**Gaming Gadgets Gifts Ideas under $30**
When it comes to gaming, having the right gadgets can make all the difference. In this article, we'll explore some fantastic gift ideas for gamers that won't break the bank. From compact speakers to a portable screen cleaner, these gifts are sure to impress.
**Compact Speakers - FiiO Hi-Fi 3**
One of my personal favorite gifts is the FiiO Hi-Fi 3. This compact speaker system is perfect for those who want high-quality sound without breaking the bank. Currently, it's on sale for $25, which is an incredible deal. The speakers are almost the same size as a smartphone and can fit in confined environments, making them perfect for gaming sessions or music listening. What I love about this system is that it produces amazing sound, especially when it comes to lower frequencies. It gives you a punch that's hard to beat, making it an excellent choice for fans of FPS games like Call of Duty.
**USB Condenser Microphone - Fifine**
Another gift idea that's perfect for content creators, gamers, or anyone who wants to improve their voice quality is the Fifine USB condenser microphone. This compact microphone plugs directly into your computer and sounds amazing. My vocals are pronounced and clear, and I love the body of sound it produces. The only thing you need to keep in mind is positioning it closely to get the best results. With a price tag of $30, this microphone is an excellent investment for anyone looking to upgrade their gaming or content creation setup.
**Lighting - TomoString Lamp**
Lighting can make or break the ambiance of any room, and as a gamer, I know how important it is to create the right atmosphere. One of my favorite lighting solutions is the TomoString lamp. This stylish lamp features a wooden structure and exposed cable that looks absolutely gorgeous. Plus, the lamp comes with an inexpensive RGB light bulb that can be controlled using a remote. The price tag for this lamp is around $30, making it an excellent addition to any gaming setup.
**Lighting Alternative - IKEA Turtle Lamp**
Another great alternative to the TomoString lamp is the IKEA turtle lamp. This affordable lamp is priced at around $13 and offers incredible flexibility. I love that I can maneuver it around, position it at a specific angle, or even use it as a desk lamp. The best part? It's super easy to assemble and looks great on my desk.
**RGB Lighting Setup**
For those who want to take their lighting game to the next level, consider investing in an RGB lighting setup. With this setup, you can create different atmospheres and moods with just a few clicks. I paired the TomoString lamp with an Amazon RGB ball for around $12, and it's been a game-changer. The flexibility of this lighting system is unparalleled, making it perfect for gamers who want to immerse themselves in their games.
**Portable Screen Cleaner - iRoller Liquid Free Touch Screen Cleaner**
Lastly, every gamer knows how frustrating screen smudges can be. That's why I'm obsessed with the iRoller liquid free touch screen cleaner. This portable and convenient cleaning solution takes away grease and smudges in seconds, making it perfect for my gaming setup and other devices. Plus, I've found another use case for this eye roller thingy - wiping down wrist rests that tend to pick up grease easily is a breeze.
These gifts are sure to impress any gamer on your list. From compact speakers to portable screen cleaners, there's something for everyone under $30. Whether you're looking to upgrade your gaming setup or give a thoughtful gift, these ideas are guaranteed to hit the spot. So go ahead, treat yourself or a loved one to one of these fantastic gifts, and get ready to level up your gaming experience!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: entoday with Gucci people today with Guccilet's see what's up - hey what's up youruber what are some cool gaming gadgetsfor around $30 I got you broI got you I'd like these to beinexpensive and maybe make great giftsmm-hmm potentially some items you didn'tknow you wanted yep all to enhance yourgaming setup and not for a gamer who haseverything but you know to build yourown gaming station to a place where youare satisfied oh do I have the perfectlist for you let's check them all outright after this the new enter Mac slicktech TR for AI a liquid CPU cooler nowfeatures this beautifully diffused RGBlining around the CPU block that can becustomized via this control box orthrough your motherboard it covers 100%of the IHS plus it comes in two forty toeighty and three sixty millimetervariants learn more in the descriptiondown below alright so everything islisted in the scription below check itout let's begin the first item on mylist is my favorite budget gaming mousefor only $19 this is the here Hiraliy F300it's got an awesome shape good buildquality actually a decent optical sensorthe PWM 3325 that doesn't spin out andit would make really great first Mousefor under $20 if you're starting tobuild your gaming space or want toupgrade a previously no brand mouse thisis the way to go next up are thesegigantic mouse mats like the Corsair mm300it spends not only your main Mousearea but extends to the leftbeyond the keyboard area I love this setup to remove any elevation differencebetween your hand and especially nice ifyou move your mouse a lot so you haveyou know all this mouse mat to work withand it's 50% off right now andabsolutely worth the $15 it is a bit onthe thicker side and the design may notbe for you but I actually really likehow it looks on My Space and it also actsas a great coaster there's also athinner variant from steelseries aspart of their qck lineup that hasbasically the same functionality withthat massive footprint but when theyfind a thread pattern and to find reallygood for tracking now anotheralternative to a large Mouse mat is thecooler master MP510 I've been usingthis on my desk for the past fewI'm absolutely loving in its let me moreon the expensive sign but there are afew reasons why I really like this mousemat first and foremost it's made out ofa slightly different material in thiscase Kadri fabric it's slightly rougherthan the other mouse mats that Dmitrihas mentioned but overall tracking hasbeen phenomenal with my g43wireless mouse from Logitech and thebest part is that it's water-resistantand I can certainly see this beingbeneficial for gamers the out of the boxodor is not too strong or even funkybecause I've witnessed other brands thatare downright gross but over time itdoes fade away so that's nice now if youknow someone who might be tired of theirMouse cord getting out of control amouse bungee can certainly help addressthat issue so we have a few options torecommend the first one is the CougarBunker Gaming Mouse bungee and while thename sounds a little bit weird itactually is a pretty good bungee for theprice because for one thing it's a mainselling feature is the inclusion of avacuum suction pad that basically staysstationary on your deskregardless of any movement plus it'svery compact so it doesn't take too muchspace and the thing is actually reallyflexible so as soon as you have itplaced on your desk and set the desiredamount of cord length you have prettymuch the right amount of flexibility andmaneuverability so that it's the courtactually stays fairly under control soit's not like it's gonna go back andforth depending on the configurationthat you have set up so this is a greataddition especially if you're using awired mouse the other option is theCamade by Zowie and while it's a littlebit more on the expensive side coming ataround 28 dollars versus 20 dollars forthe Cougar Bunker Bungee a good thingabout this particular bungee is thatit's a little bit more in the lowprofile side and it looks minimal so ifyou're looking for something within thatparticular regard then this is a greatoption now Eber Ebber let's all forgetthe most important gaming accessory foryour eyes gaming glasses okay whoaI got to slow you down there for asecond you do realize that there's anight mode built into Windows right butwhat about consoles I actually didn'tknow about the nightlight feature makingthese kind of pointless all right sothis next product is a headphone hangerby brainwavz and I'm not gonna butcherthe actual model name of this particularproduct but what I really like about itis the build quality so it's made out ofmetal which makes it durable and it alsocan support heavier headphones and theother goodabout this particular hangar is that itcan simply clamp on to your table or ifyou have a low profile wall or some sortyou can actually rotate it and clamp itthat way so it's very flexible and theother good thing is that it's alsopriced around $13 so it's a great Buyand I think it's a fantastic additionespecially if you want to have anorganized desk set up the next item onour list is personally one of myfavorites and that is the omote onvertical laptop stand so as you can seethis thing is actually you know fairlywell designed and it's also built reallywell too so it's made out of aluminumwhich makes it super sturdy it's notplastic materials or anything like thatso you know this thing is fairly ruggedand solid too so that's awesome and whatI really like about this is that it'svery much adjustable and flexible so ifyou have a notebook that's slightly moreon the thicker side it can definitelysupport that in my case I'm using therazor blade 15 a base model so it cancomfortably slide in just like that andyou have yourself a really good verticallaptop stand what's really awesome aboutthis particular stand is that if you aresomeone who's actually using a laptop asa primary computer and if you have amonitor as your primary display then youcan simply just dockthis notebook into the stand have allyour ports or how we our otheraccessories connect it to the notebookand sort of clean things up on your deskand I think that's a great addition toyour desk setup especially if you wantto you know clean things up a little bitthe best part is that they cost aroundtwenty-five dollars but if you'relooking to pick it up in different colorvariants they do offer a gray and a rosegold finish now if you're in the marketfor a desktop speaker system theCreative A250's s are personallyone of my favorites and I wouldabsolutely recommend them for less than$30 currently they are on sale fortwenty-five bucks which is a great dealand what I really like about thisparticular system is the compact size sothe two satellite speakers are almostthe same size as my pixel smartphone andthey can fit in within confinedenvironments and most importantly theydo sound amazing for the price so thededicated semaphore gives you an amazingpunch when it comes to lower frequenciesso it actually gives you a little bitI'm an immersion with that regardespecially when you're playing FPSSaddles so if you're looking for desktopspeakers on a budget this is a greatpick okay so this next item is certainlysomething that can be beneficial forsomeone who's thinking about starting aYouTube channel to do voiceovers orperhaps get into streaming so this isthe Fifine okay so that's the box Ithink there are a million ways ofactually saying this thing but I'm notgonna butcher it anymore but anywaysthis is a USB condenser microphone andso it plugs into your computer you don'tnecessarily need an external audiointerface to get it up and runningyou're actually listening to right nowas I'm speaking it actually soundsreally good for the price I mean myvocals are pronounced and and clearthere is there's some body to the soundand I really like it the one thing thatyou have to make sure is to actuallylike position it closely because it is acondenser microphone so you have to findor kind of create a DIY setup to makesure that it's not farther away from youso the audio can be as pronounced and Iguess crispy that makes any sense butyeah in this case I have a box set up sothat I'm actually a little bit morecloser but let me know what you guysthink about the audio quality for $30 Imean from what I can hear it's prettyimpressive for the price now when itcomes to spicing up your gaming area oneof the best ways of course aside fromhaving fake plans is lighting and soI've used this gorgeous simple Tomonslamp for a while now with woodenstructure and exposed cable that lookedgorgeous I added this inexpensive RGBlight bulb that you can control with theremote instead of Wi-Fi because that'sway too expensive and gives me all theflexibility for moves and creatingdifferent atmospheres and so the lamp isabout $30 and the light bulb is aroundeight and so this is seriously one ofthe most used light sources in my spaceand it's actually what's lighting up thebackground now another alternative tothe setup is actually a light that Ipicked up from Ikea it's called a turtleand it's priced around $13 as you cansee they're actually back there if youcan notice them in the background Ireally love them they're really flexibleI can actually maneuver them around it'sactually one of my primary light sourcesfor shooting b-roll and again what Ireally like about the mist offlexibility so I can maneuver themaround position them have them at acertain angle so it actually shines thelight on a product at a particular anglewhich is awesome so if you pair this upwith the lighting ever RGB ball fromAmazon for around 12 bucks you've gotyourself a killer RGB lighting setup foryour desk and finally we're gonna wrapthings up with something that can beuseful for pretty much everyone outthere it is the iroller liquid freetouch screen cleaner now I've been usingthismuch on a regular basis to clean myaccessories here and there but what'sreally cool is I'm sure pretty mucheveryone who's watching this video has asmartphone anything like that younecessarily don't necessarily need amicrofiber cloth or anything to get thejob done to clean the screen because allyou have to do is just open this up andstart rolling it on your screen likethat and it'll just take away the greaseso it'll basically wipe off the smudgesvery fast so you don't really need youknow a cleaning solution or anythinglike that it's simply a portable andconvenient way to clean your devicesnow also found another use case for thiseye roller thingy what happens is if youhave a wrist rest that picks up greaseeasily this is a great solution to sortof wipe that off so again for less than$30 this this can be pretty awesomealright people so these are all gaminggadgets gifts ideas for under $30 makesure to check description for pricingand availability I'm Dimitri and i'm Eber and thank you so much watching and make sureto check out some relevant content overhere subscribe to our new boot sequencechannel for latest tech news and rumorswe're signing off and we'll see you inthe next one\n"