► PS4 Evaluation.. So far (God of War 3)
The PlayStation 4 has been making waves in the gaming industry with its impressive lineup of exclusive titles and innovative features. One of the most notable aspects of the console is its ability to capture high-quality screenshots, which will be essential for aspiring photographers and gamers alike. However, the quality and functionality of this feature are still uncertain, leaving many to wonder if it's worth investing in.
The PlayStation 4 has also been touted as a social media powerhouse, with features such as Facebook integration and live streaming capabilities that allow users to share their gaming experiences with friends and family. The console's partnership with popular streamers is a significant aspect of its appeal, and the promise of exclusive content and behind-the-scenes access has generated significant excitement among gamers.
Another major selling point for the PlayStation 4 is its game development capabilities. With the release of the new game engine, developers will have access to a range of tools and features that will enable them to create more immersive and engaging gaming experiences. The console's ability to support up to four players online co-op has also been a major draw for gamers looking for a social gaming experience.
One of the most significant concerns for potential buyers is the lack of innovation in certain areas, such as the control layout and graphics capabilities. Some gamers have expressed disappointment with the console's lack of change from its predecessor, with some arguing that it feels too similar to previous consoles.
The PlayStation 4 has also been criticized for its reliance on third-party developers, with some arguing that this limits the console's appeal to a specific subset of gamers. However, others have pointed out that the console's versatility and range of features make it an attractive option for gamers with different tastes and preferences.
In terms of exclusives, the PlayStation 4 has been touted as a major selling point, with titles such as "The Last of Us" and "Bloodborne" generating significant buzz among gamers. The console's ability to support a wide range of genres and gameplay styles is also seen as a major advantage, making it an attractive option for gamers looking for something new and different.
Despite its many strengths, the PlayStation 4 has not been without its controversies. One of the most notable concerns is the console's reliance on Sony's exclusive franchises, which some argue limits the console's appeal to a specific subset of gamers. However, others have pointed out that these exclusives are often high-quality and engaging experiences that set the console apart from its competitors.
Another area of concern for potential buyers is the console's online gaming capabilities. While the PlayStation 4 has been touted as a major selling point in this area, some gamers have expressed disappointment with the console's lack of innovation and features. However, others have pointed out that the console's ability to support up to four players online co-op is a significant advantage for gamers looking for a social gaming experience.
In terms of sales, the PlayStation 4 has been a major success for Sony, with the console selling millions of units worldwide. The console's popularity can be attributed to its impressive lineup of exclusive titles, innovative features, and strong online gaming capabilities.
Overall, the PlayStation 4 is an attractive option for gamers looking for a high-quality gaming experience. With its impressive lineup of exclusives, innovative features, and strong online gaming capabilities, the console has something to offer every type of gamer. While there are some concerns about the console's limitations and controversies, many have pointed out that these can be overcome with careful consideration and research.
For those interested in exploring more of what the PlayStation 4 has to offer, a survey monkey link is available in the description below. Additionally, fans are encouraged to submit their own stories and experiences with the console by leaving comments below.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enbarrett has what's going on a bus hereand you're watching them gone for threeafrican and have something from theplaystation three onto talk about my name expandable more onmy thoughts on the u_p_s_ fourand if you'd like to see more gonnabordering on minister during you knowsubscriber request videos and gains andthen segments of the month to see morefrom god of war three let me know whenwe come in section belowwe can either get a let's play startedup on this channel or the ten emotionchannelor i can do some kind of goofy videos orjust random likepenicillin for us play but just like acollection of moments from playing verywell extremely nor something so women onthe council symbol or belowor you can vote for it on the surveymonkey stream where i have a bunch ofgames listed in you can drink whether ornot you gonna watch myrnacheck that link in the description belowso that the s for which justannounced in disgust inand talked a little bit about it all inthe union addition video that came outand wednesdaybecome one of expanding my thoughtsplans for it but personal blogsof the council as a wholecutefor those who missed in the p as for isdue for release in holiday it this yearthey will it doesn't have an officialpursue but rumors are that it's overfour hundred dollarsas far as specs goyou'll be running in exceed six sixtyfour indeed jaguar etc or cebuin an enhanced brady on gpsand they're both going beyond the sametime so it's gonna be one of theiraccelerated pressures processing unitsor if you useis gonna have to be gigabytes of judy rfive g_d_p_ are five ramgun i have an onboard hard drive of somebig size but nothing's s finean optical blue ridge drive of course tousd three point all ports bluetooth twopoint one connectionhere that onethe gene in wifi unusual video outputsof componentcompositeopticaland htm minenowi think that's the just for can honestlysteve the xbox or run for its money issuing thepeople can look down still in the canassert that it may haveoverall d_p_s_ for a looks like it'sgoing to be a fantastic consulwith a lot to offer the gaming communitybut again you gotta love passive couplesmall mistakes potentiallyone being that if they originallypromised that it would be less than fourhundred dollars alike is that it'srumored to be four fifty two fivehundredfamily would be the timing has come inour right one em bright after bunch areally good p_s_ three games come outwhich won't most likely be available onthe bs four unless they do like they didwith the as previous tworeally common on both systemsbut frankly i don't see that happeningbut as far as the consul itselfwith the introduction of streaming gamesand downloading pretty much been eatingyour want onto the consolethat is going to be the wave of thefuture and it's good that we're havingthat now so that will be great for theconsole especially since they said thatprevious position that my previousgeneration games will be availablemore and more in time on that consoleand the fact that a strain on a computerlike actual pc processormeans that it will return them to easierto develop fornobody will have an excuse for notdeveloping on the bs for and will meanthat ports between the p_c_ and p_s_forum will be a lot betternow on to specific things mentionedthe dual suck for controller afterresentment is not a don't rock and rollit is able to talk for controllingusa looks lovely but that doesn't matterbecauseit doesn't have to be pretty just has towork it looks like your workyouth on six look really cool looks likeaposition with the controller's officethis week on a mission of the tools forfreethe playstation move controllers and thefeederwhich is kinda weird but i like ituh... phone six oh come importance ofthe don't they have like a littleinvention was still part of a domelooks like it'll be better on your filmsand has the attachmentthat i really sure what i think aboutthat it will and i think it'll be coolon some things especially if you'reusing someone with the cursor like inthe web browser what everbecause that would be your cursorcontrol and that would be great tunesfighting the rats but as far as in gamemechanicsunless it'syou know just for a many like thatmeadow dingell a kind of thingit's not meet you can just retail foryour home controller in use in a momentand it's uh...not sure how that's going to get anagreementdelight for which reacts with the miniconnectand anna and i think something alongthose lines as the standard of thosepoints was nothing wrong with thatthey will be interesting to see how theyget to use fornothing majorand then the combined at the startunselectablespilled waterhappened we don't really need both it soconical laptopand the musher button that's ads underthe cloud featureswoolsey haven't keptskidding onto the cloud slow me bookclubdeveloped by a guy kaithere are some good and bad things butthat's the streaming games and again anyname for many places in a racially isgood for future person consul and itwill be good overalldespite what people thought and peoplespeople thinkthat also means that there's nonew disc you know actual disc gamebackwards compatibilityfrankly this will make or break theself-rule people unfortunatemeanwhile yes they do have the blue rarelaser so theoretically it should boliviathree gamesit's again running on a pc seaviewinstead of the more complexyes the reprocessingsystems and that is like thatso there won't be over the role in thecodeoriginally developedyesterdaythe deck as mentioned that in the futurehistorians and of course lol poisoningin central will be stream of warnow whether or not you have to buy themagain and i will be up in there but mostlikely willbut what the digital age it isin florencewhich is kinda have to adjust this is anadjustment periodreally hate to see something as silly asthatbreakfastdosesuh... you can begin playing games windout while downloading themthey act like this is a guaranteed danaand the like at all technicallyuh... sir for something a little workbut it'll i mean you can only do thatafter you download so much of the gameand it's completely based on your owninternet connections with the oneaustralia will be of the belmont at allbecause they're sucksand blizzard games and then for a coupleof days you've already doneyou have to get up to a certain pointand then you can only play ofdisappointments like thatnext is what mother promising mixed withthe social featuresis the gameplay capturing streamingoptions when you use the share bysure the sounds great team you knowblack ops to promise things likethemselves but the question will beespecially for you to pursue theirprobably like reaching out to get thiswhether or not it's good enough for therenowned actually does wellinequality because a lot of gamesactually have built-in capturesimportantbut burning out three sixty p video orto scrappy screenshots or whateveris not something anyone wants to messwith my mum we've already invested incaptured drugslancaster cards are still really readilyavailable this yearso the quality and how well actuallyworks of somethingreally the importantsocial aspects there is the face bookintegration of course and then use todaythey partnered with your stream furtherstrainingi still have no idea what thehow they were thinking about thedepartment usurywe'll see how long they last for thebiggest which support but the more thatshe's huge disappointmenta big giving the were talking about wasplaystation be to support their reallywant to keep pushing the playstationvidaand from what they have envisionedthe veto will be a key tools to being inthe futurenobody is sold only at what theybut they have in mindbasically you call the game your playingon the u_p_s_ for and then you pick abackup on the media and take it with younow this sounds great if it works if itworks if you can literally just call himin office for further than since thenand resume in the mediai will be fantastic and also a but itwill only be fantasticif you don't have the by the compliestogether by the beaverton and uh... p_s_for versionnot really worth itcan act as an entertainment center withall the media star peterand then there's the game relationswhichi feel kind of weird about um... there'sfrommichael soremithere's nakand the intro looks like an adventurousrip-off even one of the characters theyshowed look like a rip-off robert downeyjunior as tony starkthat really bobbegan looks kinda cool it looks like agood bootle platform enon serious game which is something theplaces you need more of everyone wheneverybody's maturity cuddlesanymoretitles on playstation wenzel seem morelike that will be greatthere's killzone chateau fallhello craft was beautifullooks like it'll be pretty goodbut a lot of people of course of thislego it's just another after yeltsinquite frankly it it'sdiablo three is now being poured intothe distributes for actually love thisidea i'd think it's great it's somethingthat will be great for the consoleand frankly i think it would hurt forthe game reaching out to the councilgenerationwhen i worked against self in the ovalwas coming outuh... a lot of people really interestedin the game and then they like once in alot of my carrots on pc and mailembezzlement nobody wanted it that's okthis will be great in both man andfrankly i don't know belabored consuland they are promising for player onlineco-op so that's pretty cooluh... dr club looks good the mob's miketeam based racing will be a cool conceptin development for the racing experiencea lot of the prequeland then there's the studybond is doing a great joband you there when these kind of wantedafter the election console on theprevious himselfglad to see then lsat with gifts forthe only thing that bothered me wasactivisionsayingthatthey have always supported sony'sconsolesand always support of the places andplatformexcuse me while i referenced the pastlike six years of college avery like awe signed an agreement mike softand sony doesn't get deals seepackagerbut other than thatdoesn't know it's also unclear looksfantastic visually and though it's gonnabe a fantastic franchisereporterand overall i thinkhaving two bs four is going to do whatsimple wealthit's not my place to judge how it'sgoing to do as far as the council itselfi think it will be a fantastic consuland it should do wellgranted i see all the different caseswheremay not do youfrankly needs to minute even everyoneneeds to keep an open mind towards theconsole and understand that it isfantastic despiteit's minor setbacksthanks for watching thesebottled beers four guys if again if youwant to see more common war or if youwant a boat on the game you want to seefrom the nextput it in the comments section belowand you guys have a nice dayyou guys do me a quick favors and go tothethe description below fill out thesurvey monkey serving regardingconstantly since also wanna make surethat we get the content of the thingsthat he was thethe leaks in the description below withthe latest cynicism\n"