I'm Kevin Lynch, and I work on software across Apple Watch and Health.
As I sit here with Deidre Caldecott from the Product Marketing team for Apple Watch and Health, I have to laugh at how much has changed since we first started working on this project. Deidre had been off the paddleboard and came into the room, saying "I'm just very stable" as she was getting ready to sit down. It's funny because we didn't get to see her dance again this year, but I know she was really looking forward to it.
Kevin, we didn't get to see you and Jules do a duet like last year. I did file a radar for that behavior dancing, though, so maybe next year will be our turn. Kevin laughs. I'm actually really curious about what went through your head when we first started talking about Apple Watch back in the earliest days. What was your immediate reaction?
Well, for me, that was actually day one when I started at Apple, the morning I started, the story was we wanna build a watch, and we've got to get going. In fact, we wanna get going right now. We're feeling like we got to go fast. And actually, I was advised not even to go to orientation just to get going, you know how Apple works already, and get started. So it was a very rapid start. The thing that went through my mind was always there are rumors about what Apple's may be working on, but when you look at Apple Watch, I felt like that was inevitable. Like we're gonna do that.
Cause if you look, I love the history of computing. If you look at the history of computing, it's a series of evolution of smaller and smaller computing devices that are more and more powerful. And it goes from mainframes to mini computers, to desktop computers, laptops, portables, mobile phones. And so that evolution of power and administration leads you to, well, what's next? What's next after the phone? And that really leads you to something as small as a watch.
And the watch is a natural location on your body. If you start thinking about something that's even smaller than a mobile phone, which is already pretty small, it's like, well, where would you put it? How would you carry it? How would you look at it? And so attaching it to your arm was a really, really natural place to do that. So that was really interesting.
So going through my mind then was this is gonna be an incredibly challenging project. How do you even get a compelling interaction on a really tiny display? And battery life, of course, is gonna be an issue, which is a major challenge. And so designing around that was from an engineering perspective, really interesting challenge, which I love.
And then also this great opportunity, and really a sense of responsibility for working on a device that is actually on your body, like you wear with you, like that responsibility is really significant. How do we make something that people will feel really good about? That supportive, and empowering for them, not bugging them? So that kind of philosophy around how we design all our interactions is really sensitive to that.
Unlike Kevin, I had no idea what was going on. Apple is very good at making sure that we keep our surprises, surprises for both employees and our users. And so I was working on iOS, and actually what I worked on initially was the health app because I worked on iOS, and Kevin's team was working on the health app, but I was on the iOS product marketing side.
So we were working out how to help tell the story of this whole new health app in iOS five, iCloud before the iPhone was really that independent from the Mac or the PC running iTunes, systematically over the years with on-device logic and on-device app store, bringing LTE over, and just continuing now you have the family sharing where you can set up a watch for somebody, you are systematically just increasing the functionality.
I know that Apple is not shy about cannibalizing their own devices. You'd much rather do it than have someone else do it, but it's that like, a...Not a predatory process where you're looking at the iPhone and going.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat music)- I'm Kevin Lynch.I work on software acrossApple watch and health.- And I am Deidre Caldbeck,and I am on the Product Marketing teamfor Apple watch and health.- And it's cool that Deidrehad been off the paddleboardand came into the, yeah--- No, it's underneath my feet.(Kevin laughs)I'm just very stable.(Kevin laughs)- I know we didn't get to seeyou dance again this year.(Kevin laughs)Kevin, we didn't get to seeyou and Jules do a duet.And I did file a radar,expect to behavior dancing.- Off camera, that wasall off camera this year.(Kevin laughs)- I'm actually really curious.If we go back to the beginningearliest days of the watch,when you were first read in or disclosedand you heard that Applewas making a watch,what went through your head?What was your immediate reaction?- (chuckles) Well, for me,that was actually day onewhen I started at Apple,the morning I started,the story was we wanna build a watch,and we've got to get going.In fact, we wanna get going right now.We're feeling like we got to go fast.And actually I was advised tonot even go to orientation.Like you don't even havetime to go to orientationjust get going, you knowApple well enough alreadyand get started.And so it was a very rapid start.The thing that went through my mind,there's always, of courseoccasionally rumorsabout what Apple's may be working on.But when you look at Apple watch,I felt like that was inevitable.Like to have Apple make a watch,I felt like that was thefirst thing that wentthrough my head was of course,oh we're gonna do that.'Cause if you look, I lovethe history of computing.If you look at the history of computing,it's a series of evolution of smallerand smaller computing devicesthat are more and more powerful.And it goes from mainframesto mini computers,to desktop computers, laptops,portables, mobile phones.And so that evolution of powerand administration leadsyou to, well, what's next,what's next after the phone?And that really leads you tosomething as small as a watch.And the watch is a naturallocation on your body.If you start thinking aboutsomething that's even smallerthan a mobile phone, whichis already pretty small,it's like, well, where would you put it?How would you carry it?How would you look at it?And so attaching it toyour arm was a reallyreally natural place to do that.So that was really interesting.And so of course, goingthrough my head thenwas this is gonna be anincredibly challenging project.How do you even get acompelling interactionon a really tiny display?And battery life, of courseis gonna be an issue,which is a major challenge.And so designing around that wasfrom an engineering perspective,really interestingchallenge, which I love.And then also this great opportunity,and really a sense of responsibilityfor working on a device thatis actually on your body,like you wear with you,like that responsibilityis really significant.How do we make something that peoplewill feel really goodabout that supportive,and empowering for them, not bugging them.So that kind of philosophy around howwe design all of our interactionsis really sensitive to that.- Unlike Kevin, I had noidea what was going on.Apple is very good at making surethat we keep our surprises, surprisesfor both employees and our users.And so I was working on iOS,and actually what I worked on initiallywas the health appbecause I worked on iOS,and Kevin's team wasworking on the health app,but I was on the iOSproduct marketing side.And so we were working outhow to help tell the storyof this whole new health app in iOS eight.And what I thought was amazing waswe were gonna be able to talk about howyou could bring all ofyour health data togetherfrom third-party apps and devices,and little did I know (laughs)that one of those deviceswas soon to be Apple watch.So it was actually a reallyexciting thing for me,as you said, to be read inor sworn in on the secretof Apple watch much closer towhen we actually announced it.So I really wasn't told about ituntil I think just a fewweeks before the announcement.And I was very fortunateto be one of the peopleto show it off to ouraudience at the event,in the hands-on area.So I learned about it,honestly, just probablythe same way you did (chuckles) Renee,and that was a really neat thing for meto work at Apple and hearabout it like everyone else.So it was cool.- My dad worked at IBM andhe got an Apple two pluswe wouldn't have to drive downtownto use the mainframes.And I had an iPhone.I wouldn't even have to go back to my Macto do certain really important things.And then I got an Apple watchand it can't do as much as an iPhone,but it can do these brief frequent,but really critically important thingswithout me even havingto reach into my pocketor reach onto the desk for my iPhone.And it occurred to me thatit took until like iOS five,and iCloud before the iPhonewas really that independentfrom the Mac or the PC running iTunes,but systematically over the yearswith on-device logicand on-device app store,and bringing LTE over and just continuingnow you have the family sharingwhere you can set up a watch for somebody,you are systematically justincreasing the functionality.And I know that Apple is not shyabout cannibalizing their own devices.You'd much rather do it thanhave somebody else do it,but it is that like a...Not a predatory processwhere you're looking atthe iPhone and going,\"What can we do next?\"But is that like more of an organic thingwhere as time and technology allows,you'll just keep buildingup the functionalityand the things that we'recapable of doing from our wrist?- The work we're doingthere is really how canwe empower people with Apple watch,and in different situations whetheryou're near your phoneor away from your phone.And you've seen us doing that moreand more over time, for sure.But really the main focus is how all ofour devices work really well together.And it kind of, when youinteract with each one of themwhat are you trying to accomplish?And each of the devices has its own kindof personality and wayof going about things.So like you were saying with Apple watch,the little briefinteractions is really coreto how Apple watch works.And we started with that andthat's how it's differentthan like you're using your Mac,you'll tend to use it for longerperiods of time and phone.Like you were saying less than your Macbut more than your watch.So there are these kindof interaction timesthat are very differentacross the devices.And when we startedworking on Apple watch,we thought that timeof interaction might bemaybe something like 10 seconds.We were kind of estimating whatthose typical interactions might be like.And it was really interestingwhen we started actually livingwith the watch internally,we started learning that really,you wanna do those interactionseven in shorter times than that.More like two secondsrather than 10 seconds.And that's a tall order to dosome of these tasks in two seconds.We weren't sure how we could do that.So we paused what wewere doing for a moment,we had everybody go and brainstormfor a bunch of differentareas of the system.How could we possibly makethose happen in two seconds?Like no rules.Like you can do whatever you want.You can change theinteraction with the system,you can make shortcuts,you can take stuff out,whatever it is, make it two seconds.And we made a list of those things,and that was super productive.One of the examples ofthat is the messages app,when you receive a message,it used to be initially when you repliedyou had to kind of go into reply,and then go to a composeview and then press send.And that took more than two seconds.Now in messages, which hasbeen this way for a long timenow in the watch, whenyou receive a message,you can just scroll upwith your digital crown,there's a bunch of suggested repliesthat we've generated for you,and there's some you can edit if you want,and you just tap them.So scroll and tap, andsoon you receive a messagethat scroll and tap you can totally doin less than two seconds.And so we went acrossand did a bunch of thatsame for like wallet, doing Apple pay,like just a whole bunchof areas of the system,we went and tuned in.And that type of investment in timeand engineering makes a huge difference.And it's sometimes likewhat are you removing morethan what are you adding?- That's one of the things Ilove most about Apple watch,because like the, the downside of focusis sometimes tunnel vision,but it really seems likeover the last few yearseven though health and fitnesshave become so popular,have gotten so much attention,the original sort ofpromises of the Apple watchalso included payments and authentication,and remote control and communicationall these other things.And you've been systematicallyimproving those as wellwhether it's walkie-talkieor now the Intercom system,the new home app, way more robust.And one of the thingsthat interest me the mostis keys and IDs, becausethis just takes...It both simplifies the processof authentication, identityand control, but also greatly empowers it.Can you talk just a little bit,about how those new technologies work?- This is an area we've beenworking on for many yearsand it's really exciting.The infrastructure isreally well understood now,and we're at the beginningof it kind of rolling outthis generation of access to your home,your office, your car, hotel rooms.So each of thesecategories has its own wayof implementing this andthen we've designed iton Apple watch so you canjust use tap to access,just like you do with Apple pay using NFC.You can make them so theyhave express mode turned on,we call it, so you canjust tap and access,whatever it is you're using.And with the proximityof NFC, there's an intentyou're waving your devicein front of the lockto cause it to unlock.So there's not this guesswork aboutwhether it's unlocking or not.You still have a gesture that'sinvolved to do the unlock.So I think we've got reallya great approach to this nowand super excited forit to start rolling out.- Previously, we talked a lotabout how messages and photos,and things like that werereally what kept you connected.And now we have thisevolution of the watchwhere it's your identity.It allows you to controlthe things around youand access the places you love.And I mean, if you thinkabout Apple watches,your identity we started with Apple pay,when it's on your wrist,that's your identity.And we've recently usedit as your identityfor when you wanna unlock your iPhoneand you're wearing a mask.And now with these watch USAID updates,with things like state IDand the home app redesignand these other wallet features,it's really starting to bemore of this identity access,and control where it'sthe safety and securityof a device that's always on you.So it's really perfect forall of these capabilities.- I'm always continuously impressedand inspired by theaccessibility technologiesthat Apple brings toall of their products.But I think that demo of assistivetouch on the Apple watch,it just next level blew peoplelike straight up science fiction away.And I was wondering like,how do you sort of realizeall of this potentialand sometimes maybe even take it furtherthan anybody imagined.- Yeah, these are deep collaborationsacross multifunctional teams.So it's the design,accessibility, engineeringstorytelling, marketing,it's all the different teamswork on projects like this.And it's the combination thatreally makes them awesome.And on that one, therewere lots of explorationslike more gross movements ofyour arm, shaking your armrotating your arm, lotsof things like that.Those require energy as well.So we thought about likehow much energy does it taketo do these different gestures?And if you're using assistive touch,you wanna be really thoughtfulabout how much energyevery time and every interaction.And so we settled on acouple that work really wellfrom a low energy humanenergy perspective,but are really hard to sense.And the two are there's foursignals, clench, double clenchand then we did pinch and double pinch.And the sensing of that ishappening on your watch.And it's using the gyro,the accelerometers lookingat micro movements of your armwhen you do those gestures,it actually uses theheart rate sensor as well.It gets the imagingfeedback from from your armincluded with the gyroand the accelerometer.So those are all blendedtogether with machine learningand we've created modelsto capture these gestures.This wouldn't have beenpossible a few years ago,and it's just, as we'restarting to understand howwe can use these approachesin terms of building software.And also the capability of the performanceof Apple watch has gotten so incredible,we can run these things live now.And we've been working on accessibilityin Apple watch since day one,we've first shipped Apple watch.We were thinking about howto enable people with thisand it's been such a pleasure workingacross all the teams onthis and the team members,and the assistive technologyarea have just reallybeen brilliant and havebeen working as partof the integrated Apple watchteam since the beginning.- I love it, I love your dedication,like the plural yourdedication to accessibilityand also health, just the wayyou've been ramping up health.And please correct me if I'm wrong,but Apple watch has beena big focus of health,but now you have a mobilityand a sort of tyingin the iPhone in a way that'sreally Apple watch stylelike using the sensor fusionand the machine learningon device and taking all of that,and giving us really usefulpreventative information.And in my head, I'm thinking, wellit's the Apple pencilone day gonna be ableto tell me I have RSI or carpal tunnel,like is this the beginningof some great Appleecosystem health thing,but I'm curious like whenyou see this escalatingacross multiple Apple devices now, Deidre,well, first, can you talk about bringingthis kind of technology to the iPhone,and maybe how people will use itor get the most out of using it?- Yeah, I mean, I thinkyou said it perfectlywhen you said that we do kind of thinkabout our entire ecosystem of devices,and the capabilities withineach of those devices.And really our goal isalways to empower peopleto better manage their health.And whether there aresensors on the watch,or the phone, or Applepencil that can offerthat empowerment for ourusers, that's actuallywhere we'll focus theinvestment and the energy.And, you know, with walking steadiness,it's something that, as yousaid, we really wanted to thinkabout how can we prevent these falls.We introduced fall detectionwith Apple watch series four.And of course it's beenincredibly rewardingto hear the stories from our userswho have benefited from that feature.But if you think about it, goshwouldn't it be better if that fallhad never occurred in the first place.And we know that Apple watchhas amazing health sensors,the motion sensors, the heart rate sensor,even we're using the microphonefor health features with the noise app,but the iPhone also has asyou know, motion sensors.And in this particular case,the motion sensors on the phoneand where you actually carry your iPhone,typically in your backpocket or your front pocketor maybe a shoulder bagor a cross body bag,those sensors actually canpick up those subtle signalsfrom your hip movementthat can actually giveus the fidelity that wewe need to provide youwith those mobility metrics,that can then give you the signalfor when you might be at anincreased risk of falling.So of course the watch similarlyhas powerful motion sensorsand some of those mobility metricsare from the watch thingslike stair ascent speedand stair descent speed.We can only get that from the watch,because of the way thewatch is positioned,and you often may nothave your phone with youwhen you're going up and down stairs.And so we're trying tothink about the best placeto get the best data, toprovide the best experience.And in this case, the iPhonewas really best positionedfor this and that certainlygives us the opportunityto offer it to all of the iPhone users,and not just Apple watch users,but we know that combination of phoneand watches is really powerfulfor a lot of these health features.- Always felt to me like thephone was like the star shipand the watch was like the shuttle craft.- Ooh.- And you can just get so much doneby going back and forth--- I love it, I love it.- Between those things.- Walking steadinessactually came initiallyfrom fall detection.So we're doing falldetection in Apple watch,we're all working onit and it's incrediblehow that's been helping people,and we still get letters about that,but we were thinkingas we're working on it,well how can we preventpeople from falling?Like, rather than justdetecting that they're fallingcan we actually stop them from falling?And that just led through thisreally interesting journeyof discovery and brainstorming about whilewe may not be able to stop youin the moment from falling--- (indistinct) very carefully,walked around disclosingany potential anti-gravityfall prevention technology,(Kevin laughs)that you might have inplay after you teased usso mercilessly with the teleportation,a couple of years ago,and then Craig escalatedto portal technology,through his aperturescience app just this week.So I appreciate that yourwhatever vibranium casingyou're using is still in the future,but you're trying to giveus tools we can use today.- In the meantime exactlydoing what we can, exactly.- Yes.- We actually did this really deep workthat has taken years of sensingthese different attributesthat Deidre was mentioning.And then doing studies where we partly usethe Apple heart movement study for thiswas about a hundredthousand people in that.And so we were able to use theinsights that we've gatheredfrom people's movements in that study,to actually see what wouldbe predictive of falls.And so that's what this walkingstudy this metric came from,was the modeling of those metrics.And then seeing which onesindicated most clearlythat you had potential to fall.And that was supplementedby studies specificallyon this topic too, wherewe had cohorts of people,where we were doing traditionalwalking studies with them,like observations andquestionnaire filling outand things like that,kind of traditionalcharacterization of potential falls.And then we tracked those users with,you know, they were part of the study,and as people did fall overthe next kind of year or two,we were able to go back,and look at those authentic falls,and see what the indicators were earlierand what led to those.And you can't fake that youcan't just do prep fake falls,you have to have actual falls.So it takes a long time toreally get that pre-work done,see it actually happeningand model it correctly.- It feels like we'regetting into like phase twoof all of this technology,where in the beginningyou were just buildingup more and more sensorsand more and more data.And maybe labs is like the currentultimate expression of that.But now that you haveall of this rich datayou're providing things like trends,but not only are youlooking at the trends,you have this Edward Tufty inabilityto take all of this medical information,and make it just so human digestible,like, just in terms of the interfaceand the graphing and all of that,how do you sort of deal with these ancientsometimes very inhuman data sets,and make them so people whoare legitimately stressedlike they have health anxietycan get so much benefitfrom just seeing it easily displayedmaybe for the first time?- Yeah, so trends is like,how do we draw insightsacross all kinds of differentdata types in a simple way.And again, we use a lot of modelingfrom the studies that we've been doingto look at patterns and the significanceof those patterns for people.And so we basically have built systemsthat do statisticalrelevance of these insights.So not just showing younumbers that maybe biggeror smaller, but which ones might matter.So there's a lot ofthoughtfulness by data typeabout the variances in which typesof variances might matterfor which data types.And then we look atcomparing the past month,through the past six months,and then we look for the changesthat might be notable in that time.And there was also a lot of work on like,how many of these trendsmight we show people?We don't wanna show people too many trends'cause it's kind of overwhelming,but also you don't wannalike not show any trends.And so we did a lot ofexperimentation on tuning that into get it to a point where itwas a useful relevant trendswithout being too many.- One of the things I'm curious aboutI get asked this question all the timeand I'm sure you do aswell now, especiallythat you have iPhonenow involved in health.And I was joking aboutthe Apple pencil before,but for example, the iPad,when you look across the Apple ecosystemand you start thinkingabout a future where,you know, maybe itdoesn't make as much senseto have these particularfeatures on an iPadbecause you don't carry it the same way.It's not with you the same amount of time,it doesn't have the same sensorsor connectivity all the time,but maybe it's really great for reportingor for a big screen tosee all these infographicsthat you're doing such a good job on,is health something thatyou really do look atin terms of the entire Apple ecosystem?- Yeah, absolutely.I mean, if you thinkabout the health featureswe have today, there areobviously several on Apple watchand iPhone, there's alsosome health featureswith Air Pods and some ofour audio products, right?I mean, so there'sabsolutely an opportunityfor us to leverage theubiquity of our devices,to discover new ways thatwe can empower peopleto better manage their health.And we'll continue toinvestigate those areas,we'll continue to invest in those areas.I think with the new featuresthat we introduced this year,we are excited to hearfrom more and more userswho are going to take advantageof these great features,for example, with health sharing,we know that we hearfrom so many of our usersthat they're feelingthis this burden really,or this overwhelmingsense to care for boththeir children and their aging parents.And to be able to do that in a way that,just have it in oneplace in their health appwhere they can see their own health data,but then also the healthdata of their loved ones.And in a way that's private and secure,where not only do theirfamily members feel safewhen they're sharing their data,but also the people thatthey're sharing with knowthat it's a secure connectionbetween the two of them.- I love that so much.And I love your approach toprivacy and security so much,because I think it's easy to be extremistlike Info Sec extremistabout these things.Yes, you wanna keep yourhealth data private,but if you're an absolutist about it,you can't share it with your doctoror with your kids or your parents data,or maybe you're not physicallycapable of using that,but your caregiver is the one you want to,and I love that you're being so,like you're doing informed consentwhich to me is everything.But when people are willing to do that,you're empowering them to use that data,beyond just locking it upand making it actuallyfunctional for them.- Exactly, and I think to yourpoint about informed consentthat's why the way webuilt the experience,it was with all of our featuresprivacy is at the core,you are in complete controlover the data you shareand who you share it with.You can of course stopsharing at any time.You can choose very granularlywhich pieces of data you wanna share.If you've had a chance togo through the experience,you can even see apreview of what the personyou're sharing with will be able to see,so that you can be surethat's what you wanna share.And it's not just control, right?It's also transparency.So you'll never share datathat you can't see yourself,and all of those principlesare at the core of these features.And we'll continue to ensurethat that's the casein the future as well.- One of the things we'vedone which is wonderfulis we've added kind of this disciplineto the mix of making products,which is the clinical side.So clinicians working withgreat health backgrounds,working on and that'sreally helped us makesome great strides in the workthat we're doing here around health,and have it be somethingthat's super relevant medicallyto people, especially when wedo the doctor sharing stuff,like how do we make a dashboardthat a physician can look atand understand very quickly,'cause these interactionstend not to be very long.And so you've got to really understandsomeone's information really fast.And so we put a lot of energyinto the design of those views,so that that would besuper relevant to a doctor.And on the privacy side of that,that was really interesting too,because the end point of thatis not an Apple device usuallyit's a computer runningelectronic health record system,and they're viewing the patient's records,they're inside the health institution.And so how do we get this informationfrom their Apple watch and their iPhoneto show up in that other device?And yet, have it be completelyend-to-end encryptedand secure in a way thatApple can't see the data.And we're actuallyserving that to that EHRthrough a web viewinside of those systems.And so we generate a view of the datathat comes from the person'sphone into this web viewand download it onto the EHRso they can see it right in place.And it's in context, itknows which person's datato bring up 'cause of the current personthey're viewing the rest ofthe information for in the EHR.But the encryption of that data is handledwith an encryption keythat's shared betweenthe user's phone andthat health's institutionthat Apple doesn't have.And so the package of data is encryptedon the user's device, sentvia the cloud down to the EHR,and you get this encryptedpackage of data with them.If you looked at it intransit, you couldn't tell whatit was, it's this encrypted blob,but it shows up and it'sdecrypted at the last secondinside the browser of the doctor's view.So that's where it kind of unpacks itselfand shows it in the view.And then when the doctorstops looking at itit's not there anymore and it's encrypted.- I have this beautiful dreamwhere one day when the world stops ending,I'm back in South Bay with all of youand maybe I'm at bitter andsweet having a red velvet latte.And my Apple watch goes off and alerts meto a potential health concern,and I'm just a Canadian on US soil.So I go to the local clinicand I can just tap my Apple watchand it immediately authorizeslike all my health records,all my allergies, my medication,everything that has to do with me,maybe it Apple pays my copaymentor my insurance deductible.It does everything thatI would otherwise haveto sit there with endless clipboards,endless phone calls, in apanic having to go through.And it handles that aseasily as it may be handledat transit interaction today.And so my question is not somuch about future technologiesbut about when you'reapproaching all of these things,how much of it to you isjust like yearly updatesversus the stars that you seehanging above the horizon?- We're at the beginning ofthis work in health I would say,even as we've done anumber of things already,there's so much potential here.And then some of the thingsyou just outlined are lotsof great challenges thatstill exist in the worldaround health and sharing information.And we're at the beginning.So the work we do is long-term.So we do work that, youknow, may show up kindof on an annual basis or so,but that work is reallybacked by in some cases,years of work, that justhappened to align at that time.So there's a pattern of that.Some of it's short-term,some of it's long-term,but our thinking isdefinitely long-term aboutwhat we can do here forApple watch and for health.And for both of thosethings, it's early still,like we've done a bunch of great stuff,but the ideas are still aheadfor us to do a lot more.It's just really exciting.- Deidre I mean, Tim Cooksaid that health is oneof the things that Apple'sgonna be remembered for.So zero pressure, right?- Zero pressure.But if you think about it, there's the,you know, we talk about this a lot,but it really warrants continued emphasis.We are just so moved by these letterswe hear from our users.And I think that's whyTim makes these comments,because we are all just so fortunateto be able to read theseletters and you hear,oh gosh, I had no ideaI had this conditionand I I bought an Apple watch,because I wanted to get my messageswhen I'm on a run or Ibought an Apple watch,because I wanted to bemotivated to work out more.And I had no idea I had this, this issue,or I was out kite surfing,and I had an issue and I rememberedI had a cellular Apple watch (chuckles)that's also water resistant.And so I could just make a phone call.And so I think the wayI think about it is wein some ways have alreadymade quite an impacton our users lives in away that I don't thinkwe would have imagined,when we were first building Apple watch.But I also think to exactly Kevin's point,this is just the beginning,because those stories are reallywhat inspire us to do moreand to invest in these areaswhere we think we canmake a real differencein people's lives.And so we're so excitedto continue to do this.- I've said a few times that I think,and I don't want Cayenneor Craig to gift it to me,but I've said several timesthat I think that Apple watchis just the most importantdevice that Apple has ever made,because it like, yes, aPC, a phone can save lives,but the Apple watch has so many featuresthat are designed just forthe purpose of improving,preventing, helping, contacting for life.And I think just thankyou, you personally,and the teams for all thework and all the effortand all the thoughtfulness and compassion,and empathy that you'veput into each year,every year, making it just a betterand better device, not just for me,but like many people, I'vegiven it to my parents,I've given it to my siblings,and it's made a tremendous,tremendous difference.So sincerely thank you.- Thank you, Renee, it's like an honor.The whole team feels thisexcitement and dedicationto working on this projectfor very much the reasonsyou're talking about,and it feels like responsibility as well.It comes back to theApple watch being worn.I mean, it's on your body,it's there all the time.And that's a unique thing.And a lot of goodness can come from thatand a lot of support for people.So I've never worked on somethingas meaningful andcompelling as this project,I never have worked on somethingwhere we constantly get users writingto us about how this hasaffected their lives,I've worked on some reallygreat things over time,but this one really isspecial in that regard.And it just keeps coming, Deidre,we get these stories all the time,and we share them across the team.So people write, Tim,Tim forwards them around or to us,like we collect all these lettersup, it's the emails mostlyand the whole team reads them,and that's super inspiring.And some of them are great letters,some of them are like, Hey,you guys can do better on XYZ.We share those too,which is really helpfulif you do write those in,know that actually we read those,and it really affects our thinkingabout what we wereworking on in the product.So yeah, it's an amazingthing to be working on this.\n"