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Aahhh! Well, this is different.
Golden Oldies: Computer Software Classics, Volume 1 is an interesting title. Upon closer inspection, it appears that the content revolves around nostalgia for computer software from past decades. The phrase "Computer Software Classics" itself suggests a trip down memory lane.
The presence of Adventure, Eliza, Life, and Pong in the title piques curiosity. These names seem to be classic games or programs from a bygone era. It's almost as if we're about to embark on a journey through history, revisiting the pioneers of computer gaming and software development.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enAahhh!Well, this is different.Golden Oldies: Computer Software Classics, Volume 1.With Adventure, Eliza,Life and Pong.\"Have fun playing the classics!\"\"Play and learn from four of thegreatest game programs OF ALL TIME.\"Of all time? When was this made?1985.Well, I guess \"all time\" at that point wasjust a little over a decade, but that's okay.\"Adventure: Explore the deep and twistedrecesses of Colossal Cave...\" uh...\"Only version of Adventureofficially endorsed by its creators.\"\"Playing adventure games without tacklingthis one is like being an English major\"\"who's never glanced at Shakespeare.\"And you know, I can actually agree with that.Adventure is one of the original adventureson a computer.This is a massively important gamein gaming history, really.I think it was developed on a PDP-10.Right around the same time as Space War at MIT.Next up on here is Eliza, which is essentiallythe pioneering artificial intelligenceprogram on the computer.It's really weird. It simulates aconversation with a psychiatrist.Originally made in 1965, again at MIT.Next one's Life.I've never understood any of the iterations of this.This one was developed in 1970 by John Conway.Mathematician at the University of Cambridge,And then of course, there is the ultra-famousgranddaddy of all the modern games, Pong.1972, Al Alcorn's version.All of this is packed on onebeautiful 5.25-inch floppy diskby Software Country.Ran into a bit of a problem on mine,since I don't have an actual RGBcolor monitor.It runs everything in black and white,since I run mine through composite,'ll need an RGB if you want to see color,or it works great on a monochrome monitor.They are CPU-dependent,so they will run way too faston anything other than an original IBM,or in DOSBox, you'll have to turnthe cycles down to about 200.The best part about this software packageis the package itself.What makes it unique is that it's not onlythe classic record-style packaging forsome of these disks back in the early '80s,but it is the manual itself.It's really a book. It containsbackstory, uh, making of,information about the games themselves, how to play it,notes from the authors of the game.I mean, there's little bits ofinformation about the creation of Pong.So, this really makes the package itself worth it.Now, do the games? Well, here we go.It is a very simple bit of programming.There are no graphics in the game. It's all textor ASCII characters, or something like that.You have a choice to have an Adventure, consult Eliza,explore Life, or play Pong.So, first let's just go in order and have an Adventure.Basically, it is a text adventure game at its...almost finest.This is the original, more or less, so,it's a bit simplistic.You really can't use too many commandsor parser text bits or anything like that.Uh, like some later games like Hugo or something.This one, you pretty much can say \"go north, go south,\"or even just \"go valley,\" if you see a valley.It takes some getting used to,as all the commands are... well...They're not exactly the most intuitive.There's a lot of trial and error.This is my second or third time playing it, so...You can get hints if you wantto use up some of your points.The hints really don't do too much.So...Maybe you want to look at themand then start the game over.You can also save your progress atpretty much any point in the gameby saving it to a disk.Which is pretty cool, especially for the time.I doubt this was an originalPDP-10 feature of the game, butwho knows?You have all the standard stuff: inventories,using items,I'm assuming you can die, but I never have.Really, I've always liked text games,just because there are no graphics.It's only your imagination,so it's like those \"choose your own adventure\" games.that you get in those children's books andI loved those.I still do.So I love Adventure,even though this is an absolutely ancient program.It's awesome. I recommend this.Next up, we have Eliza.The virtual psychiatrist.Now the game was originally onlyavailable on a mainframe computer.Supposedly, this is an awesome versionfor the microcomputers of the early '80s.Just talk to the computer,telling it things, and then it respondsmore or less, to what you are asking or saying.Well, a lot of it seems exceptionally simplistic.Like, you just say anything with the word \"no\" or \"nope,\"or something along those lines,anything that's not a positive response,it'll respond by saying \"why are you being so negative?\"You know what?It's a bunch of little programming trickswhich were probably exceptionallyinteresting for the time.Perhaps even groundbreaking, as they say.But, normally, you just getreally aggravated at the game.Or simulation, whatever this is.And start cussing it out.So, it really annoys me.And it doesn't always work.Sometimes it just repeats backat you like she's mocking you.So I don't appreciate it.I'm not the hugest fan of this.Kind of fun to play around with, but that's about it.Next up, we have Life.I remember playing this on a–I don't know, it was probably ashareware version or something.It was on Windows 3.1, called P-Life.Plife.I've never understood this game.It...It reminded mea little bitof SimLife or SimEarthwhich I'm assuming is probablywhere they got the idea from.You place down thesecolonies,bits of somethingthat are going to become life.And then you watch it go through all the generations.And it will simulate it as fast as your CPU canas the population goes up, spreads out,collapses back in on itself,and eventually maybe sustainsits own little part of the universe.Which some cells are on, some cells are off.You know, time flow and all sorts of... really...abstract things that go on.I've never really taken the time to get into it becausehonestly, it just seemed...random.Which I guess if you really look at life anyway,it is pretty random.And applying a numerical value to thatalways seemed a little bit odd to me,since computers can't DO random.So maybe it's not random,and I know it's based on some algorithms,and, you know, things like that,but it just doesn't make much sensewhy you would want to do thisif it's such an ambiguous way of doing it anyways.It doesn't seem like there's much use for it.And it's certainly not a game.So...This is pretty much a loser.Next up, we have Pong.Pong is Pong is Pong is Pong.Correct?No!You have Software Country Pong and the original Pong,I'm gonna be playing the original here.The problem with this oneis...absolutely everything.Let's start at the basicpart of the game itself,what you can see.The paddles themselvesdon't move smoothly. At all.The paddles themselves don't contact the ball properly.They don't seem as responsive to hitting it onthe upper and lower edges of your paddleas it is in the arcade, or anyother version of Pong I've played.The controls are absolutely horrible.There's a major delay.It tries to emulate a paddlewith a keyboard.That's impossible. They shouldn't have tried.I don't– you can't explain this any further.It just doesn't work.Software Country Pong is absolutely no better.In fact, I think it's much worse.It's a little bit faster, but the ball is smaller,which does absolutely no help to thestupid controlsand bad paddle physics.Since the balls half the time willgo straight through the paddle,It's not like on the Odysseywhere at least most of the time it actually–you could tell it hits the paddle.Well, this just, it doesn't.And again, I just can't stress how bad the controls are.They just don't work.So, this is an utter failure, too.Ha!\"Utter failure.\"Does that mean it's a cow?Yeah, that's enough of this.Adventure is pretty cool,Eliza is interesting,Life makes no sense,and Pong is useless.The original oldies may have been golden,but I'm sorry, but this collection is not.They're old.But not gold.More like a very tarnished silver.\n"