I'm so mad too oh okay here did Benjamin Matthias location Medical status deceased he was a captain Isaac you can double back and cut through maintenance find the captain's body and get his rig with his codes we what was that chin okay he's probably fine what uh-huh okay love that movie that's my favorite one what no nothing who's my own mind playing tricks on me is it darker in here than it was it was that baby always there a log I'm not gonna miss it this time.
Disclaimer: This article is sponsored by Cec's Prince publishing division. May not represent the views of the main screen. Don't care who cares wham bam bam. I bet that one audio or text log in the issue Mora or uh the whatever our shuttle name was. The shuttle marmota. I bet that was like the most important piece of lore that anybody could possibly find in the game and would unlock all the secrets all the secrets and all the understanding of everything in this game forever and ever and ever and ever.
Bathroom. Don't Mind If I Do I love that there are no doors very helpful am I taking this is this what we're doing all right I'm doing it but I don't trust it just like I don't trust anything ever forever so I want that I don't trust you you you you you don't trust me you definitely don't trust you this ship it's a shitty capitalist organization yeah but maybe I can get a suit upgrade probably not though we just shoot upgrade. I can afford it bonus well my suit was kind of bloody already what is that what is that nonsense what are these give yourself to the marker be armored in its word and make the Brethren whole again I don't know if that's a good idea have you remembered whose blood it is yet not really.
The colors of the EDF core of and Virginia is adopted after their Victory europa's Connemara chaos iceworks during the resource Wars infested suit Lone Survivor classic. I kind of want to see how bad this infested one looks guys trust me I'm I'm good I feel good I just feel so good where's my guts wait guys I don't feel so good guys I don't know uh I don't know if this is for me oh wait let me get a good look at this thing oof I don't know guys like girl man this is great inspiration uh for a super cool look love the double skull bony thing going on there not sure about this one. I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna pass I'll pass I'll pass who what else could I sell I don't need two men who needs two med pack I'm never gonna be in trouble and there's stasis I barely use it anyway I don't need it buy unlimited oh my God now I want an upgrade uh yes please there we go I can't tell what got added maybe some bracers things going on here a little more doodadery in the back that sounds pretty good all right cool go go cool right so my inventory should have expanded to 18 slots good good great great okay two Medical I thought I took the tram to Medical ain't I supposed to take the tram to Medical bench Ben oh graph has been extended oh man I just don't know if I really size my suit can do that for me impressive all right but I don't need it I'm good yeah I'm gonna hold on until I um because I don't know if I'm gonna do just plasma cutter I usually well I mean I imagine it's such a good reliable weapon that when it's fully upgraded you don't really need anything else I've always found that it's just like the most suitable weapon for the job for almost anything but I'm gonna hold off a little longer before committing to that because that's kind of like the habit I I tend to fall on in games sorry buddy are you sleeping apologies where'd your head go I don't know why I'm flabbergasted because I was the one stomping but Al ass quarantined huh I don't have the security clearance I don't know what it's all about medical cargo Depot I don't know what that means what's hissing me what is the noises what's with the noises what is that about am I gonna get a kinesis I think I'm gonna get a Kinesis oh my God well fascinating it looks like we've reached the end of chapter one which means we've reached the end of this episode thank you everybody so much for watching and thank you for joining me on the remake of dead space this is a very this is a very cool one for me it's good to see it and I think it's going to be a very fun one so get ready for a lot more very soon and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enI'm sure nothing's gonna jump out of me at all why would that be hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back well let me hold on there we go wait oh Welcome to Dead Space the last time I played this was probably back in 2012 this game came out in 2008 and this is the remake featuring Isaac Clarke and his intrepid Adventures on the USG ishimura oh I wish I could talk to you I'm sorry I'm sorry about everything I just wish I could talk to someone it's all falling apart here believe what's happening strange such a little thing sir Nicole yeah first deferred from her in weeks five minutes now you still got that thing on repeat so you really miss her the instrument is not a job you turn down but six months apart with only vid calls it's rough easy to say the wrong thing I don't blame you I'd listen to my girlfriend over him and reciting security protocols forewarned his forearm Miss Daniels so you keep saying here we go nice clean re-entry imagine six months staring at that Chuck of Rock to an independent Miner that's Paradise Aegis seven is one of the richest fines in CEC history some prospecting teams set up for life now where is she there confirming visual contact with USG ishimura what a beauty biggest planet cracker in her class you know and it looks like they already popped the cork why is it so dark to be able to see your running lights yeah I'll get us into hailing range someone's got to be waiting up for us just be careful on the approach I'm not taking any chances with the cec's pride and joy no chances huh is that why you were digging into my Personnel files before we left you track your file access a computer analyst comes with a job I ran standard CEC background checks miss Daniels you want to work in the big leagues you have to play ball sir we're inhaling range this is the emergency maintenance team of the USG Kelly responding to your distress call how many shoes Kimora do you copy come in this is a USG calendar no come on someone picked up the damn phone the hell is that uh it sounds like their communication array is busted maybe a broken encoder Daniels and I can handle it in 48 hours max I hope so Jen Johnson take us in gravity automated docking go okay I'm ready emergency stabilizer there the blue light you might slow us down everyone okay I'm good I'll live and Johnston all right it's my ankle might be broken oh but better than a broken neck or worse good column that stabilizer Isaac thanks what the going on with flight control that guidance system's a death track better attitude repair list Jen what's our damage calms are down we lost support booster we've got a fire in one of the stabilizers and Singularity course of mess could be worse this Singularity core Johnston stay with the Killian we'll send a medic everyone else with me so Isaac's voice sounds the same uh Hammond's voice sounds different Daniels might be different it's hard to tell God it's been so long and obviously it looks beautiful well I said this when I was playing Callisto protocol I'm not used to playing uh AAA games that actually look extremely pretty and push my 40 90 that I have to its limits um it is lovely hey how you doing up here did you stay here before you mind me looking over you or something uh uh yeah whatever worse you go on I'll get it strapped up okay all right you so tough you're so big and brave and strong I'd Pat you on the shoulder but I I feel like Deb would be unprofessional so I'm just gonna stare loomingly at whatever you're doing okay goodbye now man it is nuts I know people probably have mixed feelings about a remake in general standard procedure Ms Daniels we'll register them in the flight times uh standard procedure hello yeah but what I don't mind about this one is because I feel like Dead Space 3 was such a detriment to the series as a whole that it kind of impeded any progress in Dead Space in general so if this reboot allows the entire franchise to get back up on its feet again which it's great franchise and it actually is really really engaging interesting I love the Universe I actually read the books on some of these not all a few of them guess we better go I'm on the way you don't have to shout them literally two steps behind you well like 14 what whatever don't matter and look at it like I don't know what they've changed I don't know how much they've changed but one of the things that yeah why would they do that but one of the good things about this game is it kind of changed uh the way games were played because this one was an extremely immersive experience also by the way I didn't mention um but I am wearing the cloak Dead Space collab you can tell everyone how much life you have and how much are your spaces bar is full with the new no Dead Space collab there's a whole bunch of stuff available through the link in the description below I'm just gonna watch that wow look at that so go check it out cloakbrand.com new Dead Space stuff all right what do I miss here can I start stomping on things yet I don't think so trash can yes mellow you're not Hammond who are you thank you oh Reagan synced collect Kinesis and stasis modules from acting chief engineer Jacob temple location better and for he not found hmm well that's weird same for the chief engineer what is wrong with their cause I don't know you're gonna find out Isaac I am glad that Isaac's the same I thought I was like whoever did the voice for Isaac I should know that name but it did a fantastic job it's weird being back here it's weird yeah better keep an eye out there never know what's in those lockers hey what's in that Locker I Don't Mind If I Do Finders Keepers where's the security detail where's anybody I don't know no duty roster no power to the elevator for God's sake man it would be terrible if something jumped out of the ceiling from us to get us I'm done playing around yeah okay you got it boss it's also very different because Isaac didn't talk in the first one oh I didn't notice the blood what do you need boss no no I thought that was a glowy uh damage report yeah okay ah there's so many details oh God what have you got Isaac uh is bad it's not just comes with the guidance system half the issamura's in the red engines Hull the tramps could do that kind of damage to a planet correct power to the elevator should be the disability detected quarantine activated another malfunction no the quarantine systems are all fine better be careful do you hear that yeah yeah I hear it oh you actually got a oh no never mind oh that's not good get out of there doors I didn't know someone there I can't see I am running what do you think I'm doing I know how this works oh I can't see how this works I'm safe thank goodness more like I know it's a remake but I'm so curious as to how they're gonna kind of like subvert expectations because I know this game very well not only did I play it for a video but I played it again to beat it on hearted the hardest difficulty I did the same thing with dead space too I don't remember that do I remember that can I stomp you oh come on oh wow you'd think that I would have had something to say about all this but again it was a silent protagonist in the past so I didn't say nothing but what was there in the past that not many people probably looked into was there were always logs what the hell were those things personal Journal you know I'm writing as I'm scrambling and I'm running like what the what are those things they got Chen I'm cut off from Daniels and Hammond I need to get somewhere safe yes I do but no species now I know that cut off their limbs can I stomp you now yes I can I get like progressively angrier you mean there's a dynamic stomp system oh man this remake is perfect foreign I love it God it's good to be back I know I didn't get a proper intro on this but who needs it who needs intros intros are for Chumps oh my God my flashlight is only when I have this up which is a good thing because why would I have it down this is the USG shimura and shit's bad here you sound like Henry when he's walking like a turkey I know some people were like oh it's too right what is this hello I didn't die we shot that right between the eyes and it didn't die Smith had to shoot his arms and legs off for God's sakes and help okay well I'm well versed in this oh yeah just in case some keys just in case hello now see I'm not gonna remember everything in specific detail and I'm willing to bet that they will change some stuff but I'm I'm kind of glad that this intro is the same well hey oh my God Isaac you made it just they're everywhere Jim is he uh he's gone nothing I can do what the are these things the ones I saw some of them were wearing a shimmery uniforms they're the crew how the hell can they be the crew look at them we need to get to the bridge there's a thousand people on board someone will be there we can't the tram system's wrecked everything's locked down because of the quarantine and you're both repair techs so how do we do this take it away there's a broken tram car blocking the tunnel it's spread off the system and the data boards burned out I can't lift the lockdown or call the tram until we get a spare from the maintenance Bay but it's all an Isaac side of a quarantine I'll handle it just make sure there's power to the repair systems and Isaac yeah I'm sure Nicole's okay she's a doctor right she'll do the smart thing yeah yeah she always does find somewhere safe that is the last I'm gonna talk about the comparisons between remaking and original I don't want to taint this experience with anything going forward so I'm going to approach this with brand new baby eyes lyxian please delete all of my memories well it saved were you hey cool game I need a data board for the tram system oh yeah and I can save God doing the I'll never I don't remember anything about anything ever I love saving savings great I saved all right okay look at this money I like money I love money what are you give me you plasma energy yes please okay which way do I need to go um your locator knows the way it does it oh it does doesn't it or maybe it does I don't know I'm guessing how do I do interesting how did I do that wait there ah ah interesting a quick little blurp but what's over here in cargo and baggage what's in cargo baggage can I have cargo baggage should I be in cargo baggage I don't know if I should I don't know if I should be in cargo baggage uh thank you I know how to I think I don't know if I'm supposed to be in cargo baggage yet what do you think you're doing now that's a nice stomp uh turn on interesting ah ah well hang on I want to go to storage wherever the hell that is y'all got us what don't even think about it did you think about it don't be thinking about it hey wait a minute can't get distracted now that sounds bad whatever that is sounds horrifyingly bad I don't like that I don't like that none can I get some cargo whoa hey what are you doing what are you doing why are you in the walls ah this looks important thank you I don't know that was bizarre God it's dark God damn it's like oppressively dark all right let me see about I know I'm probably not supposed to go the maintenance Bay just yet see serious hmm cargo arrival yeah this definitely ain't the right way but who knows I think I need to go get something first and then come here but my curiosity is just leading me down paths that I want to go so I'm going to follow it I'm just quirky like that I think don't bother shooting those in the head it doesn't even slow them down the only way is hacking them apart those arms and their legs does that even kill them or do they jump that movie I don't know wait a minute who's doing that hey hey oh don't even think about it oh you missed it oh okay okay foreign echoing through here I know I'm really big and strong but oh this is so gosh dang dark why is it so gosh dang dark in here I can't see for crap oh they did a damn good job here it's just like when people saw the uh Doom early gameplay footage they were like this looks so slow and boring and then it turned into the most intensely frantic game you'd ever play where where where what you don't even think about it hey hear someone else who where what why how can I not see any of you you know I make sure they're dead by stomping them under itty-bitty gooey bits you get blown come on I should have put less explodies here it's a work Hazard oh something in there is this ah power door what is the boom what is the big boom Oh that is the big boom okay so where did that power thing go so cable running over here oh thank you oh thank you uh-huh all right so I just made a full circle I've yet to find where that power goes it's got to be some other way either going up or down I think it was up so it must be uppies can I get on uppies can someone give me uppies puppies I don't think I can get up easy who's gooping Whoopi gooping again you gooping bro why are you gooping stop pooping can't see nothing can't see nothing elevator did this go Opie let's go office okay good good good good weirdly like on edge I'm sure nothing's gonna jump out of me at all ever why would that be oh God damn you anybody else yes anybody else anybody else want a little tussle with this muscle stop being you all of you everything stop yeah I'm weirdly on edge this is apprehensivating my knee well not money ammo hello text log USC ishimura aerospace engineering department shuttle repairs invoice Mission day two fall T4 gyro replaced faulty 40 scope repairing uh impulsers complete replacement damage four and left viewports damage boosters this is just boring why do I care about that I don't which I mean it makes sense that's what I probably would find anyway um are you telling me there's lights on in here oh God oh God no oh you gotta be kidding me oh you're joking me oh you're joking me stop all right oh stop wamping into that thing please oh boy all right okay we're in business we're in business we're in good company and everything is going swimmingly I'm not worried why would I be worried I'm not worried Mario Warriors right uh -huh yeah peekaboo peekaboo why are you up there don't do it don't do it don't come after me don't do it don't don't come after me no don't I'm helpless oh I'm just a sweet little baby thank you hey wait don't don't don't come after me oh you're quick oh my God don't do it don't come after me don't I'm helpless I'm helpless thank you thank you for your patronage your donation is appreciated the big preach the priests on the the money Dono big priest all right so this is now open great this was worth it worth hugely worth pay a data board we can't stay here much longer hearing a lot of movement I'm halfway done found a data board just gotta move the tram okay Daniels watch that door okay all right M Smith from J Wright poker night okay keeping this off rig Link in case Benson's listening poker uh I'm in but can you not invite Javi this time I know he's still blaming himself for Rosie's accident and everything but no one wants to hear about any of his nightmares especially that one where we he saw it's Rosie up and walking around with half his head missing don't we did and don't give me about it I'm serious it's messing with me last night I had one of the dreams where you wake up you know but my dad was sitting next to my bed talking to me felt so real I kept seeing him out of the corner of my eye trust me that's one son of a who needs to stay dead interesting they are Branch sweet all right wow I like that I like that all right but I don't think oh I love the node tree I love the node tree I don't think I'm gonna spend any just yet mostly because I don't know if I'm gonna need these nodes down the road I don't know I always like to hold back right I just in general in games in in general other games non-specifically going home thanks for the Dono hey hey you little pee pee pants over there doing a little pee pee pants dance well come find me if you brave enough you're gonna come find me or am I gonna get out of here oh looks like I missed it whoa whoa hey oh behind me oh PP man oh baby bear dance man huh little BB dance what what are we done are we done man you better be done you better be done you better be done I love saving this is a bit of a heart attack and a half owl ass say Lavie let me just turn off the power to that one because I don't know if I want to keep that accessible oh wait a minute you're not supposed to be there found the prospector all right good good good good good rolling in hey what is up you guys still there uh guys okay go go go go go guys what does a green mean the greens just mean highlighted or is green mean like I've gotten all the things who knows nah it's just highlighted okie dokie then imma go off it this way foreign that's fine right guys that's fine what happened I don't know how but they they managed to recapture the janky and jankiness of the corpses even though physics simulations have improved dramatically what is happening what's happening what's happening oh that's fine cool I love stasis now I know why the game wanted me to go this way first my god I've got a stasis meter on both of our backs look at this totally available in cloakbrand.com you can get it among other really cool stuff there's various different designs but show off how stable you are with your stasis I for what was the tutorial how to be uh I didn't catch the button I needed to press for stasis yeah I did it I'm good never mind I'm going for it oh wow how did I almost mess that up um well that's probably not good but glad things are working at 110 efficiency that's the best CD you stay suspect oh it probably just automatically uses it when I need that tickled my brain okay well that was cool let's never do it again I love saving and yes all right bathroom oh my God wait error days I don't know what that means uh I found a man inside the vents congratulations sorry about I don't trust I don't trust what's the heartbeat about why was there a rapidly increasing heartbeat huh it's gonna be so easy to miss things in here I'm never gonna get everything okay goodbye well hey poop dungeons Santa is for error days great good great never clean who needs it I can't get through here I must be able to go that way then wait cargo bay I want cargo hmm oh well this looks spicy claw disengaged great I love node I love blasma I love audio log message nearing you got you got damaged tram car on the tracks and if the whole system is gridlocked guess who they're calling Temple here sending a stasis module now what happened to the other one no idea a lot of shit's been breaking down and I keep hearing things down in the gears where no one could be you know I know you know I know you know we know who doesn't know we know I know we all know ing system re-initialized wow if only there was something I could do hold on there before I missed all right the way hey hey hey hey hey hey what's behind me there's another one behind me pop stay engaged stay go which way we flying but well hello you dead you gonna be all right easy all right okay possibly happen to me hey hey freeze I was making sure there's nothing else here oh I knew it whoa where did you get out of station you were in timeout don't do that oh there goes my no hit run a good thing I got one please I forgot what the shortcut is I think it's cute must be cute nope it's not cute I thought it was cute way out one second f F I did it oh whoa whoa where did you go oh my God you sneaking I'm heading back to control should be able to call you a ride on the bridge good just hurry I keep hearing noises right under our feet that's probably fine why is this locked guys why locked guys please oh it keeps seeing that's just that that's just that okay I want for good measure all right let's get you out of here and never come back again I love health no no that's probably fun I probably don't have anything to worry about I'm probably gonna be okay probably but how do I get that open oh well not oh no I'm not good on the bathroom I'm oh okay I thought I heard a musical sting turns out it's just this door well I still almost got goosed how fast is you that's not thesis let's not say this is at all oh what that's new that's new since when could you do that only a hundred credits and you're cheap too oh security clear what do you mean security clearance I'm an engineer yeah yeah all right I gotta get back to my friends who didn't abandon me my friends who are definitely there waiting for me and then we can reunite and together we can beat back the dark the darkness guys guys good guys guys you're there right oh there you are hey Buddies you guys gonna we're gonna sync up right I see you in there I I see you you talking to me guys uh guys we're on board something hit the roof but it seems operational quarantine lockdown's lifted so you can get to the hangar columns are still down so be ready when Johnson picks up the Kelly we report to the bridge standard emergency protocol what protocol Heaven people are dying here and I'm not losing anyone else you stick to procedure we'll get through this we'll see uh Johnston you mean broken ankle Johnston is uh are they is they still there do you think that they're still there do you think that is okay is there a lock on that door you're a locky door door locky door locking thing why the violins now why would there be violence plucking happily in the distance better be dead again with the plink plonking can't say it's my favorite thing hello oh foreign okay okay okay okay everything is a-okay a peekaboo I see you anybody oh you don't don't you be oh whoa hey cool I'll be right with you I got some flies quite the quite the everything going on I don't know exactly what to make of that but uh probably all fine wow you serious right now you serious you serious right now you serious with this what no no no naked ones I I don't need that no one needs that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey hey hey hey hey you naked I'm not about that all right things are getting a little bit too frantic here we need to all calm down a little bit Johnston how's the ankle made it to the bridge it's there's no survivors Daniel's is trying to get into the command computer uh-huh whoa what the heck was that coffee I was just trying to get a snack hey Johnstone Johnston wasn't there a box to stomp in here thought I remember seeing one before hey Johnston you still there amazingly you are shockingly hey have you been uh in contact you uh heard anything I'm coming don't you worry I'm I'm coming everything's good don't worry um yeah you're good uh yeah is that blood Haley I need you to listen ERS overrun with monsters you didn't hear anything what no the cons are still out Isaac we need to kill you and fix it now got a damage report uh yeah it's there it's kind of incomplete don't you think um well you know how it is you probably would have died in a horrible Lobby incident s go wait but there was a note wasn't there a note whoa whoa whoa whoa but there was a note there oh my God but the note I should that's why I always got to go for the things beforehand because otherwise whoa hey beautiful don't do that hello ugly hey Well audio logs Mario smog that's what I always say uh and I could probably get it later hey whoa wait a minute how are you still moving oh hi what's happening Kelly until Singularity core overloaded no Killian was our only way home we're trapped no I'm not losing two good people for nothing what about the command computer it's a the brick all the primary systems are locked down with the captain's coats so we find Captain Matthias track his rig I'm so mad too oh okay here did Benjamin Matthias location Medical status deceased he was a captain Isaac you can double back and cut through maintenance find the captain's body and get his rig with his codes we what was that chin okay he's probably fine what uh-huh okay love that movie that's my favorite one what no nothing who's my own mind playing tricks on me is it darker in here than it was it was that baby always there a log I'm not gonna miss it this time disclaimer this article is sponsored by cec's Prince publishing division may not represent the views of the main screen don't care who cares wham bam bam I bet that one audio or text log in the issue Mora or uh the whatever our shuttle name was the shuttle marmota I bet that was like the most important piece of lore that anybody could possibly find in the game and would unlock all the secrets all the secrets and all the understanding of everything in this game forever and ever and ever and ever bathroom Don't Mind If I Do I love that there are no doors very helpful am I taking this is this what we're doing all right I'm doing it but I don't trust it just like I don't trust anything ever forever so I want that I don't trust you you you you you don't trust me you definitely don't trust you this ship it's a shitty capitalist organization yeah but maybe I can get a suit upgrade probably not though we just shoot upgrade I can afford it bonus well my suit was kind of bloody already what is that what is that nonsense what are these give yourself to the marker be armored in its word and make the Brethren whole again I don't know if that's a good idea have you remembered whose blood it is yet not really the colors of the EDF core of and Virginia is adopted after their Victory europa's Connemara chaos iceworks during the resource Wars infested suit Lone Survivor classic I kind of want to see how bad this infested one looks guys trust me I'm I'm good I feel good I just feel so good where's my guts wait guys I don't feel so good guys I don't know uh I don't know if this is for me oh wait let me get a good look at this thing oof I don't know guys like girl man this is great inspiration uh for a super cool look love the double skull bony thing going on there not sure about this one I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna pass I'll pass I'll pass who what else could I sell I don't need two men who needs two med pack I'm never gonna be in trouble and there's stasis I barely use it anyway I don't need it buy unlimited oh my God now I want an upgrade uh yes please there we go I can't tell what got added maybe some bracers things going on here a little more doodadery in the back that sounds pretty good all right cool go go cool right so my inventory should have expanded to 18 slots good good great great okay two Medical I thought I took the tram to Medical ain't I supposed to take the tram to Medical bench Ben oh graph has been extended oh man I just don't know if I really size my suit can do that for me impressive all right but I don't need it I'm good yeah I'm gonna hold on until I um because I don't know if I'm gonna do just plasma cutter I usually well I mean I imagine it's such a good reliable weapon that when it's fully upgraded you don't really need anything else I've always found that it's just like the most suitable weapon for the job for almost anything but I'm gonna hold off a little longer before committing to that because that's kind of like the habit I I tend to fall on in games sorry buddy are you sleeping apologies where'd your head go I don't know why I'm flabbergasted because I was the one stomping but Al ass quarantined huh I don't have the security clearance I don't know what it's all about medical cargo Depot I don't know what that means what's hissing me what is the noises what's with the noises what is that about am I gonna get a kinesis I think I'm gonna get a Kinesis oh my God well fascinating it looks like we've reached the end of chapter one which means we've reached the end of this episode thank you everybody so much for watching and thank you for joining me on the remake of dead space this is a very this is a very cool one for me it's good to see it and I think it's going to be a very fun one so get ready for a lot more very soon and as always I will see you in the next video bye-byeI'm sure nothing's gonna jump out of me at all why would that be hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back well let me hold on there we go wait oh Welcome to Dead Space the last time I played this was probably back in 2012 this game came out in 2008 and this is the remake featuring Isaac Clarke and his intrepid Adventures on the USG ishimura oh I wish I could talk to you I'm sorry I'm sorry about everything I just wish I could talk to someone it's all falling apart here believe what's happening strange such a little thing sir Nicole yeah first deferred from her in weeks five minutes now you still got that thing on repeat so you really miss her the instrument is not a job you turn down but six months apart with only vid calls it's rough easy to say the wrong thing I don't blame you I'd listen to my girlfriend over him and reciting security protocols forewarned his forearm Miss Daniels so you keep saying here we go nice clean re-entry imagine six months staring at that Chuck of Rock to an independent Miner that's Paradise Aegis seven is one of the richest fines in CEC history some prospecting teams set up for life now where is she there confirming visual contact with USG ishimura what a beauty biggest planet cracker in her class you know and it looks like they already popped the cork why is it so dark to be able to see your running lights yeah I'll get us into hailing range someone's got to be waiting up for us just be careful on the approach I'm not taking any chances with the cec's pride and joy no chances huh is that why you were digging into my Personnel files before we left you track your file access a computer analyst comes with a job I ran standard CEC background checks miss Daniels you want to work in the big leagues you have to play ball sir we're inhaling range this is the emergency maintenance team of the USG Kelly responding to your distress call how many shoes Kimora do you copy come in this is a USG calendar no come on someone picked up the damn phone the hell is that uh it sounds like their communication array is busted maybe a broken encoder Daniels and I can handle it in 48 hours max I hope so Jen Johnson take us in gravity automated docking go okay I'm ready emergency stabilizer there the blue light you might slow us down everyone okay I'm good I'll live and Johnston all right it's my ankle might be broken oh but better than a broken neck or worse good column that stabilizer Isaac thanks what the going on with flight control that guidance system's a death track better attitude repair list Jen what's our damage calms are down we lost support booster we've got a fire in one of the stabilizers and Singularity course of mess could be worse this Singularity core Johnston stay with the Killian we'll send a medic everyone else with me so Isaac's voice sounds the same uh Hammond's voice sounds different Daniels might be different it's hard to tell God it's been so long and obviously it looks beautiful well I said this when I was playing Callisto protocol I'm not used to playing uh AAA games that actually look extremely pretty and push my 40 90 that I have to its limits um it is lovely hey how you doing up here did you stay here before you mind me looking over you or something uh uh yeah whatever worse you go on I'll get it strapped up okay all right you so tough you're so big and brave and strong I'd Pat you on the shoulder but I I feel like Deb would be unprofessional so I'm just gonna stare loomingly at whatever you're doing okay goodbye now man it is nuts I know people probably have mixed feelings about a remake in general standard procedure Ms Daniels we'll register them in the flight times uh standard procedure hello yeah but what I don't mind about this one is because I feel like Dead Space 3 was such a detriment to the series as a whole that it kind of impeded any progress in Dead Space in general so if this reboot allows the entire franchise to get back up on its feet again which it's great franchise and it actually is really really engaging interesting I love the Universe I actually read the books on some of these not all a few of them guess we better go I'm on the way you don't have to shout them literally two steps behind you well like 14 what whatever don't matter and look at it like I don't know what they've changed I don't know how much they've changed but one of the things that yeah why would they do that but one of the good things about this game is it kind of changed uh the way games were played because this one was an extremely immersive experience also by the way I didn't mention um but I am wearing the cloak Dead Space collab you can tell everyone how much life you have and how much are your spaces bar is full with the new no Dead Space collab there's a whole bunch of stuff available through the link in the description below I'm just gonna watch that wow look at that so go check it out cloakbrand.com new Dead Space stuff all right what do I miss here can I start stomping on things yet I don't think so trash can yes mellow you're not Hammond who are you thank you oh Reagan synced collect Kinesis and stasis modules from acting chief engineer Jacob temple location better and for he not found hmm well that's weird same for the chief engineer what is wrong with their cause I don't know you're gonna find out Isaac I am glad that Isaac's the same I thought I was like whoever did the voice for Isaac I should know that name but it did a fantastic job it's weird being back here it's weird yeah better keep an eye out there never know what's in those lockers hey what's in that Locker I Don't Mind If I Do Finders Keepers where's the security detail where's anybody I don't know no duty roster no power to the elevator for God's sake man it would be terrible if something jumped out of the ceiling from us to get us I'm done playing around yeah okay you got it boss it's also very different because Isaac didn't talk in the first one oh I didn't notice the blood what do you need boss no no I thought that was a glowy uh damage report yeah okay ah there's so many details oh God what have you got Isaac uh is bad it's not just comes with the guidance system half the issamura's in the red engines Hull the tramps could do that kind of damage to a planet correct power to the elevator should be the disability detected quarantine activated another malfunction no the quarantine systems are all fine better be careful do you hear that yeah yeah I hear it oh you actually got a oh no never mind oh that's not good get out of there doors I didn't know someone there I can't see I am running what do you think I'm doing I know how this works oh I can't see how this works I'm safe thank goodness more like I know it's a remake but I'm so curious as to how they're gonna kind of like subvert expectations because I know this game very well not only did I play it for a video but I played it again to beat it on hearted the hardest difficulty I did the same thing with dead space too I don't remember that do I remember that can I stomp you oh come on oh wow you'd think that I would have had something to say about all this but again it was a silent protagonist in the past so I didn't say nothing but what was there in the past that not many people probably looked into was there were always logs what the hell were those things personal Journal you know I'm writing as I'm scrambling and I'm running like what the what are those things they got Chen I'm cut off from Daniels and Hammond I need to get somewhere safe yes I do but no species now I know that cut off their limbs can I stomp you now yes I can I get like progressively angrier you mean there's a dynamic stomp system oh man this remake is perfect foreign I love it God it's good to be back I know I didn't get a proper intro on this but who needs it who needs intros intros are for Chumps oh my God my flashlight is only when I have this up which is a good thing because why would I have it down this is the USG shimura and shit's bad here you sound like Henry when he's walking like a turkey I know some people were like oh it's too right what is this hello I didn't die we shot that right between the eyes and it didn't die Smith had to shoot his arms and legs off for God's sakes and help okay well I'm well versed in this oh yeah just in case some keys just in case hello now see I'm not gonna remember everything in specific detail and I'm willing to bet that they will change some stuff but I'm I'm kind of glad that this intro is the same well hey oh my God Isaac you made it just they're everywhere Jim is he uh he's gone nothing I can do what the are these things the ones I saw some of them were wearing a shimmery uniforms they're the crew how the hell can they be the crew look at them we need to get to the bridge there's a thousand people on board someone will be there we can't the tram system's wrecked everything's locked down because of the quarantine and you're both repair techs so how do we do this take it away there's a broken tram car blocking the tunnel it's spread off the system and the data boards burned out I can't lift the lockdown or call the tram until we get a spare from the maintenance Bay but it's all an Isaac side of a quarantine I'll handle it just make sure there's power to the repair systems and Isaac yeah I'm sure Nicole's okay she's a doctor right she'll do the smart thing yeah yeah she always does find somewhere safe that is the last I'm gonna talk about the comparisons between remaking and original I don't want to taint this experience with anything going forward so I'm going to approach this with brand new baby eyes lyxian please delete all of my memories well it saved were you hey cool game I need a data board for the tram system oh yeah and I can save God doing the I'll never I don't remember anything about anything ever I love saving savings great I saved all right okay look at this money I like money I love money what are you give me you plasma energy yes please okay which way do I need to go um your locator knows the way it does it oh it does doesn't it or maybe it does I don't know I'm guessing how do I do interesting how did I do that wait there ah ah interesting a quick little blurp but what's over here in cargo and baggage what's in cargo baggage can I have cargo baggage should I be in cargo baggage I don't know if I should I don't know if I should be in cargo baggage uh thank you I know how to I think I don't know if I'm supposed to be in cargo baggage yet what do you think you're doing now that's a nice stomp uh turn on interesting ah ah well hang on I want to go to storage wherever the hell that is y'all got us what don't even think about it did you think about it don't be thinking about it hey wait a minute can't get distracted now that sounds bad whatever that is sounds horrifyingly bad I don't like that I don't like that none can I get some cargo whoa hey what are you doing what are you doing why are you in the walls ah this looks important thank you I don't know that was bizarre God it's dark God damn it's like oppressively dark all right let me see about I know I'm probably not supposed to go the maintenance Bay just yet see serious hmm cargo arrival yeah this definitely ain't the right way but who knows I think I need to go get something first and then come here but my curiosity is just leading me down paths that I want to go so I'm going to follow it I'm just quirky like that I think don't bother shooting those in the head it doesn't even slow them down the only way is hacking them apart those arms and their legs does that even kill them or do they jump that movie I don't know wait a minute who's doing that hey hey oh don't even think about it oh you missed it oh okay okay foreign echoing through here I know I'm really big and strong but oh this is so gosh dang dark why is it so gosh dang dark in here I can't see for crap oh they did a damn good job here it's just like when people saw the uh Doom early gameplay footage they were like this looks so slow and boring and then it turned into the most intensely frantic game you'd ever play where where where what you don't even think about it hey hear someone else who where what why how can I not see any of you you know I make sure they're dead by stomping them under itty-bitty gooey bits you get blown come on I should have put less explodies here it's a work Hazard oh something in there is this ah power door what is the boom what is the big boom Oh that is the big boom okay so where did that power thing go so cable running over here oh thank you oh thank you uh-huh all right so I just made a full circle I've yet to find where that power goes it's got to be some other way either going up or down I think it was up so it must be uppies can I get on uppies can someone give me uppies puppies I don't think I can get up easy who's gooping Whoopi gooping again you gooping bro why are you gooping stop pooping can't see nothing can't see nothing elevator did this go Opie let's go office okay good good good good weirdly like on edge I'm sure nothing's gonna jump out of me at all ever why would that be oh God damn you anybody else yes anybody else anybody else want a little tussle with this muscle stop being you all of you everything stop yeah I'm weirdly on edge this is apprehensivating my knee well not money ammo hello text log USC ishimura aerospace engineering department shuttle repairs invoice Mission day two fall T4 gyro replaced faulty 40 scope repairing uh impulsers complete replacement damage four and left viewports damage boosters this is just boring why do I care about that I don't which I mean it makes sense that's what I probably would find anyway um are you telling me there's lights on in here oh God oh God no oh you gotta be kidding me oh you're joking me oh you're joking me stop all right oh stop wamping into that thing please oh boy all right okay we're in business we're in business we're in good company and everything is going swimmingly I'm not worried why would I be worried I'm not worried Mario Warriors right uh -huh yeah peekaboo peekaboo why are you up there don't do it don't do it don't come after me don't do it don't don't come after me no don't I'm helpless oh I'm just a sweet little baby thank you hey wait don't don't don't come after me oh you're quick oh my God don't do it don't come after me don't I'm helpless I'm helpless thank you thank you for your patronage your donation is appreciated the big preach the priests on the the money Dono big priest all right so this is now open great this was worth it worth hugely worth pay a data board we can't stay here much longer hearing a lot of movement I'm halfway done found a data board just gotta move the tram okay Daniels watch that door okay all right M Smith from J Wright poker night okay keeping this off rig Link in case Benson's listening poker uh I'm in but can you not invite Javi this time I know he's still blaming himself for Rosie's accident and everything but no one wants to hear about any of his nightmares especially that one where we he saw it's Rosie up and walking around with half his head missing don't we did and don't give me about it I'm serious it's messing with me last night I had one of the dreams where you wake up you know but my dad was sitting next to my bed talking to me felt so real I kept seeing him out of the corner of my eye trust me that's one son of a who needs to stay dead interesting they are Branch sweet all right wow I like that I like that all right but I don't think oh I love the node tree I love the node tree I don't think I'm gonna spend any just yet mostly because I don't know if I'm gonna need these nodes down the road I don't know I always like to hold back right I just in general in games in in general other games non-specifically going home thanks for the Dono hey hey you little pee pee pants over there doing a little pee pee pants dance well come find me if you brave enough you're gonna come find me or am I gonna get out of here oh looks like I missed it whoa whoa hey oh behind me oh PP man oh baby bear dance man huh little BB dance what what are we done are we done man you better be done you better be done you better be done I love saving this is a bit of a heart attack and a half owl ass say Lavie let me just turn off the power to that one because I don't know if I want to keep that accessible oh wait a minute you're not supposed to be there found the prospector all right good good good good good rolling in hey what is up you guys still there uh guys okay go go go go go guys what does a green mean the greens just mean highlighted or is green mean like I've gotten all the things who knows nah it's just highlighted okie dokie then imma go off it this way foreign that's fine right guys that's fine what happened I don't know how but they they managed to recapture the janky and jankiness of the corpses even though physics simulations have improved dramatically what is happening what's happening what's happening oh that's fine cool I love stasis now I know why the game wanted me to go this way first my god I've got a stasis meter on both of our backs look at this totally available in cloakbrand.com you can get it among other really cool stuff there's various different designs but show off how stable you are with your stasis I for what was the tutorial how to be uh I didn't catch the button I needed to press for stasis yeah I did it I'm good never mind I'm going for it oh wow how did I almost mess that up um well that's probably not good but glad things are working at 110 efficiency that's the best CD you stay suspect oh it probably just automatically uses it when I need that tickled my brain okay well that was cool let's never do it again I love saving and yes all right bathroom oh my God wait error days I don't know what that means uh I found a man inside the vents congratulations sorry about I don't trust I don't trust what's the heartbeat about why was there a rapidly increasing heartbeat huh it's gonna be so easy to miss things in here I'm never gonna get everything okay goodbye well hey poop dungeons Santa is for error days great good great never clean who needs it I can't get through here I must be able to go that way then wait cargo bay I want cargo hmm oh well this looks spicy claw disengaged great I love node I love blasma I love audio log message nearing you got you got damaged tram car on the tracks and if the whole system is gridlocked guess who they're calling Temple here sending a stasis module now what happened to the other one no idea a lot of shit's been breaking down and I keep hearing things down in the gears where no one could be you know I know you know I know you know we know who doesn't know we know I know we all know ing system re-initialized wow if only there was something I could do hold on there before I missed all right the way hey hey hey hey hey hey what's behind me there's another one behind me pop stay engaged stay go which way we flying but well hello you dead you gonna be all right easy all right okay possibly happen to me hey hey freeze I was making sure there's nothing else here oh I knew it whoa where did you get out of station you were in timeout don't do that oh there goes my no hit run a good thing I got one please I forgot what the shortcut is I think it's cute must be cute nope it's not cute I thought it was cute way out one second f F I did it oh whoa whoa where did you go oh my God you sneaking I'm heading back to control should be able to call you a ride on the bridge good just hurry I keep hearing noises right under our feet that's probably fine why is this locked guys why locked guys please oh it keeps seeing that's just that that's just that okay I want for good measure all right let's get you out of here and never come back again I love health no no that's probably fun I probably don't have anything to worry about I'm probably gonna be okay probably but how do I get that open oh well not oh no I'm not good on the bathroom I'm oh okay I thought I heard a musical sting turns out it's just this door well I still almost got goosed how fast is you that's not thesis let's not say this is at all oh what that's new that's new since when could you do that only a hundred credits and you're cheap too oh security clear what do you mean security clearance I'm an engineer yeah yeah all right I gotta get back to my friends who didn't abandon me my friends who are definitely there waiting for me and then we can reunite and together we can beat back the dark the darkness guys guys good guys guys you're there right oh there you are hey Buddies you guys gonna we're gonna sync up right I see you in there I I see you you talking to me guys uh guys we're on board something hit the roof but it seems operational quarantine lockdown's lifted so you can get to the hangar columns are still down so be ready when Johnson picks up the Kelly we report to the bridge standard emergency protocol what protocol Heaven people are dying here and I'm not losing anyone else you stick to procedure we'll get through this we'll see uh Johnston you mean broken ankle Johnston is uh are they is they still there do you think that they're still there do you think that is okay is there a lock on that door you're a locky door door locky door locking thing why the violins now why would there be violence plucking happily in the distance better be dead again with the plink plonking can't say it's my favorite thing hello oh foreign okay okay okay okay everything is a-okay a peekaboo I see you anybody oh you don't don't you be oh whoa hey cool I'll be right with you I got some flies quite the quite the everything going on I don't know exactly what to make of that but uh probably all fine wow you serious right now you serious you serious right now you serious with this what no no no naked ones I I don't need that no one needs that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey hey hey hey hey you naked I'm not about that all right things are getting a little bit too frantic here we need to all calm down a little bit Johnston how's the ankle made it to the bridge it's there's no survivors Daniel's is trying to get into the command computer uh-huh whoa what the heck was that coffee I was just trying to get a snack hey Johnstone Johnston wasn't there a box to stomp in here thought I remember seeing one before hey Johnston you still there amazingly you are shockingly hey have you been uh in contact you uh heard anything I'm coming don't you worry I'm I'm coming everything's good don't worry um yeah you're good uh yeah is that blood Haley I need you to listen ERS overrun with monsters you didn't hear anything what no the cons are still out Isaac we need to kill you and fix it now got a damage report uh yeah it's there it's kind of incomplete don't you think um well you know how it is you probably would have died in a horrible Lobby incident s go wait but there was a note wasn't there a note whoa whoa whoa whoa but there was a note there oh my God but the note I should that's why I always got to go for the things beforehand because otherwise whoa hey beautiful don't do that hello ugly hey Well audio logs Mario smog that's what I always say uh and I could probably get it later hey whoa wait a minute how are you still moving oh hi what's happening Kelly until Singularity core overloaded no Killian was our only way home we're trapped no I'm not losing two good people for nothing what about the command computer it's a the brick all the primary systems are locked down with the captain's coats so we find Captain Matthias track his rig I'm so mad too oh okay here did Benjamin Matthias location Medical status deceased he was a captain Isaac you can double back and cut through maintenance find the captain's body and get his rig with his codes we what was that chin okay he's probably fine what uh-huh okay love that movie that's my favorite one what no nothing who's my own mind playing tricks on me is it darker in here than it was it was that baby always there a log I'm not gonna miss it this time disclaimer this article is sponsored by cec's Prince publishing division may not represent the views of the main screen don't care who cares wham bam bam I bet that one audio or text log in the issue Mora or uh the whatever our shuttle name was the shuttle marmota I bet that was like the most important piece of lore that anybody could possibly find in the game and would unlock all the secrets all the secrets and all the understanding of everything in this game forever and ever and ever and ever bathroom Don't Mind If I Do I love that there are no doors very helpful am I taking this is this what we're doing all right I'm doing it but I don't trust it just like I don't trust anything ever forever so I want that I don't trust you you you you you don't trust me you definitely don't trust you this ship it's a shitty capitalist organization yeah but maybe I can get a suit upgrade probably not though we just shoot upgrade I can afford it bonus well my suit was kind of bloody already what is that what is that nonsense what are these give yourself to the marker be armored in its word and make the Brethren whole again I don't know if that's a good idea have you remembered whose blood it is yet not really the colors of the EDF core of and Virginia is adopted after their Victory europa's Connemara chaos iceworks during the resource Wars infested suit Lone Survivor classic I kind of want to see how bad this infested one looks guys trust me I'm I'm good I feel good I just feel so good where's my guts wait guys I don't feel so good guys I don't know uh I don't know if this is for me oh wait let me get a good look at this thing oof I don't know guys like girl man this is great inspiration uh for a super cool look love the double skull bony thing going on there not sure about this one I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna pass I'll pass I'll pass who what else could I sell I don't need two men who needs two med pack I'm never gonna be in trouble and there's stasis I barely use it anyway I don't need it buy unlimited oh my God now I want an upgrade uh yes please there we go I can't tell what got added maybe some bracers things going on here a little more doodadery in the back that sounds pretty good all right cool go go cool right so my inventory should have expanded to 18 slots good good great great okay two Medical I thought I took the tram to Medical ain't I supposed to take the tram to Medical bench Ben oh graph has been extended oh man I just don't know if I really size my suit can do that for me impressive all right but I don't need it I'm good yeah I'm gonna hold on until I um because I don't know if I'm gonna do just plasma cutter I usually well I mean I imagine it's such a good reliable weapon that when it's fully upgraded you don't really need anything else I've always found that it's just like the most suitable weapon for the job for almost anything but I'm gonna hold off a little longer before committing to that because that's kind of like the habit I I tend to fall on in games sorry buddy are you sleeping apologies where'd your head go I don't know why I'm flabbergasted because I was the one stomping but Al ass quarantined huh I don't have the security clearance I don't know what it's all about medical cargo Depot I don't know what that means what's hissing me what is the noises what's with the noises what is that about am I gonna get a kinesis I think I'm gonna get a Kinesis oh my God well fascinating it looks like we've reached the end of chapter one which means we've reached the end of this episode thank you everybody so much for watching and thank you for joining me on the remake of dead space this is a very this is a very cool one for me it's good to see it and I think it's going to be a very fun one so get ready for a lot more very soon and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye\n"