The $240 MacBook Project

I see all that here - But the thing is, the inside is fine, The keyboard's fine, trackpad, screen. This is totally clean, I didn't see the front side of this. For now, the bezels are kinda thick. Yeah, and the screen's 1,280 by 800. So it's not great. Yeah, you can see pixels, I mean it's not perfect, but I mean, for $200 - Well, it's looking a little like $230, $240. 230, and then how much for the upgrades? Realistically, I was trying to go a little bit overkill with this, if this was a system that I was trying to be a little more price-sensitive with, I would not have done the Blu-Ray drive, probably wouldn't have done the battery, although that's a pretty decent upgrade, and realistically, eight gigs of RAM would probably be fine here, which means that this actually would be a roughly $300 upgrade. For everything I've done here, it's a little less than 400. Including buying the computer?

As you will be seeing here shortly, all the footage from the video has been imported to this MacBook. So this is 4K footage that I just shot, alright, so pull it up here. Obviously still in log, so it's not full quality, but. Oh, it's playing back fine. This 4K - 4K - Oh wow! It's definitely slower than something like a current MacBook Air, but also, I bought this thing for a little over $200. I actually just came back from an anime con, so I picked up, yeah, so I just got a Blu-Ray, Liz and the Blue Bird. This is a DVD though, we'll pop in the DVD first just to even see if it's working, which I don't like that.

Assuming your tolerances are just a little off, I'm just gonna let this grind, 'cause it is the one I don't care about. - This is bad. We're just gonna cut this part of the video out. (laughs) - No, I think you get to live with your - (laughing) - you get to live with your failure. Okay, you know what, I will open this up, I'll figure it out, I have an edit to do. Let me have some victory, let me have some success here. I'm proud of my MacBook, even though that was probably, this was not my finest idea here, I guess.

My next challenge is to see if I can actually edit this entire video on this 13-inch MacBook. I actually think it's going to be doable. Ooh! - Cut to montage! (singing) Wait, no, wait, I shouldn't do any crazy effects, 'cause I don't think this thing can handle. (laughs) (laid back electronic music)

Okay, so I've just spent the last two hours editing the video you're watching right now on the 13-inch MacBook, and you know what? Totally fine, actually totally fine. So come take a look at this. So I've got my timeline here, so for reference, this is all 4K Sony footage coming off of an A7 III, but I'm playing back right now, and you can see if I unplug my headphones. World's greatest shape, however - Look at that, no problem, I can scrub. Nice and smooth.

Now I am editing on the internal SSD that I installed, but you can see it is not really working hard at all. So obviously I don't have color and whatnot on here, but that's the last stage of any of my edits anyway, and real talk, as far as editing this Sony footage goes, this feels almost as snappy as a brand new MacBook. Which is crazy to me.

Now is it gonna be slower to render, is it gonna be slow to export, definitely, but as far as being able to edit a 4K video, it works. I am so impressed with what we were able to do for just a few hundred dollars. Now is it the best-looking MacBook? Definitely not, however, for light, even fairly intensive tasks, it does a good job.

I mean, this, I don't know, I have always been a little bit skeptical about Mac resale value, but this video really kind of has opened my eyes to just how good even a seven-year-old MacBook can be. No wonder they sold these things for years and years after the rest of the non-Retina line was discontinued. Let's just not worry about the Blu-Ray player, I'll fix that one later - Please do.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin, and thisis the Macbook Pro Project.So something that I've alwaysbeen really interested inis the ridiculous resale of Macs.I mean, when you lookat a PC versus a Mac,almost always the Mac holds it's valuefor a lot longer, which is weird,because even though the hardware is solid,a lot of times theactual operating system,the software support,doesn't last that long.Case in point, take a look at a super oldCore2Duo Windows laptop.Odds are you can still throw a copyof Windows 10 on it and it will work fine.However when it comes to Machardware, usually you've gotsix to eight years ofsupport and that's it.Now there are of course third party toolsto be able to sideload, and kind of updatea bunch of the driversto still technicallysupport a new operating system, but as faras I'm concerned, thisis about the oldest Macwhich is still supported,which gave me an idea.This is a mid-2012 Macbook Pro 13 inch.Now this is the 101 model,which was sold in Apple storesfor quite a while, and for good reason.This still has all the ports, it still hasthe optical drive, it's pre-Retina.Now based on the listing,this is not exactlyin the world's greatest shape, however,at 240 bucks, what I hope, especiallywith a few upgrades, is that I can geta Macbook which is actuallystill very usable even today.Ah, yes, the good old daysof MagSafe, when you didn'thave to kick your USBCcable across the room.Oh, that's actually, oh, eh.Alright, well, it'sdefinitely been well used.Okay, so the main problemshere is that it's just dented,right, so there's a big scratch herethere's a couple of major dents.It's certainly not aperfect looking Macbook,but I don't really care about that.What I wanna do is justsee if I can actually geta very usable Macbook,which is much much cheaperthan anything you can buy today.Now there are a bunch of reasons whythis Macbook was sold in Applestores for years and yearsbeyond when it actually first came out.Now one of the big onesis the port selection.This guy has pretty much everythingyou might want, short of USB-C I guess?I mean, we've got Thunderbolt 1,USB 3.0, SD card reader,we've got MagSafe,gigabit Ethernet, there's even FireWire,and there's an optical drive.Open it up, and you'll see the same greatold school keyboard, and inside,this guy is actually properly upgradable.Now you might be wondering, why exactlya seven year old Macbook, which is notin great cosmetic shape,is still worth a full $240.Well a big reason for that isthat it is still upgradable.When you look at the general spec,I mean, it's still aCore i5, and especiallyonce you throw a little bit more RAMand an SSD and stuff, it couldbe a properly modern machine.Contrast that with a brand new Macbook,which while it works great right now,it's obviously muchfaster, much more modern,but three, five, seven years from now,this system really has nowhere to go.I can't add more RAM, Ican't upgrade the SSD,there's really nothing about the systemwhich I can do anythingwith in the future,which I think is going to hurt the resale,whereas a lot of the olderMacs, especially the oneswith the optical drives, actually havea fair bit of resale value even today.So now let's see if this actually works.(robotic whirring)(gentle chord)I mean that sounds good,although I don't know,I guess the optical drivewas doing something.Okay, so we've got High Sierra,we can definitely upgrade that,2.5 gigahertz Core i5, four gigs of RAM,as well as a 500 GB hard drive.That touch pad's still so good!Okay, so we've got, okay, 290 cycles.So the battery still does hold a charge,however I do wanna swap out the battery,I wanna upgrade memory,I wanna upgrade SSD,I wanna see what we cando about that DVD drive.I legitimately think thatby the end of this video,I will have a very usable computer.Hopefully a computerwhich is powerful enoughto edit the video thatI'm shooting right now,'cause I wanna do it all on this guy.But first I feel like I need to actuallyclean it up a little bit.Nothing I can really do about the dentsand the scratches, but at the very leastI can get rid of some of thissort of grime, some of the...Look, used laptops, kind of gross.So after some cleaning,the Macbook actuallyis looking pretty decent, so now it's timeto open it up and start upgrading,as well as, well, probablydust it out. (laughs)Now as far as upgrades go, thankfullythey are so much cheaperthan they used to be.So for example, I was able to pick up16 gigs of RAM, which technicallythis only supports eight,but I'm pretty sure16 will work, and this was like 60 bucks.Same thing, I was ableto grab a 500 gig SSDwhich was around 55,$60, was able to pick upa brand new battery,which hopefully should be,even though the one here's not bad,we might as well just swap it out.And the thing I'm really excited about,is even though thisshipped with a DVD drive,with a little bit of Frankenstein action,I think we actuallycan get a Blu-Ray driveworking inside the Macbook.Now the only thing that I wanna upgradethat I can't right now is the WiFi card.So there actually is aguy who custom buildsWiFi cards which arecompatible with this Macbook,and it will give younot only Bluetooth 4.0,but importantly it will work with Airdrop,however they're out of stockfor the next couple months.So that might be an upgradeI do a little bit later.After removing a few screws and some tape,I have the top shell of the DVD SuperDrivethat was originally in our Macbook.We're going to need totransplant that onto this.So I'm following atutorial I'll have linkedin the description, but essentiallythis is a Blu-Ray drive,which by all accountsshould technically workinside macOS, and fit,just with some minor modifications.Mostly I need to replace the metal shellwith something that actually hasthe correct mountingholes for our Macbook.So time for a little more surgery.Alright, so things are coming together.So the Blu-Ray swap isn't the worst thing,but it's definitely themost challenging part.It ended up taking maybe 25, 30 minutes.Now however, we need to install the SSD,we need to put our 16 gigs of RAM in,throw the battery, and we actuallyshould be good to start installingthe wonderfully supported macOS Catalina.Alright, so, it is another dayand the Macbook is finally done.So one thing you missed is thatI had to install Catalinaby way of installingMavericks first, and then upgrading,but after 45 minutes orso, it's up and running,and I've gotta say it'sactually surprisingly usable.Would you like to try the Macbookextravaganza that I have created?- Yeah, for sure, I mean I haven't usedthis body style since, what, 2013?Obviously, it has thekeyboard that everyone likes.- The keyboard they justbrought back for the 16 inch?- Yeah, probably justa little more shallower, but-- No, it's pretty muchthe exact same I think.- Is it, I thought-- I think it'salmost the same.- That's an interestingpoint, I would like to trythe 16 inch Mac, we can actually see how-- Hey, wrong video!2012 Macbook, that's where it's at.- Okay, okay.I mean, the body style is pretty big,but I mean it's not that bad.We still definitely see thicker laptops.- Well the problem isis that this, well actually,not the problem, the advantage of this oneis that I picked it up infairly poor cosmetic condition,but it's just purely on the outside.So it's all dented up.- Oh, I see all that here.- But the thing is, the insideis fine, The keyboard's fine,trackpad, screen.- This is totally clean,I didn't see the front side of this.For now the bezels are kinda thick.- Yeah, and thescreen's 1,280 by 800.So it's not great.- Yeah, you can see pixels,I mean it's not perfect,but I mean, for 200 bucks?- Well it's lookinga little like 230, 240.- 230, and then how much for the upgrades?- Realistically, I was tryingto go a little bit overkillwith this, if this was a systemthat I was trying to be a littlemore price sensitive with,I would not have done the Blu-Ray drive,I probably wouldn't have done the battery,although that's a pretty decent upgrade,and realistically, eight gigs of RAMwould probably be fine here, which meansthat this actually wouldbe a roughly $300 upgrade.For everything I've done here,it's a little less than 400.- Including buying the computer?- Including buying thecomputer, all the upgrades,the Blu-Ray drive, everything.As you will be seeing here shortly,all the footage from the videohas been imported to this Macbook.So this is 4K footage that I just shot,alright, so pull it up here.Obviously still in log, soit's not full quality, but.- Oh, it's playing back fine.This 4K?- 4K.- Oh wow!- It's definitelyslower than somethinglike a current Macbook Air, but alsoI bought this thingfor a little over $200.- I actually just cameback from an anime con,so I picked up, yeah, so I just gota Blu-Ray, Liz and the Blue Bird.This is a DVD though,we'll pop in the DVD firstjust to even see if it'sworking, which I don't like that.Assuming your tolerancesare just a little off,I'm just gonna let this grind,'cause it is the one I don't care about.- This is bad.We're just gonna cut this partof the video out. (laughs)- No, I think you get to live with your-- (laughing)- you get to livewith your failure.- Okay, you know what,I will open this up,I'll figure it out, I have an edit to do.Let me have some victory, letme have some success here.I'm proud of my Macbook, eventhough that was probably,this was not my finest idea here, I guess.My next challenge is tosee if I can actuallyedit this entire videoon this 13 inch Macbook.I actually think it's going to be doable.- Ooh!- Cut to montage!(singing)Wait, no, wait, I shouldn'tdo any crazy effects,'cause I don't think thisthing can handle. (laughs)(laid back electronic music)Okay, so I've justspent the last two hoursediting the video you'rewatching right nowon the 13 inch Macbook, and you know what?Totally fine, actually totally fine.So come take a look at this.So I've got my timelinehere, so for referencethis is all 4K Sony footagecoming off of an A7 III,but I'm playing back right now,and you can see if I unplug my headphones.- World's greatest shape, however- Look at that, no problem, I can scrub.Nice and smooth.Now I am editing on the internal SSDthat I installed, but you can seeit is not really working hard at all.So obviously I don't havecolor and whatnot on here,but that's the last stageof any of my edits anyway,and real talk, as far asediting this Sony footage goes,this feels almost as snappyas a brand new Macbook.Which is crazy to me.Now is it gonna be slower to render,is it gonna be slowerto export, definitely,but as far as being able toedit a 4K video, it works.I am so impressed withwhat we were able to dofor just a few hundred dollars.Now is it the best looking Macbook?Definitely not, however, for light,even fairly intensivetasks, it does a good job.I mean, this, I don'tknow, I have always beena little bit skepticalabout Mac resale value,but this video reallykind of has opened my eyesto just how good even a sevenyear old Macbook can be.No wonder they sold thesethings for years and yearsafter the rest of the non-Retinaline was discontinued.Let's just not worryabout the Blu-Ray player,I'll fix that one later.- Please do.