The LGR Product Placement Video: A Close Look at the Replicade Tempest Arcade Machine
Greetings and welcome to our channel, where we discuss various products and their features. However, today's video is not about any product placement, but rather about this tiny little Tempest arcade machine that I picked up at E3 2019.
As you can see, this is an officially licensed Atari product, produced by New Wave Toys and Replicade Amusements. The machine is a 1/6th scale replica using real wood cabinet and all the little parts and everything that makes it look like the original Tempest machine. I was extremely excited to get my hands on this thing and try it out at home.
The packaging alone is just great, with official Tempest artwork and everything. The wooden cabinet construction, the high quality artwork, and the metal coin slot all contribute to its amazing build and finish. It's clear that Replicade Amusements put a lot of effort into creating this miniature masterpiece.
Upon closer inspection, we can see that it has some bags of accessories and replacement parts, including foam, a manual, and a USB power cable. The machine also comes with a rechargeable battery, which powers the entire system. As you can see, the heft of the machine is one of its most impressive features.
The control panel is another standout feature, with detailed artwork that's not easily missed even at close range. The text is clear and legible, and the design of the wooden cabinet is spot on. It's clear that Replicade Amusements paid attention to every detail in creating this miniature replica.
One thing I was attracted to with these machines is their original Tempest machines' use of a vector display, which they mimicked quite well. As you can see, the machine goes straight into attract mode as soon as it's powered on. The graphics are impressive, with anti-aliasing going on around the lines and text.
Now that we've got the machine powered on, let's take a closer look at how it performs. We'll press the coin button to play the game. As you can hear, the sound effects are quite good, especially when it comes to shooting the 'do do do.' The machine also has a bit of oompf to it, which I think is missing in many modern games.
Overall, this Replicade Tempest arcade machine is an impressive miniature replica that captures the essence of the original Tempest machine. Its attention to detail, high-quality construction, and faithful recreation of the original vector display make it a must-have for any serious collector or enthusiast.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enI need a smaller quarter!Greetings and welcome toan LGR product placement.That's not what this video is about,I just happened to have coffee.Anyway, what we're talking about is this,which is not a product placement,but it is a product that I'mplacing right hereThis is something thatI picked up at E3 2019and if you saw my recap video of sortsthat I released about the show,then you'll know exactly what this is,or if you saw the title ofthe thumbnail of this video,yes, this is a tiny littleTempest arcade machine.One of the absolute most impressive onesthat I have seen to date.Certainly the coolest onethat I saw at the show.And no, this is notsponsored. I'm not getting anykind of commission for this,I just saw it, was impressedand bought it right there on the spot.This is from New Wave Toys,and they have a bunch ofinteresting Replicade products.Really only a couple onthe market right now,but they've got a lot more coming out,and I am intrigued by all of thembecause of the qualityof this one right here,and let's just go ahead and open it up.It was on sale too, that'sanother reason I picked it up.I think normally it was like $120,the sale price is $100 andthen E3, it was only $89, so.So look at this .It's just, I mean y'knowthe packaging aloneis just packaging, butI'm still happy with it.I mean all the official Tempest artwork,this is an officiallylicensed Atari product.Well, it's licensed from Atari,it's a New Wave Toys product,but yeah, Replicade Amusements.Just what they're doing withthese little arcade machinesamuses the crap out of me.It's a 12-inch, 6th-scalereplica using real wood cabinetand all these littleparts and everything that,let me just show you, becauseI've been extremely excitedto get this thing homeand actually try it out at home,'cause I only gave it abrief look on the show floor.Ooh, such foam.Got some bags of accessoriesand replacement parts.A little manual and a USB power cable.It has a rechargeable battery in there.Oh, oh yeah.And already, that heft.That's one of the thingsthat drew me to this.It is an actual wooden cabinet,but it's all these otherlittle details on herethat just, whoa.Right, so as I was saying,it really was just the overall buildand finish that attracted meto this particular machine.Only other machines that have come closein terms of detail that I've seenare the Numskull designs.I think there's only aPac-Man of those right now,and those are a little bit larger.Those are a quarter scale,and these, from New Wave, are 1/6th.So they definitely hadto take a few libertiesjust to make it playable,because it is a smaller machine,but for a replica ofthis particular scale,I think it looks great!Let's go ahead and get this off here.Oh, yeah, so the displaylooks really nice,you'll see in a moment when we turn it on,but the wooden cabinet construction,the really high quality artwork,like the prints of all this texton the front here looks wonderful,and then there's this down here .This actual metal coin slot.Yeah, it's got the littlemechanisms and everything.I mean, it looks likeit's almost functional.I mean, this part's not exactly,but you know, you can't puttiny little coins in there,but I don't know, maybe you could.Maybe you could make that work .It just pleases me to no end.And yeah, like I said, it is USB powered,so you have a USB mini port right thereand back here you have,looks like volume, powerand a little speaker here.Let's see, what does this do?Doesn't look like that comesoff or anything so, yeah.Let me just go ahead and charge it.Oh-ho-ho wait,there are little coins!This is the coolest!I love it, look at this, look at this.It has little coins, aw man!It's stupid, maybe, to besold on a tiny arcade machinebecause of the coin door,but man, I'm a big fan of miniatures,and well, you know, reallywell made miniatures.If you can get it as closeto any kind of realismas possible when you getreally, really way up on itand just start inspecting those details,things like really nicely printed artwork,you know, it's somethingthat I see skipped overon a lot of these kind of arcade machines.Like you look really closeat the control panel,for instance, on the frontof the unit like thisand the text is not legible.Well here, it is!Or they totally skip out on things likethe coin door or justthe overall aestheticof the machine itself, like the design,the physical design of the wooden cabinetthat these arcademachines came in, or like,just the fact that this hasproper PVC trim molding here.I mean, it's got that rubbery feelthat a real arcade machine does.I just like it a lot.Let's get this charging.There we go.Oh yeah, and you cansee the little ,the little coin insertion deals.You can actually press those.They light upand they've got the littlecharging thing on screen.The lights right there, and oh, man!I do wish the key actually locked things.As far as I can tell it doesn't,but it's all metal here,so it just feels right.Tiny quarters, tiny quarters!Okay, while it's charging,let me see what's actuallyin the manual here.I have not looked at this at all.Yeah, it does have a light up marquee.I'm happy about that.How to play the game.And the rest of it's in other languages,so yeah, pretty simple.I mean, it's a tiny arcade machine.What do you need to knowother than turning it on?I think there actually aresome updates to the firmwarefor these things available,so I don't know which version this has.I don't see anythingabout that in the manual,but I've seen some stuff online sayingthat there's different firmware updates.I've got some extra rubber feet here.Some extra little knobs.Looks like these are just alternate knobs?Alternate spinner knobs?That's a lot of them.Why do you need so many?Put this blank one on there.All right, let's getthis thing powered on,because this was another thingI was attracted to with theseis that original Tempest machines,they use a vector display,and of course, this is not that ,but they mimicked the lookof it pretty well actually.Yeah, yeah!All right, so it goes straightinto attract mode, I believe.Or I guess it's playing.Okay, now it's in attract mode.I don't know how well this willcome across on camera here,but in person, anyway, itlooks pretty good, man.Got some anti-aliasinggoing on around the linesand text and such so it's,I mean, it's a tiny little screen.Three inches, maybe,so it does look a littlesoft when you're lookingat it really close.But as I'm at right now just, you know,normal playing distance, it's not bad.So, I think we, what do we do,press the coin button.That's four credits, sure!Yeah!I wasn't able to really hearthe sound too well at E3,'cause everything else isreally loud at the show,but man, it sounds good here.It's one thing I've alwaysliked about Tempest,is it has a little bitof oompf to that shootingthe 'do do do,' that, yeah.And you can feel that here,it's, you know, notbooming away the room, but.It's got little, whoops, \"avoid the spikes.\"I did not avoid the spikes .So this was the slightlittle, not really an issue,it's just a little differentbecause there's a little,a slight little tick tick tickwhen you turn the knob here, the spinner.It's not like a free flowing thing.So it doesn't feel as free asthe full-sized machine does.But I don't feel likeit's getting in the wayof the game play, this just feelsa little tiny bit different.I mean, you know it'sgonna feel different.It's a tiny little machine.But yeah, I know.It's one of those thingsthat I've noticed afterplaying the real machine a lot.Like I don't have one of the real ones,but there's a local arcadethat has one I love playing.This is so cool .I just want all of thethings now in this style,this form factor.And I have a bunch of othersmall arcade machines,but like I said, none haveimpressed me quite like this one.It's just, it's thecombination of all the detailsthat make me so happy.Yeah, once you get used tothe spinner a little bit,just that clicking, it'skinda nice, in a way,because it is very accurateto each of of those clicksis gonna be moving it in one,I don't know what you would call it,one degree of the pit.Maybe that's what these are for?Let's just see here.So I guess this is like a smaller spinner.It's definitely closer in scale.Oh, I like that a lot, actually.I'm not sure how playable this will be,but in terms of the aesthetic,that looks proper now.The other one that theyhave right at the momentthat you can actually buy, or you could,until they sold out,was the centipede one,and that one has a teenytiny little track ball.I have ordered one of those.They didn't have any at the show.Okay, I'm gonna play one more game.Okay, yep, this is notas playable ,but it sure looks neatwith the teeny tiny.So if you try to turn it too fast,it doesn't actually go around.Hmm, like that.See, I'm not moving.That's a weird feeling.I didn't really noticeit with the other one.I guess with this little tiny one, though,I just have the impulseto spin it around quicker.Yeah, I don't have theproblem with this one at allbut I guess with the smaller oneI can spin it around way quicker.Well, that's another reasonthey use this larger spinner.Okay, so this is definitelythe way to go .Interesting, that's a quirkthat I did not notice at the showbecause they had the largerspinner on here, like this.I mean, honestly, this feelsway more comfortable anyway.There's making it look to scaleand then there's actuallymaking it playable.This larger spinner definitelymakes it more playable.And I don't notice the issuewhere I spin too quickly.All right, now I gottasee what in the worldthis little coin slot does.What do the coins do?Do the coins do anything?So yeah, there's no actualopenings in the coin slots,I guess you just,it's like a decorationthing, which I'm totally for.Whoa, those are tiny.Those are just the cutestlittle teeny tiny quarters!We can stack 'em up here .Look at that!My little teeny tiny to-scale quarters.See, now I'm justthinking of modificationsI could do to make thiseven more accurate.I want to stick them in the slot!Oh, what the?What did I do?The right coin button opens the menu, oh!Well, that's put thesensitivity all the way upand see how that goes.Oh, okay.That is definitely a little too sensitive,but yeah, I don't know .I wish that was a smooth spinning spinner!This feels pretty good, actually,now that I've played with it a little.Uh-huh, just not gonna besetting any records or anything.I mean, not that I'm gonna do that.It's mostly just for displayand quick little noveltyfactor, that's for sure.I would love to get an actualTempest machine someday!Any arcade machine, man, Idon't have any arcade machinesin my home except for miniature ones,and, well, this is themost impressive so far.But yeah, despite its slight setbacks,I think this is pretty great,especially for the priceI got it at, 90 bucks.Well, do I want to takethese little stickers off?I kinda do.What a cool looking machine.Well, thank you to New WaveToys for being at the showso I can give you some moneyand take one of your things.And thank you very much for watching.If you are on the edge ofbuying one of these things,I would say, knowing its quirks,maybe Tempest your expectations .As for me, I am completelysatisfied with this coin door!And the fact that it justlooks so freaking goodjust sitting here.And yeah, it's certainly playable.I mean, not as playable as the real thing,but and if you can getit on sale, like I did,definitely recommend itif you're into miniature arcade machinesthat look seriously good.And if you enjoyed this video, then cool!It was a pretty simple onejust for Monday morning here.Check out some of my more involved videos.They go up every Friday, here on LGR.Like I said, there was the E3 onewhere I covered all aspects of the show.That was a pretty enjoyablevideo to put together.And more stuff coming up soon.So stay tuned, if you like.And as always, thank youvery much for watching.\n"