The Problem with Outdoor Storage
Have you ever been outside enjoying nature, admiring beautiful flowers, blue skies, and fresh trees, only to have a hard drive with important information that you don't want to get ruined by other elements in nature, such as rain, dust, or potentially dropping it due to a slip and fall? Well, there is a product for you, which is what we're talking about today.
The Product: H500P Managed by Cooler Master
So, let's check out the components of this product. It looks like inside the H500P managed by Cooler Master, we have a cooler that is necessary to keep your drive running smoothly. This cooler is probably what keeps it from overheating when you're using it outdoors.
Silverstone M.MS02 and M.MS01b External Enclosures
One of our most popular storage videos comes through the Silverstone MS online where you populate your own M.2 SATA based SSD and have an elegant solution for additional storage capacity. You know that you can take this with you anywhere, it's awesome, but what if you have spare SSDs lying around that you're no longer using inside your main PC and don't want to go the route of already having these little external drives? Silverstone has a solution for you and so these are the M.MS02 and M.MS01b.
The Name and Marketing
Wow, the name is Kim here, they're water-resistant shock-proof and there's a lot of military-grade stuff in the marketing name. So, we're gonna put this through a little torture test for the elements. The elements, the elements yeah, and see if the internal drive survives because with my previous test with the Corsair survivor USB the actual internal and then completely fell apart while the enclosure remained intact.
The Design of the M.MS01b
So, the S01 is basically just a plastic shell with a rubber housing so it's good for like you know being rough and stuff while the S02 is more elegant but it's literally just two slabs of aluminum combined together with some rubber in between. The way you access the drives is pretty similar but also different.
The Design of the M.MS01b
This one is rated for IP65 which means it's water-resistant you know I'll be fine for rains and splashes and stuff like that but don't submerge this in water. It has a rubber housing I'm guessing Institute just prevents a little additional damage to the actual plastic housing that is underneath and it's got a little flap that you can access for this USB port.
The Access Method of the M.MS01b
You have a little tool so you can actually open it up and insert the SSD inside. Now, my concern is that on the interior the SSD is not being held by anything in particular it basically just sits in the cavity and we have little padding so that it does have a little bit of compression so that doesn't like shake round inside it's a good implementation because it can support seven or nine point five millimeter SSDs. So, regard it as it's fully water-proof type-C gen 2 so the speeds are fine and you can populate whatever capacity SSD you want inside here.
The Design of the M.MS01b
This guy is also a good option but less so for impact stuff it's also lighter so potentially a little bit better for travel but this guy not so good for travel because it's quite heavy but it will definitely withstand anything that comes its way.
Creating Your Own External Two-and-a-Half Inch Enclosure
So, let me know if your guys are interested in all the links to purchase will be in the description below makes sure to check out this other relevant content subscribe for more make sure to check out our new boot sequence Channel and we'll see you in the next
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello good people have you ever been inthe situation where you're outsideenjoying the nature the beautifulflowers the blue sky the fresh trees andjust happen to have a hard drive withyou that has a lot of importantinformation that you don't want to getruined by other elements in the naturelike rain dust or potentially droppingit due to a slip and fall well there isa product for you which is what we'retalking about todayso let's check it out prejudice are youready okay watch thisso that is what the components must feellike inside the H500P managed bycooler master check it out in thedescription below now one of our mostpopular storage videos comes through theSilverstone MS online where you populateyour own M.2 sata based SSD andyou have an elegant solution foradditional storage capacity you knowthat you can take with you anywhere it'sawesome but what if you have spare as isthese lying around that you're no longerusing inside your main PC and don't wantto go the route of already like you knowthese little external drives soSilverstone has a solution for you andso these are the MMS02 and MMS01bWow the name is Kim here they're waterresistant shockproof and there's a lotof military-grade stuff in the marketingname so we're gonna put this through alittle torture test for the elementalsthe elements the elements yeah and seeif the internal drive survives becausewith my previous test with the corsairsurvivor USB the actual internal andthen completely fell apart while theenclosure remained intact now iappreciate the difference between thesetwo so the S01 is basically just aplastic shell with a rubber housing soit's good for like you know being roughand stuff while the S02 is more elegantbut it's literally just two slabs ofaluminum combined together with somerubber in between and the way you accessthe drives is pretty similar but alsodifferent so this one is rated for IP65which means it's water-resistant youknow i'll be fine for rains and splashesand stuff like that but don't submergethis in water and has this rubberhousing I'm guessing Institute justprevents a little additional damage tothe actual plastic housing that isunderneath and it's got a little flapthat you can access for this USB porthas a USB cable that comes separatelyyou have a little tool so you canactually open it up and insert the SSDinside now my concern is that on theinterior the SSD is not being held byanything in particular it basically justsits in the cavity and we have littlepadding so that it does have a littlebit of compression so that doesn't likeshake round inside it's a goodimplementation because it can supportseven or nine point five millimeter SSD'sso regardit's a thin drive or a thick one it willfit inside the so1now the so2 has the same idea forexternal storage but totally differentapproach so not only this thing moreelegant because it's literally just analuminum slab but it has an IP68 waterresistance so it can withstand for 60minutes and water up to 1.5 meters sothat's awesome in case you know thisgets actually submerged in water this isfresh water by the way it has an actualUSB cable that's built into the aroundhousing which is type C so that's theone difference because the speeds onthis one are USB 3.1 gen2 versus Gen oneon the sl1 and so here you access theinternals by unscrewing six screws allof which have this rubber grommet aroundit to prevent any leaks and you open itup and inside we have the SSD cavitywhich has little pegs at the bottom soit actually kind of holds the SSD inplace so it doesn't maneuver anywhere wealso get two foam pads that you caninstall depending on the thickness ofthe SSD and a thermal pad that you caninstall because this entire aluminumenclosure can act as a heat sinknow the type C cable here has a littlerubber tip in case it does set getssubmerged in water it's not completelyexposed so that's fine and the cable isactually pretty long so it's not doesn'thave to be like super close to your PCand I like this sort of built-inimplementation you don't have to bringany additional cables it's all in oneunit all right it's time to torturethese thingsnow I didn't want to do anything crazywith this one because it's still aplastic enclosure we do have the rubberprotection on the exterior for thatadditional drop protection but it'sreally good for anti fungus anti most &NT like really sharp spikes andtemperatures so that's good your SSDwill be protected but in terms of likeimpact stuff this is not the way to gobut I am curious to know how thealuminum enclosure is doing inside thefreezer let's go check it out man thisthing is cold let's go see if it boots Ijust hope it hasn't leaked because ofall the drops well looks like the goodluck Drive is in fact alive now I washoping for cool temperatures becausethis thing just came out of the freezerand it somehow is 2 degrees Celsiusharder than my SSD's inside the enclosurenot sure what's that about now theenclosure has withstand some damage onthe corners are we still falling onconcrete like that it's also quite heavyso that also contributes the additionalforce applied on it but just minorscuffs the drive inside and the cableare working just fine and so if you arelooking for something that can withstanda lot of impact this is a good optionespecially because it's fully waterprooftype-c gen 2 so the speeds are fine andyou can populate whatever capacity SSDyou want inside here while this guy theplastic one is also a good option butless so for impact stuff it's alsolighter so potentially a little bitbetter for travel but this guy not sogood for travel because it's quite heavybut it will definitely withstandanything that comes its way alright sothat is how you create your own externaltwo-and-a-half inch enclosure that iswaterproof and can withstand quite a bitof damage so let me know if your guysinterested in all the links to purchasewill be in the description below makesure to check out this other relevantcontent subscribe for more make sure tocheck out our new boot sequence Channeland we'll see you in the next\n"