Fast, Reliable Storage - Terramaster D2 Thunderbolt 3 Review

The Terra Master d2 Thunderbolt 3: A Portable RAID Storage Server for Professionals

As we take a closer look at this portable RAID storage server, it's clear that it's designed with professionals like ourselves in mind. The device itself is compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport and set up wherever you need it. In fact, I've been using it as a scratch disk for Final Cut Pro, and I can attest to its performance.

One of the standout features of this RAID storage server is its speed. With Thunderbolt 3 connectivity, it boasts an impressive 40 gigabits per second transfer rate, making it one of the fastest options available. But what really sets it apart is its reliability and durability. Even after being dropped, which I can attest to having happened (it was being transported in a vehicle when someone opened the back door, and it fell out), the device still worked flawlessly.

The device comes with a Thunderbolt 3 cable, as well as a power adapter and screwdriver for easy installation and removal of drives. The drives themselves are hot-swappable, allowing you to easily swap them out or add more storage as needed. In fact, I was able to use a full-size 3.5 hard drive, which is surprising given the device's compact size.

The exterior design of the Terra Master d2 Thunderbolt 3 is sleek and aluminum, with an aluminum enclosure that houses a handle on top for easy transport. The front and back are made of plastic, but don't let that fool you - this device is built to last. On the front, there's a button for power, as well as two drive bays that can accommodate up to 28 terabytes of storage.

But what really gets me excited about this device is its ease of use. The settings on the bottom of the device allow you to configure it in RAID 0, RAID 1, or JBOD modes, depending on your needs. And if you want to format the drives into a different configuration, all you have to do is press the reset button and hold it for a few seconds - it's that simple.

In terms of storage options, the Terra Master d2 Thunderbolt 3 can accommodate up to 28 terabytes of storage, which is impressive considering its compact size. And with hot-swappable drives, you can easily add more storage as needed without having to worry about losing any data. I was able to use solid-state drives in mine, which provided fast performance and reliability.

One thing that's worth noting is that the device doesn't come with a built-in fan, but the exhaust fan on the back does a great job of keeping things cool even during extended use. And with the DC output and display port, you can easily connect it to your computer or monitor for easy setup.

In my testing, I found that the Terra Master d2 Thunderbolt 3 performed flawlessly, even when using it as a scratch disk for Final Cut Pro editing 4K video straight off the drive array. The read and write speeds were incredibly fast, with 770 megabytes per second read speed and 574 megabytes per second write speed.

Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the Terra Master d2 Thunderbolt 3 portable RAID storage server. Its performance, reliability, and ease of use make it an excellent option for professionals who need a reliable and efficient way to store and manage their data on the go. And at $249, it's a great value considering everything that comes with it.

For those interested in purchasing this device, I highly recommend it. It's easy to set up and use, even for those who are new to RAID storage. And with its durable construction and impressive performance, you can trust that your data will be safe and secure. So if you're looking for a portable RAID storage server that checks all the boxes, look no further than the Terra Master d2 Thunderbolt 3.

But don't just take my word for it - I'd love to hear from you! Have you used TerraMaster products before? Do you have any thoughts on this device or its performance? Let me know in the comments below. And if you've subscribed already, please keep an eye out for more videos and content from me. If you haven't subscribed yet, be sure to hit that notification bell and subscribe now so you can stay up-to-date on all my latest videos.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andthis is the Terra Master d2 thunderbolt3 and this is a little portable raidstorage server or RAID storage array asyou can see here on the bottom and it isreally really nice I've been using itfor the past couple of weeks as ascratch disk for Final Cut Pro we'lltalk more about that in a moment and itcomes in at two hundred and forty nineninety nine so this is a Thunderboltthree raid array so it can go up to 40gigabits per second so with this storageserver you've got a Thunderbolt 3 cablethat's included you've also got yourpower adapter here and then you've got alittle screw driver so that you canremove the drives or install them solet's set these aside now let's take alook around the outside now this is analuminum enclosure with a handle on thetop it's all aluminum the front and backare plastic now on the front we have abutton for powerwe've got hard disk drive one hard diskdrive - and we've got our two drive baysand we'll take a look at that in amomentnow I did actually drop this and you cansee there's some dents here so this isplastic nothing was wrong with thedriver a but it held up well and I don'tnormally drop these things but itactually was being transported someoneopened the back of my vehicle and itfell out so I picked it up and that'swhat was wrong with it but it works fineno problems there so it seems to bepretty durable now on the back we have afan it's an exhaust fan and then we alsohave our DC in we've got a littledisplay port here and then we've gotThunderbolt 3 2 ports so this allows fora pass-through so if you want to plug inconnect to your computer and then pluginto a monitor you can do that or addanother storage array and then on thebottom you've got some settings soyou've got raid 0 raid 1j-bot and single and then a little resetbutton now if we take a look at thedrive bays these allow for up to 28terabytes of storage so if we pull theseout they're hot swappable as well you'llsee I actually have solid-state drivesin them and that's because I wanted faststorage for actually editing video nowyou can use a full size 3.5 hard drivelike I have here so this just fits inhere you'll see it fits nicely on topno issues there it would fit and it'sthe same SATA connector that you're usedto with the little power adapter andincluded is all of the different screwsto install this it only would acceptthree for this arrangement on thisparticular drive but it works just fineno issues there whatsoever now it's niceand light because of this and these arealso hot swappable so if you were usingit you could pull these out of courseI've had this in raid zero so youprobably don't want to do that and forthose of you that are not familiar withraid 0 raid zero actually writes to bothdrives at the exact same time allowingit to speed up now if you're using harddrives you could use a hard drive like Isaid up to 28 terabytes total and itwill go as fast as your drives can oreven right now tera master says ofcourse you've got the Thunderbolt 3interface that will go up to 40 gigabitsper second but they also say 760megabytes a second for read or writespeed now I put that to the test I wasusing this as a scratch disk and FinalCut Pro editing 4k video straight off ofthe drive array no issues whatsoever itworks really well and actually in factjust to put this into RAID you turn itto raid 0 hold reset it formats thedrives and you're good to go there'snothing more to it it was super simpleand then I just plugged it in and itshowed up on my desktop and I was ableto edit video no problem and then when Iran a speed test I got five hundred andseventy four point seven megabytes writespeed and then 770 point six megabytesper second read speed which isincredibly fast and no issues there I'mpretty happy with that so Terra mastersays seven hundred and sixty I got sevenhundred and seventy as far as read speedwith these two solid-state drives that'sgoing to be your fastest option now ifyou want it just for storage and youdon't care as much about read and writethe actual speed is going to depend onyour hard drives that you're using butother than that this is a great littleraid array it's been reliable I've hadno issues with itand it seems to work as advertised andfor 249 it's not bad especially becauseit includes that Thunderbolt 3 cable andseems to work really well but Idefinitely recommend this if you'relooking for a portable raid array andyou need something that's simple andjustlike I said to format these into thedifferent raid array all you do is holdthat little button reset after youchange it to what you want and it justresets and wipes the dries and you'regood to go then you can see them in yourDisk Utility use it with Windows Mac itdoesn't matter but usually withThunderbolt 3 you'll be using it withMac and it works great for Final Cut Probut let me know your thoughts in thecomments below if you've used TerraMaster products I'd love to hear whatyou have to say in the comments belowand if you use this one specifically I'dlove to hear your thoughts on it as wellif you haven't subscribed already pleasesubscribe and hit that notification bellif you'd like to get the videos as soonas they're released and if you enjoyedthis video please give it a like asalways thanks for watching this is AaronI'll see you next time\n"