iOS 12 Point Two and Twelve Point Three Beta One: A Roundup of Feedback from Early Adopters
The iOS 12 point two and twelve point three beta one have been making waves among early adopters, with many sharing their thoughts on the latest update. One user, who installed the latest version today, reported that LTE connectivity has improved significantly, citing a noticeable difference in performance. However, they noted that apps that froze sometimes were fixed, but had also messed up their battery life and connectivity for calls.
Another user, who is testing the update on their iPhone XR, reported that connectivity issues seem to have resolved themselves. They expressed gratitude towards the developers for addressing these issues. In contrast, a third user experienced problems with the Settings app freezing when 3D touching on Do Not Disturb and calculator icons, but found that this issue seemed to be specific to their device.
A number of iPhone users reported being satisfied with the update, citing improved battery life and smoother performance. One iPhone 8 user noted that the battery actually improved slightly, and everything flows smoothly on both their iPhone 8 and iPhone SE. They also recommended the update to everyone, as it seems to have fixed many bugs and improvements.
On the other hand, some users reported experiencing issues with battery drain, particularly when using Safari. One user noticed that their battery life was going down faster than before, while another user reported no differences in performance but did notice a slight decrease in battery life. However, it's worth noting that not all users are reporting the same level of battery drain.
In terms of overall performance, many iPhone users have reported that the update has made their devices feel faster and more fluid. A user on an iPhone 5s noted that everything is working fine and smoothly, although they did mention that battery life continues to be a problem for some people. Another user on an iPhone X found that it was "amazing" compared to previous versions of iOS.
One feature that has received praise from users is the updated About tab in general, which looks much more clean and modern. The addition of information about Apple Care Plus also seems to have been well-received by users. However, some users have reported hit-or-miss results with battery life, particularly when it comes to specific apps.
It's worth noting that not all iPhone models are experiencing the same level of performance. A user on an iPhone XS Max found that 12.2 was "amazing" compared to previous versions, while another user reported no significant differences between 12.2 and 12.3 beta one. However, a user who installed 12.3 today reported that LTE got significantly better, but noted some issues with calls and connectivity.
Overall, it seems that the iOS 12 point two and twelve point three beta one updates have been well-received by many users, although there are still some issues to be worked out. As the developers continue to release new betas and updates, we can expect to see these issues addressed in due time.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech &iOS 12.2 and iOS 12.3 beta one have beenout for a few daysI've been using them primarily on myiPhone XR however I have the betainstalled on my XS Max and many of youhave been asking where is my iPhone 8why I don't use it in videos a lot thisis sort of my fallback phone if I needsomething with the stock version of thecurrent version of iOS on it so this hasis twelve point two or actually it'sbeing updated to twelve point two andit's one of those things where I can useit if I need to to record video it'sjust kind of the reliable phone that Ifall back to if I need to use it andit's not working properly on these so itis there you just oftentimes don't seeit in the background or something likethat now before I talk about the updatesmany people were asking me about airpower is it true that they canceled itand yes it is they said it wasn't up totheir quality standards whether thatmeans they had issues with heat or justpower in in particular with it notworking well they decided to cancel itnow that's pretty unfortunate since thenew air pods actually have wirelesscharging and mention air power butunfortunately we won't see those sothat's just too bad at this point andwe'll have to use alternatives so that'swhy I think this uses the Qi standardso that's really what that's about Ithink in unfortunately they cancelled itI've never seen them do that before butI guess if it wasn't a good product itshouldn't be around so talking about iOS12.2now the couple days that I used it is mymain daily device iOS 12.2 was very verygood battery life it was phenomenal onit actually so if I go to battery you'llsee this one has battery health at 100%and then if I go to the last 10 daysyou'll see the beginning of the week sowhen iOS 12.2 came out we've got MondayTuesday Wednesday Wednesday is when iOS12 point 3 beta 1 came out so batterylife has been pretty good half the dayit was on iOS 12 point 2 and the otherhalf it was on the beta so this is whenit was twelve point two and these areall twelve point two betas so I wouldsay with twelve point to I could easilyget through the day no problem with 50%battery life leftnow it seems to be a little bit lesseven though it's saying for hours I findthat my battery life is a little bitless you'll see I'm at 30% now at thecurrent time of recording this so I'dsay I'm getting about 10 to 20 percentless battery life at the end of the daythen I was with the current versionthat's out to the public now that saidmost people are going to be on iOS 12.2so there won't be much of an issue sotwelve point two and twelve point threebeta one are both okay but twelve pointwho seems to be much better for mostpeople now I did look at the poll that Idid we'll talk about that the communitypoll in a moment and some people werestill saying they're having settingsfreeze on both twelve point two andtwelve point three beta one so it seemslike there's still an issue there andsome were saying LTE has improved andothers were saying it's the same or orjust bad in general so I have to say Ihaven't had issues without te sincetwelve point two or twelve point threebeta one so that's pretty good I can'tsay that I've had many issues with thatwhere I did before I'd have to turn onairplane mode and turn it back off sothat part's really good and I'd saytwelve point two is really solid andit's really what iOS twelve should havebeen from the beginning it's finallyrefined and then we'll see iOS 13 inJune and have it roll out to the publicin September so now let's take a look atthe youtube community poll quite a fewof you participated so I reallyappreciate thathere is the YouTube community poll andWow did a lot of you respond I releasedthis two days ago and many of youresponded and it's great to see thatbecause it gives us a better idea how itis for everyone so nine point four kvotes or nine thousand four hundredvotes and that's a good idea as to howit's going for most people there's twohundred and sixty-one comments and I'veread every single one of them so let merefresh this really quick it's stillnine point four K you'll see 62 percentof you said it was great on iOS twelvepoint to only six percent said it wasn'tgreat or terrible beta eight percentsaid great two percent said terrible andtwenty one percent said they didn'tinstall either now I'm assuming mostpeople are going to stay on the publicrelease until twelve point three becomespublic and sometime around May mostlikely but it seems like it's prettygood for most people so I went throughallthese comments and of course I can'tread all of them so I went through allof these comments I can't read all ofthem on the video I mean I did read allof them but let's go through here andwe'll just go over let's say five or 10of them I don't want to spend too muchtime here but for those of you that saidwhat version you're on and what deviceyou have I really appreciate that I justinstalled 12.3 today I'm in the publicbeta so far LTE got way better and it'svery noticeable 12.2 fixed apps thatfreeze sometimes improve my battery lifebut messed up my connectivity for callsand LTE so far no problems yet so Idon't know if that means 12.3 is betterfor calls and LTE or just in generalthat's a problem let's find a coupleothers here great on iphone XRconnectivity issues seem to haveresolved so that's great let's pickanother one Settings app is stillfreezing one I 3d touch on Do NotDisturband a calculator icons and close them oncontrol center the app animation is notproper let's take a look at that so donot disturb will 3d touch or haptictouch looks ok there I think but it maynot on all devices iPhone 8 it's beengreat it's stayed on iOS 12 sincereleased and use my iPhone se to testout the newer vision version of iOS 12came to the conclusion to update andcouldn't be any happier with the resultsbattery actually improved slightly andeverything flows super smooth both on 8and se overall great update that's greatto hearmy battery lasts more and performancejust right great update I recommend toeveryone many bugs have been fixed likecall screen play pause button for musicslike speed improvement battery is ok ofor same as of now I hope it will getbetter over a week or so and one morething it is the first iOS update to myphone SC which has not decreased mybattery life not even temporarilycompared to prior versions so it's greatto hear even on the older versions we'reseeing some improvements iPhone XSMax on 12.2 very stable and snappyhave no issues with its battery lifeit's pretty good too for me batterycapacity 100% still love your videosthey're very detailed thank you verymuch for that appreciate itI don't see any difference honestly butI noticed my battery goes down a bitfaster besides it's fine I guess that'swhere I was saying some people aresaying it's much better others aresaying it might be not as but not asgreat success battery drain and Safarilag I really haven't seen the Safari lagmyself why why is the volume emblem inthe center of the screen I asked thatall the time it would be great if it wasup here hopefully iOS 13 fixes that onmy iPhone 5s and 7 working fine andfluid as of this time so it looks likejust about every phone is fast and fluidat this point battery life continues tobe poor and it is so annoying my iPhone8 I would check and see what apps thoseare because the majority of people aresaying it's quite good unless there's aspecific circumstance or maybe some appis using some bad battery life but Icould be wrong because smootherperformance but battery life seems todrain faster an iPhone X but like Isaid on my 10 hour I think with 12.2it's better I think with the beta it'sworse 12.2 has been amazing for me andmy XS Max love what they did the to theabout tab in general looks much moreclean and I like how can you can see howlong Apple Care Plus is going to lastthem a phone now and then again peopleasking about battery life and batterydrain issues so it's very hit-or-miss Ithink for a lot of people and I'd becurious to know what apps those are thatare running causing that it does notnecessarily seem to be the OS in generalso that's it for iOS 12 point two andtwelve point three beta one things arepretty smooth I've had zero problemszero lock ups no issues like that and Idon't know if we're going to see a newbeta coming this week but they weresaying they think this will be out inMay with some new features so we may seebetas every week or maybe every otherweek so be sure to check back for thatand I'll keep you updated as I always doif you haven't subscribed already thoughplease subscribe and if you enjoyed thevideo give it a like if not the otherones okay - of course I'll link thiswallpaper in the description as I alwaysdo as always thanks for watching this isAaron I'll see you next time\n"