McDonald's Mcflurry Machine! _ 10 Crazy eBay Items

The Creepy Speaker and Food Skin Conundrum

As I sat staring at the speaker, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was just sitting there, silently judging me, its presence making me question my own sanity. I had no idea what it was or where it came from, but one thing was certain - I didn't want anything to do with it anymore. The more I looked at it, the creepier it seemed. I tried to shake off the feeling, telling myself it was just a harmless object, but deep down, I knew better.

As I stood there, frozen in terror, my mind began to wander. What was the center of this mysterious device? Why did it have to be so... prominent? The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. My thoughts were like a jumbled mess, with no clear direction or purpose. It was as if my brain had been hijacked by some sort of sinister force.

Just as I was starting to lose myself in this existential crisis, something caught my eye. A food skin bag. Now, I'm not exactly sure what it is or where it comes from, but the name alone sends shivers down my spine. "Complete Food Skin" - the words seem to mock me, like some sort of cruel joke played on an unsuspecting soul.

I tentatively reached out and touched the food skin bag, half-expecting it to be some sort of poisonous organism that would immediately kill me. But no, it was just a simple plastic bag with a cleverly designed opening that allowed you to easily access your food. The more I thought about it, the more ridiculous it seemed. Who comes up with this stuff?

As I continued to examine the food skin bag, my mind started to wander to more pressing matters. Like sandwiches. And how they're always so fragile and prone to collapse when you take them out of a lunchbox. It's like they're trying to drive us mad, constantly reminding us that our carefully crafted meals are just one wrong move away from disaster.

And then, like a beacon of hope in this desolate landscape, I spotted it - the "Complete Food Skin" product itself. A sleek and modern design, meant to hold your sandwich together with ease and precision. It was like they took all my fears and anxieties about sandwiches and put them into one convenient package.

But as I gazed upon its pristine surface, something nagged at me. Was it too good to be true? Did this product exist solely for the purpose of tormenting us, making our sandwiches fall apart and rendering them useless? The more I thought about it, the creepier it seemed.

The next thing I knew, Emma was standing there, trying to hand me a sandwich that she had apparently prepared. It looked good, I'll give her that, but something about it seemed off. Like it was trying to deceive me, to make me think everything was okay when in reality, it was all just a facade.

As we stood there, awkwardly trying to navigate this surreal situation, James suddenly piped up with his thoughts on the product. He found it to be very resilient and good at keeping sandwiches together. I couldn't help but feel like he was missing the point. Wasn't that exactly what made me so uneasy about it in the first place?

Just then, a video appeared on my phone, claiming that I would enjoy watching it. And enjoy it I did - for all of 30 seconds before realizing that it was just a video review of the "Panda" sushi mold. A cute little creature made out of seaweed and rice, meant to hold together your precious sushi pieces.

As I watched this adorable creature in action, my mind began to wander once again. What was the point of all this? Was it some sort of existential commentary on the futility of life? Or was it just a silly little product designed to bring joy into our mundane lives?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had no idea what any of this meant. All I knew was that I didn't want anything to do with it anymore. The speaker, the food skin bag, the sandwich - all of it seemed like a cruel joke played on me, a reminder that life is just one big mystery waiting to be solved.

And so, as I walked away from this surreal encounter, I couldn't help but wonder if anyone else out there felt the same way. Were we all just trapped in some sort of bizarre reality, forced to navigate this strange and twisted world with no clear direction or purpose?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had to keep moving forward. No matter how confusing or unsettling things seemed, I had to find a way to make sense of them. After all, as they say, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Or in this case, when life gives you a creepy speaker and a food skin bag, maybe just take a deep breath and move on.

The End

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat is the sensor on the top of itshead what I'm done dudehello and welcome I'm fast and todaywe're looking at 10 strange eBay itemssam here from battle universewell suggar picked out 10 strange eBayitems now I'm gonna let you know whetherthese items nailed it or failed it firstitems stick let's geometric fort building kitbut that's just some stakes are theygonna send me sticks oh they're justgonna send me a little pieces of clothcommissioned brand-new strong andstretchy stick let's give kids the powerto turn ordinary sticks intoextraordinary forts in play spaces Ireally don't get it I mean I I get itit's just like little pieces of stretchcloth but how does it make you build afort better what's so funny oh they'relike little things that's what she'sdoing right there they're like littlestretch rubber bands I get you I get youall right well Add to Cart oh wow sothere's not a lot in here what's wrongwith using string though my only concernwith this is like what happens if thestick can't fit what if it's a no fitstick 0 to 10 would not fit stick let'sbecause mother nature misses us this islike the least thing mother nature canmake you can see right here they giveyou some examples of how you can buildit it's actually somewhat complex yougot to stick it through like a ton oftimes okay so if it's a bigger hole youcan fit like two sticks in it if it's asmaller hole you fit a big stick in italright do we have some sticks dig Samokay so yeah we got like a little teepeething going on here nice I get you I'vehad much more success without this okayall right I'm just one of the sticksokay throw a blanket on it and call itdone yeah mystic build it I mean you gotto collect a lot of sticks and at thatpoint are you are you stealing thesticks where you getting the stick soyou like cutting down trees don't tellkids to cut down trees where they'regetting all these sticks you know I'msaying Samyeah you do next item UFO cruisinglicense novelty area 51 permit bunny UFOspace monster aliens it's an alienidentification do you think anyone wouldknow do you think that's what I area 51permit looks like so many questionsthere's just a bunch of fake oneschuckling it's only like aliens whywould an alien have a permitthat means the aliens allowed to be inthere but the whole reason it's area 51is because there's aliens in there andthey're trying to keep them in so whywould it have a permit to get outthere's some convoluted thinking thatwasn't fully thought through here buthey whatever ad buy it now well there wegoOh what okay this one's a little betterbut this one feels like the laziestdriver's license I've ever seen in mylifewhat does even the picture doesn't givesmiley faces in his eyes UFO pilotsighting craft sex male height 3:9weight 59 pounds hair none eyes blackbut what's the top UFO pilot sightingcrap it's not a driver's license it'slike something else this one looks alittle bit more realistic besides thereally bad alien just doesn't make anysense why would an alien be on this itshould be a person going to area 51 tosee the aliens why would an alien wantto get into area 51 he's trying to getout of it that's where the aliens are Ican't be the only one to think thisthrough this is it failed it sorryvintage Mattel strange changed timemachine burnt oh like old stuff oh okaythat's definitely what I was looking toget a chunk of red but what is it hasbeen plugged in and plate gets warmthere's one plastic thing inside thebody of the unit and one included nottested past warmth so they don't evenknow what that thing is what is theplastic thing Sam oh like the similarthings that you get at the dollar storelike you check a crocodile into the bathand it just expands yeah and and thecard oh this is so big is it dirty oldpeople's dirt or Jerry older oh oh it'sso discolored already that's just whatplastic does when it's agedokay so definitely what we what happenshere is that this is just like asquished up little block and you don'tknow what it is yeah well what is it andyeah throw that in there throw that inthereshut that and then beep boop bop boomand the heats up and expands that's whatthis is you squish it back down it'slike a weird like a little torturedevice kind of a thing some time haspassed it's a scorpion I get you this isan alien why you obsessed spam I wasgonna call you Pam for some reasonhonestly I blanked on your name this isso weirdyou know why I should check this TVA'sID otherwise he's not leaving this thiscage I don't have to say that's a failthat oh it stinks smells like like Muskokay like a heavy musk silica aerogelsample frozen smoke world's lightestsolid NASA hydrophobic frozen smoke whatis that I'm actually really curious doyou do with it you'll receiveapproximately five milliliter glassbottle of silica aerogel with a greyrubber stopper shown in the picturesgreat chemistry gift the most effectivethermal insulator 39 times better thanthe best fiberglass insulation I likethat name that's cool Stardust such acool word you know I'm saying yeahStardust oh that's because it was arogue one you know I just cut all thatout but leave that in but but cut thatout but leave actually leave it all inbut pretend that you cut it out by justdoing it like a bleep believe all thatin two so it is extremely hydrophobic ifyou guys don't know what that means thatmeans it's scared of water repels waterdoesn't like it is high-quality cheapaerogel okay so what does it do thoughdo we just put it in waterit's not like oh it's a fun thing tohave just like my hand you betterfunding that so you could even finishthat sentence to the gibberish all rightAdd to Cart whatever it's in a pipe lookat that I got to bring this close so youguys can see look at that I look sopretty it's just so interesting lookingyou can't like really see exactly howinteresting looking at looks but itlooks interesting just take my word forhow interesting it looks check us outOh weird you can't see anythingjust like little jell-o what it justdisappeared whoajust disappears there you go you can seeit I want to see something here justdisappeared oh my gosh it's all over myhands I should probably go wash that onya I'm gonna say ten bucks it was worththe risknailed it world's smallest library donot disturb world smallest librarythat's not a library that's an outhouseOh see I told you it was an outhousecheers sob buck I guess I'm so confusedreadings pretty much uplifting so lotspeople say and I'm not wanting to beaging it if it's done the proper waymust be some duty Sturken what youreally understand that what is Dutyshirking is that did I just say anobscenity I don't know you Anna you're aliar you just add blatant liar thislisting is for a miniature outhouse madeof wood this is an all T item somethingto put out for last either in the livingroom or the bathroom it's cute bunny allbeer judges are and the cardssweet for some reason I feel like I wantgloves for this instead of thehydrophobic aerial gel yeah because thisthey even said sometimes potentially inthe bathroom so if it's on ebayguaranteed it was in someone'sso we're just gonna not touch itsomething is like imprinted on it righthere it says Wisconsin deals okayand there's I mean it's exactly like thepicture static and now me I got a systemthat surely can't be because I read whenI can't work know how and on theair-cooled sheet the heck does that meanit's not workingI think he's reading and twerking let'sbe honest I think we got overcharged Samhe was supposed to be 35 cents what butwe paid 6 bucks ah Sam you could havegotten this for cheaper you could youshould have just gone to Wisconsin I'llgo there next time really is that a realplaceI'll make the drive ok sweetie here yougo Sam ok unless they failed it that'sfor you you could take the home put thatin your own bathroom your weirdo vintageMcDonald's McFlurry maker complete inboxso what is it you got just a McFlurrymaker is it used or is it new don't theysay that on eBay delivery variesfantastic dude who knows hey what am Igonna get my item don't worry about itcome when it comes I never sent used I'mnot a hundred percent sure if this wasever used ok it is an excellentcondition and completed as two packetsof desert mix and three packets ofsprinkles sprinkles and got loving mesome sprinkles add mix enjoy McDonald'sis an odd company isn't it McFlurrymaker McFlurry cup and lid spoon plungerhandle and about eating anything thatwas prepared with a plunger how old isthis though when's the expiration date2003 it was made let's add the cart wowthis is big that's big McFlurry makerrecreate and McFlurry anytime anyplace Ifeel I could just be easier to go outand get him to Chloe do they still sellMcFlurry I think so yeah is it I thinkso or is it yeahyeah yeah no batteries required desertmix and toppings included easy to useeasy to clean so here's the game rightobviously this is like from 2003 this issuper old look they even have thenutritional facts back here I betthey're betting for this thing to takeoff and then for people to justcontinually by all these McFlurrysprinkles and desert mixes right so myquestion is is it absolutely uselesswhen they stopped making the McFlurrydesert packets and stuff like that yeahno definitely definitely easier thangoing to McDonald's and getting themMcFlurry yourself definitely easier ohI'm too old for this crap flurry CupMcFlurry spoon it is McFlurry spoon I'vehad a McFlurry in my life before andthey have really odd spoons Oh withexpiration date right here yupdefinitely expired over a decade agoreally yep it expired twelve years agotwelve years ago so I'm gonna put ittogether and we're gonna pretend Iassume you put ice all in there rightyeah you you super cool this thing okayput this puppy back in here and then yougrab the crank there you goand they just spend so it's pretty mucha normal ice cream maker oh I see that'sshut that's open so it should just startpouring out yeahMcDonald's I'm sorry you just tried waytoo hard on this one just you try waytoo hard you know didn't just it justdidn't come to you alright so obvious afailed itgiant microbes West Nile virus new stuffplush what I don't understand this is a5 to 7 inch plush that comes with animage of a microbe and information aboutit this is great use for an educationalaid or as a humorous gift very cute WestNile virus I'm pretty sure the peoplethat had West Nile virus don't thinkit's very cuteoh it's the cutest of all the virusesWest Nile hmm just the cutest of all ofthem here's my question why are theireyes on it is this because it's by theNile and they're just being superoffensive with this eye stuff oh my godhorrible fever headache neck stiffnessstupor disorientation coma tremorsconvulsions muscle weakness ooh thecutest of all the viruses for sure addto cart' sometimes I'm just at a lossfor words I just can'tOh actual size 1 million times theactual size nevermindimage of West Nile virus so the this istechnically the West Nile virus rightand then they decided to put some likeEgyptian like face on it facts West Nilevirus is a mosquito-borne illnessprimarily found in Africa West Asia andthe Middle Eastlearn something new every day actually Ialready knew that but I'm talking aboutyou guys in case you didn't know thatnevertheless it's wise to take extraprecautions to avoid all mosquito bitesduring outbreaks knowing whichmosquitoes are infected is like solvingthe riddle of the Sphinx knowing whichmosquitoes are infected all just allmosquitoes just assume stay away fromall mosquitoes yeah I don't have to saythis is a bagel bit next item oh my goshyou will all out on this yeah I see acreepy face through itI really don't I'm gonna have to cancelthe eBay series dude this video betterget a lot of likes for if I'm not gonnacancel this eBay series do so I'mgetting weirded out by everything sansfinding people are so weird oh my goshit's horribleit is so creepy it cosmic sound effectscalm if you guys want one I guess thereyou go when it's on top of its head it'snot a light but it's in its eyes they'redeadwhat is this okay this is a speaker weneed a speaker to plug into this oh mygosh it just keeps getting creepier andcreepier good baby good babythat's like Luna anytime you leave herthat's like warna I'm just at a loss forwords at this point what is the centeron the top of its head what I'm donedude I'm so done dude I don't know it'swhat a horrible sound I don't wantanything to do with that anymore I'm outjust nope I failed it nope I'm out thisis so creepy complete food skin mintwhat what is food skin that sounds evencreepier what is this it's a sandwichholder no it's food skin masking foryour food ever experience that you'reperfectly assembled sandwiches fall intopieces when you take it out of yourlunchboxno cuz I have a bag it's called aplastic bag but fits it the amazingcomplete food skin is a highly elasticsilicone skin that holds your sandwichtogether it has perfect fit for any foodand it's completely flat when empty it'snot a bad idea just creepy like don'tcall it skinyou know just don't call it any organ onthe human body rightAdd to Cart food skin Oh complete that'slike come eat the world's first flexiblelunch box I mean I get it in my opinionbad branding okay so it does seal herebut does it seal here doesn't look likeit looks like it does I wouldn't trustthis sandwich thing oh wow that's likenot that's like actually like reallyreally gonna squish your sandwich downwhat this is coming up - oh I get itbecause that's not actually needed solet's just take that off why why do Ieven need that you know you gotsomething for me I got a sandwich foryou you got my lunch yeah nice not heavylet's pretend Sam prepared this originalsandwich looks good and then you're likeokay here you go I'm gonna - Emma go towork now okay that's not that's not evenworking see that's that's what I wasafraid ofwhat's that work there you gookay so that's what it's supposed to doit's supposed to be like kind of likethe deli kind of style of like keepingyour sandwich together you know what Imean all right it's holding togetherJames really enjoying this I'm reallyputting it through the paces seems to bevery resilient which is good not thatcrazy not that strange my only issue isthat if you put if you have likesomewhat of a wet sandwich but then youmight not pack a wet sandwich becauseit's gonna get soggy but if you do havea wet sandwich like the juices mightescape let go let go my sandwich verymomI'd say nailed it but then again I amtalking about a sandwich us Panda shapepunch sushi rice ball mold on eagerly oneageriymood nori DIY maker bento so oh are youa motor it's supposed to make littlepandas- sushi oh is that seaweed that'sseaweed I guess they wanted to be likeoh I'm not for the cutesy stuff I'd thecool stuff am i right guys oh my gosh somuch information about a panda buy itwhy is it been and beat up so weirdthere's supposed to cut out littlepieces of seaweed and you're supposed towrap it around the little bowl of riceto make it look like a little panda allright let's see how how good of a sushichef Mathias is oh do the sandwich justput me through the paces right now sowe've already made a little bit of apanda right here now I grabbed thishopefully unflavored sushi my sushi butseaweed good its unscented how I do thisdo I just poke it yeah okay so I liftthat back up okay kind of worked notreally I'm trying I'm trying my bestthere we go okay so now maybe this maybe a better tactic of like poking itthrough my fingers aren't that small Samthere's a panda so what a white mantries to do sushi okay so what how doyou rate my Panda Sam I'm gonna I'mgonna write this one eh nailed it andjust chalk up to my incompetence seethat Betty right there that is threetech items under $50 so go check it outyou may enjoy it and also this one righthere is a video that YouTube thinks youspecifically will enjoy let's find outif you will also if you new hereconsider subscribing right there andguess what we'll see you next timehigh five\n"