Good Morning, Students: An Introduction to Friends by Coach Brett
Good morning, students! I hope you all are fine and ready to learn today. As your class teacher, I know that yesterday we discussed the topic of places in school, and now it's time for our next topic, which is about friends. A friend is someone who is kind to you, understands you, peers for you, and also helps you when you are in trouble or when you are hurt. This definition is important because it highlights the qualities that make a true friend.
Now, I want each of you to tell me about your friend one by one. Please stand up and introduce yourself, and then tell me about your friend's name, where they come from, how long you have been friends, how you help each other, and how you play together. Don't worry if it takes a little time; I want to hear all about your friendships. Let's start with an example, just like we did yesterday. My friend Rui belongs to Mullet, and we became friends last year. She helps me in my studies, and we also play together at school and in our homes because she is my neighbor.
Now it's your turn! Please tell me about your friend, just like I did with Rui. Don't be shy; share all the amazing things you've experienced with your friend. And don't worry if you make a mistake; I'm here to help you learn and improve.
To help you get started, I'd like to recite a rhyme that we learned in French class:
"Friends at school can play,
Shear friends at school are kind and fair.
Friends at school will talk to you
When you're feeling sad and blue.
Friends at school are big and small,
Friends at school are the best of all.
Now, let's read this together one more time:
"Friends at school can play,
Shear friends at school are kind and fair.
Friends at school will talk to you
When you're feeling sad and blue.
Friends at school are big and small,
Friends at school are the best of all."
As we learn about our friends, I want you to remember these important qualities: kindness, fairness, listening, empathy, size, and being the best. Now, it's time for a new activity!
Please open page 45 of your I Can Explorer book number 1. On this page, you'll see different pictures of children playing with various toys. Please sort out the toy that you like the most, name that toy, and then tell me which toy you play with your friend the most in school. Don't forget to share your favorite thing about playing with your friends!
Now, let's get started with another activity. I want you all to stand up near the whiteboard. First, I'll find the tallest student and the shortest student among you. The taller student will stand at one corner of the classroom, while the shorter student will stand at the other corner. The rest of you will stand near me.
Once we've found our students, please turn in both corners so that your body is between the two lines of students who are standing at the corners. Make sure to stay only in between these two students; don't stand outside the lines! As you can see from this picture, it's easy to stand in between them.
Now that we've finished our activity, I want to remind you all that your homework is to practice this rhyme and also complete page 45 of your book. Remember to stay at home, take care of yourself, and have a healthy body and mind. Thank you for your hard work and dedication, and I'll see you next time!