KITCHEN GADGETS clever or never (inc. Russian Piping Tips) How To Cook That Ann Reardon
HowToCookThat: A Kitchen Gadget Review
Welcome to HowToCookThat, where I'm Ann Reardon and today we're going to put 5 different kitchen gadgets to the test. I love visiting kitchen shops and seeing all the interesting gadgets they have on display, but sometimes I wonder if they actually work. So, I thought it would be fun to try them out myself. I've never used any of these gadgets before, so this is a great opportunity for me to learn and share my findings with you.
Let's start with the first gadget, which claims to make it easy to create rose-shaped flowers out of fondant. To test it out, I rolled out some fondant, cut it into a shape, and then followed the instructions on how to create the flower. As you can see, it was a bit tricky, but after a few attempts, I managed to create a pretty flower. While it didn't turn out perfectly, I'm not sure if that's necessarily a bad thing. After all, practice makes perfect, right? Dave, my husband, tried using the gadget as well, and unfortunately, his attempt didn't quite work out. However, he did manage to come up with some creative ideas for how to improve the design.
Moving on to number 2, we have this banana cutter that Dave picked up at a shop. As you can see, it's designed specifically for cutting up bananas into uniform slices, but I was curious to see if it would work for other types of fruit as well. The answer is yes! The gadget works beautifully and makes quick work of even the toughest fruits. However, I do wonder if it would be worth investing in a specialized banana cutter when you can simply use a regular knife or chef's slice.
Number 3 on our list is this Yolk Pig, which claims to make it easy to separate eggs without breaking the yolk. As someone who's always been a bit of an egg-klam, I was excited to try out this gadget and see if it would make my life easier. The answer is definitely yes! The Yolk Pig works beautifully and makes quick work of even the toughest eggs. While it may not be worth investing in for everyday use, I think it's a great addition to any serious baker's arsenal.
Next up is number 4, this Kiwi cutter, which looks like something out of a science fiction movie. As you can see, it comes with a little saw that helps to cut the kiwi into uniform slices, but I was curious to see if it would work for other types of fruit as well. The answer is yes! The gadget works beautifully and makes quick work of even the toughest fruits. However, I do wonder if it would be worth investing in when you can simply use a regular knife or chef's slice.
Finally, we have number 5, these Russian piping tips, which are designed to add intricate details to your baked goods. As someone who loves decorating cakes and cupcakes, I was excited to try out these gadgets and see what kind of creations I could come up with. The answer is definitely worth it! These tips work beautifully and make quick work of even the most complex designs. With just two colors in my bag, I managed to create some stunning looking cupcakes that would be perfect for any special occasion.
In conclusion, our 5-part kitchen gadget review has come to an end, but we're not done yet! We'd love to hear from you - which gadgets do you think are clever and which ones would you never try? Have you been eyeing any of these gadgets in the shops and wondering if they actually work? Let us know in the comments below. And don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more recipes, baking tips, and kitchen gadget reviews!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to HowToCookThat I'm Ann Reardon andtoday we're looking at 5 different kitchen gadgets.I love going to kitchen shops and I alwayssee things like this and I wonder is it evengoing to work?So I thought I'd try them out.I've nevertried any of these before so we are goingto test them out on camera and you can tellme if you think they are CLEVER or if you'dNEVER buy them.So let's start with this one...What this one says is it will do is it saysthat it will make it easy to make a rose outof fondant.So you roll out your fondant and cut it out.Then what you're supposed to be able to do,let's see if this actually works, is foldthat in half like that and then starting atthis end, just roll it up.Let's see if it's going to work.Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll ... roll, rooooll.And then ... you have a little flower.What do you think, it doesn't look like aperfect rose to me but it's still a pretty,quick flower.We might do it again one more time ...You know what I should do?Because I do stuff with fondant anyway, Ishould get Dave to do it so we can see ifit works for him!(crickets)What?!C'mon!Alright so just cut it out.I wasn't expecting this.Ok.Yep, pull it off.Get rid of the excess.What are you thinking so far?It's really hard.Is it clever or never?Ahhh, it's ... I would never but my wife isvery clever.Use the paper to fold.This is heaps easy!Yep and then open it.And then starting from that end, roll it up.I would roll it towards me.Yeah, no I would roll it towards me as well.The other end, there you go.This is why I'm good with words!Keep going... you can do it.Hey look at that!The middle is coming out of the top!I love you!Ohhh ... you're so sweet.Ok so when you're rolling it obviously youhave to make sure that you roll so that it'sgoing down on the inside rather than up, soif you've never used it before it might takea bit of practice or if you're not sure howto roll flowers.(What are you saying?)Yeah it's very good.(I think it's very good)Let me know in the comments if you think thisis clever or never.Ok so number 2 we have this cutter for Bananasthat Dave got when he was in Singapore.I can't read the writing so I'm not sure ifit's Chinese or Japanese.It says made in China so it might be fromSingapore, Japanese banana cutter made inChina.Let's see if it works.First of all let's peel the banana, I'm assumingwe can't cut through the skin and put it ona chopping board.Grab our cutter and push it down.And we end up with a banana that I can't getoff the cutter - let's push it all the waythrough.See if I can get it off.There we go, push it all the way out and wehave a banana that's cut up into random, unevenshapes.I think for me this is definitely a never,only because I reckon I can cut a banana wayfaster than that.I'm going to race Dave and see what's quicker.Ok so here's the rules, you have to completelychop your banana and get it into the bowl.The first one to finish wins.You're using the banana chopper and I'm usinga knife.Singapore weapon!On your marks, get set, go!We should have peeled the bananas first.Watch this ... BANG!Check it.Done!Argggh ... your banana was smaller!My banana was not smaller than your banana.And look at the difference...Yeah, yours is a mess, look at mine.Yours is like mashed up banana.Singapore!This one's a never for me, let me know inthe comments if you think it's clever or never.It doesn't even say the word banana when youchop it.No, but it's cool.No it's not.It's pretty cool.At number 3, we have the Yolk Pig.It's supposed to help you separate your yolksfrom your whites, so let's see if it works.There we go, ok according to the packet weare just squeezing and sucking up the yolks.Looks like he's got a snotty nose.Bloop!That actually worked really well, let's trythis one.That is a bit repulsive.Oh now this yolk is a bit broken so this isgoing to be, a bit of an unfair test but we'llsee if it can manage it anyway.Nope, can't do it if the yolk's broken, theyolk has to be intact for the yolk pig tobe able to be able to get it.But it actually worked very effectively, Ithoughtit was pretty good.It just looked a bit disgusting.What do you think, clever or never.I like that.At number 4 we have this ... it's not in Englishso I don't know what to call it if you knowwhat that is, read it and tell me but it isa Kiwi cutter I can tell that from the picture.It comes with a little cute saw and you sawit in half ... it does work.We have two halves.Ithink this looks a lot bigger than this soIdon't know if it's going to just destroy itbut we'll try it.Push it in and then twist ... yeah I thinkmy Kiwi is too small for it.It got three pieces but the other piece isa bit stuck and mangled in the skin.I'm going to see if we can find a bigger kiwi.Twist it around ... and then, oh look at that,out comes the kiwi.That's actually pretty clever, I like thatone.(maybe the language says non-organic kiwicutter).Yeah, do not use on organic kiwis.Only useon big kiwis.Big fat kiwis.So Number 5 we have these Russian piping tipswhich have these weird cut-out shapes outof the top of them, so I'm a bit intriguedby what they're going to look like when theypipe.I'm going to start with this one which lookslike it's going to be rose petal type of shapes.I'll star right down low, give it a squeezeand pull up.Let's just do a few more low down ones andsee if they're in a bunch if they look goodtogether.That's actually pretty good, that looks prettynice.And this is just my normal butter cream recipe,you can get that on the website, I'll linkto that below.They're pretty, they'd look nice on a cupcakeand they're quick so I think they're good.Let's test out the other ones and see whatthey do.So this would be my favourite one out of theRussian Piping Tips and if you just have twocolours in your bag then it turns out reallybeautiful.So there you go, that's 5 different gadgetsthat we've tried, let me know in the commentsbelow which ones you think are clever andwhich ones you think you would never try.And also let me know if there's other gadgetsthat you've been looking at in the shops thatyou want to know do they even work.Let me know what they are and I'll get themand try them out for you.Subscribe to HowToCookThat for more cakes,chocolates and desserts.Click here for my website with all my recipesand the buttercream recipe for the pipingand click here for my YouTube channel andhere for another video that I'll put therefor you.Make it a great week and I'll see you on Friday.(wait for bloopers....)Aeroplane.(Aeroplane)I've gone into 'sleep mode'Yes?Yes...Next ... (power saw) ... next we are goingto listen to our neighbours cut a piece ofwood.What a lovely sound :)They're good at it!\n"