I am ALL OUT of Gaming PCs... (Best Budget Gaming PC Parts Right now)

**Be Cautious When Buying the HP Z4 20**

If you're considering buying an HP Z4 20, be aware that there may be some issues with it. The device only supports DVI outputs, which can limit its functionality and make it less versatile than other devices.

**OEMs to Watch Out For**

When building a gaming PC, it's essential to research the OEMs you plan to buy from. Some OEMs, such as the third-generation Verretons, may not work with newer graphics cards like GTX 10:50 TI or RX v80s. Instead, they only support legacy cards, which can be restrictive and limiting.

**Third-Generation Verretons: A Cautionary Tale**

The third-generation Verretons are a great example of this issue. The 4th generation works well with newer graphics cards, but the 3rd generation is limited in its capabilities. For instance, the m4 model has issues with changing options in the BIOS and cannot support newer graphics cards.

**Good News for New PC Builders**

Despite these challenges, there are still good deals to be had on parts, especially in the US and Australia. Components like the AMD Ryzen 5700 XT, NVIDIA GeForce RT X2060, and Intel Core i9-3600 can be found at reasonable prices.

**New Parts: Not Too Expensive**

While new parts may not be as cheap as they were during the mining boom craze, they are still relatively affordable. However, in some countries, there is a phenomenon known as the "helicopter drop," where governments provide subsidies to help people buy essential items, including gaming PCs.

**Aliexpress: A Good Alternative**

For those who live in areas where decent retail prices are not available, Aliexpress has become a viable option. Shipping times have improved, and popular components like RX 400 or 500 series cards can be found at reasonable prices.

**Affordable Options on Aliexpress**

Two notable examples of affordable options on Aliexpress are the ASRock Z590M Steel Legend Micro ATX Gaming Motherboard and the ASUS TUF Gaming A15 Gaming Laptop. The first is a great value for money, with a price tag of $17 for a 3.2 GHz processor, 6 cores, and 12 threads.


In conclusion, building a gaming PC can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it's essential to do your research and be aware of the potential issues that may arise. By choosing the right OEMs and components, you can create a powerful gaming machine without breaking the bank. Whether you're looking for affordable options on Aliexpress or building a new PC from scratch, there are plenty of choices available.

**A Message from the Creator**

I hope this article has been helpful in providing information on how to build a cheap gaming PC during these difficult times. If you have any tips or advice, please share them with me in the comments section below. I'll make sure to pin the best ones and give credit where credit is due.

**Question of the Day**

The question of the day comes from RTF Co-Fired, who asks why is it looking like a salesman for washing machines? While I can only say hello, my friend, if you're looking for the best washing machine in history, then you have come to the right place. Tech Yes City has got you covered with top-notch washing machines that will clean your clothes and make them smell fresh.

**Final Thoughts**

That's all for today, folks. If you enjoyed this article, please hit that like button and consider subscribing to my channel. I'll catch you in another tech video very soon, where we'll explore more topics related to gaming PCs and technology. Until then, stay safe and keep on building!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enI mean here marks the last gaming PCthat I can put together before Icompletely run out of use pots and thisis gonna be a kind of a precursor fortomorrow's used PC parts on of the monthwhere I'm pretty sure that I'm not gonnabe getting as lucky as I did in theprevious months but also today I want togo over some of the things you can do ifyou're on a strict budget or of courseif you still want to get a gaming PC andlast night before I went to sleep I wasthinking about this a little bit more indepth and when I hit rock bottom whichhappened in 2007 that's when I had toborrow money off my ex-girlfriend thosetimes in 2007 at least before 2008 moneywas still good people still had jobs itwas a healthy economy in 2007 so when Ihit rock bottom I guess I could say Ihit rock bottom in a fortunate time Icould only imagine if you're out thereat the moment if you're hitting rockbottom now and it's like literally oneof the most unfortunate times in historyso what I'd be doing here today is ofcourse showing you some tips and tricksif you're on a strict budget and maybeif you've got family members and youwant to chip in and build somethingthat'll get you through isolation butalso I'm gonna be having a giveaway intwo days time as well so stay tuned forthat video we're gonna be giving awaysome stuff and showing how you get in achance because who knows how long thisthing's gonna last and also right nowfor buying PC parts I will say if youhave a plan to buy PC parts in the nextfew months you're better off doing itsooner than later I've spoken toretailers the supply chains are gettingdisrupted if you're in Australia theAussie dollar that is tanked against theUSD and also another thing is locallyhere on the Gold Coast it's I guesspeople are really starting to panic buypcs because my competitors have sold outof pcs days ago and this is anunprecedented time where this is thefirst time I've ever had it competitorsare sending business my way and thatusually never happens then what we'vegot right here is the HP Meador if youguys saw the video we basically managedto reuse this power splay here whichmost the time comes in with a gold orplatinum rating and now since we've gotthree SATA ports from this we canactually make magicwork and then we can plug 2 into ourhard drive an SSD and then another onewhere we can use a 6 pin adapter to getsomething like a 1650 super workingwhich I will say one thing about the1650 super actually surprised me withits performance it's a really fast cardand it beats out that of a 1066 gigabytemost of the time so it's going to goperfect with today's build we've got a47 70 and also 16 gigabytes of RAM solet's quickly whip this thing up see ifwe'll actually run a benchmark withoutcrashing out because that's one thing Iwant to test and see if this powersupplies up to that because I've neverdone it with a 1650 super before Ibelieve you might have done over the1650 which was fine but not the superbut other thing too is if you do do thisyou have to make sure your power supplycan be mounted up the top of the case ifyou're mounting it down the bottom itwon't work as the cables just simplyaren't long enough here we're using theNimitz and 7 I believe in Australia youcan pick these things up for 50 Ozziedollars at least that's what I got minefor before the local retailer sold outof cases that's right they go no morecases left so that's how bad suppliesgetting I was like I guess I was happythat I got these before they ran out andthen we've got an exhaust fan here whichwhat we do is since we've got a fanheader here we just have to chop thelittle bit here because it still willwork with a three pin but we just haveto chop out this little bit here andthen it will go on fine so putting thisPC together is like a normal PC up to apoint if we can see here we're mountingthe power supply which doesn't fit anormal ATX power supply size so we haveto improvise a little bit here or we canscrew down one corner first off and thenactually unscrew the fan and use that tosupport the mount in the top cornerthere after that we get two PCIebrackets we shorten them up andbasically we mount one on the outsideone on the insidethis gives enough stability for thepower supply to then not wiggle aroundand be in there firmly so the next thingwe're doing here is Sol during the 5volt and the negative to the RGB on thecase and this works out perfectlybecause we've got noAbel's left over and since this wasoriginally intended for the DVD drive wecan actually reuse that and then I soldit on to the RGB wires where they wereoriginally molex and since we don't haveany molex connectors we can just save acouple of bucks here instead of usingany extenders and then probably use anadapter on an extender which just makesthings a little bit weird we can justsimply solder these wires together andthen safety tape them off and we're goodto gothat's about all the differs from aregular build and we don't have any i/oshield the CPU cooler is also a OAMproprietary solution from HP though wecan get around this by using four sixover thirty-two nuts though the goodthing is is that since we've got nocables left over there's quite literallya void of a thing known as cablemanagement so we're now finished offthis build here where the case is comingin at a very good price it's still gottempered glass and as we said beforeit's 50 Ozzie dollars which is about 30USD and it still got a bit of RGB LEDbling there which you may have noticedthat we had to splice up the wiresbecause our power supply ran out ofspare wires and the good thing was isthat that end DVD connector is a 5 voltand this RGB here needs a 5 volt so itwas a perfect match made in heaven forthat soldering job and then we had thespare solder connector leftover whichwe're using for the gtx 1650 super nowwith this whole setup here we've got a47 70 16 bytes of ram and a decentgraphics card SSD hard drive now onething is if you want to go down thisroute where you want to use the HP 600series and still keep your originalpower supply save some money like we'vedone here then don't couple it withanything higher than a 1650 super or anRX 470 and you'll notice I said 470 andnot 570 because I've actually tried thisin the past with a 570 and the sad thingwas is that it still works nothing cutout or anything but the power supplygoes into extremely high rpm mode and soit will sound like really bad I mean I'mone to not really care so much aboutnoise but this power supply really juststarts looseit once you start going past those twogravestones these two here I'm gonnashow you guys I'm gonna do a stress testright now with a 1650 soup ah I'mactually gonna load up f1 2019 and justkeep that on loop for an hour and we'llcome back and it will be absolutely fineso I've perfected my HP 600 series gamewhere it's to the point now where youcan get some serious good value formoney even in times like these thoughthe one negative as we can see here isthat when we have to boot up our PC wehave to press f1 that's because wecouldn't connect our USB 3 front outconnector because unfortunately thegraphics card is blocking it out youcan't buy some bright angle adapters butI have had some bad stories and that thecheap ones don't actually work properlyat all so your mileage may vary therebut what's worth when I was younger Iused to have to press the f1 key everytime I booted my system anyway so it'snot that much of a detriment so after wequickly run the stress test I'll comeback for you guys and list some GPUs youmay wish to consider still awesomeI guess oddball om systems and pots thatI guess a lot of people aren't gonna bebuying in the mainstream they require alittle bit of tinkering work but it'llstill provide really good value formoney in these weird timesand we've just now exhausted all ourbattery and this machine is running finethe basically you can hear now the powersupply is running absolutely fine - sothis whole setup is geared towards 1080psmooth gaming on a budget so f 1 2019actually gets really good FPS with thisconfiguration - so let's move over nowand look at what parts we can get ifyou're on a budget but also if you wantto build a new PC just want somethinggood at the moment so basically that isthe last PC I can put together afterthat I'm out of stock and this is thecraziest season I've seen yet it's evencrazier than Christmas and all the localpeople I've spoken to are saying thesame thing as well so it seems like therush has just come this week where Ilive locally where first thing we sawwas toilet paper and that was a crazethat sort of come and is going at leastnow where I live but now it seems likegaming PC's are being targeted so myadvice would be if you are comfortableand you can afford to go out and getsomething that within your budget thenI'd do it sooner than later because I'vespoken to a couple of retailers andsupply has been geared up towards like asix to eight week period where they getthe shipments in advance and they havethat amount of stock but once that allruns out then it could be prices just gothrough the roof so what I showed youguys just before is some of my favoritethings that I do here on the channellike that HP 600 SFF they're goingreally cheap even in the u.s. on eBayyou can pick these things up for dirtcheap you grab a case where it has thepower supply able to be mounted at thetop and then you can reuse that powersupply and most sellers will chuck in ahard drive a gig of ram I five andalways really need to do is I getyourself a site at a six pin and the gtx1650 super because i was looking at the1650 super when it first released i waslike yeah okay there's actually startingto grow me a lot and if you're in theu.s. it's aroundI think 160 which is a pretty decentprice and then in Australia they'restill priced okay considering the Aussiedollar has crashed so I like this cardit's weird how it's grown on me butthat's mainly because I'm able toextract a lot of value out of thatand couple it with budget om powersupplies and they don't get noisy ornothing shuts off but if you want someeasier options where you really don'thave to do anything besides just put agraphics card in then the del T 1650series is a good option there's also theT 3500 and of course the Optiplex isthey're very popular but usually theOptiplex is I find because they'repretty well known they do carry a bit ofa premium so I'd honestly be looking fora 1650 where it matches a 1650 superperfectly so I guess the irony there isyou can get a double 1650 if you go thatDell route but there's also the Z 420desktops from HP these are pretty goodsame deal as the Dell series wherethey've got pretty good power suppliesand all you have to do is add in agraphics card though one thing I didfind very weird and bizarre with the HPZ 420 was that we put a graphics card inand it would work off the HDMI port butit wouldn't work off the DVI port sodisplay an HDMI were fine but then theDVI port wouldn't work it was one of themost bizarre things I've ever seen andwe tried a different graphics card andwe also tried different cables andmonitors and we put it down to it justbeing it wouldn't work off DVI we'rebooted okay but once it got the windowsit would just clunk out on DVI only soif anyone has an answers to why it'sdoing that with the HP z4 20 I love tohear your thoughts on that so that's oneto be careful of if you buy that rigalso do be careful of some OEMs outthere while we're talking about thatbecause you get someone like the thirdgen Verret ons for example and theydon't work with GTX 10:50 TI's or RX v80s or anything of the newer graphicscards they only work with legacy cardsso if you do come into this problemyou'll know straight away and some ofthese Verret ons for example the thirdgen I'm gonna look at the m4 where the4th gen works absolutely fine but the3rd genhas it so that you can't change any ofthe options in the BIOS and you can'tget that graphics card to work properlyso that's a weird one to look out for Iwill put some links in the descriptionbelow for you guys are some of the OEMsthat are pretty good and I've testedbefore and they represent great valuefor money in these weird times now ofcourse lastly if you want to build a newPC it still looks like parts are fine inthe US in Australia I haven't researchedother countries but it seems to be OKfor now where you can get for instanceof 5700 XT or rise by 3600 or an RT X2060 and you should be okay and you'renot really paying any massive higherpremiums than you would in say if wecompare it to the mining boom craze thatwent through where you just couldn't getyourself a graphics card so new partsare looking okay for now but do keep inmind in quite a few countries they aredoing what is called the infamoushelicopter drop where they're justgiving everyone money if that happensthen you may see demand especially fornew parts just like I'm seeing locallyhere for gaming pcs you may see thatstart to spike so if the I guess thesupply chains don't get alleviated soonthen this could become a problemespecially in a month or so time now ofcourse the last thing to talk about isgood old Aliexpress where if you live ina country where you can't get access todecent retail prices then that seems tohave ramped up production again we'reshipping times are going down again orback to normal to the three four-weekperiod so you can get some good thingslike rx 400 or 500 series cards they'realways a good buy on aisle Express andof course the two Zeon's in particularsome of my favorites are the 26:20 v2this thing's going off at 17 bucks 3.2gigahertz 6 cores 12 threads I've takena look at that CPI put the link up hereand you've also got the 26 78 which wealso recently took a look at and ofcourse the infamous Rison v 2600 whichis pretty much a value king goingforward into 2020 though in terms of theRison v 1600 AF that's pretty muchcoming in the same price at the momentas the 2600 and thereand with all that out of the way I hopeyou guys are staying safe and thispredicament hasn't affected you too muchat least with YouTube at the momentthings seem to be ok but the Adsensemoney has dropped down a lot in the lastfew days so that's already an instanthit for youtubers so that's one thingI'm feeling personally they do let usknow your thoughts and opinions too inthe comment section below if you've gotsome really cool matters that you canshare with people on how to get a cheapgaming PC together in these rough timesand I'll be sure to pin that if it's areally good one and without a sub we'vegot the question of the day which comesfrom RTF co-fired or and they ask why ishe looking like a salesman for washingmachines and I can only really say onething hello my friend if you are lookingfor the best washing machine in historythen you have come to the right placeTech yes city for only you can getyourself a washing machine that willclean up all that wd-40 out of yourunderwear and it'll make sure it'slooking and smelling brand new foranother round of wd-40 Tech's yes lovinI know guys I'll catch you in anothertech video very soon if you enjoyed thisone then you have to do hit that likebutton and if you stayed this far andyou're not yet subbed then ring thatBell that options down there to get thecontent as soon as it drops and I'llcatch you in another tech video verysoon peace out for now wait\n"