How To Play Spotify On Streamlabs Obs + Spotify Overlay [2020]

**The Streamlabs OBS Master Course: Playing Spotify on Your Stream**

If you decide to play Spotify on your stream, you will also need this widget. Let's set them both up.

**(inspirational music)**

What's up, everyone? Jelle here, with The Video Nerd, and welcome to the Streamlabs OBS master course. Today's subject is Spotify. I will teach you how you can play Spotify on stream, then add an overlay to make sure everyone can see what songs are playing at the moment, and then I will show you how you can make sure that your stream can hear Spotify, but you cannot.

So, for example, for when you are playing Fortnite and you need to hear the footsteps. Playing Spotify on your stream is actually very simple. The only thing you need to do is go to Spotify, and press play. Right now, you can see that my PC audio is moving. This is my microphone, so don't mind that. But, Spotify is playing on my normal audio, and I can hear it coming through my headphones, so my stream will also hear Spotify.

You can then easily adjust the level of Spotify, because for your stream it will have to be a bit less loud. So, here we go, it's all set up if you just want Spotify to be playing on your stream. Right now, we will add an overlay, because everyone will be asking you what is this song, what was the previous song, things like that.

**Adding the Spotify Overlay**

Let's delete it. Okay, first of all, we need to go to this website, and I will also put the link in the description. Then the first thing you do is you copy this link, right here. Select it, copy it, and then press on this blue link. Oh, it takes you to another page, and there you have to paste your code that you just copied, and press Enter.

This will give you a script that you can put in the Streamlabs OBS settings. This script is what we call an overlay, and it will display the current song title and artist on top of our stream.

**Setting Up Spotify as an Audio Device**

Now, let's talk about how to set up Spotify as an audio device. So, go to the settings, to the audio settings, and now you need to add Spotify as an audio device, too. When I click right here, I can see that this is the audio device to which I sent Spotify. I will select High Definition Audio Device, and I will need to do it again.

Okay, now it worked! I will press Done, and now you can see in the Mixer that there are three audio outputs. Of course, the webcam, but this doesn't mean anything. And now, Spotify is playing through this audio device, instead of through my headphones.

**Leveling Out the Audio**

Now, of course, you will want to level these things out, because probably Spotify will be playing too loud for your stream. To do this, next to the Mixer, click on the gear icon. And right here, we can see all these three audio devices which are sending audio to our stream.

What you want to do is choose one of these two options, it doesn't matter as long as you're not online. Just click on this one, then click on this one. And now, through my headphones, I will be hearing the headphones audio, of course, so my game, but also my microphone, and also Spotify.

**Monitoring the Audio**

So, right now, what you want to do is you want to play a game, and then talk to yourself, and listen if Spotify is too loud, if your microphone is too loud, and then come back here and level things out. Probably you will need to lower the audio of Spotify, so instead of 100, I will select 40.

Then you go back to your game, you talk to yourself, and when you think, okay all the levels are perfectly set up, you come back here, and then you turn off the monitoring, and then everything is set up, so now Spotify will be playing on your stream, you will not be able to hear it, and there's an overlay for people who want to know what music is playing.


Now, you cannot close this program while streaming, because then the audio will be sent to your main audio port, again. So just minimize this program and keep it open in the background. And then you're done! Remember that this was only one of all the guides in the Streamlabs OBS Master Course, so if learning more about Streamlabs OBS is something you're interested in, click on the playlist, right there.

And if you want to learn more about streaming and promoting yourself, don't forget to subscribe and turn on the notification bell. So I will see you in my next video! Have a good day!

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- If you decide to playSpotify on your stream,you will also need this widget.Let's set them both up.(inspirational music)What's up, everyone?Jelle here, with The VideoNerd, and welcome to theStreamlabs OBS master course.Today's subject is Spotify.I will teach you how youcan play Spotify on stream,then add an overlay tomake sure everyone can seewhat songs are playing at the moment,and then I will show youhow you can make surethat your stream can hearSpotify, but you cannot.So, for example, for whenyou are playing Fortniteand you need to hear the footsteps.Playing Spotify on your streamis actually very simple.The only thing you needto do is go to Spotify,and press play.Right now you can see thatmy PC audio is moving.This is my microphone, so don't mind that.But, Spotify is playingon my normal audio,and I can hear it comingthrough my headphones,so my stream will also hear Spotify.You can then easily adjustthe level of Spotify,because for your stream it willhave to be a bit less loud.So, here we go, it's all setupif you just want Spotify tobe playing on your stream.Right now, we will add an overlay,because everyone will beasking you what is this song,what was the previoussong, things like that.So, let's just add a beautifulsong overlay like this one,and I will show you how todo it from the beginning.So, let's delete it.Okay, first of all, weneed to go to this website,and I will also put thelink in the description.Then the first thing you do,is you copy this link, right here.So, select it, copy it, andthen press on this blue link.Oh, it takes you to another page,and there you have to pasteyour code that you just copied,and press Enter.This will give a popup with another link,which you have to copy.So, completely, 'til the end, right here.Press control C, or if you're on a Mac,command C.And then you go back toyour Streamlabs OBS program.Now, you add a new sourceand you take Browser Source.Okay?Let's call it Spotify, andthen click Add New Source.And then replace the URL righthere with the URL we justcopied from the popup.Then, as your width, select 350 pixels.As your height, you select 100 pixels,and you press done, and you seethe overlay already started,because my Spotify is playing.Let's make it a bit biggerfor the video, right now.So, when you go to Spotify,this song is playing right here,and it's also playing on stream.And when I press pause, right here,you will see that itdisappears from the stream.When I play it again,it will appear again,and it looks very good.So, I think this is amazing.But, what if you're playing a gamewhere the Audio is reallyimportant for footsteps,or things like that?There's also a solution to make sure thatyou do not hear Spotify,but your stream does.But for that, we need todownload another program.So, go to Google, and searchfor audio router download.And then the first thing thatappears is a GitHub link,and that's where you need to be.So, scroll a bit down, and right here,you can copy two versions.There's the 64-bit version,and the 32-bit version.I will choose this one.And then it downloads.You open it, and then whenyou try to double clickon Audio Router, it will askyou to unpack everything.So you select Unpack Everything,and you choose a location where you wantto store the program.Okay, so I unpacked everything.And now we double click on Audio Routerto start the program.And then right here we cansee all our audio sourcesand our programs.And what you need to dois you click on the arrowbeneath Spotify, you click Routeand you need to select an audio device.So, the headphones is themain audio device for me,and that's where Spotify isplaying through right now,so, my headset.And now, you need tosearch an audio devicewhich you are not using.So for me, that's this one.High Definition Audio Device.I'm not using this, there'sno audio being sent to that,so, I will select this one,and when I press OK, now,Spotify will be sent to this audio outputinstead of through my headphones,so I will not be able to hear it anymore.So press OK.So now Spotify will be playingthrough the other audio device.So, let's go back to Streamlabs OBS,and then let's play something on Spotify,just to test things out.Now, you can see eventhough Spotify is playing,and the overlay appears right here,you can see that theheadphones are not movingbecause there's nothingcoming out of these.Spotify is not beingsent to the headphones,it's being sent to the other audio export.So, go to the settings,to the audio settings,and now you need to add Spotifyas an audio device, too.So, when I click right here,I can see that this is the audio deviceto which I sent Spotify.So, I will select HighDefinition Audio Device,and I will need to do it again.Okay, now it worked.I will press Done, and nowyou can see in the Mixer,that there are three audio outputs.Of course, the webcam, butthis doesn't mean anything.And now, Spotify is playingthrough this audio device,instead of through my headphones.Now, of course, you will wantto level these things out,because probably Spotifywill be playing too loudfor your stream.So, to do this, next to the Mixer,click on the gear icon.And right here, we can seeall these three audio devices,which are sending audio to our stream.Now, what you want to do, of course,we will already be hearing ourgame through our headphones,so this is all right.But, we will need to enablemonitoring for our microphone,and for our Spotify.So, choose one of these two options,it doesn't matter as longas you're not online.So, just click on this one,then click on this one.And now, through my headphones,I will be hearing theheadphones audio, of course,so my game, but also my microphone,and also Spotify.So, right now, what you want to do isyou want to play a game,and then talk to yourself,and listen if Spotify is too loud,if your microphone is too loud,and then come back here,and level things out.So, probably you willneed to lower the audioof Spotify, so insteadof 100, I will select 40.Then you go back to yourgame, you talk to yourself,and when you think, okay allthe levels are perfectly setup,you come back here, and thenyou turn off the monitoring,and then everything is setup,so now Spotify will be playingon your stream, you willnot be able to hear it,and there's an overlay forpeople who want to knowwhat music is playing.Now, you cannot close thisprogram while streaming,because then the audio will be sentto your main audio port, again.So just minimize this program,and keep it open in the background.And then you're done.Remember that this wasonly of all the guidesin the Streamlabs OBS Master Course,so if learning more about Streamlabs OBSis something you're interested in,click on the playlist, right there.And if you want to learn moreabout streaming and promoting yourself,don't forget to subscribe andturn on the notification bell.So I will see you in my next video.Have a good day.