**The Cost-Effective Way to Test if Your Engine is Seized: A DIY Guide**
If you suspect that your engine has seized or locked up, it's not necessarily a costly or complicated process to diagnose. All you need is an extension bar and a socket that fits onto the engine block. You can pick one of these tools up at an autozone store for a mere $25. Once you've got your equipment, simply attach the socket to the extension bar and pull on it to see what happens. This simple test can give you a good indication of whether your engine is seized or not.
**A Formula One Fan's Disappointment**
Pascal shares his disappointing experience at a Formula One race in Austin, Texas. He was excited to attend the event, but his enthusiasm was short-lived as everything seemed shrouded in secrecy. The engineers who designed the cars were tight-lipped about their technology, refusing to reveal any information. Pascal was told that they couldn't disclose this information due to trade secrets and intellectual property concerns. As a result, he didn't get to interview the engineers or learn much about the inner workings of the cars. Instead, he watched in boredom as the drivers zoomed around the track at high speeds.
**The Thrill of Racing (or Not)**
While Pascal was underwhelmed by his experience at the Formula One race, another person had a completely different perspective on racing. Alexander shares his own experiences driving on old dirt tracks where cars were being pushed to their limits. He notes that these tracks can be challenging to drive on, especially when you're only allowed to travel at 65 miles per hour in a circle. The drivers need to be strong and patient to navigate the tight turns and corners. However, watching racing from the sidelines is a different story altogether - Alexander finds it boring.
**The Dangers of Incorrect Tire Size in All-Wheel Drive Vehicles**
Alexander also shares some advice on when it comes to all-wheel drive vehicles. He notes that if you change your battery while driving an all-wheel drive vehicle, you may experience problems with the system's computers comparing tire wear rates. If one tire wears out, the computer will adjust the traction settings accordingly, which can lead to uneven tire wear and potentially damage the all-wheel drive system. To avoid this issue, Alexander recommends sticking to the stock tires and replacing them in sets of four, rather than trying to replace individual tires.
**The Importance of Rebooting Your Modern Toyota's Radiocomputer**
Mike shares his experience with changing the battery in a 2016 Tacoma with a modern radio system. He notes that when he disconnected the battery and then reconnected it, the car would idle poorly for a while - this is because the computer needs to reset its idle settings after a battery change. This process can take some time, but it's a normal part of the process. Mike also notes that if you have an anti-theft radio system in your car, be sure to get the correct code before attempting to bypass any security features.
**The Magic of Memory Savers**
Finally, Mike recommends using a memory saver device when working on cars with modern electronics. These devices plug into the OBD port and provide power to keep the computer's memory alive even after the battery is disconnected. This can be especially useful if you need to work on your car for an extended period of time without recharging the battery. By using a memory saver, Mike notes that you won't have to worry about the radio system or other electronic systems failing due to lack of power - it's a simple but clever solution to a common problem.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engines Stephen Brown saysScotty my 2012 acura tsx four-cylindermakes your grinding noise on cold startup I think it might be a common vtcactuator have you heard of this and isit serious oh yeah here and I see it allthe time and I do hear it in the carswhen people bring them over yeah they'revariable valve timing system is verycomplex on a Honda and a lot of timeswhen you start them up they make a noisesometimes it's the actuator itself as itstarts spinning then it needs to getlubricated with oil because of coursewhen you stop a car what happens to theoil all drains down to the bottom sothere's some bare metal something like90% of the wear inside your engineoccurs on startup and I knows thevariable time actuators on the top ofthe engine they're the last things toget off so they do wear now as long asit stops after a few seconds and it runsokay you can often live with it cuz tofix it it can easily cost you well over$1,000 sometimes two or three thousandif you got to replace those assembly soyou might just want to live with it Igot a lot of customers live with it I'd bekind if I lived with it if it waseight years old and did it, 18 okay but eightshouldn't be doing that but a lot ofthose Acuras doing like I say it goesaway after a second or two yeah youmight just live with the stupid thingbut make sure you got clean oil and youchange it a lot cuz dirty oil cause theydo it'll clog up the little holes in theactuators then it will make noise and itwill be wearing because there's no oilin it escape mic one asks Scotty youlove your daily videos is there a lotless maintenance electric vehicles andstandard vehicle well yeah if they'rewell made of course that's true becauseelectric vehicles pretty much like alittle toy car you had when you were akid a battery a motor pretty simple yeahthere's no transmission there's badthe battery runs the wheels usually themotors are right at the wheel so theydon't have any transmissions these mostof them don't have transmissions it is amuch simpler vehicle but of course themodern ones are all computer-controlledand all that crap can break look at thetussles they're breaking all the timesoftware issues chip issues thingsshorting out start on fire issues soeven though theoretically they're simplethey can become a royal pain and let'sface it most mechanics don't know how towork on electric cars I don't want tolearn how to work on them either becausethe two to four hundred volts can killpeople a lot of people like I don't wantto mess around with that you know it'sless than 1% of the vehicles on the road areelectric vehicle so a lot of guys don'teven want to mess around with it once itgets a lot higher cuz it doesn't makebusiness sense to spend tens ofthousands of dollars on equipment thatyou're not gonna use all that off ofwhat you need for electric carstoks goki says how do you feel about aHonda Civic del sol well-made vehiclesbut they don't make them anymore Ihaven't weighed in for quite some timethey weren't such a big sale cuz youknow they weren't the Civic they were alittle fancier but they weren't nicelike a prelude so they're kind of inbetween and it never really became ultrapopular cuz they weren't cheap and theyweren't be expensive they're kind of inbetween they can run a really long timei customers also got hundreds ofthousands of miles i got good gasmileage I personally think they're kindof ugly looking cars they didn't floatmy boat stylistically speaking butmechanically especially if you gotstandard transmission it could runabsolutely forever they just stoppedmaking them cuz they were kind of like Isay in-between and they weren't bigmoneymakers so Honda stopped making themDRO 7md says please comment on the 2019 VW golf all track plan on buying onedon't then haha that's my commentVolkswagens are endless money pits yourpay a lot of money and it's gonna turninto a money pitnow in Europe they sell a lot more but morepeople used to fix some the ones theybuy are made in Germany the ones sold inthe United States a lot of them aren't made inGermany quality controls worse and thereare plastic garbage wagons as they agethe plastic racks the electronics breakdown they're not like the Volkswagensthe past and you're talking an all trackthat's that's a Porsche Audi systemVolkswagen owns Porsche naughty you put that kind of hi-tech into a Volkswagenyou're just asking for trouble when theyagealmost impossible to fix cost of fortuneand they have no resale value as theyage nobody wants to buy a muse so unlessyou're an absolute Volkswagen phoneticyou don't care about throwing money awaydon't buy one of those things a generalwants us got a winter versus all seasontires driving in a winter depends onwhere you are now my mother she's 92 shestill drives cars in Buffaloshe got Toyota Corolla and she's got allseason tires never put snow tires onanymore now we always used to put snowtires on the cars cuz my father in agarage sold tires we on the land allover the place and all our cars back inthe day we're rear-wheel drive and youreally need snow tires with rear-wheeldrive the reason one of the reasons theywant the front-wheel drive was becausefront-wheel drive your car is beingpulled not pushed and cars handle muchbetter in the snow when they're beingpulled whether they're being pushed theydon't slip all over the place so a lotof times you don't need snow tires butyou know it depends where you are to youlive out in the country and the sticksand the roads are crappy there's tons ofsnow you're probably gonna need snowtires you live in an area like in theRocky MountainsI've been driving through there in thewinter and when you rent a car they sayyou're either gonna have to rent a carand get chains to put chains on or writean all-wheel drive vehicle there youhave to have snow tires and probably getchanged too but for most people incities and stuff they plow them goodenough if you got a front-wheel drivevehicley'all season tires are fine and if yougot an all wheel drive vehicle youcertainly are fine with all season tiresyou no need to put snow tires on it thenBrandon says Scotty how can youtell for sure if an engine is seizedlike a video in that getting a littlecar running that sent for years you canwatch that but what it basically comesdown to us all the Front's of theengines have a big crank pulley thatruns all the fan dots right well most ofthem in the middle have a giant boltthat holds this get a long extension barand a socket that fits on that boltthat's on the end of the crank turningit and if you can turn it 380 degreesand then keep turning it and it doesn'tbind the engine is not seized if youeither can't turn it at all or you canturn it a little bit anatta clunks andclunks then the engine seized or lockedup it's a real easy test all you needjust an extension bar and a socket thatfits on that you're gonna place likeautozone get this stuff for 25 bucks andpull on it and seewhat happens, Pascal says a Scotty are youinterested Motorsports like Formula onethat's kind of funny one time I flew meto a Formula One race in Austin Texasand I was totally disappointed becauseeverything was under wraps with sheetson them they wouldn't explain anythingwas their secret they didn't want you toknow so I didn't get to get to interviewthe engineers that designed him theywere told they can't tell me theinformation on stuff and what they wererunning in a gasoline and oil that was asecret trade secret they wouldn't tellme so I didn't learn anything well thenyou know you're basically sitting thereand you're watching cars go around and aweird circle and slow down speed up Iactually find it rather boring I decideto pay anything for it they pulled me inhotel room so that was okay but I foundit incredibly boring I mean being in oneof those things I got to drive one muchboy it's exciting driving them you knowit's kind of like soccer it's a Europeanthing not an American thing Formula OneAmericans like drag races how fast canthey go or NASCAR where they're smashing into each other all the timebut Formula one that's more Europeanthing like soccer and soccer I playedsoccer in Canada only I went to schoolthere and it's a very exciting game toplay but watching it is like watchingpaint dry it is so freaking boring andthey hardly ever score Formula One yeahit's really not my cup of tea if you'redoing it I've been to those old dirttracks where they're driving around incircles and cars and you can only go 65miles nah but man you're on a dirt trackon 65 in a circle you're being pushedit's really you got to be strong to doit it's exciting but watching it that'sborn into the car Alexander says Scottycan all wheel drive system be damagedwith different tire size from stocktires yes it can you want to stick withall-wheel driveall four tires the stock size tires andtruthfully if any one of them wears outyou got to replace all four in anall-wheel drive system because thecomputers comparing them all the timeand if it sees that one isn't travelingthe same speed as the other it'll startusing a four-wheel drive system to speedup or slow down a certain tires you knowwhat that does that creates frictioninside the all-wheel drive system andthey wear out I've seen people withHowdy's that were dumbnot to buy all four tires they're all wehave Drive system went out and then itcost them like eight grand to fix it soyou buy an all wheel drive vehicle beprepared to buy four tires at a time andstick to the stock tires mike says whatproblems might I have if I change mybattery inmy 2016 tacoma radiocomputer ect when you do change thebattery in any Toyota modern ones it'llgenerally idle poorly for a whilecause it has to reset the idle the ideain all modern cars Toyota's are verysensitive about this acclimates it's offto your driving style you take thebattery out and put it back on it goes backto the factory son and it's got torelearn how you drivenow generally just driving it around fora day or two or three it'll go rightback to normal and it'll start idlingfine now if you have an anti-theft radiomake sure you got the code for the antitheft radio you know that's tough but ifyou want to bypass all that crap in thefirst place just get yourself one ofthose memory savers it's a device thatjust plugs into the OBD port and thenthe other end of the device you look upto a small 12-volt battery and some ofthem even come with small 12-voltbatteries in them and then when youdisconnect the battery that keeps thememory alive hence it's called keepmemory alive tool that's one thing aboutcars the names of stuff I almost alwaystell you exactly what they do thatplaces like autos on some you get themon eBay over the place and it's really asmart idea if you ever disconnect andthe battery replace the battery today toplug one of those in cause then you haveto deal with any of their crap and theidles stay exactly where it was in thefirst place but it won't hurt anythingin it to call him a by itself but justmake it idle a little bit weird for aday or twoso if you never want to miss another oneof my new car repair videos, rememberto ring that Bell\n"