Apple Releases iOS 12.4 Developer Beta 6: A Look at the Latest Update
The latest update to Apple's iOS has been released, and it's available for developers now. The iOS 12.4 developer beta 6 was made available on Wednesday, and it comes with a build number of 16G5.0.9a. This particular version is very close to the final golden master version, which will be released to the public in the near future.
Apple's summer plans for Apple Cards
According to Apple, their new Apple Card is expected to be released this summer. In fact, they have stated that it was supposed to be released in the summer or late summer. This means that we should see the Apple Card available in stores and online within the next few weeks.
The Update: What's New and Improved
So, what does this latest update bring? Unfortunately, there isn't anything particularly new or exciting in terms of features. However, one resolved issue has been addressed. According to the notes, an issue with Xcode memory leak tool has been fixed. This means that developers can now use instruments from Xcode 10.2 and later without encountering false positives.
Performance: A Look at How It Fares
When it comes to performance, iOS 12.4 beta 6 seems to be pretty good. Swiping is smooth, and 3D touch works nicely with pressure sensitivity. This particular version doesn't seem to have any major lock-ups or issues with settings. Battery life also appears to be decent, although the author notes that this may vary depending on the specific device used.
Benchmarking: Geek Bench Results
To give you an idea of how the performance of iOS 12.4 beta 6 compares to previous versions, the author ran a Geek Bench test. The results show that the single core score was 4143, and the multi-core score was 10,316. This is actually an improvement over previous versions, although it may take some time for scores to become more stable after installing a beta.
Conclusion: What's Next?
The author expects that the next version of iOS, which will be released as part of iOS 13, will be available within a week or two. They also expect to see another update to iOS 12 in the near future, possibly on June 24th. For those who have already installed the beta and are running iOS 12, they suggest keeping an eye out for any updates. The author would love to hear from readers about their experiences with the latest version of iOS, so feel free to leave a comment below.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andtoday Apple released iOS 12.4 developerbeta 6 this is available to developersnow and may be out to public betatesters later today tomorrow or by thetime you're watching this it came in a130 4.2 megabytes on my iPhone X and itinstalled pretty quickly let's take alook at the build number the buildnumber on this particular version is 16G 5 0 6 9a and now that were to theletter A were very close to the finalversion or the golden master versionwhich is released to the public sogenerally the ADA notes were reallybasically at the end so I would expect afinal version maybe within a week or somaybe one to two weeks away we'll havethe final version and this particularversion seems to be all about the newApple card so Apple cards should becoming out this summer we're in thesummeraccording to Apple it was supposed to bereleased in the summer or late summer sowe should see it maybe within a week ortwonow this particular update does not haveanything specifically new in it with theexception of one resolved issueaccording to the notes and that has todo with the Xcode memory leak tool so ifyou're a developer using Xcode andyou're checking for memory leaks orbasically applications that are usingmemory continually and should not be orwhen you close an application they couldbe using it this actually resolves anissue so let me read to you exactly whatit says they've resolved an issue we'rerunning an app in iOS 12.2 or later sothis has been an issue for a while underthe leaks instrument resulted in randomnumbers of false positive leaks forevery leak check after the first one ina given run you might still encounterthis issue in simulator or in Mac OSapps when using instruments from xcode10.2 and later so this should helpdevelopers as far as fixing issues withmemory leaks and getting more accurateresults so as far as performance isconcerned performance seems to be prettygood swiping is nice and smooth and thisparticular version 3d touch works niceand nice just like it should withpressure sensitivity everything'sworking well there and swiping you'llsee speed is fast settings is notlocking up for me and as far as batterylife is concerned wellbattery life when I was running thisbefore seemed to get me about five hoursor so five to six hours so it wasn'tamazing but it was pretty good andyou'll see I have not run it much onthis particular device right now andthis one actually has 97 percent batteryhealth so not all of my devices have100% battery health this was used for ayear and had that battery health after ayear but performance overall seems goodI'm having no lock ups and settings andI'm having no issues on any of the otherdevices I ran with it before performancewith things like game seems to be goodyou'll see it's resuming minecraft hereand if we resume games seem to beworking well if you're playing thingslike fortnight things like that itshould be just fineso I haven't seen any issues as far asperformance and I did run a geek benchjust to give you a benchmark as what'sgoing on here we'll go into geek benchand you'll see that the single core was4143 multi core was ten thousand threehundred and sixteen this is actually astep up to the prior time I ran it now Iran it twice because it does take awhile after you run or install a beta toactually get good scores so on June 24thyou'll see I got significantly lowerwhen it comes to multi-core so there'sbeen a little bit of an improvementthere it's not really anything to baseas far as speed overall it just givesyou an idea as to the performance and itseems to have increased so that's it foriOS 12 point for beta 6 I would expectI'd be very surprised if we see a beta 7I would expect to see a final within aweek or two like I said and iOS 13 forthose of you running that particularbeta I would expect a new one on the15th or next Monday so let me know whatyou think in the comments below ofcourse I'll link this wallpaper as Ialways do and if you have any otherquestions or comments I would love toknow which version you're on and alsohow the performance and also whichdevice you're using let me know in thecomments below if you haven't subscribedalready please subscribe and hit thatnotification bell if you'd like to seevideos as soon as they're released ifyou enjoyed the video please give it alike as always thanks for watching thisis Aaron I'll see you next time\n"