I'm Vanessa, the Crafty Gemini, and I'll be posting weekly how-to video tutorials right here on YouTube. And in this video series, I'm gonna cover a lot of information including what pattern you'll need for this project, some fabric suggestions and choices, how much fabric you'll need, we'll talk a little bit about sizing.
How to lay out our pattern pieces correctly on our fabric cutting the pieces out and then obviously how to sew it all together. This pattern does have sleeves. But don't worry, I'm gonna show you a really easy way to put sleeves in. Also, how to create the peplum, attach it to the bodice and then the tricky part of hemming a peplum or circle skirt like this. And I'm going to share with you some tips on that.
So, let's get started with the first video. So, the pattern we are working with is McCall's 6844 so, M6844. I'll include a link in the description box below on where you can find this pattern sew you can follow along in this sew along and create this super cute peplum cardigan that we're gonna be making.
This is View A. This one is just like a regular cardigan view Dokay, this is eight minutes could be this is the same one just like a playing card, can accept its longer so it goes down past your hips right and then we have you see which is the one that we're gonna be working on this is you can see the length and it has a peplum short on the front and longer in the back and then view D is the longer version of this sew how which is this one here that's the sizes size why is going to be. Size small, size medium and size large.
Extra-large and double XL now just to give you an idea if you've never made a garment from a commercial pattern before, the sizes are not the same as what you buy like ready to wear in the store to give an example I'm gonna be making medium it says its size twelve to fourteen and in ready to wear like if I went to the department store but some clothes I wear size 8 which is a medium right so's given the size twelve to fourteenthon't worry about the size there all we're looking to do is create garment that fits nicely that way they will be flattering on our body type right.
So here's another chart on the back %uh the pattern envelope and this is really important if you're really working on a garment that's really nice and fitted and you want it to be perfect to your measurements, you are going to have to look at this. You can make sure that you choose the side that the commercial pattern is giving you that's the closest to your actual by size right so we'll see here there the measurement at the bustline for all the views I'm gonna come down and these numbers you see other in columns this still corresponds all the way up hereto what size you doing so if your large this column kinda goes all the way down this wayso I'm in the medium some gonna be looking all the way down here the measured at the bustline for all the views I'm gonna come down and these numbers you see other in columns this still corresponds all the way up hereto what size you doing so if your large this column kinda goes all the way down this way.
So, I'm in the medium size some gonna be looking all the way down here the measured at the bustline for all the views I'm gonna come down and these numbers you see other in columns this still corresponds all the way up hereto what size you doing so if your large this column kinda goes all the way down this wayso I'm in the medium some gonna be looking all the way down here the measured at the bustline for all the views I'm gonna come down and these numbers you see other in columns this still corresponds all the way up hereto what size you doing so if your large this column kinda goes all the way down this wayso I'm in the medium some gonna be looking all the way down here the measured at the bustline for all the views I'm gonna come down and these numbers you see other in columns this still corresponds all the way up hereto what size you doing so if your large this column kinda goes all the way down this wayso I'm in the medium some gonna be looking all the way down here the measured at the bustline for all the views I'm gonna come down and these numbers you see other in columns this still corresponds all the way up hereto what size you doing so if your large this column kinda goes all the way down this wayso I'm in the medium some gonna be looking all the way down here the measured at the bustline for all the views I'm gonna come down and these numbers you see other in columns this still corresponds all the way up hereto what size you doing so if your large this column kinda goes all the way down this wayso I'm in the medium some gonna be looking all the way down here the measured at the bustline for all the views I'm gonna come down and these numbers you see other in columns this still corresponds all the way up hereto what size you doing so if your large this column kinda goes all the way down this wayso
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey it's Vanessa the Crafty Gemini Ipost weekly how tovideo tutorials right here on YouTube. Andin this videoI'm kicking off a brand new sew along seriesfor this cute peplum cardigan.In this video series I'm gonna covera lot of information including whatpattern you'll need for this project some fabricsuggestions and choices,how much fabric you'll need, we'll talk a littlebit about sizing.How to lay out our pattern pieces correctly on our fabriccutting the pieces out and then obviouslyhow to sew it all together.This pattern does have sleeves.But don't worry, I'm gonna show you a reallyeasy way to put sleeves in.Also how to create the peplum, attach itto the bodiceand then the tricky part ofhemming a peplum or circle skirt likethis. And I'm going to share with yousome tips on that.so let's get started with the first video.So, the pattern we are working with is Mccall's6844 so, M6844.I'll include a link in the descriptionbox below on where you can find thispattern sew you can follow along inthis sew alongand create this super cute peplumcardigan that we're gonna be making.This is View A. This one is just like a regular cardigan view Dokay this is eight minutes could be thisis the same one just like a playing cardcan accept its longerso it goes down past your hips right andthen we have you see which is the onethat we're gonna be working onthis is you can see the length and ithas a peplumschorr on the front and longer in theback and thenview D is the longer version of this sowhywhich is this one here that's the sizesize why is going to be. sizes extrasmall small and medium which is the 1ihave hereand then if you find size is easy youcan see that large extra-largeand double XL now just to give you anidea if you've never madea garment from a commercial patternbefore the sizes are not the same sizeis that you buylike ready to work love in the store togive an example I'm gonna be making themediumit says its size twelve to fourteen andin ready to wear like if I went to thedepartment store but some clothesI wear size 8 which is a medium right soit's given the size twelve to fourteendon't worry about the size there allwe're looking to do is create garmentthat fits nicely that way they will beflattering on our body type rightso here's another char on the back %uhthe pattern envelope and this is reallyimportant if you're really working on agarment that's really nice and fittedand you want it to be perfect to yourmeasurements you are going to have tolook at this you can make sure that youchoosethe side that the commercial pattern isgiving you that's the closest to youractual by size right so we'll see herethe measurement at the bustline for allthe viewsI'm gonna come down and these numbersyou see other in columns this stillcorrespond all the way up hereto what size you doing so if your largethis column kinda goes all the way downthis wayso I'm in the medium some gonna belooking all the way down herethe measured at the bus and about thirtysix and a half and that's fine cuz mybus is 36 so that of it he finds alittle bit bigger which is fine for cardagainthe measure in at the hip line is 40inches and that's what my hipmeasurement is fortyto that's fine for me and then you havethe back length from the base of yourneckto where the end of the cardigan is sowhere do you seeand that tells you that measurements soI don't care about that the length isfineso looking at these measurements ran outthe back is telling me that when thegovernment is completed aid these arethe measurementsI still think it runs a little bitbigger than this but at least you canseematchup whichever one of these matchesclone the closestto your measurement and if yourmeasurements don't fit into one of thesecategories right here to the numbersthey have go with the biggest onedefinite your hip is going to be thewidest point see wanna make sure thatyou at least match that oneafter you make one you'll be able to goback and make adjustments and seeif you want to make it fit you a littlebit better for the next onethat you make am back here on the backside up and you can see a better view ofthe four different viewsThe Cardigans that you can make I'vethis fact the one that we're going to bemakingis this one now let's keep rempac yardstelling us we need fusible interfacing 4views abc&d so ifyou're gonna be making this pattern anyof the views that included you are goingto be physical interface it nowI'm going to tell you that I did not useinterfacing and it still has the greatweight to it so just leave it out if youwant toin this video we're gonna do it withoutthe fusible interfacing so don't worryabout buying extra stuff like that nowit says it's designed for medium tomoderate and stretch knitsand the fact that are suggested aresweater knits novelty nets and interlockI'm going to suggest you start off with8 double netor something with a little bit heavierweight and not just like a relief inJersey that stretches so let's get intothe fabric now so you can see whatI'll be using to create this cardigan\n"