How to Make A Simple Game in Python (For Beginners)

Creating a Simple Text-Based Trivia Game Using Python

In this tutorial, we will go over the basics of creating a simple text-based trivia game using Python. This game will allow users to play against the computer, and at the end, it will provide their score and percentage.

First, let's start with the gameplay. The user is presented with a series of questions, and they have to respond accordingly. For example, if the question asks "what is the best programming language?", the user can simply type in their answer, and the game will tell them whether it's correct or not. If the user answers correctly, they get a point; otherwise, they lose a point.

The score of the game is calculated by counting the number of questions the user answered correctly out of the total number of questions asked. To calculate this, we use the following formula: mark = (score / total questions) * 100.

Here's how we can do it in Python:


print("Thank you for playing!")

print("You got", score, "questions correct.")

print(", mark:", mark, "%")



However, this is a very basic way of displaying the results. We could make it more user-friendly by using a string with placeholders for the values.


print(f"Thank you for playing! You got {score} questions correct, mark: {mark}% Goodbye.")


Now, let's talk about how we can actually implement this game. The code is quite simple:


def play_game():

score = 0

total_questions = 5

print("Welcome to the trivia game!")

for i in range(total_questions):

question = input(f"Question {i+1}: ")

answer = input("Enter your answer: ")

if "Python" in answer:

correct_answer = True


correct_answer = False

if correct_answer:

score += 1




mark = (score / total_questions) * 100

print(f"Thank you for playing! You got {score} questions correct, mark: {mark}% Goodbye.")


However, we could also use an if statement to handle the different cases and make it more readable.


def play_game():

score = 0

total_questions = 5

print("Welcome to the trivia game!")

for i in range(total_questions):

question = input(f"Question {i+1}: ")

answer = input("Enter your answer: ")

if "Python" in answer:

correct_answer = True

score += 1



incorrect_answer = False

mark = (score / total_questions) * 100

print(f"Thank you for playing! You got {score} questions correct, mark: {mark}% Goodbye.")


Now, let's talk about the score and percentage. The score is simply the number of questions answered correctly out of the total number of questions asked.

To calculate the score, we can use a simple formula:


def calculate_score(score, total_questions):

return (score / total_questions) * 100

mark = calculate_score(score, total_questions)



However, if you want to include the mark in the output message, we could modify the print statement as follows:


def play_game():

score = 0

total_questions = 5

print("Welcome to the trivia game!")

for i in range(total_questions):

question = input(f"Question {i+1}: ")

answer = input("Enter your answer: ")

if "Python" in answer:

correct_answer = True

score += 1



incorrect_answer = False

mark = (score / total_questions) * 100

print(f"Thank you for playing! You got {score} questions correct, mark: {mark}% Goodbye.")


One thing we need to make sure is that our code handles all cases. For example, if the user doesn't answer a question, it would be better to give them an option to ask again.

Another thing we could do is add more complexity to the game by adding different types of questions or using a database to store the questions and answers.

Finally, if you want to add a bit of flair to your game, you could use some kind of animation or graphics to make it more engaging. For example, you could have a little player avatar that moves around the screen as they answer questions.

In conclusion, this was a simple tutorial on how to create a text-based trivia game using Python. We covered the basics of gameplay, score calculation, and handling different cases. With some practice and experimentation, you can make your own unique version of this game and share it with others.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey guys and welcome back to another YouTube video so I just want to start it off and apologize that I haven't been active for the last month or so um really there's not too many excuses I can make for myself other than I've been extremely busy and I really haven't found the motivation to sit down and make a video on my computer now I apologize to you guys I know a lot of you have been subscribed for a while and you've been waiting for new videos but I'm trying to get back into the flow of things now and I should be coming out with videos I'm hoping at least once a week so right now I've I'm sitting down and making a video and I'm making it on another Python tutorial now in this case I'm gonna be showing you how to make a really simple game now the reason I'm doing this is because on some my other Python videos I got a really a large amount of support I'm really thankful for that from you guys I've been getting a lot more reviews on them and a lot of you guys are really enjoying them so I figured I'd make some more now this one is directed more towards beginners people that are really just starting off with Python I'm not going into any graphics in this tree it's not going to be a GUI anything crazy like stuff I've done before she's gonna be a really simple text-based game that you can show your friends you can show your family and you can even maybe play by yourself now in this case I'm gonna be making a game it's gonna be kind of a quiz on myself so I'll show you quick example I've got one open here that I made earlier you can see hi welcome to the Tim quiz trotty has many questions direct as possible question one what is the name of my youtube channel so I'm gonna answer correctly if say tact with Tim like so it gives us a little feedback says correct what is my H well you guys should know I'm 17 put 17 in there what is my favorite sport now I'm gonna answer this one incorrectly I will tell you what it is after obviously um what is my favorite sport I'm gonna do let's say um football like that incorrect what is my favorite food I'm just gonna say sushi that's incorrect as well alright so you can CSS thank you for playing you got two questions correct you got a 50% mark and it's it's nice to you passed barely but we still did pass and that is a really simple game and that's gonna be something that I'm gonna be showing you guys how to make right now so first thing we want to do is if we don't really have pipe on installed go ahead and do that to do I just go Python on Google he'll bring you up on the website here downloads download Python three point six point five really straightforward really simple do that once it's downloaded in your little search bar down here in window Zients click ideally so just type that in it's gonna pop up it'll give you a little console it looks something like this now you're gonna click file new file there you go your screen should now look like mine and you're ready to get run in with Python so I did that quickly but that's alright you guys should be able to follow along so I'm just gonna click ctrl s here I'm going to save this as a simple game too because I already did one earlier and let's just get started right away so what I want to do is I first want to start by kind of greeting our user so I want to say hello Calma welcome to and we just did a Tim quiz so maybe let's just do like trivia welcome to trivia like that all right and we'll say underneath here we're gonna do a new variable in this case you can say an S stands for answer I'm gonna put input I'm gonna explain this after just follow along right now just say are you ready to play like so I'm just gonna give the answer I'm expecting so either yes board no like that alright so we just start off with a really simple print statement if you guys don't understand any of this that I'm doing right now I do have some really basic PI game tutorials that you can go ahead and follow um they're just on my channel I'll leave a link to them up in the top right here and in the description down below it'll be in the form of a card if you want to click on it on the actual video right now if you guys are interested in more advanced tutorials this one's way too easy for you go ahead and check out my PI game tutorials it's how you make it graphical game in Python a little bit more advanced but it's more rewarding and you actually get to see some physical stuff on the screen again card right now link in the description down below ok so we say input and what this is gonna do is it's gonna allow the user to type in after this line either yes or no so I'm gonna put a cool in here so that gives them a little space to type are you ready to play yes or no just now I'm just gonna go a little if statement mistake aniss dot lower explain what that does again in a second equals equals yes we're ready to play we can go ahead and continue typing our stuff in here so what this little dot lower is that I put here is it's actually a string method and what it does is it turns all of our input into lowercase so right here whatever the user types is going to be stored in this variable ans and then for example if they were to type yes in all capitals and we were to compare just ans equals equals yes well it doesn't equal lowercase Y s equals uppercase yes so this is going to be false it's not going to let the user play so by putting it dot lower it changes that into lowercase letters so we can then compare it against this and make sure that we don't get people typing yes or maybe have a capital y at the beginning of yes and not being able to play so we'll get right into question one so in here I'm just gonna actually up top let's do this I'm going to find a new variable can I call it score and I set it equal to zero the save total underscore Q such is going to stand for total questions and in this case we're gonna do four just so doesn't take us too long obviously you guys can do a lot more if you want to do that just by following the format I'm about to show so now we're gonna ask the next question so we're gonna use ans again for answer we're going to say input then you here we're gonna say question one and what's a good question we can ask we can say what is the best programming language now obviously this is very subjective you can answer any language you want in here in this case I'm just gonna put Python just I can't really think of a good question right now but if you were to really do a trivia one you might want to do something that's more fact-based alright we're gonna say again if an s equals equals Python all right but we're forgetting something because someone might use a capital P for Python we want to put dot lower in front of here what we're gonna do is we're gonna add one to the score so score plus two plus one and then we're gonna go ahead and we're going to print correct so you don't have to tell them if they got it correct or not I like to do that just so they know which ones are getting wrong but if don't you want to make it kind of a bit harder for them to play again and again try to get perfect you don't have to tell them if they got it correct or not and you would just leave out the part that I'm about to type right now which says else print encourage like that so all you would do if they got it correct is you'd go score plus equals one and then you move on to the next question now for the next question it's really straightforward all I'm gonna do is copy this paste it down here and then I'm just going to change the question and the answer so question number two let's do maybe a more fact-based question let's say what is 2 plus 8 plus 9 minus 1 now who can do that the fastest all right so I know the answer the answer is 18 so we're gonna do that now the only thing is I don't want to put this dot lower method anymore because I'm assuming the person is gonna be typing numbers so there's no point in putting dot lower and the reason I'm putting quotes around my number here is because it at any time anyone inputs anything in here even if they type in for example 18 or like 187 it's gonna come in as a string data type and I don't want to be checking number against string right so I'm just gonna keep it in quotations like this all right we're gonna go down again same process paste that down there question number 3 this time now for question number 3 let's change this up a little bit and we're gonna say hmm what's a good question we can put down here okay this one's good what is better a 1050 Ti or 1060 now these have to involve graphics card so I'm just gonna give a little thing in here just so people know that we're dealing with graphics cards it's not just some random thing so if you don't know the answer to that it's pretty basic but I'm just gonna put in here the answer is 1050 Ti and then again we just keep correct incorrect and we'll go ahead we'll do another one and this will be our last question just so you don't bore anyone too much number four and we'll say what should the question for number four be what's a good trivia question let's see here we'd say who came second in the Stanley Cup Finals believe that's how you spell Stanley Cup maybe not anyways in this case I'm just gonna give the option I'm just gonna put in here we're gonna say the Knights I think it was the Las Vegas Knights believe so and then people are able to type obviously they might not type Knights they might type something else but for the purpose of this tutorial I'm just gonna put Knights because that's the answer that I would type in here now if you wanted to for example give someone the option to be able to type two different answers and have that correct so maybe you wanted them to be able to type Knights or you want them to be able to type Las Vegas or Vegas the way that we would do that is we're just gonna copy this here I'm gonna put or I'm gonna put control V and say ants on lower equals in this case I'm gonna say in Vegas now what this allows us to do is it says if the answer is Knights or the answer is Vegas we're gonna say that's correct so if either one of those are typed typed in then that's the correct answer and you can do that for any of the things like this if you want it to go maybe three answers you would just continue or and then do the same process for whatever the other answer would be alright so now that we've done that I'm just gonna test this to make sure everything's working okay say are you ready to play type yes what is the best programming language we'll obviously we know that it's Python what is two plus eight plus nine minus one now in this case I'm just gonna type in the wrong answer let's say negative nine all right incorrect what is better a 1050 TI we're at 1060 that's graphics card so in this case 1016 incorrect oh it's because I put the wrong card in the answer slot don't worry I'll fix that in a second who came second in the Stanley Cup phones thanks there we go correct great so everything's working except this one just because I put the wrong answer instantly times 60 now that's all great but what I wanted is at the end of this program I want to print out how well they did in total so it's okay for four questions they probably know how many they got right and how many we got wrong if you had a lot of questions maybe like 20 questions then we want to give them kind of like a mark so anything I'm gonna say print thank you for playing and then we're gonna say comma actually come in here you guys and then little space a comma now which is outside of the quotes and this is we're gonna put our score so score and then questions correct just like that so thank you for playing you got score who's gonna be our score so like two three zero whatever questions correct period after this now I want to print out their mark so in order to figure out what their mark was the percent they got what we're gonna do is a really simple math calculation so I'll just say mark equal to and I'm gonna put brackets because we need to do a little bit of order of operations here we're gonna say score divided by total questions and then multiplied by just like that and then again I'm gonna print down here and they say print mark Paulo mark like that and then after this I'm gonna say print goodbye like that so let's go ahead and test this out hello welcome to trivia are you ready to play yes I am what is the best programming language Python correct what is 2 plus 8 plus 9 minus 118 what is better 1050 TI or 1060 so I'm going to answer this run wrong and just put 1050 Ti and correct who came second in the Stanley Cup Finals we'll put D Knights although I just realized we need a k4 Knights I am okay at English guys don't worry all right so thank you for playing you got three questions correct and our mark was 75 goodbye now there's a few things I want to fix here obviously Knights needs okay like that sorry about that I'm sure a lot of you were screaming at the screen when you saw me type you like that and then we're also just gonna get rid of these spaces here so exercise you got and then questions because when we put the comma here it automatically is going to put a space before and after our variables so same thing with marketing get rid of the space and also I want to add the % so to do this without having a space there's a mark + and in this case we're now gonna have to put string for a mark and we're gonna add a percent sign like this and you'll see how that looks in just a second alright so let's go ahead and check this out one more time are you ready to play so I'm just going to show you happens if I click no if you say no I just says thank you for playing your questions correct mark zero percent goodbye obviously because your score is zero and then if we click at 5 and click yes say what is the best programming language this case we say Python what is the answer this 18 what is better in this case then we got wrong again 1050 Ti and Vegas correct thank you for playing you got three questions correct mark 75% goodbye now if you wanted to you could do a little final touch here so once I said no it's still at 1 ahead and said thanks for playing you got whatever if we don't want to say that all we have to do is highlight all this just click tab because now we're indented into this little if statement here so if we said no it's just gonna end the program right away it's not gonna bother I'm saying the rest of the stuff although we might still want to say goodbye so if we uninvent goodbye what happens here is once we get through this if statement so after we've done all this it's gonna say goodbye if we don't ever end up getting inside of this if statement because well it wasn't yes then it's just gonna print a goodbye like that all right so that's pretty much been it for this video just been a really simple explanation and kind of tutorial on how to make a really simple game text-based obviously you guys should be a lot more creative than I am and come up with some good questions stuff that'll actually be entertaining to play you can do a quiz about yourself you do something like this and it's a really neat way to kind of start learning how to program and it's a cool game you could show your parents you could show your friends and test how well they know you or test how well they know a certain topic or something like that so if you guys enjoyed the video please make sure you leave a like and subscribe I'm planning on doing more videos like this so if you guys enjoy these let me know in the comments down below I'll be sure to make some more see you guys in the next YouTube videohey guys and welcome back to another YouTube video so I just want to start it off and apologize that I haven't been active for the last month or so um really there's not too many excuses I can make for myself other than I've been extremely busy and I really haven't found the motivation to sit down and make a video on my computer now I apologize to you guys I know a lot of you have been subscribed for a while and you've been waiting for new videos but I'm trying to get back into the flow of things now and I should be coming out with videos I'm hoping at least once a week so right now I've I'm sitting down and making a video and I'm making it on another Python tutorial now in this case I'm gonna be showing you how to make a really simple game now the reason I'm doing this is because on some my other Python videos I got a really a large amount of support I'm really thankful for that from you guys I've been getting a lot more reviews on them and a lot of you guys are really enjoying them so I figured I'd make some more now this one is directed more towards beginners people that are really just starting off with Python I'm not going into any graphics in this tree it's not going to be a GUI anything crazy like stuff I've done before she's gonna be a really simple text-based game that you can show your friends you can show your family and you can even maybe play by yourself now in this case I'm gonna be making a game it's gonna be kind of a quiz on myself so I'll show you quick example I've got one open here that I made earlier you can see hi welcome to the Tim quiz trotty has many questions direct as possible question one what is the name of my youtube channel so I'm gonna answer correctly if say tact with Tim like so it gives us a little feedback says correct what is my H well you guys should know I'm 17 put 17 in there what is my favorite sport now I'm gonna answer this one incorrectly I will tell you what it is after obviously um what is my favorite sport I'm gonna do let's say um football like that incorrect what is my favorite food I'm just gonna say sushi that's incorrect as well alright so you can CSS thank you for playing you got two questions correct you got a 50% mark and it's it's nice to you passed barely but we still did pass and that is a really simple game and that's gonna be something that I'm gonna be showing you guys how to make right now so first thing we want to do is if we don't really have pipe on installed go ahead and do that to do I just go Python on Google he'll bring you up on the website here downloads download Python three point six point five really straightforward really simple do that once it's downloaded in your little search bar down here in window Zients click ideally so just type that in it's gonna pop up it'll give you a little console it looks something like this now you're gonna click file new file there you go your screen should now look like mine and you're ready to get run in with Python so I did that quickly but that's alright you guys should be able to follow along so I'm just gonna click ctrl s here I'm going to save this as a simple game too because I already did one earlier and let's just get started right away so what I want to do is I first want to start by kind of greeting our user so I want to say hello Calma welcome to and we just did a Tim quiz so maybe let's just do like trivia welcome to trivia like that all right and we'll say underneath here we're gonna do a new variable in this case you can say an S stands for answer I'm gonna put input I'm gonna explain this after just follow along right now just say are you ready to play like so I'm just gonna give the answer I'm expecting so either yes board no like that alright so we just start off with a really simple print statement if you guys don't understand any of this that I'm doing right now I do have some really basic PI game tutorials that you can go ahead and follow um they're just on my channel I'll leave a link to them up in the top right here and in the description down below it'll be in the form of a card if you want to click on it on the actual video right now if you guys are interested in more advanced tutorials this one's way too easy for you go ahead and check out my PI game tutorials it's how you make it graphical game in Python a little bit more advanced but it's more rewarding and you actually get to see some physical stuff on the screen again card right now link in the description down below ok so we say input and what this is gonna do is it's gonna allow the user to type in after this line either yes or no so I'm gonna put a cool in here so that gives them a little space to type are you ready to play yes or no just now I'm just gonna go a little if statement mistake aniss dot lower explain what that does again in a second equals equals yes we're ready to play we can go ahead and continue typing our stuff in here so what this little dot lower is that I put here is it's actually a string method and what it does is it turns all of our input into lowercase so right here whatever the user types is going to be stored in this variable ans and then for example if they were to type yes in all capitals and we were to compare just ans equals equals yes well it doesn't equal lowercase Y s equals uppercase yes so this is going to be false it's not going to let the user play so by putting it dot lower it changes that into lowercase letters so we can then compare it against this and make sure that we don't get people typing yes or maybe have a capital y at the beginning of yes and not being able to play so we'll get right into question one so in here I'm just gonna actually up top let's do this I'm going to find a new variable can I call it score and I set it equal to zero the save total underscore Q such is going to stand for total questions and in this case we're gonna do four just so doesn't take us too long obviously you guys can do a lot more if you want to do that just by following the format I'm about to show so now we're gonna ask the next question so we're gonna use ans again for answer we're going to say input then you here we're gonna say question one and what's a good question we can ask we can say what is the best programming language now obviously this is very subjective you can answer any language you want in here in this case I'm just gonna put Python just I can't really think of a good question right now but if you were to really do a trivia one you might want to do something that's more fact-based alright we're gonna say again if an s equals equals Python all right but we're forgetting something because someone might use a capital P for Python we want to put dot lower in front of here what we're gonna do is we're gonna add one to the score so score plus two plus one and then we're gonna go ahead and we're going to print correct so you don't have to tell them if they got it correct or not I like to do that just so they know which ones are getting wrong but if don't you want to make it kind of a bit harder for them to play again and again try to get perfect you don't have to tell them if they got it correct or not and you would just leave out the part that I'm about to type right now which says else print encourage like that so all you would do if they got it correct is you'd go score plus equals one and then you move on to the next question now for the next question it's really straightforward all I'm gonna do is copy this paste it down here and then I'm just going to change the question and the answer so question number two let's do maybe a more fact-based question let's say what is 2 plus 8 plus 9 minus 1 now who can do that the fastest all right so I know the answer the answer is 18 so we're gonna do that now the only thing is I don't want to put this dot lower method anymore because I'm assuming the person is gonna be typing numbers so there's no point in putting dot lower and the reason I'm putting quotes around my number here is because it at any time anyone inputs anything in here even if they type in for example 18 or like 187 it's gonna come in as a string data type and I don't want to be checking number against string right so I'm just gonna keep it in quotations like this all right we're gonna go down again same process paste that down there question number 3 this time now for question number 3 let's change this up a little bit and we're gonna say hmm what's a good question we can put down here okay this one's good what is better a 1050 Ti or 1060 now these have to involve graphics card so I'm just gonna give a little thing in here just so people know that we're dealing with graphics cards it's not just some random thing so if you don't know the answer to that it's pretty basic but I'm just gonna put in here the answer is 1050 Ti and then again we just keep correct incorrect and we'll go ahead we'll do another one and this will be our last question just so you don't bore anyone too much number four and we'll say what should the question for number four be what's a good trivia question let's see here we'd say who came second in the Stanley Cup Finals believe that's how you spell Stanley Cup maybe not anyways in this case I'm just gonna give the option I'm just gonna put in here we're gonna say the Knights I think it was the Las Vegas Knights believe so and then people are able to type obviously they might not type Knights they might type something else but for the purpose of this tutorial I'm just gonna put Knights because that's the answer that I would type in here now if you wanted to for example give someone the option to be able to type two different answers and have that correct so maybe you wanted them to be able to type Knights or you want them to be able to type Las Vegas or Vegas the way that we would do that is we're just gonna copy this here I'm gonna put or I'm gonna put control V and say ants on lower equals in this case I'm gonna say in Vegas now what this allows us to do is it says if the answer is Knights or the answer is Vegas we're gonna say that's correct so if either one of those are typed typed in then that's the correct answer and you can do that for any of the things like this if you want it to go maybe three answers you would just continue or and then do the same process for whatever the other answer would be alright so now that we've done that I'm just gonna test this to make sure everything's working okay say are you ready to play type yes what is the best programming language we'll obviously we know that it's Python what is two plus eight plus nine minus one now in this case I'm just gonna type in the wrong answer let's say negative nine all right incorrect what is better a 1050 TI we're at 1060 that's graphics card so in this case 1016 incorrect oh it's because I put the wrong card in the answer slot don't worry I'll fix that in a second who came second in the Stanley Cup phones thanks there we go correct great so everything's working except this one just because I put the wrong answer instantly times 60 now that's all great but what I wanted is at the end of this program I want to print out how well they did in total so it's okay for four questions they probably know how many they got right and how many we got wrong if you had a lot of questions maybe like 20 questions then we want to give them kind of like a mark so anything I'm gonna say print thank you for playing and then we're gonna say comma actually come in here you guys and then little space a comma now which is outside of the quotes and this is we're gonna put our score so score and then questions correct just like that so thank you for playing you got score who's gonna be our score so like two three zero whatever questions correct period after this now I want to print out their mark so in order to figure out what their mark was the percent they got what we're gonna do is a really simple math calculation so I'll just say mark equal to and I'm gonna put brackets because we need to do a little bit of order of operations here we're gonna say score divided by total questions and then multiplied by just like that and then again I'm gonna print down here and they say print mark Paulo mark like that and then after this I'm gonna say print goodbye like that so let's go ahead and test this out hello welcome to trivia are you ready to play yes I am what is the best programming language Python correct what is 2 plus 8 plus 9 minus 118 what is better 1050 TI or 1060 so I'm going to answer this run wrong and just put 1050 Ti and correct who came second in the Stanley Cup Finals we'll put D Knights although I just realized we need a k4 Knights I am okay at English guys don't worry all right so thank you for playing you got three questions correct and our mark was 75 goodbye now there's a few things I want to fix here obviously Knights needs okay like that sorry about that I'm sure a lot of you were screaming at the screen when you saw me type you like that and then we're also just gonna get rid of these spaces here so exercise you got and then questions because when we put the comma here it automatically is going to put a space before and after our variables so same thing with marketing get rid of the space and also I want to add the % so to do this without having a space there's a mark + and in this case we're now gonna have to put string for a mark and we're gonna add a percent sign like this and you'll see how that looks in just a second alright so let's go ahead and check this out one more time are you ready to play so I'm just going to show you happens if I click no if you say no I just says thank you for playing your questions correct mark zero percent goodbye obviously because your score is zero and then if we click at 5 and click yes say what is the best programming language this case we say Python what is the answer this 18 what is better in this case then we got wrong again 1050 Ti and Vegas correct thank you for playing you got three questions correct mark 75% goodbye now if you wanted to you could do a little final touch here so once I said no it's still at 1 ahead and said thanks for playing you got whatever if we don't want to say that all we have to do is highlight all this just click tab because now we're indented into this little if statement here so if we said no it's just gonna end the program right away it's not gonna bother I'm saying the rest of the stuff although we might still want to say goodbye so if we uninvent goodbye what happens here is once we get through this if statement so after we've done all this it's gonna say goodbye if we don't ever end up getting inside of this if statement because well it wasn't yes then it's just gonna print a goodbye like that all right so that's pretty much been it for this video just been a really simple explanation and kind of tutorial on how to make a really simple game text-based obviously you guys should be a lot more creative than I am and come up with some good questions stuff that'll actually be entertaining to play you can do a quiz about yourself you do something like this and it's a really neat way to kind of start learning how to program and it's a cool game you could show your parents you could show your friends and test how well they know you or test how well they know a certain topic or something like that so if you guys enjoyed the video please make sure you leave a like and subscribe I'm planning on doing more videos like this so if you guys enjoy these let me know in the comments down below I'll be sure to make some more see you guys in the next YouTube video\n"