The process of building a custom PC for the future leaders of the military was an exciting and challenging task. The team, led by Austin, had been working on this project for some time, and they were eager to finally bring it to life.
They started by selecting the components, including a powerful processor, high-quality memory, and a state-of-the-art graphics card. One of the key considerations was airflow, and the team decided to seal up the top of the case to improve cooling efficiency. However, this meant that they would have to rely on the rear fan as an intake and the radiator out the back to spit out hot air.
The team fired up the system and hoped that everything would work seamlessly. They were excited to see how their 32 gigs of Corsair memory, 10900K processor, and NVIDIA 3090 graphics card would perform together. To their delight, everything seemed to be fine, and they could shut down the system and tear it apart to start working on the water cooling.
The team was using a custom watercooling setup, designed by Barrow, which included a CPU block that also served as the pump and reservoir. This allowed for a more compact design and simplified the installation process. However, this meant that they would have to navigate some tricky tubing runs around the larger GPU.
As they began to disassemble the system, the team couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and pride in their work. They had created something truly special – a gaming PC that not only performed exceptionally well but also embodied the spirit of West Point and its people.
The final product was a stunning yellow and black beast of a machine, adorned with lights and custom detailing. The team couldn't wait to see it come to life and be used by the future leaders of the military.
For Austin, this project represented more than just a fun challenge – it was also an opportunity to give back to those who serve their country. He felt grateful to have been able to contribute to the effort in some small way, and he hoped that this PC would bring joy and excitement to its users for years to come.
As the team continued to work on future projects, they knew that they would face new challenges and obstacles. But with their combined skills and expertise, they were confident that they could overcome anything and create something truly special.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Very excited, I can alreadysee some of the lights.Alright, here we go.- Oh, man.Oh, the reveal!Whoa!That's crazy.Today, we are tackling theArmy West Point system.I mean, seriously, check this thing out.It took a lot of timeand energy to get rightand here's how we did it.But how are we gonnaactually make this O11 Minilook like a proper Army West Point system?- Well, so we're gonna betaking a lot of inspirationfrom actually the design and architectureof West Point, itself.- Which looks like a castle.- It does.It's basically built like a fortress.The aesthetic that we'regoing for is something strong.West Point has a lot ofthat stone architecturewith, you know, a littlebit of detail around the topand that copper roofing.- The big challenge going intothe system really is going tobe making sure that theaesthetic is on point.I mean, if you look at West Point,it really does look like a fortress.There are hundreds of yearsof history in this place.So, I wanna make sure thatwe actually can do somethingthat will do it reallyjustice, but this is notthe easiest thing to do whenyou're building a gaming PC.So for the components, we'regoing with about as high-endas we can get at the moment.So on the CPU side for thissystem, we are going Intel.So this is the Core i9-10900K.We also have an RTX 3090 from MSI.Now, we will be water cooling the system.However, the main snag hasbeen that we actually don'thave our hands on a blockfor this RTX 3090 yet.The one thing I definitely wanna call outis the WD Black AN1500 SSD.Now, this is not something wewould typically use, right?Our motherboard has plenty of slotsfor like an M.2 SSD, we can load it up.However, one of the very specific thingsthat the West Point team askedwas to have a lot of space.So some of the actual thingsthat we'll be running on this,specifically, one of those simulationsis like three and a half terabytes.Should we start tearing thechassis down and seeing likekind of like what it's going to look like?- So one of the cool partsabout all the Lian Li systemsis that they tend to be fairly modular,- Yes.- which means that at least when it comesto modifying things or mounting stuff,it's not a crazy ton of work to get there.But I think we can actuallydress up the glass a little bit.So one of the cool designelements of West Pointis they have these giant,like arching windows,a better placed intotheir stone architecture.So what I was thinking is either engravingor maybe even custom blackvinyl going on the inside there.So it's almost like asilhouette of the window shapes.You're kind of lookingthrough these windowsto the system inside.- Okay, that will be cool.Walk me through the piles of pavers.So these are literally,are these like meantfor like models or something?- Yeah, they're actuallymostly meant for dollhouses.That's at least how they're advertised.- Are you trying totell me you're buildinga gaming PC for the Army,- No.using dollhouse components?- No, I'm building a gamingdollhouse for West Point.- Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on.Do you know how heavy that's gonna be?What happens when thiswhole piece of glassjust comes flying down becauseit weighs a hundred pounds?- You think that this isgonna weigh a hundred pounds?- It will weigh 15 pounds.- Pick all that up.- Oh, it's super light.Oh, okay.Dollhouse, I get it.All right.Let's build a PC.Hopefully, it comes out good.- I'm going to be taking allof these little tiny paversand we're going to begincovering the whole front of thisto make a little brick wall.You want a sample of whatit's gonna look like?It's an exclusive.For right here, we've done the test layoutfor the brick wall.You can see, I keep it under my sandbagsthat way it doesn't go anywhere.I've measured out thesize here on the cardboardthat this front panel is soyou can imagine, you know,kind of tiling them across like that.(languid music)(trap music)- So it is time to get someactual PC building done.Ooh, look at that!Now that!That actually looks pretty cool.So this is, of course, the Z490,specifically the tough variantwhich I'm again, mostlythinking it looks coolbut also should give a solid performance.So we did opt to go for thefull ATX layout of the system.Now, there are a coupleof other configurationsthat we could have gonefor with this, specificallywhen it comes to the slots,you can do three five orseven slots in the back.Now that would've given usmore room and to be fair,we'll have to measure to seewhat the actual clearancefor the fans is gonna look like.But because the onlythings really installingin the PCI slots are the graphics card.And it's gonna be the actual SSD.We're gonna have all of this space hereso we can easily add fans to the bottomand it shouldn't reallycause us any issues.All right.Well, I think we can actuallyjust start getting to build.We may not have some of our componentsbut at least we canstart test-fitting thingsand seeing the rough run of wherethe water cooling components will livewhen we receive them.(mellow music)Okay, so we have our motherboard,CPU, Ram, as well as SSDat least temporarily installed.Now there's one interestingthing about the O11 Miniand that while it will fit in ATX board,it actually doesn't technically fit it.Because if you look on theside, it actually overhangs.So what essentially is gonna happen hereis that we're actuallygoing to run our cablesbehind the motherboard.So it is missing a couple of screwswhich honestly should befine even with the 3090but since our cablesare actually gonna comeout behind the board and we'lljust wrap them around here.And so-(trap music)- Why does this say one terabyte?We ordered the four terabyteversion of this, right?Says one terabyte on the box, too.Did I ordered?(playful music)(high pitch noise)- Look at that.So you ordered the four terabyte SSDand they gave us the one terabyte.Great!Nothing like when we haveno time to finish a buildand components are not showing upand are showing up incorrectly.So you eagle eye viewer probably noticedthe one terabyte logo onthe SSD that we opened.However, after staring at it and all of usin the office playing with itfor multiple moments of time,no one noticed it.So that's great.We can still do a quick test fitbut we got to get this shipback and get the replacement,ASAP!(drilling noises)- Hello?- We are making progress.- Good, I have some good news.- Oh, is that our side panel?- This is our side panel.- Oh, yo!That looks really cool!- Dude, check that out.Isn't it sick?- That looks so cool.So we've got a USAA.We've got the logo as wellas duty, honor, countryand 1802's when West Point was built?- Was founded, built.Yes, somewhere in there.It's a very important date.The fact that we can nowlaser etch these side panelstakes these builds up to another level.This side panel looks sick.Like, it just looks amazing.Like it is nice and in your faceand I think it's going tobe super well complimentedby the framing of the stonework around it.I'm just crazy excited toget started on the stonework.- Now, of course, thisproject is sponsoredby our friends over at USAA.Now, if you don't know,USAA is a member-ownedfinancial services companythat offers insurance productsfor the military communityand their eligible family members.They also sponsor the athletic departmentsof the three military academiesthat we're building PCs for.Now, I have family in the militaryand a lot of them do relyon USAA every single day.So if you're interested,definitely be sureto check them out at the linkin the video description.All right.How is the Army USAAbuild looking, my friend?- It is looking very good.So we haven't made acrazy amount of progress.It's just a lot of prepwork to get us situatedfor doing our water cooling run later.It's a lot of the little thingslike getting our power supplyin, running all the power,but I'm taking the approachof actually going neatfrom the start, as opposedto what we normally dowhich is just kind of plugeverything in, check everythingand then do the cable management later.I want to see about doing it this waymainly because thisalready looks very clean- Yeah.and I want to continue that streak.So, in a build like thisthat is slightly smallerform factor, size matters.- It always matters, Ken.- It always matters.So what I found was this CPU blockthat also acts as a reservoir.So it's an all-in-one set upso we don't need tohave another tank here.It is actually just asspace-saving as you can get.This is actually madefor really small formfactor like mini ITX buildsthat won't have any space for a reservoir.We do have a little bit here,- A little bit, yeah.- but I want to use thisfree space to give usa little leeway for our water cooling run.And then tomorrow, we'llactually do the real thing- The real thing!- The real thing!- All right, we are makinggood progress on the build.So today, Ken was able to do some moreof the cable management.We now have all three of our eight pinsfor the 3090 plugged in.We also ran a couple ofLL120's on the bottom.So we have a long discussionabout how we want it to do the airflow.One of the issues we're gonna have hereis actually the amount of coolingthat we're gonna get out the top.We could build it in a mannerthat would give us a little bit of airflowbut honestly, it's not gonna be a lot.So realistically, we'rejust gonna go aheadand seal up the top.- Sealing up the top honestlymakes my job a lot easier.Not only do I not have toimplement any sort of riser thereto let air flow come in or out at the topbut the top roofing detail canactually be right up againstor at least very close to the stoneworkon the side panel and the front.I hope that doesn't become so hotthat all of my adhesives starts meltingbut, you know, that'snot really my department.So you just kinda pass it all off.- When doing these custom PC builds,we're finding that a lot ofthe times with aesthetics,we need to compromise somewhere.So what we're doing is wehave a rear fan as an intakeand we have our radiator out the backthat will spit all of thehot air out of the system,which I think should be fine, hopefully.We'll see.- All right.Now, let's fire up the systemand hope that everything workscause I will tell you what,if our processor but itsspecifically, if that graphics cardis not 100% functional rightnow, we are in deep trouble.We probably should have waitedor we shouldn't have waited.I'm sure we'll be fine.I'm sure it'll be fine.Why would, why stresswhen you can just pretendeverything's fine andit'll work out just fine.Alright, so we've gotourselves all 32 gigsof our Corsair memory showing up.Obviously, one fan connectedand then we've got our 10900K,everything seems to befine, so, okay, cool.I feel good at this point thatwe can shut the system down,tear it apart cause we needto pull out the motherboardand start on our water cooling.- The wonderful thing aboutthe way we're doing watercooling in this Army buildis that it's actuallynot that complicated.Our CPU block, that isalso our pump and reservoirfrom Barrow, actuallydoes a lot of the legworkboth in footprint and itmakes our run pretty simple.I mean, there's still gonnabe some weirder tubing runswith this, especiallywith how big our GPU is.I mean, obviously, we'llsee with water coolingand especially with hownewbie we are with this.It can be a little hit or missand we're always learningstuff along the way,but I think it should be fine.(trap music)(marching music)- Oh, what a cool walk-in.Look at these guys.- All right, guys.This is the moment we've been waiting for.Very excited, I can alreadysee some of the lights.All right, here we go.Let me not mess this up.Whoa!That's crazy.Yeah, I feel like I'm in mybarracks building right now.- Oh, man.This is great.- It's yellow.- Yeah, black and gold.- Can we pop this thing open? open the,- If you want to, I don't know how.(laughing)- 32 gigs ofRam, four terabyte SSD,and the 3090.- Oh my God.- 3090?!- Look, everyone's excited about the 3090- Austin, honestly been areally big fan for a long time,and see this come to fruitionis just absolutely unreal.The fact is that thisPC represents not onlylike what we are as aclub, but the historyof West Point and the peoplethat stand behind us as well.So we really appreciatebeing able to embodyall of that support.You know, it really is apiece of work, a piece of art.(laughing)- It's a piece of work.(laughing)It was so cool to beable to build a gaming PCfor the future leaders of the military.I'm so grateful for allthe work that you guys dothat hopefully, this is onesmall token of thank you.You're able to get manygood years of gaming at it.- Of course, this Army build was the firstof three USAA builds that we're doing.And I'm really happy westarted with this onebecause I think that we have some crazy,crazy ideas coming up too.And I'm super excited to work out allof the challenges andinteresting unique designsthat Wes has because you knowthat they're gonna be crazy because,Wes is crazy.