Why Do Some People Hate Google+

The Value of Being Participatory on Google Plus

It's exactly the value of being participatory on Google plus that I want to talk about today. Through because it is through participation on Google plus, you get to be everywhere you have to be. You don't just limit yourself to participating only on Twitter or Facebook, where everyone else seems to be doing everything. Participating on Google plus allows you to reach a much wider audience and engage with people from all over the world.

I like Google plus because it is a good place to be if you want to build your personal brand. With over 375,000 people who have circled me, which is great, I don't think everyone's looking at what I'm doing. But that's kind of depressing but at least I know there's promise in a future for what happens on Google plus today. Everything I'm doing today should play into what happens in the future so why not do it.

I've told you guys and encouraged you to plus one the things that you like, because when we do those things on YouTube plus, it is going to bring more content to lo.com, potentially other content you have no connection with. But if there's a future for Google plus, then I don't think this network is the answer It's thenetwork It's thenetwork It's the social network as crossed over I don't to I know I'm repeating said, this video do people see videos like this on Google plus? You guys may have a completely different answer and you're entitled to your own opinion.

You're more than welcome to share with your own opinion or share it on Facebook or Twitter or don't share it at all keep your thoughts to yourself although most of the world doesn't work that way least not the day and agal media but you, you have completely different. I would and that's cool even if we disagree.

Why does participating in Google plus make me feel more like I'm accomplishing something?

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enThank you forThank you forThank you forwatching likingwatching likingwatching likingcommenting sharingcommenting sharingcommenting sharingand subscribingand subscribingand subscribingrightnow Google plusnow Google plusnow Google plusisn't going toisn't going toisn't going todisappear anytimedisappear anytimedisappear anytimesoon and while wesoon and while wesoon and while wemay be inclined tomay be inclined tomay be inclined tocompare Google pluscompare Google pluscompare Google plusto Facebook That'sto Facebook That'sto Facebook That'sreally an unfairreally an unfairreally an unfaircomparison I'vecomparison I'vecomparison I'vementioned it beforementioned it beforementioned it beforeeven on Google pluseven on Google pluseven on Google plusthat Google plus isthat Google plus isthat Google plus ismore like bloggermore like bloggermore like bloggerthan It is likethan It is likethan It is likeFacebook uh ThereFacebook uh ThereFacebook uh Thereare things you canare things you canare things you cando on Google plusdo on Google plusdo on Google plusthat you can dothat you can dothat you can doelsewhere so as theelsewhere so as theelsewhere so as thequestion was askedquestion was askedquestion was askedhere in the livehere in the livehere in the livetldr broadcast thetldr broadcast thetldr broadcast thelockern daily reportlockern daily reportlockern daily reportwhere we talk aboutwhere we talk aboutwhere we talk aboutarticles that wearticles that wearticles that wepost on lo.com everypost on lo.com everypost on lo.com everyday live on YouTubeday live on YouTubeday live on YouTubeat 3 PM Pacific uhat 3 PM Pacific uhat 3 PM Pacific uhyou know someone askyou know someone askyou know someone askwhy do people notwhy do people notwhy do people notlike Google plus whylike Google plus whylike Google plus whydo people hatedo people hatedo people hateGoogle plus uh youGoogle plus uh youGoogle plus uh youknow if There's anknow if There's anknow if There's ananswer to thatanswer to thatanswer to thatQuestion I think itQuestion I think itQuestion I think itcomes down to thiscomes down to thiscomes down to thisit's not doingit's not doingit's not doinganything better thananything better thananything better thana tool We'rea tool We'rea tool We'recurrently using tocurrently using tocurrently using todo that thing thatdo that thing thatdo that thing thatcould be done bettercould be done bettercould be done betterSo it's notSo it's notSo it's notreplacing anythingreplacing anythingreplacing anythingGoogle plus ReallyGoogle plus ReallyGoogle plus Reallyisn't doing anythingisn't doing anythingisn't doing anythingdifferent maybedifferent maybedifferent maybehangouts arehangouts arehangouts aredifferent enough anddifferent enough anddifferent enough andI I like doingI I like doingI I like doinghangouts sometimeshangouts sometimeshangouts sometimesI'll join them II'll join them II'll join them Ilike broadcastinglike broadcastinglike broadcastinghangouts When I have thehangouts When I have thehangouts When I have thetime I generallytime I generallytime I generallywon't join a hangoutwon't join a hangoutwon't join a hangoutthough if I'm doingthough if I'm doingthough if I'm doingsomething elsesomething elsesomething elsehangouts while funhangouts while funhangouts while funcan be a tremendouscan be a tremendouscan be a tremendousdrain on time anddrain on time anddrain on time andthe Google Talkthe Google Talkthe Google Talkplugin at least forplugin at least forplugin at least formacos 10 ishorrible it boilshorrible it boilshorrible it boilsdown to where goingdown to where goingdown to where goingto spend your timeto spend your timeto spend your timeand if it's reallyand if it's reallyand if it's reallydoing nothing moredoing nothing moredoing nothing morefor you why Wouldfor you why Wouldfor you why Wouldyou spend your timeyou spend your timeyou spend your timethere I think Googlethere I think Googlethere I think Googleplus will be aroundplus will be aroundplus will be aroundfor the long It isfor the long It isfor the long It iscertainly I think acertainly I think acertainly I think asuccess in terms ofsuccess in terms ofsuccess in terms ofsocial As far associal As far associal As far asGoogle is concernedGoogle is concernedGoogle is concernedvery reminiscent ASvery reminiscent ASvery reminiscent ASI've said from theI've said from theI've said from thevery Beginning ofvery Beginning ofvery Beginning offriendfeed butfriendfeed butfriendfeed butfriendfeed reallyfriendfeed reallyfriendfeed reallywasn't replacingwasn't replacingwasn't replacinganything either It'sanything either It'sanything either It'sone of the reasonsone of the reasonsone of the reasonswhy it just reallywhy it just reallywhy it just reallynever went anywherenever went anywherenever went anywhereelse than With Aelse than With Aelse than With ACertain subset ofCertain subset ofCertain subset ofpeople of coursepeople of coursepeople of coursefriendfeed wasfriendfeed wasfriendfeed wasacquired largelyacquired largelyacquired largelybecause a talentbecause a talentbecause a talentacquisition byacquisition byacquisition byFacebook I think itFacebook I think itFacebook I think itwas a couple yearswas a couple yearswas a couple yearsago so I guess theago so I guess theago so I guess thereason you might notreason you might notreason you might notlike Google plus islike Google plus islike Google plus isbecause it's notbecause it's notbecause it's notreplacing anythingreplacing anythingreplacing anythingfor you It's notfor you It's notfor you It's notgiving you anythinggiving you anythinggiving you anythingthat you couldn'tthat you couldn'tthat you couldn'tget anywhere else Ifget anywhere else Ifget anywhere else Ifyou use it likeyou use it likeyou use it likeFacebook Yeah It'sFacebook Yeah It'sFacebook Yeah It'sprobably going to beprobably going to beprobably going to bea failure If you usea failure If you usea failure If you useit like Twitter itit like Twitter itit like Twitter itAbsolutely will be aAbsolutely will be aAbsolutely will be afailure If you usefailure If you usefailure If you useit like a Blog Iit like a Blog Iit like a Blog Ithink you would bethink you would bethink you would behappier with whathappier with whathappier with whatGoogle can provideGoogle can provideGoogle can providein return this greattring and youtring and youtring and youidentitiesidentitiesidentitiesas i TED in aboutas i TED in aboutas i TED in aboutevery sle Lego postevery sle Lego postevery sle Lego postthat floats throughthat floats throughthat floats throughon Google eitheron Google eitheron Google eitherfrom the person whofrom the person whofrom the person whoposts theposts theposts theinformation or Frominformation or Frominformation or FromA comer who knowsA comer who knowsA comer who knowsthat I happen tothat I happen tothat I happen tolike Lego doesn'tlike Lego doesn'tlike Lego doesn'thappen the same forhappen the same forhappen the same fortechnology reallytechnology reallytechnology reallyweird I guess I'mweird I guess I'mweird I guess I'mgetting to be knowngetting to be knowngetting to be knownmore for bricks Thanmore for bricks Thanmore for bricks ThanIIIam computeram computeram computergeekygeekygeekyso you know I don'tso you know I don'tso you know I don'tthink you shouldthink you shouldthink you shouldhate Google plushate Google plushate Google plusoutri There areoutri There areoutri There arethings that It doesthings that It doesthings that It doesbetter than otherbetter than otherbetter than othersocial networks andsocial networks andsocial networks andthere are thingsthere are thingsthere are thingsthat it could dothat it could dothat it could dobetter than otherbetter than otherbetter than othersocial networks butsocial networks butsocial networks butisn't quite thereisn't quite thereisn't quite thereyet It's just notyet It's just notyet It's just notaddressing anaddressing anaddressing anabsolute pain todayabsolute pain todayabsolute pain todayI think that willI think that willI think that willchange AS I've uhchange AS I've uhchange AS I've uhgone out on a limgone out on a limgone out on a limand suggested in theand suggested in theand suggested in thepast that Googlepast that Googlepast that Googleplus what you do onplus what you do onplus what you do onGoogle plus will beGoogle plus will beGoogle plus will becrossed over intocrossed over intocrossed over intoGoogle organicGoogle organicGoogle organicsearch results sosearch results sosearch results sothe friends that youthe friends that youthe friends that youmake the people thatmake the people thatmake the people thatyou add in circlesyou add in circlesyou add in circleson Google plus thaton Google plus thaton Google plus thatwill influence thewill influence thewill influence theSearch results youSearch results youSearch results youget on google and Ifget on google and Ifget on google and Ifyou don't thinkyou don't thinkyou don't thinkThat's coming uhThat's coming uhThat's coming uhYou're not thinkingYou're not thinkingYou're not thinkingIt Through becauseIt Through becauseIt Through becauseThat's exactly theThat's exactly theThat's exactly thethe value of beingthe value of beingthe value of beingparticipatory onparticipatory onparticipatory onGoogle plus versusGoogle plus versusGoogle plus versusparticipating onparticipating onparticipating ononly on Twitter oronly on Twitter oronly on Twitter oronly on Facebook youonly on Facebook youonly on Facebook yougot to participategot to participategot to participateeverywhere you have toeverywhere you have toeverywhere you have tobe omnipresentbe omnipresentbe omnipresentyou have to beyou have to beyou have to beeverywhere andeverywhere andeverywhere andGoogle plus is aGoogle plus is aGoogle plus is agood place to be Igood place to be Igood place to be Ido like Google plusdo like Google plusdo like Google plusi i think I'mi i think I'mi i think I'mapproachingapproachingapproaching375,000 People who375,000 People who375,000 People whohave circled mehave circled mehave circled mewhich is great Iwhich is great Iwhich is great Idon't thinkdon't thinkdon't thinkeveryone's lookingeveryone's lookingeveryone's lookingat What I'm doingat What I'm doingat What I'm doingwhich is kind ofwhich is kind ofwhich is kind ofdepressing but atdepressing but atdepressing but atleast I know There'sleast I know There'sleast I know There'sa promise in aa promise in aa promise in aFuture for What'sFuture for What'sFuture for What'shappening on Googlehappening on Googlehappening on Googleplus todayplus todayplus todayeverything I'm doingeverything I'm doingeverything I'm doingtoday should Playtoday should Playtoday should Playinto What happens ininto What happens ininto What happens inthe future so whythe future so whythe future so whyI've told you guysI've told you guysI've told you guysand encouraged youand encouraged youand encouraged youplus one the thingsplus one the thingsplus one the thingsthat you like plusthat you like plusthat you like plusone the things thatone the things thatone the things thatI do on YouTube plusI do on YouTube plusI do on YouTube plusone the things thatone the things thatone the things thatwe do on lo.com It'swe do on lo.com It'swe do on lo.com It'sgoing to bring moregoing to bring moregoing to bring moreof what We'veof what We'veof what We'vealready provenseid surfed aboveseid surfed aboveseid surfed abovepotentially otherpotentially otherpotentially othercontent you have nocontent you have nocontent you have noconnectionconnectionconnectionwith if There's awith if There's awith if There's aFuture for GoogleFuture for GoogleFuture for Googleit's not thealit's not thealit's not thealnetwork It's thenetwork It's thenetwork It's thesocial network ASsocial network ASsocial network AScrossed Over I don't tocrossed Over I don't tocrossed Over I don't toI know I'mI know I'mI know I'mrepeating saidthisvide do peoplevide do peoplevide do peopleGoogle do people haGoogle do people haGoogle do people haGoogle You guys mayGoogle You guys mayGoogle You guys mayhave a completelyhave a completelyhave a completelydifferent answer anddifferent answer anddifferent answer andyou're entitled toyou're entitled toyou're entitled toyour own opinionyour own opinionyour own opinionyou're more thanyou're more thanyou're more thanWelcome to shareWelcome to shareWelcome to sharethis Video on Googlethis Video on Googlethis Video on Googlewith your ownwith your ownwith your ownopinion or share itopinion or share itopinion or share iton Facebook oron Facebook oron Facebook orTwitter or Don'tTwitter or Don'tTwitter or Don'tshare it at all keepshare it at all keepshare it at all keepyour thoughts toyour thoughts toyour thoughts toyourself althoughyourself althoughyourself althoughmost the worldmost the worldmost the worlddoesn't work thatdoesn't work thatdoesn't work thatway least not theway least not theway least not theday and agal mediaday and agal mediaday and agal mediabut you you havebut you you havebut you you havecompletelycompletelycompletelyI would and that'sI would and that'sI would and that'scool even if wecool even if wecool even if wedisagree\n"