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Ewww, Dude, Look at the Color of That One!
The color is quite eerie, resembling flesh tone. (Laughs) Why so weird? It's not every day you see an alarm clock with such an unusual hue.
Welcome to Three Annoying Alarm Clocks We Found on Amazon
As part of our ongoing quest to find the most annoying alarm clocks available, I'm excited to share my findings with you. Today, we're reviewing three alarm clocks that are sure to get your morning started off on the wrong foot.
My Search for the Weirdest Alarm Clocks
I spent some time browsing Amazon and stumbled upon these three alarm clocks that caught my eye. They may not be the most conventional choices, but they certainly have a unique charm to them.
Let's Take a Look at Our Top Picks
First up, we have [Alarm Clock 1]. This one's got a bit of an unusual color scheme going on, with a flesh tone finish that's sure to turn some heads. But is it annoying enough to warrant inclusion in our top picks?
Next, we have [Alarm Clock 2]. This alarm clock has a design that's more suited to a sci-fi movie set than your bedroom. Its sleek, futuristic look may not be for everyone.
Last but certainly not least, we have [Alarm Clock 3]. This one's got a bit of an old-school vibe going on, with a retro-style design that's sure to appeal to fans of the past.
There you have it – three alarm clocks that are guaranteed to make your morning more interesting. While they may not be for everyone, these unusual alarm clocks are certainly worth a look if you're in the market for something new and different.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enEwww, dude, look at the color of that one.It's like flesh toned. (Laughs ) Why so weird?(intro ensues)(Music)What's going on guys? Welcome to three of the most annoying alarm clocks we could find(Bryan could find) on and I'm going to let you know whether theyare \"Enjoy\" or \"Destroy.\" Yes, that is right.If these alarm clocks suck... if they don'tdo what they're supposed to do, we willdestroy them. Okay? So stay tuned for that.But before we begin, make sure you clickthat bell icon to get notified of ourvideos because you don't want to missthese things when they come out becauseI'm commenting back. Sometimes welivestream... Click that bell icon. Turnnotifications on. Onto the first alarmclock!Weetawateeeea... : What did you just say?Weetatwia. (Slow mo version of the same phrase ensues.) A pressure-sensitive alarmclock, rug carpet alarm clock. Only stopswhen you stand on it. Hmmmm... that might get youout of bed OR an easy way to gain thisis by just like throwing something on it.Is it just touch sensitive or is itweight sensitive? Does it know how muchyou weigh and if it doesn't get thatamount of weight...? Or is it just like youroll over and punch it because if yousleep closer to the ground, you may beable to just get away with that. Wrapyourself in the softest touch. Step onpressure-sensitive zone to display time.It's very interesting. The most (Matthias fumbles his words) innovative way of getting up. (Matthias starts making fun of the way he just messed up)The most innovative way... (laughs). Toe touch to know time right away. It will effectively get youout of bed by forcing you to stand onthe mat for more than three seconds. Youwill literally have to get up. Okay, let'ssee if we can beat this though. You see whatI'm saying? : Yeeaaahhh.... (Matthias laughs once more in his attempt to hide his inner turmoil)Yeah man... yeah. (Slow smexy music plays) Reviews? Three out of five. Life changer.. life-changing! Two people havesaid it was life-changing! Eight peoplefound this helpful!\"Has changed my entire life now I get outof bed rather than snoozing 40 minutesand rushing to still be 15 minutes late.\"40 minutes!! Go to bed earlier! (Matthias gives great life advice.) \"Horrible,directions are horrible. All around alousy product\" \"Or you can put your alarmclock across the room.\" So what's thewhole point of this video then? Trying tofind the best alarm clocks in the world,this guy just broke the system with that.All I got to do is set my alarm and putit across the room? Boy, what have I been doingall my life? If this guy's so smart, whyis he wasting his time on a productthat he thinks is stupid? : Trying to save the world... : If he already solved that problem?Add to Cart. Let's find out. (Burps because this here is a classy man.) : Hey, man that...ooohhh my God, your chin sinks into your neck!: Oh, is this Batman's alarm clock, dude? Someone give me a real knife I've beendoing this with keys. What's...what's...what's this Batman symbol? It's a bat!It's clearly a bat. : No head. : No head. (Laughs and starts speaking in undefinable accent) It has no head. It cannot be bat! Okay sopressure-sensitive and... oh? Oh but forthree seconds... : Yeah and you thought youbeat it. : No look! : But no alarm was going off. : Okay, Iwill beat this. Press set button until LED(pronounced like \"Ellie died\") light flashes. Okay, LED light flashes. Set, set, set, one, set. So nowwe wait for the alarm and let's see ifwe can trigger it without having to stepon it. \"The alarm clock has built-in eightmegabytes of storage capacity. Can usesound sources as they download fromwebsites and alarm sounds.\" But an mp3 islike three megabytes, so we're going toput two songs on there? It's got an 8 meghard drive! Turn on!Where's the alarm? And why are these thingsso difficult to set up, bro? Set! Set! Set!Okay, so this is the alarm now.*Sighs* Son of a gun, dude, this thing keepstripping me out! Brian: You turned it on? Matt:Yeah I turned on what do you think, I'man idiot? Don't answer that. 1:09 still, haha. (tick tock from a clock)Brian: The heck? Matt: There's only like three buttons!we're doing it rightit literally says on and it's on! Brian: what about the batteries?course these batteries in there! Brian no noyou have to smash it open, not just rip it open!You can't smash this! I say destroy by my ownmeans Brian:okay. Matt:I say this one's a destroy itoh my wrist! I hurt... I like injured my wrist. (Slow mo)Ew, dude, it's all like saggy there now.Oh no, it doesn't work anymore. What'sinside? Oh, interesting actually. DESTROY!!what is happening what is this nonsensethis isn't real electronics, there'sthere's nothing in here. I don't see any likemetallic things inside here.Brian: Can you turn that back on? Matt: No, I destroyed it. oh youdid it.Wait, how is it connecting? Oh, maybe it's...when these things connect. But how doesthis work it's when these two sheetsconnect watch! See? See that?It's... that's it, Right here see thisthing must have like metal threads andthe contact creates a circuit thattriggers this. What kind of science is that?Brian: Oh, dude!Brian: Battery came flying at me! Matt: A quick note, when you're going to destroystuff, take the batteries out first youwant explosions or co-workers to be destroyed.Alright, well I think I prettymuch destroyed this.Next!Steve yooyooJeju you yo Steve yeewuu shape up clock.Okay, is that a child hand?Brian: It's a creepy child hand.either that's a child hand or that's areally big long look do you look at acolor of that one like my flesh tone whyso weird why I like how to show you thebatteries oh yeah sweet dude batteriesdoes that mean batteries are includeddoes that be a sweet deal do youactually have to do reps with it inorder to turn off the alarm yet theweight is not very heavy though so I gotinto the habit of doing the rep swapstill laying in bed and then going backto sleep not as helpful as I'd wish butkind of fun quirky thing to have come onput it across the room we alreadylearned this at first it's a flesh tonedone why oh sweet it's not it's the blackone we got the black one we're okay thisclock is decent size it definitely is akid's hand though I mean I do have bighands but it's definitely a kid's handin that in that photo okay so we got thelittle alarm clock right there on thisportion and then a maybe on the back ofthis or how do you put the batteries andI guess the batteries are in I don'thave to worry about that no I have toset it upoh there you go just take it off I takeoff you literally justthis is oh I thought it said 10 poundsit for a second that's 10 kilograms I'mgoing to set this alarm clock now oh sothere's two settings here there's alarmand then there's weight so I assume theweight right here so let's set it pressit holds goings of the alarm blue okayokay 122 now I get a wait couple minuteswe've got a minute left so it says it'sgoing to display the number of liststhat I have to do that is a week longdid you just shake the desk shake it itwent down one is incremented good lookyou're just shook the desk and it'slowering so look what it was to read I'mtoo tired to lift up this one pounddumbbell so I'm just going to pound thetable that these are the rest look oh mygosh you went down from steak now I wentto five now when two for this mess threetwo one first on viola hahahaNeil arms is so weak like that I don'teven know if that would wake me out thatprobably would not wake you up dude myphone sometimes doesn't wake me upAmanda were like smack me in the faceshould be like get up it sounds like aband or a listing is a destroy it Ithink that's quite evidence so time todestroybefore we get into the next product makesure you subscribe because we do videoslike this quite frequently you're notgonna want to miss them okay screamingmeanie timer and alarm clock with ahundred and twenty decibel alarmassorted colors broke do you have earright here do you have it ears bro doyou have a ear protection hundred twentydecibels do you know how loud that is Idon't know and I'm worried I think it'spretty loud now we had that rememberthat Mexican alarm or Mexican whoeverdid out loudyeah that's loud however this maze thisthing may have a different frequencythat may hurt more loudness based ondecibels can be lower or higherfrequencies you spawn asleepthree loudness levels okay well have awe'll have it look relaxed do he'strying to destroy my set here okay ithas a lot of reviewsI wonder if man look at that that looksindustrial dude that looks industrialscreaming Nene has been easily the mosteffective travel alarm clock on themarket no other alarm clocks can awakenthe deepest sleepers as reliable sleepas screening Nene as China right youwill be shocked at the volume level ofour alarm alright dude I'm sorry butfind out what do you think this isdesign who caresah you're not supposed to destroy yeahnormally Oh still works for lucky deskin Italy the loudest okay I haven'tworried now dude I'm really worried yousee these things these things are thespeakers you realize that right here sokudos speaker the fact that they'resmall means that they're high frequencyokay BrianBrian's making all these faces but I'mgoing to point them at him start off onlow okay so let's go to low let's gotimer clock Oh timerlet's do timer okay so timer how do youset a timer now what's this key uh I'mso I'm really afraid to do this simplybecause I won't know how to turn it offso read the instruction that thing likeit was on fire dude so to turn on beaconpress the key and a beacon5 minutes repeat step 3 to turn it offpress key hrn minute buttonsimultaneously ok soyou have to press these three buttons toturn off this alone I would have neverfigured that out dude okay so you'reready for ten seconds are you readyready my ears are going to hurt it comeoh I told you bro medium you want trymedium first let's go high whatever togo all out no I got to do thisoh that's louder still not super loudthat is oh that's hurt now just switchit on too loud now you press thesethrough to turn oh wow that would wakeyou up for sureturned off this alarm clock would workthis is a enjoy it I have to say I haveto say it's rough its tumble it hasmultiple functions it is difficult toturn off and it's loud as heck this willget you up that is for sureboom see that thumbnail right there that is tenstrange things we found on a Chinesewebsite it's pretty hilarious prettyfunny you'll never guess what that thingdoes also for this video right here thatis a video that YouTube thinks youspecifically will enjoy let's find outif YouTube is right click on it will seeover there let us know in the commentsbelow of that video if you do enjoy itall right high five\n"