourselves, wewill still have towill still have towill still have toimport and we still don't have enough We woimport and we still don't have enough We woimport and we still don't have enough We won't get it done by half,n't get it done by half,n't get it done by half,then it will take three years, we know that also,then it will take three years, we know that also,then it will take three years, we know that also,so we have to look for new Partners,so we have to look for new Partners,so we have to look for new Partners,you are actually saying that you are investigating new energy parts.you are actually saying that you are investigating new energy parts.you are actually saying that you are investigating new energy parts.but we will also have toBut we will also have toBut we will also have tofocus again. And that is what I have as afocus again. And that is what I have as agovernment, we are alwaysgovernment, we are alwaysgovernment, we are alwaysthinking about models and efficiently andthinking about models and efficiently andthinking about models and efficiently andmarkets as you go through time andmarkets as you go through time andmarkets as you go through time andhousing, food, energy there.housing, food, energy there.housing, food, energy there.see how that is available again, our ownsee how that is available again, our ownsee how that is available again, our ownpopulation, cities already did that in thepopulation, cities already did that in thepopulation, cities already did that in theMiddle Ages and we now seem to have simplyMiddle Ages and we now seem to have simplyMiddle Ages and we now seem to have simplyforgotten that this was once aforgotten that this was once aforgotten that this was once agovernment task

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enand we will continue to talk about energy,and we will continue to talk about energy,and we will continue to talk about energy,er, Pieter, to see, raises the alarm,er, Pieter, to see, raises the alarm,er, Pieter, to see, raises the alarm,while energy priceswhile energy priceswhile energy pricescontinue to rise, The Hague lackscontinue to rise, The Hague lackscontinue to rise, The Hague lacksa plan to properly tackle the guest crisis,a plan to properly tackle the guest crisis,a plan to properly tackle the guest crisis,he states, although the gas depot has beenhe states, although the gas depot has beenhe states, although the gas depot has been80% stock since today.80% stock since today.80% stock since today.The measuresThe measuresThe measuresbeing taken resemble a Hap Snapbeing taken resemble a Hap Snapbeing taken resemble a Hap Snappolicy rather than a substantiated long-termpolicy rather than a substantiated long-termpolicy rather than a substantiated long-termstrategy, at least that is evidentstrategy, at least that is evidentstrategy, at least that is evidentfrom the answers to the writtenfrom the answers to the writtenfrom the answers to the writtenquestions that independent MPquestions that independent MPquestions that independent MPasked the cabinet and whichasked the cabinet and whichasked the cabinet and whichhe published on Twitter Good afternoonhe published on Twitter Good afternoonhe published on Twitter Good afternoonPieter onzicht Good afternoon One of thePieter onzicht Good afternoon One of thePieter onzicht Good afternoon One of thequestions we asked were about thequestions we asked were about thequestions we asked were about thesecurity of supply of gas for thesecurity of supply of gas for thesecurity of supply of gas for theNetherlands. What exactly do you want to know?Netherlands. What exactly do you want to know?Netherlands. What exactly do you want to know?Well, I want to know what ourWell, I want to know what ourWell, I want to know what ourstrategy is for security of supply and,strategy is for security of supply and,strategy is for security of supply and,er, affordability of gas and yes,er, affordability of gas and yes,er, affordability of gas and yes,I didn't find that, the first one II didn't find that, the first one II didn't find that, the first one Iasked. How much gas do weasked. How much gas do weasked. How much gas do westill extract? Well, that is around 20 billion cubic metersstill extract? Well, that is around 20 billion cubic metersstill extract? Well, that is around 20 billion cubic metersper year and it turns out that we have purchasedper year and it turns out that we have purchasedper year and it turns out that we have purchasedor purchased 17.5 billion cubic meters of this with long-term contracts.or purchased 17.5 billion cubic meters of this with long-term contracts.or purchased 17.5 billion cubic meters of this with long-term contracts.So we need energy from our ba,So we need energy from our ba,So we need energy from our ba,namely energy, part of which wenamely energy, part of which wenamely energy, part of which weare self-sufficient because weare self-sufficient because weare self-sufficient because weuse it as country is approaching 40use it as country is approaching 40use it as country is approaching 40billion cubic meters, so at this momentbillion cubic meters, so at this momentbillion cubic meters, so at this momenthalf of it could be self-sufficient,half of it could be self-sufficient,half of it could be self-sufficient,um, well, we actuallyum, well, we actuallysold it all abroad in a long year contractwhen you asked that question and thenwhen you asked that question and thenwhen you asked that question and thenonly one answer came. What was in thatonly one answer came. What was in thatonly one answer came. What was in thatanswer, foranswer, foranswer, forexample, about affordabilityexample, about affordabilityexample, about affordabilityand security. Yes,and security. Yes,and security. Yes,we assume an efficientwe assume an efficientwe assume an efficienthost market and then I take a stephost market and then I take a stephost market and then I take a stepback because um that host market isback because um that host market isback because um that host market isnot efficient because you actuallynot efficient because you actuallynot efficient because you actuallyonly have a few offers umonly have a few offers umonly have a few offers umNorway Algeria and Russia are theNorway Algeria and Russia are theNorway Algeria and Russia are themajor suppliers in parts of Europemajor suppliers in parts of Europemajor suppliers in parts of Europeand if one of those suppliers disappears andand if one of those suppliers disappears andand if one of those suppliers disappears andin this case it was Russia, thenin this case it was Russia, thenin this case it was Russia, thenyou simply do not have enough supply. So thenyou simply do not have enough supply. So thenyou simply do not have enough supply. So thenyou cannot say yes, weyou cannot say yes, weyou cannot say yes, weassume that you can always purchase it on the marketassume that you can always purchase it on the marketassume that you can always purchase it on the marketbecause there is simply abecause there is simply abecause there is simply ageopolitical risk. is that Russia isgeopolitical risk. is that Russia isgeopolitical risk. is that Russia isturning off the gas valve,turning off the gas valve,turning off the gas valve,Russia has already done that once with Ukraine,Russia has already done that once with Ukraine,Russia has already done that once with Ukraine,about six or seven years ago,about six or seven years ago,about six or seven years ago,they have done that regularly with other countries,they have done that regularly with other countries,they have done that regularly with other countries,so um yes, I found that annoying and theso um yes, I found that annoying and theso um yes, I found that annoying and theother thing I found very strange is Iother thing I found very strange is Iother thing I found very strange is Ialso wanted to just see the contracts, whichalso wanted to just see the contracts, whichalso wanted to just see the contracts, whichcontracts have we entered into for many years nowcontracts have we entered into for many years nowcontracts have we entered into for many years nowwith our most important mineralwith our most important mineralwith our most important mineraland those contracts They appear to be so secretand those contracts They appear to be so secretand those contracts They appear to be so secretthat the chamber is not allowed to see it,that the chamber is not allowed to see it,that the chamber is not allowed to see it,so I know that it has been sold, Iso I know that it has been sold, Iso I know that it has been sold, Ijust don't know about the church thatjust don't know about the church thatjust don't know about the church thatwas asked for it to whom it was sold andwas asked for it to whom it was sold andwas asked for it to whom it was sold andwhat I get I am not yetwhat I get I am not yetwhat I get I am not yetcompletely certain that the contracts havecompletely certain that the contracts havecompletely certain that the contracts havenot been extended until 2012, you cannot been extended until 2012, you cannot been extended until 2012, you cansay until 2012 until the earthquake nearsay until 2012 until the earthquake nearsay until 2012 until the earthquake nearHuizingen and it was a different world than afterHuizingen and it was a different world than afterHuizingen and it was a different world than after2012 because then we thought for a long time2012 because then we thought for a long time2012 because then we thought for a long timegain more guests over the years than theygain more guests over the years than theygain more guests over the years than theywould need themselves. So then ofwould need themselves. So then ofwould need themselves. So then ofcourse you can sell what you can to neighboring countries,course you can sell what you can to neighboring countries,course you can sell what you can to neighboring countries,who of course alsowho of course alsowho of course alsowant to have security of delivery, but afterwant to have security of delivery, but afterwant to have security of delivery, but after2012 I wonder how many contracts I found have been2012 I wonder how many contracts I found have been2012 I wonder how many contracts I found have beenextended thatextended thatextended thatcould have been canceledcould have been canceledcould have been canceled? also talked about our own? also talked about our own? also talked about our ownconsumption when it comes to the long-consumption when it comes to the long-consumption when it comes to the long-term visionterm visionterm visionYes to the Long-term vision eh it isYes to the Long-term vision eh it isYes to the Long-term vision eh it issaid of eh We want to save gas in the longersaid of eh We want to save gas in the longersaid of eh We want to save gas in the longerterm so weterm so weterm so wewant to slowly get rid of gas Iwant to slowly get rid of gas Iwant to slowly get rid of gas Ithink it is wise to do a lot withthink it is wise to do a lot withthink it is wise to do a lot withthe insulation much fewer guests usethe insulation much fewer guests usethe insulation much fewer guests useum just you know that you still need it for the next 30um just you know that you still need it for the next 30um just you know that you still need it for the next 30years and that you can'tyears and that you can'tyears and that you can'tdo without it from one day or anotherdo without it from one day or anotherdo without it from one day or anotherbecause yes people just use itbecause yes people just use itbecause yes people just use itfor the Farm of a house that wefor the Farm of a house that wefor the Farm of a house that weuse for the producinguse for the producinguse for the producingfood, er, metal and all those things,food, er, metal and all those things,food, er, metal and all those things,you can't do that, we cayou can't do that, we cayou can't do that, we can't do that without it tomorrow and then you will also have to have a plan forn't do that without it tomorrow and then you will also have to have a plan forn't do that without it tomorrow and then you will also have to have a plan forthe guest that you do need, thatthe guest that you do need, thatyou will also have that you can get, look, dude,you will also have that you can get, look, dude,you will also have that you can get, look, dude,so a necessary raw material for theso a necessary raw material for theso a necessary raw material for theDutch economy,Dutch economy,Dutch economy,we will soon also hear how the minister is saying, whatwe will soon also hear how the minister is saying, whatwe will soon also hear how the minister is saying, whateveryone says. It is stilleveryone says. It is stilleveryone says. It is stillquite a long time and whether youquite a long time and whether youquite a long time and whether youthink that is desirable or not is notthink that is desirable or not is notthink that is desirable or not is notthat interesting in itself, it is the case at the momentthat interesting in itself, it is the case at the momentthat interesting in itself, it is the case at the momentand if we don't have that now, we will have aand if we don't have that now, we will have aand if we don't have that now, we will have avery big problem in the Netherlands Well we willvery big problem in the Netherlands Well we willvery big problem in the Netherlands Well we willalso submit your questions to ehalso submit your questions to ehalso submit your questions to eheh climate finisher eh Rob Jetten who wanted toeh climate finisher eh Rob Jetten who wanted toeh climate finisher eh Rob Jetten who wanted totackle the guest crisis ourtackle the guest crisis ourtackle the guest crisis ourpolitical reporter Sophie van Leopolitical reporter Sophie van Leopolitical reporter Sophie van Leospoke as minister for climate inspoke as minister for climate inspoke as minister for climate inenergy issues and then she asked himenergy issues and then she asked himenergy issues and then she asked himabout the lack of a long-about the lack of a long-about the lack of a long-term strategy, he said the following,term strategy, he said the following,term strategy, he said the following,eh, really Well, I think within a weekeh, really Well, I think within a weekeh, really Well, I think within a weekeh, inform the chamber about eh, the entireeh, inform the chamber about eh, the entireeh, inform the chamber about eh, the entiregas recovery plan and how we can deal withgas recovery plan and how we can deal withgas recovery plan and how we can deal withdifficult winters, for example,difficult winters, for example,difficult winters, for example,without Russian deliveries or withwithout Russian deliveries or withwithout Russian deliveries or withextreme weather on a a good way toextreme weather on a a good way toextreme weather on a a good way toget through the winter, then we haveget through the winter, then we haveget through the winter, then we haverecently completed the shutdown plan with uh 251 largestrecently completed the shutdown plan with uh 251 largestrecently completed the shutdown plan with uh 251 largestgas consumers in the Netherlandsgas consumers in the Netherlandsgas consumers in the Netherlandsandandandwe will soon update the room inwe will soon update the room inwe will soon update the room indetail about this,detail about this,detail about this,this includes a uh protectionthis includes a uh protectionthis includes a uh protectionand recovery plan for gas What does he mean?and recovery plan for gas What does he mean?and recovery plan for gas What does he mean?exactly with thatexactly with thatexactly with thatI will become a shutdown planI will become a shutdown planI will become a shutdown planYes, I think that means that certainYes, I think that means that certainYes, I think that means that certainsectors, um, if there is a need for the man,sectors, um, if there is a need for the man,sectors, um, if there is a need for the man,then a choice will be madethen a choice will be madethen a choice will be madeabout who will get gas. Well, thatabout who will get gas. Well, thatabout who will get gas. Well, thatwill in any case be the household.will in any case be the household.will in any case be the household.But also, for example, hospital orBut also, for example, hospital orBut also, for example, hospital ornursing home of coursenursing home of coursenursing home of courseand that choices are also made as toand that choices are also made as toand that choices are also made as towhich companies do not receive gas and thatwhich companies do not receive gas and thatwhich companies do not receive gas and thatis of course a very serious intervention thatis of course a very serious intervention thatis of course a very serious intervention thatyour economy makes because it shutsyour economy makes because it shutsyour economy makes because it shutsdown entire industries that use a lot of gasdown entire industries that use a lot of gasdown entire industries that use a lot of gasand my question is so this isand my question is so this isand my question is so this isprobably business toprobably business toprobably business tohave that plan ready, um, because wehave that plan ready, um, because wehave that plan ready, um, because wecan find ourselves in a situation, especially in coldcan find ourselves in a situation, especially in coldcan find ourselves in a situation, especially in coldweather, eh, because we have our guest,weather, eh, because we have our guest,weather, eh, because we have our guest,so it's good that he plans that ahead for this winterso it's good that he plans that ahead for this winterso it's good that he plans that ahead for this winterand that it won't be left behind.and that it won't be left behind.and that it won't be left behind.How will it be determined, so I seeHow will it be determined, so I seeHow will it be determined, so I seewith interest But I am lookingwith interest But I am lookingwith interest But I am lookingfor a long-term plan of How canfor a long-term plan of How canfor a long-term plan of How canwe ensure that we do not actually need this type of shutdown planwe ensure that we do not actually need this type of shutdown planwe ensure that we do not actually need this type of shutdown planHow canHow canHow canwe ensure that our supply securitywe ensure that our supply securitywe ensure that our supply securityis the gate because it is not in order becauseis the gate because it is not in order becauseis the gate because it is not in order becauseif it were in order then we wouldif it were in order then we wouldif it were in order then we wouldnow don't talk about these kinds of plansnow don't talk about these kinds of plansnow don't talk about these kinds of plansthis and the next step that is actuallythis and the next step that is actuallythis and the next step that is actuallymy most important Tacos minister formy most important Tacos minister formy most important Tacos minister forclimate energy what we are talking about isclimate energy what we are talking about isclimate energy what we are talking about issupply security for Europe eh in thesupply security for Europe eh in thesupply security for Europe eh in thelong term How do we get rid of thatlong term How do we get rid of thatlong term How do we get rid of thatRussian addiction becoming aRussian addiction becoming aRussian addiction becoming acontinent energy independent there wecontinent energy independent there wecontinent energy independent there wego we as cabinets will of coursego we as cabinets will of coursego we as cabinets will of courseinvest for them with, for example,invest for them with, for example,invest for them with, for example,offshore wind and our hydrogen and send Yes,offshore wind and our hydrogen and send Yes,offshore wind and our hydrogen and send Yes,he calls security of supply eh hishe calls security of supply eh hishe calls security of supply eh hismost important task as a minister, theremost important task as a minister, theremost important task as a minister, thereis some urgency in that. Welllook, we have not overcomelook, we have not overcomelook, we have not overcomeoffshore wind and hydrogen and uh, wind at seaoffshore wind and hydrogen and uh, wind at seaoffshore wind and hydrogen and uh, wind at seais, uh, electricity, not gas and if youis, uh, electricity, not gas and if youwanted to heat all the houses in the Netherlands with gas, uh, with electricity,wanted to heat all the houses in the Netherlands with gas, uh, with electricity,wanted to heat all the houses in the Netherlands with gas, uh, with electricity,with heat pumps like that,with heat pumps like that,with heat pumps like that,I think you would need a conversion press for 2030 yearsI think you would need a conversion press for 2030 yearsI think you would need a conversion press for 2030 yearsand then you still have theand then you still have theand then you still have theproblem that it is there are also days whenproblem that it is there are also days whenproblem that it is there are also days whenthe wind is not blowing very hard, er, on thethe wind is not blowing very hard, er, on thethe wind is not blowing very hard, er, on theNorth Sea, so you stillNorth Sea, so you stillNorth Sea, so you stillhave an energy shortage, so in any casehave an energy shortage, so in any casehave an energy shortage, so in any caseI expect him not only to have a long-termI expect him not only to have a long-termI expect him not only to have a long-termplan about how more and renewableplan about how more and renewableplan about how more and renewableenergy, er, is produced in theenergy, er, is produced in theenergy, er, is produced in theNetherlands, but also how the energy onNetherlands, but also how the energy onNetherlands, but also how the energy onthe aquator is that there is no wind and there isthe aquator is that there is no wind and there isthe aquator is that there is no wind and there isnot too much sun, that can happen in thenot too much sun, that can happen in thenot too much sun, that can happen in thewind um Then do itwind um Then do itwind um Then do itwith nuclear energy um where did we get thewith nuclear energy um where did we get thewith nuclear energy um where did we get thehydrogen from um and what we will do in thehydrogen from um and what we will do in thehydrogen from um and what we will do in thenext 2025 years there in anynext 2025 years there in anynext 2025 years there in anycase, even if youcase, even if youcase, even if youwould like to do it the fastest waywould like to do it the fastest waywould like to do it the fastest wayand how you can ensure that youand how you can ensure that youand how you can ensure that youhave gas supplies and it still remains strange, it doeshave gas supplies and it still remains strange, it doeshave gas supplies and it still remains strange, it doesn't tell me and we are going to see how then't tell me and we are going to see how then't tell me and we are going to see how thegas that we will pump in the Netherlandsgas that we will pump in the Netherlandsgas that we will pump in the Netherlandsalso said we are going to pump extra gas fromalso said we are going to pump extra gas fromalso said we are going to pump extra gas fromthe North Sea we arethe North Sea we arethe North Sea we aregoing to have to use it for our own use intendedgoing to have to use it for our own use intendedgoing to have to use it for our own use intendedThese are our own mineralsYes, that Why is this being soldYes, that Why is this being soldYes, that Why is this being soldto the foreign contractor in the longer term contractsto the foreign contractor in the longer term contractsto the foreign contractor in the longer term contractswhile itwhile itwhile itcould also be sold tocould also be sold tocould also be sold toDutch guest berry suppliers atDutch guest berry suppliers atDutch guest berry suppliers ata fixed price that could then make ita fixed price that could then make ita fixed price that could then make itavailable to a householderavailable to a householderavailable to a householderto maketo maketo makesuch a long-term plan now, right now, in this month,such a long-term plan now, right now, in this month,such a long-term plan now, right now, in this month,because the circumstances varybecause the circumstances varybecause the circumstances varyjust about every week, we don't know howjust about every week, we don't know howjust about every week, we don't know howlong, but we don't know howlong, but we don't know howlong, but we don't know howlong yet. the door of war continues and thatlong yet. the door of war continues and thatlong yet. the door of war continues and thatenergy transition, yes, it had alreadyenergy transition, yes, it had alreadyenergy transition, yes, it had alreadystarted, toostarted, toostarted, toobad. Even if you start the energy transition, rightbad. Even if you start the energy transition, rightbad. Even if you start the energy transition, right? You know that during? You know that during? You know that duringyour energy transition youyour energy transition youyour energy transition youhave still needed gas for ten years and in fact you want thehave still needed gas for ten years and in fact you want thehave still needed gas for ten years and in fact you want theright one to go to another one first. fuel offright one to go to another one first. fuel offright one to go to another one first. fuel offbecause Jet has the first one very secretbecause Jet has the first one very secretbecause Jet has the first one very secretor the central codes are all kinds ofor the central codes are all kinds ofor the central codes are all kinds ofother pollutants fuel eh to get outother pollutants fuel eh to get outother pollutants fuel eh to get outin Germany Do we still have brownin Germany Do we still have brownin Germany Do we still have brownconcentrate quickly That is completelyconcentrate quickly That is completelyconcentrate quickly That is completelyannoying so um then you have toannoying so um then you have toannoying so um then you have tomake sure that the gas is in the meantimemake sure that the gas is in the meantimemake sure that the gas is in the meantimeis available and I don't hear himis available and I don't hear himis available and I don't hear himabout that And I understand that this cannot be arranged within aabout that And I understand that this cannot be arranged within aabout that And I understand that this cannot be arranged within aweek, that could be LNG that youweek, that could be LNG that youweek, that could be LNG that youget from other manufacturers andget from other manufacturers andget from other manufacturers andbring it here with large ships. That could be,bring it here with large ships. That could be,bring it here with large ships. That could be,that is what is being purchased for, umthat is what is being purchased for, umthat is what is being purchased for, umyou can do that alsoyou can do that alsoyou can do that alsoenter into a structural contract with countries, you can see whetherenter into a structural contract with countries, you can see whetherenter into a structural contract with countries, you can see whetherAlgeria, for example, will produce more in the long termAlgeria, for example, will produce more in the long termAlgeria, for example, will produce more in the long termand that you can set up additional lines inand that you can set up additional lines inand that you can set up additional lines inEurope. Algeria willEurope. Algeria willEurope. Algeria willalso be able to move more towards Northern Europe.also be able to move more towards Northern Europe.also be able to move more towards Northern Europe.And only those options areAnd only those options areAnd only those options areknown to everyone if someone has a new Gknown to everyone if someone has a new Gknown to everyone if someone has a new Ghas to open ex- erhas to open ex- erhas to open ex- eryou won't do that within ayou won't do that within ayou won't do that within afew weeks So that will be difficult for this winter,few weeks So that will be difficult for this winter,few weeks So that will be difficult for this winter,butbutbutthe European Union will also be on the hook for thatthe European Union will also be on the hook for thatthe European Union will also be on the hook for thatand I can't achieve it with justand I can't achieve it with justand I can't achieve it with juster eher eher ehsustainability well and a Price capsustainability well and a Price capsustainability well and a Price capmeans that more people want tomeans that more people want tomeans that more people want touse What is fine but the right one because ofuse What is fine but the right one because ofuse What is fine but the right one because ofa price I have already asked them toa price I have already asked them toa price I have already asked them tobe a little higher than 100 Price cap that isbe a little higher than 100 Price cap that isbe a little higher than 100 Price cap that isthe market forces and I thinkthe market forces and I thinkthe market forces and I thinkyou should do it eh, so I think that theyou should do it eh, so I think that theyou should do it eh, so I think that thehousehold eh should not eh turn off the heatinghousehold eh should not eh turn off the heatinghousehold eh should not eh turn off the heatingbecause they cannotbecause they cannotbecause they cannotpay so I understandpay so I understandpay so I understandbut that means that youbut that means that youbut that means that youwill have to eh supply even more extra gas orwill have to eh supply even more extra gas orwill have to eh supply even more extra gas ormake it availablemake it availablemake it availablein the room not in the coalition but ehin the room not in the coalition but ehin the room not in the coalition but ehwhat would At what point what wouldwhat would At what point what wouldwhat would At what point what wouldbe your most important points if yoube your most important points if yoube your most important points if youformulate such a long-term strategy 3formulate such a long-term strategy 3formulate such a long-term strategy 3Well make sure that eh the mineralsWell make sure that eh the mineralsWell make sure that eh the mineralsextracted in the Netherlands areextracted in the Netherlands areextracted in the Netherlands arealso readily available for Dutch use eh in case of emergency ehalso readily available for Dutch use eh in case of emergency ehalso readily available for Dutch use eh in case of emergency ehmust bemust bemust bebroken up Well I as Ibroken up Well I as Ibroken up Well I as Iread the annual report from eh eh Gasteren Andread the annual report from eh eh Gasteren Andread the annual report from eh eh Gasteren Andthen I see that they have already sent four eh arbitrations inthen I see that they have already sent four eh arbitrations inthen I see that they have already sent four eh arbitrations inprogress I don'tprogress I don'tprogress I don'tjust know with whom So try to break them openjust know with whom So try to break them openjust know with whom So try to break them openbecause there are exit closules inbecause there are exit closules inbecause there are exit closules inthere I would also like to go with my favoritethere I would also like to go with my favoritethere I would also like to go with my favoriteto 10 all years I meanto 10 all years I meanto 10 all years I meanwe used to have a debate herewe used to have a debate herewe used to have a debate hereabout a million left or a million rightabout a million left or a million rightabout a million left or a million rightbut this is extremely important Yes ofbut this is extremely important Yes ofbut this is extremely important Yes ofcourse I want to know what happenscourse I want to know what happenscourse I want to know what happensso what is being pumped up here not ehso what is being pumped up here not ehso what is being pumped up here not ehexportingthe eh yes at least in emergenciesthe eh yes at least in emergenciesthe eh yes at least in emergenciesfor own use um um alsofor own use um um alsofor own use um um alsokeep it available um I want to ensure that there iskeep it available um I want to ensure that there iskeep it available um I want to ensure that there isa strategy fora strategy fora strategy forsecurity of supply of both umsecurity of supply of both umsecurity of supply of both umelectricity gas and um foodelectricity gas and um foodelectricity gas and um foodnone of the three has been done and that will have tonone of the three has been done and that will have tonone of the three has been done and that will have tobe written down So thatbe written down So thatbe written down So thatalso means if you want to reform entire agriculturealso means if you want to reform entire agriculturealso means if you want to reform entire agriculturewith 25 billion nitrogen youwith 25 billion nitrogen youwith 25 billion nitrogen youalso know whether there is enough foot onalso know whether there is enough foot onalso know whether there is enough foot onit, a question that is notit, a question that is notit, a question that is noteven asked andeven asked andeven asked andgreater diversity in electricity andgreater diversity in electricity andgreater diversity in electricity andI think that we also, for example,I think that we also, for example,I think that we also, for example,should also have a nuclear power station forshould also have a nuclear power station forshould also have a nuclear power station forthat cold winter day, um that it isthat cold winter day, um that it isthat cold winter day, um that it isnot windy because you really don't getnot windy because you really don't getnot windy because you really don't getany, uh, any electricity from renewableany, uh, any electricity from renewableany, uh, any electricity from renewablesources, also because I actuallysources, also because I actuallysources, also because I actuallydon't think we should continue withdon't think we should continue withdon't think we should continue withsleeper mass,sleeper mass,sleeper mass,but you say yes, Ibut you say yes, Ibut you say yes, Iespecially want to see what we, uh, what kind ofespecially want to see what we, uh, what kind ofespecially want to see what we, uh, what kind ofstrategies there are because they arestrategies there are because they arestrategies there are because they aresimply missing now and and you are always a native,simply missing now and and you are always a native,simply missing now and and you are always a native,in any case what I hear is notin any case what I hear is notin any case what I hear is notdiversifying in the field ofdiversifying in the field ofdiversifying in the field ofelectricity and not exporting your own gas ehelectricity and not exporting your own gas ehelectricity and not exporting your own gas ehexportingexportingexportingmore ehmore ehmore ehimport uh not exporting your own gasimport uh not exporting your own gasimport uh not exporting your own gasWell why why do you why are you going toWell why why do you why are you going toWell why why do you why are you going toextract gas in the Netherlands in the longer termextract gas in the Netherlands in the longer termextract gas in the Netherlands in the longer termand that long-term sales with 1030and that long-term sales with 1030and that long-term sales with 1030years to uh foreign parties call youryears to uh foreign parties call youryears to uh foreign parties call yourown uh uh Party in the Netherlands and notown uh uh Party in the Netherlands and notown uh uh Party in the Netherlands and notbeing able to buy for the Dutchbeing able to buy for the Dutchbeing able to buy for the Dutchpopulation Yes that is part of it But I ampopulation Yes that is part of it But I ampopulation Yes that is part of it But I amnow asking you about uh your plannow asking you about uh your plannow asking you about uh your planso my plan would be if you likeso my plan would be if you likeso my plan would be if you likethese contracts can be done from ifthese contracts can be done from ifthese contracts can be done from ifyou are going to extract my gas ensures thatyou are going to extract my gas ensures thatyou are going to extract my gas ensures thatit remains available for the ehit remains available for the ehit remains available for the ehDutch eh consumption ehDutch eh consumption ehDutch eh consumption ehensures that you eh eh new nuclear powerensures that you eh eh new nuclear powerensures that you eh eh new nuclear powerplant like and not from and your energyplant like and not from and your energyplant like and not from and your energymix such that you are not dependentmix such that you are not dependentmix such that you are not dependenton one energy component of thaton one energy component of thaton one energy component of thatenergy max 11-1 importer and if thatenergy max 11-1 importer and if thatenergy max 11-1 importer and if thatdisappears you will then at oncedisappears you will then at oncedisappears you will then at onceeh not be able to keep your economy running eheh not be able to keep your economy running eheh not be able to keep your economy running ehalso the sustainability mustalso the sustainability mustfocus on keeping the Almshouse that has so far gonefocus on keeping the Almshouse that has so far gonefocus on keeping the Almshouse that has so far gonefor sustainability that wentfor sustainability that wentfor sustainability that wentcash about Teslas and where tocash about Teslas and where tocash about Teslas and where topump from people who had a higher incomepump from people who had a higher incomepump from people who had a higher incomeYes, but we started it much too late,Yes, but we started it much too late,Yes, but we started it much too late,fortunately this cabinet hasfortunately this cabinet hasfortunately this cabinet hassubmitted a plan in March tosubmitted a plan in March tosubmitted a plan in March toinsulate two more houses over the next 8 years,insulate two more houses over the next 8 years,insulate two more houses over the next 8 years,that is not going to fly at all but thatthat is not going to fly at all but thatthat is not going to fly at all but thatis the right direction. How look, ifis the right direction. How look, ifis the right direction. How look, ifthose houses were all at level B orthose houses were all at level B orthose houses were all at level B orinsulated, people wouldinsulated, people wouldinsulated, people wouldnot have those bill gaps, sonot have those bill gaps, sonot have those bill gaps, sowe actually had that 10 years ago andwe actually had that 10 years ago andwe actually had that 10 years ago andhad to start inhad to start inhad to start in2022 September with a very uncertain,2022 September with a very uncertain,2022 September with a very uncertain,completely political situation, ancompletely political situation, ancompletely political situation, anenergy crisis so weenergy crisis so weenergy crisis so wealso have to look at how it came to be this way,also have to look at how it came to be this way,also have to look at how it came to be this way,but we also have to look ahead, what arebut we also have to look ahead, what arebut we also have to look ahead, what arewe going to do now? I say, and thatwe going to do now? I say, and thatwe going to do now? I say, and thatmeans that you also look at whether youmeans that you also look at whether youmeans that you also look at whether youbuild an extra pipeline for anbuild an extra pipeline for anbuild an extra pipeline for anAlgerian guest or whether you want a permanent ehAlgerian guest or whether you want a permanent ehAlgerian guest or whether you want a permanent ehimporter of LNG with whom youimporter of LNG with whom youimporter of LNG with whom youenter into your own contract for theenter into your own contract for theenter into your own contract for thecoming years, erm, there are severalcoming years, erm, there are severalcoming years, erm, there are severaloptions for this and I don't know exactlyoptions for this and I don't know exactlyoptions for this and I don't know exactlywhich one is the best, but choose awhich one is the best, but choose awhich one is the best, but choose astable geopolitical customers with whomstable geopolitical customers with whomstable geopolitical customers with whomyou will have a long-term relationship. We will see in theyou will have a long-term relationship. We will see in theyou will have a long-term relationship. We will see in thecoming years We now need 40 billioncoming years We now need 40 billioncoming years We now need 40 billionand 40 I am we are taking a break on March 20,and 40 I am we are taking a break on March 20,and 40 I am we are taking a break on March 20,so even if we keep everything ourselves, weso even if we keep everything ourselves, weso even if we keep everything ourselves, wewill still have towill still have towill still have toimport and we still don't have enough We woimport and we still don't have enough We woimport and we still don't have enough We won't get it done by half,n't get it done by half,n't get it done by half,then it will take three years, we know that also,then it will take three years, we know that also,then it will take three years, we know that also,so we have to look for new Partners,so we have to look for new Partners,so we have to look for new Partners,you are actually saying that you are investigating new energy parts.you are actually saying that you are investigating new energy parts.you are actually saying that you are investigating new energy parts.But we will also have toBut we will also have toBut we will also have tofocus again. And that is what I have as afocus again. And that is what I have as afocus again. And that is what I have as agovernment, we are alwaysgovernment, we are alwaysgovernment, we are alwaysthinking about models and efficiently andthinking about models and efficiently andthinking about models and efficiently andmarkets as you go through time andmarkets as you go through time andmarkets as you go through time andhousing, food, energy there.housing, food, energy there.housing, food, energy there.see how that is available again, our ownsee how that is available again, our ownsee how that is available again, our ownpopulation, cities already did that in thepopulation, cities already did that in thepopulation, cities already did that in theMiddle Ages and we now seem to have simplyMiddle Ages and we now seem to have simplyMiddle Ages and we now seem to have simplyforgotten that this was once aforgotten that this was once aforgotten that this was once agovernment task\n"