Onda Xiaoma 21 Review - Could Have Been Great!

The Performance and Design of the 12.5-Inch Laptop with Apollo Lake Processor

I'm going to test out a few games now, but before I do that, I want to show you here the setting that I believe is related and directly linked to the increased GPU performance we're seeing on this particular model. The Civiltop ear why they are the fastest by about 30 to 40 percent frames per second more than other models, not all of the polo legs are the same down to BIOS or RAM speeds or settings. The way they've configured things but I believe it's related to this. So I found here that has the power limit one disabled now if yours is enabled just disable down here to get the maximum performance. Here what this allows is the CPU to consume more power than it normally would with those enable those limits so the internal graphics integrated GPU will end up clocking higher speeds and perform a lot better and consume more power.

Now this will probably generate more heat on other laptops this option is disabled like the Chui let book 14.1 or the 12.3 and having this to say but I feel is the best way to go that hopefully most manufacturers are going to go with the setting and let us get the maximum performance we can out of the little Apollo lake. And another thing that I always do here for gaming is to make sure you go into the Intel HD graphics control panel and where it says global settings make sure this is disabled here the extended battery life for gaming because having that enabled which is set by default will lower the GPU performance.

So here we have counter-strike at 800 x 600 resolution this is on the lowest settings and the frame rates a lot better than what I've seen on other Apollo legs like they're chewy lab books 12.3 around forty to fifty frames per second the server has around sixteen players on there I think at the moment so all in all it's not actually doing too bad and definitely one of the better ones not quite as fast as the civil top air however older titles like half-life two can run in 1080p so the native screen resolution with playable frame rates but you will see the occasional little framedip down there that will drop down to about 50 frames per second.

Lastly League of Legends 1080p lowest visual settings is running perfectly fine over 60 frames per second with this BOTS match here so I've got two BOTS on the opposition and one on my side so temperatures top out at 81 degrees after 30 minutes of gaming now I did test it with one hour of gaming and charging at the same time the maximum temperature was 83 degrees which is still perfectly fine there is no thermalthrottling it does get quite hot the case just around the right side where the power button is and underneath 238 degrees so quite warm to the touch but that's to be expected for a fanless laptop.

Design Flaws

The biggest issue with this laptop, in my opinion, is the fact that when you need to charge you can't listen to anything no output from the speakers there and this of course I'm just being a little bit blind here and I can't find the proper setting but I've gone through it over and over again and I see no way to do that maybe there is an adapter you can plug in it allow us to charge and have audio out at the same time still don't like their design choice on this though they should have just given us a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack and then DCM for charging wouldn't have been a problem.

Battery Life

On the other hand, battery life is really big thumbs up there it can get about eight hours depending on your brightness setting of what you're doing of course gaming performance we're seeing yet again that the integrated GPU there until five hundred HD is performing really well better than literally 80% or 90% of all the other Apollo legs out there because they have done some tweaks in the BIOS they have disabled the power limits in there allowing the to CPU ready to stretch its legs consume all the power at once but it doesn't seem to really affect the battery life so I don't know why other manufacturers are doing what these guys are doing allowing us to really maximize performance of the Apollo Lakes.

Other Features

So overall with the touchpad it's decent the fingerprint a lock unlocking is good but I personally would not buy this one here because of that deal-breaker when it comes to the audio.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enokay so I'm virtually with the ondashoma 21 this is yet again anotherseller on M 34 powered a laptop and myquest to try and find the best one outof China now this thing straight upspoilers here came very close to beingthe best what I would call an anultrabook super portable notebookbecause it's really like the funny ways1.09 kilos and it is under 13millimeters thin so really portable nowjust to quickly summarize here it hasone deal-breaker that I think a lot ofpeople are going to be put off by haveyou seen my unboxing video that none ofthe ports on it includes an audio 3.5millimeter headphone jackit's got type C and as soon as you pluganything in type C it will automaticallydivert all the audio output to that portand that also means the speaker's willstop working so if you want to listen toaudio and then charge at the same timeyou can't which is absolutely crazy thata machine like this has that kind ofdesign flaw so let's check it out herein greater detail go over the designbenchmarks a little bit of gamingperformance battery life all of that isgoing to be covered in this review youcan see some time codes that should bepopping up on this side or that side ifI get it right one of these days thebuild of the laptop is really good it'sall made out of this alloy just like thecivil top air or the T Booker that Ilooked at the top of the lids if you seenow on boxing already covered this thatit doesn't have any flex there it feelsquite solid so I don't believe that thelittle bit is going to press in and havethe screen press up against the keyboardand be damaged the underside is also allmade out of metal and there's a littleslot here that you just need to undo twoscrews in order to install and SSD ifyou want to find out how to do that justcheck out my unboxing video on the leftside of the show me 21 there is a USB 3port now this is actually a USB 2 portin my testing it will not run at fullUSB 3 speeds but limited to USB 2 speedsthere the micro SD card slot as you cansee thenow that I've got in at the moment isactually fully inserted so it sticks outand protrudes by about two millimetersand it did actually come undone wellclick out in my bag like this a coupleof times so there is a risk of losingmicro SD cards I feel because it doesn'tsit right in nice and flush and on theright the second USB to report now thisone will work at full USB 3 speedshowever I've noticed that with externalhard drives now and then it willdisconnect and it's not working 100%perfect all the time with hard drivesbut with flash drives it's perfectlyfine HDMI out there which works up to 4k30 Hertz and then the type C port whichis audio out and charging now connectedup a 3.5 millimeter to type C adapterand the audio output from it does soundvery clear there's no static or hiss tobe expected being digital but I feelit's a bad design choice not to have the3.5 millimeter headphone jack on thislaptop at all that is missing therealways seems to be something with theseChinese devices keyboard isn't a fullsized one but it is good to type on it'sgot good key travel of about 1.3millimeters and a nice feedback from theindividual keys there there are mediashortcuts but it does like shortcuts forthe screen brightness controls on thevery wisely move the power button abovethe keyboard and not in the place of theDelete key which we often see so there'sno accidental running the laptop intosleep like some models now right abouthere you can see these two little dotsthose are the microphones there so dueto the location they do pick up noiseand feedback from the keyboard if youhappen to be in a Skype call andchatting using the keyboardour front-facing webcam is 2 megapixelsnow when you use the windows webcamcamera application the video quality isabout 15 frames per second if you see myunboxing but I've noticed that in Skypecalls it does work and 720p 30 framesper second and the quality is okay aslong as you're in good light well it'snot a huge touchpad I find it works wellwe've got two fingers scrolling thesensitivity isokay it is not a precision one so youcannot disable the gestures on therewithout a registry hack now you'llnotice that on the right side here whatthat little square there that is a elandbrand fingerprint reader so you canunlock it just using your finger and itworks quite quickly using Windows helloand haven't had any issues whether it'saccurateit's fast it does the job the screen onto used is a 12.5 inch 1080p IPS panelmaximum brightness is 430 Lux which isvery good considering the fact that itdoes have a matte coated anti clearcover over the whole top of the screenI've got nothing but praise for thescreen really it is really good a verynice panel that they have used reallygood colors deep blacks no complaintswith it whatsoeverfantastic screen and out of the box thecalibration of the white seems to bepretty much spot on the show-me 21 ispowered by the intel celeron m34 50 it'sotherwise known as the Apollo Lakechipset now this is the one thatreplaced the much slower and some cheerytrails so we have four gigabytes of RAMrunning at 1600 megahertz it is fullyactivated Windows 10 no problems withthe activation unlike the civil top earor the t book air that I reviewed whichonly used a temporary license so you hadto supply your own which was of coursenot great at all we never want to haveto do that so Wireless is the Intel dualband wireless AC three one six five withgood performance I'll show you abenchmark of that in a second and thenthe Toshiba 0-60 4G 30 is our emmc whichis the default configuration I recommendgoing with an SSD if you want to getbetter performance now it is a emmc 4.5spec drive and not emmc 5 which is thefaster ones that we typically see on theapollo lakes so here are the speeds ofit you can see it's not actually too badfor e MMC 4.5 spec good sequential rightthere and very good sequential right forcase random for case sonot too bad considering I also benchedmuch my internal SSD that I have nowwhich I'm using at the moment is atranscend 256 gigabyte one and those arethe speeds there which are pretty muchthe maximum that this particular SSD cando so there's no limitations on the SATA3 port the micro USB card reader isunfortunately like most wired up via aUSB 2 hub so these speeds are limitedthere we cannot get the high capacity orthe high speed cards at the maximumperformance out of them this is the geekbench for score great speeds here for anapollo lake in 3450 no complaintswhatsoever very good it does feelcooking snappy windows the overallperformance now it can play and stream4k video in edge you can play for kh2point 6 v codec natively and also vp9natively without any issues even highbit rates if you're running off theinternal SSD slot so here are thewireless speeds very good speeds herenow the range of it seems to be good butI wouldn't class it as being the best Ihave seen probably because of the allmetal housing it depends on what way youhave the screen facing you the kind ofspeeds you're going to get out thefurther you get away from your wirelessrouter so in general you it's quite finethe Apollo Lake I find this is perfectfor people that just want to do lightthings so internet use watching videosdocuments stuff like that in anythingthat's light now you want to be editingvideos on this you won't be playingtop-tiergrade a games on this from 2017 isn'tdesigned for that you can see Start menupops in quite well no the reason I'mshowing you this that some of the ApolloLakes had quite a bit of lag when doingthat but not the case here windows edgestill has that animation lag you can seeit's a little bit sort of stuff readaway it maximizes which isn't thegreatest now I've got a few tabs open inchrome now I'd like to run normallyaround 5 or 6 and there really isn'tany problem switching between them youcan see now the two fingers scrollinglet's have a look at that is very smootheven in chrome here now a ninja'ssmoother and slightly better but I findthat performance to be very goodacceptable and even demanding websitesthey have a lot of images really not aproblem at all you can see there thatsmooth now one thing that doesn't workon the touchpad is the pinch-to-zoom forsome reason does not seem to be enabledand neither does that annoying minimizeand maximize gesture which I'm glad theyhave that disabled so getting in andaround it and using it if I find theperformance is really quite good nowlet's load up here now and image just anedit here for some ways thumbnails andPhotoshop so let's have a look and seehow fast it's going to take to load upnow bear in mind unloading us off my SSDand not the default included storagewhich is the 64 gigabyte emmc whichwould be a little bit slower but notthat much so you can see it is loaded upbut it's going to take a little whilefor things to all pop in now it can dothese basic image it's just fine but themore filters you start to apply the morelarger images the slower things aregoing to get you can take a move aroundthat image is not very high resolutionat all and it handles that fine but Iwouldn't do anything too complicated onthe Apollo Lake you also have to bear inmind that we've got four gigabytes ofRAM to play with so once you go overthat there will be some SSD swappinghappening to stop you getting those lowRam warnings so here is a quick 4k demoit's running this as a shot on a samsunggalaxy note and it's running atperfectly fine there is no problems youcan skip ahead no lag a great screen tofor watching video and just generalcontent because it is anti glare wedon't have all those annoyingreflections then it's a bit of a funnyanalysing effect happening on the screenyou don't see that in personjust on camera and it's to do with theanti-glare coating I feel on the screenso this is another area here where theshowman 21 really shines this is batterylife so in my tester Iran Chrome withabout six or seven tabs open I waslistening to a little bit of music usingthe type C the 3.5 millimeter depth thatI have and sometimes just the speakersby themselves in WordPress editing I dida whole day's work on this and I managedto get 8 hours and 26 minutes and Istill had 15% left now your mileage isgoing to vary it's always going todepend on how close you are to yourwireless router during this test I wasvery close to it so the signal strengthwould probably be a lot lower the powerconsumption but really this is the bestresult I have seen doing similar tests Ican normally get around seven to seven ahalf on other Apollo Lakes but for somereason some of the power saving featuresthey have enabled with the screen likethe self refreshing things really helpedhere so very good now it charged timesif you can see just down here we'relooking at around three and a half hoursto fully charge it went on now if youpower it off that brings down the chargetime to about three hours and my testingso it is very quick to charge to now theaudio is by far the most disappointingpart of this notebook and a real dealbreaker as I pointed out there's no 3.5millimeter headphone jack to start withbut the speakers also have this annoyinghiss over them with whenever any soundis played you will hear constantly thisnoise emanating from it which I find tobe distracting so let's have a listen tohow loud the speaker's soundso they completely lack any basis justmids and treble and the volume at 100%does distort so they're not great andwhen you plug in the charger the audiowill cut out completely which is just adeal-breaker it's so stupid you cannotcharge and listen to audio at the sametime so I'm going to test out a fewgames now but before I do that I want toshow you here the setting that I believeis related and directly linked to theincreased GPU performance we're seeingon this particular model and the civiltop ear why they are the fastest byabout 30 to 40 percent frames per secondmore than other a polo league so not allthe polo legs are the same down to BIOSor RAM speeds or settings the waythey've configured things but I believeit's related to this so I found herethat has the power limit one disablednow if yours is enabled just disabledown here to get the maximum performancehere what this allows is the CPU toconsume more power than it normallywould with those enable those limits sothe internal graphics integrated GPUwill end up clocking higher speeds andperform a lot better and consume morepower now this will probably generatemore heat on other laptops this optionis disabled like the Chui let book 14.1or the 12.3 and having this to say but Ifeel is the best way to go thathopefully most manufacturers are goingto go with the setting and let us getthe maximum performance we can out ofthe little a polar lake and anotherthing that I always do here for gamingis to make sure you go into the Intel HDgraphics control panel and where it saysglobal settings make sure this isdisabled here the extended battery lifefor gaming because having that enabledwhich is set by default will lower theGPU performance so here we havecounter-strike at 800 x 600 resolutionthis is on the lowest settings and theframe rates a lot better than what I'veseen on other apolar legs like they'rechewy lab books12.3 around forty to fifty frames persecond the server has around sixteenplayers on there I think at the momentso all in all it's not actually doingtoo bad and definitely one of the betterones not quite as fast as the civil topair however older titles like half-life2 can run in 1080p so the native screenresolution with playable frame rates butyou will see the occasional little framedip down there that will drop down toabout 50 frames per secondand lastly League of Legends 1080plowest visual settings is runningperfectly fine over 60 frames per secondwith this BOTS match here so I've gottwo BOTS on the opposition and one on myside so temperatures top out at 81degrees after 30 minutes of gaming now Idid test it with one hour of gaming andcharging at the same time the maximumtemperature was 83 degrees which isstill perfectly fine there is no thermalthrottling it does get quite hot thecase just around the right side wherethe power button is and underneath 238degrees so quite warm to the touch butthat's to be expected for a fanlesslaptop so there we have it what couldhave been perhaps the best portable tiny12.5 inch laptop turned out to bemediocre with that huge deal-breakerwhen it comes to the audio the fact thatwhen you need to charge you can't listento anything no output from the speakersthere and this of course I'm just beinga little bit blind here and I can't findthe proper setting but I've gone throughit over and over again and I see no wayto do that maybe there is an adapter youcan plug in it allow us to charge andhave audio out at the same time stilldon't like their design choice on thisthough they should have just given us a3.5 millimeter headphone jack and thenDCM for charging wouldn't have been aproblem I feel if they had to make acompromise there they could just dropthat type C portbesides that battery life is reallybig thumbs up there it can get abouteight hours depending on your brightnesssetting of what you're doing of coursegaming performance we're seeing yetagain that the integrated GPU thereuntil five hundred HD is performingreally well better than literally 80% or90% of all the other Apollo legs outthere because they have done some tweaksin the BIOS they have disabled the powerlimits in there allowing the to CPUready to stretch its legs consume allthe power at once but it doesn't seem toreally affect the battery life so Idon't know why other manufacturers anddoing what these guys are doing allowingus to really maximize performance of theApollo Lakeso overall with the touchpad its decentthe fingerprint a lock unlocking is goodbut I personally would not buy this onehere because of that deal-breaker whenit comes to the audio thanks a lot forwatching this review and I hope to seeyou back in the channel shortly withmore up-and-coming reviews\n"