Reading the HIGHEST & LOWEST rated books on the internet

**Mixed Feelings About "Low"**

As I began reading "Low", a romance novel about a woman facing sexism at work in the video game industry, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. The genre is often categorized as romance, and while that's what the book promises, it hasn't quite lived up to my expectations so far.

I've only read up to page 128, but I did enjoy one moment where the main character stood up for herself, which I found to be a great display of character growth. However, other than that, I'm feeling somewhat bored. The workplace issues feel like a side plot rather than a main plot, and it's currently the main focus of the story without much else happening. I've been tempted to look up reviews on Goodreads to see how others have reacted to the book, but I've decided to refrain from doing so in order to form my own opinions.

I do want to note that I read reviews before reading a book normally, and I try to avoid them if possible because I like to make my own judgments. If people start talking about how much they dislike certain characters or plot points, it can sway my opinion of the book in unwanted ways. However, in this case, I'm willing to give "Low" a chance despite its initial underwhelming experience.

As I continued reading up to page 183, I found myself feeling more and more tempted to DNF (Do Not Finish) the book. The lack of romance has been frustrating, especially since it's marketed as such. While I appreciate the themes of sexism in the workforce and care deeply about the issues presented, they haven't been enough to keep me engaged in this particular story.

However, my resolve was tested when I reached page 264, where a tiny snippet of romance finally appeared. I must admit that I was excited to see some development in this aspect, but unfortunately, it was short-lived and ended with the romantic moment being ruined by an unexpected twist. I felt frustrated at this point, knowing that conflicts are inevitable in any story, but it's generally true that romances need more than just a brief appearance before things go wrong again.

**Ratings and Verdict**

In the end, I'm torn between giving "Low" 2.5 or 3 stars. The overall rating on Goodreads is 3.15 stars, which seems pretty accurate to me. While I think some people might read this book for its portrayal of sexism in the video game industry and how a protagonist overcomes it, that's not my experience. For most readers, the romance is likely what will draw them in, but the lack of development has left me feeling underwhelmed.

I do feel that the marketing for "Low" has done it a disservice, as it promises a certain type of story (enemies-to-lovers romance) when it doesn't deliver on that promise. As a result, I think some readers might find this book disappointing, which is why I'm leaning towards giving it 2.5 stars instead of 3.

In conclusion, while "Low" has its moments and tackles important themes, it hasn't quite come together for me as a reader. The lack of romance and engagement with the main plot have left me feeling like there's nothing really bad about the book, but it's just not that exciting of a story to read.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello today I'm going to be reading the highest and lowest rated books I own which I'm honestly scared for not for the highest rated part I'm excited to read my highest reading books because I actually don't know which books I own or my highest rated I have some guesses but I actually have no idea and then for the lowest rated books that's the part I'm scared for I know there are some books that I own that I have been avoiding and I'm scared this video is gonna make me read them or that they're just going to be bad books I shouldn't say bad though more so just generally not loved because I love the book who knows wouldn't that be fun if I like loved my lowest rated book that I own anyway I've got my computer here I put all of the books that I physically own into a Goodreads bookshelf I have 93 books on my physical TBR which is crazy that's a lot of books so we need to get reading them I have no idea what the highest rated books are I'm gonna take a guess I feel like it's gonna be a fantasy book because I recently bought a bunch of young adults and adult fantasies that I think are really popular okay let's see average rating oh wow okay it is the mine bleep series at 4.65 stars that is so high I didn't think I would own any book at 4.65 Stars I don't think I've seen any book rated above like 4.5 Stars the next books is six of crows fantasy like I said before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan I've previously read another Kennedy Brian book and loved it so I bet Before I Let Go is great all right now for the lowest rated book I feel like the lowest rated is gonna be a romance okay let's see blow that first sight no wait I know this book I got in a blind date with the book and I don't remember it being a low rating I thought it sounded really cute I'm pretty sure it's an enemies to lovers book which is like my favorite Trope well I feel like there's like a decent chance I could like this book because I remember the plot sounding really good all right then our other low rated the things we do to our friends the lifestyle too hot to handle my Tessa Bailey no I'm sad this is a lower ringed one that I own because the book sounds really good I love Tessa Bailey and I'm excited to read this book okay these are the two books that I'm going to be reading in this video which one do I want to start with first I don't know how pardon me wants to start with the worst book just because I'm curious about why it's so lowly rated I think I might start with this one just in case low that first sight puts me in a reading slump we'll save this one for last if you're not familiar with this book it is about are you ready drum roll a serial killer dating an FBI agent like have you heard a crazier bookbot I haven't holy moly I just finished page nine and this woman has already killed someone like I knew she's gonna be a serial killer but I didn't think we'd just be like bam murder scene page nine and it was very like brutal violent like our main female character is oh wow I'm curious like if we're supposed to like our main female character I mean I'm literally only nine pages in but she is a killer which I did know going in but for some reason I don't know I thought maybe she'd like take him out really painlessly you know be like a kind little serial killer I never thought I'd say those words but no she really is like out here like torturing her victims but I hope that she has a good reason for killing because I do want to like her as much as one can like a serial killer again never thought I would say that sentence I'm going to pause reading there because I actually have a therapy appointment I was really struggling with my mental health in 2022 and I started going to therapy for the first time in my life starting therapy has hugely improved my mental health and honestly my whole life which is why I am so happy to say that this video is sponsored by better help with better help you can tap into a network of over 25 000 licensed and experienced therapists who can help you with a wide range of issues finding the right therapist for you is so so so important so I really really love that they have such a huge network of therapists plus if your therapist isn't the right fit for you for any reason you can switch therapists at no additional cost you can also talk to your therapist from the comfort of your home however you feel comfortable whether that's via text phone chat or video call and you can message your therapist at any time and schedule live sessions whenever it's convenient for you and with better help you get the same professionalism and quality that you expect with in-person therapy but with a therapist who is custom picked for you more scheduling flexibility and at a more affordable price and you can get 10 off your first month at Just Ally which will also be linked in the description again that is betterhelp Just Ally I know starting therapy can feel so intimidating and scary at least it did for me but I truly cannot emphasize enough how much it is really helped me okay I'm gonna go to my therapy session and then I'll do a little bit more reading afterwards so far I've read a page 80 and I am loving it it's really cool that we get to see our FBI man Logan's other cases he is investigating Lana's serial killer case unbeknownst to him but then yeah we also get to see like the other cases he's investigating which is really cool so we get like a murder mystery aspect of well of following him trying to catch other really bad serial killers I've heard that this book is very much Dexter meets Criminal Minds and I've never seen either show but I just looked up the summaries and Dexter is about a serial killer and Criminal Minds is about FBI profilers so is it literally a mashup of those two shows and now I want to watch both of those shows Beyond loving it so far I'm also loving the world and I just highlighted this quote on page 80. I'm just the typical American woman or is it the typical American Psycho I love that I just finished book one and it ended on the biggest Cliffhanger oh my gosh did I even say that this is a series this is a five book series and we'll be reading the whole series in this video this book that I got is the entire Series in one and it is almost 700 Pages yeah I just finished book one which is only 123 pages so each book is pretty short and yeah I just add another biggest Cliffhanger and I am so scared about Lana's secret that she is a serial killer coming out because like it's got to come out at some point right like it has to and I'm not ready for that like I'm so like anxious the entire time I'm reading this like someone is going to discover her when when is it gonna happen I don't know but yeah for this first book I think I would give it 4.5 Stars I don't know if I'm at like a full five stars yet but I definitely see why this series is rated so highly everything you said they already knew more or less so here's something which we didn't know good morning so far today I've read a page 200 I'm feeling so conflicted about Lana I mean obviously she's such a morally gray character because she's literally a serial killer and she kills people for like the best reason you could kill people but I still just feel like killing people is like never the right answer like if everyone took Justice into their own hands we would just have absolute chaos but at the same time having a morally Great Character is so fun because I feel like most books our main character is like a pretty good person minus maybe some flaws so it's cool to read about a character so different from myself and anybody I know and also just to like keep flip-flopping in my mind of like how do I feel about this person I don't know and I'm curious how my opinion of her will change over the rest of the book because there is so much left and we still don't know like the full full reason of what happened as to why she's targeting and torturing her victims I just finished book two and it added all the biggest Cliffhanger and I have plans so I have to go this is like the best stopping point because I do need to leave and I am distraught that I have to go because this this Cliffhanger like I also it like tells you at the end of every book how many people she's killed so far and she has killed one two three nine people that's crazy that's a lot and we're not even halfway through the book like how many people is she planning to kill in this book like 20 people that's insane I'm so sorry cat I feel like you're gonna be angry at me for sitting with you can I perch here thank you hello so so far today I've read a page 318. and I am so excited to keep reading today you know that feeling like when you have like other stuff to do but the whole time you're doing your other stuff you just can't stop thinking about this book that's how I feel right now and that's how you know a book is good about to go to the library to return a bunch of books so I think I'm gonna do some more reading there just because I've been reading in my bedroom for like two days straight so it sounds nice to get out of the house and read somewhere else so yeah I'll see you guys foreign any of the books that I'm returning so I'm definitely gonna have to read check them out at some point but they were all due so I've had to return them at the library I read a page 382 so I'm now in book four and we found out the full story as to why Lana kills it was honestly so hard to get through like I pretty much knew the reason why but actually reading like all the details in the full story of what happened in her past was devastating like definitely check the trigger warnings because it deals with some heartbreaking subject matter and yeah just what happened Alana is so sad and I feel like I understand her so much better I did look up a few Goodreads reviews and I saw one that said I support a women's right but I also support women's wrongs and that is the epitome of how I feel about Lana also follow me on Goodreads because even if I don't comment or like on y'all's Goodreads reviews and status updates I do read them it is so cool when I pull up a book to see like all of y'all's reviews so yeah follow me on Goodreads foreign I just got back from the coffee shop and I'm in the last book book number five and I feel like this book could be five stars every single book in the series ends on the biggest Cliffhanger and book number Four's Cliffhanger did not disappoint everything is just falling apart and I have no idea what the ending is gonna be like no idea no idea I also don't even know what I want to happen so yeah I have just over 100 pages left and I will see you guys when I finish the book I finished the series and I loved it book five ended so good like I said I had like no idea how it was gonna end or how I wanted it to end and I think the author just ended it perfectly this book it was just so good I would highly recommend this series if you're looking for a wild ride of dark romance murder a strong female lead character that has a heartbreaking pass a corrupt little town and some great Side characters I definitely understand why this series is rated so high foreign now it's time to start load that first side I'm like weirdly excited to start this book just because I haven't read a bad book in a while and I want to know like why don't people love this book it doesn't deserve it's 3.15 star rating okay let's get started I just finished chapter one and so far it seems like it could be really interesting our main character works in the video game industry which I know nothing about but I feel like that'd be a really fascinating industry to read about and it seems like it's going to refocus on sexism in the workforce and just like generally women's issues which I love especially the fact that she is a female in the video game industry which is a very predominantly male industry so yeah off to promising start thank you okay I've read a page 70 and so far I don't feel particularly like one way or the other about this book I feel like I'm kind of like waiting for the main plot to start at least a romance plot there's been a lot of like workplace issues which is interesting but from the summary it sounds like a romance and if you Google the genre it's categorized as a romance but it doesn't really feel like there's gonna be any romance yet but I'm guessing it just hasn't come into the plot yet so yeah I wish there was like more going on with the romance the workplace issues feel more like a side plot than a main plot and it's currently the main plot with not much else happening so I'm feeling like a little bit mixed so far I just read a page 128 and our main character just stood up for herself which I love I feel like there could be some really great character growth in this book but yeah other than that I'm still like a little bit bored I'm so tempted to look up the reviews on Goodreads because I want to know everyone else's thoughts on this but I'm gonna refrain because I feel like reviews really impact my opinion of a book I don't know if it does to you guys as well I'd love to know do you read reviews before reading a book normally I'll look at the overall star rating but I try to avoid reviews because if people like start talking about how like a character is annoying or like they hated this in the plot or something I'll go in like looking for those negative things so I try and avoid reviews just so I can like make my own opinions but yeah I think I'm gonna stop here for today and I'll see you guys tomorrow to keep reading this book I'm on page 183 and to be honest I really want to dnf this book if you don't know dnf means do not finish so basically I would abandon the book halfway through there's been like no romance like baby tiny sprinkles but like basically no romance so that's kind of annoying just because it's marketed as a romance like it's fine if it's not a romance but just tell me that going in and then as much as I do like the women in the workforce issues plot and I care about it it just hasn't been that interesting and no matter what a book is about even if it's about important topics and issues the book still needs to be entertaining in my opinion if I wasn't reading this book for this video I wanted 100 dnf it to be honest but I'm gonna finish it for you guys so I can give my final thoughts and opinion at the end foreign page 264 and we finally got to some romance it's just like a tiny little snippet but it's making me so happy oh my gosh I literally read like one more paragraph and she just like ruined the romantic moment that is so frustrating I know like there has to be conflict because characters can't get together till the very end but normally in a romance book you know like they do a well for more than like three sentences before everything goes wrong again it's a little romance too much to ask for foreign my thoughts I'm so conflicted on a rating between 2.5 and 3 stars I think the overall rating that has on Goodreads of 3.15 stars is like pretty accurate I feel like for most people I could see some people reading this of four stars if you're really looking for a fictional story about a girl facing sexism at work in the video game industry and how she overcomes that that is the plot there is like a Sprinkle of romance but like emphasis on a Sprinkle the book isn't bad just like Miss marketed because even from the cover like we've got the girl and the guy it's called Low that first sight which sounds like it's gonna be enemies to lovers a decent amount of the plot description it's about the romance it's categorized as a romance and I feel like it has not the best rating because it's just not hitting Its Right audience because it's trying to be a romance when it's not so I feel like the marketing has really done this book a disservice so yeah I could definitely see this book being four stars for some people the reason why I would say I think I'm gonna settle on Two and a Half Stars it's just because I don't really read like pure fiction that often it's like not really my thing and as much as I appreciated what this book was going for with the sexism in the workforce I still feel like it was kind of boring like I needed more to happen I've never felt more like eh about a book like there's nothing really bad about it but I just don't have a lot of to say about it because it just wasn't that exciting of a plot so yeah that is reading my highest and lowest rated books that I own I hope you guys enjoyed this video if any of you guys read this book let me know your thoughts I'm like really curious what other people think about this book and with that I'll see you guys in my next video bye foreignhello today I'm going to be reading the highest and lowest rated books I own which I'm honestly scared for not for the highest rated part I'm excited to read my highest reading books because I actually don't know which books I own or my highest rated I have some guesses but I actually have no idea and then for the lowest rated books that's the part I'm scared for I know there are some books that I own that I have been avoiding and I'm scared this video is gonna make me read them or that they're just going to be bad books I shouldn't say bad though more so just generally not loved because I love the book who knows wouldn't that be fun if I like loved my lowest rated book that I own anyway I've got my computer here I put all of the books that I physically own into a Goodreads bookshelf I have 93 books on my physical TBR which is crazy that's a lot of books so we need to get reading them I have no idea what the highest rated books are I'm gonna take a guess I feel like it's gonna be a fantasy book because I recently bought a bunch of young adults and adult fantasies that I think are really popular okay let's see average rating oh wow okay it is the mine bleep series at 4.65 stars that is so high I didn't think I would own any book at 4.65 Stars I don't think I've seen any book rated above like 4.5 Stars the next books is six of crows fantasy like I said before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan I've previously read another Kennedy Brian book and loved it so I bet Before I Let Go is great all right now for the lowest rated book I feel like the lowest rated is gonna be a romance okay let's see blow that first sight no wait I know this book I got in a blind date with the book and I don't remember it being a low rating I thought it sounded really cute I'm pretty sure it's an enemies to lovers book which is like my favorite Trope well I feel like there's like a decent chance I could like this book because I remember the plot sounding really good all right then our other low rated the things we do to our friends the lifestyle too hot to handle my Tessa Bailey no I'm sad this is a lower ringed one that I own because the book sounds really good I love Tessa Bailey and I'm excited to read this book okay these are the two books that I'm going to be reading in this video which one do I want to start with first I don't know how pardon me wants to start with the worst book just because I'm curious about why it's so lowly rated I think I might start with this one just in case low that first sight puts me in a reading slump we'll save this one for last if you're not familiar with this book it is about are you ready drum roll a serial killer dating an FBI agent like have you heard a crazier bookbot I haven't holy moly I just finished page nine and this woman has already killed someone like I knew she's gonna be a serial killer but I didn't think we'd just be like bam murder scene page nine and it was very like brutal violent like our main female character is oh wow I'm curious like if we're supposed to like our main female character I mean I'm literally only nine pages in but she is a killer which I did know going in but for some reason I don't know I thought maybe she'd like take him out really painlessly you know be like a kind little serial killer I never thought I'd say those words but no she really is like out here like torturing her victims but I hope that she has a good reason for killing because I do want to like her as much as one can like a serial killer again never thought I would say that sentence I'm going to pause reading there because I actually have a therapy appointment I was really struggling with my mental health in 2022 and I started going to therapy for the first time in my life starting therapy has hugely improved my mental health and honestly my whole life which is why I am so happy to say that this video is sponsored by better help with better help you can tap into a network of over 25 000 licensed and experienced therapists who can help you with a wide range of issues finding the right therapist for you is so so so important so I really really love that they have such a huge network of therapists plus if your therapist isn't the right fit for you for any reason you can switch therapists at no additional cost you can also talk to your therapist from the comfort of your home however you feel comfortable whether that's via text phone chat or video call and you can message your therapist at any time and schedule live sessions whenever it's convenient for you and with better help you get the same professionalism and quality that you expect with in-person therapy but with a therapist who is custom picked for you more scheduling flexibility and at a more affordable price and you can get 10 off your first month at Just Ally which will also be linked in the description again that is betterhelp Just Ally I know starting therapy can feel so intimidating and scary at least it did for me but I truly cannot emphasize enough how much it is really helped me okay I'm gonna go to my therapy session and then I'll do a little bit more reading afterwards so far I've read a page 80 and I am loving it it's really cool that we get to see our FBI man Logan's other cases he is investigating Lana's serial killer case unbeknownst to him but then yeah we also get to see like the other cases he's investigating which is really cool so we get like a murder mystery aspect of well of following him trying to catch other really bad serial killers I've heard that this book is very much Dexter meets Criminal Minds and I've never seen either show but I just looked up the summaries and Dexter is about a serial killer and Criminal Minds is about FBI profilers so is it literally a mashup of those two shows and now I want to watch both of those shows Beyond loving it so far I'm also loving the world and I just highlighted this quote on page 80. I'm just the typical American woman or is it the typical American Psycho I love that I just finished book one and it ended on the biggest Cliffhanger oh my gosh did I even say that this is a series this is a five book series and we'll be reading the whole series in this video this book that I got is the entire Series in one and it is almost 700 Pages yeah I just finished book one which is only 123 pages so each book is pretty short and yeah I just add another biggest Cliffhanger and I am so scared about Lana's secret that she is a serial killer coming out because like it's got to come out at some point right like it has to and I'm not ready for that like I'm so like anxious the entire time I'm reading this like someone is going to discover her when when is it gonna happen I don't know but yeah for this first book I think I would give it 4.5 Stars I don't know if I'm at like a full five stars yet but I definitely see why this series is rated so highly everything you said they already knew more or less so here's something which we didn't know good morning so far today I've read a page 200 I'm feeling so conflicted about Lana I mean obviously she's such a morally gray character because she's literally a serial killer and she kills people for like the best reason you could kill people but I still just feel like killing people is like never the right answer like if everyone took Justice into their own hands we would just have absolute chaos but at the same time having a morally Great Character is so fun because I feel like most books our main character is like a pretty good person minus maybe some flaws so it's cool to read about a character so different from myself and anybody I know and also just to like keep flip-flopping in my mind of like how do I feel about this person I don't know and I'm curious how my opinion of her will change over the rest of the book because there is so much left and we still don't know like the full full reason of what happened as to why she's targeting and torturing her victims I just finished book two and it added all the biggest Cliffhanger and I have plans so I have to go this is like the best stopping point because I do need to leave and I am distraught that I have to go because this this Cliffhanger like I also it like tells you at the end of every book how many people she's killed so far and she has killed one two three nine people that's crazy that's a lot and we're not even halfway through the book like how many people is she planning to kill in this book like 20 people that's insane I'm so sorry cat I feel like you're gonna be angry at me for sitting with you can I perch here thank you hello so so far today I've read a page 318. and I am so excited to keep reading today you know that feeling like when you have like other stuff to do but the whole time you're doing your other stuff you just can't stop thinking about this book that's how I feel right now and that's how you know a book is good about to go to the library to return a bunch of books so I think I'm gonna do some more reading there just because I've been reading in my bedroom for like two days straight so it sounds nice to get out of the house and read somewhere else so yeah I'll see you guys foreign any of the books that I'm returning so I'm definitely gonna have to read check them out at some point but they were all due so I've had to return them at the library I read a page 382 so I'm now in book four and we found out the full story as to why Lana kills it was honestly so hard to get through like I pretty much knew the reason why but actually reading like all the details in the full story of what happened in her past was devastating like definitely check the trigger warnings because it deals with some heartbreaking subject matter and yeah just what happened Alana is so sad and I feel like I understand her so much better I did look up a few Goodreads reviews and I saw one that said I support a women's right but I also support women's wrongs and that is the epitome of how I feel about Lana also follow me on Goodreads because even if I don't comment or like on y'all's Goodreads reviews and status updates I do read them it is so cool when I pull up a book to see like all of y'all's reviews so yeah follow me on Goodreads foreign I just got back from the coffee shop and I'm in the last book book number five and I feel like this book could be five stars every single book in the series ends on the biggest Cliffhanger and book number Four's Cliffhanger did not disappoint everything is just falling apart and I have no idea what the ending is gonna be like no idea no idea I also don't even know what I want to happen so yeah I have just over 100 pages left and I will see you guys when I finish the book I finished the series and I loved it book five ended so good like I said I had like no idea how it was gonna end or how I wanted it to end and I think the author just ended it perfectly this book it was just so good I would highly recommend this series if you're looking for a wild ride of dark romance murder a strong female lead character that has a heartbreaking pass a corrupt little town and some great Side characters I definitely understand why this series is rated so high foreign now it's time to start load that first side I'm like weirdly excited to start this book just because I haven't read a bad book in a while and I want to know like why don't people love this book it doesn't deserve it's 3.15 star rating okay let's get started I just finished chapter one and so far it seems like it could be really interesting our main character works in the video game industry which I know nothing about but I feel like that'd be a really fascinating industry to read about and it seems like it's going to refocus on sexism in the workforce and just like generally women's issues which I love especially the fact that she is a female in the video game industry which is a very predominantly male industry so yeah off to promising start thank you okay I've read a page 70 and so far I don't feel particularly like one way or the other about this book I feel like I'm kind of like waiting for the main plot to start at least a romance plot there's been a lot of like workplace issues which is interesting but from the summary it sounds like a romance and if you Google the genre it's categorized as a romance but it doesn't really feel like there's gonna be any romance yet but I'm guessing it just hasn't come into the plot yet so yeah I wish there was like more going on with the romance the workplace issues feel more like a side plot than a main plot and it's currently the main plot with not much else happening so I'm feeling like a little bit mixed so far I just read a page 128 and our main character just stood up for herself which I love I feel like there could be some really great character growth in this book but yeah other than that I'm still like a little bit bored I'm so tempted to look up the reviews on Goodreads because I want to know everyone else's thoughts on this but I'm gonna refrain because I feel like reviews really impact my opinion of a book I don't know if it does to you guys as well I'd love to know do you read reviews before reading a book normally I'll look at the overall star rating but I try to avoid reviews because if people like start talking about how like a character is annoying or like they hated this in the plot or something I'll go in like looking for those negative things so I try and avoid reviews just so I can like make my own opinions but yeah I think I'm gonna stop here for today and I'll see you guys tomorrow to keep reading this book I'm on page 183 and to be honest I really want to dnf this book if you don't know dnf means do not finish so basically I would abandon the book halfway through there's been like no romance like baby tiny sprinkles but like basically no romance so that's kind of annoying just because it's marketed as a romance like it's fine if it's not a romance but just tell me that going in and then as much as I do like the women in the workforce issues plot and I care about it it just hasn't been that interesting and no matter what a book is about even if it's about important topics and issues the book still needs to be entertaining in my opinion if I wasn't reading this book for this video I wanted 100 dnf it to be honest but I'm gonna finish it for you guys so I can give my final thoughts and opinion at the end foreign page 264 and we finally got to some romance it's just like a tiny little snippet but it's making me so happy oh my gosh I literally read like one more paragraph and she just like ruined the romantic moment that is so frustrating I know like there has to be conflict because characters can't get together till the very end but normally in a romance book you know like they do a well for more than like three sentences before everything goes wrong again it's a little romance too much to ask for foreign my thoughts I'm so conflicted on a rating between 2.5 and 3 stars I think the overall rating that has on Goodreads of 3.15 stars is like pretty accurate I feel like for most people I could see some people reading this of four stars if you're really looking for a fictional story about a girl facing sexism at work in the video game industry and how she overcomes that that is the plot there is like a Sprinkle of romance but like emphasis on a Sprinkle the book isn't bad just like Miss marketed because even from the cover like we've got the girl and the guy it's called Low that first sight which sounds like it's gonna be enemies to lovers a decent amount of the plot description it's about the romance it's categorized as a romance and I feel like it has not the best rating because it's just not hitting Its Right audience because it's trying to be a romance when it's not so I feel like the marketing has really done this book a disservice so yeah I could definitely see this book being four stars for some people the reason why I would say I think I'm gonna settle on Two and a Half Stars it's just because I don't really read like pure fiction that often it's like not really my thing and as much as I appreciated what this book was going for with the sexism in the workforce I still feel like it was kind of boring like I needed more to happen I've never felt more like eh about a book like there's nothing really bad about it but I just don't have a lot of to say about it because it just wasn't that exciting of a plot so yeah that is reading my highest and lowest rated books that I own I hope you guys enjoyed this video if any of you guys read this book let me know your thoughts I'm like really curious what other people think about this book and with that I'll see you guys in my next video bye foreign\n"